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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med hjärta, själ och öron : om managerns roll och relation till artister.

Ahrbom, Petter, Norberg, Merita January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och Forskningsfrågor Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur relationen och rollfördelningen mellan managers och artister kan se ut och vad som påverkar detta, samt hur manageryrket har påverkats av den förändring som skett i musikbranschen i och med den tekniska utvecklingen. För att nå upp till detta syfte har vi arbetat med tre forskningsfrågor: Vilka roller och vilken arbetsfördelning finns mellan managers och artister? Hur ser managers relationer till deras artister ut och vad påverkar detta? Hur påverkar nya förutsättningar managerns roll och relation till artister? Metod Vår forskning har haft en induktiv ansats då vi ville utgå ifrån empirin och låta de intervjuades berättelser styra uppsatsens riktning. Vi valde en kvalitativ metod då vi ville få en bild av hur våra intervjupersoner själva upplevde sina roller och relationer. Vår empiriska studie består av intervjuer med 6 managers och 4 artister. Slutsatser Vi har genom vår analys och slutdiskussion sett att roller, arbetsfördelning och relationer mellan managers och artister kan se väldigt olika ut från fall till fall. I grunden anses att artisten ska ansvara för de kreativa delarna och managern för de affärsmässiga delarna av artistskapet. Det är dock vanligt att parterna lägger sig i och vill vara involverade i varandras arbete. Vi har också upptäckt att det ofta är svårt att skilja mellan vad som är kreativt och vad som är affärsmässigt. Managers ser sig ofta som både anställda, säljare, samarbetspartners och en extra bandmedlem samtidigt. Relationen mellan managers och artister är ofta både personlig och professionell, och vilken del som upplevs som viktigast påverkas bland annat av hur parterna ser på sina roller gentemot varandra. Tillit är avgörande för en fungerande relation oavsett hur personlig eller professionell relationen är. De nya förutsättningarna i musikbranschen har inte minskat managerns uppgift, men däremot förändrat den. Bland annat krävs det idag att managern har kunskaper inom fler områden än tidigare. / The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding for the different roles, division of work and the relationships between artists and music managers and what factors that may affect it, as well as what influence the new technological changes within the music industry have on the music managers’ work. The study is based on interviews with six artist managers and four artists. We can draw the conclusion that roles, division of work and the relationships between artists and music managers may look very different from one case to another. Basically, both artists and managers believe that the creative parts should be the artists’ responsibility while the business parts should be the managers’ responsibility. However, we have found that it is common that both actors want to participate in the other’s work and that is often is difficult to separate the creative tasks from the business tasks. The relationship between artists and music managers is often both personal and professional. However, trust is always important. The changes in the music industry have not reduced the importance of the music manager, but might have changed the roles and tasks that the manager will have to face.

