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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livsberättelser om att flytta till äldreboende : vändpunkter för ensamstående äldre kvinnor

Engman, Cecilia, Magnusson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa och få ökad förståelse för hur ensamstående äldre kvinnorupplever sin flytt till äldreboende och vad god ålderdom är. Tre kvinnor har intervjuats i enkvalitativ studie med djupintervjuer som grund för den hermeneutiska tolkningen. Analysenär gjord utifrån teoretiskt livsloppsperspektiv, aktivitetsperspektiv samt genusperspektiv.Resultatet visade att upplevelsen av flytt berodde på varierande faktorer och individuellaerfarenheter. När flytten var efterlängtad upplevdes den som positiv, när flytten var mer ellermindre oundviklig var den svårare att acceptera. Vad god ålderdom innebar kan relateras tilltrygghet och tillgång till personal, ett gott utbud av aktiviteter samt goda sociala relationer.Att flytten var en vändpunkt var alla överens om. / The purpose of the study is to illustrate and gain an increased understanding of how singleelderly women experience their move to retirement homes and the resulting effects of theirquality of life. Three women have been interviewed in a qualitative study with in-depthinterviews as the basis for the hermeneutic interpretation. The analysis is made from thetheoretical perspectives of life span, activities and gender. The result showed that theexperience of moving was due to varying factors and individual experiences. When the movewas long awaited, it was perceived as positive, when the move was more or less inevitable, itwas more difficult to accept. The result also showed that quality of life was safety related toadequate staffing, a large range of attractive activities and the opportunity to be sociallyactive. That the move was a turning point was agreed upon by all.

Frälsningens makt : En kvalitativ studie om frälsningens inverkan på upphörande med brottslighet i Colombia / The Power of Salvation

Paulsson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera betydelsen av frälsning för upphörande med brott hosen grupp kriminella personer och vad som har gjort att de inte återfaller i brottslighet. Föratt kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuermed frälsta och icke-frälsta fångar och före detta fångar i Colombia. Utifrån intervjuernagjordes en tematisk analys baserat på bakomliggande orsaker till brottslighet, anledningtill frälsning och anledning till att inte återfalla i brottslighet. Alla intervjupersoner varöverens om att frälsningen blev en vändpunkt i deras liv, efter att de bestämt sig för attförändras. Ekonomiskt och socialt stöd i olika former och Gud beskrivs avintervjupersonerna som anledningarna till att de inte återfallit i brottslighet.Avslutningsvis konkluderades att det verkade krävas en kombination av Gud ochmateriella ting för att någon inte ska återfalla i brottslighet, samt att intervjupersonernagjorde ett aktivt val när de slutade begå brott. / The aim of the study was to examine the importance of salvation in desistance from crimein a group of criminals, and what keeps them from turning back to crime. In order toanswer the study’s questions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with redeemedand non-redeemed prisoners and former prisoners in Colombia. Based on the interviews,a thematic analysis was made covering the underlying causes of crime, the reason forsalvation and the reason for not turning back to crime. All interviewees agreed thatsalvation became a turning point in their lives as they decided to change. Financial andsocial support in various forms and God is described by the interviewees as the reason fornot turning back to crime. In conclusion, it seems that a combination of God and materialthings are required for not turning back to crime, and that the interviewees made an activechoice to stop committing crimes.

Illness integration, self-management and patient-centred support in type 2 diabetes / Integration av sjukdom, sjukdomshantering och patientcentrerad support vid typ 2 diabetes

