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Lagerhantering för CentrallagerEvelina, Nyberg, Mohammad Reza, Heidari January 2024 (has links)
Alstom Rail Sweden AB design, manufacture and maintain trains, as well as many electrical components. These items are manufactured by suppliers and today there are multiple Alstom sites worldwide that are able to enter orders from these suppliers. When the components become obsolete (are no longer manufactured) it is up to Alstom in Västerås to assess how many of these components that need to be available in order to keep up with the demand of the aftermarket. A Central Order Desk will be established at Alstom in Västerås for that reason. The project has been delimited to three different topics: warehouse management, material management and ERP-systems. Within these topics, four operations or processes are the center of the research: inventory, picking systems, scanning and tracking a serial number. The research question has been formulated as follows; How can a warehouse manage considerably growing volumes and co-exist with an existing production stock during its transformation to become a Central Order Desk? A study visit to Volvo GTO in Köping offered new perspectives of warehouse management which led to different concepts for the warehouse being created. By sorting the orders for picking and scanning, certain scheduling algorithms were identified as more effective when it came to waiting time, especially for prioritized orders. The applications and modules within the ERP-core model and ERP-system SAP, specific to the Supply Chain departments, were investigated in order to allow all Supply Chain departments to track a unit's serial number. This created a list of requirements which the departments will need to meet once they create the structures in the new system.
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Digitalisering av avrapportering i produktion vid BAE Systems AB / Digital transformation of production monitoring at BAE Systems ABSvensson, Robert January 2022 (has links)
BAE Systems Hägglunds in Ornsköldsvik is an engineering company that producesoff-road and combat vehicles for military and civilian purposes and sees a need fordigital transformation and streamlining of production in order to maintain contractualdelivery times and be an employer of the future. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate a way to facilitate and streamline theorder card handling of a laser machine at the manufacturing site in Örnsköldsvik,where the reporting of orders is expected to become a bottleneck in production.The company’s believe in the future importance of digital transformation also wasa significant factor leading to the current work. As of today, order card handling in production is performed manually with physicaldocuments and drawings that follow through the production lines, from article toarticle, from cut-out raw material to finished detail. In this work, a concept hasbeen created, which simplifies the documentation of the production. The final concept meets the requirement for simpler reporting by (1) using a QuickResponse (QR) code and (2) by inserting an image of the article produced on theproduction card, thereby providing an overview of the articles that are simultaneouslycut in the laser machine. The QR-code is linked to additional reporting in thebusiness system for each work center, which, thus, constitutes a first step towardsdigital order cards in production. / BAE Systems AB i Örnsköldsvik är ett verkstadsföretag som producerar terräng och stridsfordon för militära och civila ändamål och ser behov av digitalisering och effektivisering av produktionen för att bättre hålla avtalsbunda leveranstider och vara en arbetsgivare för framtiden. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka ett sätt att underlätta och effektivisera orderkortshanteringen för en lasermaskin på tillverkningscite i Örnsköldsvik, där avrapporteringen av order väntas bli en flaskhals i produktionen. Företagets tro på digitalisering är även den en betydande faktor för examensarbetets uppkomst. Orderkortshanteringen i produktionen sker idag manuellt med fysiska dokument och ritningar som följer med genom produktionslinorna, från artikeln till artikel, från utskuret råmaterial till färdig detalj. Genom en strukturerad processutveckling, där beprövade metoder har använts för att identifiera krav och generera utkast, har ett koncept skapats för en förenkling av produktionsdokumentationen. Det slutliga konceptet uppfyller kravet om enklare avrapportering genom en Quick Response (QR) kod, och ger en snabb överblick över artiklarna som skärs i lasermaskinen samtidigt genom att visa en bild på en färdig artikel på produktionskortet. QR-koden är kopplad till avrapportering i affärssystemet för varje workcenter, vilket är ett första steg mot digitalisering av orderkorten i produktionen.