Technikentwicklung als reflexiver Modernisierungsprozeß

Stückemann, Thomas 06 June 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Der Zusammenhang von technischer Entwicklung und gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung wird mit Mitteln der systemtheoretischen Soziologie untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Konzepte "Technik" und "soziale Evolution" reformuliert. "Technik" ist ein spezieller Typ der Grenzbildung von Systemen, die Ereignisse ihrer Umwelt als kausal verknüpft beobachten; Technik wird demnach definiert als fixierte Erwartung, die sich auf kausal verknüpfte Umweltereignisse bezieht. "Soziale Evolution" ist der Typ des Strukturwandels von sozialen Systemen, der sich aus der Selektion und Restabilisierung von Strukturvariationen ergibt. Aus soziologischer Sicht ist jede technische Entwicklung als ein spezifischer Aspekt der sozialen Evolution zu verstehen. Dies wird mit der Konfrontation des Begriff des "Fortschritts" mit dem der "Modernisierung" gezeigt. Eine Gesellschaft versucht durch das Verwenden und das Beschränken von Technik über ihre eigene Evolution zu verfügen. Es erweist sich, daß diese Versuche zwar komplexer, aber nicht unbedingt erfolgreicher werden. Die einer jeden Evolution eigene Entwicklungsoffenheit kann nicht außer Kraft gesetzt werden, auch dann nicht, wenn eine Gesellschaft Evolutionstheorien entwickelt und reflexiv auf sich selbst anwendet. Anders als vormoderne Gesellschaften zeichnet sich die moderne Gesellschaft durch ihre hochgradig frei kontextualisierbare und damit riskante Technik aus. Kontextualisierungen und Entscheidungsnotwendigkeiten im Umgang mit moderner Technik bedingen Reflexivität. Technische Entwicklungen lassen Determinationen und Optionen in gleichem Maße wachsen. Komplex ist die soziale Seite von Technik, nicht die Kompliziertheit ihrer technischen Komponenten. Reflexive Technologiepolitik und Technikfolgenabschätzung sind gezwungen, die soziale Dynamik technischer Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen. / There are several means to analyse the intrinsic connection of technological development and social evolution in sociology today. The thesis examines technology and its development as part of social evolution from a system-theoretical point of view. Using this approach, terms like "technology" and "social evolution" are reformulated. "Technology" is a particular type of border of social systems, using the mode of causality in observing its environment; thus Technology is defined as the fixation of causal expectations. "Social evolution" is a social systems' structural change by the selection and reinforcement of variations, creating a singular history. In terms of sociology, any technological development is part of a wider developing social context. This is visualized by confronting the terms "progress" and "modernization"; both being concepts of sociology as well as of debates on technology and social development. By using technology, by giving way to innovation, and by limiting the use of technology, a given society tries to monitor and influence its own evolution. The thesis shows that these attempts become more complex, but not necessarily more effective. The fundamental properties of any evolution cannot be annulated --- the social evolution always remains unpredictable, even when evolutionary theories allow reflexive observations. In contrast to its predecessors the modern society constitutes a type of technology which is highly independent of any given social context. But this freedom is risky. Contextualizations and decision-makings imply a higher degree of reflexivity. In the case of technological development, both determinations and options increase at the same time. What is complex in technological development is its social, not its mere technical side. Any reflexive debate on technology has to reflect technology as a social issue.

Förändringsarbetet i banker : en kvalitativ studie om teknologisk utveckling och utsikt mot ett kontantlöst samhälle

Häggström, Mattias, Jansson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Den teknologiska utvecklingen har under de senaste decennierna fått en allt större betydelse i samhället. Som en naturlig följd av detta har bankernas verksamhet förändrats, bland annat genom ökat utbud av tekniska tjänster och produkter. Tidigare studier påvisar att människans beteende har förändrats i takt med samhällets utveckling och måste idag vänja sig vid att allt mer kommer att hanteras via de teknologiska distributionskanalerna. Dessutom menar forskare på att banker inte kan stanna upp med sitt förändringsarbete idag utan bör ständigt analysera hur den teknologiska utvecklingen kan tillfredsställa dess organisation samt kunder. Det vi har undersökt i denna C-uppsats är hur bankernas förändringsarbete ser ut med tanke på den teknologiska utvecklingen. Banker har tidigare inte varit snabba med att genomföra förändringar utan de har snarare varit trögrörliga. Därmed uppkom intresset att studera hur banker agerar vid den teknologiska utvecklingen. Vilka förändringar som bankerna genomför, vilka tjänster och produkter som lanseras samt vilka tjänster och produkter som tas bort. Det som är intressant är hur förändringsarbetet ser ut och om det finns skillnader och likheter mellan de olika bankerna. Syftet med vår studie är att belysa hur den teknologiska utvecklingen påverkar förändringsarbetet i olika banker och vilka skillnader och likheter som finns. Vi har använt oss av en hermeneutisk forskningsfilosofi och en kvalitativ metod. Detta valdes eftersom vi ville få en djup förståelse för hur förändringsarbetet ser ut i dagens samhälle. Beslut om förändring tas av personer som innehar en högt uppsatt position inom banker. Men för att skapa en djup förståelse för deras förändringsarbete har vi intervjuat personer som sitter med i ledningen och medarbetare. / Technological development has in recent decades become increasingly important in the community. As a natural consequence, banks' activities changed, partly through increased range of technical services and products. Previous studies indicate that human behaviour has changed as society and must now get used to more and more will be managed via the technological distribution channels. In addition, scientists believe that the banks can’t stay up with the change management today but should constantly analyse how technological developments can satisfy its organization and customers. There we have investigated in this thesis is how the banks change looks like, given the technological developments. Banks have previously not been quick to implement changes but have been rather sluggish. Thus arose the interest in studying how banks operate at the technological development. What changes that banks perform, the services and products being launched and what services and products are removed. What is interesting is how the change process looks like, and if there are differences and similarities between the different banks. The purpose of our study is to illustrate how technological developments affect the change process in different banks and what differences and similarities there are. We have used a hermeneutic research philosophy and a qualitative method. This was chosen because we wanted to get a deep understanding of how the change process looks like in today's society. The study has been limited to three banks in Southern Sweden, since a larger study would not have been possible in this short time. Decision to change taken by persons who hold a senior position within the banks. But to create a deep understanding of their changes, we have interviewed people who sit in the management and employees.

