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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os arranjos produtivos locais como alternativa de politica mineral para o segmento exportador de rochas ornamentais na Bahia / The clusters with alternative of government as mineral policy enhancements to the exporter segment of ornamental stones in Bahia

Alves, Alexandre, 1973- 25 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Rachel Negrão Cavalcanti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T09:54:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alves_Alexandre_D.pdf: 4348305 bytes, checksum: 220fb238b7f5463312cd8526e051cbe1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A motivação inicial desta tese foi estudar a participação da pequena e média empresa nas atividades exportadoras do Estado da Bahia. Após o mapeamento dos segmentos produtivos envolvidos, buscou-se identificar um setor onde houvesse uma vantagem comparativa natural ou construída localmente. Como objeto de estudos, elegeu-se a indústria de rochas ornamentais, representada pelos mármores e granitos, em função de uma série de condições favoráveis à sua expansão: presença de matéria-prima local diferenciada, com uma variedade de tipos conhecidos internacionalmente como exóticos e excepcionais; expansão da demanda interna e externa por seus produtos, pela crescente utilização de rochas naturais na construção civil; número significativo de micro e pequena empresas no ramo, inclusive exportadoras; capacidade de geração de empregos não agrícolas nas zonas rurais e semi-árida. Apesar dos fatores positivos, a indústria baiana está concentrada na extração e venda de matéria-prima para os mercados interno e externo. Sua participação nas exportações brasileiras de rochas processadas tem sido decrescente. Para tentar analisar o problema primeiramente, fez-se uma revisão das principais abordagens de teoria econômica sobre os fatores determinantes do comércio internacional, dos economistas clássicos às teorias dos clusters. Várias correntes teóricas demonstram que a inserção de pequenas e médias empresas no mercado mundial pode ser viabilizada pela formação de arranjos produtivos locais com a participação ativa dos agentes institucionais de coordenação. Depois de se fazer um estudo da indústria de pedras ornamentais, nos planos internacional e nacional, com base na literatura sobre arranjos produtivos, procurou-se identificar onde havia aglomerações de empresas dedicadas à serragem de rochas que pudessem se constituir num ponto de partida para a formação de arranjos produtivos locais. O estudo empírico foi focado nas serrarias de mármore bege de Jacobina e Ourolândia (região norte, no semi-árido baiano), e nas produtoras de chapas e ladrilhos de granito em Salvador, Feira de Santana (110 km de Salvador, direção noroeste), e Teixeira de Freitas (no extremo sul do Estado). Na conclusão do trabalho, enumeraram-se os principais mecanismos de políticas públicas como alternativas para promover a evolução virtuosa da indústria baiana de rochas ornamentais / Abstract: The driving force of this thesis was the study of the participation of small - and medium - sized firms in the export market of the State of Bahia, Brazil. After identifying its main productive fields, the work was focused on finding a sector industry, specializing in marble and granite, was selected as the main object of study, due to a series of favorable conditions to its expansion: avail ability know as exotic and exceptional; growth of the international and domestic demand for its products, as a result of the increasing use of natural stones in the construction sector; rising number of small-and medium-sized firms within the activity, including exporting companies; creation of non-agricultural jobs in rural areas of the semi-arid region. Despite the positive factors, the dimension ornamental stone industry in Bahia is concentrated on the extraction and sale of raw materials to both domestic and foreign markets. Its participation in the Brazilian exports of processed stone has been declining. In order to evaluate the problem, first a review of the main approaches on the determining factors to international trade was made, by the different schools of economic theory, from the classic economists to the cluster approach. Various theoretical models demonstrate that the insertion of small-and medium-size companies in the world market can be feasible by the organization of local clusters with support of institutional coordination. After studying the ornamental industry on both the target was find a concentration of firms, specialized in the production of stone slab national levels, based upon literature about clustering organizations, the target was find a concentration of firms, specialized in the production of stone slab and tile, with potencial to becoming a cluster. The empirical study was focused on producers of sawn travertine marble established around the towns of Jacobina and Ourolândia (semi-arid region), besides the producers of granite slab and tile located in the Greater Salvador area, as well as in Feira de Santana (100 km northwest of Salvador) and in Teixeira de Freitas (in the extreme southern region of the state). In the conclusion of the work, different instruments of public policy are presented as alternatives to promote a virtuous evolution of the ornamental stone industry in Bahia / Doutorado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Doutor em Geociências

