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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Humanitarian Ambitions - International Barriers: Canadian Governmental Response to the Plight of the Jewish Refugees (1933-1945)

Comartin, Justin January 2013 (has links)
From 1933 to 1945, thousands of European Jews attempted to gain access to Canada in order to escape Nazi oppression. This thesis examines Canada’s immigration records and policies during this period. In addition to bringing light to key issues concerning popular Canadian perceptions of Jewish immigrants and refugees in the thirties and forties, this history raises important questions about the Canadian government and ethical responsibility in a time of war; about the relationship between government policy and provincial politics; and about the position taken by Canada’s longest serving Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, and his Cabinet. The author’s research brings attention to Irving Abella and Harold Troper’s work, None is too Many, which, since its publication in 1982, has stood as the authoritative work on the subject. A variety of important issues which are not treated in detail in this earlier monograph are examined in depth in this analysis: The prevalence of anti-Semitism in French and English Canada, and the Canadian immigration record are treated in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 and 4 investigate accusations that William Lyon Mackenzie King, Ernest Lapointe, Frederick Charles Blair, and Vincent Massey harboured anti-Semitic views. It is found that such charges suffer from a serious lack of evidence. Although sometimes the language used by these men in their correspondence and letters can be shocking to the modern reader, it was the colloquial language during their lives. Furthermore, their personal documents often exhibit evidence of sincere sympathy for the Jews of Europe, and frustration with Canadian popular opinion. The author concludes that collective memory of the Holocaust has affected perceptions concerning the Canadian immigration record during the period in question. Anti-immigration sentiment was strong in Canada during the Depression. Nevertheless, as the Canadian Government became increasingly aware of the persecution of Jews within the Reich, particularly following the events of Kristallnacht in November of 1938, measures were put into place to ease Jewish immigration to Canada, such as including refugees among the admissible classes of immigrants. The Canadian Government did not begin to receive information concerning the extermination of European Jewry until 1942. By this time, there was hardly anything Canada could do. Heinrich Himmler had forbidden Jewish emigration from the Reich in October of 1941, the war was in full swing by 1942, and ships carrying refugees and PoWs were not safe from U-boat attacks. From 1933 to 1945 Canada allowed 8,787 Jews into the country. However, all immigration to Canada was slowed during this time. Consequently, Jews, in actuality, represented a higher percentage of immigrants arriving in Canada, at this time, than they had from 1923 to 1932. This illustrates Canada’s doors we not closed specifically to Jewish refugees during the Depression and Second World War.

Développement d’outils pour l’étude des écoulements diphasiques dans les canaux d’une pile à combustible de type PEM / Development of tools to study two-phase flows inside the gas channels of a PEM fuel cell

Conteau, Delphine 22 June 2011 (has links)
Parmi les nombreuses problématiques liées à la PEMFC, l'eau est un point crucial car elle est à la fois indispensable et indésirable dans le coeur de pile. En effet, les flux gazeux qui alimentent le système en réactifs sont humidifiés pour que la membrane soit convenablement hydratée afin de faciliter le transport des protons de l'anode vers la cathode. Mais à cet apport initial vient s'ajouter l'eau produite par la réaction électrochimique. Des gouttes d'eau liquide peuvent alors se former dans les pores des couches actives et peuvent grossir jusqu'à boucher les canaux des plaques d'alimentation en gaz. Ce travail de thèse est centré sur l'étude des écoulements gaz-liquide dans ces canaux, dont le diamètre hydraulique est de l'ordre du millimètre. Dans un premier temps, des micro-capteurs ont été mis au point pour détecter la présence d'eau liquide. Après une phase de tests en maquette froide, ces micro-capteurs ont été insérés dans une cellule de 25 cm2 de surface active, identique à celles étudiées au LRGP. Ceci a permis de montrer que dans une pile en fonctionnement, les fluctuations de tension sont liées à la présence d'eau liquide. Par ailleurs, des corrélations existantes ont été utilisées pour prédire les pertes de charge engendrées par la présence de deux phases dans les mini-canaux. Ces calculs ont été comparés aux mesures expérimentales, mettant en évidence l'influence de la couche de diffusion des gaz, située entre les canaux et la membrane, et l'importance des conditions opératoires.Ces méthodes originales viennent compléter les outils de diagnostic existants sans demander d'appareillage complexe et coûteux, ni nécessiter le développement de matériel spécifique, non optimisé pour une utilisation commerciale / Water management is a critical issue in the operation of proton exchange fuel cells (PEMFC). On one hand, the membrane must be sufficiently hydrated to allow the transport of protons from the anode side to the cathode side. But on the other hand, supersaturation of water vapour in the gas phase results in liquid water formation, which can be detrimental to the fuel cell operation. Liquid water can clog up the porous structure of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) and hinder the transport of gases in the catalyst layer. Liquid accumulation can also lead to the formation of water columns inside the gas flow channels, thus preventing the fuel gas from flowing into the reaction area.Micro-sensors have been designed to detect the presence of liquid water. Three of them were inserted inside the gas distribution channels of a 25 cm2 cell. The tests run with this equipped cell highlighted the link between the presence of liquid water and the variations of the cell voltage. Besides, existing correlations were used to calculate the pressure drop between the inlet and the outlet of the cathode channel due to two-phase flow during the cell operation. The results of this calculation were compared with experimental results. This part of the study highlighted the influence of the GDL and of the operating conditions on the flows inside the channels