Leksaker i den digitala tidsåldern : Leksaksbranschens bemötande av nya preferenser

Nilsson, Sandra, Tydesjö, Victor January 2014 (has links)
Abstrakt Titel: Leksaker i den digitala tidsåldern – Leksaksbranschens bemötande av nya preferenser Författare: Sandra Nilsson och Victor Tydesjö Handledare: Leif Rytting Kurs: Företagsekonomi III – examensarbete 15 hp. Linnéuniversitetet VT 2014 Syfte Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur leksaksbranschen har förändrat och kommer att förändra sin verksamhet i den teknologiska tidsåldern. För att genomföra detta har vi fastställt några aspekter att undersöka: Butikernas nuvarande tillstånd gällande sortiment och arbetssätt Förändringar som har skett gällande sortiment som en konsekvens av barns förändrade teknologianvändning Leksaksbranschens framtid som en följd av den fortsatta teknologiutvecklingen Forskningsfrågan lyder: Hur påverkas leksaksbranschen av barns tidiga användande av olika former av digital teknologi? Metod Vi har för denna uppsats valt att använda den kvalitativa metoden. Detta för att på ett djupt sätt kunna få specifik data om branschens företeelser. Undersökningen har genomförts med en abduktiv ansats, där vald teori har format empirin men där empiri även har inverkat på den teori som presenteras. Det teoretiska materialet har präglats av akademisk litteratur och elektroniska källor. Empiriinsamlingen skedde genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra leksaksbutiker och en representant från branschorganisationen Leksaksbranschen. Slutsatser Gällande branschens nuläge framkom att inköp på speciella inköpsmässor för leksakshandlare och deras leverantörer bär stor betydelse för leksaksbutiker och inverkar även på utformning av deras sortiment. Samordning mellan mindre aktörer i en enda katalog föreslås vara ett sätt för de mindre starka butikerna att hävda sig bättre mot de stora kedjorna. Vi fann att lekåldern har minskat, vilket medför att barn är kunder under en kortare tid. Vissa sortimentsanpassningar har skett på grund av detta, men inte i särskilt stor skala. Gällande branschens framtid tydliggörs att aktörerna kan behöva göra vissa förändringar i sin verksamhet, där exakt vad detta skulle vara inte är självklart. / Abstract Our purpose with this study is to investigate how the toy industry has changed and will change its operations in the technological era. In order to do this, we determined a few aspects to investigate: The toy stores’ current state regarding assortment and ways of working Changes that have occurred regarding assortment as a consequence of children’s’ changed technological usage The future of the toy industry as a result of the continued technological development The research question goes as follows: How is the toy industry impacted by children’s early usage of different kinds of digital technology? In this study we decided to use the qualitative research method in order to gather profound and specific data about the happenings of the toy industry. The study has been carried out with an abductive methodology, allowing theoretical data to impact empirical data and also allowing empirical data to impact theoretical data. The theoretical data is characterized by usage of academic literature and electronic sources. The empirical data gathering was carried out by qualitative interviews with four toy stores as well as a representative from the Swedish toy industry association. Regarding the current state of the industry, it showed that purchasing at special toy dealer’s purchasing fairs is of significant importance for toy stores and also impacts the shaping of their assortments. Coordination between smaller actors in one single toy catalog is proposed as a way for the less powerful stores to assert themselves against large toy chains. We found that children stop playing with toys at an earlier age, which means that children are customers during a shorter time span. Certain assortment adaptations have happened due to this, but not in a very significant manner. Regarding the future of the industry it is conveyed that the actors may have to perform certain changes in their operations, but precisely what this would entail is not obvious.

