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Digitalisering av instruktioner för maskinoperatörer / Digitalisation of instructions for machine operatorsPatel, Sharmila, Sritharan, Aron January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete genomfördes hos ett tillverkande företag utanför Stockholm. Företagets produktion består delvis av egenbyggda maskiner. Lämpliga instruktioner för underhåll, riggning samt felsökning fanns inte tillgängliga för dessa maskiner. En av de mest kritiska avdelningarna hos företaget kallas för klipp- och rullavdelningen. För tillfället finns endast en operatör i avdelningen som känner till samtliga maskiners funktioner. Denna operatör innehar så kallad tyst kunskap. Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att dokumentera tyst kunskap genom digitalisering av instruktioner. Efter att mål, problemdefinition och tillvägagångssätt fastställts gjordes en faktainsamling som bestod av primär- och sekundärdata. Diskussioner med företagets VD och de operatörer som arbetar i den aktuella avdelningen genomfördes. Detta bidrog till en djupare förståelse av problemet som i sin tur skapade en grund för hur digitaliseringen skulle ske. Arbetet bestod även av en teoretisk referensram vars syfte var att bidra till förståelse av vetenskaplig karaktär. I den teoretiska referensramen studerades även det nya konceptet för digitalisering inom industrin och dess påverkan på små och medelstora företag (SMF). Digitaliseringen karaktäriseras av smart teknologi. I dagsläget anses inte vissa smarta teknologier, så som virtual reality (virtuell verklighet) och augmented reality (förstärkt verklighet) tillämpbara hos företaget. Augmented reality (AR) kan dock komma att underlätta reparation och liknande arbetsuppgifter i framtiden. Den metod som valdes för att ta fram instruktioner var videoinspelning. Tillämpning av detta ansågs vara ett adekvat val då projektet utfördes. För att kunna spela in, redigera och använda videoinstruktioner krävs dock kompatibel hård- och mjukvara. De rekommendationer som gavs till företaget var att lagra filerna på ett intranät eller någon molntjänst som skapar lättillgänglighet. Förutom videoinstruktioner rekommenderas även praktisk handledning av en erfaren operatör. Detta skapar en kombination av praktisk och teoretisk inlärning. Instruktioner för hur företaget ska redigera och lagra videoinspelningarna togs fram för att skapa ett standardiserat arbete. / This project was conducted at a manufacturing company outside of Stockholm. Production is partially operated by machines that are manufactured by the company; however, appropriate maintenance instructions, machine settings and error search are currently unavailable for these machines. The most critical department within the workshop is called “cut and roll”, the department only has one operator who has full knowledge of the machines and their functions. This type of knowledge possessed by the operator is called tacit knowledge. The aim of this project is to document and transfer the tacit knowledge through digitalisation of instructions. After defining the problem, methods and aims of the project, primary and secondary data was collected. Furthermore, discussions were held with the chief executive of the company and the operators working in the cut and roll department. This led to a deeper understanding of the main problem and created a foundation for the methods used to digitalise instructions. The project also contains a literature review to conduce the scientific aspects of the problem. Moreover, the upcoming concept regarding digitalisation within manufacturing companies and its effect on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) was also taken into consideration. The concept is characterised by smart technology. These types of technologies, e.g. virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), are not adequate to implement in the company today. Even so, AR could be a complementary tool regarding maintenance and similar tasks in the future. The method used to digitalise instructions was video recording, serving as the most adequate digital tool whilst executing the project. However, compatible hardware and software is necessary to create video instructions. Recommendations proposed to the company are that instructions should be stored in an intranet or cloud; and, in addition to video instructions, practical supervision given by an experienced operator is recommended. Thereby giving a combination of both practical and theoretical learning. Instructions on how to edit and store the videos was created to maintain standardized working methods.