The Legitimacy of Online Feminist Activism: Subversion of Shame in Sexual Assault by Reporting it on Social Media

Verma, Tarishi 24 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

From foreign aid to domestic debt : essays on government financing in developing economies

Abbas, Syed Mohammad Ali January 2014 (has links)
The <u>first essay</u> [“Twin Deficits and Free Lunches: Macroeconomic Outcomes In Anticipation of Foreign Aid”] concerns itself with situations in which private agents anticipate a future windfall (free lunch) that will help service the debt resulting from a present fiscal expansion (implemented via a temporary tax cut). Such expectations of a windfall can arise in the context of natural resource discoveries or, more interestingly, due to perceptions by agents in “too important to fail” countries that will be bailed out through higher foreign aid or debt relief. We employ an overlapping generations model featuring credit constraints to study the real effects of such free lunch expectations in a small open economy, drawing contrasts with the standard tax and money finance closure rules. The model is solved analytically and shows that anticipated aid is equivalent to current aid when agents have perfect foresight, so that a temporary tax cut is seen as permanent. Accordingly, agents raise their consumption and indebtedness (at the expense of future generations) by an amount that is an increasing function of their “impatience” (subjective rates of time preference plus probability of death). A worsening of the current account obtains (twin deficits) across a range of plausible closure rules, including those featuring money finance. The introduction of credit constrained households (we study the variant where myopic agents spend their current disposable incomes) does not alter the basic result in the case of full aid finance, but does matter for mixed tax-aid regimes, in more complex settings where agent expectations and donor promises on aid diverge, and when governments face borrowing constraints so that the timing of aid delivery matters. The <u>second essay</u> [“The Role of Domestic Debt in Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation For Developing Economies”] focuses on the remaining source of government financing, i.e. domestic debt, and the role it can play in mobilizing private savings, facilitating credit intermediation in higher risk settings (i.e. serving a “collateral” function on bank balance sheets), developing financial markets and supporting economic growth in general. To investigate this question empirically, we set up a new domestic debt database covering about 100 developing economies, going back three decades to 1975; explore Granger causality links between domestic debt and key macroeconomic and institutional variables; and estimate the growth impact of domestic debt using panel regressions, allowing for non-linear effects. Domestic debt, as a share of GDP is found to exert a significant positive impact on economic growth, with potential channels including domestic savings mobilization, provision of risk-insurance on banks’ balance sheets; and greater institutional accountability of the state to its citizens. Although this result countervails more established arguments against domestic debt (i.e. that it leads to crowding out and banks to become lazy), there is some evidence that above a ratio of 35 percent of bank deposits, domestic debt does begin to undermine economic growth. The growth payoff also depends on debt quality, with higher payoffs observed for positive interest-rate bearing marketable debt issued to nonbank sectors. The <u>third and final essay</u> [“Why Do Banks in Developing Economies Hold Domestic Government Securities?”] explores demand-side determinants of domestic debt, by focusing on commercial bank holdings of government paper, discriminating carefully between voluntary factors (such as mean-variance portfolio optimization) and statutory ones (cash reserve and capital adequacy requirements). The analysis is made possible by the construction of a dataset on government and private returns (real and nominal) for almost 600 banks from 70 emerging and low-income economies, spanning the (pre-Basel II) period 1995-2005. A battery of structural cross-section regressions indicates that banks’ portfolio decisions are at least as significantly influenced by mean-variance considerations as regulatory factors: the actual portfolio share of government securities (λ) responds intuitively, and sizably, to variations in the moments of the distributions for government and private returns as well as in the minimum-variance portfolio share (λ*). Higher cash reserve requirements tilt portfolios away from government securities toward riskier private lending, while higher capital adequacy requirements work the other way. The association between actual portfolios and the identified determinants is noticeably weaker at lower ends of the λ distribution, suggesting the domination of non-CAPM factors in those contexts.