I nationens tjänst? : strategisk handling i politisk miljö : en nationell teleoperatörs interorganisatoriska strategiska utveckling

Ioannidis, Dimitrios January 1998 (has links)
Omvandlingar, såsom den digitala revolutionen, IT-utvecklingen och internationell integration i form av t ex EU har utmanat såväl företagande som politik och satt etablerade teorier och modeller om företagande och politik på prov. En longitudinell studie av Televerkets/Telias strategiska utveckling, med speciell inriktning på Televerkets/Telias interorganisatoriska strategier, telepolitikens framväxt samt den allmänna politikens utveckling sedan 1960-talet visar att: Företagande och politik är beroende av varandra även när de strävar mot oberoende. Det finns skillnader mellan hur statligt ägda företag och privatägda företag hanterar förhållandet mellan företagande och politik. Studien identifierar strategiska och politiska faser och analyser hur dessa påverkar förutsättningarna för strategiskt handlande. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Flygskatten : En studie om måluppfyllelse, kostnadseffektivitet och incitament till teknologisk utveckling / The flight tax : A study about achievement of objectives, cost efficiency and incentives to technological development

Väyrynen Chytiris, Ion January 2018 (has links)
Den 1 april 2018 implementerade den svenska regeringen en flygskatt i Sverige med målet att minska den svenska flygindustrins utsläpp i atmosfären. Med hjälp av nationalekonomisk mikroteori, tidigare studier, statistik, egna beräkningar och jämförelser baserade på sekundärdata, analyserar uppsatsen den svenska flygskattens måluppfyllelse, kostnadseffektivitet och incitament till teknologisk utveckling. Uppsatsen når slutsatsen att den nuvarande utformningen av den svenska flygskatten inte uppfyller kraven för de styrmedel som främjar kostnadseffektivitet, inte ger några ytterligare incitament till teknologisk utveckling utöver EU-ETS handelssystem med utsläppsrätter samt missar klimatmålen på både nationell och internationell nivå. / On the 1st of April 2018, the Swedish government implemented a flight tax in Sweden with the goal of reducing the Swedish aviation industries atmospheric emissions. With the help of the theory of microeconomics, earlier studies, statistics, calculations, and comparisons based on secondary data, the essay analyzes the Swedish flight tax with regards to its achievement of the environmental objectives, cost-efficiency and, incentives to technological development. The essay reaches the conclusion that the current design of Swedish flight tax does not achieve the requirements of cost-efficient regulations, does not promote further incentives to technological development beyond the already established European Union Emission Trading System and does not meet the environmental objectives nationally nor internationally.

Projetos nacionais de inovação : práticas do setor espacial brasileiro

Dewes, Mariana de Freitas January 2012 (has links)
Nos mercados dominados por compras de governo, os investimentos em inovação dependem, em grande parte, de subvenções públicas cujo sucesso de aplicação está relacionado a um produtivo arranjo das instituições envolvidas. Neste trabalho são investigadas e analisadas as práticas e mecanismos relacionados à inovação em projetos de estado. A pesquisa foi realizada empregando-se o método de estudo de caso, tendo sido conduzidas uma etapa exploratória e uma etapa de pesquisa de campono setor espacial brasileiro. Foram analisadas instituições e empresas com participação no setor espacial, sendo as empresas ligadas ao desenvolvimento e à manufatura de subsistemas para satélites. Na esfera governamental, foram analisados documentos oficiais relacionados ao setor espacial, bem como ao sistema nacional de inovação. Os diferentes elementos mapeados são leis e regulamentos, subvenção econômica, programas e políticas, recursos financeiros, mão de obra, contratos e produtos desenvolvidos e propriedade intelectual. Esses elementos foram analisadosà luz das teorias institucional, de sistemas nacionais e setoriais de inovação, triângulo de Sabato, tripla hélice, inovação aberta e contratação pública e caracterizados como determinantes dinâmicos que contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de geração de inovação. Os resultados do presente trabalho compreendem: a caracterização do universo organizacional do setor espacial brasileiro e dos contratos entre instituições públicas e as empresas; análise da legislação pertinente à inovação e confronto com a prática empresarial, e a identificação dos elementos relevantes nos mecanismos de governança e inovação no setor espacial. Em especial, identificaram-se os fatores promotores e inibidores da inovação na estrutura de governança do programa de satélites brasileiros à luz dos pressupostos teóricos condicionantes da inovação. No campo teórico este trabalho busca compreender as formas de interação governo – indústria no contexto de fomento à inovação, através da estruturação de uma ferramenta analítica para a análise de projetos nacionais de inovação. Futuras aplicações desse ferramental analítico poderão ser feitas no estudo de outros setores produtivos, além dos de alta tecnologia, que sejam dependentes da interação com o Estado. / In markets dominated by government purchases, investment in innovation depends mainly on public subsidies whose success in application is related to a productive arrangement of the institutions involved.In this work we investigate and analyze practices and mechanisms related to innovation in state coordinated projects. The research was carried out using a case study method, having been conducted in two phases: exploratory and field studyin the Brazilian space sector. Institutions and companies participating in the space sector were analyzed. The studied companies develop and manufacture satellite subsystems. In the governmental sphere, official documents related to the space sector and to the national system of innovation were analyzed. The different elements mapped are laws and regulations, economic subsidy, programs and policies, financial resources, labor, contracts and developed products, and intellectual property. These elements were analyzed in light of theories of institutions, national and sectoral systems of innovation, Sabato’s triangle, triple helix, open innovation and public procurement, and characterized as dynamic determinants which contribute to the improvement of the innovation generation process. The results of the present work include: characterization of organizations which participate in the Brazilian space sector andof contracts signed between public institutions and companies; analysis of the legal framework pertaining to innovation, confronting it with organizational practice, and identification of relevant elements in the governance and innovation mechanisms in the space sector. In particular, factors which promote and inhibit innovation were identified in the governance structure of the Brazilian satellite program, in light of the theoretical presuppositions which condition innovation. In the theoretical field, this work aims to understand forms of government – industry interaction in the context of fostering innovation, through structuring an analytical tool for analyzing national projects for innovation. Future applications of this analytical framework may be in studying other productive sectors, besides high technology areas, which may be dependent of interaction with the State.