Jutterström, Lena January 2013 (has links)
Background: Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that is increasing globally. The focus of diabetes care has been to prevent diabetes related complications and thereby reduce mortality. An older population, the disease progression and decreased ability to perform self-management activities increases the risk for complications. Group education and patient-centred care are recommended to improve self-management through increased patient empowerment. Despite these recommendations, professionals have been reluctant to adopt these methods referring to lack of knowledge, time and tools to deliver patient-centred care in diabetes. Focusing on the patient’s illness integration process has in the literature been suggested to improve self-management and metabolic balance. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to describe the experiences of illness integration, self-management and support in type 2 diabetes and to evaluate the metabolic effects of a nurse-led patient-centred model for self-management support. Methods: The study setting was primary health care in Västerbotten County, Sweden. In total, 21 diabetes nurses (Study I) and 257 patients (Studies II-IV) participated in the four studies (Study II, n=44; Study III, n= 18; Study IV, n= 195). Data consisted of focus group interviews (Study I), individual semi-structured interviews (Studies II-III) and laboratory measurements (Study IV). Methods for analyses were qualitative content analysis (Studies I-III) and statistics (Study IV). Results: Study I revealed that diabetes nurses found the ideal diabetes care complex to achieve. Conflicting paradigms, power relations and departmentalisation of work were described. Study II describes a process whereby illness integration and self-management in type 2 diabetes develop simultaneously. When a turning-point occurs, people view self-management as both necessary and feasible. In study III, turning points in self-management are illuminated. Turning-point transitions include existential and emotional aspects that increase inner motivation and power for lifestyle change. Study IV evaluates the effects of a nurse-led intervention in which haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was significantly decreased at 12 months’ follow-up. Group intervention and individual intervention were both effective compared to traditional diabetes care. Conclusions: There is a potential for improvement of type 2 diabetes care. Increased patient-centredness is important to support patients towards illness integration and self-management. Focusing on the patients’ illness experiences, including the existential and emotional aspects of having and managing type 2 diabetes, in counselling can lead to improved self-management and glycaemic control. Patients’ experiences of illness are central to their inner motives for change, and patient-centred self-management support and patient education preferably emanate from this perspective. / Bakgrund: Typ 2 diabetes är en allvarlig sjukdom som ökar globalt. Fokus i diabetesvården har varit att förebygga diabetesrelaterade komplikationer och därmed minska dödligheten. En åldrande befolkning, progression av sjukdomen samt en begränsad förmåga att utföra egenvårdsaktiviteter ökar risken för komplikationer. Grupputbildning och patientcentrerad vård rekommenderas för att förbättra egenvården genom ökad empowerment. Trots dessa rekommendationer har läkare och sjuksköterskor rapporterats vara tveksamma till dessa metoder och hänvisat till bristande kunskap, tidsbrist och avsaknad av verktyg. Att fokusera på patienters sjukdomsintegrationsprocess har i litteraturen föreslagits förbättra såväl egenvård som metabol balans. Syfte: Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att beskriva erfarenheter av sjukdomsintegration, sjukdomshantering och support vid typ 2 diabetes samt att utvärdera effekter av en sjuksköterskeledd patientcentrerad modell för egenvårdssupport. Metod: Studierna genomfördes inom primärvården i Västerbottens läns landsting. Totalt deltog 21 diabetessjuksköterskor (Studie I) och 257 patienter (Studie II-IV), i de fyra studierna (Studie II, n=44; Studie III, n= 18; Studie IV, n= 195). Data bestod av fokusgruppsintervjuer (Studie I), individuella halvstrukturerade intervjuer (Studie II-III) och laboratoriemätningar (Studie IV). Analysmetoderna var kvalitativ innehållsanalys (Studie I-III) och statistik (Studie IV). Resultat: Studie I visade att en ideal diabetesvård är svår att uppnå enligt diabetessjuksköterskorna. Paradigmkrockar, maktrelationer och splittrade arbetsuppgifter beskrevs. Studie II beskriver en modell där sjukdomsintegration och sjukdomshantering utvecklas samtidigt. När en ”turning point” nåddes såg patienterna sjukdomshanteringen som både nödvändig och möjlig att genomföra. I studie III belystes ”turning points” och som omfattar både existentiella och emotionella aspekter som kan öka inre motivation och egenkraft att utföra livsstilsförändringar. Studie IV utvärderade 12-månaderseffekterna av en sjuksköterskeledd intervention och HbA1c sänktes signifikant. Gruppintervention och individuell intervention visades vara effektiva metoder i jämförelse med traditionell diabetesvård. Slutsatser: Det finns en förbättringspotential inom diabetesvården och ökad patientcentrering är viktig för att stödja patienter att integrera sjukdom och egenvård i livet. Att i diabetesvården fokusera på patienters sjukdomsupplevelser inklusive de existentiella och emotionella aspekterna av att leva med och hantera en sjukdom kan innebära förbättrad sjukdomshantering och metabol balans. Patienters sjukdomsupplevelser är centrala för deras inre motiv till förändring och patientcentrerad egenvårdssupport och patientutbildning bör utgå från detta perspektiv.

