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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les règles techniques dérivées de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale et de l'Organisation maritime internationale / The secondary technical rules from the international civil aviation organization and the international maritime organization

Trigeaud, Béatrice 03 December 2013 (has links)
Pour réglementer les activités de navigation civile internationale, aérienne et maritime, les États ont choisi d’agir au moyen de deux institutions spécialisées du système des Nations Unies. L’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI) et l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) ont été investies du pouvoir de superviser l’élaboration de règles techniques applicables à ces matières. De façon générale, les règles adoptées par ces Organisations doivent, pour prendre effet, être acceptées par les États, sous diverses formes (tacites ou expresses, collectives, voire individuelles). Leur application est tributaire d’actes unilatéraux des États, qui agissent parfois collectivement, étant souvent amiablement contrôlés par l’OACI ou l’OMI. Derrière une apparente clarté, se dissimulent des zones d’ombre. Outre, la situation des tiers et des personnes privées, et les rapports entre l’ordre international et les ordres juridiques étatiques, la nature de ces institutions normatives interroge. Y voir des autorités normatives agissant sur le fondement de pouvoirs constitués serait, en effet, ignorer le jeu incessant de la volonté des États, qui, partout là où il étire les pouvoirs de l’institution, montre l’irréductible liberté contractuelle et constituante de ces mêmes États. Le degré de centralisation de ces systèmes s’effacerait sous le constat que leur effectivité repose sur la volonté même de leurs sujets, plus ou moins tenue par des nécessités techniques, ce qui n’est pas sans conséquences pratiques. / In order to regulate the international civil navigation (air and maritime), the States have chosen to act through two specialized United Nations agencies. Hence they confered the International Civil Aviaton Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the power to oversee the elaboration of technical rules relevant to this field. In general, the rules adopted by these organizations require various forms of States acceptance to be effective (i.e. express or implied, collective or individual forms). Their implementation depends on unilateral acts of States, that can sometimes act sometimes collectively. And the States are often amicably controlled by the ICAO or the IMO. Behind the apparent clarity, lay some gray areas. Beyond the situation of third and private individuals, and the relationship between international order and national legal systems, one can wonder about the nature of these normative institutions. These could be perceived as normative authorities acting on the basis of an established power. However, this interpretation would ignore the incessant game of States’ will. Whenever the will of the States stretches the power of the institution, the irreducible constituent and contractual freedom of the States appears. The degree of centralization of these systems would be blurred by the observation that their effectiveness depends on the willingness itself of their subjects, which is more or less held by technical necessities, and that would not be without practical consequences.

La política exterior de México durante el gobierno de Vicente Fox (2000-2006). Entre tradición y cambio. / La politique étrangere du mexique vis-à-vis de l'Amérique latine pendant le gouvernement de Vicente Fox (2000-2006). Regards et perspectives. / Mexican Foreign Policy during Vicente Fox’s Government (2000-2006). Between Tradition and Change.

