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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development of Team Relationships in Teacher and Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Integrated Staff Teaching Teams in Full-day, Every Day Kindergarten

Tozer, Catharine Clark 07 January 2013 (has links)
This collective case study examined the factors affecting the collaborative relationship between teachers and early childhood educators (ECEs) teaching together in elementary schools as Early Learning Teams in the first year of implementation of full-time kindergarten in Ontario. There are six major adjustments required concurrently by the Ontario government’s new policy in all kindergarten classrooms: team-teaching (sharing instruction, not just classroom management); supporting ECEs as new staff; changing from theme-based to inquiry-based; balancing the School District’s literacy goals with provincial play-based curriculum; double the instructional time, and the increased number of children in the classroom (up from 19 to 24-30). Two of the four classrooms studied in a rural Ontario school district were full-day, every day kindergartens (FDK) for 4 and 5 year olds and the other two were alternate full-days. Data were collected through classroom observations and interviews with principals, kindergarten teachers and ECEs. Case study theory guided the collection and analysis of data with open coding of transcripts, active code notes and memos to help answer the question of how to best implement FDK programs in Ontario. Results indicated that the FDK Team relationship itself enabled and constrained classroom instructional strategies, which would in turn have an impact on student outcomes. Collaborative practice involved a process that was affected by both internal factors (such as teacher foreknowledge of ECE skills), and thirteen external factors which arose from government and school district mandates, as well as practices of the school principal. Examples are: planning time, pay differential, hiring practices and adjusting to the new curriculum at the same time as the team adjusts to team teaching. The collaboration of more than 9,500 teacher and ECE teams is key to the success of Ontario’s new full-time early learning program. The education sector needs to adopt the long-established business practice of supporting team development through recognizing progressive teaming stages, such as those identified by Tuckman (1965). Recommendations are made for principals, school districts offices, government policy, FDK teachers, ECEs, and colleges that provide ECE training. A mnemonic for the four attributes evident in high-functioning collaborative integrated teaching teams (RISE) is proposed.

The Development of Team Relationships in Teacher and Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Integrated Staff Teaching Teams in Full-day, Every Day Kindergarten

Tozer, Catharine Clark 07 January 2013 (has links)
This collective case study examined the factors affecting the collaborative relationship between teachers and early childhood educators (ECEs) teaching together in elementary schools as Early Learning Teams in the first year of implementation of full-time kindergarten in Ontario. There are six major adjustments required concurrently by the Ontario government’s new policy in all kindergarten classrooms: team-teaching (sharing instruction, not just classroom management); supporting ECEs as new staff; changing from theme-based to inquiry-based; balancing the School District’s literacy goals with provincial play-based curriculum; double the instructional time, and the increased number of children in the classroom (up from 19 to 24-30). Two of the four classrooms studied in a rural Ontario school district were full-day, every day kindergartens (FDK) for 4 and 5 year olds and the other two were alternate full-days. Data were collected through classroom observations and interviews with principals, kindergarten teachers and ECEs. Case study theory guided the collection and analysis of data with open coding of transcripts, active code notes and memos to help answer the question of how to best implement FDK programs in Ontario. Results indicated that the FDK Team relationship itself enabled and constrained classroom instructional strategies, which would in turn have an impact on student outcomes. Collaborative practice involved a process that was affected by both internal factors (such as teacher foreknowledge of ECE skills), and thirteen external factors which arose from government and school district mandates, as well as practices of the school principal. Examples are: planning time, pay differential, hiring practices and adjusting to the new curriculum at the same time as the team adjusts to team teaching. The collaboration of more than 9,500 teacher and ECE teams is key to the success of Ontario’s new full-time early learning program. The education sector needs to adopt the long-established business practice of supporting team development through recognizing progressive teaming stages, such as those identified by Tuckman (1965). Recommendations are made for principals, school districts offices, government policy, FDK teachers, ECEs, and colleges that provide ECE training. A mnemonic for the four attributes evident in high-functioning collaborative integrated teaching teams (RISE) is proposed.


