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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Avaliação de parâmetros clínicos e nutricionais em pacientes com hipercolesterolemia familiar heterozigótica" / Assessment of clinical and nutritional parameters in subjects with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia

Macedo, Alessandra 08 August 2006 (has links)
A hipercolesterolemia familiar (HF) é caracterizada por concentrações elevadas de LDL-c e alta prevalência de doença arterial coronária (DAC) precoce. Entretanto, o curso da DAC nos portadores de HF é variável e pode ser influenciado por outros fatores de risco. O objetivo foi avaliar parâmetros clínicos e nutricionais de adultos portadores de HF heterozigótica por estudo do tipo transversal. Coletou-se do prontuário dos pacientes resultados de exames laboratoriais, medidas de pressão arterial e diagnósticos clínicos. Verificou-se a concordância ou não entre as categorias de risco pelos escores de Framingham (ERF) e pelos critérios estabelecidos para os portadores de HF. Antecedentes pessoais e familiares para DAC, tabagismo, atividade física, consumo alimentar de gorduras, fibras e bebidas alcoólicas foram obtidos por questionário e medidas antropométricas foram aferidas. Foram comparados os grupos com e sem Síndrome Metabólica (SM) e os grupos com e sem DAC por análise univariada. Após, foram verificados os fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento da DAC mediante modelo de regressão multivariada. Foram entrevistados 110 pacientes (68 mulheres) com média de idade de 48,9 ± 16,2 anos. A presença de história familiar de DAC precoce foi relatada por 67 (61,5%) pacientes. A hipertensão foi encontrada em 59 (53,6%), SM em 38 (34,9%), DAC em 30 (27,3%), HDL-c baixo em 28 (25,5%), diabete melito em 17 (15,5%), 25 (22,7%) eram ex-fumantes e 12 (10,9%) tabagistas. Com a comparação das categorias de risco observou-se discrepância em 77,5% dos casos entre os ERF e os critérios estabelecidos para a população de HF. Quanto ao estado nutricional, 47 (42,7%) eram pré-obesos e 61 (55,4%) com circunferência da cintura alterada. O consumo de gorduras, fibras e bebidas alcoólicas foi considerado adequado. Encontrou-se grande número de sedentários (77%). O grupo dos pacientes com SM tinha idade mais avançada (55 vs 46 anos; p = 0,002), maior número de mulheres (76,3%; p = 0,02) e portadores de DAC (42,1%; p = 0,013). O grupo dos coronarianos tinha idade mais avançada (55 vs 47 anos; p = 0,004), mais pacientes do sexo masculino (60%; p = 0,004), maior presença de hipertensos (90%; p = 0,001), exfumantes (40%; p = 0,008), com SM (53,3%; p = 0,013), HDL-c baixo (53,3%; p = 0,001) e antecedente de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) em irmãos (50%; p = 0,012). As medidas antropométricas, o consumo alimentar e a atividade física não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Após análise de regressão multivariada os fatores de risco determinantes para o desenvolvimento da DAC foram HDL-c baixo (OR 8,4; IC 95% 2,7-27,6), sexo masculino (OR 7,3; IC 95% 2,1-24,7), história de IAM em irmãos (OR 3,4; IC 95% 1,1-10,5) e idade avançada (OR 1,06; IC 95% 1,02-1,1). Em nossa população, HDL-c baixo, sexo masculino, história de IAM em irmãos e idade foram fatores independentes para o desenvolvimento da DAC. / Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is characterized by raised concentrations of LDL-c and high prevalence of premature coronary artery disease (CAD). However, the course of the CAD in the FH is variable and can be influenced by other risk factors. The aim of the study was to assess clinical and nutritional parameters in adults with heterozigous FH by a cross sectional study. Laboratory exams, blood pressure measurement and clinical diagnosis were collected. Agreement or not between the categories of risk by Framingham scores and for established criteria for the FH subjects was verified. Personal and familial history for CAD, smoken habit, physical activity, fats, fibers and alcohol consumption were assessed by questionnaire and anthropometric measurement were verified. The groups with and without Metabolic Syndrome (MS) and groups with and without CAD were compared by univariated analysis. After, multivaried analysis (MVA) was used to assess the significance of differences in risk factors. The sample was composed by 110 patients (68 women) with average of age of 48.9 ± 16.2 years. The presence of familial history of premature CAD was detected in 67 (61.5%)subjects. Hypertension was found in 59 (53.6%), MS in 38 (34.9%), CAD in 30 (27.3%), low HDL-c in 28 (25.5%), diabetes in 17 (15.5%), 25 (22,7%) and 12 (10,9%) were respectively former and current smokers. In the comparison of the risk categories discrepancy was observed in 77.5% of the cases between the Framingham scores and the established criteria for the FH population. Analyzing the nutritional profile, 47 (42.7%) were overweight and 61 (55.4%) had increased waist circumference. The consumption of fats, fibers and alcohol were considered satisfactory. A great number of sedentary subjects was found (77%). The patients with MS were older (55 vs. 46 years; p = 0.002), had a greater number of women (76.3%; p = 0.02) and CAD (42.1%; p = 0.013). CAD subjects were older (55 vs. 47 years; p = 0.004), had a higher prevalence of males (60%; p = 0.004), hypertension (90%; p = 0.001), former smokers(40%; p = 0.008), MS (53.3%; p = 0.013), low HDL-c (53.3%; p = 0.001) and history of myocardial infarction in brothers (50%; p = 0.012). There were no differences between the groups regarding anthropometric measurements, consumption of fats, fiber and alcohol and physical activity. After MVA, independent risk factors for CAD were low HDL-c (OR 8.4; CI 95% 2.7-27.6), male gender (OR 7.3; CI 95% 2.1-24.7), history of myocardial infarction in brothers (OR 3.4; CI 95% 1.1-10.5) and advanced age (OR 1.06; CI 95% 1.02-1.1). In our population, low HDL-c, male gender, history of myocardial infarction in brothers and age were independently associated with the risk of CAD.

