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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbar polisrekrytering : Teoretiska, metodologiska och praktiska perspektiv på rekrytering och urval / Sustainable police recruitment : Theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives on recruitment and selection

Annell, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
Organisationer behöver kvalificerad personal för att fungera effektivt och därmed blir rekrytering en viktig aktivitet. Det är också angeläget att ny personal anpassar sig väl till arbetsförhållandena. Syftet med denna avhandling var att tydliggöra möjligheterna att genom urval bidra till en långsiktigt hållbar rekrytering för organisation, individ och samhälle. Avhandlingen omfattar tre delstudier och baseras på data från rekrytering av nya poliser i Sverige. En kohort har följts från urvalet av de sökande till polisutbildningen våren 2008 (N = 1 344) över tre uppföljningstillfällen (N = 717–729), nämligen vid slutet av två års polisutbildning, vid slutet av sex månaders aspirantutbildning och vid slutet av det första anställningsåret. Studie I syftade till att undersöka möjligheterna att välja ut de sökande som är mest lämpade att bli poliser genom att kombinera information från flera urvalsmetoder. Vanligtvis används intervjuer för att i slutet av urvalsprocessen välja ut de mest lämpade kandidaterna. Analyser med flera kriterier på framgångsrik rekrytering (prestation, tillfredsställelse med utbildning respektive arbete, vilja att stanna i yrket och hälsa) vid de tre uppföljningstillfällen, visade att ett alternativt förfarande – att kombinera information från urvalsmetoder som i tidigare steg använts för att sålla bort olämpliga sökande – hade högre prognosförmåga. Det handlade om information från begåvningstest, personlighetstest och konditionstest. Ett sådant förfarande kan också vara mer tillförlitligt och resurseffektivt. Vid urval av poliser bör intervjuer däremot främst ses som ett verktyg för att sålla bort olämpliga kandidater. Studie II syftade till att öka förståelsen för hur resultat från begåvningstest ska tolkas och användas vid urval. För de flesta yrken, inklusive polisyrket, har begåvningstest visats vara en av de urvalsmetoder som bäst predicerar prestation. Det har förklarats med effekter av generell begåvning. Resultaten från Studie II visade dock att utöver generell begåvning kan också en verbal och kunskapsladdad komponent antas viktig för att predicera prestation. Samtidigt gav studien stöd för att vid urval använda en samlad totalpoäng från begåvningstest. Studie III syftade till att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av urvalsfaktorer som personlighet och begåvning respektive den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för nya polisers arbetsrelaterade attityder och hälsa efter det första anställningsåret. Studien visade att arbetsmiljöfaktorer, såsom möjligheter till utveckling och återkoppling i arbetet samt rimlig arbets­belastning, var betydligt viktigare än urvalsfaktorer för nya polisers anpassning till arbetsförhållandena i yrket. Sammanfattningsvis visar föreliggande avhandling att det är meningsfullt att över tid beakta flera kriterier på framgångsrik rekrytering. Den visar också att information från flera urvalsmetoder bör kombineras för att välja ut de mest lämpade kandidaterna. Vidare visar avhandlingen på värdet av att använda verbalt laddade begåvningstest vid urval. Förmågan att predicera framgång i polisyrket med olika urvalsmetoder är dock måttlig. Avhandlingen visar däremot att arbetsförhållandena för ny personal kan ha avgörande betydelse. Det betyder att organisationer som strävar efter hållbar rekrytering bör prioritera både urval och sunda arbetsförhållanden för ny personal. Det gäller inte minst polisorganisationer där kostnaderna för rekrytering är höga. / Organizations need qualified personnel to work effectively. Accordingly recruitment is an important organizational activity. Moreover, to attain sustainability for organizations, individuals, and the society, it is assumed important that new personnel adjust well to their working conditions. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of selection for long-term sustainable recruitment. The thesis includes three studies based on data from the recruitment of new police officers in Sweden. A cohort of new police officers was followed from the end of the admittance process to the basic police training program in spring 2008 (N = 1,344) and then at three consecutive follow-ups (N = 717-729), 1) at the end of two years of academy training, 2) at the end of six months of field training, and 3) at the end of the first working year. Study I aimed to further the understanding of how to select suitable police applicants by using combinations of common selection methods. Analyses of several criteria (performance, satisfaction, occupational retention, and health) at the three follow-ups suggest that combining information from cognitive, personality, and physical fitness tests, that in earlier hurdles have been used to screen out unsuitable applicants, would be useful in identifying the most suitable candidates, while interviews may primarily be considered as a tool for screening out any unsuitable ones. Study II focused on how to interpret and make use of results from cognitive tests in applied settings such as selection. In most occupations, including the police, cognitive tests are among the most valid predictors of performance. This has been explained by the influence of general intelligence. However, the results from Study II showed that beyond general intelligence, a verbal and knowledge loaded component can be important in predicting performance. Also, the study supported the use of total scores in selection. Study III aimed to examine the relative importance of selection factors (e.g., personality and general intelligence) and psychosocial working conditions for new police officers’ work-related attitudes and health. The study showed that psychosocial working conditions, such as opportunities for development and feedback as well as a balanced workload, were far more important than selection factors for the new police officers’ adjustment to their occupation. Taken together, the thesis shows the value of considering several time points and several criteria of successful recruitment. Also, it demonstrates the usefulness of combining information from several selection methods to select the most suitable candidates, along with the value of using verbally loaded cognitive tests in selection. Still, the ability to predict success among police officers by using selection methods remains modest. Additionally, the thesis shows that the working conditions for new personnel can be considered crucial if recruitment is seen as a long-term process that also includes the introduction phase. Accordingly, organizations striving for sustainable recruitment need to focus on developing sound selection processes and providing sound working conditions for their new personnel. This is of particular importance for organizations such as the police, where the costs of recruitment are high. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

