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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Överbryggande av kommunikationsbarriärer med drivkraft framåt : En intervjustudie om konsten att främja barns hälsa i det transkulturella mötet / Bridging communication barriers with a drive forward : An interview study on the art of promoting children's health in the transcultural encounter

Björk, Deborah, Rocha, Kelly January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund En fjärdedel av barn i Sverige har utländsk bakgrund, de har enligt Barnkonventionen (2020) samma rättigheter som barn till svenskfödda. Primärvården är oftast deras första kontakt med svensk hälso- och sjukvård, vilket ställer krav på sjuksköterskor som bär ansvar i att tillgodose och möjliggöra jämlik vård. Ojämlikheter i vården kan dock uppstå och beror ofta på kommunikationsbarriärer i mötet.  Syfte Syftet var att beskriva primärvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikationsbarriärer i mötet med barn till utrikesfödda föräldrar. Metod Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskor inom primärvården i Västsverige. Intervjuerna analyseradesmed kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Sjuksköterskor inom primärvården har i möten med barn och deras utrikesfödda föräldrar verktyg för att överbrygga kommunikationsbarriärer, bland annat genom att hantera dialogen med föräldrarna och navigera barriärer som uppstår. Sjuksköterskor kan även identifiera kulturen och finna sätt att kommunicera och utveckla behovet av mer utbildning och beredskap inför dessa möten. På så sätt även bära ansvaret och känslorna i uppdraget mot en mer jämlik vård. Genom arbetet med kommunikationsbarriärer ser sjuksköterskan till att barnets rätt till god hälsoutveckling tillgodoses, och bidrar till att utveckla kunskap om kommunikationsbarriärer och vägen framåt med det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Slutsats Ur olika perspektiv har kommunikationsbarriärer lyfts i tidigare forskning både internationellt som nationellt. Men mer kunskap om lösningar kring kommunikationsbarriärer behövs frånbarnets perspektiv. Forskning behöver riktas mer på hur man kan arbeta kring problemet, inkludera barnet och blicka framåt / Background A quarter of children in Sweden have a foreign background, according to the Convention onthe Rights of the Child (2020) all children own the same rights. Primary care is usually their first contact with Swedish healthcare, which places demands on nurses who are responsible for providing and enabling equal care. However, inequalities often arise due to communication barriers in the meeting. Purpose The purpose was to describe primary care nurses' experiences of communication barriers in the meeting with children of foreign-born parents.  Method The study was conducted with a qualitative design and an inductive approach. Semistructured interviews were conducted with nurses in primary care in western Sweden. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis according. Results In caring for children of foreign-born parents, nurses in primary care possess tools for bridging communication barriers. By navigating the dialogue and identifying the culture and finding ways to communicate can enable preparedness for the task. Thus nurses can bear the responsibility and feelings in the mission towards a more equal care for the child. By overbridging communication barriers, nurses are able to cherish for the child's rights and increase knowledge of the phenomenon. Conclusion Communication barriers have been lifted worldwide in previous research. More knowledge concerning solutions for communication barriers is needed from the child's perspective. Research needs to focus more on how to work around the problem with a drive forward.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell omvårdnad : en litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experience of transcultural nursing : a literature review