蘇淑華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在了解兩人合作時,團隊成員與夥伴之A/B類行為、能力差異知覺對於團隊工作表現、合作滿意及情緒的影響。本研究採實驗室實驗法,以131名大學女生為實驗對象,兩人一組,所需完成之作業為一電腦判斷任務。 本研究的結果乃根據2(個體之行為組型:A/B)X 2(夥伴之行為組型:A/B)X 2(能力差異知覺:佳/差)三因子變異數分析而來。在團隊工作表現方面,「個體之A/B類行為」的主要效果顯示,A類行為者的團隊工作表現,與B類行為者並沒有差異。「個體之A/B類行為」與「能力差異知覺」的交互作用顯示能力差異知覺對B類行為者的影響較A類行為者大;在被告知其能力較差時,B類行為者的團隊工作表現較A類行為者佳,而在被告知其能力較佳時,其團隊工作表現則較A類行為者差。另外,「個體之A/B類行為」、「夥伴之A/B類行為」及「能力差異知覺」的三因子交互作用達顯著,A類行為者在「知覺能力較差」且「夥伴為A類行為者」時,團隊工作表現最差。 在合作滿意方面,「個體之A/B類行為」的主要效果顯示,兩者的合作滿意度沒有差異;而「夥伴之A/B行為」的主要效果達顯著,表示不論本身為A類或B類行為者,與A類行為者合作的滿意度較低於與B類行為者合作。 在情緒部分,「個體之A/B類行為」的主要效果顯示A類行為者的情緒較B類行為者為負向,較容易焦慮;此外,「個體之A/B類行為」、「夥伴之A/B類行為」與「能力差異知覺」的三因子交互作用達顯著,當A類行為者被告知能力較差時,A類行為者與A類夥伴合作時,其情緒最為負向。 本研究最後針對所有的研究結果作整合性的討論,並依實驗所得的結果,提出可能的貢獻、限制、對未來研究的建議及工商實務上的應用。

Delaktighet och förtroende i partneringprojekt : – En fallstudie som belyser underentreprenörernas roll

Bonat, Ida, Mellåker, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Problem:                      What role do sub-contractors have in a partnering project? Purpose:                       The purpose of the case study is to describe, explain and understand the sub-contractor’s role in a partnering project. The study will complement existing partnering research that is one-dimensional. Method:                       The study had an abductive approach and was based on a literature study, which collected secondary data and created the theoretical framework, and a qualitative case study, where semi-structured interviews collected primary data and created the empirical chapter. The empirical study is based on interviews with six respondents, all participants in the same project, three sub-contractors, one main contractor and one project manager. To ensure that the empirical study answered the issue and is relevant in relation to the theoretical framework, an operationalization scheme was used in the development of the interview guide. The interviews were transcribed, commented, categorized and coded. The empirical study was built around the themes presented in the theoretical framework. The analysis was done by systematically testing the empirical material against the theories. The study has limited generalization possibilities since it only highlights one project but the study is not meant for generalization. Conclusion:                  The case study complements existing knowledge through the factors participation and trust where the sub-contractors role is explained, described and understood in the Swedish construction industry. Organisations and individuals who want to understand the role of the sub-contractor in a partnering project can use the case study. It can also be used in a more general meaning to raise knowledge about partnering. The study shows that formal means are not as crucial as earlier research states; instead the informal means are the important ones. / Frågeställning:            Vilken roll har underentreprenörerna i ett partneringprojekt? Metod:                          Studien genomfördes med en abduktiv ansats och baseras på en litteraturstudie, som samlade in sekundärdata och skapade den teoretiska referensramen, och en kvalitativ fallstudie, där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes som samlade in primärdata och ligger till grund för empiri-kapitlet. Den empiriska studien baseras på ett urval av sex respondenter, alla aktörer i samma projekt, tre underentreprenörer, en huvudentreprenör och en projektledare. För att säkerställa att den empiriska studien besvarade frågeställningen och var relevant i förhållande till litteraturstudien gjordes ett operationaliseringsschema som användes vid utvecklandet av intervjuguiden. Intervjuerna transkriberades, kommenterades, kategoriserades och kodades. Empirin byggdes upp kring de teman som presenterades i den teoretiska referensramen. Analysarbetet skedde genom att systematiskt testa empiri mot teori. Studien har begränsade generaliseringsmöjligheter eftersom den endast utgår ifrån ett projekt. Den är dock inte menad att användas för att generalisera. Slutsats:                        Studien kompletterar befintlig kunskap genom faktorerna delaktighet och förtroende som beskriver, förklarar och förstår underentreprenörers roll i den svenska byggindustrin. Studien kan användas av organisationer och individer som vill förstå underentreprenörens roll i ett partneringprojekt. Den kan också användas för att få en mer generell förståelse för partnering. Studien visar att formella medel inte är lika avgörande som tidigare forskning menar utan det är de informella medlen som har betydelse.