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Developing Skills Through Digital Project-Based Learning : Dual case study of Linköping University and WSP Sweden ABJungerth, Magnus, Andersson, Louise January 2022 (has links)
The number of project-based organizations has increased in recent times, as has the teaching method of project-based learning. These two phenomena are related but little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between them, especially from a skills development perspective. Hence the first purpose of this study is to compare the skills that are necessary for work in a project-based organization with the skills that are developed in learning through project-based learning. Furthermore, the pandemic brought on a digitalized work environment for students in higher education. Therefore, the second purpose of the study is to examine the changes in skills development during digitalization, especially for students who work with project-based learning. A dual case study conducted in a qualitative manner has been administered to acquire both the project-based organization and the project-based learning perspective. To gain these perspectives, three students at Linköping University, who have worked extensively with project-based learning, and three employees at the project-based organization WSP Sweden AB were interviewed. The interview data was then thematically categorized and discussed. The results suggest that communication and collaboration skills were developed by working through project-based learning. These skills were also specifically pertinent for work in a project-based organization. However, they were more difficult to develop during digitalization while they grew more important for project-based organizations. Moreover, it was found that tacit knowledge was more relevant for work at WSP Sweden AB, while explicit knowledge was more relevant for studies at Linköping University. During the digitalization of the Covid-19 pandemic, group constellations and project team constellations had significant similarities, while motivation occurred differently in project-based learning compared to project-based organizations.
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Skapa engagemang och förbättringar i processen för arbetsberedningar genom offensiv kvalitetsutveckling / Create engagement and improvements in the process for work preparation through Total Quality ManagementChristiansson, Louise, Lindlöv Johansson, Jeanette January 2023 (has links)
Byggsektorn behandlar en rad krav och regleringar. Detta för att både upprätthålla kvalitet i utförande men även i säkerhet för de anställda. Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling kan ses som riktlinje och ramverk för när företag genomför förbättringar och arbetar med kundfokuserad kvalitet. Om ett företag har en högre nivå av tyst och explicit kunskap tillsammans med en motvilja för förändring skapar detta i sin tur utmaningar, detta både inom nödvändiga förbättringar och hur dessa faktiskt genomförs med bra förändringsledning. Denna studie genomförs på den anonymiserade organisationen Byggbolaget. Verksamheten arbetar med dokumentation för riskhantering vid riskfyllda moment i byggprocessen, kallat arbetsberedning. Ledningen har en känsla av att utförandet och dokumentationen för denna process inte har den kvalitet som den bör. De behöver en förståelse för differensen mellan ledningens kommunikation och medarbetarnas utförande. Studien ämnar både att undersöka denna differens samt tillhandahålla förbättringsförslag till processen för arbetsberedningar och dess dokumentation. Teorierna som ligger till grund för studien utgår från offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, organisationsförståelse, kommunikation samt förändringsledning. Med studiens kvalitativa metod och insamlande av data, genom intervjuer, dokumentinsamling och litteratur, visar resultatet att medarbetare ser dokumentationen och riskhanteringen som mycket viktigt. Dock är problemet att tid och resurser brister, detta trots stöd från ledning. Medarbetarna känner att de inte får de rätta möjligheterna till att utföra processen på bästa möjliga sätt. / The construction industry handles demands and regulations in order to assure both quality in the outcome as well as safety for the workers. TQM can be seen as a guide when a company does improvements and customer focused quality. If a company has a bigger level of tacit and explicit knowledge, together with the natural aversion towards changes, it creates challenges. Both in which improvements are needed, and in having a good change management process for those improvements. The study is carried out at the anonymized organization Byggbolaget. The company is working with documentation regarding risk assessments in specific hazardous moments in the construction process called work preparation. The management has a feeling that the execution and documentation around the process doesn’t have the quality it should. They are in need to understand the assumed gap between management and the employee’s execution. The study aims to investigate that gap as well as present improvement suggestions regarding both the process “Work preparations” and the documentation created during execution. The theory behind the analyses is TQM, organizational understanding, communication, and change management. With its qualitative method and gathering of data, from both interviews, documentation and literature, the result shows that the employees see the documentation, and doing the risk assessment as very important. The problem is that the time and resources are lacking even though the management expresses support for the execution. The employees don’t feel that the opportunities are given to execute the process in its best way.