Abelström, Kim, Mulamba, Carmine January 2023 (has links)
BakgrundPå grund av olika omständigheter tvingas allt fler människor fly från sina ursprungsländer, vilket leder till att allt fler länder blir mångkulturella. Ett mångkulturellt samhälle återspeglas i sin tur inom hälso- och sjukvården. Sjuksköterskor ställs inför stora utmaningar i vården av patienter som har andra kulturella bakgrunder. Därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor är kulturellt kompetenta samt kan kommunicera med patientersom inte har samma språk och kultur. SyfteSyftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell omvårdnad bland vuxna patienter. MetodEn litteraturöversikt som är baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Insamlingen av data gjordens genom att använda databaser PubMed och CINAHL ResultatResultatet av studien påvisade att sjuksköterskor står inför flera utmaningar inom området transkulturell omvårdnad vilken inkluderar bristande kulturkompetens, kommunikationsbarriärer, fördomar och individuella värderingar. Det blev tydligt att tillräcklig kulturell kompetens, effektiv kommunikation, respekt och ett välkomnande bemötande utgör betydande och avgörande faktorer för att kunna tillhandahålla meningsfull och värdig omvårdnad till patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund. SlutsatsSjuksköterskor står inför utmaningar i vården av patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder, vilket kan leda till osäkerhet och missförstånd. För att säkerställa kvalitativ vård behöver sjuksköterskor öka sin kunskap om transkulturell omvårdnad och utveckla effektiva kommunikationsstrategier. / Background Due to various circumstances, more and more people are forced to flee their countries of origin, which leads to more and more countries becoming multicultural. A multicultural society is in turn reflected in health care. Nurses are faced with great challenges in the care of patients who have other cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is important that nurses are culturally competent and able to communicate with patients who do not share the same language and culture. AimThe purpose was to describe the nurse's experiences of transcultural nursing among adult patients. MethodA literature review based on 15 scientific articles was conducted. The collection of data was done by using databases PubMed and CINAHL ResultsThe results of the study showed that nurses face several challenges in the field of transcultural nursing which include lack of cultural competence, communication barriers, prejudices, and individual values. It became clear that sufficient cultural competence, effective communication, respect, and a welcoming attitude are significant and decisive factors in being able to provide meaningful and dignified care to patients with a different cultural background. ConclusionsNurses face challenges in caring for patients from different cultural backgrounds, which can lead to uncertainty and misunderstanding. To ensure quality care, nurses need to increase their knowledge of transcultural nursing and develop effective communication strategies.

Transkulturella möten vid vård i livets slut : Vårdpersonals erfarenheter av transkulturella möten vid vård i livets slut - en litteraturöversikt / Transcultural encounters in care at the end of life : Health personnel’s experiences of transcultural encounters in end-of-life care - a literature review

Frisk, Miranda, Ramirez, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård i livets slut innebär en ofta svår och komplex vårdsituation med många faktorer som skall tas hänsyn till för att främja livskvalitet och en värdig död. I en globaliserad värld med ökad migration och mångkulturalism sker transkulturella möten i vården allt oftare. Detta betyder att vårdpersonal kommer möta människor från andra kulturella bakgrunder med skilda tankar om vad hälsa och sjukdom innebär. Detta ställer särskilda krav på sjuksköterskors kulturkompetens, då det ingår i det professionella ansvaret att tillgodose vård i livets slut som är personcentrerad. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vårdpersonals erfarenheter av transkulturella möten vid vård i livets slut. Metod: Tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet samlades in från databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed, för att sedan sammanställas i en litteraturöversikt. Resultat: Fyra huvudteman och fyra subteman identifierades totalt. “Kulturell kunskap och kompetens hos vårdpersonal” innehöll två subteman: “Osäkerhet och bristande kunskap” och “Strategier och förhållningssätt”. “Kulturens betydelse vid vård i livets slut” samt “Vårdpersonals kommunikation med patienter och deras anhöriga” var enskilda huvudteman. Slutligen var det fjärde huvudtemat “Familjen- och anhörigas centrala roll”, som innehöll två subteman: “Samverkan med familj och anhöriga” och “Stöd från familj och anhöriga”. Sammanfattning: Transkulturella möten vid vård i livets slut kan innebära en utmanande vårdsituation för vårdpersonal. Hänsyn till kulturella faktorer är emellertid viktig för att bevara värdigheten för patienter som befinner sig i livets slut. Litteraturöversikten belyser ett behov av utbildning för att stärka vårdpersonals kulturkompetens samt ett behov av förbättrade verktyg som kan stödja kommunikation vid förekomst av språkbarriärer. / Background: Care at the end of life can often mean a difficult and complex care situation with many factors that must be considered to promote quality of life and a dignified death. In a globalized world with increased migration and multiculturalism, transcultural encounters in a care context will occur more often. This means that health personnel will meet people from other cultural backgrounds with different ideas about what health and illness are. This places special demands on nurses' cultural competence, as it is part of the professional responsibility to provide end-of-life care that is person-centred and culturally adapted. Aim: The aim was to describe health personnel’s experiences of transcultural encounters during care at the end of life. Method: Ten qualitative scientific articles in the subject were collected from the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed, and then compiled in a literature review. Results: Four main themes and four sub-themes were identified. "Cultural knowledge and competence of health personnel" contained two sub-themes: "Uncertainty and lack of knowledge" and "Strategies and approaches". "The importance of culture in care at the end of life" and "Health personnel’s communication with patients and their relatives" were individual main themes. Finally, the fourth main theme was "The central role of family and relatives", which contained two sub-themes: "Cooperation with family and relatives" and "Support from family and relatives". Summary: Transcultural encounters in care at the end of life can be challenging for health personnel. Cultural consideration is however important to preserve dignity of patients at the end of life. This literature review highlights a need for education to strengthen health personnel's cultural competence as well as a need for improved tools for communication in the presence of language barriers.