Att välja till och från gymnasiet : En studie av elever mellan gymnasium och arbetsliv / Choice of High School education and the way ahead : A study of students between secondary education and work

Halvarsson, Marie, Friberg, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
Att välja till och från gymnasiet, är en studie om valet av gymnasieutbildning och studie- och/eller yrkesvalet efter gymnasiet. Gymnasievalet och det eftergymnasiala valet är två viktiga vändpunkter i människors liv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka gymnasieelevernas föreställningar och planer om framtiden från gymnasievalet till sista terminen i gymnasiet. Kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts och det gymnasieprogram vi undersökt är Naturvetarprogrammet. Resultatet visar tydligt att valet av det naturvetenskapliga programmet har sin grund i den bredd och öppning av möjligheter som utbildningen - enligt respondenterna - kan ge. Samtliga deltagare har som mål att studera vidare på högskola eller universitet i framtiden. Ingen av dem vet ännu helt säkert vad de vill studera och arbeta med och önskar nu ta en paus från studierna för att få mer tid åt att undersöka sina karriärmöjligheter. En viktig slutsats som dragits i studien är att de intervjuade eleverna ännu inte har tillräckligt med kunskaper om vilka studie- och yrkesmöjligheter de har efter det naturvetenskapliga gymnasieprogrammet. / Choice of High School education and the way ahead, is a study of the choice of High School education and the career choice after High School. These two choices are two important turning points in people’s lives. The purpose with the study is to examine High School student’s conception and plans for the future after the choice of High School until the last semester in High School. Qualitative research was used as the method and the education we examined was the Natural Science Programme. The results show that the choice of High School education is based on the wideness and opportunities it – as the respondents say – may provide. All of the respondents want to move on to study at the university in the future, but none of them knows today what they want to study and work with. Instead the respondents want to take a break from the career choosing and take time to explore their career opportunities. One important conclusion from the study is that the respondents don’t have enough knowledge today about their career opportunities after the Natural Science Programme at High School.

Från motgång till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om steget vidare från studieavbrott / :

Dann, Sofia, Ödalen Frank, Leonie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur ungdomar beskriver steget vidare från studieavbrott till sysselsättning. Författarna använde kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer baserade på en intervjuguide för att besvara studiens frågeställningar, med avsikt att fånga in kunskap om de ungas uppfattningar kring vändpunkter samt betydelsen av självbilden och relationer i omgivningen. Totalt genomfördes fyra intervjuer med ungdomar i åldrarna 17-20 år, där samtliga gjort studieavbrott under gymnasietiden men vid tillfället för intervjuerna var åter i någon slags sysselsättning. Författarna använde tidigare forskning samt de teoretiska perspektiven symbolisk interaktionism och KASAM för att analysera datamaterialet. Resultatet av studien påvisade att samtliga ungdomar upplevt någon slags vändpunkt under vägen tillbaka till sysselsättning, som de anger varit betydande. Vändpunkterna har dock varierat i uttryck och har kunnat bestå av såväl en händelse eller ett möte. Vidare konstaterar författarna att självbilden har haft stor inverkan på ungdomarnas möjlighet att både hantera vändpunktssituationer samt på motivation till studier och att relationer med faktorerna vägledning och respektfullt bemötande varit avgörande för steget vidare mot sysselsättning. / This study aimed to investigate how school drop-outs describe their way back to any type of occupation. The authors carried out a qualitative study with interviews based on an interview guide to be able to answer the studies questions at issue, with the intention to capture knowledge about the young adults’ opinion concerning turning-points and the meaning of self-image and relations in the surroundings. In a total, four interviews were carried out with young adults in the ages of 17-20 years, whom had dropped-out of high-school but were, at the time of the interviews, back in some kind of occupation. The authors used previously published science articles, along with the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism and KASAM to analyze the data. The result of this study showed that all of the young adults had experienced some kind of turning-point during their way back to an occupation, which they found to be substantial. There were some variations in how these turning-points occurred; they turned out to be an event as well as a meeting. Further on, the authors has found that self-image have had a great effect on the young adults´ possibilities to handle turning-point situations, as well as their motivation for studies, and that relations with factors of guidance and a respectful treatment has been crucial for the step towards an occupation.