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Job satisfaction and emotional work tasks : dentists in Sweden and DenmarkBergström, Kamilla January 2014 (has links)
Avhandlingen består av två studier som utgår från projektet ”Det goda arbetet”. Det överordnade syftet med projektet Det Goda Arbetet var att använda tandvård som ett exempel på ett arbete där relationerna med patienterna utgör arbetets kärna. Denna typ av arbete (även kallat människovårdande arbete) har speciella psykosociala arbetsmiljövillkor och känslomässiga krav som måste tas hänsyn till vid organisering av arbetet. Syftet med den första studien var att beskriva bakgrunden och utvecklingen av frågeformuläret ’Svenska och Danska tandläkares uppfattning av ’Det Goda Arbetet’ och att skapa ett mått för generell arbetstillfredsställelse, applicerat på fyra organisatoriska miljöer. Syftet med den andra studien var att introducera konceptet emotionellt arbete i tandvård genom att ge en teoretisk överblick av de emotionella aspekterna av arbetet, villkoren under vilka arbetet utförs och de potentiella effekterna på tandläkarnas välbefinnande. I kappan har kompletterande resultat från projektet Det Goda Arbetet inkluderats i syfte att ge en empirisk illustration av hur tandläkare upplever de emotionella faktorer som relaterar till patient-interaktionen och deras arbetsglädje. Data från 1226 danska och svenska verksamma tandläkare samlades in i November 2008 med en svarsprocent på 68 %. Ett additivt index skapades för att mäta generell arbetstillfredsställelse, och resultaten visade statistiska skillnader i tandläkarnas uppfattning mellan de olika organisatoriska miljöerna (Svenska offentliga/privata och Danska offentliga/privata). De danska offentliga tandläkarna hade den högsta graden av generell arbetstillfredsställelse medan de svenska offentliga hade den lägsta graden. En möjlig förklaring till detta kan vara att danska offentliga tandläkare skiljer sig från de andra tre grupperna i karakteristika vad gäller både tandläkare och patienter. Den låga graden av generell arbetstillfredsställelse hos de offentliga svenska tandläkarna kan möjligtvis vara en effekt av New Public Management-tänkande i sättet att organisera tandvård. Tilläggsresultaten visade att de svenska offentliga tandläkarna hade mycket mindre energi till sina privatliv i jämförelse med de andra tre grupperna och bara hälften av dem förväntade sig att fortsätta arbeta som nu fram till pensionen. Att arbeta med eller på människor handlar mycket om att skapa goda interaktioner och relationer mellan vårdgivaren och patienten. Goda patientrelationer kan vara ett primärt- och/eller sekundärt mål för att göra andra saker, som t.ex. den kliniska behandlingen, lättare. För många vårdgivare är relationerna med patienterna en arena där de kan leva ut sin potential som människor och kan upplevas som en bestående inre glädje av arbetet, kallat eudaimonia. I patientrelationen utför tandläkaren emotionellt arbete som ett sätt att intervenera med patienten för att vägleda denne i en bestämd riktning. Tandläkare har uttalade emotionella arbetsuppgifter i sina interaktioner med patienterna, emellertid har dessa emotionella aspekter av arbetet hitintills varit ett försummat forskningsområde inom odontologin. De emotionella arbetsuppgifterna är betingade eftersom att tandläkarens incitament inte är endimensionella och därför kräver de en hel del emotionell flexibilitet, uppmärksamhet och reflektion av tandläkaren. Påverkan från marknadskrafter och managerialism på de professionella värdena inom tandvård kan av tandläkaren uppfattas som motstridande och utmana villkoren för emotionellt arbete och tandläkarnas välbefinnande. Denna forskning syftar till att starka och uppmuntra olika nivåer av tandvård till att ytterligare undersöka, förstå och stötta dynamiken i de emotionella aspekterna av arbetet för att skapa en hållbar arbetsmiljö där värden och logik kan uppfattas som kompatibla med tandvårdens professionella värden. / The thesis consists of two papers which are based on a research project called ‘Good Work’. The overall aim of the Good Work project was to use dentistry as an example of work which has close relations with patients at its core. This kind of work (also called human service work) has special psycho-social work environment considerations and emotional requirements, which need to be considered when organizing work. The aims of the first study were to describe the background and development of the questionnaire ‘Swedish and Danish Dentists’ Perceptions of Good Work’ and to create a measure of overall job satisfaction, applying the measure in four organizational settings. The aim of the second study was to introduce the concept of emotion work in dentistry by giving a theoretical overview of the emotional aspects of work, the conditions under which it is performed and the potential effects on the dentist’s wellbeing. Additional results from the Good Work project have been included in the thesis with the purpose of giving an empirical illustration of how dentists experience the emotional factors related to patient interaction and their job satisfaction. Data from 1226 Danish and Swedish practising dentists was collected in November 2008, with a 68% response rate. An additive index was created to measure overall job satisfaction showing statistical difference in the dentists’ experience according to affiliation (Swedish public/private, Danish public/private). The Danish public dentists had the highest degree of overall job satisfaction and the Swedish public dentists had the lowest. A reason for this difference might be that Danish public dentistry differs from the other three groups in the