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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors Affecting the Number of Trades in ETPs on Nordic Derivatives Exchange / Faktorer som påverkar antalet avslut i ETP:er på Nordic Derivatives Exchange

Carlsson, Simon, Allgårdh, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines which factors that affect the number of trades in exchange-traded products (ETPs) on Nordic Derivatives Exchange. Multiple linear regression is used to model the relationship between the number of trades and 65 initially chosen predictor variables. The predictor variables include various indices, commodities, stocks, and volatility measures. Two models are presented, one of which includes a lagged dependent variable. These models explain 89% and 92% of the variance within the data. Foremost, the results confirm previous research advocating the volatility to play a significant role on the number of trades, but now also shown for ETPs. Currency exchange rates, equity indices and palladium are also shown to be statistically significant. In addition, interpretations of the results are given and suggestions for further research. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar antalet avslut i börshandlade produkter (ETP:er) på Nordic Derivatives Exchange. Multipel linjär regression används för att undersöka relationen mellan antalet avslut och 65 på förhand valda regressionsvariabler som vi anser intressanta att undersöka. Dessa regressionsvariabler består av bland annat olika index, råvaror, aktier samt volatilitetsmått. Två modeller presenteras, varav en inkluderar en laggad beroende variabel. Dessa två modeller förklarar 89 % respektive 92% av variationen i datan. Resultatet visar att volatiliteten har en signifikant påverkan med avseende på antal avslut vilket bekräftar tidigare forskning, men visas nu gälla även för ETPer. Valutakurser, aktieindex och palladium visas vara signifikanta. Vidare ges tolkning av resultatet och förslag på framtida forskning.

Beslutsregler, likabehandling och god sed : Tre kategorier av begränsningar som aktiemarknadsbolag behöver iaktta vid beslut om riktade nyemissioner av aktier / Decision-Making Rules, Equal Treatment and Good Practice : Three Categories of Limitations Publicly Traded Companies Need to Observe When Deciding on Targeted Issues of New Shares

Jonsson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Möjligheten för aktiemarknadsbolag att kunna genomföra riktade nyemissioner av aktier är ett viktigt inslag på marknaden – inte minst för bolagens kapitalanskaffning. Men med möjligheter kommer också, ofta, risker. Så även här. När en riktad nyemission genomförs och huvudregeln om aktieägarnas företrädesrätt därmed frångås, uppkommer en risk för att befintliga aktieägare, åtminstone vissa av dem, missgynnas. Så sker vanligtvis genom att de aktieägare som står utanför nyemissionen upplever en ekonomisk eller inflytandemässig utspädning av sina innehav. I syfte att reglera dessa risker finns det – inom såväl aktiebolags- som aktiemarknadsrätten – vissa begränsningar som aktiemarknadsbolag behöver iaktta vid beslut om riktade nyemissioner av aktier. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda, formulera och diskutera dessa påstådda begränsningar. Den första begränsningen består av beslutsreglerna i ABL, det vill säga reglerna som föreskriver de åtgärder som behöver vidtas inför, vid och efter ett emissionsbeslut. Dessa regler återfinns främst i 13 kap. ABL och innefattar bland annat krav på att ett förslag till beslut ska upprättas och på att beslut fattas med kvalificerad majoritet. Likabehandlingsreglerna i ABL, främst generalklausulerna, utgör den andra begränsningen. En prövning mot generalklausulerna innebär att bolaget i fråga inte får genomföra en riktad nyemission som på ett otillbörligt sätt gynnar någon, en aktieägare eller utomstående, på annan aktieägares bekostnad. Otillbörlighetsrekvisitet inbegriper en helhetsbedömning med fokus på de affärsmässiga motiven, bolagets intresse och förekomsten av missbruk. Nyemissioner torde stå i strid med generalklausulerna i undantagsfall, mot bakgrund av att de är tänkta att tillämpas restriktivt. Den tredje begränsningen som – till skillnad från de två tidigare kategorierna – inte är aktiebolagsrättslig, omfattar de ytterligare krav som aktiemarknadsrättens självreglering, främst god sed på aktiemarknaden, ställer. Med ett fåtal undantag tycks dock några sådana ytterligare eller högre krav inte finnas, vilket ger vid handen att aktiebolags- och aktiemarknadsrätten i hög grad är överlappande på området. De rättsliga följderna av att begränsningarna inte iakttas är, beroende på den enskilda situationen, framför allt klander, skadestånd eller ”marknadens dom”. Slutsatsen är att de tre begränsningarna på ett rimligt sätt balanserar majoritetens och bolagets intresse av en effektiv kapitalanskaffning och minoritetens behov av skydd. Undantag gäller eventuellt för de två generalklausulerna, vilkas tillämpningsområden, främst på grund av otillbörlighetsrekvisitet, är förhållandevis otydliga. Det hade därför varit önskvärt att grunderna för den bedömningen konkretiserades i den vägledande rättstillämpningen framöver.

