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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutrient limitation for coastal areas and estuaries in the Baltic Sea : Applying linear regression analysis and TN/TP ratio to determine the limiting nutrient / Det begränsande näringsämnet för kustområden i Östersjön : Användning av linjär regressionsanalys och TN/TP kvot för att bestämma det begränsande näringsämnet

Persson, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the limiting nutrient in a set of coastal areas and estuaries in the Baltic Sea. Although the subject as been studied for several decades, no clear consensus has been reached in the scientific community as to whether primary production is limited by phosphorus or nitrogen. A total of five coastal areas, all located on the east coast of Sweden, were assessed regarding their limiting nutrient by using three methods. The first method was applying linear regression analysis on measured TP and TN concentration together with chlorophyll-a and Secchi depth. The data was collected from sampling programs stretching back to the 1970s and 80s, studying the summer period May to September for all sites but one, were the period April to October was studied. The second method calculated the TN/TP ratio during the summer period and compared it to the Redfield ratio. Thirdly, basic mass-balance calculations were carried out, with empirical data on the external loads and calibrated with the yearly average concentration in the surface water (0–10 m). From the calculations, both the annual external and internal load of TP and TN was obtained. The different TP and TN loads were likewise tested for a correlation with the measured summer chlorophyll-a concentration and Secchi depth. The results of using linear regression analysis on measured concentrations were mostly inconclusive, as the TP and TN concentrations for all sites and most years were related to each other. Consequently both nutrients often gave equal correlation coefficients. Similarly the TP and TN loads also matched each other for most sites and years, inherently obtaining the same inconclusive, but also contradictory results, as when using the measured concentrations. The TN/TP ratio indicated, for one site that it was limited by phosphorus and another site possibly nitrogen limitation. The ratio in the other sites periodically dropped between nitrogen and phosphorus limitation over the years. Thus it was difficult to draw an overall conclusion as to what nutrient was the limiting one for all the sites. However analysing the results from the individual sites showed that three of the five sites had signs of phosphorus limitation. Two factors were deemed as being the main reasons as to why the methods did not achieve more conclusive results. The first factor was the empirical data, which varied in frequency and extent over the studied time periods and between sites, making representative concentrations difficult to calculate and evaluate. The second was the matching trends between both the concentrations and the loads of TP and TN. To achieve a better result one nutrient could be increased or decreased while one remains relatively constant. The problem with such an experiment would be controlling the inflow of nutrients from the adjacent sea. / Syftet med detta projekt var att bestämma det begränsande näringsämnet för ett antal kustområden i Östersjön. Frågan huruvida fosfor eller kväve är det begränsande näringsämnet i kustområden runt Östersjön har varit omdiskuterad under flera år och undersökts vid ett flertal tillfällen. I denna studie testades tre metoder, i fem olika kustområden, med syftet att fastställa det begränsande näringsämnet. Först användes linjär regressionsanalys med uppmätta värden på TP och TN koncentrationer tillsammans med klorofyll-a och Secchidjup. Empirisk data insamlades från övervakningsprogram där prover tagits sedan 1970- och 80-talet. Medelvärden beräknades för perioden maj till september för alla områden förutom ett, där undersöktes perioden april till oktober. Sommarmedelvärdena för TN/TP kvoten analyserades också för alla områden med avseende på Redfield kvoten. Slutligen genomfördes massbalansberäkningar med data för de externa belastningarna av TP och TN, dessa beräkningar kalibrerades sedan med uppmätta värden på koncentrationen i ytvattnet (0–10 m). Utifrån beräkningarna erhölls värden på den externa och den interna belastningen. Dessa belastningar testades med linjär regression för ett samband med de uppmätta värdena på Secchidjup och klorofyll-a. Metoden att använda linjär regressionsanalys med empiriskt uppmätta koncentrationer och djup, gav generellt ett oklart resultat. Detta var en följd av att halterna av både TP och TN i regel följdes åt, vilket fick konsekvensen att korrelationskoefficienterna för TP och TN ofta var lika stora. Samma problem uppstod för regressionsanalysen med belastningarna, då även dessa ofta följde varandra, men även motsade resultatet med koncentrationerna. Analysen av TN/TP kvoten tydde på att ett område var fosforbegränsat och ett område möjligen var kvävebegränsat. För de övriga tre områdena skiftade TN/TP kvoten under åren mellan kväve- och fosforbegränsning. De oklara resultaten gjorde det svårt att dra en övergripande slutsats. Däremot vid analysen av de enskilda områdena uppvisade tre av de fem områdena tecken på fosforbegränsning, även om detta inte kunde med säkerhet fastställas. Det var huvudsakligen två faktorer vars inverkan anses ha haft stor betydelse för det oklara resultatet. Den första faktorn var uppmätt data, vars frekvens och omfattning skiljde sig avsevärt mellan år och platser. Följaktligen försvårades beräkningarna av koncentrationerna och tillförlitligheten i hur representativa värdena var. Den andra och avgörande faktorn var de matchande trenderna hos både koncentrationerna och belastningarna. För att förbättra resultatet kan ett näringsämne ändras, medan det andra näringsämnet hålls relativt konstant. Problemet med att genomföra ett sådant experiment skulle vara att kontrollera inflödet av näringsämnen från närliggande hav.