characteristics of both dentists and patients. However, the lower job satisfaction for the Swedish public dentists could be an effect of New Public Management thinking in organizing dentistry. The additional results showed that Swedish public dentists had substantially less energy left for their private lives compared with the other three groups and only half of them expected to continue working as they do now until retirement. Working directly with or on people is very much about creating good interactions and relations between the health professional and the patient. Good patient relations can be a primary aim and/or a secondary aim, to make other things, e.g. the clinical treatment, easier. To many health professionals their relations with the patients is an arena in which to activate their human potentials and can be experienced as a lasting intrinsic joy from work, called eudaimonia. In the relation with the patient the dentist performs emotion work as an intervention toolkit to direct the patient in a specific direction. Dentists have extensive emotional work tasks in their patient interactions, however this emotional part of dentists’ work is, so far, a neglected research area of odontology. The emotion work tasks are conditioned because the dentists’ incentives are not one-dimensional and require a great deal of emotional flexibility, attentiveness and reflection by the dentist. The influence of the market and managerialism on the professional values of dentistry may challenge the conditions for these tasks in the patient interaction and the wellbeing of the dentist if they are experienced as contradictory. This research aims to encourage and empower different levels of dentistry to further investigate, understand and support the dynamics of the emotional aspects of work with the aim to constitute a sustainable work environment where values and logics can be experienced as compatible with professional values.
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A Post-Critical Science of Administration: Toward a Society of ExplorersWickstrom, Craig M. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Knowledge management practices in rural areas of South AfricaMbhalati, Oliver Jan 28 September 2011 (has links)
This research report captures a detailed exposition of an investigation on Knowledge Management (KM) practices in public and private sector entities in three industries (health, education and business loans) of Limpopo province – a proxy of the rural areas of South Africa. The investigation was necessitated by a need to understand KM in organisational context experiencing constraints in terms of resources that enable KM. It was found through an intensive literature review that there were very few empirical studies on KM practices of organisations operating in the rural areas, particularly in Africa.
The theoretical framework of the study emanates from the knowledge-based view which has been popularised by the seminal work of Peter Drucker and Nonaka in the early half of the 90s. The knowledge-based view as presented in chapter 2 recognises the strategic role of knowledge in organisations. Its genesis is traced from the theories of classical scholars such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Various empirical studies of entities which have adopted the knowledge-based view are presented in chapter 2 of this report.
The researcher observes from an intensive KM literature study that the average modern organisation could be categorised as knowledge-intensive considering that knowledge workers constitute the majority of its workforce. The definitions of a knowledge-based organisation and knowledge workers are presented in the operational definitions of key concepts. Arising from the identified gaps in KM literature as presented towards the end of chapter 2, this study was conducted as a comparative study between public and private sector entities in three research industries focusing on their extent of ICT application and degree of knowledge-oriented social factors for information and knowledge sharing.
The investigation was guided by three research objectives as discussed in chapter 1 of this research report. The main purpose of the study was to answer two fundamental research questions as reflected in chapter 1. In answering the two research questions, the researcher identified four research hypotheses in line with the findings established from KM literature. These hypotheses are discussed in chapter 2 of this report.The underlying hypothesised statement guiding the study was to determine whether there were any significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the three research industries in terms of four research constructs. These are: application of ICTs for knowledge and information sharing, degree of achievement of knowledge-based outcomes, tacit knowledge acquisition and the degree of knowledge-oriented social factors. Organisational culture, organisational structures, human resource practices and leadership comprised the social factors tested in the study. The research data were collected through a mixed research design approach combining the advantages of a survey instrument and interviews (this is fully reflected in chapter 3 of this research report).
The research results (as presented in chapter 4) pointed to some form of significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the education and business loans industry, but there were no significant differences in KM implementation between public and private sector entities in the health industry. Arising from the findings of the study, a model for improved KM implementation is presented in chapter 4 (figure 4.16).