Utvärdering av en teambuildingsinsats effekter på teameffektivitet och ledarskattad teamprestation

Eintrei, Cecilia, Hansson, Tora January 2018 (has links)
Teamarbete (eng. teamwork) är förenat med positiva organisatoriska och individuella effekter, vilket kan förklara varför organisationer i allt större utsträckning vill genomföra teambuildingsinsater för att förbättra teameffektivitet och teamprestation. Det övergripande syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilka effekter en specifik teambuildingsinsats kunde medföra för team i termer av reflexivitet, reella teambeteenden, teammedlemsskattad teameffektivitet samt ledarskattad teamprestation. Författarna ämnade också undersöka vilken effekt insatsen kunde få för enskilda teammedlemmar i termer av förändrad arbetstillfredsställelse och intention att sluta sitt arbete. Den teambuildingsinsats som genomfördes i föreliggande examensarbete syftade till att kartlägga och förbättra beteendeprocesser. Nio team från olika verksamhetsområden med totalt 57 teammedlemmar fick ta del av teambuildingsinsatsen. Två enkäter delades ut innan insatsen, en teamledarenkät och en teammedlemsenkät, samt en enkät från ett digitalt verktyg för teambuildingsinsatsen, för att undersöka effekterna av intresse. En eftermätning gjordes fyra till sex veckor efter teambuildingsinsatsen. Pearsons korrelationskoefficient, t-test, Wilcoxons teckenrangstest samt hierarkiska multipla regressionsanalyser användes för bearbetning av data. Resultatet visade på en signifikant ökning av skattning av reella teambeteenden samt ökning av teameffektivitet. Dessutom visade resultatet att förekomsten av reella teambeteenden kan predicera teams effektivitet över tid. Detta resultat legitimerar att organisationer i allt större utsträckning vill genomföra teambuildingsinsater som bygger på samma grund som den aktuella teambuildingsinsatsen. / Teamwork is associated with positive organizational and individual effects, explaining the increase in organizations’ implementation of team building interventions, in order to improve team effectiveness and team performance. The overall aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a specific team building intervention on teams in terms of team reflexivity, real team behavior, team rated team effectiveness, and leader rated team performance. The authors also aimed to investigate the impact of the team building intervention on individual team members regarding job satisfaction and intention to leave. The purpose of the team building intervention utilized for data collection was to map and improve behavioral processes. Nine teams from different industries with a total of 57 team members participated in the team building intervention. Prior to the intervention two surveys were distributed, one for team leaders and one for team members, as well as a survey from a digital team building tool, for evaluation of potential effects of the intervention. An additional measurement was made four to six weeks after the team building intervention. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, t-test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to analyze data. The result showed a significant increase in estimation of real team behavior and increase in team effectiveness. In addition, the result demonstrated that presence of real team behaviors may predict team effectiveness over time. This result justifies organizations’ increase in implementation of team building interventions similar to the intervention investigated in the present study.

Co-operative learning in the teaching of mapwork to geography students in tertiary education

Tshibalo, Azwindini Ernest 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the use of co-operative learning in the teaching of mapwork to Geography students in tertiary education. Diverse methods of teaching Geography mapwork and also theories of learning that are relevant to the teaching of mapwork are discussed. Co-operative learning, and how it can be employed in the teaching of mapwork is fully explained. The study revealed that co-operative learning method can help students to achieve higher marks in mapwork. It is an instructional method that uses small groups of students working together to meet educational goals. The approach relies on interaction and interdependence and thus is especially suited to higher level conceptual tasks requiring problem-solving and decision-making. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Team building and salutogenic orientations contextualised in a performance model

Kossuth, Stephen Patrick. 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research has been to investigate the relationships between team building, salutogenesis and performance. Team building was investigated by focusing on the directive and interactive dimensions of • climate • supervisory support • team work. Salutogenesis was investigated by focusing on the concepts of • sense of coherence • locus of control • self-efficacy. Work performance was investigated by focusing on • performance measurement criteria • self-appraisal as a cognitive mediator between performance and salutogenesis. In the literature survey a performance model was postulated to explain the relationships between team building, salutogenesis and performance. The personality profile of the optimal functioning individual in the context of the performance model was compiled from the personality profiles of the optimal functioning team member, the optimal functioning individual and the optimal performing individual. In the empirical investigation a sample (N = 245) of mine employees completed a battery of questionnaires using computerised data collection. The battery was subjected to item-test correlations, Cronbach alpha coefficient measurements and factor analyses, to establish the reliability and structure of each questionnaire. lntercorrelations were calculated and analysed to test the relationships between the dimensions, and concepts. Following this, the factor analysis of a five factor model established the relationships between the dimensions and concepts of team building, salutogenesis and performance. Finally, LISREL-analyses were performed to test the conceptual structure of the relationships. The empirical findings indicate that team building forms a construct based on directive and interactive dimension of climate, supervisory support and team work. Salutogenesis forms a construct and it includes the incorporation of work performance as a concept of salutogenic orientations. The relationship between the constructs was confirmed using LIS REL-analysis, thus validating the integration of the dimensions and properties within each construct into the properties of a performance model; and the personality profiles within each construct into the personality profile of the optimal functioning individual. The empirical results were integrated with the literature review. Team building and salutogenic orientations are integrated into a performance model which explains the relationships between the work environment, the behaviour of the individual and his/her performance within the context of the work environment. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial Psychology)