L'éthique et sa place dans la nature

Dishaw, Samuel 09 1900 (has links)
Une des questions centrales de la métaéthique est celle de savoir si les propriétés morales sont des propriétés naturelles ou non-naturelles. Ce mémoire fait valoir que nous ferions bien de remettre en question une constellation d’arguments en faveur du non-naturalisme moral : l’argument de la question ouverte, l’intuition normative et l’argument du gouffre. L’influent argument de la question ouverte de Moore, d’abord, ne soutient le non-naturalisme que s’il commet une pétition de principe. L’intuition normative commet ou bien le sophisme d’inférer sur la base de sa différence spécifique qu’une chose n’appartient pas à un genre donné, ou bien sous-estime la panoplie de propriétés naturelles qui possèdent les caractéristiques censées être distinctives des propriétés morales et normatives. L’argument du gouffre, quant à lui, sous-estime l’ubiquité du fossé logique et conceptuel censé marquer une discontinuité métaphysique profonde entre les domaines normatif et naturel. / One of the burning questions among metaethical realists is whether moral facts and properties are natural or non-natural. In this thesis, I argue that we should treat a family of arguments for non-naturalism with considerable scepticism: the Open Question Argument, the Normative Intuition, and the argument from the Is-Ought Gap. Moore’s famous Open Question Argument only supports moral non-naturalism if it begs the question against the modest (non-reductionist) naturalist. As for the Normative Intuition, it either commits the fallacy of inferring on the basis of a thing’s specific difference that it does not belong to the genus it putatively belongs to, or it underestimates the breadth of natural properties that possess the features which non-naturalists allege are distinctive of moral and normative properties. The argument from the Is-Ought Gap, for its part, underestimates the ubiquity of the logical and conceptual gap that allegedly marks a deep metaphysical discontinuity between the normative and natural domains.

"Ty den som smittar detta land är du" : Den mytiska argumentationen i Katarina Frostensons K