It was found during the investigation that all the research entities approached KM implicitly through KM related practices. KM related practices were found to be far more entrenched in the health industry (both public and private sector entities), the private sector entities in the education and business loans industries than was the case with the public sector entities in the education and business loans industries. In the entities where KM related practices were found to be entrenched, there were concerted efforts towards improved organisational processes. The study has managed to unravel the importance of KM related practices in laying the foundation for a formalised KM approach. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Informacijos ir žinių vadyba Lietuvos vyriausybinėse organizacijose / Information and knowledge management in the lithuanian governmental organisationsKarachanova, Margo 27 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo objektas – informacijos vadyba, žinių vadyba, Lietuvos Vyriausybinės organizacijos. Darbo tikslas – ištirti informacijos vadybą ir žinių vadybą Lietuvos Vyriausybinėse organizacijose. Darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti informacijos vadybos ir žinių vadybos sąvokas; išanalizuoti informacijos vadybos ir žinių vadybos dedamuosius; ištirti informacijos vadybos ir žinių vadybos taikymą Lietuvos Vyriausybinėse organizacijose. Naudojantis mokslinės literatūros analizės, apibendrinimo metodais prieita prie išvados, kad Lietuvos Vyriausybinėse organizacijose informacijos ir žinių vadyba yra taikoma, bet nėra tikslingai valdoma. Išskirti tam tikri padaliniai ir (ar) atskiri asmenys, atsakingi už visų informacijos ir žinių vadybos procesų ar jų dalį funkcionavimą organizacijose. Nepaisant to, kad informacijos ir žinių vadybos potenciali organizacijai suteikiama nauda Lietuvos Vyriausybinėse organizacijose nėra suvokta, tačiau jos jau dabar turi tvirtą pagrindą informacijos ir žinių vadybos vystymuisi ir klestėjimui. Šis mokslinis magistro darbas bus naudingas tiek mokslininkams, tiek praktikams, o taip pat visiems besidomintiems informacijos ir žinių vadybos tematika teoriniu bei praktiniu aspektais. / The object – information management, knowledge management, the Lithuanian governmental organizations. The main goal of this scientific Master Diploma work – to explore the information and knowledge management in the Lithuanian governmental organizations. Objectives – to uncover the definitions of information and knowledge management; to explore the components of the information and knowledge management; to examine the use of the information and knowledge management in the Lithuanian governmental organizations. Using the analysis or scientific literature and the generalization methods the information and knowledge management were examined in the Lithuanian governmental organizations. It was discovered, that the information and knowledge management are already being used in the governmental organizations, though they are not being properly managed. There are separate departments, responsible for the work of the information and knowledge management’s processes or at least part of them. Despite everything, the true value of the information and knowledge management is not yet recognized by the Lithuanian governmental organizations, though even now there is a steady foundation for the development and prosperity of the information and knowledge management. This scientific work could be useful for those interested into the theory and practices of using the information and knowledge management.
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Le transfert informel des connaissances tacites chez les gestionnaires municipaux en situation de coordinationMercier, Diane 01 1900 (has links)
Ce rapport de recherche porte sur une étude s’intéressant au transfert des connaissances tacites chez les gestionnaires, c’est-à-dire le partage de ces connaissances et leur utilisation informelle, durant une situation de coordination dans un service municipal.
La thèse est articulée autour des questions suivantes : Quelles sont les situations de coordination vécues par les gestionnaires municipaux? Quelles sont les sources de connaissances tacites partagées et utilisées? Quelles sont les relations de connaissances mobilisées de façon informelle lors du transfert des connaissances tacites? Quels sont les facteurs encourageant ou inhibant le transfert informel des connaissances tacites?
À partir d’un modèle basé sur une approche situationnelle (Taylor, 1989 et 1991), nous avons revu la documentation touchant nos questions de recherche. Nous avons défini notamment la récursivité des connaissances et le réseau de connaissances, de même que présenté le modèle de la conversion des connaissances (Nonaka, 1994) et celui de l’actualisation de soi (St-Arnaud, 1996).
Nous avons questionné 22 répondants à l’aide d’instruments de mesure qui combinent les techniques de l’incident critique, de l’entrevue cognitive et réflexive, le questionnement sur les réseaux organisationnels et l’observation participante. Tels des filets, ces instruments ont permis de traquer et d’obtenir des données d’une grande richesse sur les connaissances tacites et les comportements informels durant le transfert de connaissances en situation de coordination. Ces données ont été analysées selon une approche méthodologique essentiellement qualitative combinant l’analyse de contenu, la schématisation heuristique et l’analyse des réseaux sociaux.