Efeito do consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras na saúde cardiovascular em adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática / Effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular health in adolescents: a systematic review

Collese, Tatiana Sadalla 10 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras é pouco frequente entre os adolescentes, e o possível efeito deste consumo na saúde cardiovascular durante esta faixa etária é indefinido. Objetivo: Verificar se existe associação entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes (obesidade abdominal, hiperglicemia, hipertrigliceridemia, dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, e síndrome metabólica). Métodos: Registrou-se esta revisão sistemática no PROSPERO (CRD42013004818) para realizar uma revisão sistemática em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science). Considerou-se o período desde a criação destas bases de dados até sete de Dezembro de 2015 como data mais recente para a atualização das buscas. A estratégia de busca utilizou os seguintes grupos de descritores: faixa etária; frutas, legumes e verduras; indicadores de risco cardiovascular; estudos transversais ou coorte. Os critérios de elegibilidade foram: Artigos em Inglês, Espanhol e Português? estudos originais? amostra composta de adolescentes (dez a 19 anos de idade segundo a organização mundial de saúde); descritores de acordo com os indicadores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos para adolescentes. Artigos potencialmente elegíveis foram selecionados por dois revisores separadamente. Resultados: Foram identificados 5632 artigos. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, 102 artigos potencialmente relevantes permaneceram para a leitura na íntegra. Após seleção, 11 artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos (dez transversais, uma coorte). As principais razões para a exclusão dos estudos foram classificação da adolescência diferente da preconizada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras analisado como parte de um padrão alimentar (por exemplo, juntamente com peixes, laticínios ou cereais), e os indicadores de risco cardiovascular que não foram especificados ou que diferiram das definições estabelecidas. Os artigos avaliaram a ingestão de frutas, legumes e verduras em diversas unidades de medida, utilizando-se questionários de frequência de consumo alimentar (54.5%), recordatório alimentar de 24 horas (27.3%) e registro alimentar (18.2%). Além disso, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras foi avaliado separadamente (54.5%), em conjunto (36.4%), apenas legumes e verduras (9.1%), e um estudo incluiu suco de frutas (9.1%). Um terço dos estudos mostraram associações significativas entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a pressão arterial sistólica, obesidade abdominal, triglicérides, HDL colesterol e síndrome metabólica. Conclusão: As associações entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes são inconsistentes. Isto se deve provavelmente à heterogeneidade nos métodos utilizados para avaliar/classificar o consumo e/ou definir o risco cardiovascular neste grupo etário. Uma vez que os benefícios deste consumo já são bem estabelecidos na saúde cardiovascular de adultos, ainda são necessários estudos adicionais que abordem alta qualidade metodológica para melhor compreender esse fenômeno nos adolescentes / Background: Fruit and vegetable consumption is infrequent among adolescents, and the possible effect of this consumption on cardiovascular health during this age group is undefined. Aim: To investigate the association between fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular risk indicators in adolescents (abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension and metabolic syndrome). Methods: This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42013004818), and a systematic review searching electronic databases (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science) from inception to December 7, 2015 was conducted. The search strategy used the following sets of descriptors related to: age group; fruits and vegetables; cardiovascular risk indicators; cross-sectional and cohort studies. Eligibility criteria were: Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese; original studies; sample of adolescents (10-19 year-old according to World Health Organization); descriptors according to the cardiovascular risk indicators. Potentially eligible articles were selected by two reviewers separately. Results: A total of 5632 articles were identified. After reading the titles and abstracts, 102 potentially relevant articles remained for full reviewed. After selection, 11 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were included (10 cross-sectional; 1 cohort). The main reasons for study exclusion were misclassifying adolescence, assessing fruits and vegetables as part of a food pattern (for example, together with fish, dairy, or cereal), and cardiovascular risk indicators that were not specified or that differed from the definitions established. Articles evaluated fruit and vegetable intake in diverse units, using food frequency questionnaires (54.5%), 24-hour-dietary-recalls (27.3%), and food records (18.2%). In addition, fruit and vegetable consumption were assessed separately (54.5%), together (36.4%), or only vegetables (9.1%); and 1 article included fruit juice (9.1%). A third of the studies showed significant inverse associations of fruit and vegetable intake with systolic blood pressure, abdominal obesity, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: The associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and adolescent cardiovascular risk indicators are inconsistent. Since the benefits of this consumption are well established in adult cardiovascular health, further studies are necessary, addressing high methodological quality to better understand this phenomenon in adolescents

Povezanost funkcijskog stanja šake u osteoartrozi i koštane mase merene centralnom dvostrukom apsorpciometrijom X-zraka kosti kod žena u postmenopauzi / The link between hand functionality in osteoarthritis and bone density in postmenopausal women as measured by central dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