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Utveckling av exo-skelett till häcksaxanvändare / Development of exo-skeleton for hedge trimmer usersKärvegård, Leon, Sarota, Jakub January 2024 (has links)
This report, conducted at the School of Engineering in Jönköping within mechanical engineering: product development and design, focuses on the development of an exoskeleton for hedge trimmer operators. The project is aimed to create a mechanical solution to reduce the strain on hedge trimmer operator’s shoulders and upper bodies during long workdays. Tasks involving hedge trimmers cause significant stress on the shoulder area, which can lead to long-term injuries. Exoskeletons have the potential to support users by redistributing the load to stronger parts of the body. The goal of the project was to design an exoskeleton specifically for hedge trimmer operators to reduce the risk of work-related injuries and improve the work environment. The project began with a preliminary study that included market analysis, interviews with professional users, and testing of existing exoskeletons. A specification of requirements was formulated based on the collected data, and several concepts were generated through brainstorming. The final concept was selected using Pugh's matrix, where different options were compared against a reference product from Hilti. The chosen design for the exoskeleton includes a spring-loaded mechanism placed on the user's back. The springs provide support at the right angle and reduce shoulder strain by transferring the load to the back and hips. The prototype was based on Husqvarna's existing harness, which contributed to reduced production costs and adaptability. The prototype meets most of the requirements in the specification, such as providing mechanical support to the shoulders and the ability to adjust the force. However, further tests and adjustments are needed to optimize the design and ensure user-friendliness. Future research should include field tests with actual users and the implementation of adjustment options for the spring force. This study lays the foundation for the future development of exoskeletons for hedge trimmer operators and potentially other tools, aiming to improve the work environment and reduce the risk of work-related injuries in the gardening and forestry industries.
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Utvecklingen av ett förbättrat arbetssätt för rörbockningsprocesser och arbetsstrategier utifrån Lean principerLindfors, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
Bucher Emhart Glass i Sundsvall har investerat i en ny rörbockningsmaskin som har skapat ett behov för ett nytt och förbättrat arbetssätt i rörbockningsavdelningen. Det råder även tvetydighet hur rörbockens arbetssätt är strukturerat och hur den faktiska effektiviteten ser ut för avdelningen. Detta har gjort det svårt att veta avdelningens förutsättningar och möjligheter att kunna ta vara på den nya maskinens förbättringspotential. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att kartlägga dagens arbetssätt i rörbocken samt hur kringliggande avdelningar arbetar med rör. Detta utgjorde förutsättningarna för den nya rörbockningsmaskinen samt designrymden för möjliga förbättringar. Målet var att ta fram förbättringsförslag inom arbetssättet i rörbocken och tydliggöra andra förbättringsåtgärder inom rörproduktionen. För att kartlägga arbetssättet användes observationer och aktivt deltagande av arbetsprocesserna. Intervjuer genomfördes inom olika nivåer av företaget samt avdelningar. Tillgänglig produktionsdata användes som förbättringsgrund. I fokus var användningen av olika verktyg inom Lean för att styra och strukturera valet av förbättringsområden och arbetskoncept. Examensarbetet resulterade i en omfattande beskrivning av arbetssättet i rörbocken. Omfånget av möjliga förbättringsområden var brett som resulterade en mängd olika förslag på förbättringar inom flera aspekter av arbetsprocessen. Såsom arbetsstrategi för att förproducera rör via ekonomisk orderkvantitet. Standardiseringsförslag för konstruktionen av rör togs fram samt förslag på strukturering av filhanteringen av rör. Dessutom strategier för att arbeta med Lean principer och därmed skapa tydligare kommunikation samt förutsättningar för en effektivare produktion. / Bucher Emhart Glass in Sundsvall has invested in a new pipe bending machine, creating a need for a new and improved workflow in the pipe bending department. There’s also ambiguity surrounding how the pipe bending process is structured and the actual efficiency of the department. This has made it difficult to understand the department’s conditions and opportunities for utilizing the new machine’s improvement potential. The purpose of this thesis has been to map out the current workflow of the pipe production process as well as how surrounding departments work with pipes. This laid the groundwork for the needs of the new pipe bending machine and the design space for potential improvements. The goal was to develop suggestions for improvement within the pipe bending process and clarify other improvement measures within the pipe production. Observations and active participation in the work processes were utilized to map out the workflow. Interviews were conducted across different levels of the company and departments. Available production data was used as a basis for improvement. The focus was on using various Lean tools to steer and structure the selection of improvement areas and concepts. The thesis resulted in a comprehensive description of the pipe bending workflow. The range of possible improvement areas was broad, resulting in various improvement proposals across several aspects of the work process. These included strategies for pre-producing pipes via economic order quantity, standardization proposals for pipe construction, and suggestions for organizing pipe file management. Additionally, strategies for working with Lean principles were developed to enhance communication and create conditions for more efficient production.