Tracing and apportioning sources of dioxins using multivariate pattern recognition techniques

Assefa, Anteneh January 2015 (has links)
High levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in edible fish in the Baltic Sea have raised health concerns in the Baltic region and the rest of Europe. Thus, there are urgent needs to characterize sources in order to formulate effective mitigation strategies. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of past and present sources of PCDD/Fs in the Baltic Sea environment by exploring chemical fingerprints in sediments, air, and biota. The spatial and temporal patterns of PCDD/F distributions in the Baltic Sea during the 20th century were studied in Swedish coastal and offshore sediment cores. The results showed that PCDD/F levels peaked in 1975 (± 7 years) in coastal and 1991 (± 5 years) in offshore areas. The time trends of PCDD/Fs in the sediment cores also showed that environmental half-lives of these pollutants have been shorter in coastal than in offshore areas (15 ± 5 and 29 ± 14 years, respectively). Consequently, there have been remarkable recoveries in coastal areas, but slower recovery in offshore areas with 81 ± 12% and 38 ± 11% reductions from peak levels, respectively. Source-to-receptor multivariate modeling by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) showed that six types of PCDD/F sources are and have been important for the Baltic Sea environment: PCDD/Fs related to i) atmospheric background, ii) thermal processes, iii) manufacture and use of tetra-chlorophenol (TCP) and iv) penta-chlorophenol (PCP), v) industrial use of elementary chlo- rine and the chloralkali-process (Chl), and vi) hexa-CDD sources. The results showed that diffuse sources (i and ii) have consistently contributed >80% of the total amounts in the Southern Baltic Sea. In the Northern Baltic Sea, where the biota is most heavily contaminated, impacts of local sources (TCP, PCP and Chl) have been higher, contributing ca. 50% of total amounts. Among the six sources, only Thermal and chlorophenols (ii-iv) have had major impacts on biota. The impact of thermal sources has, however, been declining as shown from source apportioned time-trend data of PCDD/Fs in Baltic herring. In contrast, impacts of chlorophenol-associated sources generally increased, remained at steady-state or slowly decreased during 1990-2010, suggesting that these sources have substantially contributed to the persistently high levels of PCDD/Fs in Baltic biota. Atmospheric sources of PCDD/Fs for the Baltic region (Northern Europe) were also investigated, and specifically whether the inclusion of parallel measurements of metals in the analysis of air would help back-tracking sources. PCDD/Fs and metals in high-volume air samples from a rural field station near the shore of the central Baltic Sea were measured. The study focused on the winter season and air from the S and E sectors, as these samples showed elevated levels of PCDD/Fs, particularly PCDFs. Several metals were found to correlate significantly with the PCDFs. The wide range of candidate metals as source markers for PCDD/F emissions, and the lack of an up-to-date extensive compilation of source characteristics for metal emission from vari- ous sources, limited the use of the metals as source markers. The study was not able to pin-point primary PCDD/F sources for Baltic air, but it demonstrated a new promising approach for source tracing of air emissions. The best leads for back-tracking primary sources of atmospheric PCDD/Fs in Baltic air were seasonal trends and PCDD/F congener patterns, pointing at non-industrial related thermal sources related to heating. The non-localized natures of the sources raise challenges for managing the emissions and thus societal efforts are required to better control atmospheric emissions of PCDD/Fs. / EcoChange / BalticPOPs