Bristen av strategier för sociala medier : Hur detaljhandelsföretag anpassar sitt arbete med sociala medier till den tekniska utvecklingen / The lack of strategy for social media : How retail businesses adjust their work with social media to the technical development.

Eriksson, Amanda, Franzén, Louise, Ivarsson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Sociala medier är idag en stor del av människors liv och har blivit en framgångsrik kanal för detaljhandelsföretag. Utvecklingen av sociala medier går ständigt framåt och har blivit en kanal för att sprida och inspirera kunder, skapa diskussioner och dela innehåll mellan deltagare. Detta medför en möjlighet för företag att vara mer tillgängliga för sina kunder, genom användning av dessa plattformar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag inom den textila detaljhandeln arbetar praktiskt med strategier för sina sociala medier, i relation till mediernas utveckling. Studiens resultatet skall bidra till förståelse för vad företagen vill uppnå med sitt arbete med sociala medier, med hjälp av en utvecklad strategi-modell. På så sätt ska företag kunna tillämpa vår sammanställda sociala-media-strategi. I studien användes en kvalitativ metod där primärdata samlats in både via semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex olika textila detaljhandelsföretag samt via Högskolan i Borås sökmotor Primo och sökprogrammet Google Scholar som sekundärdata. Företagen tillämpar i de flesta fall inga strategier för sociala medier. Eftersom förändringen är så kontinuerlig är det svårt för de undersökta företagen att tillämpa en strategi, därför väljer de istället att införa en generell plan för marknadsföring i stort. Sociala medier är ett verktyg som utvecklas till att bli av större vikt i framtiden, vars syfte är att skapa värde för både kund och företag. När det kommer till att välja vilken social kanal företaget ska använda sig av behöver de först konstatera vilken plattform deras målgrupp befinner sig på. För att nå upptill kundernas förväntningar måste företagen uppdatera och utveckla kompetensen kring sociala medier. Företagen lägger stor vikt vid att bygga relationer med sina kunder för att skapa ett deltagande, på deras sociala medier. Frågor vi ställer oss utefter denna studie är, när inser företag att det är dags att tillämpa en strategi? Hur kommer strategin vara utformad? Vem tar initiativet att införa en strategi? Kommer strategin tillämpas i samband med att de traditionella kanalerna försvinner på grund av generationsbyte, eller kommer de tillämpas tidigare? Vilket vi anser blir en intresseväckande vidare forskning till ämnet. / Social media is a major part of people’s lives today and has become a successful channel for marketing for retail companies to use. The development of social media is constantly evolving and has become a platform for creating discussions and for sharing content between participants. Through the use of these platforms, this implies an opportunity for companies to be more accessible to their customers. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how textile retail companies work practically with their social media through strategies, in addition to the media development. The aim is to contribute to an understanding about how companies work with their social media, using a developed strategy model. In this way, our study will compile a social media strategy that companies can apply there after. In the thesis a qualitative method has been used where primary data is collected both through semistructured interviews with six textile retail companies and through the University of Borås search program Primo, and Google Scholar as secondary data. The conclusion is that, the interviewed companies do not apply social media strategies for their work. Due to the constant change, it is difficult for companies to apply a strategy and therefore they choose to apply a general plan for marketing instead. The companies place great importance in building relationships with their customers in order to create a participation for the customers, in their social media. Previous research shows that socialmedia is a tool of great importance that creates value for businesses and customers. The company need to identify the platform on which their target audience is located, in order to choose which social media channel the company should use. To achieve customer expectations, companies must update and develop the skills surrounding their social media. The questions we ask after this study are, when do companies realize that it is time to apply a strategy? How will the strategy be designed? Who takes the initiative to implement a strategy? Will the strategy be applied when traditional channels disappear due to generational change, or will they be applied earlier? What we consider becomes an interesting further research to the subject. This paper is written in Swedish.

