Spelling suggestions: "subject:"volunteer"" "subject:"volunteered""
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Ehrenamt für Langzeitarbeitslose?Piefke, Gunther 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahre 1999 hatte der damalige Ministerpräsident, Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf, zusammen mit dem Wirtschaftsminister, Dr. Kajo Schommer, ein Beschäftigungsprojekt für Langzeitarbeitslose initiiert und sodann durch die Beratungsgesellschaft McKinsey im Freistaat Sachsen in einigen Schwerpunktregionen umsetzen lassen. Dieses Projekt erhielt den Namen „Tätigkeit und Aufgaben Regionale Initiativen in Sachsen“ – kurz TAURIS. Die Idee war, Langzeitarbeitslose gegen eine Aufwandsentschädigung in gemeinnützigen Bereichen tätig werden und sie hierbei eine Aufgabe außerhalb des eigentlichen Arbeitsmarktes wahrnehmen zu lassen.
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Ein Archiv im EhrenamtKämmerer, Gerlinde 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Louise-Otto-Peters-Archiv mit Bibliothek wurde 1997 eröffnet und ist das wichtigste Projekt der Louise-Otto-Peters-Gesellschaft e.V. (LOPG), die rund 120 Mitglieder im In- und Ausland – darunter in den USA, Großbritannien, der Schweiz und Japan – hat. Vorsitzende der
Gesellschaft ist die Historikerin Prof. Dr. Susanne Schötz, seit 2006 Professorin für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte an der Technischen Universität Dresden. Ehrenvorsitzende ist die Diplom-Journalistin Johanna Ludwig, die 1993 Hauptinitiatorin der Vereinsgründung war.
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Wie viel Betreuung benötigen Lesepaten?Hagen, Kristina 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Projekt „Lesestark!“ ist das Lese-, Sprach- und Schreibförderprojekt der Städtischen Bibliotheken Dresden für fünf bis acht jährige Kinder. Zwanzig gut ausgestattete Stadtteilbibliotheken und hundert ehrenamtliche Lesepaten bilden die Basis für diese stadtweite Leseförderung. Vier Projektkoordinatoren betreuen die Lesepaten im Alter von 19 bis 75 Jahren, die unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen angehören und sich durchschnittlich zwanzig Stunden im Monat engagieren. Obwohl unsere Lesepaten eine sehr heterogene Gruppe bilden, fühlen sie sich gemeinschaftlich verbunden. Sie schätzen es, Teil des Projektes zu sein und Kindern Lust am Lesen zu vermitteln.
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Lesestark!Blei, Dagmar 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Seit drei Jahren sind wir im Projekt „Lesestark!“, einem Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Städtischen Bibliotheken Dresden, der Bürgerstiftung und der Drosos Stiftung Zürich, als ehrenamtliche Lesepaten tätig. Wir hatten vor allem zwei Gründe, uns zu engagieren: Zum einen unser beruflich- bzw. individuell vorgeprägtes Interesse an Literatur, insbesondere an Kinderliteratur, sowie die Überzeugung von der Bedeutung der Literatur für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung eines jeden Menschen und der Lese- und Sprachförderung für Kinder im besonderen.