工作壓力、12年國教採計服務學習時數實施困擾與憂鬱行為表現之研究--以基北區國中兼任行政工作教師為例 / A Study on Work-related Stress, Service learning of Twelve-year Public Education Program,and the Presentation of Depressive Symptoms of Teachers with Additional Administrative Duties Who Work at Junior High School in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung City

蔡宜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討基北區兼任行政工作教師工作壓力、12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾及憂鬱行為表現之關係,分層選取臺北市、新北市與基隆市公立國中兼任行政教師共443人進行問卷調查,並以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜相關分析和多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。主要研究結果如下: 1、 基北區兼任行政教師的工作壓力屬中等程度;12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾程度屬中上程度;憂鬱行為表現屬中下程度。 2、 新北市兼任行政教師在上級要求工作壓力感受上高於臺北市兼任行政教師。 3、 基隆市兼任行政教師在工作負荷工作壓力感受上高於臺北市兼任行政教師。 4、 30班以下基北區兼任行政教師其憂鬱行為表現高於61班以上的基北區兼任行政教師。 5、 基北區兼任行政教師的工作壓力與憂鬱行為表現有顯著正相關。 6、 基北區兼任行政教師的12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾與憂鬱行為表現有顯著正相關。 7、 基北區兼任行政教師的12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾與工作壓力有顯著正相關。 8、 人際關係工作壓力與12年國教採計服務學習時數之實施困擾能預測基北區兼任行政教師憂鬱行為表現。 本研究依據上述結果加以討論,並分別針對基北區兼任行政教師、學校、教育行政主管機關及未來研究提出相關建議。 / This studyaims to investigate the correlation among work-related stress,service learning of twelve-year public education program and presentation of depressive symptoms of teacher with additional administrative duties who work at public junior high school in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung city.Stratified selection of Taipei, New Taipei and Keelung public junior high school total of 443 teachers with additional administrative duties were investigated. Data collected is analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOWA、Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The main results are listed here. 1. The work-related stress of Taipei、New Taipei、Keelung city ‘s teacher with additional administrative duties is in the medium level; The distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program is in the high-medium level ; Their presentation of depressive symptoms is in the lower-medium level. 2. Such teachers who working in New Taipei city show significantly higher work-related stress than those working in Taipei city. 3. Such teachers who working in Keelung city show significantly higher work-related stress in operating load than those working in Taipei city. 4. Such teachers who working at schools with under 30 classes experience significantly more depressive symptoms than those working at schools with 61 or more classes 5. There is a significantly positive correlation between work-related stress experienced by such teachers and the presentation of their depressive symptoms. 6. There is a significantly positive correlation between the distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program and depressive symptoms. 7. There is a significantly positive correlation between the distress of service learning of twelve-year public education program and work-related stress. 8. Work-related stress resulting from interpersonal relationship and the method of implementation of service learning of twelve-year public education program are the best indicators for the presentation of such teacher’s depressive symptoms. This study discusses the above-mentioned results and offers several suggestions for the teacher with additional administrative duties who work at public junior high school in Taipei、New Taipei and Keelung city、education agency and further studies.