Masculinities in Transcultural Spaces / Negotiations of Masculinities in Ang Lee’s Films

Zhang, Yumin 27 March 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Interpretation vier ausgewählter Filme des Filmemachers Ang Lee – Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, Brokeback Mountain und Hulk, die in den Jahren 1992 bis 2005 entstanden. Sie erforscht die unterschiedliche Inszenierung von Konzepten der Männlichkeit im chinesischen und US-amerikanischen Kontext, sowie den Männlichkeitsdiskurs in Räumen des kulturellen Üergangs. Die Untersuchung Lees männlicher Figuren und Männlichkeitskonzepte macht sich sowohl die chinesische als auch die westliche erkenntnistheoretische Perspektive zu eigen, dabei ist Untersuchung sowohl konzeptionell als auch analytisch angelegt. Auf der konzeptionellen Ebene soll sie zeigen, wie sich die Konstruktion von Männlichkeitskonzepten unter der Einbeziehung nicht nur der westlichen konzeptionellen Argumentation von transkulturellen Räumen (Transdifferenz), sondern auch von andersartigen erkenntnistheoretischen Perspektiven, hier der chinesischen, besser erklären lässt. Auf der analytischen Ebene werden in der Untersuchung der Inszenierung männlicher Figuren audio-visuelle Textanalysen benutzt. Die Analyse hat deutlich die Komplexität und Vielfältigkeit der Aushandlung von Männlichkeitskonzepten in transkulturellen Räumen gezeigt, wobei die Rekonstruktion und die Neuverhandlung von Männlichkeit sowohl emanzipatorisch als auch repressiv von statten gehen kann. Männliche Protagonisten bei Lee finden drei unterschiedliche Wege, ihre männliche Identität zu konstruieren. Als erste Lösung unterdrücken sie den transdifferenten Aspekt und wählen die klare Zugehörigkeit zu einer der Kulturen, die dann als Ursprung für die Restauration der Männlichkeit dient. Die zweite Lösung ist das Annehmen der Transdifferenz um eine mehrdeutige maskuline Identität im transkulturellen Raum aufzubauen. Als letzte Lösung gelingt es einen männlichen Figuren, kulturelle Grenzen zu überschreiten und eine transkulturelle Männlichkeit zu manifestieren. / This dissertation consists of readings of four selected films by Ang Lee — Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, Brokeback Mountain and Hulk, ranging over a decade from 1992 to 2005. It explores Lee’s representation of diverse Chinese and American masculinities, discussing negotiations of masculinities in transcultural spaces. My exploration of Lee’s representation of men and masculinities is equipped with double epistemological perspectives, namely, both Chinese and Western. My project is both conceptual and analytical. On the conceptual level, I intend to demonstrate how constructions of masculinities can be more productively explained by employing not only the Western conceptual arguments of transcultural space (transdifference) but also by reading this space from different epistemological perspectives, namely the Western and Chinese. On the analytical level, I employ audio and visual textual analysis in my examination of Lee’s portrayal of male figures. My analysis has clearly demonstrated the complexity and multiplicity in negotiations of masculinities in transcultural spaces, which can be both emancipatory and repressive in re-constructing and re-negotiating one’s masculinity. Male subjectivities in Lee’s films turn to three different ways to construct or reconstruct their manliness. First, men suppress trandifference and opt for a clear belonging to a certain culture, in particular, the culture of origin for masculinity restoration. Second, men embrace transidifference to construct an ambiguous masculine identity in transcultural spaces. Third, men might transcend cultural boundaries to demonstrate transcultural manhood.