Does Idiosyncratic Volatility Proxy for a Missing Risk Factor? Evidence from Using Portfolios as Test Assets

Gempesaw, David Conrad 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Better Sorry Than Safe? : An evaluation of Scandinavian acquirers participating in European mergers and acquisitions between 2010-2017

Joakimson, Anton, Lyrfors, Olle January 2021 (has links)
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a popular way of growing a company. This is challenged by previous research that shows that an M&A-transaction generally harms the financial key metrics of the acquiring company. The main focus of this report is to examine if there is an effect on financial ratios for Scandinavian companies partaking in an M&A as an acquirer. The effect is captured by the movements in the key metrics return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), return on invested capital (ROIC), EBIT-margin. In addition, both ESG-ranking and underlying non-financial values, like if the deal was domestic or not, the age of the executives and board gender diversity, are looked at for a better understanding of what differences there are between the performance of M&As.  A database of Scandinavian companies acting within Europe was created containing the specific deal characteristics over a period of three years prior as well as three years after the deal. The statistical methods used to analyze this data were Wilcoxon signed-rank test, bivariate Pearson Correlation and Independent Samples t-test. The generated results in the aggregated dataset showed a negative performance of ROE and ROIC in the period after the deal, compared to the period prior to the deal. This result was also seen in the sub-set of foreign deals with an additional negative performance of ROA for the acquirer while the sub-set of domestic deals did not show any significant negative performance in the period after the deal. We found that it was not possible to analyze the post-period effect on ESG-ranking as the data for our included companies was too scarce. Our findings suggest, when looking at our certain key metrics, that M&A-transactions are not economically justified and that executives might be partially motivated by something other than economic performance when deciding upon an M&A. It is furthermore possible to conclude that the disclosing of ESG data has not been a priority for companies in the past and continues to be ignored by the masses which makes it difficult to progress academically in this field.

Flux internationaux, hypertrophie bancaire et syndrome hollandais dans les petites économies ouvertes / Foreign inflows, banking hypertrophia and dutch disease in small open economies