Arbetsrelaterad stress hos fastighetsmäklare : En analys av i vilken utsträckning olika variabler är stressande i fastighetsmäklaryrket

Jonasson, Therese, Kupari, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
I vårt arbete har vi analyserat vilka variabler som är mer eller mindre stressande i yrket som fastighetsmäklare. De variabler vi valt att undersöka är faktorer inneboende i arbetet, roll i organisationen, karriärutveckling, relationer på arbetet, organisationsstruktur och klimat samt utomorganisatoriska källor till stress. Sammanlagt medverkade 426 fastighetsmäklare från 8 olika fastighetsmäklarföretag i en enkätundersökning. Resultaten har sedan analyserats med hjälp av ett flertal olika statistiska analyser. Resultatet från undersökningen innebär en revision av de tidigare sex variablerna till fyra nya: organisationsklimat, ansvar, tid och händelser i livet. Slutsatsen är att faktorn ”Tid” har fyra gånger så stor inverkan på känslan av arbetsrelaterad stress hos fastighetsmäklare i jämförelse med de övriga tre variablerna. Genom resultatet i vårt arbete bidrar vi med information till fastighetsmäklarorganisationer, om vilka faktorer de behöver arbeta med för att minska den arbetsrelaterade stressen hos fastighetsmäklare. / In our work, we have analyzed which variables are more or less stressful in the profession of real estate brokers. The variables we chose to examine are the factors intrinsic to job, role in organization, career development, relationships at work, organizational structure and climate, and extra-organizational sources of stress. A total of 426 brokers from 8 different real estate brokerage firms, participated in a survey. The results were then analyzed using a variety of statistical analyzes. The results from the survey represent a revision of the previous six variables to four new ones: organizational climate, responsibility, time and life events. It is concluded that the factor “Time” has four times the impact on the sense of work-related stress among realtors in comparison with the other three variables. The result of our work, contribute with information to the real estate brokerage organizations, which factors they need to work on, in order to reduce work-related stress among brokers.

Work-related wellness of information technology professionals in South Africa / C. Westerman

Westerman, Christelle January 2005 (has links)
The information technology industry is considered to be one of the most demanding industries, with significant social, physical and psychological consequences for the wellbeing of the information technology professional. Work wellness and general psychological well-being plays an important role in the well-being of the information technology professional. The measurement of work-related wellness requires valid, reliable and culturally fair measuring instruments. However research on work wellness and occupational well-being in South Africa is lacking, especially in the information technology context. A lack of norms for work-related wellness in South Africa makes the identification of work-related wellness in the information technology industry difficult. Consequently, investigating the reliability, validity, equivalence and bias of work-related well-being measuring instruments would result in the standardisation of work wellness (consisting of burnout and engagement) and occupational well-being, suitable for use in the multicultural information technology industry setting. Moreover, the operationalisation of work wellness, as well as an inclusive model regarding the work-related wellness of information technology professionals that includes work wellness and occupational wellbeing are lacking in the South African literature. The objectives of this research were to standardise the measurement of work wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa, to develop and test a model of occupational well-being for information technology professionals in South Africa, to develop and test a comprehensive model of work-related wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa (consisting of work wellness and occupational well-being), and to test for moderating effects of affectivity in the experience of mark related well-being of information technology professionals in South Africa. The research consists of three separate articles, each consisting of a brief literature overview and an empirical study. A cross-sectional survey design with a snowball sample (n = 214) of information technology professionals in South Africa was used. Adapted versions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) and Gtrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), as well as the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Affectometer 2 (AFM-2), Life Orientation Test - Revised (LOT-R), Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OC-Q), Information Technology Job Characteristics Inventory (ITJCI), as well as the Health scale of the Organisational Screening Evaluation Tool (ASSET) and a biographical questionnaire were used. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlations, exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed a two-factor model for the MBI-GS consisting of a combined Burnout factor and Professional Efficacy, while a one-factor model was found for the UWES, namely Engagement, with acceptable internal consistencies. Exploratory second-order factor analysis confirmed a two-factor, culturally fair model of work wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa, consisting of burnout and work engagement. Item bias analysis revealed no evidence of bias for the MBI-GS, while uniform bias was found for two items (Items 7 and 12) of the UWES. Construct equivalence in terms of work wellness was obtained for the different language groups in the sample. The results confirmed a four-factor model of occupational well-being for information technology professionals in South Africa, namely negative and positive work wellness, organisational commitment and general psychological well-being. The model of occupational well-being was found to be equivalent across language groups, except for general psychological well-being, which seemed to differ for the non-mother-tongue English language speakers. In terms of work-related wellness, a model consisting of work wellness and occupational well-being was constructed and uccessfully tested. Structural equation analysis confirmed main effects for negative affectivity in terms of burnout and engagement, while main effects were confirmed for burnout, ill-health and engagement in terms of positive affectivity. Interaction effects for affectivity were not confirmed in the model of work-related wellness of information technology professionals in South Africa. Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2006.