Gestão da integração entre desenvolvimento de produtos e de tecnologias : estudo de casos em empresas industriais de médio porte e intensivas em tecnologia

Jugend, Daniel 08 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2804.pdf: 961298 bytes, checksum: 4fa437c9d0b71339ac93b2ed54320f87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-08 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Knowledge transfer and technological solutions to products of a company requires integration between different departments and experts involved in the process of product and technology development. Adequate transference requires the use of certain mechanisms of management by the company aiming at improving such integration. Using bibliographic review on innovation and technological management and products development process, this thesis proposes a structure that contains management practices for integration of products development (PD) and technological development (TD). In addition to that, it was carried out a qualitative research, operationalized by means of case studies in five large and medium national technology-based companies from the sector of capital goods. The findings of empirical work scrutinized technology innovation in product development within these firms, and also management practices used to integration between PD and TD. Practices adopted by companies are described and confronted with the presented theoretical approach. Recommendations, originated from the theoretical and empirics research, suggest management practices capable of guiding actions for a better development of integration between PD and TD, such as: the insertion of multitasking employees in the development team, the participation of R&D workers in activities of market research and allocation of heavyweight product manager for the conduction of products development project which demand technological innovation / A transferência de novos conhecimentos e soluções tecnológicas aos produtos de uma empresa necessita da integração entre diferentes departamentos e especialistas envolvidos nos processos de desenvolvimento de produtos e de tecnologias. Uma transferência adequada requer que a empresa adote certos mecanismos de gestão com o objetivo de melhorar essa integração. Mediante revisão bibliográfica sobre os temas gestão da inovação e da tecnologia e processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, esta tese propõe uma estrutura que contém práticas de gestão propícias para a integração entre desenvolvimento de produtos (DP) e desenvolvimento de tecnologias (DT). Adicionalmente, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, operacionalizada por meio de estudo de casos, em cinco empresas nacionais de base tecnológica do setor de bens de capital de médio e grande porte. A pesquisa empírica investigou peculiaridades que essas empresas possuem em suas atividades de inovação tecnológica de produtos e, também, práticas de gestão adotadas para a integração entre DP e DT. Os resultados obtidos nos estudo de casos são descritos e confrontados com o arcabouço teórico apresentado. As recomendações, provenientes da pesquisa teórica e empírica desta tese, propõem práticas de gestão capazes de orientar ações para a melhor operacionalização da integração entre DP e DT, tais como: a inserção de funcionários multifuncionais nas equipes de desenvolvimento, a participação do pessoal de P&D em atividades de pesquisa de mercado e a alocação de gerente do tipo peso-pesado para a condução de projetos de desenvolvimento de produtos que demandam inovações tecnológicas.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma estação meteorológica automática para manejo de irrigação / Development and evaluation of an automatic meteorological station for irrigation management