Bou habib, Chadi 26 October 2012 (has links)
Les flux financiers internationaux ont connu un développement accéléré au cours des quatre dernières décennies, et le rôle du secteur bancaire dans la transformation de ces flux en moyens de financer la demande s’est accru. Or le passage d’un choc de flux, à un choc de revenu, puis à un choc de demande, génère des ajustements de type «Syndrome Hollandais»; avec variation des prix relatifs et ajustement de la structure de production, mouvement des facteurs de production, et variation des rémunérations absolues et relatives de ces facteurs. Le phénomène est d’importance pour les petites économies ouvertes preneuses de prix et exposées aux chocs exogènes. Nous conceptualisons la transmission du choc et les ajustements sur différents horizons temporels pour une économie à deux secteurs; l’un produisant des biens échangeables et l’autre des biens non-échangeables. L’économie dispose de deux facteurs de production, le travail et le capital, substituables et mobiles avec le temps. Nous testons ce cadre conceptuel sur le Liban, le Luxembourg, et l’Islande; trois pays bénéficiant de larges flux financiers internationaux avant la crise de 2008 et ayant des secteurs bancaires de tailles importantes. Nous trouvons que la direction et l’intensité des ajustements de moyen terme vont dépendre du différentiel d’intensité capitalistique entre secteurs. Sur le long terme, l’offre des facteurs va se modifier. Nous testons aussi l’impact des politiques de réserves et du marché de la monnaie et du crédit, et des politiques fiscales et structurelles. La combinaison de mesures produit de meilleurs résultats sans toutefois mettre le poids de l’atténuation des ajustements sur un seul instrument. / Foreign financial inflows have developed quickly in the past 40 years. These inflows have increased the ability of the banking sector to further finance domestic demand. The transformation of foreign financial inflows into an income and demand shock generates Dutch Disease adjustments; with change in relative prices and adjustments in the productive system, resources movement, and change in the absolute and relative remunerations of factors of production. The phenomenon is of great importance in the case of small open economies that are price takers in the international market and exposed to exogenous shocks. We conceptualize the transmission of the shock and the adjustments over different time horizons for an economy composed of two sectors; one producing traded goods and the other producing non-traded goods. This economy is endowed with two factors of production, labor and capital, substitutable and mobile as time elapses. We experiment this conceptual framework in the cases of Lebanon, Luxemburg, and Iceland; the three economies having large banking sectors and benefiting from large foreign financial inflows prior to the 2008 crisis. We find that the direction and intensity of adjustments over the medium term depend on the differential of capital intensity between sectors. Over the longer term, the supply of factors of production would change. We also simulate the impact of policy choices, with focus on reserves policies, policies of money and credit, fiscal policies, and structural policies. The combination of measures leads to better results without putting the burden of the mitigation of adjustments on one single policy instrument.

臺灣50指數期貨與基金上市後臺灣期貨與現貨市場之分析 / The Analysis of Taiwan Futures and Spot Markets after Taiwan 50 Futures and Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund Trading

洪文琪, Hung, WenChi Unknown Date (has links)
本文係針對臺灣50指數期貨與基金於2003年6月30日上市之後,臺灣期貨及現貨市場報酬率間領先落後關係與波動性的變化來進行探討。研究分為兩部份,第一部份是觀察臺灣50指數期貨與現貨之間的關聯性,並探討臺灣加權股價指數、金融保險類股股價指數及電子類股股價指數期貨與現貨市場間的變化;第二部份是採用可模擬現貨走勢的臺灣50指數基金、國泰金及臺積電的股價來做為現貨的替代變數,觀察其與期貨之間的關連性是否與第一部份的結果類似,若是實證結果極為相同,則相關機構與一般投資人將可運用各期貨與其標的指數中市值最大的股票來進行套利操作。此外,本文在進行模型估計時,首度採用一階段估計法,來聯合估計雙變量GARCH模型中的條件平均數方程式與條件變異數方程式,以避免過去相關文獻將兩條方程式個別估計時所造成的估計誤差。 實證結果所獲得的重要結論如下:首先,臺灣期貨市場的發展仍未趨成熟,並不具有價格發現的功能,在考慮風險溢酬方面,僅有臺灣50指數期貨與現貨的投資人會在報酬率之外,額外要求用以補償的風險溢酬,再者,臺灣50指數期貨與基金的上市,並沒有對臺灣現有的期貨與現貨市場造成顯著的影響,然而,替代變數並不能完全取代現貨指數,但相較之下,國泰金在臺灣50指數期貨與基金上市之後的那段期間模擬成效最好。 / This paper investigates the change of lead-lag relationship in returns and volatilities in Taiwan futures and spot markets after the introduction of Taiwan 50 Futures and Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund (TTT) on June 30, 2003. The study divides into two parts. The first part examines the relationship between Taiwan 50 Futures and spot markets, and also discusses the change of Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index, Taiwan Stock Exchange Banking and Insurance Sector Index, and Taiwan Stock Exchange Electronic Sector Index in futures and spot markets. Another part uses the stock price of TTT, Cathay Financial Holding Company and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company as the substitutive variables of spot index and goes a step further to examine the relationships between them and futures individually. Additionally, this research used One-Pass Method for first time to estimate jointly the conditional mean equation and conditional variance equation of Bivariate GARCH Model to avoid estimating error in previous relative studies with Two-Pass Method. The major empirical results are as follows: first, the development of Taiwan futures market is incomplete. The futures market does not play the price discovery role to the spot market. Second, under the consideration of risk premium, only investors in Taiwan 50 Futures and spot markets would ask for compensated risk premium excepting returns. Third, the opening of Taiwan 50 Futures and TTT does not influence significantly Taiwan futures and spot markets. Last but not least, these substitutive variables can not replace spot index perfectly. However, comparing with others, the stock price of Cathay Financial Holding Company is the very model of Taiwan Stock Exchange Banking and Insurance Sector Index after the introduction of Taiwan 50 Futures and TTT.