Zvekić-Svorcan Jelena 11 March 2019 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Artroza &scaron;aka predstavlja jednu od najče&scaron;ćih mi&scaron;ićno-skeletnih bolesti. Manifestuje se bolom, nekada otokom, deformacijom i gubitkom funkcije &scaron;aka. Postoje različita mi&scaron;ljenja o povezanosti osteoartroze (OA) i osteoporoze (OP) kao dva najče&scaron;a skeletna poremećaja. CILJ: istraživanja je da se utvrde faktori rizika za nastanak OA &scaron;aka, uporedi mineralna ko&scaron;tana gustina kod pacijenata sa OA &scaron;aka sa kontrolnom grupom i utvrdi značaj metaboličkog sindroma kod pacijenata sa OA &scaron;aka. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je obavljeno u periodu od jedne godine kod bolesnika sa OA &scaron;aka &ndash; eksperimentalna grupa, i u kontrolnoj grupi bez OA. OA &scaron;aka je definisana na osnovu bola, klinički prisutnih deformiteta &scaron;aka kod žena u postmenopauzi starosne dobi od 60-70 godina i radiografskih promena ( drugog do četvrtog stepena prema Kellgren-Lowrencovoj skali). Analizirani su faktori rizika odgovorni za nastanak OA &scaron;aka, povezanost OA &scaron;aka sa snagom stiska &scaron;ake, mineralnom ko&scaron;tanom gustinom i metaboličkim sindromom. Analazirirana je i funkcija &scaron;ake pomoću tri validirana upitnika: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ, Duruoz Hand Indeks (DHI), Health Assessment Questionnaire (PROMIS HAQ). Statistička obrada podataka rađena je u programu SPSS verzija 25. REZULTATI: Prosečna starost pacijentkinja je bila 65,89&plusmn;3,67 godina. Eksperimentalna i kontrola grupa se statistički razlikuju prema porodičnoj anamnezi o strukturnim promenama zglobova &scaron;aka, prema bolnosti &scaron;aka u miru, bolnosti &scaron;aka pri palpaciji, uzdržavanju od pokreta prstiju &scaron;aka, snage stiska &scaron;ake, metaboličkom sindromu( p&lt;0,001). Kao značajni prediktori za nastanak osteoartroze &scaron;aka su se izdvojili pozitivna porodična anamneza o strukturnim promenama za zglobovima &scaron;aka i metabolički sindrom ( p&lt;0,001). Utvrđen je veći broj ispitanica sa normalnom ko&scaron;tanom gustinom u kontrolnoj grupi. Eksperimentalna grupa bolesnica imala je lo&scaron;iju funkciju &scaron;ake, odnosno lo&scaron;iji skor primenom validiranih upitnika ( p &lt;0,001). ZAKLJUČAK: Pacijentkinje sa izraženom osteoartrozom &scaron;aka imaju smanjenu funkciju &scaron;ake, če&scaron;ći metabolički sindrom u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, ali ne i značajno nižu ko&scaron;tanu gustinu.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Arthritis of the hand is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. It manifests as pain, sometimes accompanied by swelling and deformities, which may lead to the loss of hand function. However, there is no consensus on the relationship between osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP) as the two most common skeletal disorders. AIMS: The study aim was to determine the risk factors related to the development of OA in the hand, as well as compare the bone density in patients with hand OA (HOA) with that measured in the control group and establish the significance of metabolic syndrome in the HOA group. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted over a 12-month period and included a sample comprising of the experimental (patients affected by HOA) and the control (individuals with no evidence of HOA) group. HOA was diagnosed based on the reported pain, clinical evidence of hand deformities in postmenopausal women aged 60&minus;70, and radiological evidence of physiological changes (Grade II to IV, based on the Kellgren-Lowrence scale). The risk factors for the development of HOA were analyzed, along with the link between HOA and hand grip strength, bone mineral density and metabolic syndrome. Analyses also included had function, as determined by three validated questionnaires: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ), Duruoz Hand Index (DHI), and Health Assessment Questionnaire (PROMIS HAQ). Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS version 25 computer software. RESULTS: The average age of the sample was 65.89&plusmn;3.67 years. There were statically significant differences between the experimental and the control group with respect to the family history of structural changes in the hand joints, perceived hand pain at rest and when palpated, reluctance to utilize fingers, hand grip strength, and metabolic syndrome (p &lt; 0.001). Family history of structural changes to the hand joints and metabolic syndrome emerged as the strongest predictors of the osteoarthritis of the hand development (p &lt; 0.001). A greater number of the control group members had normal bone mineral density, while the patients assigned to the experimental group had inferior hand function, as determined by the score on the aforementioned validated questionnaires (p &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSION: Postmenopausal women with pronounced osteoarthritis of the hand have reduced hand function, and are more likely to suffer from a metabolic syndrome relative to the control group, while the differences in bone mineral density are not statistically significant.</p>

Curso temporal das alterações autonômicas e metabólicas da hipertensão por sobrecarga de frutose: papel do barorreflexo / Temporal development of autonomic and metabolic alterations of hypertension by fructose overload