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La marchandisation de l'engagement des jeunes : les "dérives" du service civique à la Ligue de l'enseignement / Commodifying young people's civic involvement : how state-funded civic service malfunctions in the Ligue de l'enseignementIhaddadène, Florence 14 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’éclairer la transformation des fédérations associatives et de leur relation à l’État à travers une monographie de la mise en œuvre du service civique à la Ligue de l’enseignement entre 2012 et 2016. En analysant l'idée d'une "dérive" évoquées par les acteurs du dispositif, cette recherche montre les effets de cette politique sur les bénéficiaires, les travailleurs et les organisations. Il s’agit de montrer comment le développement de ce dispositif, dans un contexte de new public management, entraîne dans une association comme la Ligue de l’enseignement une rationalisation des moyens humains et financiers qui servent en fin de compte sa « performance ». La première partie de la thèse présente le contexte dans lequel est créé le dispositif : l’absence de politique globale de la jeunesse et les transformations organisationnelles des associations permettent un consensus global autour du service civique. La seconde partie dévoile le travail gratuit sur lequel s’appuie la mise en œuvre du dispositif : celui des volontaires, en quête d’indépendance, des tuteurs, managers chargés d’invisibiliser le travail qu’ils doivent valoriser, et des référents dont la professionnalisation est empêchée par la standardisation des processus. La dernière partie montre les mécanismes de marchandisation de l’engagement des jeunes : d’un côté, la gestionnarisation masque la mise en concurrence des fédérations, d’un autre, les marchés publics masquent le monopole de la Ligue de l’enseignement. Un épilogue présente les enjeux de la mondialisation de ces volontariats par un pays « exportateur d’aide humanitaire » et leur impact sur l’ethnicisation d’un marché du travail international. / This thesis aims at shedding light on the transformation of public federations and their relationship to government through a monograph about how state-funded civic service was implemented in the Ligue de l’enseignement (a France’s popular education federation) be-tween 2012 and 2016. Through the analysis of several " malfunctions " mentioned by the very people implementing this public policy, this research sheds light on the consequences suffered by its beneficiaries, its workers and the organizations. It will show how, in the context of new public management, the rise of this sort of arrangement in an organization such as the Ligue de l’enseignement leads to a rationalization of the Ligue’s human and financial resources that end up benefitting its “performance”. The first part of this thesis introduces the context in which this arrangement was created: in the absence of a comprehensive policy for youth, the structural transformations of public organizations allowed for an overall consensus on civic service. The second part reveals the unpaid labor on which the existence of this arrangement hinges: first, the volunteer’s, who seek independence, then their supervisors’ or managers’, who have to conceal as well as highlight the work the volunteers are doing, and finally the advisors’, whose training/professionalization is hampered by process standardization. The final part shows how these young people’s willingness to stand up for their causes gets com-modified: on one hand, managerialization hides how federations are put through competitive selections; on the other hand, the existence of government procurements hides the monopoly of the Ligue de l’enseignement. / Esta tesis se propone esclarecer la transformación de las federaciones asociativas y su relación con el estado, mediante una monografía de la puesta en marcha del servicio cívico en la "Liga de la enseñanza" entre 2012 y 2016. Analizando la idea de "deriva" evocada por los actores del dispositivo, esta investigación muestra los efectos de esta política sobre los bene-ficiarios, los trabajadores y las organizaciones. Se trata de mostrar cómo el despliegue de este dispositivo, en un contexto de new public management, produce, en una asociación como la "Liga de la enseñanza", una racionalización de los medios humanos y financieros que sirven, en última instancia, para optimizar su “performance”. La primera parte de la tesis presenta el contexto en el cual se ha creado el dispositivo: la ausencia de políticas globales sobre la ju-ventud y las transformaciones organizacionales de las asociaciones que permitieron un con-senso global respecto del servicio cívico. La segunda parte, devela el trabajo gratuito sobre el que se apoya la puesta en marcha del dispositivo: aquel de los voluntarios en búsqueda de independencia, de los tutores, managers encargados de invisibilizar el trabajo que deben valo-rizar y de los referentes, cuya profesionalización se ve impedida por la estandarización de los procesos. La última parte muestra los mecanismos de mercantilización del compromiso juvenil: por una parte, la gestionarización enmascara la competencia de las federaciones; por otra parte, los mercados públicos enmascaran el monopolio de la "Liga de la enseñanza". Un epílogo presenta aquello que se pone en juego con la mundialización de los voluntarios, por parte de un país “exportador de ayuda humanitaria” y su impacto en la etnización de un mercado del trabajo internacional.