策略行銷分析: 以匯豐中華投資信託為例 / Strategic marketing analysis: A case study of HSBC Taiwan global asset management

何瑞安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在世界各地金融公司所謂的「指數股票型基金」已經成為主流投資標的。指數股票型基金讓投資人能夠將其資金直接投資於國外股市,同時避免匯率問題。目前,台灣投資人藉由所謂的中國指數股票型基金來直接投資中國股市。 身為中國指數股票型基金的先驅者,台灣匯豐中華證券投資信託股份有限公司於2009年夏天創造了第一恆生跨境指數股票型基金。就像其他服務業,匯豐中華必須向投資人推銷該指數股票型基金以及其他金融產品。有鑑於行銷對於資產管理公司的成敗扮演著很重要角色,因此本研究以策略行銷分析為主要研究基礎。並且,藉由公司訪談和邱志聖(2006)的四個成本分析架構(4C Analysis),來探討台灣匯豐中華證券投資信託股份有限公司在台灣的行銷活動。所謂的4C分析包含外顯單外效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本。本研究為台灣匯豐中華提供服務、媒體廣告、品牌形象及行銷策略的改善之道。 關鍵字:策略行銷、四個成本分斯、外顯單外效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本、指數股票型基金 / Since the early 2000's, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have become a mainstream investment product in the portfolios of financial companies across the world. In recent years, ETFs have been created to allow investors to allocate their capital in the stock market of other countries while at the same time avoiding the currency exchange problem. Now, Taiwanese people can invest in the China stock market indexes via China ETFs. A pioneer in China ETFs, HSBC Global Asset Management Taiwan created the first Heng Seng cross border ETFs in the summer of 2009. As with any service-oriented business, HSBC Taiwan must advertise and promote these new investment products. In light of the fact that marketing plays a large role in the success of asset management companies, hence this thesis adopts strategic marketing analysis as the backbone of the research process. Utilizing professional interviews and Chiu's (2006) four cost (4C) analysis, this thesis examines HSBC Global Asset Management Taiwan's marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific costs. This thesis focuses on providing solutions for enhanced customer service, media advertising, brand image as well as marketing strategies for HSBC Taiwan. Key Words: strategic marketing, four cost structure, information search costs, moral hazard costs, firm-specific costs, exchange-traded funds

Tarptautinė prekyba paslaugomis: tendencijos ir problemos / International trade in services: tendencies and problems

Jankauskaitė, Rasa 28 December 2006 (has links)
The sphere of services started to develop very actively in the last century. Nowadays this sector of economics gained the dominant positions: currently those services compound more than two thirties of the World’s Gross National Product (GNP). Approximately seventy percent of the GNP is obtained in sector of the services. Moreover, this sector is growing much faster (16 percent per year) than trade in services (7 percent per year only). Currently more than seventy percent of the employees are working in the sector of the services, and this part practically contains all the development of employment. According to the data of the Statistic Department of Lithuania and the Bank of Lithuania, during period 2000 – 2006 the services became the key in economical sector in the structure of the Lithuanian economy, and it compounds the biggest part of surplus. Despite this fast development of the sector of the services, many problems that limit this market are rising up, for example, obstructions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), the problems with innovations, the efficiency of the employment, the obstacles that influence the establishment of the enterprises. It is necessary to make the comprehensive analysis of the sector of the services in order to solve those problems. The conception of the service, groups of the services traded in the international market and their accounting, the development of the services of the international market and its changes, the factors that... [to full text]

