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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivt arbete för framgångsrika organisationer : - en kvantitativ studie om kvinnors och mäns upplevelser av organisatoriska- och psykosociala arbetsvillkor inom IT-branschen / Active work for successful organizations : : A quantitative study of women's and men's experiences of organizational and psychosocial working conditions within the IT industry

Mohmand, Sadaf, Syed, Zara January 2022 (has links)
Den framtida personal- och kompetensförsörjningen inom IT-branschen står inför utmaningar. Föreliggande studie hade som syfte att undersöka om kvinnor och män upplevde olika organisatoriska och psykosociala arbetsvillkor (såsom upplevd organisatorisk rättvisa, arbetsrelaterad stress och arbetstillfredsställelse) inom IT-branschen. Studien har haft som utgångspunkt i att undersöka om den uttalade könssegregeringen inom IT-branschen kan påverka hur kvinnor och män upplever variationer i arbetsvillkor. De arbetsvillkor som studien har belyst är Krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och organisatorisk rättvisa. Resultaten från urvalsgruppen (N=47, varav 20 var kvinnor) visade att det inte förelåg några könsskillnader. Däremot erhölls positiva samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse, organisatorisk rättvisa, arbetskrav och arbetsrelaterad stress. Studien utgick från en kvantitativ ansats med digital enkätstudie som metod. Resultaten baserades på upplevelser från anställda inom totalt tio olika organisationer verksamma inom IT-branschen. Chi-tvåtest, t-test för oberoende mätningar och korrelationer har använts för att analysera datan.

Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Individual Ergonomic Report for Surgeons / Design och utvärdering av en interaktiv individuell ergonomisk rapport för kiruger

Hensel, Melanie Anna Sherina January 2023 (has links)
Surgeons have been identified as one of the highest risk groups in healthcare to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Especially the neck and shoulders are found to be at high musculoskeletal risk due to surgeons commonly operating in a static and awkward posture for a prolonged time. Raising ergonomic awareness has been found to favour postural improvement among healthcare professionals. This thesis therefore aimed to design and evaluate an individual ergonomic report as means for risk assessment and ergonomic education for surgeons. Hereby, two surgeons and two ergonomists were included in the design process for early user feedback. Thematic analysis was applied to analyse the user feedback and potential improvements were identified and performed. The final individual ergonomic report was evaluated as a material used in an individual educational session (i.e., the intervention group) and compared against the use of an ergonomic guideline (i.e., the control group). Each group consisted of two surgeons. Both questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used to evaluate the session. The results from the questionnaire showed similarly positive ratings on the user experience of both groups, but higher ratings were given on the perceived impact by the intervention group. The interview results also showed more positive responses by the intervention group in terms of the usability. Furthermore, facilitators and barriers for adopting ergonomic principles were collected from the surgeons. Multiple ways to improve surgical ergonomics as perceived by the surgeons were also identified, e.g., the use of ergonomic equipment, and implementation of stretch breaks in the OR. The results show the potential of an individual ergonomic assessment report as ergonomic intervention for surgeons to raise their awareness and knowledge about ergonomic principles which can contribute to decreasing their risk of developing WMSDs as well as improved surgical performance and patient safety. Future studies can regard further ergonomic risk parameters and incorporate practical instructions on ergonomic principles into educational ergonomic intervention. / Kirurger har identifierats som en av de högsta riskgrupperna inom hälso- och sjukvården att utveckla arbetsrelaterade belastningsskador. Särskilt nacke och axlar har visat sig ha hög risk för belastningsskador på grund av att kirurger ofta arbetar i en statisk och ogynnsam kroppsställning under en längre tid. Att öka den ergonomiska medvetenheten har visat sig gynna en förbättring av arbetsställning bland vårdpersonal. Denna avhandling syftade därför till att utforma och utvärdera en individuell ergonomisk rapport som ett medel för riskbedömning och ergonomisk utbildning bland kirurger. Två kirurger och två ergonomer deltog i designprocessen och tidig användarfeedback samlades. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera användarfeedback och potentiella förbättringar identifierades och genomfördes. Den slutliga individuella ergonomirapporten utvärderades som ett material som användes i en individuell utbildningssession (dvs interventionsgruppen) och jämfördes med användningen av en broschyr på kirurgergonomi (dvs kontrollgruppen). Varje grupp bestod av två kirurger. Både frågeformulär och semistrukturerad intervju användes för att utvärdera utbildningssessionen. Resultaten från frågeformuläret visade lika positiva användarupplevelse betyg från båda grupperna, men högre betyg gavs på den upplevda effekten av interventionsgruppen. Dessutom identifierades faciliteter och barriärer för att anta ergonomiska principer från kirurgerna. Flera sätt att förbättra kirurgisk ergonomi som uppfattades av kirurgerna identifierades också, till exempel användning av ergonomisk utrustning och implementering av sträcknings pausar i operationssalen. Resultaten visar att individuell ergonomisk bedömningsrapport som ergonomisk intervention för kirurger har potential för att öka medvetenhet och kunskap om ergonomiska principer. Detta kan bidra till att minska kirurgers risk att utveckla arbetsrelaterade belastningsskador samt förbättrad kirurgisk prestanda och patientsäkerhet. Framtida studier kan ta hänsyn till ytterligare ergonomiska riskparametrar och införliva praktiska instruktioner om ergonomiska principer i pedagogisk ergonomisk intervention.