Nos résultats montrent que la complexité d’une situation de coordination conditionne le choix des mécanismes de coordination. De plus, les sources de connaissances sont, du point de vue individuel, le gestionnaire et ses artefacts, de même que son réseau personnel avec ses propres artefacts. Du point de vue collectif, ces sources sont réifiées dans le réseau de connaissances. Les connaissances clés d’une situation de coordination sont celles sur le réseau organisationnel, le contexte, les expériences en gestion et en situation complexe de coordination, la capacité de communiquer, de négocier, d’innover et celle d’attirer l’attention. Individuellement, les gestionnaires privilégient l’actualisation de soi, l’autoformation et la formation contextualisée et, collectivement, la coprésence dans l’action, le réseautage et l’accompagnement.
Cette étude fournit un modèle valide du transfert contextualisé des connaissances qui est un cas de coordination complexe d’activités en gestion des connaissances. Ce transfert est concomitant à d’autres situations de coordination. La nature tacite des connaissances prévaut, de même que le mode informel, les médias personnels et les mécanismes d’ajustement mutuel. Les connaissances tacites sont principalement transférées au début des processus de gestion de projet et continuellement durant la rétroaction et le suivi des résultats. Quant aux connaissances explicites, les gestionnaires les utilisent principalement comme un symbole à la fin des processus de gestion de projet. Parmi les personnes et les groupes de personnes d’une situation de transfert contextualisé des connaissances, 10 % jouent des rôles clés, soit ceux d’experts et d’intermédiaires de personnes et d’artefacts. Les personnes en périphérie possèdent un potentiel de structuration, c’est-à-dire de connexité, pour assurer la continuité du réseau de connaissances organisationnel.
Notre étude a élargi le modèle général de la complexité d’une situation (Bystrom, 1999; Choo, 2006; Taylor, 1986 et 1991), la théorie de la coordination (Malone et Crowston, 1994), le modèle de la conversion des connaissances (Nonaka, 1994), celui de l’actualisation de soi (St-Arnaud, 1996) et la théorie des réseaux de connaissances (Monge et Contractor, 2003). Notre modèle réaffirme la concomitance de ces modèles généraux selon une approche constructiviste (Giddens, 1987) où la dualité du structurel et la compétence des acteurs sont confirmées et enrichies. / This research report is about a study on tacit knowledge transfer in the organization. This study focuses on sharing tacit knowledge and its informal utilization in a coordination situation.
This thesis is articulated around those following questions : In which kind of coordination situations are involved municipal managers? Which knowledge sources are shared and used? Which knowledge relations are mobilised in an informal way during tacit knowledge transfer? Which factors encourage it?
From an situational approach model, we revised litterature on those questions. We defined knowledge recursivity, knowledge network and knowledge conversion model (Nonaka, 1994) and a model on self actualization (St-Arnaud, 1996).
We interviewed 22 respondants with research tools combining critical incident technique, cognitive and reflexive interview, organizational network questionning and participating observation. Like fishing nets , those tools permitted to track and obtain rich data on tacit knowledge and informal behavior during tacit knowledge transfer involving coordination situation. The data were analysed combining qualitative content analysis, mind mapping and social network analysis.
Our research results show that coordination situation complexity conditions the choice of coordination mechanism. On an individual basis, knowledge sources are the manager and its artefacts and his personal network including also its artefacts. Collective knowledge sources are reificated in a knowledge network. Key knowledge and skills as far as a coordination situation is concerned are organizational network, context, management and complex coordination situation experience, communication capacity, negociation, innovation and attention capacities. Individually, managers prefer self actualization, self- learning, contextualized learning and, collectively, managers rely more on copresence in action, social networking and escorting.
This study has, as an outcome, a valid model on contextualized knowledge transfer which is a complex knowledge management coordination case. This transfer is concomitant with other coordination situations. Tacit knowledge prevails as it is the case with the informal mode, personal medias and mutual adjustment mecanisms. Tacit knowledge is mainly transfered at the very beginning of a project management process and also constantly, during retroaction and result following. Explicit knowledge is used by managers mainly like a symbol at the end of a project management process. Amongst individuals and groups involved in a coordination situation no more than 10 % play key roles : experts, artefact and persons brokers. Peripheral individuals have structuration potential, in other words connexity, for the continuity of organizational knowledge network.