Borggren, Ellinor January 2020 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt argumentationen i Katarina Frostensons K – en skönlitterär bok som skrevs i en tid (hösten 2017 till våren 2018) då #metoo-rörelsen svepte över världen och 18 kvinnor hade vittnat i DN om övergrepp av en känd kulturprofil med nära band till Svenska Akademien. Flera medier namngav mannen som Jean-Claude Arnault, make till akademiledamoten och poeten Katarina Frostenson. Händelserna ledde till en av de största kriserna i Svenska Akademiens historia och K är Frostensons första och enda offentliga yttrande rörande situationen. Boken utkom i maj 2019 och den här undersökningen väljer att tolka den som ett slags försvar mot det Arnault och hon själv har anklagats för. Då samtida retorisk teori visat på vikten av myter i argumentation (Bengtson 2012), och både juridiska och empiriska aspekter talar emot Frostensons retoriska problem, har underökningen utgått från att argumentationen använder sig av emotionella och suggestiva appeller i form av myter. Med hjälp av Brummets närläsningsmetod (2019) och Lindqvists topikteori (2016) har Frostensons argumen-tation delats in i tre övergripande topiker. Dessa har sedan analyserats och identifierat ett antal myter som Frostenson använder sig av för att stärka sin argumentation. En myt som analyseras mer djupgående är exempelvis den antika myten om megäror och kvinnor som hämndlystna monster, vilken Frostenson applicerar på kvinnorna som vittnat i DN. En annan myt handlar om kollektivets behov av syndabockar och att Arnault fått den rollen. En tredje myt hävdar att svenskar är främlingsfientliga eftersom Arnault får ta skulden på grund av sin franska och judiska härkomst. En fjärde myt argumenterar för att åtrå legitimerar våld, vilket hon försöker stärka genom den bibliska berättelsen om kung David och Batseba.  Utöver Bengtsons tolkning av Barthes mytteori (2012) som utgångspunkt har undersökningen bland annat tagit avstamp i kommunikationsprofessorn McFarlands teori om kopplingen mellan myten och det heliga (1989), genusforskaren Tassis teorier om kvinnor och hämnd (2011) samt Richard Kearneys tolkning av René Girards offermekanismer (1995). Vidare har analysen satts i relation till relevant tidigare forskning och kopplats till både historiska och samtida händelser och kontexter. Jag hävdar att min undersökning visar hur viktigt det är att söka efter mer än bara logiska premisser i argumentation. Frostenson har i princip uteslutande myter som bas i sin argumentation, och de är inte alltid helt uppenbara – dolda i suggestiva termer och ett symboliskt språk. Ett av den här uppsatsens syften var att försöka visa hur en mytisk argumentationsanalys kan gå till i praktiken, för att utöka kunskapen kring hur vi kan förstå argumentation i känslomässiga kontexter, så som i debatter om sexuella övergrepp, men också rent generellt. Resultatet som framkommit i undersökningen, det vill säga den mängd myter som identifierats och analyserats, bör inspirera till vidare forskning i ämnet. Jag menar att det finns ett uppdämt behov av just sådana här argumentationsanalyser och att retorikvetenskapen har en viktig roll i detta.Sökord: Katarina Frostenson, K, Jean-Claude Arnault, #metoo, Svenska Akademien, myter, mytisk argumentation, Roland Barthes, Erik Bengtson, Janne Lindqvist, topiker, litteratur, retorik, poesi, poet, skönlitteratur.

Controversial Politics, Conservative Genre: Rex Stout's Archie-Wolfe Duo and Detective Fiction's Conventional Form

Cannon, Ammie 15 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Rex Stout maintained his popular readership despite the often controversial and radical political content expressed in his detective fiction. His political ideals often made him many enemies. Stances such as his ardent opposition to censorship, racism, Nazism, Germany, Fascism, Communism, McCarthyism, and the unfettered FBI were potentially offensive to colleagues and readers from various political backgrounds. Yet Stout attempted to present radical messages via the content of his detective fiction with subtlety. As a literary traditionalist, he resisted using his fiction as a platform for an often extreme political agenda. Where political messages are apparent in his work, Stout employs various techniques to mute potentially offensive messages. First, his hugely successful bantering Archie Goodwin-Nero Wolfe detective duo—a combination of both the lippy American and the tidy, sanitary British detective schools—fosters exploration, contradiction, and conflict between political viewpoints. Archie often rejects or criticizes Wolfe's extreme political viewpoints. Second, Stout utilizes the contradictions between values that occur when the form of detective fiction counters his radical political messages. This suggests that the form of detective fiction (in this case the conventional patterns and attitudes reinforced by the genre) is as important as the content (in this case the muted political message or the lack of overt politics) in reinforcing or shaping political, economic, moral, and social viewpoints. An analysis of the novels The Black Mountain (1954) and The Doorbell Rang (1965) and the novellas "Not Quite Dead Enough" and "Booby Trap" (1944) from Stout's Nero Wolfe series demonstrates his use of detective fiction for both the expression of political viewpoints and the muting of those political messages.

Contribution à la mise au point d'une démarche rationnelle de sélection des traitements de surface : illustration dans le cas des dispositifs de fonderie de l'aluminium. Contribution to a comprehensive selection of surface treatments: the case of aluminium foundry devices.