Fate and transport of POPs in the aquatic environment : with focus on contaminated sediments

Josefsson, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are hydrophobic substances that readily sorb to organic matter in particles and colloids instead of being freely dissolved in the water phase. This sorption affects the bio­availability and environmental transport of the POPs. The major part of this thesis concerns the role of sediments as secondary sources of POPs. As the primary emissions decrease, contaminated sediments where POPs have accumulated can become the main source of contamination. If the contaminated sediment by time becomes covered with cleaner layers, the POPs are buried and no longer in contact with the aquatic environment. Experiments in this thesis showed, however, that new invading species can alter the sediment-water dynamics as a result of their bioturbation, i.e. mixing of sediment particles and pore-water. Marenzelleria spp., invading species in the Baltic Sea that burrow deeper than native species, were found to increase the remobilization of buried contaminants. The sediment-to-water flux was inversely related to the burial depth (2-10 cm) of the POP congeners (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) and also inversely related to the hydrophobicity of the congener. The flux was therefore most pronounced for less hydrophobic contaminants, which was linked to the bioirrigating behaviour of these species. Marenzelleria spp. also accumulated the buried POPs and increased concentrations in surface sedi­ment. Contaminants previously considered buried at a ’safe’ depth can thus be remobilized as a result of the invasion of Marenzelleria spp. in the Baltic Sea. One method to decrease the remobilization of contaminants from sediments is ’capping’, i.e. a layer of clean material is placed as a cap on the sediment. By amending the cap with active materials, which sequester the POPs and decrease their availability, thinner layers can be used (’active capping’ or ’thin-layer capping’). Results from an experiment with thin-layer capping using different active materials (activated carbon (AC) and kraft lignin) showed that both the sediment-to-water flux and the bioaccumulation by benthic species of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and octachlorostyrene (OCS) decreased with increased thick­ness of the cap layer (0.5-5 cm). Amendments with active materials further increased the cap efficiency. AC was more efficient than kraft lignin, and a 3 cm cap with 3.3% AC reduced the flux and bioaccumulation with ~90%. The reduction of the sediment-to-water flux was inversely related to the hydrophobicity of the POP, and reductions in the flux had similar magnitudes as reductions in the concentration in deep-burrowing polychaetes, demonstrating the importance of bioturbation for sediment-to-water transport. In a one-year study on the levels of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and HCB in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea, the correlations between the POP levels and the levels of particles and organic carbon in the water were found to differ for POPs of different structure and hydrophobicity. The levels of PCDD/Fs decreased to one third in May, which could be related to the increased sedimentation, i.e. water-to-sediment transport, during spring bloom.