Kvinnors upplevelser av brytpunkter och rutiner i karriären / Women´s experiences of Turning Points and Routines in Occupational Career

Engström, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Brytpunkter innebär skiften mellan olika sysselsättningar och områden på utbildnings- och arbetsmarknaden. För att hantera en brytpunkt använder individen olika rutiner. Syftet med studien är att studera sex kvinnors berättelser om brytpunkter och rutiner i karriären. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Vid bearbetningen och analysen av kvinnornas berättelser har en hermeneutiskt ansats använts. Resultatet visar att de sex kvinnorna har upplevt ett flertal brytpunkter i sina karriärer samt att de har använt olika rutiner för att hantera dessa brytpunkter. De flesta brytpunkter är svåra att klassificera som frivilliga eller påtvingade, samt svåra att skilja från rutiner och tidigare brytpunkter. En slutsats blir att karriär kan beskrivas som en livslång process av brytpunkter och rutiner. / Turning points involves shifts between different occupations and areas of education and labor. The individual processes turning points using various routines. The purpose of this study is to examine six women's stories of turning points and routines in their careers. Six semi structured interviews were conducted. A hermeneutic approach has been used in processing and analyzing the stories. The results show that the six women have experienced several turning points in their career and that they have used several different routines to deal with these turning points. Most turning points have been difficult to classify as self-initiated or forced, as well as difficult to distinguish from routines and previous turning points. One conclusion is that career can be described as a lifelong process of turning points and routines.

Ombytliga kvinnor : Kvinnors karriärbyten via akademiska studier / Re-educated women : Women´s changes of career through academic studies.

Young Kasperi, Martina, Mäkelä, Annette January 2012 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka orsakerna till kvinnors karriärbyten genom akademiska studier. Med undersökningen försöker vi ge ett nytt perspektiv på samhällsvetenskaplig forskning om kvinnors karriärvalsprocesser. I studien används både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod i syfte att besvara våra forskningsfrågor. Den kvantitativa metoden med enkätundersökningar riktas till kvinnliga studenter vid Stockholms universitet. Den kvalitativa studien baseras på intervjuer med sex respondenter från enkätstudien. Analys och slutsats baseras på de resultat vi fått från enkätundersökningen och de enskilda intervjuerna med stöd i lämpliga karriärvalsmetoder och teorier. Resultatet visar att orsakerna till kvinnornas karriärbyte är brytpunkter av såväl frivillig som påtvingad karaktär. Kvinnornas handlingshorisont och de brytpunkter och rutiner som de utsätts är påverkade av kvinnornas habitus, tidigare erfarenheter och var i livscykeln de befinner sig vilka styr deras beslut och deras handlingar. Vår slutsats är att kvinnornas studie- och yrkesval framför allt är ett intresse och en karriärstrategi samt en strävan att öka livskvaliteten. / The study aims to investigate the reasons underlying women's career changes through academic studies. We try to give a new perspective on women’s career choice processes in social science research. Both a quantitative and a qualitative method were used in order to answer our research questions. The two methods complement and reinforce each other while providing a more nuanced picture of the problem area. The quantitative method consisting of a questionnaire addressed a number of selected female students at StockholmUniversity. The qualitative study is based on interviews with six respondents selected from the survey. Processing and analysis are based on the results from the survey and the individual interviews with the support of appropriate career choice methods and theories. The results show that the causes of women's career changes are the turning points of either a volunteer or forced character. Women's action horizon, the turnings points and routines are influenced by their habitus, previous experiences and were they are in life. Our conclusion is that women's educational and career choices primarily are an interest and a career strategy as well an effort to increase the quality of life.

Processen att lämna ett gäng och en del av sin identitet : En kvalitativ studie om före detta gängmedlemmars exitprocess och kontakten med myndigheterna / The process of leaving a gang and part of one’s identity : A qualitative study about former gang members process of leaving a gang and their contact with authorities

Shalaby, Aida, Papathanassiadou, Irini January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to understand how gang members desist from their gangs and which role authorities have in the process. More specifically the aim was to discover turning points and find out how the former gang members themselves look upon the contact with authorities, for example social services. This study was based on five interviews and two autobiographies with former gang members. The interviews took place in a organisation for former offenders in Sweden and the choice of autobiographies was based on the purpose of this study. As the results showed, the most common turning points was social bonds, fear of prison, disappointment and traumatic events or experiences. Authorities did not have any impact on the decision of leaving the gang. Former gang members also indicated that they had negative experiences with the authorities. Based on the results of this study suggestions for improvement have emerged. Authorities need to have experienced employees, knowledge about gang members, have a flexible work method and a positive approach.