Feng shui: implications of selected principles for holistic nursing care of the open heart patient

Murray, Barbara June 01 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study sought to explore the Hong Kong Chinese patient's perceptions of an Intensive Care experience and their views on the introduction of feng shui principles focussing on sleep orientations, dietary management and exercise regimes. The study explored the background of feng shui as an authentic traditional Chinese belief. It also explores if incorporating these feng shui principles into the health care setting would provide a positive effect for open-heart patients in an Intensive Care Unit at the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital in Hong Kong. The major inference drawn from this study is that Chinese patients seek culturally related experiences from the health care setting. The Chinese informants showed strong belief patterns in traditional practices of feng shui, however, practiced these within the confines of their homes as these experiences were denied to them in the hospital setting. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

The attitude of community health nurses towards integration of traditional healers in primary health care in North West Province

Peu, Mmapheko Doriccah 06 1900 (has links)
South Africa is called "the rainbow nation" because it has so many different cultures. These have an impact on the provision of primary health care. The purpose of this research is to foster good relationships between community health nurses and traditional healers and to explore, identify and describe the attitude of community health nurses towards the integration of traditional healers into primary health care. A non-experimental, explorative and descriptive research strategy was designed to explore the working relationship between community health nurses and traditional healers. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis techniques were adopted to interpret the findings. The results indicated that respondents demonstrated positive attitudes towards working with traditional healers, especially in the provision of primary health care. Positive opinions, ideas and views were provided about the integration of traditional healers into primary health care. Respect, recognition and sensitivity were emphasized by respondents. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

The knowledge of professional nurses about culture competent care at selected medical wards, oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province

Manganyi, Thokozile 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine professional nurses’ knowledge of culture- competent care at selected medical and oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used and data collected from one hundred and five professional nurses by means of a structured questionnaire. The study found that cultural knowledge needs to be nurtured through continuing education and mentoring and that culture-competent care should be included in the curriculum. Furthermore, cultural knowledge is not effective if there is no correlation of theory and practice and early clinical placement of student nurses during their basic training / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Adaptação transcultural e propriedades psicométricas do subteste Visual Reproduction (Reprodução Visual I e II) da Wechsler Memory Scale - Fourth Edition (WMS-IV), (Escalas de Memória de Wechsler) para uma população do Brasil / Transcultural Adaptation of the subtest Visual Reproduction I and II of the Wechsler Memory Scale - IV (WMS-IV) (Wechsler Memory Scale) to one culture from Brazil.