Att dela eller inte dela? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning på arbetsplatsen / To share or not to share? : A quantitative study on the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace

Sieburg, Anastasia, Skoglund-Landström, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress kan relateras till arbetstagarnas hälsa och bidrar till hög personalomsättning och ökade kostnader. Samtidigt är kunskapsdelning en betydande resurs för organisationers förmåga att ta vara på kunskap, främja medarbetarnas välmående samt behålla sin personal. Det saknas konsensus i tidigare forskning på hur stress och kunskapsdelning samverkar samt hur tjänstemän respektive arbetare modererar detta samband. Denna studie syftar därav till att undersöka sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning på arbetsplatsen samt om sambandet modereras av kategorierna white och blue collar.  Metod: Studiens data insamlades via en digital enkät bestående av 14 items som mäter stress (PSS-14) samt 11 items som mäter kunskapsdelning baserat på instrument utvecklat av Xiao m.fl. (2017), Wang m.fl. (2017) och Wang och Kwek (2018). Totalt var det 138 respondenter som hade svarat på samtliga frågor (inklusive kontrollvariabler). Multipel regressionsanalys med 5000 bootstraps iterationer användes för att studera korrelationen mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning. Det utfördes en analys av eventuell modererande effekt av arbetskategori på sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning med hjälp av PROCESS-procedur för SPSS version 4.2 beta.  Resultat: Studiens resultat visar ett signifikant negativt samband mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning i arbetslivet på Beta = -.30 även efter kontroll för bakgrundsvariablerna sysselsättningsgrad, allmän hälsa och sömn. Ingen modererande effekt av arbetskategorierna white/blue collar kunde påvisas.  Slutsats: Resultatet ger insikt i sambandet mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning. Resultaten indikerar att en minskning av arbetsrelaterad stress kan främja kunskapsdelning och öka organisationernas förmåga att behålla anställda. Därmed kan kostnader för personalomsättning, rekrytering och frånvaro även minskas. / Background: Work-related stress can be linked to employees' health and contributes to high staff turnover and increased costs. At the same time, knowledge sharing is a significant resource for organizations' ability to leverage knowledge, promote employee well-being, and retain their employees. There is no consensus in previous research on how stress and knowledge sharing interact, as well as how white collar and blue-collar workers moderate this relationship. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace, and whether the relationship is moderated by the categories of white and blue-collar workers. Method: The study's data was collected via a digital survey consisting of 14 items measuring stress (PSS-14) and 11 items measuring knowledge sharing based on instruments developed by Xiao et.al. (2017), Wang et.al. (2017) and Wang and Kwek (2018). In total, there were 138 respondents who had answered all questions (including control variables). Multiple regression analysis with 5000 bootstrap iterations was used to study the correlation between work-related stress and knowledge sharing. An analysis of the potential moderating effect of occupational category on the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing was also conducted using the PROCESS procedure for SPSS version 4.2 beta. Results: The study's results show a significant negative correlation between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace at Beta= -.30 even after controlling for the background variables employment rate, general health, and sleep. No moderating effect of the white/blue collar work categories could be found. Conclusion: The results provide insight into the relationship between work-related stress and knowledge sharing. The results indicate that reducing work-related stress can promote knowledge sharing and increase the organization's ability to retain employees. Thus, costs for staff turnover, recruitment, and absenteeism can also be reduced.