Santos, Fernando dos 26 February 2016 (has links)
O aumento do consumo de frutose nas últimas décadas está intimamente associado à maior incidência de obesidade e síndrome metabólica e co-morbidades associadas , como , a dislipidemia, a disautonomia e o diabetes. No entanto, a literatura não apresenta caracterização temporal dos eventos que ocorrem até o estabelecimento das doenças. Com base nisso, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as alterações temporais autônomicas e metabólicas em modelo de síndrome metabólica induzida por sobrecarga de frutose, com ênfase no papel do barorreflexo, aqui testado pelo uso da desnervação sinoaórtica. Adicionalmente, pretende-se identificar neste modelo, se as alterações autonômicas precedem ou se seguem às alterações metabólicas. Foram utilizados quatro grupos experimentais (ratos), seguidos por 90 dias: controle (C), tratados com frutose (F), controle desnervado (D) e desnervados tratados com frutose (DF). A sobrecarga de frutose foi feita através de solução em água de beber (10%). A avaliação dos parâmetros cardiovasculares ocorreu pelo registro da pressão arterial via radiotelemetria durante 13 semanas. A frutose foi capaz de promover desenvolvimento de síndrome metabólica, causando aumento da pressão arterial, glicemia de jejum, gordura abdominal e do perfil lipídico em média a partir da sétima semana de tratamento. As alterações autonômicas, principalmente aumento da modulação cardíaca e periférica simpática, ocorreram já na segunda semana de protocolo. Este grupo apresentou ainda alterações de função renal e inflamação. O barorreflexo parece participar das alterações induzidas pela frutose durante o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica, uma vez que sua ausência determina mudanças em vários dos parâmetros metabólicos além dos hemodinâmicos já esperados. Adicionalmente, no grupo frutose, o prejuízo funcional do controle reflexo da circulação se estabelece mais tardiamente. Com base em nossos resultados podemos concluir que as alterações no controle autonômico são anteriores e provavelmente contribuem para as alterações metabólicas causadas pelo consumo excessivo de frutose / The increased consumption of fructose in recent decades is closely associated with the higher incidence of obesity, metabolic syndrome and associated comorbidities, such as Dyslipidemia, Dysautonomia, and diabetes. However, the literature does not present temporal characterization of the events that occur until the establishment of the diseases. On this basis, this work aims to evaluate the temporal autonomic and metabolic changes in metabolic syndrome model induced by fructose overload, with emphasis on the role of the baroreflex, here tested using sinoaortic denervation. Additionally, we intend to identify in this model, if autonomic changes precede or follow the metabolic changes. Four experimental groups were used (rats), followed by 90 days: control (C), treated with fructose (F), sinoaortic denervated (D) and denervated treated with fructose (DF). Fructose overload was performed using drinking water solution (10%). Blood pressure recording was performed via radio telemetry for 13 weeks. Fructose was able to promote development of metabolic syndrome, causing blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and abdominal fat increase and changing lipid profile (from the seventh week to thirteenth week of treatment). Autonomic changes, characterized by increased cardiac and peripheral sympathetic modulation, occurred in the second week of Protocol. Fructose group presented changes of renal function and inflammation. The baroreflex seems to participate in the changes induced by fructose during the development of the metabolic syndrome, since his absence determines changes in various metabolic parameters in addition to the expected hemodynamic. Additionally, fructose treatment induced late functional impairment of blood pressure reflex control. Based on our results we can conclude that the changes in autonomic control precede and probably contribute to the metabolic changes induced by the excessive consumption of fructose

"Alterações hepáticas em grandes obesos: avaliações clínico-laboratoriais e histopatológicas antes do tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade" / Hepatic alterations in severely obese patients: clinical-laboratory and histopatological evaluations before surgical treatment of obesity

Cacilda Pedrosa de Oliveira 18 April 2006 (has links)
A doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica (DHGNA) e a esteatohepatite (EHNA) são freqüentes nos obesos. O objetivo foi determinar a prevalência de DHGNA/EHNA e Síndrome Metabólica (SM) nos grandes obesos; definir preditores de EHNA; estabelecer critérios histológicos para o diagnóstico da EHNA. Avaliados 325 pacientes encaminhados à cirurgia bariátrica (IMC = 35 kg/m2), dos quais 146 foram submetidos à análise histológica; as variáveis clínicas e bioquímicas analisadas e correlacionadas com a histologia. A DHGNA ocorreu em 111 (76%) pacientes e a prevalência de EHNA, conforme critério histológico usado, em 25,3% a 55,5%; SM ocorreu em 57,2%. Os preditores da EHNA foram: SM; alterações glicêmicas; hipertrigliceridemia e HAS. Foram preditores de fibrose: idade acima de 30 anos e AST elevada / Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been associated with obesity. Determine prevalence of NAFLD/NASH and metabolic syndrome (MS) in severe obesity; define clinical predictor of steatohepatitis; establish histological criteria necessary to diagnose NASH. Evaluation of 325 patients submitted to bariatric surgery (BMI = 35 kg/m2), among which 146 were submitted to histological analysis; variables clinical and biochemical were analyzed and correlated to histological characteristics. NAFLD occurred in 111 (76%) patients and NASH, according to histological criteria used, in 25.3% to 55.5%; MS was present in 57.2%. Predictors of NASH: MS; glycaemic alterations; hypertriglyceridaemia and high blood pressure (HBP). Predictors of fibrosis: age above 30 years and high AST

Mechanisms of amelioration of lipid-induced insulin resistance: role of AMP-activated protein kinase

Iglesias, Miguel Angel, University of New South Wales / Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Physiology & Pharmacology, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
Insulin resistance is an early marker of Type II diabetes. Excessive lipid accumulation in muscle and liver leads to insulin resistance, and lowering tissue lipids causes an enhancement of insulin action. The enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated when cellular energy levels are compromised, such as during exercise; this enhances fuel oxidation and inhibits energy consuming processes. The hypothesis in this thesis was that activating AMPK in a lipid-induced insulin resistant state leads to tissue lipid reduction and improved insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistant high-fat fed (HF-) rats were administered 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-??-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), a specific AMPK activator. During an euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp performed 24h later, HF-rats showed increased whole body, muscle and liver insulin action, independent of changes in PKB-phosphorylation. The liver had reduced triglycerides, malonyl-CoA and increased IkB-a content. A lowering of muscle malonyl-CoA was consistent with conditions favouring increased lipid utilisation. Normal, chow-fed rats also showed improved insulin action post-AICAR. Further studies showed that basal glucose uptake was not increased 24h after AICAR, suggesting that AMPK activation had caused an increase in insulin sensitivity. Diacylglycerols and triglycerides, but not ceramides, were reduced in the liver of AICAR treated HF-rats, suggesting lipid reduction as a likely mediator of enhanced liver insulin action. These lipid species were not reduced in muscle. AICAR administration to HF-rats lowered plasma glucose and fatty acids (FA) acutely, probably due to increased muscle glucose uptake and FA oxidation. Glycogen was reduced in liver and increased in muscle, suggesting glucose mobilisation from liver to muscle. Adrenergic blockade excluded the sympathetic nervous system in the acute AICAR effects. AMPK was activated in white muscle and liver of HF-rats immediately after AICAR, the same tissues that exhibited later improved insulin sensitivity. Tracer technologies used to investigate glucose and lipid fluxes showed that AMPK activation in white muscle simultaneously increased both glucose and FA uptake and their metabolism, with glucose also being stored as glycogen. The liver showed lower lipid synthesis, consistent with reduced liver lipid accumulation observed 24h post-AICAR. In conclusion, these results suggest that activation of AMPK leads to selective tissue lipid reduction and improved insulin action, and is a potential target for the treatment of insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Mechanisms of amelioration of lipid-induced insulin resistance: role of AMP-activated protein kinase