López de Lara Espinosa, Dainzú 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le développement démocratique engendre-t-il un changement dans la politique étrangère du Mexique ?La politique étrangère « traditionnelle » mexicaine est réputée pour être passive, légaliste et nationaliste, telle la définie le Parti Révolutionnaire Institutionnel au début du XXème siècle, jusqu’à la fin des années 1990. Depuis cette date, la politique étrangère mexicaine est en pleine transition sous l’effet d’un nouvel ordre mondial et du processus de démocratisation interne.En 2000, l’élection du président Fox jouit d’une légitimité internationale qui lui permet de renouveler la politique extérieure en se focalisant sur la défense des droits de l’Homme et de la démocratie. Ce changement diplomatique marque une rupture politique avec le régime précédent.Par le biais de la révision du ALENA, il cherche d’une part, à approfondir l’intégration avec les États-Unis avec la négociation d’un accord migratoire, et d’autre part, à développer une activité multilatérale, en particulier au sein des forums de l’ONU. Cette politique vise à réduire la dépendance du Mexique vis-à-vis des États-Unis en intensifiant sa présence multilatérale. Cet objectif sera néanmoins fortement perturbé par des éléments internes, comme l’inertie bureaucratique, et externes, avec les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre.Cette recherche s’appuie sur la littérature politiste spécialisée sur la politique étrangère mexicaine.Elle critique les analyses qui s’attachent exclusivement à démontrer le manque d’habilité et les erreurs diplomatiques de l’administration Fox. La thèse soutient au contraire, que ces changement sont permis de mettre sur l’agenda politique des dossiers fondamentaux comme la politique migratoire, les droits de l’Homme et la coopération pour le développement. / Has Mexican foreign policy changed with the advent of the new democratic rule in Mexico?Traditional Mexican Foreign Policy, known as passive, reactive, legalistic, and nationalistic, was installed by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) from the start of the 20th century to the late90s. Since that date, Mexican foreign policy faces a double transformation dynamic: the external,with the establishment of a new world order; and the internal, with the Mexican democratization process.2000 elections, depicted as a transparent process, gave president Vicente Fox sufficient international legitimacy to modify foreign policy agenda, introducing the protection of human rights and democratic values. These changes produce a political rupture with the previous regimeand triggered a change in the foreign policy behaviour.The new foreign policy program includes a complementary strategy: first, widen the regional integration within the United States, by the revision of the NAFTA, with a negotiation of amigration agreement; second, deploying a strong multilateral activity (mainly United Nationsforums). This stratagem seeks to reduce Mexico’s U.S. dependence, by intensifying its multilateral presence. But, internal and external causalities, inertial bureaucratic practices and the effects of September 11 reversed this policy.This research is based on political literature specialized in Mexican foreign policy. It critically analyzes the classic approach that focus exclusively on the lack of diplomatic skill and blunders of Fox’s administration. This thesis argues instead that these changes have helped set the politicalagenda of fundamental issues as migration policy, human rights and development cooperation. / ¿Hubo cambio en la política exterior de México con la llegada de la democracia?La política exterior “tradicional” de México, conocida como pasiva, legalista y nacionalista,instalada a inicios del siglo XX por el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) se enfrenta, en los años noventa, a un doble contexto de transición: el externo, ante la influencia de un nuevo orden mundial; y el interno, con el proceso de democratización. La elección del 2000, considerada un proceso electoral transparente y equitativo, le otorga algobierno de Fox una legitimidad internacional que le permite proponer una agenda de política exterior “nueva”, centrada en la protección de los derechos humanos y la democracia. Esto representa una ruptura política con respecto al régimen anterior y un signo de cambio en el comportamiento hacia el exterior.El nuevo programa de política exterior incluye una estrategia complementaria: primero, profundizar la integración con Estados Unidos, mediante la revisión del TLCAN, con la negociación de un acuerdo migratorio; y segundo, una actividad multilateral, particularmente en los foros de la ONU. Esta política busca reducir la dependencia de Estados Unidos, intensificando su presencia multilateral. Este objetivo es revertido a causa de factores tanto de causalidad interna como externa,como las inercias burocráticas y los efectos de los atentados del 11 de septiembre.Esta investigación se basa en la literatura especializada sobre la política exterior mexicana, y criticalos análisis enfocados exclusivamente en la falta de habilidad y los errores diplomáticos de la administración Fox. Esta tesis sostiene lo contrario, que estos cambios permitieron meter en la agenda política temas fundamentales como la política migratoria, los derechos humanos y la cooperación para el desarrollo.

La coordination entre organisations internationales en matière de reconstruction post-conflit / The coordination among international organization in post-conflict reconstruction