Work-related wellness of information technology professionals in South Africa / C. Westerman

Westerman, Christelle January 2005 (has links)
The information technology industry is considered to be one of the most demanding industries, with significant social, physical and psychological consequences for the wellbeing of the information technology professional. Work wellness and general psychological well-being plays an important role in the well-being of the information technology professional. The measurement of work-related wellness requires valid, reliable and culturally fair measuring instruments. However research on work wellness and occupational well-being in South Africa is lacking, especially in the information technology context. A lack of norms for work-related wellness in South Africa makes the identification of work-related wellness in the information technology industry difficult. Consequently, investigating the reliability, validity, equivalence and bias of work-related well-being measuring instruments would result in the standardisation of work wellness (consisting of burnout and engagement) and occupational well-being, suitable for use in the multicultural information technology industry setting. Moreover, the operationalisation of work wellness, as well as an inclusive model regarding the work-related wellness of information technology professionals that includes work wellness and occupational wellbeing are lacking in the South African literature. The objectives of this research were to standardise the measurement of work wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa, to develop and test a model of occupational well-being for information technology professionals in South Africa, to develop and test a comprehensive model of work-related wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa (consisting of work wellness and occupational well-being), and to test for moderating effects of affectivity in the experience of mark related well-being of information technology professionals in South Africa. The research consists of three separate articles, each consisting of a brief literature overview and an empirical study. A cross-sectional survey design with a snowball sample (n = 214) of information technology professionals in South Africa was used. Adapted versions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) and Gtrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), as well as the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Affectometer 2 (AFM-2), Life Orientation Test - Revised (LOT-R), Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OC-Q), Information Technology Job Characteristics Inventory (ITJCI), as well as the Health scale of the Organisational Screening Evaluation Tool (ASSET) and a biographical questionnaire were used. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlations, exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed a two-factor model for the MBI-GS consisting of a combined Burnout factor and Professional Efficacy, while a one-factor model was found for the UWES, namely Engagement, with acceptable internal consistencies. Exploratory second-order factor analysis confirmed a two-factor, culturally fair model of work wellness for information technology professionals in South Africa, consisting of burnout and work engagement. Item bias analysis revealed no evidence of bias for the MBI-GS, while uniform bias was found for two items (Items 7 and 12) of the UWES. Construct equivalence in terms of work wellness was obtained for the different language groups in the sample. The results confirmed a four-factor model of occupational well-being for information technology professionals in South Africa, namely negative and positive work wellness, organisational commitment and general psychological well-being. The model of occupational well-being was found to be equivalent across language groups, except for general psychological well-being, which seemed to differ for the non-mother-tongue English language speakers. In terms of work-related wellness, a model consisting of work wellness and occupational well-being was constructed and uccessfully tested. Structural equation analysis confirmed main effects for negative affectivity in terms of burnout and engagement, while main effects were confirmed for burnout, ill-health and engagement in terms of positive affectivity. Interaction effects for affectivity were not confirmed in the model of work-related wellness of information technology professionals in South Africa. Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2006.