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This is not working : an ethnographic exploration of the symbolically violent nature of everyday unemployment and job searching practicesWolferink-Schaap, Gaby S. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the everyday experiences with unemployment and job searching practices in a so-called work club in Northern England. A work club is a place, often a community initiative, where jobseekers who are finding it difficult to look for work independently can go to for support and assistance. These initiatives are encouraged to be set up by volunteers by the UK Department for Work and Pensions and its Jobcentre Plus and are aimed at reducing unemployment levels by helping people apply for jobs. Specifically, the thesis focuses on contemporary job searching practices and asks what Banterby SC work club, the fictional name of the field work location, can tell us about how neoliberal ideologies influence both these job searching practices as well as the way we think about the relationship between employment and citizenship. Work clubs have only received scant academic attention, and this study shows how more in-depth explorations can provide us with some valuable insights. Specifically, because doing so helps us to look beyond policy formulations, framings and imperatives to the implications of neoliberal ideologies in peoples everyday lives. The study uses an iterative inductive ethnographic approach, focusing on one single site field work location, encompassing two hundred hours of field work, during which at least 96 jobseekers have visited the premises of the work club. The study s approach to doing ethnographic fieldwork was based on viewing participant observation as hanging out ; that is, more than merely being somewhere, but rather as engaging and being active in an informal fashion, something that the flexible and unstructured nature of the field work location suited very well. Through this ethnographic, in-depth exploration, then, I do not only explore the observations and findings as offered by some of the previous scholars exploring work clubs, but also seek to connect the findings to Bourdieu s theories of symbolic power/violence as a theoretical framework, which allows us to explore the wider implications of neoliberal governmentalities imposed on jobseekers that influence their everyday practices. This study extends not only our knowledge of the lived experiences of unemployment, but also provides a contemporary insight into work clubs, and how Banterby SC work club has proven to be a valuable site of knowledge about everyday experiences with neoliberal governmentalities toward unemployment and job searching practices. It also extends the application of a symbolic power/violence lens by bringing it together with Foucault s neoliberal governmentalities. Specifically, the study argues that neoliberal governmentalities influencing job searching and unemployment practices are a form of symbolic violence. This approach helps us to problematise job searching practices at work clubs in order to argue for increased critical attention on these sites. Furthermore, the study uncovers the extent to which a welfare system gearing towards a digital by default administration disadvantages many jobseekers who are finding it difficult to work with computers and navigate the internet. The study also addresses and explores to what extent compliance with symbolic power/violence is also shared by staff and volunteers of third sector organisations whose main goal it is to alleviate the burden of unemployment by assisting jobseekers to fulfil their job searching obligations as asked of them by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Jobcentre Plus. Finally, the study calls for more beneficiary-centred voluntary sector research, and proposes a new methodological model for exploring voluntary action and organizations, arguing for a more integrated analysis of the experiences of various actors.
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Välgörenhet, Svett och Tårar : En kvalitativ fallstudie om motivation i ideella välgörenhetsprojekt / Charity, Sweat and Tears : A qualitative case study about motivation in non-profit charity projectHäggstad, Robin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet för studien var att skapa förståelse kring ideellt engagemang i välgörenhetsprojekt och viktiga aspekter som motiverar dessa personer. Resultatet kan användas av organisationer, föreningar och personer med ledande funktioner för att motivera och leda ideella deltagare. För att besvara syftet formulerades forskningsfrågan: Vad motiverar deltagare till att gå med i och fullfölja ideella välgörenhetsprojekt? Tillvägagångssättet som användes var en kvalitativ fallstudie där intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod, materialet bearbetades sedan genom en tematisk analys. Studien visade att inre motivation i form av en utmaning och en vilja att göra gott var det som fick deltagarna att gå med, under projektet blev det mer komplext och motivationen kunde förändras under tid. De viktigaste motiven till att fullfölja var gemenskapen i laget, att kunna utmana sig själv, regelbundna framsteg och att det välgörande syftet var något starkt att kämpa för
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Dobrovolnické programy podporující dítě v náhradní rodinné péči / The volunteer programs that support child in adoption or foster careHladíková, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis Volunteer programs that support child in adoption or foster care is to monitor the offer of volunteer programs for children in adoption foster care in the Czech Republic and to show possibilities of support which volunteer program could bring to children, including demonstrations of experience from similar programs abroad. The theoretical part of thesis describes the foster care system with respect to the child's needs and ways of support that are available to them in both professional and volunteer sphere. Emphasis is placed on the role of people who accompany a child on his way from the biological family to foster families, including important relationships and ties, which child lose during his way. It will also explain the idea and values of volunteering as unpaid voluntary work, including the typology of programs focusing on children and the ways volunteers can help to improve their situation. Practically oriented empirical part shows the concrete experiences of the actors from the volunteer program supporting children in foster care by the interviews. This program is organized by the volunteer center and respondents are volunteers, parents and children involved in this program, including the head of the program, through which the program was created. At the end of this...