Aguayo Armijo, Francisca 24 November 2017 (has links)
La coordination en matière de reconstruction post-conflit vise à associer les activités entreprises dans les domaines de la sécurité internationale, de l'aide humanitaire et du développement, traditionnellement confiés à des organisations internationales distinctes et même à différents organes au sein des organisations à compétences intersectorielles, comme l'ONU. Ces activités se voient marquées par des interdépendances ainsi que par des chevauchements et des enchevêtrements découlant de l'extension des compétences des organisations, elle-même fondée sur les interdépendances entre les domaines d'action. Cette extension des compétences est déterminée dans le cadre interne de chaque organisation, sans tenir compte sur le plan juridique des compétences des autres organisations. C'est la raison pour laquelle la coordination ne peut être atteinte au moyen d'une répartition des compétences susceptible de garantir l'absence de chevauchements (coordination négative). En pratique, cette idée cède devant une coordination fondée sur la coopération, visant à faciliter l'exercice conjoint des compétences en matière de reconstruction (coordination positive). Cet exercice conjoint se déploie dans un cadre juridique marqué par l'autonomie des organisations, défendue à des degrés variables aussi bien par les organisations que par leurs États membres. Les méthodes de coordination doivent alors se révéler souples afin de s'adapter aussi bien aux facteurs variables de chaque contexte d'action qu'au cadre général dans lequel s'établissent les relations entre les organisations, constat qui explique le rôle du droit mou en matière de coordination. / Coordination in post-conflict reconstruction seeks to bring together international security, humanitarian aid an development aid. These fields of activity have been traditionally assigned to different international organizations and even within organizations with cross-sectorial competence as the UN, to different bodies. However, the interlink between these activities have resulted in an extension of the field of competence of each organization, which has reinforced the interdependence, overlap and duplication of their activities. In this regard, the scope of activity is circumscribed within the institutional framework of each organization, without granting legal implications to the field of competence of other organizations. Therefore, coordination cannot be achieved through a division of competence aiming at eliminating the overlaps and duplications (negative coordination). In practice, coordination in post-conflict reconstruction seeks to establish cooperation mechanisms in order to enable a joint exercise of competences by the organizations and their bodies (positive coordination). This exercise takes place within the context of the autonomy of international organizations, which is protected at varying degrees by both the organizations and their member state. Thus, methods of coordination must be flexible enough not only to allow for tailored and context-specific responses but also to be in line with the general framework guiding the relationships among organizations, which explains the value of soft law in the process of coordination.

Entry and operation strategies of Indian pharmaceutical firms in Africa under the dynamics of markets and institutions / Stratégies d'entrées et de fonctionnement des firmes pharmaceutiques indiennes en Afrique sous la dynamique des marchés et des institutions

Singh, Sauman 12 July 2018 (has links)
La thèse démontre que l'environnement protectionniste en Inde a contribué à bâtir une industrie pharmaceutique solide. L'arrivée simultanée de l'Accord ADPIC et de la libéralisation économique a créé des « push factors » à la fois compétitifs et favorables, obligeant les firmes pharmaceutiques indiennes (FPI) à chercher de nouvelles voies de croissance à l’étranger. Les politiques des pays africains en faveur des génériques, l’action des organisations internationales et la nouvelle gouvernance des marchés financés par les bailleurs de fonds ont aussi induits des « pull factors » permettant aux FPI de s'engager davantage sur ces marchés. Cette thèse montre à travers le cas du Mali que le marché en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone est divisé en quatre segments – le marché public financé par l'État et par des donateurs et le marché privé formel et informel – avec des réglementations différentes. Les FPI n'utilisent que l'exportation dans ces pays, mais leurs organisations varient selon le segment dans lequel elles souhaitent opérer. Enfin, ce travail utilise l’étude du Synriam, un nouvel antipaludéen pour montrer que Ranbaxy a utilisé le partenariat avec Medicines for Malaria Venture pour développer ses capacités, accéder à de nouveaux marchés et gagner en légitimité. Cette étude met en évidence que les organisations internationales peuvent créer des barrières institutionnelles et influencer les stratégies d'entrée des firmes. En conclusion, cette thèse illustre la richesse et la complexité du marché pharmaceutique africain et démontre également que les stratégies d'entrée sur le marché et d'exploitation des FPI sont influencées par l'environnement institutionnel sous-jacent. / This dissertation first shows that the early protectionist environment in India helped build a robust indigenous pharmaceutical industry. The simultaneous arrival of TRIPS and economic liberalization created both competitive and supportive push factors forcing Indian firms to look for new avenues of growth beyond national boundaries. Generic supporting policies of African countries, the action of international organizations and the new governance of donor-funded markets also acted as pull factors for Indian firms to engage in these markets.Next, taking the case of Mali, the thesis shows that the pharmaceutical market in Francophone West African countries is divided into four specific segments – government and donor-funded public and formal and informal private markets – with different regulatory characteristics. Indian firms are using only export to operate in these countries, but the organization of export varies according to the segment in which a firm intends to operate. Lastly, it takes the case of Synriam, a new antimalarial to show that Ranbaxy used the partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture for developing capabilities, accessing new markets and gaining legitimacy. The case also reflects that international organizations may create institutional barriers and influence the market entry strategy of firms. To conclude, this thesis illustrates the richness and complexities of the African pharmaceutical market and shows that market entry and operation strategies of Indian firms are influenced by the underlying institutional environment.