D'Ans, Pierre J.D. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Sélectionner des traitements de surface pour l’industrie nécessite de prendre en compte : les propriétés à conférer au substrat, la nature et la géométrie de celui-ci et les caractéristiques du milieu extérieur. Certaines combinaisons de ces paramètres rendent difficile la sélection d’un traitement unique, d’où le recours à des multitraitements de surface. Dès lors, se posent les questions suivantes : - Utiliser des multitraitements de surface peut se faire en scindant les différentes requêtes en sous-ensembles, de manière à ce que chaque traitement réponde à l’un d’eux. Dans quel ordre ces requêtes doivent-elles être introduites par rapport au substrat ? - Comment sélectionner les traitements de surface répondant à chaque requête individuelle ? - Comment classer des multitraitements en termes d’adéquation au problème posé ? Dans ce travail, les première et troisième questions sont abordées, en explorant les requêtes concernant habituellement les dispositifs de moulage de l’aluminium : - Résistance aux contraintes d’origine thermique. - Résistance à la corrosion par les métaux fondus. - Résistance au frottement. L’analyse de la bibliographie relative aux traitements de surface utilisés dans ces systèmes a été analysée et des « architectures »-types ont été identifiées (chapitre 3). On prévoit, par exemple, un traitement conférant la résistance à la fatigue superficielle, ainsi qu’un revêtement étanche et résistant à l’aluminium fondu. Une barrière thermique est parfois préconisée. Pour chacune des architectures, des traitements de surface individuels peuvent être sélectionnés. Un « facteur de performance » permettant de classer les solutions par rapport au problème de la fatigue thermique a été construit (chapitre 4) et discuté dans deux situations : - Lorsqu’un revêtement est présent, et que les contraintes d’origine thermique (différence de dilatation thermique couche-substrat) menacent de le rompre lors de l’immersion dans un milieu corrosif à haute température. Des essais de corrosion dans de l’aluminium fondu ont été réalisés sur un acier revêtu par du nitrure de chrome dopé à l’aluminium, synthétisé par déposition physique en phase vapeur (chapitre 5 – collaboration : Inasmet). - Lorsque des variations thermiques rapides menacent de rompre le substrat et la (les) couches. Des essais de fatigue thermique ont été réalisés sur de l’acier à outils pour travail à chaud non traité, boruré ou recouvert d’un multitraitements (zircone yttriée / NiCrAlY / boruration / acier). Le revêtement en zircone yttriée a été obtenu par projection par plasma. L’essai de fatigue thermique a été modélisé et le facteur de performance, discuté (chapitre 6). Au chapitre 7, les architectures-types ont été introduites dans une méthodologie de sélection des multi-traitements de surface, qui a été appliquée dans deux cas : - Celui des moules de fonderie, devant résister à la fatigue thermique et à la corrosion par l’aluminium fondu. Le facteur de performance a été extrapolé à d’autres situations qu’aux chapitres 5 et 6. Les solutions habituellement proposées pour résoudre ce problème sont retrouvées. - Celui de deux pièces en acier frottant l’une contre l’autre en présence d’aluminium fondu. To select surface treatments, one must account for the required functional properties, the substrate features and the solicitations the substrate must endure. Certain combinations of these parameters make it difficult to select a single surface treatment, a reason why several successive treatments are preferred. To select them, one needs to determine: - How to divide the several requests into groups and how to stack up these groups from the substrate to the outer surface, so that each treatment deals with one specific group of requests/properties. - How to select individual layers for each group of properties. - How to rank the multi-treatments in terms of relevance for a given application. In this work, one tries to answer the first and the third questions, by studying the case of aluminium foundry, in which the industrial devices frequently face the following solicitations: - Thermal stress (thermal fatigue, thermal expansion mismatch). - Presence of corrosive molten metal. - Sliding wear. In the literature, several “standard” architectures are proposed (chapter 3), like a diffusion layer reducing superficial fatigue plus a corrosion barrier layer. A thermal barrier coating is also sometimes proposed. For each of these architectures, one can select individual treatments. To rank them, one devised a “performance index” for thermal stress (chap.4), which is discussed for two cases: - For large differences between layer and substrate thermal expansion coefficients, when both are put into contact with a high temperature corrosive medium, the layer may be damaged. One discusses this case by examining the corrosion caused by molten aluminium for a steel substrate coated by anticorrosive chromium nitride doped with aluminium. The layer is produced by physical vapour deposition (chap. 5 – cooperation: Inasmet). - Repeated fast surface temperature transients can also damage the substrate and/or the layer by thermal fatigue. One conducted thermal fatigue tests with samples of hot work tool steel, respectively untreated, simply borided and protected by a multilayer. In the last case, top coat is yttria stabilised zirconia, followed by a nickel superalloy and then a borided layer (undercoat). One synthesized the zirconia coating by plasma spray and one modelled the thermal fatigue (chap. 6). In chap. 7, architectures from chap. 2 are introduced in a multi-treatment selection routine, which is applied in two cases: - Foundry moulds for molten aluminium, withstanding both thermal fatigue and corrosion. The devised performance index is extrapolated beyond the tests of chap. 5 and 6 to treatments for this industrial application, thereby quantifying their respective merits. - A foundry device exposed to molten metal and sliding wear.