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Emergence et structuration de l'économie sociale et solidaire en Roumanie / Emergence and structuring of the social and solidarity economy in RomaniaDragan, Alexandru 09 September 2016 (has links)
La Roumanie est passée en un laps temps très court du centralisme autoritaire à un pluralisme décentralisé. Son inscription sur l’axe politique occidentale, marquée par l’adhésion à l’OTAN et à l’UE, a intensifié les mécanismes de contrôle extérieurs, notamment dans le domaine de la justice et de la « liberté » (d’expression, de la presse, etc.). Au sens large, l’enjeu majeur fut la consolidation de la démocratie. Afin d’accomplir cette dernière, une émergence de la société civile et des organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire est indispensable. Dans les pays post-communistes, les organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire ont connu une renaissance après la chute du communiste. D’un côté, les coopératives et les mutuelles, bien présentes dans la vie économique pendant le communisme, ont gagné leur liberté interne de décision démocratique. De l’autre, les associations et les fondations, interdites auparavant, ont commencé à apparaître. Nous parlons donc d’une émergence, dans le sens d’une apparition d’un fait social, économique et politique nouveau. L’objectif général de cette étude est d’analyser l’économie sociale et solidaire roumaine par une approche géographique, à plusieurs échelles. La référence de l’étude sera la région Ouest de la Roumanie, à travers cinq territoires d’études. La finalité de la thèse est de comprendre ce qu’est l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) dans le contexte post-communiste roumain et de quelle émergence et de quelle structuration peut-on parler dans la région Ouest de la Roumanie. / Romania evolved in a very short time from an authoritarian centralism to a decentralized pluralism. Its inscription on the Western political axis, joining NATO an the EU, intensified extremal control mechanisms, particularly in the field of justice and "freedom" (of expression, of the press, etc) Broadly, the major challenge was the consolidation of democracy. To accomplish this, the mergence of civil society and social and solidarity economy's organizations was essential. In post-communist countries, the organizations of the social and solidarity economy experienced a renaissance after the fall of the Communist. On the one hand, cooperatives and mutual insurance systems, althought present in the economy during communism, gained their internal freedom of democratic decision. On the other hand, associations and foundations, previously forbidden, began to appear. We are talking about the emergence, in the sense of an appearance of a social economic and political fact. The aim of this study is to analyze the Romanian social and solidarity economy through a geographical approach, on several scales. The reference of the study will be the Western region of Romania, through five study areas. The purpose of the thesis is to understand what the social and solidarity economy (SSE) is in the Romanian post-communist context and about what kind of emergence and structuring can we deal in the Western region of Romania
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Motivace dobrovolníků a péče o ně v rámci běžeckých závodů RunCzech / Volunteer motivation and care in the RunCzech running eventsŠtenclová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Title: Volunteer motivation and care in the RunCzech running events Purpose: The main aim of this master's thesis is to find the motives contributing to be a volunteer at the RunCzech running events which are organized by the Prague International Marathon. Another goal is to discover how the organizer takes care of their volunteers, and how the leadership and volunteer coordination really works. Method: For this research on volunteer motivation questionnaires were used in electronic Google forms. The link for this survey was sent via e-mail and shared via social networks. The other methods were structural and semi-structural interviews with two employees of PIM, who are responsible for their volunteers during the organisation of RunCzech running events. The results were analysed with graphs and tables in MS Excel. Results: Based on the results the survey suggests more than half of volunteers are motivated by more than one motive at once. The atmosphere during the events and new experiences are two of the most important motives for volunteers. The behaviour of volunteer leaders also has an important influence on volunteer's motivation. The interviews showed that PIM searches for volunteers primarily from high schools. They try to motivate volunteers with the possibility to choose a volunteer...
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