Iglesias, Miguel Angel, University of New South Wales / Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Physiology & Pharmacology, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
Insulin resistance is an early marker of Type II diabetes. Excessive lipid accumulation in muscle and liver leads to insulin resistance, and lowering tissue lipids causes an enhancement of insulin action. The enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated when cellular energy levels are compromised, such as during exercise; this enhances fuel oxidation and inhibits energy consuming processes. The hypothesis in this thesis was that activating AMPK in a lipid-induced insulin resistant state leads to tissue lipid reduction and improved insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistant high-fat fed (HF-) rats were administered 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-??-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), a specific AMPK activator. During an euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp performed 24h later, HF-rats showed increased whole body, muscle and liver insulin action, independent of changes in PKB-phosphorylation. The liver had reduced triglycerides, malonyl-CoA and increased IkB-a content. A lowering of muscle malonyl-CoA was consistent with conditions favouring increased lipid utilisation. Normal, chow-fed rats also showed improved insulin action post-AICAR. Further studies showed that basal glucose uptake was not increased 24h after AICAR, suggesting that AMPK activation had caused an increase in insulin sensitivity. Diacylglycerols and triglycerides, but not ceramides, were reduced in the liver of AICAR treated HF-rats, suggesting lipid reduction as a likely mediator of enhanced liver insulin action. These lipid species were not reduced in muscle. AICAR administration to HF-rats lowered plasma glucose and fatty acids (FA) acutely, probably due to increased muscle glucose uptake and FA oxidation. Glycogen was reduced in liver and increased in muscle, suggesting glucose mobilisation from liver to muscle. Adrenergic blockade excluded the sympathetic nervous system in the acute AICAR effects. AMPK was activated in white muscle and liver of HF-rats immediately after AICAR, the same tissues that exhibited later improved insulin sensitivity. Tracer technologies used to investigate glucose and lipid fluxes showed that AMPK activation in white muscle simultaneously increased both glucose and FA uptake and their metabolism, with glucose also being stored as glycogen. The liver showed lower lipid synthesis, consistent with reduced liver lipid accumulation observed 24h post-AICAR. In conclusion, these results suggest that activation of AMPK leads to selective tissue lipid reduction and improved insulin action, and is a potential target for the treatment of insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Associação entre a distribuição da gordura corporal e os fatores de risco cardiometabólicos em crianças de seis a nove anos

Mattos, Danielle Cabrini January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudete Queiroz (claudete.queiroz@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2015-10-19T13:11:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 danielle_mattos_iff_dout_2014.pdf: 778720 bytes, checksum: 2f7d6d9a8edb3b26e86ea3c7462e9fbd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Claudete Queiroz (claudete.queiroz@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2015-10-19T13:11:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 danielle_mattos_iff_dout_2014.pdf: 778720 bytes, checksum: 2f7d6d9a8edb3b26e86ea3c7462e9fbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-19T13:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 danielle_mattos_iff_dout_2014.pdf: 778720 bytes, checksum: 2f7d6d9a8edb3b26e86ea3c7462e9fbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Considerando que a faixa etária de 5 a 9 anos corresponde a 11% do total de brasileiros, e o crescente aumento da obesidade na infância, há um número expressivo de indivíduos que, no futuro, estarão propensos a desenvolver alterações cardiometabólicas e, em última análise, sobrecarregar os serviços de saúde, comprometer a força de trabalho e elevar o custo da saúde pública no país. Assim, é de interesse para a saúde pública o estabelecimento de medidas simples para identificação precoce destes indivíduos. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a associação entre medidas de localização da gordura abdominal e os fatores de risco cardiometabólicos em crianças de 6 a 9 anos em Vitória, ES. Avaliou-se a circunferência da cintura (CC), a relação cintura estatura (RCE), o índice de conicidade (IC) e a relação dobra cutânea subescapular e tricipital (RDC). Os componentes da SM foram os propostos pela International Diabetes Federation (IDF) com pontos de corte ajustados para a idade. Aplicou-se o modelo de regressão logística multinomial. A prevalência de SM foi 2% e de excesso de peso 38,4%. A presença de pelo menos um componente da SM foi detectada em 35,8%. O IC mostrou-se um preditor independente na identificação precoce de pelo menos um componente da SM, a CC foi preditora da presença de dois ou mais componentes da SM, independente do sexo. A avaliação de medidas antropométricas da gordura abdominal na população infantil podem sugerir o risco potencial da presença de alterações cardiometabólicas isoladas e simultâneas prevenindo as doenças cardiovasculares, que são a maior causa de morte no Brasil. / Considering that the age group 5-9 years old corresponded to 11% of Brazilians, and the increasing childhood obesity, there are a significant number of individuals in the future are likely to develop cardiometabolic alterations and ultimately , overburden health services, compromising the workforce and raise the cost of public health in the country. Thus, it is of interest to public health establishment of simple measures for early identification of these individuals. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between abdominal fat measures and cardiometabolic risk factors in children aged 6 to 9 years in Vitoria, ES. We evaluated the waist circumference (WC), waist to height (WH), the conicity index (CI) and the relationship subscapular and triceps skinfold (RDC). Metabolic Syndrome (MS) components were the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) proposed with cut-off points adjusted for age. We used the model of multinomial logistic regression. The prevalence of MS was 2% and 38.4% overweight. The presence of at least one component of the metabolic syndrome was detected in 35.8%. The IC was found to be an independent predictor of early identification of at least one component of MS and WC was predictive of the presence of two or more components of MS, regardless of sex. The evaluation of anthropometric measures of abdominal fat in children may suggest the potential risk of the cardiometabolic alterations preventing cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death in Brazil.