Stödjande ledarskapets påverkan på arbetsrelaterad stress i små revisionsbyråer / Supportive leadership's impact on work-related stress in small audit firms

Axelsson, Melker, Wenngren, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisionsbranschen befinner sig i en nedåtgående trend sett till antal revisorer. Revisionsyrket präglas av säsongsbetonad och ojämn arbetsbelastning, vilket resulterar i hög arbetsrelaterad stress på grund av tids- och budgetpress samt höga krav. Tidigare forskning visar att balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är viktigt för medarbetarens trivsel på arbetsplatsen. Tidigare forskning riktas främst mot situationen i revisionsbyråerna vilka benämns “The Big Four” varpå följande studie riktar sig mot chefer på mindre revisionsbyråer. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att identifiera och undersöka hur stödjande ledarskap används av chefer inom små regionala revisionsbyråer för att förbättra det psykosociala välbefinnandet för medarbetarna. Teoretisk referensram: Föreliggande studie använder teorier och begrepp som exempelvis stödjande ledarskap, Work-Life Balance, krav, kontroll och stöd. Kärnbegrepp inom studien är arbetsrelaterad stress vilket kan uppstå till följd av obalans av tidigare nämnda faktorer. Metod: I föreliggande studie användes en kvalitativ forskningsansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen som kompletterades med insamling av dokument. Åtta intervjuer genomfördes där svaren triangulerades med hjälp av dokumenten. Slutsats: Det studien visade var att det är avgörande för chefen att skapa en personlig relation till medarbetarna. Detta för att kunna identifiera behov och anpassa sig utifrån den givna situationen. Goda förmågor att planera och följa upp arbete är även en viktig faktor för chefer inom revisionsbranschen för att medarbetarna ska ha en kontrollerbar arbetssituation och därmed undvika såväl orimlig arbetsbelastning som arbetsrelaterad stress. Det kan vidare konstateras att ledarskap är individuellt utifrån chefen som medarbetaren där egenskaperna varierar och ledarskapet behöver anpassas utifrån båda parter. / Background: The auditing industry is currently in a declining trend in terms of the number of auditors. The audit profession is characterized by seasonal and uneven workload, which results in high work-related stress due to time and budget pressure and high demands. Previous research shows that balance between work life and private life is important for employees’ well-being in the workplace. Previous research is mainly aimed at the situation in the audit firms called “The Big Four”, whereupon the following study is aimed at managers at smaller audit firms.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify and investigate how supportive leadership is used by managers within small regional auditing firms to improve the psychosocial well-being of employees.  Theory: The current study uses theories and concepts such as supportive leadership, work-life balance, demands, control and support. The core concept within the study is work-related stress, which may arise as a result of imbalance of previously mentioned factors.  Method: In this study a qualitative research approach was used where semi-structured in-depth interviews constituted the main data collection which was supplemented by the collection of documents. Eight interviews were conducted where the answers are triangulated with the help of documents.  Conclusion: The study showed that the crucial part for the manager is to create a personal relationship with the employees. This is to be able to identify needs and adapt based on the given situation. Good abilities to plan and follow up on work is also an important factor for managers within the audit industry and for the employees to have a controllable work situation and thus avoid both unreasonable workload and work-related stress. It can further be stated that leadership is individual based on the manager as the employee where the characteristics vary and leadership needs to be adapted based on both parties.