O envolvimento da EMBRAPA e do SENAI na Cooperação Sul-Sul: da indução à busca pela retroalimentação / The involvement of EMBRAPA and SENAI in South-South Cooperation: from induction to the search for feedback

Iara Costa Leite 14 November 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Por envolver número crescente de atores domésticos, a participação do Brasil na Cooperação Técnica entre Países em Desenvolvimento (CTPD) representa domínio privilegiado para se compreenderem oportunidades e desafios à institucionalização da Cooperação Sul-Sul nas relações exteriores do país. Além de contarem com competência setorial, instituições implementadoras da CTPD brasileira passaram a reunir conhecimentos sobre países com os quais o Brasil não mantinha ligações históricas estreitas e contínuas, aumentando seu potencial de influência sobre as diretrizes da política externa. Ao mesmo tempo, boa parte dessas instituições possui estrutura voltada para o desenvolvimento doméstico, conflitando com a alocação crescente de seus recursos para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional. Por um lado, embora a busca pelo desenvolvimento nacional seja baluarte da diplomacia brasileira, os benefícios da CTPD para o mesmo aparecem de forma difusa no discurso diplomático. Por outro lado, agências implementadoras passaram a desenhar estratégias para triar ou induzir demandas, alimentando divergências com instituições decisórias e implementadoras que sustentavam visões distintas sobre o desenvolvimento e a inserção internacional do Brasil. O objetivo geral desta tese é entender os determinantes do envolvimento do Brasil na CTPD e os impactos da alocação crescente de recursos oficiais brasileiros para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional sobre a formulação da política externa brasileira. A análise será aprofundada por meio de estudo dos casos de duas agências protagonistas na CTPD brasileira: a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI). Seu envolvimento na CTPD apresenta trajetória semelhante na medida em que induzido, inicialmente, por doadores tradicionais e, posteriormente, como maior ênfase, pela diplomacia brasileira. Durante o Governo Lula, diante do volume crescente de demandas, EMBRAPA e SENAI, identificados tradicionalmente com modelos de desenvolvimento focados no crescimento econômico e no avanço científico-tecnológico, fortaleceram suas divisões de Relações Internacionais e buscaram influenciar o processo decisório da CTPD considerando lições aprendidas em campo e elementos de seus respectivos planejamentos estratégicos. Não obstante, com a entrada do Governo Dilma e as novas prioridades do desenvolvimento e da política externa, essas instituições divergiram na avaliação da instrumentalidade da CTPD. A vertente Sul-Sul se desmobilizou no SENAI, mas continuou relevante na EMBRAPA, o que pode guardar relação com a maior competitividade do setor agrícola brasileiro e com a capacidade da EMBRAPA de mobilizar fontes alternativas de recursos humanos e financeiros para implementar ações. Porém, a polarização entre agronegócio e agricultura familiar dentro da empresa, alimentada pela sua polarização na sociedade brasileira e fora do país, comprometeu o alinhamento institucional em torno do caráter estratégico de sua atuação na CTPD. / For involving a growing number of domestic actors, Brazils participation in Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) represents a privileged field for understanding opportunities and challenges to the institutionalization of South-South Cooperation in the countrys foreign affairs. Besides gathering sectorial expertise, implementing institutions of Brazilian TCDC began gathering knowledge on countries with which Brazil did not maintain close and continuous historical relations, thus enhancing their potential to influence foreign policy guidelines. At the same time, most of such institutions framework targets at domestic development, conflicting with growing allocation of their resources to the promotion of international development. On the one hand, although the search for national development is a bulwark of Brazilian diplomacy, the benefits of TCDC to the former are diffusely accounted for in the diplomatic discourse. On the other hand, implementing agencies started designing strategies to sort or to induce demands, feeding divergences with decision-making and implementing institutions holding different views on development and on Brazils participation in international affairs. The aim of this dissertation is to understand the drivers of Brazils involvement in TCDC and the impacts of growing allocation of Brazilian official resources to the promotion of international development over the design of Brazilian foreign policy. The analysis will be deepened through case studies of two protagonist agencies in Brazilian TCDC: the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and the National Industrial Training Service (SENAI). Their involvement in TCDC presents similar paths since it was initially induced by traditional donors and later, with greater emphasis, by Brazilian diplomacy. During the Lula administration, faced with a growing number of demands, Embrapa and Senai, traditionally identified with development models focused at economic growth and scientific and technological advance, have strengthened their International Relations departments and tried to influence TCDC decisionmaking considering lessons learnt in field and elements presented in their respective strategic plans. However, with the arrival of the Dilma administration and new development and foreign policy priorities, such institutions have diverged in the assessment of TCDCs instrumentality. The South-South arena was demobilized in SENAI, but continued to be relevant in EMBRAPA, something that can bear a relation with greater competitiveness of the Brazilian agricultural sector and EMBRAPAs capacity of mobilizing alternative human and financial resources to implement actions. Nonetheless, polarization among agribusiness and family farming inside the corporation, fed by its polarization in Brazilian society and outside the country, has compromised institutional alignment around its strategic action in TCDC.