Age-Related Changes of Urine Calcium Excretion after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy due to Artificial Renal Calcium Leakage

Oehlschläger, Sven, Hakenberg, Oliver W., Fröhner, Michael, Wirth, Manfred P. January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the standard stone treatment. Increased excretion of tubular enzymes and hypercalciuria has been reported after ESWL. We investigated the importance of renally induced hypercalciuria after ESWL. Material and Methods: 30 calcium oxalate stoneformers (23 men, 7 women), mean age 53.3 (range 30–71) years, were evaluated prospectively. Plasma calcium and creatinine concentrations and 8-hour overnight urine were measured before ESWL and on the 1st and 2nd days after ESWL. To estimate the changes of tubular reabsorption, the calcium/creatinine clearance ratios were calculated. Results: Hypercalciuria (>5 mmol/24 h) was seen in 5/30 (16.7%) before, in 12/30 (40.0%) on day 1 and in 13/30 (43.3%) on day 2 after ESWL. The mean plasma levels of calcium were significantly decreased from 2.36 mmol/l before to 2.28 mmol/l on day 2 after ESWL (p< 0.01). The mean calcium/creatinine clearance ratio was significantly increased from 0.012 before to 0.019 after ESWL (p< 0.01). Before and on day 2 after ESWL, the calcium/creatinine clearance ratio was significantly correlated with the age of the patients (r = 0.33, p< 0.04). Conclusion: Our data show an age-related significantly increased urine calcium excretion after ESWL possibly due to decreased tubular calcium reabsorption. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Zur Geschichte der Feststellung und Kennzeichnung von Eigentums- und Herrschaftsgrenzen in Sachsen

Reichert, Frank 06 August 1999 (has links)
Die Arbeit will die historische Entwicklung von Grenzfeststellung und -kennzeichnung darstellen und deren Bedeutung für die Rechts- und Vermessungsgeschichte Sachsens würdigen. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Hauptteile. Der erste Teil liefert einen Üerblick über die Entwicklung und den Gebrauch verschiedener Grenzzeichen zur dauerhaften Festlegung und erkennbaren Bezeichnung von Grenzen. Im zweiten Teil folgt die jeweils chronologische Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Kategorien von Grenzen.

Utvärdering av fotobaserad skanning vid avbildandet av runskrift

Björkhammar, Anna, Gottfridsson, Erika January 2020 (has links)
Runstenar dokumenteras idag både för att skapa en visuell avbildning och medsyftet att användas vid forskning. Om avbildningen ska användas vid forskningfinns krav på en låg mätosäkerhet. Vid de studier som funnits har terresterlaserskanning (TLS) varit den valda dokumentationsmetoden. Fotobaseradskanning vilken är en billigare dokumentationsmetod har utvecklats mycketunder senare tid i och med utvecklingen av högupplösta kameror ochanvändarvänliga mjukvaror för bildbehandling.Denna studie syftar till att finna svar på om fotobaserad skanning är en lämpligmetod vid avbildandet av runor och ornament då en 3D-modell med lågmätosäkerhet ska skapas. För att avgöra detta jämförs tre fotogrammetriskapunktmoln och modeller mot punktmoln och modeller från en TLS av märketHexagon Romer Absolute Arm. Punktmolnen och modellerna från HexagonRomer Absolute Armen bildar i denna studie referensmodellen. Endigitalkamera och en smartphonekamera används i studien. Fotografier tasmed båda kamerorna på ett avstånd av 40 cm från runorna. Medsmartphonekameran tas även fotografier på 10–20 cm för att utvärderaavståndets betydelse för resultatet.Jämförelser mellan de sammanlagda RMS-värdena för fotogrammetriskamodellernas och referensmodellens ytor visar på den lägsta avvikelsen fördigitalkamerans modell. Detta då RMS-värdet för avvikelsen motreferensmodellen endast är 0,30 mm för digitalkameran. RMS-värdena föravvikelserna för smartphonekamerans modell är 0,63 mm då fotograferingenutfördes på 10–20 cm och 2,59 mm om avståndet var 40 cm. Alla modellerhar avvikelser på mm-nivå vilket jämfört med tidigare studier får anses somsmå skillnader. Resultatet visar även på avståndets betydelse för punkttäthetenoch den skapade modellens mätosäkerhet. De punktmoln som skapades avsmartphonekamerans fotografier uppvisar en ungefärlig dubblering avpunkttätheten i det täta punktmolnet då avståndet minskas från 40 cm till 10–20 cm mellan kamera och objekt. Till viss del kan kortare avstånd med andraord kompensera för en kamera med sämre upplösning. Detta gör att även ensmartphonekamera kan vara ett alternativ vid dokumentation av runskrift omingen bättre kamera finns att tillgå. Studien antyder att en högupplöstdigitalkamera kan vara ett fullgott alternativ till TLS vid dokumentation avrunskrift med låg mätosäkerhet. Detta skulle underlätta för forskare vidinsamlandet av material vid studier av runskrift.