The role of the head of department in alleviating work-related teacher stress in primary schools

Ngobeni, H. W. 29 November 2006 (has links)
Work-related teacher stress is indeed a major problem in schools. The main aim of this study was to investigate the role of the Head of Department in alleviating work-related teacher stress among primary schools in the Temba Circuit. The research problem was investigated by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The literature study identified the main causes of teacher related stress. A qualitative inquiry using semi-structured focus group interviews with teachers and semi-structured individual interviews with Heads of Department were conducted in order to find answers to the research questions. It was found that the main sources of teacher stress could be grouped into four main categories, namely, interpersonal, organisational, professional and personal stressors. Guidelines to be considered by Heads of Department to alleviate the stress that teachers under their auspices are encountering were developed on the basis of these four categories of teacher stressors. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The role of the principal in managing work-related stress among secondary school educators

Naicker, Soobramoney Govindsamy 11 1900 (has links)
Educator stress is a major problem worldwide. This study focuses on the role of the principal in the secondary school in providing support and assisting educators manage work-related stress, with particular reference to schools in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. The problem was investigated by means of a literature study and empirical investigation. The literature identified perspectives on educators' stress, the stress process of the educator and the principal, causes of work-related stress in educators and coping strategies. Furthermore, principals' leadership styles, theories of motivation and causes of principals' stress were discussed. A qualitative inquiry using focus group interviews was undertaken with a small sample of secondary school educators selected by purposeful sampling. Findings suggested that educator stress was caused by a lack of learner discipline; deterioration in educational standards; workload; policy changes; promotion procedures and the principal's leadership style. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improvement of practice. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Work related stress among social workers in Greater Giyani Municipality, South Africa

Maluleke, Shonisani Forster 16 May 2019 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / This study was about work related stress among social workers in the Greater Giyani Municipality, South Africa. Work related stress among social workers globally can be attributed to a number of factors that are either internal or external to the workers. When not addressed, work related stress may have tremendous impact on the workers, their productivity and even health. The aim of this study was to explore the sources of work related stress among social workers in selected offices in Greater Giyani Municipality, South Africa. This study adopted a qualitative research design making use of exploratory approach. The study was conducted at Unigaz social work offices, Greater Giyani Municipality, South Africa. The study sample was chosen from the target population of social workers using non-probability purposive sampling. Data were collected using an interview guide and analyzed using thematic analytical approach. To ensure trustworthiness, credibility and dependability of the study findings, the researcher pre-tested the interview guide to ascertain if it will enable the researcher to get the desired information. The researcher adhered to the following ethical principles: Informed consent, deception of respondents, confidentiality and anonymity, voluntary participation and avoidance of harm to respondents The study revealed that work related stress among social workers results from a variety of factors. These factors are either organisational such as poor remuneration, workload etc. or extra-organisational factors such as lack of support from family members. The study recommends that the Department of Social Development should put in place Employee Wellness Offices in all districts as a measure to curb and deal with work related stress among social workers. / NRF

The effect of the Reaset Approach on the autonomic nervous system, state-trait anxiety and musculoskeletal pain in patients with work-related stress: A pilot study