Sensibilidade barorreflexa e resposta inotrópica ao exercício e nas 24 horas em indivíduos com síndrome metabólica conforme classificação da pressão arterial / Baroreflex sensitivity and inotropic response to exercise and at 24 hours in subjects with metabolic syndrome according to blood pressure classification

Akothirene Cristhina Dutra Brisolla Marques 18 August 2017 (has links)
Introdução. A progressão da síndrome metabólica (SMet) para a doença cardiovascular é complexa, multifatorial e pode estar associada, em parte, com a hiperativação simpática e com a diminuição da sensibilidade barorreflexa (SBR), mecanismos fortemente associados à hipertensão arterial (HAS). Adicionalmente, na hipertensão a resposta da pressão arterial (PA) durante o teste de esforço cardiopulmonar máximo (TECP) e na pressão arterial de 24h (MAPA) está prejudicada. Não é conhecido se pacientes com SMet mas sem hipertensão, apresentam estes prejuízos. Hipóteses. Pacientes com SMet com nível normal de PA clínica apresentam:(1) Resposta aumentada da PA pico e da PA de recuperação em resposta ao exercício máximo; (2) Prejuízo na PA de 24 horas Além disso, analisamos se estas alterações se correlacionam com a atividade nervosa simpática muscular (ANSM) e com a SBR. Métodos. Foram selecionados 72 pacientes recém-diagnosticados com SMet (ATP III), alocados em 3 grupos conforme a classificação da PA (segundo as Diretrizes 2013 ESH/ESC):, SMet hipertensos (HT, n=16, 51±9 anos, 33±4 kg/m2), SMet pré-hipertensos (PHT, n=29, 47±10 anos, 31±3 kg/m2) e SMet normotensos (NT, n=27, 46±7 anos, 32±4 kg/m2). Um grupo controle (C, n=19, 48±2 anos, 25±2 kg/m2) pareado por gênero e idade foi envolvido no estudo. Foram avaliados: a ANSM (microneurografia); a SBR (análise das flutuações espontâneas da PA sistólica e FC) para aumentos (SBR+) e diminuições da PA (SBR-); medidas auscultatórias da PA no pré-teste, pico, 1°, 2° e 4° min de recuperação (TECP); e PAS e PAD de 24 horas, vigília, sono e despertar (MAPA de 24h). O estudo foi dividido em duas partes: Parte 1 - todos os grupos com SMet (HT, PHT e NT) e C foram estudados; e Parte 2 - somente o grupo SMet NT foi comparado ao C. Resultados - Parte 1. Os grupos SMet (HT, PHT e NT) foram semelhantes entre si e apresentaram prejuízo quando comparado ao grupo C nas características físicas, na capacidade física e nos fatores de risco da SMet. Na PAS pico atingida no TECP, o grupo SMet HT apresentou valores superiores quando comparado com SMet PHT, NT, e C (217±23 vs. 202±22; 195±17; 177±24 mmHg; respectivamente; P=0,03). Apresentaram resposta da PAS exagerada (PAS >190 mmHg para mulheres e > 210 mmHg para homens) 81% no grupo HT, 55% no PHT, 37% no NT e 21% no C. Na MAPA, SMet HT apresentou maior PA de 24h que os outros 3 grupos. (P < 0,001). A ANSM foi maior nos grupos SMet HT, PHT e NT quando comparados ao C (33±7; 30±7; 29±6; vs. 18±1 disparos/min, respectivamente, P < 0,001). Somente o grupo SMet HT apresentou menor SBR+ quando comparado ao grupo C (6±3; 8±3; 9±3; vs. 11±5 mmHg/ms; P=0,002). Os grupos SMet HT e PHT apresentaram menor SBR-, enquanto SMet NT foi semelhante ao C (7±2; 9±4; 10±3; vs. 12±5 mmHg/ms; P < 0,05). Houve correlação entre a SBR- e a PAS pico (r=-0,32, P=0,04) com todos os sujeitos dos grupos da SMet e C. Resultados Parte 2. Exceto na PAS no 4º min de recuperação, o grupo SMet NT apresentou maior PAS e PAD comparado ao C em todos os momentos do TECP. O comportamento da PAS e PAD pela área sob a curva (ASC) total foi maior no SMet NT comparado ao C. Na MAPA de 24h, SMet NT apresentou menor PAD no sono que C. Além disso, SMet NT apresentou menor SBR+ e SBR- e maior ANSM comparado ao C. Interessantemente, no subgrupo de pacientes com SMet NT (n=10, 37%) que apresentou PAS pico exagerada a SBR- se correlacionou fortemente com a PAS pico (r=-0,70, P=0,02) e com a PAS no 1º min de recuperação (r=-0,73, P=0,04). Conclusão: Pacientes com SMet, mesmo