Teaching a Series of Mind-Body Techniques to Address the Risk of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Sonography Students: A Pilot Study

Butwin, Angela Nicole 06 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Attityder till användning av ett digitalt verktyg för att förebygga arbetsrelaterad ohälsa i populationen statsfinansierade anställda : en enkätstudie / Attitudes towards a digital tool to preventwork-related ill health in the populationgovernment-funded employees : a survey study

Westerberg, Ann-Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion En bra arbetsmiljö är av stor vikt för ett hälsosamt arbetsliv. Många människor drabbas av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa som kunde varit möjlig att förebygga om den uppmärksammats i tid. Att utifrån både nationella och internationella styrdokument arbeta för en hållbart arbetsliv med en hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljö är av hög folkhälsovetenskaplig relevans. Syfte I populationen anställda på statligt finansierade arbetsplatser undersöka attityder till användandet av ett digitalt verktyg för regelbunden avstämning av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa samt utformning av sådant verktyg. Undersöka om attityderna skiljer åt mellan åldersgrupper samt mellan arbetstagare som upplever hög eller låg arbetsrelaterad utmattning. Metod En enkätstudie som inkluderade 33 respondenter genomfördes i april 2022 där frågorna var av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Fishers exakta test användes för numerisk data och kvalitativ innehållsanalys för fritextsvar. Resultat Majoriteten hade positiv attityd till användandet av ett digitalt verktyg för regelbunden avstämning av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa. Ingen skillnad i attityd kunde identifieras mellan åldersgrupper eller grupper med olika nivå på arbetsrelaterad utmattning. Det framkom att det behövs rimliga krav på de anställda i arbetslivet och att ett digitalt verktyg skulle kunna bidra till att fånga tidiga tecken på ohälsa och vara ett hjälpmedel för det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Fysiska möten ansågs dock fortfarande viktiga. Slutsats Studien visar att statsfinansierade anställda generellt har en positiv attityd till ett digitalt verktyg som regelbundet stämmer av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa. Studien beskriver också tankar kring för- och nackdelar gällande utformning av ett sådant digitalt verktyg. Ett av önskemålen var tätare uppföljningar av hälsa och arbetsmiljö med ett digitalt verktyg. / Introduction A healthy work environment is important for a sustainable working life. Many people suffer from ill health connected to working life that could have been prevented if it had been noticed in time. Based on both national and international governing documents, working for a sustainable working life with a health-promoting workenvironment, is very relevant from a public health perspective. Aim In the population employed at government-funded workplaces, investigate attitudes to the use of a digital tool for regular reconciliation of work-related ill health and the design of such a tool. Investigate whether attitudes differ between age groups and between workers who experience high or low work-related exhaustion. Methods A survey study including 33 respondents was conducted in april 2022 where the questions were of both a qualitative and quantitative nature. Fischer’s Exact test was used for numerical data and qualitative content analysis for free-text answers. Results The majority had a positive attitude towards the use of a digital tool for regular reconciliation of work-related ill health. No difference in attitude could be identified between age groups or groups with different levels of work-related exhaustion. It emerged that reasonable demands are needed on employees in working life and that a digital toolcould help to capture early signs of ill health and be a tool for health promotion work. Physical meetings, however, were still considered important. Conclusion This study shows that government-funded employees generally have apositive attitude towards a digital tool that regularly checks work-related ill health. This study also describes pros and cons regarding the design of such a digital tool. One of the  wishes was closer follow-ups of health and working environment with a digital tool.