Our study enlarged the general situation complexity model (Bystrom, 1999; Choo, 2006; Taylor, 1986 et 1991), the theory of coordination (Malone et Crowston, 1994), the knowledge conversion model (Nonaka, 1994), self actualization model (St-Arnaud, 1996) and, the knowledge network theory (Monge et Contractor, 2003). Our model confirms concomitance of those general models according to the constructivist approach (Giddens, 1987) where structural duality and actors competence are confirmed and enriched. / En este reporte de investigación se expone un estudio sobre la transferencia de conocimientos tácitos en los gestores, es decir sobre el cómo se comparten estos conocimientos y su utilización informal durante una situación de coordinación en un servicio municipal.
La tesis está articulada en torno a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cuáles son las situaciones de coordinación que viven los gestores municipales? ¿Cuáles son las fuentes de conocimientos tácitos que comparten y utilizan? ¿Cuáles son las relaciones de conocimientos que se movilizan de manera informal durante la transferencia de conocimientos tácitos? ¿Cuáles son los factores que promueven o inhiben la transferencia informal de conocimientos tácitos?
Se revisó la documentación relativa a nuestro tema de investigación a partir de un modelo con enfoque situacional (Taylor, 1989 et 1991). Hemos definido señaladamente la recursividad de los conocimientos y de la red de conocimientos. Asimismo hemos presentado el modelo de la conversión de conocimientos (Nonaka, 1994) y el de la actualización de sí (St-Arnaud, 1996).
Inquirimos a 22 informantes, mediante instrumentos de medición que combinan las técnicas del incidente crítico, la entrevista cognitiva y reflexiva, la averiguación sobre las redes organizacionales y la observación participante. Como si fueran tramas, estos instrumentos han permitido rastrear y obtener datos de gran riqueza sobre los conocimientos tácitos y los comportamientos informales durante la transferencia de conocimientos en situaciones de coordinación. Estos datos se analizaron adoptando un enfoque metodológico esencialmente cualitativo combinando el análisis de contenidos, la esquematización heurística y el análisis de redes sociales.
Nuestros resultados muestran que la complejidad de una situación de coordinación condiciona la elección de los mecanismos de coordinación. Además, las fuentes de conocimientos son, desde el punto de vista individual, el gestor y sus artefactos, así como su red personal con sus propios artefactos. Desde el punto de vista colectivo, estas fuentes se reifican en la red de conocimientos. Los conocimientos claves de una situación de coordinación son aquellos relativos a la red organizacional, el contexto, las experiencias en gestión, y en situación compleja de coordinación, la capacidad de comunicar, de negociar, de innovar, y la de llamar la atención. Individualmente, los gestores privilegian la actualización de sí, la autoformación y la formación contextualizada y, colectivamente, la co-presencia en la acción, la puesta en red y el acompañamiento.
Este estudio aporta un modelo válido de la transferencia contextualizada de conocimientos que constituye un caso de coordinación compleja de actividades en gestión de conocimientos. Esta transferencia es concomitante con otras situaciones de coordinación. La naturaleza tácita de los conocimientos prevalece, así como el modo informal, los medios personales y los mecanismos de ajuste mutuo. Los conocimientos tácitos se transfieren principalmente al inicio de los procesos de gestión de proyectos y se siguen transferiendo durante la retroacción y el seguimiento de los resultados. En cuanto a los conocimientos explícitos, los gestores los utilizan principalmente como un símbolo al final de los procesos de gestión de proyecto. Entre las personas y los grupos de personas de una situación de transferencia contextualizada de conocimientos 10% tienen papeles claves, es decir los de expertos e intermediarios de personas y de artefactos. Las personas en periferia poseen un potencial de estructuración, es decir, de conexidad, para asegurar la continuidad de la red de conocimientos organizacionales.
Nuestro estudio amplió el modelo general de la complejidad de una situación (Bystrom, 1999; Choo, 2006; Taylor, 1986 et 1991), la teoría de la coordinación (Malone et Crowston, 1994), el modelo de la conversión de conocimientos (Nonaka, 1994), el de la actualización sí (St-Arnaud, 1996) y la teoría de redes de conocimientos (Monge et Contractor, 2003). Nuestro modelo reafirma la concomitancia de estos modelos generales según un enfoque constructivista (Giddens, 1987) en el cual la dualidad estructural y la competencia de los actores se confirman y se enriquecen.