Exploring experiences of co-worker trust, relatedness and vitality in a Music Therapy well-being intervention in a South African bank

Brand, Adriaan Cornelius January 2013 (has links)
A qualitative research project was conducted to explore experiences of co-worker trust, relatedness and vitality through a short-term Music Therapy intervention designed to promote well-being. Thirteen adults who work at a branch of a South African bank in the Cape Winelands in the Western Cape Province of South Africa participated in the study. Six Music Therapy sessions were conducted in work time. Focus groups were conducted before and after the intervention. Data were generated by means of transcription of the focus groups, and thick description of selected Music Therapy session video clips. Data were analysed by means of content analysis through data-driven, open coding, followed by two levels of categorisation and theme extraction (Ansdell & Pavlicevic, 2001; Gibbs, 2007; Graneham & Lundman, 2004; Hsieh & Shannon, 2005; Punch, 1998). Findings suggest that participants experienced meaningful shifts in experience on all three of the identified focus construct dimensions, as well as on the dimensions of individual competence and autonomy. Further emerging questions were explored regarding the transferability of gains made in the Music Therapy space to the work context. It was proposed that increased experiences of autonomy, competence, and vitality in the therapy space supported the development of trust and enriched relatedness across both work and therapy contexts. Trust and relatedness gains were proposed to be longer-lasting. A progression of relatedness development phases was proposed, through which participants may have been able to achieve notable outcomes pertaining to improved communication, decreased conflict, increased cooperation and interpersonal support. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Music / unrestricted

Управление производительностью персонала в компании сетевого маркетинга InCruises : магистерская диссертация / Performance Management in the Multi-Level Marketing Company InCruises

Хадж, С. А., Hadj, S. A. January 2022 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В теоретической части представлены: литература, касающаяся оценки эффективности и ее применения на уровне Многоуровневой маркетинговой компании. В практической части представлены: исследовательские инструменты, использованные для проведения исследования: социологический опросник и три психологических теста, а также результаты всех упомянутых инструментов, анализ результатов и выводы. На основе полученных данных были разработаны предложения для обеспечения эффективного измерения производительности и плавного продвижения в рейтинге лидеров InCruises’. В заключение подводятся итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendixes. The theoretical part presents: the literature relative to performance evaluations and its application at the level of a Multi-Level Marketing company. The practical part presents: the research tools used to conduct the study: a sociological questionnaire and three psychological tests and findings of the all the mentioned tools. Based on the data obtained, proposals have been developed to ensure an effective performance measurement and a smooth progress at InCruises’ leadership ranks In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set.

Управление разнообразием персонала в организации : магистерская диссертация / Diversity Management in the Company

Яо, Ю., Yao, Y. January 2023 (has links)
Выпускная квалифицированная работа включает введение, три части, заключение, библиографию и приложение. В теоретической части разбираются и определяются основы соответствующих концепций, уточняются факторы влияния и пути влияния на управление разнообразием HR, а также проводится различие между парадигмами управления разнообразием HR на основе организации и парадигмами управления разнообразием HR на основе людей. В разделе «Практика» анализируются проблемы процесса подбора персонала, оценки эффективности и построения организационной культуры. На основании полученных данных были сделаны предложения по улучшению по следующим направлениям. В процессе набора персонала J City Farmers and Merchants Bank должен обеспечить справедливость и инклюзивность при наборе персонала. Что касается формирования команды талантов, J City Сельскохозяйственный и коммерческий банк должен проводить диверсифицированные методы обучения. Что касается оценки эффективности, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank необходимо внедрить диверсифицированную и многоуровневую оценку эффективности. В построении организационной культуры используется совокупность инклюзивной культуры и конкурентной культуры, корпоративной культуры и ведения бизнеса. В завершение были подведены итоги согласно поставленным задачам. / The final qualified work includes an introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. The theoretical part sorts out and defines the basis of relevant concepts, clarifies the influencing factors and influence paths of HR diversity management, and distinguishes between organization-based HR diversity management and people-based HR diversity management paradigms. The practice section analyzes the problems in recruitment process, performance assessment, and organizational culture building. Based on the data obtained, suggestions for improvement were made in the following areas. In the recruitment process, J City Farmers and Merchants Bank needs to ensure fairness and inclusiveness in recruitment design. In terms of talent team building, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank needs to conduct diversified training methods. In terms of performance appraisal, J City Agricultural and Commercial Bank needs to adopt diversified performance appraisal and multi-level performance appraisal. In the construction of organizational culture, a collection of inclusive culture and competitive culture, corporate culture and business operation. Finally, the results were summarized according to the set tasks.

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