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Towards Logistics 5.0: An Approach for Selecting and Integrating Industrial Internet of ThingsHanumantu, Divya January 2024 (has links)
Every manufacturing discipline is evolving rapidly with the emergence of Industry 5.0, which is defined as the incorporation of advanced technologies to enhance sustainability, human imperative, and resilience. Logistic activities inside a manufacturing facility is not an exception for this evolution. Industrial internet of things (IIoT) as a primary enabler for the digital transformation provides the companies with great opportunities. In this context, firms need a guidance for harmonious integration of IIoT technologies into internal logistics. Existed theoretical knowledge has not addressed this issue explicitly. Therefore, the thesis is aimed at exploring the selection and integration of IIoT into internal logistics for a more smart, automated, and connected factory. The purpose of the thesis is achieved by a qualitative case study approach in a large multinational machinery manufacturing company. The study begins with a literature review constructing a theoretical framework to answer the research questions. then, semi structured interviews, document review and observations were employed as data collection methods. Three use cases: sensors for automatic replenishment, pick to light indicators for kitting and automated goods receiving are studied thoroughly for understanding the practical aspects. Thorough analysis of the collected data shows that the challenges being faced are technological, organizational, external, and human related. Also, critical factors which impact the integration of IIoT technologies and must be considered during the process are addressed through the analysis. Connecting these findings together, a roadmap has been created with a detailed explanation of actions to be taken in each step. To the existing theoretical knowledge, this thesis adds the knowledge of human and organizational factors and how to address them through developing a roadmap. Also, this knowledge will guide the companies to better prepare their workforce. Additionally, the roadmap helps the practitioners in strategic decision making and to develop further understanding for practical implementation. Offering insights into the challenges and critical factors this work can guide future research and development in smart logistics systems.
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Effektivisering av produktionsyta Speed Group / Streamlining of production area Speed GroupKarlsson, Simon, Kakawla, Sara, Högfeldt, Lukas January 2024 (has links)
Den här kandidatuppsatsen har genomförts på Speed Group, ett företag inom logistik och produktion. Uppsatsen har som utgångspunkt att studera och effektivisera produktionsytor för att förbättra produktiviteten och resurseffektiviteten. Av resultaten ska författarna komma med förslag på förbättringar för att möta framtida marknadsbehov. Metoden för studien har varit en kombination av litteraturstudier, kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningsmetoder samt empiriska studier genom planeringsmöten och datainsamling. FSLP har tillämpats för att analysera och förbättra produktionsflödet. Den totala observerade tiden inkluderade en omfattande analys av befintliga produktionslayouter, där ineffektiva områden identifierades och effektiviserade lösningar föreslogs. En stor del av studien fokuserade på att eliminera slöseri och förbättra materialhanteringen. Resultaten visade att betydande förbättringar i yteffektivitet och materialhantering kunde uppnås genom implementering av de nya layout samt framtida tillämpningar av Lean-strategier. Efter att ha identifierat och eliminerat flaskhalsar och ineffektivitet, samt effektiviserat produktionslayouterna, kan Speed Group förvänta sig ökad produktivitet och effektivitet. Slutsatsen av examensarbetet är att det finns många förbättringsområden att arbeta med. Det område som erbjuder den mest tydliga förbättringspotentialen är effektiviseringen av produktionslayout och materialhanteringen, vilket kräver kontinuerlig tillämpning av Lean-principerför att förhindra flaskhalsar i produktionsflödet. / This bachelor's thesis has been conducted at Speed Group, a company engaged in logistics and production. The thesis aims to study and optimize production areas to enhance productivity and resource efficiency. Based on the findings, the authors will propose improvements to meet future market demands. The methodology for the study combined literature reviews, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and empirical studies through planning meetings and data collection. FSLP was applied to analyze and improve the production flow. The total observed time included a comprehensive analysis of existing production layouts, where inefficient areas were identified and optimized solutions were proposed. A significant portion of the study focused on eliminating waste and improving material handling. The results showed that significant improvements in space efficiency and material handling could be achieved through the implementation of the new layouts and future applications of Lean strategies. By identifying and eliminating bottlenecks and inefficiencies, as well as optimizing the production layouts, Speed Group can expect increased productivity and efficiency. The conclusion of the thesis is that there are many areas for improvement to work on. The area offering the most obvious improvement potential is the optimization of production layout and material handling, which requires the continuous application of Lean principles to prevent bottlenecks in the production flow.