Offshore-Containerterminals als Transshipment-Hub - dargestellt am Beispiel der Deutschen Bucht

Reise, Sönke 22 February 2005 (has links)
Deutlich ansteigende interkontinentale Handelsbeziehungen bilden die wesentliche Grundlage das Wachstum der Containerschifffahrt. Die Schnittstelle der Containerschifffahrt zu den landgebundenen Verkehrsträgern bilden Containerterminals. Deren Entwicklung muss im Zusammenhang mit der Containerschifffahrt gesehen werden. Die Entwicklung des Containerschifffahrtsmarktes wird sich auch in Zukunft weiter dynamisch fortsetzen. Prognosen zur Umschlagsentwicklung sind für die Containerterminals von besonderem Interesse, da die Containerterminals bestrebt sind, genügend Kapazitäten bereitzustellen. Im Umfeld eines Containerterminals sowie in ihnen selbst können diverse Kapazitätsengpässe entstehen. In vielen Fällen ist dringender Handlungsbedarf hinsichtlich der Beseitigung von potenziellen Engpässen gegeben. Eine Option stellt dabei der Neubau von Containerterminals dar. Der Hafenbau wird in dichtbesiedelten Räumen zunehmend schwieriger und teurer. Die aus heutiger Sicht zur Verfügung stehenden Flächen werden langfristig nicht ausreichen, um das Umschlagsaufkommen der Zukunft zu bewältigen. Deswegen kann die Errichtung von herkömmlichen Containerterminals langfristig nicht als ausschließliche Option zur Beseitigung von Umschlagsengpässen angesehen werden. Das Konzept eines Offshore-Containerterminals (OCT) stellt einen alternativen Ansatz dar, der zukünftige Engpässe vermeidet oder ihre Auswirkungen mindert. Ziel des Konzepts ist die Verlagerung von Transshipments von den herkömmlichen Containerterminals auf einen OCT. Dieses Konzept wird auf seine wirtschaftliche Tragfähigkeit untersucht. Letzlich stellt das Konzept des OCTs als Transshipment-Hub eine Möglichkeit dar, die unter heutigen Verhältnissen zwar unrentabel erscheint, unter zukünftigem Expansionsdruck und Kostensteigerungen bei der Erschließung neuer Terminalflächen jedoch als Konzept ökonomisch konkurrenzfähig sein kann und eventuell ohne Alternative ist.

Vztahy Braniborska a Švédska v letech 1660 - 1701 / Relations between Brandenburg and Sweden during years 1660 - 1701

Liška, Martin January 2020 (has links)
- The thesis is focused on relations between Sweden and Brandenburg in the years 1660 - 1701. Although Sweden is considered as an empire practically all over the 17th century, a new, important power rises in its neighbourhood, namely Brandenburg-Prussia, and this rise is finished by the Royal coronation of Fredrick I in 1701. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to the political and military relations, less to the cultural relations. Even other countries, following and protecting their interests in the Baltic region, are taken into account, especially Denmark and France. The aim of the thesis is to analyse relations between Sweden and Brandenburg and to try to find an answer on the question, if Sweden's focus on its internal problems and reforms contributed to the rise of Prussia or if there is no direct connection between these two tendencies. Key terms - Swedish Imperial Period, regency, Charles XI, Charles XII, Louis XIV, Elector Fredrick William, Elector Fredrick III, Scanian War, foreign policy, Baltic Sea hegemony

En undersökning av potentiellt odlingsbara makroalger i Hanöbukten, Östersjön

Persson, Beatrice January 2023 (has links)
In the future, the cultivation of algae for food may become increasingly important in Sweden. But this area is still new in Europe and most of the harvest today comes from wild stocks. In Sweden, cultivation is only available on the west coast, but research is underway to see if it is possible to start cultivating macroalgae in the Baltic Sea as well. The Baltic Sea has completely different biological conditions than the west coast, and one of the challenges is the low salinity, which limits the species that can live in the Baltic Sea. This is something that the Marine Center in Simrishamn is also researching in the project Tångkusten, of which this study is a part of. The purpose of this study is to use a literature study to compile available knowledge about which algae that has the potential to be cultivated in the future and what the life cycles of these algae look like. An inventory of the macroalgae found locally in Hanöbukten was also carried out. Based on this information, possible cultivation methods and the advantages of each species are discussed, but also the challenges that may arise.  The results showed that the most abundant species were filamentous brown algae, bladder wrack and saw wrack . The species deemed most cultivable are gut weed and sea lettuce. Clawed fork weed, bladder wrack and saw wrack are also considered to have some cultivation potential. Among the biggest challenges are the growth of epiphytic algae and finding a suitable site for cultivation. / Projektet Tångkusten på Marint centrum i Simrishamn