normotensos, já apresentam resposta exacerbada da PAS e da PAD durante o TECP, dos quais 40% com PAS pico exagerada. A disfunção autonômica pode explicar, pelo menos em parte, esta reposta exacerbada / Introduction. The progression of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) to cardiovascular disease is complex, multifactorial and may be associated in part with sympathetic hyperactivation and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), mechanisms strongly associated with arterial hypertension (AH). Additionally, in hypertension, the BP response during the maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) and 24h BP (ABPM) is impaired. It is not known whether patients with MetS but without hypertension present those damages. Hypotheses. Patients with MetS with normal clinical BP level present: (1) Increased response of peak BP and recovery BP in response to maximal exercise; (2) Impaired 24 hour BP. In addition, we analyzed if those changes are associated with muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and BRS. Methods. We selected 72 newly diagnosed patients with MetS (ATP III), subdivided in 3 groups according to the BP classification (according to the ESH/ESC Guidelines): hypertensive MetS (HT, n=16, 51±9 years, 33±4 kg/m2), pre-hypertensive MetS (PHT, n=29, 47± 10 years, 31±3 kg/m2) and normotensive MetS (NT, n= 27, 46±7 years, 32±4 kg/m2). A control group (C, n=19, 48±2 years, 25±2 kg/m2) paired by gender and age was involved in the study. The following were evaluated: the MSNA (microneurography); BRS (analysis of spontaneous fluctuations of systolic BP and HR) for increases to BP (SBR+) and for decreases to BP (SBR-); BP auscultatory measurements in the pre-test, peak, 1st, 2nd and 4th min of recovery (CPET); and SBP and DBP of 24 hours, wakefulness, sleep and awakening (24-hour ABPM). The study was divided into two parts: Part 1. All groups with MetS (HT, PHT and NT) were studied; and C group. Part 2. Only the NT MetS group was compared to the C. Results Part 1. The MetS groups (HT, PHT and NT) were similar and were impaired compared to group C in physical characteristics, physical capacity and risk factors of MetS. In the peak SBP reached at CPET, HT MetS group presented higher values when compared to PHT and NT MetS groups and C (217±23 vs. 202±22, 195±17, 177±-24 mmHg, respectively, P=0.03). There was an exaggerated SBP response (SBP > 190 mmHg for women and > 210 mmHg for men) in 81% of the HT group, 55% of the PHT, 37% of the NT and 21% of the C group. In the ABPM, HT MetS had a higher 24-hour BP than the other 3 groups (P < 0.001). The MSNA was higher in HT, PHT and NT MetS groups when compared to C (33±7, 30±7, 29±6, vs. 18±1 burst/min, respectively, P < 0.001). Only the HT MetS group showed lower SBR+ compared to C (6±3, 8±3, 9±3, vs. 11±5 mmHg/ms, P=0.002). The HT and PHT MetS groups presented lower SBR-, while NT MetS was similar to C (7±2; 9 ±4; 10±3, vs. 12±5 mmHg/ms; P < 0.05). There was a correlation between SBR- and peak SBP (r= -0.32, P=0.04) with all subjects from the MetS and C groups. Results Part 2. Except for SBP in the 4th min of recovery, NT MetS presented higher SBP and DBP compared to C at all moments of the CPET. The SBP and DBP responses by AUC analysis were higher in NT MetS compared to C. In 24h ABPM, NT MetS presented lower DBP in the sleep than in C. In addition, NT MetS presented decreased SBR+ and SBR- and increased MSNA compared with C. Interestingly, in the NT MetS subgroup of patients (n=10, 37%) who showed an exaggerated peak SBP, showed a negative correlation between BRS- and peak SBP (r=-.70; P=0.01) and SBP at 1st minute of recovery (r=.73; P=0.04). Conclusion. Patients with MetS, even normotensive, already present an exacerbated SBP and DBP response during CPET, of which 40% with exaggerated peak SBP. Autonomic dysfunction may explain, at least in part, this exacerbated response