Reactions to Holocaust Memorials: The Denkmal fur die ermordeten Juden Europas and the Stolpersteine

Lamb, Emily R. 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Majstorovic, Zoran January 2011 (has links)
Majstorović, Z. Utsöndring av stenbildande substanser i urin – kan stickprov er-sätta dygnsmängder? Examensarbete i Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde Bio-medicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 2011.Syfte. Utredning av njurstenspatienter omfattar alltid undersökning av utsönd-ringen av stenbildande substanser i urin. Samlingen av urin under ett dygn hos njurstenpatienter innebär ofta problem för patienten eftersom det inte är så sällan att de glömmer samla urin i dunken eller samlar för lång eller kort tid. Syftet med min undersökning är att undersöka om det finns alternativ till att samla urin under 24 timmar i de fall där utsöndringen av stenbildande substanser är konstant över dygnet. Frågeställningen är om utsöndringen av stenbildande substanser kan upp-skattas genom att relatera deras koncentration i urin till koncentrationen av kreati-nin i urin eftersom utsöndringen av kreatinin är relativt konstant över dygnet. I så fall bör koncentrationen av stenbildande substanser i urin kunna relateras till kon-centrationen av kreatinin i urin på samma sätt som vid narkotikaanalys. Metod. Försökspersonerna samlade all urin i exakt 24 timmar. Den första urinportionen sparades i ett separat kärl medan all efterföljande urin samlades i en separat dunk . Efter ca en vecka gjordes en ny urinsamling, denna gång bara i en dunk. Dygnsut-söndringarna jämfördes med varandra och med kreatininindex i stickprovet. Re-sultat. Ett starkt samband fanns mellan kreatininindex av kalcium och dygnut-söndringen av kalcium. Sambandet var något mindre starkt för magnesium och saknades för fosfat och kalium. Slutsats. Resultaten talar mot att kreatininindex generellt kan användas för att skatta utsöndringen av njurstensbildande substanser. Däremot verkar kreatininindex relativt väl förutsäga utsöndringen av kalcium och i viss mån även magnesium. / Majstorović, Z. Secretion of stone-forming substances in the urine - can spot urine sample replace 24 hour urine collection? Degree project in Biomedical Laboratory Science, 15 credits points. Malmö University, Health and Society, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, 2011.Objective. Clinical investigation of kidney stone patients always includes moni-toring of the secretion of stone-forming substances in the urine. However, 24 h urine collection is difficult for the patient and prone to error. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are alternatives to the collecting of urine under the period of 24 hours in cases where the secretion of stone-forming substances is constant across days. The question is whether the excretion of stone-forming sub-stances can be estimated by relating the concentration of urine to the creatinine concentration of urine, since the excretion of creatinine is relatively constant over a day. If so, the concentration of stone-forming substances in urine could be relat-ed to the concentration of creatinine in urine in the same way as drug analyses commonly are. Method. The subjects collected a 24h collection of urine. The first urine portion was stored in a container, while all subsequent urine was collected in a separate container. After about a week, another timed collection of urine was performed, but this time only in one container. The 24 h solute excretions were compared to each other and to the solute creatinine index. Results. A strong cor-relation was found between the creatinine index of calcium and the 24 h excretion of calcium. A somewhat weaker correlation was found for magnesium and a lack of correlation for phosphate and potassium. Conclusion. Results indicate that creatinine indexes in general do not predict 24 h excretions. However, creatinine index appears to predict the excretion of calcium and, to some extent, magnesium.

