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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příspěvek k poznání způsobu obživy na přelomu neolitu a eneolitu (srovnávací studie západního kulturního okruhu s oblastí Čech a Moravy) / The Paper on Understanding the Subsistence Manner on the Transition of Neolithic and Eneolithic Age (a Comparative Study between the Western Culture Complex and Regions of Bohemia and Moravia)

Mattová, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
The study presented deals with the phenomenon of increased hunting activity on the transition of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Age, the reasons of which have been so far investigated only in regard to environmental conditions of locations. The phenomenon is observed on locations of a wide area of Middle Europe. Nevertheless, there exist locations with prevailing agricultural economy. On the basis of a detailed comparative analysis of the material culture of the Western culture circle and Bohemia and Moravia, the study aims to trace the reflection of the phenomenon in archaeological materials - differences between locations with predominant domestic sources, and locations with predominant wild sources. Alongside, the study deals with a possible environmental impact on increasing hunting tendencies. In order to created a database, a detailed catalogue of locations has been compiled. The catalogue holds the most essential information on material culture with regard to expected agricultural manners. The catalogue also serves as a clue for setting particular indicators of the database, the purpose of which is to organise the data in a comparable form. Subsequently, a descriptive database has been compiled. The database traces the reflection of agricultural base of the individual locations. By means of a...

Djuren på Gotland : En studie om djurbensmaterialet från två hällkistor på Gotland / The animals on Gotland : A study about animal bones from two cists on Gotland

Lindby, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar djurbensmaterial från två senneolitiska/tidigbronsålders hällkistor på Gotland (RAÄ Kräklingbo 12:1 & Burs 9:1). Syfte med uppsatsen var att bidra med kunskap kring djurbensmaterialet som påträffats i hällkistor genom tre frågeställningar. Fysiskt djurbensmaterial har genomgått en osteologisk analys och sedan jämförts med två andra hällkistor från samma period samt översiktligt med andra stenålderslokaler på Gotland. Resultatet visade en ökning av får/get samt nötkreatur samt en minskning av svin och säl gentemot tidigare perioder. Häst, hund, mindre däggdjur, fågel och fisk förekom också i materialet. Resultatet visade även indikationer på att skinn/päls/ull varit viktigt för människan. / This study deals with animal bone material from two Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age stone cist on Gotland (RAÄ Kräklingbo 12:1 & Burs 9:1). The purpose of the study was to contribute knowledge about the animal bone material found in cists through three questions. Physical animal bone material has undergone an osteological analysis and then been compared with two other stone coffins from the same period as well as an overview with other Stone Age sites on Gotland. The result showed an increase in sheep/goat and cattle and a decrease in pigs and seals compared to previous periods. Horse, dog, smaller mammals, bird and fish also appeared in the material. The results also showed indications that skin/fur/wool had been important to humans.

Ett tvådelat Norrland : En studie om grophus från stenåldern i mellersta Norrland. / A divided Norrland : A study on semi-subterranean houses from the stone age in the middle part of Norrland

Karlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the semi-subterranean houses in northern Sweden, specifically in the counties Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. The semi-subterranean houses were usedby hunter-gatherers and the houses date to the end of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In this study two separate types of semi-subterranean houses are being investigated. Both types of semi-subterranean houses are categorized as ‘settlement embankments’ (Sw. boplatsvall). Within the study one type is called ‘embankments of fire-cracked stones’ (Sw. skärvstensvall) which are situated in the interior part of Norrland, and the other type is called ‘embankmentsof gravel/sand’ (Sw. grusvall) which are mainly found in the coastal areas of Norrland. The purpose of this study is to investigate the number of individuals residing within the semi-subterranean houses. Cross-cultural studies based on ethnographic material is used to calculate how many individuals lived in each house. The cross-cultural study of floor area has resulted in a mean of how much space (6.1 m2) a prehistoric human needs in a dwelling. This number is used to calculate the number of individuals that lived in each house based on the size of the floor area. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there are any differences between the embankments of fire-cracked stone and the embankments of gravel/sand. Are they simply different construction techniques or are there any other differences between them, such as size, social structure and chronology.

Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an prähistorischen Zähnen und Kieferfragmenten – ein Beitrag zur zahnmedizinisch-epidemiologischen Rekonstruktion einer neolithischen Population aus Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, Galeriegrab I) / Palaeopathological investigations of prehistoric teeth and jaw fragments - a contribution to the dental-epidemiological reconstruction of a neolithic population from Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, gallery grave I)

Gernhardt, Johannes 19 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ätiologie und Epidemiologie pathologischer Veränderungen an den Skeletfunden der neolithischen Populationen aus Calden, Rheine und Großenrode / Etiology and epidemiology of pathological changes on the skeletal remains of the Neolithic populations from Calden, Rheine and Großenrode

Cyris, Jan Christian 17 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Recherches sur le système de représentations symboliques de l’art néolithique aux textes des pyramides- Origines et formation des éléments de la religion solaire de l’Egypte antique / Research on the symbolic representations system in Egypt from Neolithic art to the pyramid texts.- Origin and formation of solar religion elements in pharaonic Egypt

Sweydan, Francois 28 February 2011 (has links)
Dès les premières dynasties, le pictogramme fut dans l’écriture le prolongement des représentations figuratives naturalistes, logogrammes dans les palettes funéraires décorées protodynastiques. Ce constat nous porte à les mettre en correspondance avec l’art pariétal du néolithique nubien, le prédynastique égyptien, et celui des aires culturelles périphériques. La reconsidération des pétroglyphes en tant que symboles et idéogrammes, c’est-à-dire des mythogrammes autant que des logogrammes-phonogrammes polysémiques permet de dégager un système structurel de représentations symboliques universel dans la vallée du Nil. Essentiellement funéraire, il est organisé autour d’une nouvelle lecture en relation aux mythes fondateurs de l’Œil d’Horus/solaire, s’exprime dans des rites primitifs de revivification, de renaissance, néolithiques et prédynastiques, explicités ensuite durant les premières dynasties sur des tablettes, des sceaux-cylindres votifs, et l’onction du mort avec les sept huiles canoniques et, enfin, dans les Textes des Pyramides. Contrairement à l’idée commune d’opposition des notions de Nature-Culture, il est question de les conjuguer, de réconcilier la dualité non binaire et de voir, par exemple, les fonctions héliotrope et/ou héliophore des animaux du bestiaire soudanien, avec Sokar le faucon funéraire, les garants bienveillants des métamorphoses et de renaissance du soleil/des défunts, par ailleurs, félidés, canidés, antilopes…, investis du numineux des divinités tutélaires. À la lueur d’une nouvelle lecture du mythe “osirien” primitif de métamorphose, nous reconsidérons les conceptions sur le sacrifice animal sur des bases d’anthropologie religieuse. Loin d’une maîtrise et soumission de la nature, et d’un diffusionnisme, l’interculturalité de la pensée mythique archaïque première dans la vallée nubiano-égyptienne et des régions périphériques multiethniques implique, vis-à-vis du monde naturel et des forces spirituelles numineuses, la transculturalité des conceptions solaires et le partage pluriculturel, transhistorique des croyances résurrectionnelles polycycliques. Ainsi, les pétroglyphes d’animaux, les scènes de chasse animale, les représentations de barques, de sandales, etc., sont de nature funéraire votive, apotropaïque. / Since the beginning of the first dynasties, the pictogram in writing was the extension of naturalistic figurative representations, logograms in the decorated funerary protodynastic palettes. This statement carry us to link them with the parietal art of Neolithic Nubia, the egyptian Predynastic, and peripheral cultural areas. We have reconsidered the petroglyphs as polysemic symbols and ideograms, i.e. mythograms as well polysemic logograms-phonograms, allowing us to draw up a structural system of symbolic representations, universal in the Nile valley. Basically funerary, the system is organised around a new reading in connection with the founding of the ‘Eye of Horus’/solar myths, and express itself in primitive Neolithic and Predynastic rites of revivification, rebirth, more explicit afterwards during the first dynasties on labels, votive cylinder-seals, and anointing the deads with the seven holy canonical oils, finally in the Pyramid Texts. Contrary to the common idea which opposite the Nature-Culture notions, there is some question to combine them, to reconcile the non-binary duality and to see, for example, the heliotrope functions and/or heliophore animals of the sub-Saharan bestiary, with Sokar the funerary hawk, the benevolent guarantors for the rebirth and metamorphosis of the sun/deads; otherwise felids, canids, antelopes…, invested by the numinous of the protecting divinities. In consequence of a new reading of the primitive ‘osirian’ myth of metamorphosis, we have reconsidered the conceptions about animal sacrifice on the basis of religious anthropology. Far from bringing under control and submission of nature, and diffusionnism, the intercultural (cross-cultural) of the first archaic mythic thought in the multi-ethnic nubian-egyptian valley and associated neighbouring areas involves, towards the natural world and the numinous spiritual strengths, the cross-cultural of solar conceptions and multicultural, trans-historic sharing of the polycyclic resurrectional believes. Thus, the animal petroglyphs, cynegetic scenes, boats and sandals representations, etc., are of funerary votive, apotropaic nature.

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