Síndrome metabólica no policial militar do estado de Goiás / Metabolic syndrome in military police from the Goias state

Almeida, Suzy Darlen Soares de 28 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-08T11:08:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Suzy Darlen Soares de Almeida - 2017.pdf: 3538179 bytes, checksum: 6adfbde16bd18ffdaea737e920ad8539 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-08T11:13:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Suzy Darlen Soares de Almeida - 2017.pdf: 3538179 bytes, checksum: 6adfbde16bd18ffdaea737e920ad8539 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-08T11:13:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Suzy Darlen Soares de Almeida - 2017.pdf: 3538179 bytes, checksum: 6adfbde16bd18ffdaea737e920ad8539 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-28 / OBJECTIVES: (i) to establish the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) in Military Police Officers (PMs) in Goiás; (Ii) to characterize the epidemiological profile of Goiás MPs with MS; (Iii) establish its risk factors; (Iv) to establish a correlation between the prevalence of MS occurrences and police occurrences (v) to describe their spatial distribution according to the Safe Citizen Program of the State of Goiás. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive, retrospective and transversal study developed with Military Police officers of Military Police of Goiás using the study of a database for the periodic evaluations of the health status of the MPs carried out between 2009 and 2013. The sample was selected according to the selection criteria, which included those with cadastral information and multidisciplinary evaluations Complete and unpaid; And excluded those with cadastral data and incomplete, multi-disciplinary evaluations of the pregnant police officers; With duplicate and triplicate data; With misleading and incomplete typing. Total 6303 police officers, 52.5% of the total population of the study (94.5% in men and 5.5% in women), being distributed according to the regions of the Safe Citizen Program of the State of Goias. The research was divided into: 1st phase - Organization and data collection, 2nd Phase - Application of the diagnostic criteria for the National Cholesterol Education Program Revised, and 3rd Phase - Data analysis - descriptive statistics with spatial distribution using scanning scan of Kulldorff. RESULTS: Of the 6303 PM evaluated, 23.7% (n = 1495) had MS, divided into 22.6% of males and 1.1% of females. The majority were between 40 and 45 years of age (32.4%), with rates increasing above 20% from 35 years, decreasing at 55 years; Married (70.4%); With incomplete secondary education (45.1%); With physical activity below three times per week (55.2%); With Sergeant's patent (45.0%); Nonsmokers (89.8%); With normal sleep (92.1%); And Goiânia (30.3%). Of the components, 58.9% of blood pressure, 42.8% of triglycerides, 30.3% of High Density Lipoprotein, 20.9% of waist circumference and 17.4% of fasting glucose were found in the PMs. SM was not correlated with police occurrences. Body mass index and age were the risk factors associated with higher odds for MS, especially, aged between 40 and 45 years and overweight. The groups with the highest relative risk (1.22) were found in the regions of: Itumbiara, Cidade de Goiás, Iporá, Jataí and Rio Verde, and with the lowest relative risk (0.82) in Goiânia. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of MS among Goiás MPs was 23.7%, being more frequent in subjects aged 40-45 years, married, with incomplete secondary education, with physical activity below three times a week, Sergeants, nonsmokers, with normal sleep and crowded in Goiânia. The risk factors identified were BMI and age, respectively, the most potentiating classes, age between 40 and 45 years and overweight increase the association with MS. No correlation was found between this Syndrome and police occurrences.Concerning its spatial distribution, the biggest frequency were in the regions of: Águas Lindas de Goiás - 31.5%; Porangatu - 29.7%; Rio Verde - 28.9%; Itumbiara - 28.8%; And Iporá - 28.4%. / OBJETIVOS: (i) estabelecer a prevalência da Síndrome Metabólica (SM) em Policiais Militares (PMs) de Goiás; (ii) caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos PMs de Goiás portadores de SM; (iii) estabelecer seus fatores de risco; (iv)estabelecer a correlação entre a prevalência da SM com as ocorrências policiais (v) descrever a sua distribuição espacial de acordo com o Programa Cidadão Seguro do Estado de Goiás. METODOLOGIA: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e transversal, desenvolvido com sujeitos Policiais Militares da Policia Militar de Goiás por meio do estudo de um banco de dados referente as avaliações periódicas do estado de saúde dos PMs realizadas entre 2009 e 2013. A amostra foi selecionada de acordo com os critérios de seleção, que incluíram aqueles com infomações cadastrais e avaliações multidisciplinar completas e não aponsentados; e excluíram aqueles com dados cadastrais e avaliações por área multidisciplinar incompletos, aponsentados, do policiais grávidas; com dados duplicadas e triplicadas; com digitações equivocadas e incompletas. Totalizando 6303 policiais, 52,5% do total da população do estudo (94,5% em homens e 5,5% em mulheres), sendo distribuídos conforme as regiões do Programa Cidadão Seguro do Estado de Goías. A pesquisa foi dividida em: 1ª fase – Organização e coleta dos dados, 2ª Fase - Aplicação dos critérios de diagnóstico para a SM - National Cholesterol Education Program revisado, e 3ª Fase - Análise dos dados - estatística descritiva com distribuição espacial utilizando varredura scan de Kulldorff. RESULTADOS: Dos 6303 PMs avaliados, 23,7% (n = 1495) são portadores de SM, divididos em 22,6% de homens e 1,1% de mulheres. A maioria com o intervalo de idade entre 40 e 45 anos (32,4%), sendo que as taxas aumentam acima de 20% a partir de 35 anos, decrescendo aos 55 anos; casados (70,4%); com grau de ensino médio incompleto (45,1%); com atividade física abaixo de três vezes por semana (55,2%); com patente de Sargento (45,0%); não fumantes (89,8%); com sono normal (92,1%); e de Goiânia (30,3%). Dos componentes, encontraram-se nos PMs 58,9% de pressão arterial, 42,8% de triglicerídeos, 30,3% de High Density Lipoprotein, 20,9% de circunferência abdominal e 17,4% de glicose em jejum. A SM não foi correlacionada com as ocorrências policiais. O índice de massa corpórea e a idade foram os fatores de risco associados a maiores chances para a SM, principalmente, com idade entre 40 e 45 anos e sobrepeso. Os agrupamentos de maior risco relativo (1,22) foram encontrados nas regiões de: Itumbiara, Cidade de Goiás, Iporá, Jataí e Rio Verde, e com o menor risco relativo (0,82) em Goiânia. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da SM entre os PMs de Goiás foi de 23,7%, sendo mais frequente nos sujeitos com idade entre 40 e 45 anos, casados, com grau de ensino médio incompleto, com atividade física abaixo de três vezes por semana, Sargentos, não fumantes, com sono normal e lotados em Goiânia. Os fatores de risco identificados foram o IMC e a idade, respectivamente, as classes mais potencialisadoras, idade entre 40 a 45 anos e sobrepeso aumentam a associação com a SM. Não foi encontrada correlação entre esta Síndrome e as ocorrências policiais. Quanto a distribuição espacial, as regiões com maior frequência foram: Águas Lindas de Goiás - 31,5%; Porangatu - 29,7%; Rio Verde - 28,9%; Itumbiara - 28,8%; e Iporá - 28,4%.

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