Spedo, Carina Tellaroli 27 April 2012 (has links)
Instrumentos de avaliação da memória episódica não verbal são escassos. Além disto, consideramos a crescente necessidade de esforços para a adaptação transcultural de instrumentos de memória para nosso contexto. O subteste Visual Reproduction I e II (Reprodução Visual I e II) faz parte da Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) e se trata de uma escala mundialmente utilizada e adaptada a diversas culturas, sendo considerada padrão ouro dentre as medidas de avaliação da memória. No presente estudo, utilizamos o subteste Reprodução Visual, da WMS na sua quarta edição (WMS-IV). O Reprodução Visual (RV) é subdividido em três domínios de investigação da memória visual (evocação imediata, evocação tardia e reconhecimento) e uma tarefa opcional para avaliação da percepção visual, habilidades construtivas e atenção aos detalhes (cópia). Além disto, o escore de cada um dos três domínios avaliados podem ser contrastados, de modo que se obtenham informações sobre a retenção, o quanto a memória é melhor ou pior do que as habilidades construtivas e, por último, o quão o sujeito evoca livremente ou precisa de pistas para evocar a informação aprendida. Esta versão da WMS-IV é uma revisão da WMS-III, cujos estudos resultaram em algumas alterações metodológicas e de conteúdo, no sentido de facilitar a análise dos resultados, diminuir os vieses de aplicação e correção. Desta forma, para atingir os propósitos desta pesquisa foram realizados dois estudos: o Estudo 1 teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural do subteste Visual Reproduction I and II - Wechsler Memory Scale IV (WMS-IV) e apresentar uma versão para uso preliminar no Brasil. O estudo 2 consistiu na avaliação das suas propriedades psicométricas. Participaram do estudo 1 três tradutores com fluência no inglês, que realizaram traduções independentes, dois tradutores profissionais e dois juízes especialistas (um neurologista e uma neuropsicóloga). Os juízes especialistas e um tradutor profissional investigaram a equivalência conceitual, semântica e operacional dos itens. Uma amostra de 24 sujeitos saudáveis responderam ao pré-teste, que consistiu na investigação da compreensão e dificuldade da versão adaptada do Reprodução Visual I e II. No estudo dois, participaram 62 adultos saudáveis e 29 adultos com Acidente vascular cerebral em hemisfério direito, no território da Artéria cerebral média (AVC-ACMHD). Os sujeitos tinham idade entre 20 e 59 anos e as respostas foram consideradas para análises de confiabilidade e validade baseadas em análises estatísticas da teoria clássica (ANOVA, ANCOVA, coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, e correlação de Pearson) e da teoria moderna de testagem (Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI) através do modelo de um parâmetro ou método de Rasch). O processo de análise das propriedades psicométricas utilizou a metodologia recomendada pelo American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA] e o National council on measure in education [NCME], 2008 indicada pela editora responsável pelos direitos autorais do WMS-IV. Na confiabilidade, foi investigada a consistência interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach) e a estabilidade temporal (correlação de Pearson). Na investigação da validade, foram investigados: os processos de resposta, a estrutura interna (correlação de Pearson, Teoria de resposta ao Item pelo método de Rash), a relação com outros instrumentos (Mini Exame do Estado Mental - MEEM e Figuras Complexas de Rey) e a relação com variáveis externas (AVC-ACMHD comparados a controles saudáveis). O índice de consistência interna do subteste foi de 0,92 e a estabilidade teste-reteste mostrou correlação significativa, exceto com a tarefa de evocação tardia. Esses resultados são similares aos do estudo original, sendo, portanto caracterizada a sua equivalência. Os resultados do estudo de validade mostraram que há equivalência em termos de conteúdo.A investigação da estrutura interna pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson evidenciou que todas as figuras obtiveram correlação significativa (p<0,001). Ainda mais: correlacionaram-se congruentemente durante toda a tarefa. Na investigação da estrutura interna pelo método de Rasch foi evidenciado que o teste é unidimensional, que a progressão de theta ao longo das categorias de resposta foram como o esperado pelo modelo. A TRI mostrou que a figura mais fácil é a figura 1 da tarefa de evocação imediata e a mais difícil é a figura 5 de evocação tardia. Os índices de correlação theta foram superiores a 0,5, mostrando correlação. No mapa de pessoas-itens as variáveis tenderam a avaliar o constructo em níveis inferiores ao de habilidade dos sujeitos, sugerindo a necessidade de itens avaliando níveis mais altos do constructo. Na análise de validade considerando outras medidas a tarefa de evocação imediata o escore total e evocação tardia apresentaram correlação com o total da tarefa de memória das figuras complexas de Rey. As tarefas de cópia correlacionaram-se com o total de cópia do teste das figuras complexas de Rey. A tarefa de evocação imediata o escore total e evocação tardia apresentaram correlação com o total do MEEM. A análise de covariância mostrou que a escolaridade exerce influência nos escores do RV. Assim, depois de controlada a escolaridade foi evidenciado que os controles tiveram melhor desempenho em todas as tarefas do RV, quando comparados aos pacientes com AVC-ACMHD. Na análise qualitativa, através do escalonamento e contraste dos escores, foi observado que o baixo desempenho dos pacientes com AVC se deve ao fato de que esses pacientes percebem muito mal o item, com pior controle motor, habilidade visuo-construtiva e capacidade de prestar atenção a detalhes. O resultado é uma menor aquisição da informações e as conseqüências são dificuldades na memória episódica não verbal . Os nossos resultados foram demonstrativos de que o RV da WMS- IV, além de culturalmente equivalente em termos de confiabilidade e validade, é adequado para a cultura dos sujeitos e pacientes avaliados em Ribeirão Preto, preciso e válido para o uso no Brasil. Saliente-se a necessidade de estudos normativos com esse subteste. / Tools for evaluation of non-verbal episodic memory are scarce. Furthermore, we consider the increasing need for efforts to cross-cultural adaptation of instruments of memory for our context. The subtest Visual Reproduction I and II is part of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), and it is used worldwide scale and adapted to different cultures, and is considered the gold standard among assessment measures of memory. In the present study, we use the Visual Reproduction subtest of WMS in its fourth edition (WMS-IV). The Visual Reproduction (VR) is subdivided into three fields of research in visual memory (immediate recall, delayed recall and recognition) and an optional task to assess visual perception, constructive abilities and attention to detail (copy). Moreover, the score of each of the three domains can be contrasted evaluated in order to obtain information on retention, and the memory is better or worse than the constructive abilities, and finally, how the subject refers freely or need tracks to evoke the information learned. This version of the WMS-IV is a review of the WMS-III, whose studies have resulted in some changes in methodology and content, to facilitate the analysis of results, lower camest application and correction. Thus, to obtain the purposes of this research were carried out two studies: Study 1 was aimed at making cross-cultural adaptation of the subtest \"Visual Reproduction I and II - Wechsler Memory Scale - IV (WMS-IV)\" and present a version for use preliminary in Brazil and the second study consisted of an evaluation of its psychometric properties. The study included a three translators fluent in English, which made independent translations, translators two professional judges and two experts (a neurologist and a neuropsychologist) who performed the conceptual and item equivalence, semantic, and operational. 