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Enhancing Operational Efficiency and identify the implementation ChallengesNajeeb, Atiya January 2024 (has links)
The research aims to investigate the lack of cohesive workflow of production lines within a company, exploring the factors and dynamics at play. It also seeks to analyze the identified issues, focusing on their root causes and potential impacts on operational efficiency. An important aspect of the research is the consideration of value stream mapping (VSM). The methodology is based on a literature review and a single-case study. The literature review, including a systematic review, was conducted to identify existing practices. To explore the research objectives, a case study was performed, examining the industrial implementation and challenges of using the VSM tool. The current state VSM was designed and analyzed, identifying various types of waste within the workflow. Based on this analysis, a future state VSM was recommended to address the inefficiencies. The field of study is well-researched but has a notable gap regarding the application of VSM in complex industrial settings. The research identified inadequacies for using and implementing VSM in organizations, aiming to fill this gap. The research concluded that while there are several benefits to using VSM, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. To bridge these challenges and support decision-making in the improvement process, the study proposes specific recommendations. The study faced limitations, particularly in data collection due to time constraints and validity concerns. The data collection period was limited to less than two months. Additionally, the complexity of the data led to generalizations in the creation of the VSM. This "good enough" approach, however, is not deemed to significantly affect the study's overall validity or reliability. By providing a systematic way of mapping, the research enhances operational efficiency by more efficient use of resources, reduced cycle times, improving process flow, and facilitating better decision-making. These efforts lead to improved overall performance within the company.
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Support For The Transition To Changeable Machining Systems : A Case Study in the Automotive IndustryWahab, Abdul, Martinez Ullibarri, Lukas January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis aims to support the transition from dedicated to a changeable machining system ensuring long-term adaptability. To fulfill this purpose three research questions are developed. Methodology: Literature studies are conducted to create the theoretical framework for this thesis and answer the research questions. The literature search is structured to focus on selected subjects of machining systems, changeability, fixtures & tools, reconfigurability, and flexibility. A single case study in the tier-1 automotive was conducted to gather empirical data through interviews which are backed up by document studies, and observations along with a theoretical framework. The data gathered is analyzed through a thematic analysis. Results: The empirical results are presented on a thematic pyramid model consisting of three levels: machining level, production level, and organizational level. The findings are related to the case study. Analysis: The three research questions are analyzed using a thematic process digging deeper into each pyramid level by comparing the answers from the interviews, document studies, and observations to the theoretical framework. For research question three a conceptual support map is developed using a holistic perspective providing support for the tier 1 automotive industry when transitioning. Discussion& Conclusion: The industrial contribution of this thesis shows the gap in the changeable thinking approach for tier-1 automotive manufacturers. The presented transition from DMS to CMS is supported through a conceptual map based on the case study findings. The academic contribution includes emphasizing the importance of changeability for long-term planning through the theoretical findings of flexibility and reconfigurability. Delimitations: This thesis is limited to the challenges found in the case study done in the tier-1 automotive manufacturer. However, a holistic perspective is provided with the conceptual map to provide a starting point for transitioning to CMS, making the map adaptable to other industrial or academic needs.
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Utveckling av framtida sekvenslager : Med hjälp av simulering på Scania Ferrufrom ABGunnarsson, Wilmer January 2024 (has links)
This report aims to present the results of a master's thesis in the field of mechanical engineering with a focus on production technology. The thesis was carried out at Scania Ferruform AB in Luleå, targeting the side beam flow, specifically the sequence warehouse in the side beam painting process. The side beam flow is complex, with each side beam treated as an individual and deliveries occurring in sequence. The capacity of the side beam flow is being increased through various investment projects. These improvements may cause the bottleneck in the flow to shift. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the sequence warehouse manages the capacity increase. This will be examined using a simulation model built in the program ExtendSim 10. The results of this work are intended to serve as a basis for upcoming investment projects. With the help of the simulation model, two questions will be answered: How does the Stacker Crane handle an increased kit fill rate? and How is the warehouse capacity affected by the increased kit fill rate? To answer these, the simulation model is first built, function-tested, and verified. Once the simulation model is considered representative, a number of different experiments are conducted, varying input data and capacity to observe how the model behaves. From the analysis of the experiments, it is evident that the Stacker Crane may encounter problems with increased capacity, with significant increases in crane utilization and the buffer zone for warehouse loading. Both of these results indicate how the crane will manage with increased capacity. The utilization rate increased from 78.7 percent to 91.0 percent. The buffer zone saw an even larger percentage increase. This substantial increase may mean that the crane will occasionally be unable to keep up. An analysis of warehouse capacity revealed that the warehouse's capacity itself is not an issue even with the increased capacity. However, the current warehouse configuration would not be able to handle it. This is due to the current warehouse setup consisting of compartments with different length categories. Some compartments are filled to capacity while others are significantly under capacity. For the warehouse to handle the increased capacity, it needs to become more flexible to fully utilize its capacity.