Indicadores antecedentes da produção industrial brasileira: o cálculo das probabilidades de reversão (turning points)

Bossoes, Alex Gomes 01 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:00:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FOLHA DE ROSTO A SUMARIO.pdf: 114961 bytes, checksum: 8ff6dbc0edc8b0f0942b2113ba85fdfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-01 / Leading indicators are a method based on the examination of a cycle as an empirical phenomenon; the concept of business cycles appeared in middle of the 20th century by Wesley Mitchell and Arthur Burns. It is one technique that searchs to anticipate the behavior of one given serie (reference). Diverse methods exist for its construction. In this study it is considered a construction of an indicator for Produção Industrial Brasileira (Brazilian Industrial Production) with the objective of calculating the probabilities of the turning point. For this, the series have been filtered and standardized. The Granger criterion gave basis for the selection. A balance with cross correlograms of the chosen sequencies (series) occurs for the composition of the indicator and for the calculation of the probability of reversion the methodology of Neftçi (1982) was used. Around 290 sequencies (series) were analyzed and only 9 were selected for the construction of the indicator. Some samples periods of time have been studied from January of 1992 to December of 2006 for the calculation of the probabilities, these also have been calculated by another method (probit) to compare with the methodology of Neftçi. The results demonstrate the great utility of this tool for forecasting of the cyclical movements of economic series. It is a technique that can be used to help with public politics and private policy making. / Indicadores antecedentes é um método baseado no exame do ciclo como um fenômeno empírico; surgiu do conceito de ciclos de negócio em meados do século XX por Wesley Mitchell e Arthur Burns. É uma técnica que busca antecipar o comportamento cíclico de uma dada série (referência). Existem diversos métodos para sua construção. Neste estudo propõe-se a construção de um indicador para a Produção Industrial Brasileira com o objetivo de calcular as probabilidades de mudança de fase ou reversão dos ciclos (turning point). Para isto as séries foram filtradas e padronizadas. A seleção se deu por um critério de causação (Causalidade de Granger). Para a composição do indicador, foi realizada uma ponderação com a correlação cruzada das séries escolhidas devidamente defasadas e, por fim, para o cálculo da probabilidade de reversão foi utilizada a metodologia de Neftçi (1982). Analisou-se cerca de 290 séries e somente nove foram selecionadas para a construção deste indicador. Estudaram-se alguns períodos amostrais, entre 01/1992 a 12/2006, para o cálculo das probabilidades, estas também foram calculadas por outro método (probit) para confronto com a metodologia de Neftçi. Os resultados demonstram a grande utilidade de tal ferramenta para previsão dos movimentos cíclicos de séries econômicas. É uma técnica que pode ser utilizada como orientação para políticas públicas e decisões privadas.

Men at work : an ethnography of drug markets and youth transitions in times of austerity

Salinas Edwards, Michael Antonio January 2014 (has links)
Based on six-years ethnographic research, this thesis provides an in-depth account of a contemporary British drug market. The study follows a group of twenty-five friends, termed The Lads, during their transition from late-adolescence (16-22) through to early adulthood (22-28). This was a critical stage in their life course; it was a time when many had begun advancing into the world of work and business entrepreneurship, in search of their chosen career. Yet it was during this time that two key developments occurred: bulk volumes of illicit drugs became available to The Lads through credit and the UK experienced several years of economic recession and stagnation. The economic constraints The Lads encountered during this time prompted many to become involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs. Though their entry into the markets was not necessarily motivated out of absolute need or poverty, the experience of low-paying salaries, the loss of work and income, and the inability to secure legitimate investment capital, all made drug dealing an alluring source of untaxed revenue, available as and when needed. This study assesses the practices of this cohort of closed-market drug dealers, who capitalised on their expansive social networks as a means of trafficking a variety of illegal substances at the time of these two developments. During the course of the research their involvement came to span several stages of the supply chain, including: mid-level wholesale brokerage, import/export, wholesale, and retail (i.e. to the end-users). The study addresses various structural elements of their trade, including drug purchasing and selling, the assessment and mitigation of risks in relation to law enforcement, and the use of informal credit (i.e. ‘fronting’) as one of the principle facilitating factors of The Lads’ various trade networks. A variety of data collection methods were employed over many years to garner a depth of understanding and appreciation difficult to achieve in the study of active offenders. The data comprises of life narratives, observations, interview data and economic data. The findings offer some new insight into: the kinds of people who deal drugs; what characteristics they share; how they function as traders; what motivates them to either enter or exit the trade, and what social structures influence their offending careers?These young men were not the archetypal drug dealer: they were neither predatory nor territorial. They were ambitious and hard working. Drug dealing was simply a shortcut to the lifestyle they aspired to; it was a source of capital; a means of funding their studies; a ‘means to an end’. To these young men, drug dealing was just another form of work: a bad job that paid a good salary.

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