Shipyard to Stoneyard: The Capitol Stones at the Intersection of Material and Memory

Ashcraft, Andrew Eric 03 July 2023 (has links)
The Capitol Stones in Washington DC's Rock Creek Park were a delight for urban explorers, a curiosity for historians, and a tangible connection for descendants of enslaved laborers who quarried, transported, and shaped them into the United States Capitol. Banished from the East Front of the Capitol in 1958, they have spent the last third of their existence "not quite dumped, but not quite preserved either" (Banville 2009). To the National Park Service, they are a liability; to the Architect of the Capitol, a resource. At the time of writing, the stones are being relocated to a secure government storage facility where they will be permanently locked away from public view. This thesis proposes an alternative: relocate the Capitol Stones to an adaptively reused factory at the Navy Yard, where they can be stored, visited, and studied in a cavernous daylit atrium. In addition to housing the stones, as part of this thesis the WWII era naval weapons factory features retail at ground level and residences on four stories above. To the north, the atrium recalls the park-like setting of the stones' recent past, while the southern end is a working space for masons training to preserve historic buildings constructed of the same Aquia Creek sandstone. Due to the Anacostia's shifting shoreline, the site of Building 202 is also a likely location of the wharf at which the Capitol Stones first arrived in the District after being floated upriver from their Stafford County quarry. This crucial moment is marked by a contemplative memorial which stands in memory of the enslaved laborers who, across various levels of skill, built the Capitol. On axis with the memorial, the Capitol's East Portico - the origin of the Capitol Stones - is remembered at full scale. / Master of Architecture / Seemingly abandoned behind a maintenance shed in Washington DC's Rock Creek Park was a large collection of intricately hand carved stones. Urban explorers, historians, and descendants of enslaved laborers knew them as the Capitol Stones, which formed the East Front of the United States Capitol from the 1820s to the 1950s. But much like they were evicted from the Capitol, the Stones are presently facing eviction from Rock Creek Park. At the time of writing, the stones are being relocated to a secure government storage facility where they will be permanently locked away from public view. But what if they could remain accessible? This thesis proposes the relocation of the Capitol Stones into the light-filled atrium of a WWII era naval weapons factory, formerly part of the Washington Navy Yard. The atrium is enveloped by retail and residential space, as well as a training center for apprentice masons learning to use the Capitol Stones as a quarry. Stripped of their original purpose, the Capitol Stones have found new value as replacement stones at the other historic buildings. The factory, Building 202, occupies dredged and filled land which at the time of the Capitol's construction was part of the Anacostia River and the likely site of Commissioner's Wharf, the pier at which the Capitol Stones were delivered from the Aquia Creek Quarry in Stafford County, VA. Recalling this pivotal occasion, the stones surround a contemplative memorial to enslaved laborers who built the Capitol. To the east of the memorial stands a life sized representation of the East Front of the Capitol, the origin of the Capitol Stones.

A graduate recital in wind band conducting: featuring analysis of Malcolm Arnold's Four Scottish Dances, arr. John Paynter, Marion Gaetano's Mosaic, Op. 30 for percussion octet, and Joan Tower's Celebration Fanfare from "Stepping Stones," arr. Jack Stamp

Maughlin, Ashley Marie January 1900 (has links)
Master of Music / Department of Music / Frank C. Tracz / This document was submitted to the Graduate School of Kansas State University as a partial requirement for the Master’s of Music Education degree. It contains information about music education philosophy, what defines quality literature, theoretical and historical analyses, and rehearsal plans for each of the three pieces that were performed on the Graduate Student Conducting Recital on Wednesday, March 11, 2009. Selections performed on the recital included in the document’s analysis portion include Four Scottish Dances by Malcolm Arnold, arranged by John Paynter, Mosaic, Op. 30 by Mario Gaetano, and Celebration Fanfare from “Stepping Stones” by Joan Tower, arranged by Jack Stamp. The analytical methods employed in this document and the rehearsal techniques listed are based on the Blocker/Miles unit studies and macro-micro-macro concepts from the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band book series.