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Flödeseffektivisering av materialförsörjning genom takttid : En fallstudie på ett tillverkande företagJohansson Hedström, Nils, Vidmark, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
Today, logistics play a central role for companies active on the global market. Efficient logistic strategies are what separates competitors from each other. By achieving shorter lead times through different Lean-management principles, companies can deliver a greater flexibility towards customers. This can be done by creating a stable and controlled process environment. Theoretical work in production optimization highlights concepts such as standardization, takt time and pull flow as key tools for creating a stable and controlled process. However, these tools cannot be applied on every process. Standardization, takt time and a pull flow all require minimal variation to work effectively. This study investigates the applicableness of Lean tools on a material handling process, which is characterized by variation and moving bottlenecks. These characteristics were identified from observation of the process, which identified a considerable amount of variation in the form of lead times. This study follows a systematic approach with theoretical framework as the foundation for conducting experiments to validate the theorems applicableness on the case companies’ material flow process. In this case study three experiments were conducted. These experiments were all related to the three research questions of this case study. The learnings from the experiments were then used to provide a proposal for a future layout and to answer the research questions of this case study. The future layout is designed to optimize the process flow. The result from this study shows that optimizing the process flow is of greater importance than resource utilization for the case company. The future layout is designed as a pull flow, with the capacity to handle variation and thus create a greater value for the customers of the case company. This study also provides a new scientific approach on takt time implementation on a process with variation. Similar studies are usually focused on manufacturing assemble, while this study is translating the production theories to a material handling process with variation. The authors of this case study have not found a study with the same goal to implement takt time in a material handling process, however it is widely recognized that the car manufacturing industry with Toyota as the leading figure, uses takt time to control its material flow. / Idag har logistik en nyckelroll för företag verksamma på den globala marknaden. En effektiv logistiskstrategi är något som skapar förutsättningar att utmärka sig från konkurrenter. Genom att korta ner ledtider med Lean-management kan företag åstadkomma en större flexibilitet gentemot sina kunder. Detta går att åstadkomma genom att skapa stabila och kontrollerade processer. En stabil och kontrollerad process går att skapa genom att applicera teorier inom produktionseffektivisering som exempelvis standardisering, takttid och dragande flöden. Dessa teoretiska begrepp går däremot inte att applicera på alla processer utan kräver minimal variation. Denna fallstudies syfte handlar om att undersöka en applicering av dessa teorier i en process med stor variation och växlande flaskhalsar. Processen observerades innefatta en omfattande variation i form av olika ledtider. Fallstudien följer ett systematiskt tillvägagångsätt med teori som grund för att hantera denna variation och utforma experiment som validerar teorierna utifrån materialförsörjningen förutsättningar. Dessa experiment kopplades till studiens tre frågeställningar. Tre experiment genomfördes i denna fallstudie och lärdomarna från dessa experiment användes för att utforma ett framtida förslag på layout och även svara på fallstudiens frågeställningar. Det framtida förslaget utformades för att optimera flödet i materialförsörjningen. Studiens resultat visar att flödeseffektivisering i stället för resurseffektivisering är att föredra i fallföretagets process. Det framtida förslagets layout är designat som ett dragande flöde, för att hantera variation och skapa ett större värden för fallföretagets kunder. Denna studie presenterar en ny vetenskaplig tolkning för att implementera takttid i en process med stor variation. Det finns däremot liknande studier, men de fokuserar primärt på tillverkning i en produktionsmiljö och studier om en implementering av en takttid i en materialförsörjning med variation har ej identifierats. Inom bilindustrin finns det däremot flera exempel där de flesta processerna är taktade. Toyota är en av biltillverkarna i detta sammanhang och använder takttid för att kontrollera flöden av material.
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