Meyers, Tom January 2014 (has links)
Background: Work-related stress (WRS) is associated with musculoskeletal pain (MSP), changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and anxiety. Objective: To determine the feasibility of a follow-up study and treatment efficacy of the Reaset Approach on MSP, ANS and State-Trait anxiety. Methods: 15 subjects with WRS and MSP were assigned into 3 groups (Body, Head-Neck, Head-Neck-Body). Each group received a single 25 minute ‘Reaset Approach’ intervention. Heart rate variability (HRV), electro-dermal activity (EDA), State Trait Anxiety (STAI) and MSP were measured. Results: HRV parameters: SDNN increased in 13 of 15 subjects while SD1 and SD2 increased in 12 of 15 subjects. EDA reduced in 10 of 14 subjects. State Anxiety reduced in all subjects and Trait Anxiety reduced in 14 of 15 subjects. MSP reduced in all subjects after the intervention and were still lower three days afterwards. Conclusions: This pilot study determined that a follow-up study can ensue provided minor modifications are implemented and that the ‘Reaset Approach’ has an influence on the ANS, anxiety and MSP. Results do differ between groups. The intervention groups including the head and neck modalities demonstrated better results.:I. Abstract (En) III II. Abstract (De) IV III. Table of Contents V IV. Index of figures VIII V. Index of tables IX VI. Index of abbreviations X 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 2 2.1 Work-related musculoskeletal pain 2 2.2 Work-related stress 3 2.3 Osteopathy and the autonomic nervous system 3 2.4 Stress, pain and osteopathy 4 3 Questions 6 3.1 Feasibility 6 3.2 Treatment effect 6 4 Methods 7 4.1 Study design 7 4.2 Participants 8 4.2.1 Inclusion criteria 8 4.2.2 Exclusion criteria 8 4.2.3 Recruitment 8 4.2.4 Randomization 10 4.3 Parameters 11 4.3.1 Heart rate variability 11 4.3.2 Electro-dermal activity 11 4.3.3 State anxiety 11 4.3.4 Trait anxiety 12 4.3.5 Perceived pain 12 4.4 Measuring Instruments 13 4.4.1 Heart rate variability 13 4.4.2 Electro-dermal Activity 13 4.4.3 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 13 4.4.4 Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 13 4.5 Interventions 14 4.5.1 Intervention ‘B’: Body 14 4.5.2 Intervention ‘HN’: Head and Neck 16 4.5.3 Intervention ‘HNB’: Head, Neck and Body 16 4.6 Study flow 18 4.7 Statistics 20 5 Results 21 5.1 Autonomic nervous system: Heart rate variability 21 5.1.1 SDNN 22 5.1.2 SD1 25 5.1.3 SD2 28 5.2 Autonomic Nervous System: Electro-dermal activity 31 5.3 Anxiety 34 5.3.1 State anxiety 34 5.3.2 Trait anxiety 37 5.4 Musculoskeletal pain 39 5.4.1 Visual analogue scale 40 5.4.2 Total Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 43 6 Discussion 46 6.1 Discussion of the method 46 6.2 Discussion of the results 50 6.2.1 Autonomic nervous system 50 Heart rate variability 50 Electro-dermal activity 51 6.2.2 Anxiety 51 State anxiety 51 Trait Anxiety 52 6.2.3 Musculoskeletal pain 52 6.3 Suggestions for future research 53 7 Conclusion 54 8 Literature 55 9 Addendum 63 9.1 Table: SF-MPQ with Sensory, Affective and Evaluative dimension 63 9.2 Patient Information Sheet 64 9.3 Structured telephone interview 70 9.4 Structured pre-treatment interview 72 9.5 SF-MPQ permission 73 9.6 SF-MPQ 74 9.7 STAI License 76 9.8 STAI forms Y-1 and Y-2 77 / Hintergrund: Arbeitsbedingter Stress (ABS) ist verbunden mit muskelschmerzen, Veränderungen im autonomen Nervensystem (ANS) und Angst. Ziel: Machbarkeit einer Follow-up-Studie und Wirksamkeit der Behandlung des Reaset Ansatzes auf ANS, Muskelschmerzen und State und Trait- Angst bestimmen. Methoden: 15 Patienten mit ABS und Muskelschmerzen wurden in 3 Gruppen eingeteilt (Körper, Kopf-Hals, Kopf-Hals-Körper). Jede Gruppe erhielt eine einzige 25 Minuten dauernde 'Reaset Approach’-Behandlung. Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HRV), elektro-dermale Aktivität (EDA), State-Trait-Angstsinventar (STAI) und Muskelschmerzen (SF-MPQ) wurden gemessen. Ergebnisse: Die HRV-wert: SDNN ist bei 13 von 15 Probanden erhöht, während SD1 und SD2 bei 12 von 15 Probanden zugenommen hat. EDA war bei 10 von 14 Probanden reduziert. Die State-Angst hat bei allen Probanden und die Trait-Angst bei 14 der 15 Probanden abgenommen. Muskelschmerzen waren bei alle Probanden anschließend an und drei Tage nach der Intervention reduziert. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Pilotstudie hat gezeigt, dass eine Follow-up-Studie fortgesetzt werden kann, sofern kleinere Änderungen durchgeführt werden. Die 'Reaset Approach’ hat einen günstigen Einfluss auf die ANS, State-Trait-Angst und Muskelschmerzen. Ergebnisse zwischen den Gruppen sind unterschiedlich. Die Interventionsgruppen mit einschließlich der Kopf-Hals-Modalitäten zeigten bessere Ergebnisse..:I. Abstract (En) III II. Abstract (De) IV III. Table of Contents V IV. Index of figures VIII V. Index of tables IX VI. Index of abbreviations X 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 2 2.1 Work-related musculoskeletal pain 2 2.2 Work-related stress 3 2.3 Osteopathy and the autonomic nervous system 3 2.4 Stress, pain and osteopathy 4 3 Questions 6 3.1 Feasibility 6 3.2 Treatment effect 6 4 Methods 7 4.1 Study design 7 4.2 Participants 8 4.2.1 Inclusion criteria 8 4.2.2 Exclusion criteria 8 4.2.3 Recruitment 8 4.2.4 Randomization 10 4.3 Parameters 11 4.3.1 Heart rate variability 11 4.3.2 Electro-dermal activity 11 4.3.3 State anxiety 11 4.3.4 Trait anxiety 12 4.3.5 Perceived pain 12 4.4 Measuring Instruments 13 4.4.1 Heart rate variability 13 4.4.2 Electro-dermal Activity 13 4.4.3 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 13 4.4.4 Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 13 4.5 Interventions 14 4.5.1 Intervention ‘B’: Body 14 4.5.2 Intervention ‘HN’: Head and Neck 16 4.5.3 Intervention ‘HNB’: Head, Neck and Body 16 4.6 Study flow 18 4.7 Statistics 20 5 Results 21 5.1 Autonomic nervous system: Heart rate variability 21 5.1.1 SDNN 22 5.1.2 SD1 25 5.1.3 SD2 28 5.2 Autonomic Nervous System: Electro-dermal activity 31 5.3 Anxiety 34 5.3.1 State anxiety 34 5.3.2 Trait anxiety 37 5.4 Musculoskeletal pain 39 5.4.1 Visual analogue scale 40 5.4.2 Total Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 43 6 Discussion 46 6.1 Discussion of the method 46 6.2 Discussion of the results 50 6.2.1 Autonomic nervous system 50 Heart rate variability 50 Electro-dermal activity 51 6.2.2 Anxiety 51 State anxiety 51 Trait Anxiety 52 6.2.3 Musculoskeletal pain 52 6.3 Suggestions for future research 53 7 Conclusion 54 8 Literature 55 9 Addendum 63 9.1 Table: SF-MPQ with Sensory, Affective and Evaluative dimension 63 9.2 Patient Information Sheet 64 9.3 Structured telephone interview 70 9.4 Structured pre-treatment interview 72 9.5 SF-MPQ permission 73 9.6 SF-MPQ 74 9.7 STAI License 76 9.8 STAI forms Y-1 and Y-2 77