Finholdt, Gustavo 29 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:23:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1403387 bytes, checksum: adcffed8a72473707440ee20ce18a3ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Due to the increasing world population growth, irrigated agriculture is an important strategy to increase food, fiber and agro-energy production. Because of its operationality, irrigation levels determination by means of culture evapotranspiration studies (ETc) has been a widely disseminated and applied technology. Thus, it is necessary to determine a reference evapotranspiration (ETo), which is obtained through data supplied by the Automatic Meteorological Stations (AMS), based on the FAO Penman- Monteith equation, which has a great potential of reducing water consumption and electric energy in irrigation, in addition to reducing potential environmental degradation and labor use. However, the automatic stations are normally imported technologies, with high cost and maintenance, also presenting difficulties in access to maintenance, which is deficient and scarce. Thus, an Automatic Meteorological Station was developed using national technology, designed with five basic sensors (wind velocity, rainfall, air relative humidity, solar irradiance and ambient temperature) to calculate water balance, based on two main parameters: rainfall and ETo. The equipment developed allows data visualization in the equipment itself or in a microcomputer. After the equipment was developed, the sensors were calibrated reaching correlation coefficients (r) of 1,000; 0,998; 0,999; 0,995; and 1,000 for the wind, rainfall, air relative humidity, radiation and temperature sensors, respectively. The equipment was evaluated from 05/17/2008 to 06/12/ 2008 at the meteorological station of the National Instituteof Meteorology (INMET) installed on the Universidade Federal de Viçosa campus. The data were compared taking as reference the INMET s EMA data, model MAWS301 (manufacturer, Vaisala), installed close to the equipment developed. The correlation coefficient estimates (r), mean bias error (MBE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the equipment at work. Comparing the equipment data, the following correlation coefficients were obtained: 0.911; 0.999; 0.993; 0.998; and 0.987 of the sensors anemometer, pluviometer, hygrometer, pyranometer and thermometer, respectively. It was concluded that the sensors developed provided adequate results and that the automatic meteorological station developed presented reliable meteorological data measuring and storing conditions. / Devido ao crescente aumento populacional mundial, a agricultura irrigada é uma importante estratégia para maior produção de alimentos, fibras e agroenergia. A determinação da lâmina de irrigação por meio de estudos da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) tem sido uma tecnologia amplamente divulgada e utilizada em razão da sua operacionalidade. Para tal, é necessário que se determine a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) que é obtida com dados advindos de Estações Meteorológicas Automáticas (EMA), com base na equação FAO Penman-Monteith, que tem grande potencial de redução no consumo da água e da energia elétrica nas irrigações, além de reduzir o potencial de degradação ambiental e de utilização da mão-de-obra. No entanto, as estações automáticas são tecnologias normalmente importadas, com alto custo de aquisição e manutenção, que apresentam ainda dificuldades de acesso aos serviços de manutenção, deficientes e pouco disponíveis. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se uma Estação Meteorológica Automática com tecnologia nacional. A estação foi projetada com os cinco sensores básicos (velocidade do vento, precipitação, umidade relativa do ar, irradiância solar e temperatura ambiente) para calcular o balanço hídrico, sendo dois parâmetros importantes: a precipitação pluvial e a ETo. O equipamento desenvolvido possibilita a visualização dos dados no próprio equipamento ou em um microcomputador. Após o desenvolvimento do equipamento, realizou-se a calibração dos sensores, atingindo coeficientes de correlação (r) de 1,000; 0,998; 0,999; 0,995; e 1,000, para os sensores de vento, chuva, umidade relativa, radiação e temperatura, respectivamente. Em seguida, avaliou-se o equipamento no período de 17/05 a 12/06/2008, na estação meteorológica do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) instalada no campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Os dados foram comparados tomando-se como referência os dados da EMA do INMET, modelo MAWS301 (fabricante Vaisala), instalada ao lado do equipamento desenvolvido. As estimativas de coeficiente de correlação (r), erro de viés médio (MBE) e raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram utilizadas para avaliar o funcionamento do equipamento. Com a comparação dos dados dos equipamentos, obtiveram-se os seguintes coeficientes de correlação: 0,911; 0,999; 0,993; 0,998; e 0,987, respectivamente dos sensores anemômetro, pluviômetro, higrômetro, piranômetro e termômetro. Conclui- se que os sensores desenvolvidos proporcionaram resultados adequados e a estação meteorológica automática apresentou condições confiáveis de medição e armazenamento dos dados meteorológicos.

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