En kanons värde : En undersökning av svårigheterna och nyttan med att bärga och förmedla senmedeltida kanoner på museum / A gun’s worth : Investigating the gains and difficulties in recoveringand displaying late medieval guns in a museum setting

Jansson, Michael January 2023 (has links)
Marinarkeologiska föremål är en icke desto mera undersökt underkategori i museisamlingar. De skiljer sig frånandra typer av föremål i samlingar då de genom sin fyndplats är mera krävande. Det är också värt att etableravad föremålet har för värden efter utgrävningen. Som en del av värde och förmedling tas föremålenskonservering och utgrävning också upp.Genom att undersöka bärgade tre kanoner från tre vrak från perioden 1480 till 1580 ef. kr försöker uppsatsenatt belysa den typen av föremål ur flera perspektiv som går att sammanfatta ur bevarande och förmedlande.Kanonerna som undersöks är "Brisundskanonen" på Gotlands museum, en kanon från örlogsfartyget Mars ochlavetter bärgade från Gribshunden på Blekinge museum. Undersökningen är gjord genom platsbesök,intervjuer, och litteraturstudier. Målet med undersökningen är att skapa kunskap om marinarkeologiskaföremål, dess egenskaper, värden och processer. / Marine archaeological objects are an under-researched subcategory in museum collections. They differ fromother types of objects in collections as they are more demanding due to their former location. It is also worthestablishing what the object's value is after excavation. As part of value and mediation, the conservation andexcavation of the objects is also addressed.By examining three guns recovered from three wrecks from the period 1480 to 1580 AD. The essay tries to shedlight on the type of object from several perspectives that can be summarized from preservation and mediation.The cannons being examined are the "Brisund cannon" at Gotland's museum, a cannon from Mars, and lavettessalvaged from Gribshunden at Blekinge museum. The investigation is done through site visits, interviews, andliterature studies. The goal of the survey is to create knowledge of how museums best manage this type ofobject.

Genus & jakt : Ett funktionalistiskt genusperspektiv på gropkeramiska gravgåvor i Ajvide & Västerbjers

Olsson Romanus, Elmer January 2023 (has links)
This essay tries to deduct whether the pitted ware culture (3200-2300) at Ajvide and Västerbjers had a gender structure based on big game hunting via grave furniture. The grave furniture is selected on the basis of big game affiliation and then subjected to descriptive statistics and correspondence analysis. The results suggest that seal and boar hunting is normative for men but that only seal is normative for women in Ajvide and only boar at Västerbjers. / <p>Denna uppsats tilldelades ett A i betyg.</p>

Ecosystem-Based Management of the Lake Erie Ecosystem: A Survey-Based Approach to Assessment of Management Needs

Wilson, Gregory B. 08 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sonar Sea : The acoustic experience of the Baltic Sea dynamics

Stampe, Elin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis project aims to discuss the conditions and importance of water as a dynamic body in our environment, as water is affecting life on Earth on all levels. By focusing on the Baltic Sea, a sensitive body of water, I am exploring the acoustic characters of the sea dynamics through sound recordings at three bays in the Stockholm Archipelago. How can an acoustic exploration of the Baltic Sea dynamics mediate a sensitive relationship to our marine environments? Sound defines environments and gives indications of their current state. In this project, I intertwine an artistic approach involving our senses with scientific research of measuring to further an understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. The project explores water and sound in two parts, first as a method for listening to the sea, second as a spatial composition created for a sensory experience of the sea’s endless motion. It is my hope that my installation can stir emotions and create an understanding for the environmental challenges facing the Baltic Sea and inspire action towards prosperous natural environments where we live with and not apart from nature.

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