Les pierres dressées de l'aire corso-sarde : Etude systémique des territoires. / Le pietre fitte dell'aera corso-sarda : Studio sistemico dei territori.

Soula, Florian 17 December 2012 (has links)
Parmi tous les thèmes explorés par la Préhistoire, le mégalithisme constitue un volet à part entière de l'histoire des peuples préhistoriques. Au sein des multiples manifestations mégalithiques dans le monde, la thématique des pierres dressées est l'une des plus obscures. Pour cette raison, l'étude de ce phénomène est relativement délicate. La forte disparité des données disponibles ne constitue toutefois pas une limite essentielle à l'élaboration de synthèses régionales sur le phénomène. Le phénomène mégalithique des pierres dressées de l'aire corso-sarde est le sujet d'un intérêt croissant depuis le XIXe siècle. Les recherches les plus récentes effectuées sur le sujet en Corse et en Sardaigne témoignent de modifications importantes des approches et des méthodes d'analyse. Le présent travail peut être partiellement placé dans la lignée de ces nouvelles approches. L'analyse de ce phénomène en Corse et en Sardaigne requérait l'appréhension de tous les contextes archéologiques (habitats et sépultures) d'un point de vue géographique, c'est-à-dire l'étude des territoires préhistoriques et protohistoriques. Les liens existants entre les pierres dressées et les sociétés de « constructeurs mégalithiques » constituent l'une des clés de la compréhension de ce type de pratiques. Les aspects territoriaux des pierres dressées et par extension du mégalithisme constituent un des éléments les plus importants des questionnements actuels. La présente thèse propose donc d'aborder le phénomène des pierres dressées selon divers points de vue inter-sécants : territorial, environnemental et chrono-culturel. / Among the themes explored by Prehistory, megalithism is a full-fledged part of the history of prehistoric peoples. Among the multiple megalithic events in the world, the theme of standing stones is one of the most obscure. For this reason, the study of this phenomenon is relatively delicate. The large disparity of available data, however, is not an essential limit to the development of regional syntheses of the phenomenon. The megalithic phenomenon of standing stones of the Corsica and Sardinia area is the subject of an increasing interest since the nineteenth century. The latest researches done on the subject in Corsica and Sardinia demonstrate significant changes in approaches and methods of analysis. This work can be partially placed in line with these new approaches. The analysis of this phenomenon in Corsica and Sardinia required the apprehension of all archaeological contexts (settlements and funeral sites) from a geographical point of view, that is to say the study of prehistoric and protohistoric territories. The existing links between the standing stones and the megalithic builders' communities are one of the keys to understanding this type of practice. The territorial aspects of standing stones and by extension of megalitism are one of the most important actual questions. This thesis proposes to approach the standing stones phenomenon from different intersecting points of view: territorial, environmental and chrono-cultural. To do this, a specific methodology has been developed through the complementary association of Cartesian and Systemic precepts.

Tingsplatsens ordning : Tingsväsendets organiserande roll i svensk vikingatid

Löfving, Axel January 2015 (has links)
This essay provides a study of five Swedish locales in the Mälar Valley and Öland, namely Arkels tingstad, Aspa löt, Tingstad flisor, Anundshög and Signhilds kulle/Fornsigtuna, and their possible use as sites of Viking Age thing assemblies. Historical texts, place names and archaeological excavations are queried through the aid of a theoretical assemblage drawing on De Landa, Deleuze &amp; Guattari, as well as Icelandic, British and Scandinavian research. Following this, I propose that the locales chosen as thing sites were communicational nexuses localised on commons in borderzones between land domains. Thus, space commonly understood as in the elite's periphery insteadbecomes of central importance.

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