Beyond the electronic connection : the technologically manufactured cyber-human and its physical human counterpart in performance : a theory related to convergence identities

Sharir, Yacov January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of the complex processes and relationships between the physical human performer and the technologically manufactured cyber-human counterpart. I acted as both researcher and the physical human performer, deeply engaged in the moment-to-moment creation of events unfolding within a shared virtual reality environment. As the primary instigator and activator of the cyber-human partner, I maintained a balance between the live and technological performance elements, prioritizing the production of content and meaning. By way of using practice as research, this thesis argues that in considering interactions between cyber-human and human performers, it is crucial to move beyond discussions of technology when considering interactions between cyber-humans and human performers to an analysis of emotional content, the powers of poetic imagery, the trust that is developed through sensory perception and the evocation of complex relationships. A theoretical model is constructed to describe the relationship between a cyber-human and a human performer in the five works created specifically for this thesis, which is not substantially different from that between human performers. Technological exploration allows for the observation and analysis of various relationships, furthering an expanded understanding of ‘movement as content’ beyond the electronic connection. Each of the works created for this research used new and innovative technologies, including virtual reality, multiple interactive systems, six generations of wearable computers, motion capture technology, high-end digital lighting projectors, various projection screens, smart electronically charged fabrics, multiple sensory sensitive devices and intelligent sensory charged alternative performance spaces. They were most often collaboratively created in order to augment all aspects of the performance and create the sense of community found in digital live dance performances/events. These works are identified as one continuous line of energy and discovery, each representing a slight variation on the premise that a working, caring, visceral and poetic content occurs beyond the technological tools. Consequently, a shift in the physical human’s psyche overwhelms the act of performance. Scholarship and reflection on the works have been integral to my creative process throughout. The goals of this thesis, the works created and the resulting methodologies are to investigate performance to heighten the multiple ways we experience and interact with the world. This maximizes connection and results in a highly interactive, improvisational, dynamic, non-linear, immediate, accessible, agential, reciprocal, emotional, visceral and transformative experience without boundaries between the virtual and physical for physical humans, cyborgs and cyber-humans alike.

銀行業中「大至不能倒」(Too Big to Fail)現象之防範與法制建構-兼論銀行事前預囑

黃卲璿, Huang, Shao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要探討的問題在於如何消弭銀行業中具有「大至不能倒」地位的銀行對整體經濟與金融體系所帶來的負面效應。 為了處理此一問題,本文將從比較法經驗進行歸納分析,理出「大至不能倒」理論在美國法上的面貌,並對「大至不能倒」銀行的界定提出比較法上採取的途徑,之後本文將進入檢閱現有的「大至不能倒」的解決方案,並以本文核心目標:『正視「大至不能倒」銀行的存在,並最小化「大至不能倒」政策適用的餘地!』來檢驗這些解決方案,緊接著本文將提出金融穩定委員會對於「大至不能倒」銀行的「資本強化」、「監理強化」與「復原與退場計畫」這三個監理方案供參酌,本文在結論上強力主張應將「復原與退場計畫」納入我國的法制架構中,為我國未來面對「大至不能倒」議題預做準備,並提出立法建議。 所謂「復原與退場計畫」(銀行事前預囑)是國際上處理「大至不能倒」問題所創造出全新的監理工具,簡介其內容,就是藉由事前周全的計畫使大型銀行在遭遇嚴重的壓力事件(尤其是系統性事件)時能藉由實施事前計劃快速地使財務狀況回復正常,或退而求其次藉由實施事前計畫使銀行能在不影響金融穩定或損及納稅人(即紓困政策)的狀況下退出金融市場。簡而言之其精神在於「卸除大型銀行的系統重要性」。

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