Att definiera våld i skolan : En intervjustudie med lärare om hur våld hanteras i gymnasiesärskolan och yrkesgymnasiet

Andersson, Jenny, Persson, Per January 2021 (has links)
This study has examined how teachers from three integrated secondary schools – one which provides education for students with special needs and two vocational schools –define violence. The definitions have been linked to whether the schools tend to display a workplace environment perspective or a crime perspective on violence, and how these perspectives are expressed. These perspectives constitute one of the theories that the study is based on, along with Nils Christie’s the Ideal Victim and Ron Akers’ Differential Reinforcement. Interviews have been held with three teachers from the vocational schools and four teachers from the school for students with special needs. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed from a perspective of qualitative content analysis. Conclusively the results show that while all teachers include physical violence in their own definitions of violence, and most of them include psychological violence, the specific actions that are included in their concepts of violence differ. However, we found that the way they “choose” which actions are to be included in their concepts consists among all teaches. They all seem to “choose” from a combination of the expectations on them set by the organization and to what extent the action can be perceived as an “ideal crime”. / Studien har undersökt hur lärare på tre lokalintegrerade skolor - en gymnasiesärskola och två yrkesgymnasieskolor - definierar våld. Definitionerna har kopplats till om skolorna tenderar uppvisa ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv eller ett brottsperspektiv, och hur perspektiven tar sig uttryck. Perspektiven är en av teorierna som ligger till grund för studien tillsammans med Nils Christies Det ideala offret och Ron Akers Differentiell förstärkning. Intervjuer har genomförts med tre lärare från yrkesgymnasierna och fyra från gymnasiesärskolan, därefter har transkriberingarna analyserats med en innehållsanalytisk ansats. Sammantaget visar resultaten att alla lärare, i sina definieringar av våld, innefattar fysiskt våld. De flesta innefattar även psykiskt våld. Vilka specifika handlingar som ingår i våldsbegreppen skiljer sig åt, däremot fann vi att hur man “väljer” vilka handlingar som ska tolkas som våld stämmer överens mellan de tre skolorna. “Valet” verkar ske utifrån en kombination av organisationens förväntningar på läraren och i vilken utsträckning handlingen kan tolkas som “det ideala brottet”.

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