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La complémentarité et la place de différents types de savoirs dans l'intervention psychosociale en réadaptation physiqueCrête, Josianne 06 1900 (has links)
En réadaptation en déficience physique, les intervenantes psychosociales utilisent
plusieurs types de savoirs, mais la relation entre ceux-ci est peu étudiée. Ce projet
regarde quelle place ces intervenantes accordent à différents types de savoirs dans
leurs pratiques.
Nous distinguons savoirs théoriques, produits scientifiquement, savoirs pratiques,
produits par l’action et l’expérience, et savoirs existentiels, englobant croyances et
valeurs. Les données recueillies qualitativement par huit entrevues semi-dirigées
auprès d’intervenantes psychosociales en réadaptation ont été codifiées et analysées
horizontalement et verticalement.
Ceci démontre que tous les savoirs ont une place dans l’intervention et qu’ils
devraient être égaux et complémentaires. Ils remplissent des fonctions influençant
divers aspects de l’intervention ou s’adressant à différents acteurs, à différents
moments de l’intervention. Ce projet a permis de construire des savoirs pratiques et
des savoirs théoriques qui ont des retombées sur la pratique et la recherche, mais
laissent plusieurs points en suspens à reprendre ultérieurement. / Social workers practicing in the physical rehabilitation field work with different types
of knowledge, but only a few studies looked into the relationship between them. The
present research project aims at understanding the place these social workers allow
different types of knowledge in their practice.
We distinguish theoretical knowledge, produced scientifically, practice knowledge,
built from action and experience, and existential knowledge, like beliefs and values.
The information collected qualitatively from eight semi-directed interviews with
these social workers was codified and analyzed horizontally and vertically.
This demonstrates that all types of knowledge have a place in practice and are equal
and complementary. They fulfill different functions either addressed to specific
actors, and moments in intervention, or to many of them at once. This project
produced both practical and theoretical knowledge that have an impact on practice
and research, but that leave some unresolved questions to get back to in the future.
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Bedömning av texttolkning : En studie i hur lärare bedömer elevers förmåga att tolka budskap i text / Assessment of text interpretation : A study of how teachers assess students' ability to interpret the message of a text.Helming Gustavsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
This study, based on interviews with seven teachers of Swedish, investigates how they define the concept of text interpretation and how they assess pupils’ ability to interpret text. The results show that the teachers define text interpretation as an ability to perceive hidden messages in text and an ability that is closely connected to reading comprehension. This description agrees with the way text interpretation is explained in previous research but not with the description in the curriculum. This is a defect, since teachers ought to know what they are supposed to assess, based on the steering documents they are expected to follow in their professional practice. Here, however, the teachers’ assessment skills are shown to be an asset. When teaching literature the teachers say that they normally use dialogue and written assignments in which pupils reason on the basis of the content of the text and their personal experience. The forms of assessment are summative and formal, although it seems difficult to use fixed answer templates for reasoning in contexts like this where it is not clear what can be said to be right or wrong. Summative assessment, however, seems more reliable and credible than formative assessment. A picture thus emerges of the difficulty of assessing text interpretation which is simultaneously multivalent and reliable. / Denna studie är grundad på intervjuer av 7 svensklärare i syfte att undersöka hur de definierar begreppet texttolkning och hur de bedömer elevers förmåga att tolka text. I resultatet framgår att lärarna definierar texttolkning som en förmåga att uppfatta dolda budskap i text och en förmåga som är nära sammankopplad med läsförståelse. Denna beskrivning stämmer väl överens med hur texttolkning förklaras i tidigare forskning men inte med den beskrivning som framkommer i läroplanen. Detta är en brist då lärare bör veta vad de ska bedöma, utifrån styrdokument de ska utgå från i sin yrkesutövning. Här framstår dock lärares bedömningsfärdighet som en tillgång. Vid litteraturundervisning säger lärarna att de vanligen tillämpar dialog och skriftliga inlämningsuppgifter, med resonemang utifrån både textens innehåll och personliga erfarenheter. Bedömningsformerna är summativa och formella, även om fasta svarsmallar ter sig svåra att använda vid resonemang, då det i dessa sammanhang inte tydligt framgår något som med säkerhet kan sägas vara rätt eller fel. Summativ bedömning ter sig dock mer tillförlitlig och trovärdig vid en bedömningssituation, jämfört med formativ. Här framkommer således en bild av att det är svårt att bedöma texttolkning som på samma gång är flertydig och tillförlitlig.
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