Banking sector, stock market development and economic growth in Zimbabwe : a multivariate causality framework

Dzikiti, Weston 02 1900 (has links)
The thesis examined the comprehensive causal relationship between the banking sector, stock market development and economic growth in a multi-variate framework using Zimbabwean time series data from 1988 to 2015. Three banking sector development proxies (total financial sector credit, banking credit to private sector and broad money M3) and three stock market development proxies (stock market capitalization, value traded and turnover ratio) were employed to estimate both long and short run relationships between banking sector, stock market and economic growth in Zimbabwe. The study employs the vector error correction model (VECM) as the main estimation technique and the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach as a robustness testing technique. Results showed that in Zimbabwe a significant causal relationship from banking sector and stock market development to economic growth exists in the long run without any feedback effects. In the short run, however, a negative yet statistically significant causal relationship runs from economic growth to banking sector and stock market development in Zimbabwe. The study further concludes that there is a unidirectional causal relationship running from stock market development to banking sector development in Zimbabwe in both short and long run periods. Nonetheless this relationship between banking sector and stock markets has been found to be more significant in the short run than in the long run. The thesis adopts the complementary view and recommends for the spontaneity implementation of monetary policies as the economy grows. Monetary authorities should thus formulate policies to promote both banks and stock markets with corresponding growth in Zimbabwe’s economy. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)


RESTELLI, ENRICO RINO 13 April 2018 (has links)
Gli aumenti di capitale iperdiluitivi causano rilevanti anomalie di mercato, soprattutto con riferimento ai diritti d’opzione, che sono spesso scambiati a un prezzo notevolmente inferiore rispetto al loro valore teorico. Come evidenziato nel Capitolo I, tali anomalie possono comportare un significativo annacquamento del valore dell’investimento, inducendo così gli azionisti a sottoscrivere le azioni offerte loro nonostante le prospettive reddituali dell’impresa avrebbero consigliato altrimenti (c.d. coazione a sottoscrivere). Al fine di trovare un adeguato equilibrio tra le esigenze di finanziamento dell’impresa e la necessità di tutelare adeguatamente gli investitori, l’ordinamento giuridico offre una pluralità di soluzioni. In quest’angolo visuale, il Capitolo II esamina il divieto di emettere nuove azioni al di sotto della parità contabile (art. 47, Direttiva (EU) 2017/1132) quale limite ex ante alla diluizione massima del valore della partecipazione azionaria, così di ridurre il rischio di comportamenti opportunistici. Similmente, nel Capitolo III si discute della funzione assolta in tali operazioni dalla responsabilità degli amministratori ex art. 2395 c.c. e ci si interroga se - nelle società quotate - l’illiquidità del mercato dei diritti di opzione costituisca un’ipotesi rilevante ai sensi dell'art. 2441, comma 5, c.c., così che tutte le nuove azioni debbano essere emesse al loro valore “reale” (co. 6). / In publicly traded companies, highly dilutive rights issues create market anomalies throughout the whole offer period, especially with respect to rights prices, which quote considerably below their fair value. As pointed out in Chapter I, these anomalies could cause severe losses to non-subscribing shareholders, inducing them to take part in the operation even if financial perspectives of the company would have suggested otherwise (= enforced subscription mechanism). In order to strike a proper balance of enabling companies to raise new capital while simultaneously protecting investors, company law provides an array of regulatory strategies. In this respect, Chapter II analyzes the prohibition on issuing new shares below par value (art. 47, Directive (EU) 2017/1132) as a means to limit the dilution that can be imposed on non-subscribing shareholders, thus hindering opportunistic behaviors. Similarly, Chapter III examines the function and the contents of managers’ liability to investors (art. 2395 Italian c.c.) and discusses whether, in these operations, the illiquidity of rights’ market can be regarded as a restriction of their pre-emption right, imposing that new shares are always issued at their “real” value (art. 2441, par. 5 - 6, Italian c.c.).

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