24 healthy subjects responded to the pretest, which consisted in the investigation of understanding and difficulty of the adapted version of the Visual Reproduction I and II. In the second study, participated in 62 healthy adults and 29 adults with stroke in the right hemisphere in the territory of the middle cerebral artery. All subjects were aged between 20 and 59 years and the responses were considered for analysis of reliability and validity based on statistical analysis of the classical theory (ANOVA, ANCOVA, Cronbach\'s alpha, and Pearsons correlation) and the modern theory testing (Item Theory Response IRT, the model of one parameter or Rasch method). The process of analyzing the psychometric properties following the methodology recommended by the American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA] and the National council on education measure in [NCME], 2008 - indicated by the publisher responsible for the copyright of the WMS-IV. In the reliability analysis, we investigated the internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha) and temporal stability (Pearsons correlation). To investigate the validity, were considered: the processes of response, the internal structure (Pearsons correlation and IRT), the relationship with other tools (Mini Mental State Exam- MMSE and Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF).) and the relationship with external variables (stroke in the right hemisphere in the territory of the middle cerebral artery, compared to healthy controls). The index of internal consistency overall subtest was 0.92 and test-retest stability showed significant correlation, except with the task of delayed recall. These results are similar to the original study, showing thus their equivalence. The results of the validity study showed that there is equivalence in terms of investigating the internal structure and content. Pearson\'s correlation coefficient showed that all the figures obtained significant correlation (p <0.001) and further correlated with each moment congruently the task. In investigating the internal structure by the Rasch method has been shown that the test is one-dimensional that the progression of theta over the response categories was as expected by the model, and show that the figure is the easier task of Figure 1 - immediate recall, and is harder to figure 5- for delayed recall. The theta correlation coefficients were greater than 0.5, showing good correlation. On the map of people-items showed that the variables tended to evaluate the construct at levels below the skill of the subjects, suggesting the need for items assessing higher levels of the construct. In the analysis of validity considering other measures, the total score of immediate recall and delayed recall correlated with the total of memory task of the Rey complex figure copy. The copy of the Visual Reproduction correlated with copy of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF). The task of ROCF immediate recall of the total score and delayed recall correlated with total MMSE. Covariance analysis showed that education exercises influences on scores of the RV. So, after controlled the variable schooling, was evident that the controls performed better than patients with stroke on all Visual Reproduction subtest. The qualitative analysis via scaling contrast scores, shown that low performance of patients with stroke is due the fact they recognize the item very badly, the motor control, visuo-constructive ability and ability to pay attention to details is lowered. Its can occur, may be due apraxia, resulting in lower acquisition of the information, resulting in difficulties in non-verbal episodic memory. Our results showing that the Visual Reproduction subtest of the WMS-IV was considered culturally equivalent in terms of reliability and validity and is appropriate for culture of the subjects and patients evaluated in Ribeirão Preto, valid and reliable for use in Brazil. We emphasize the need of studies regarding to normative data for this subtest.

Feng shui: implications of selected principles for holistic nursing care of the open heart patient

Murray, Barbara June 01 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study sought to explore the Hong Kong Chinese patient's perceptions of an Intensive Care experience and their views on the introduction of feng shui principles focussing on sleep orientations, dietary management and exercise regimes. The study explored the background of feng shui as an authentic traditional Chinese belief. It also explores if incorporating these feng shui principles into the health care setting would provide a positive effect for open-heart patients in an Intensive Care Unit at the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital in Hong Kong. The major inference drawn from this study is that Chinese patients seek culturally related experiences from the health care setting. The Chinese informants showed strong belief patterns in traditional practices of feng shui, however, practiced these within the confines of their homes as these experiences were denied to them in the hospital setting. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

The knowledge of professional nurses about culture competent care at selected medical wards, oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province

Manganyi, Thokozile 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine professional nurses’ knowledge of culture- competent care at selected medical and oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used and data collected from one hundred and five professional nurses by means of a structured questionnaire. The study found that cultural knowledge needs to be nurtured through continuing education and mentoring and that culture-competent care should be included in the curriculum. Furthermore, cultural knowledge is not effective if there is no correlation of theory and practice and early clinical placement of student nurses during their basic training / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

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