Childhood Adversity and Adult Work Life : Insights into job satisfaction and tenure in the UK Biobank cohort

Lillström Stenroos, Kevin January 2024 (has links)
Aim: This study aimed to address an important gap in the current state of the literature on adverse childhood experiences and work-related outcomes in adulthood. The research investigates whether childhood adversity is associated with job satisfaction and tenure in adulthood and explores potential mediating factors underlying the association. Method: Utilizing a cross-sectional design, this research draws upon data from the UK Biobank, a large population-based cohort study. The study sample comprised 12,391 participants with an average age of 54.72 years (SD = 5.95), and 52.38% of participants were females, and 90.37% were white. Furthermore, 25.91% had experienced at least one adversity while 1.59% had experienced three or more. Results: Using logistic and gamma regression models adjusted for age, sex, education, and household income, the results confirmed the hypotheses that early adversity is negatively associated with both job satisfaction and tenure in a dose-response fashion. Moreover, neuroticism, social support, avoidant coping, perception of life meaningfulness, and health satisfaction were identified as potential underlying mechanisms. Only neuroticism and social support did not mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and tenure. Conclusion: The findings of this study emphasize the long-term relationships between childhood adversity and work-related outcomes in adulthood and highlights the importance of trauma- informed workplaces to support individuals that has a history of childhood adversity. / Syfte: Denna studie syftade till att undersöka en viktig lucka i den nuvarande forskningen gällande traumatiska barndomsupplevelser och utfall i arbetslivet. De forskningsfrågor som formar denna studie fokuserar på hur barndomstrauman påverkar arbetstillfredsställelse samt anställningstid och huruvida det finns några medierande mekanismer. Metod: Studien använde sig av en tvärsnittsdesign med data från UK Biobank som är en populationsbaserad kohortstudie. Medelåldern för urvalet (12,391 deltagare) i studien var 54,72 år (SD = 5,95), 52,38% av deltagarna var kvinnor, och 90,37% var vita. Dessutom hade 25,91% upplevt minst en traumatisk upplevelse medan endast 1,59% hade upplevt tre eller fler. Resultat: Det användes bland annat en logistisk och gamma regressionsmodell justerade för ålder, kön, utbildning och hushållsinkomst för att bekräfta hypoteserna om att tidiga barndomstrauman är negativt förknippade med arbetstillfredsställelse och anställningstid likt ett dos-responsförhållande. Dessutom visade sig neuroticism, socialt stöd, undvikande coping, uppfattning om livets meningsfullhet och hälsotillfredsställelse ha ett signifikant samband som underliggande mekanismer. Neuroticism och socialt stöd medierade däremot inte förhållandet mellan traumatiska barndomsupplevelser och anställningstid. Med anledning av detta blev hypoteserna om dessa medierande mekanismerna endast delvis bekräftade. Slutsats: Studiens resultat belyser den negativa inverkan barndomstrauman har på arbetsrelaterade utfall samt betonar vikten av att utforma arbetsplatser med ett traumamedvetet bemötande för att stödja individer som har en historia av traumatiska upplevelser.

The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle Brink

Brink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to research, specifically within the unique South African context. The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations (N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities, nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by means of thematic analysis. The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are also caused by indirect sources. The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race, gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race, gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation, physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age). Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers, finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes, they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle Brink

Brink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to research, specifically within the unique South African context. The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations (N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities, nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by means of thematic analysis. The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are also caused by indirect sources. The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race, gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race, gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation, physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age). Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers, finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes, they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The role of the head of department in alleviating work-related teacher stress in primary schools

Ngobeni, H. W. 29 November 2006 (has links)
Work-related teacher stress is indeed a major problem in schools. The main aim of this study was to investigate the role of the Head of Department in alleviating work-related teacher stress among primary schools in the Temba Circuit. The research problem was investigated by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The literature study identified the main causes of teacher related stress. A qualitative inquiry using semi-structured focus group interviews with teachers and semi-structured individual interviews with Heads of Department were conducted in order to find answers to the research questions. It was found that the main sources of teacher stress could be grouped into four main categories, namely, interpersonal, organisational, professional and personal stressors. Guidelines to be considered by Heads of Department to alleviate the stress that teachers under their auspices are encountering were developed on the basis of these four categories of teacher stressors. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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