O envolvimento da EMBRAPA e do SENAI na Cooperação Sul-Sul: da indução à busca pela retroalimentação / The involvement of EMBRAPA and SENAI in South-South Cooperation: from induction to the search for feedback

Iara Costa Leite 14 November 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Por envolver número crescente de atores domésticos, a participação do Brasil na Cooperação Técnica entre Países em Desenvolvimento (CTPD) representa domínio privilegiado para se compreenderem oportunidades e desafios à institucionalização da Cooperação Sul-Sul nas relações exteriores do país. Além de contarem com competência setorial, instituições implementadoras da CTPD brasileira passaram a reunir conhecimentos sobre países com os quais o Brasil não mantinha ligações históricas estreitas e contínuas, aumentando seu potencial de influência sobre as diretrizes da política externa. Ao mesmo tempo, boa parte dessas instituições possui estrutura voltada para o desenvolvimento doméstico, conflitando com a alocação crescente de seus recursos para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional. Por um lado, embora a busca pelo desenvolvimento nacional seja baluarte da diplomacia brasileira, os benefícios da CTPD para o mesmo aparecem de forma difusa no discurso diplomático. Por outro lado, agências implementadoras passaram a desenhar estratégias para triar ou induzir demandas, alimentando divergências com instituições decisórias e implementadoras que sustentavam visões distintas sobre o desenvolvimento e a inserção internacional do Brasil. O objetivo geral desta tese é entender os determinantes do envolvimento do Brasil na CTPD e os impactos da alocação crescente de recursos oficiais brasileiros para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional sobre a formulação da política externa brasileira. A análise será aprofundada por meio de estudo dos casos de duas agências protagonistas na CTPD brasileira: a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI). Seu envolvimento na CTPD apresenta trajetória semelhante na medida em que induzido, inicialmente, por doadores tradicionais e, posteriormente, como maior ênfase, pela diplomacia brasileira. Durante o Governo Lula, diante do volume crescente de demandas, EMBRAPA e SENAI, identificados tradicionalmente com modelos de desenvolvimento focados no crescimento econômico e no avanço científico-tecnológico, fortaleceram suas divisões de Relações Internacionais e buscaram influenciar o processo decisório da CTPD considerando lições aprendidas em campo e elementos de seus respectivos planejamentos estratégicos. Não obstante, com a entrada do Governo Dilma e as novas prioridades do desenvolvimento e da política externa, essas instituições divergiram na avaliação da instrumentalidade da CTPD. A vertente Sul-Sul se desmobilizou no SENAI, mas continuou relevante na EMBRAPA, o que pode guardar relação com a maior competitividade do setor agrícola brasileiro e com a capacidade da EMBRAPA de mobilizar fontes alternativas de recursos humanos e financeiros para implementar ações. Porém, a polarização entre agronegócio e agricultura familiar dentro da empresa, alimentada pela sua polarização na sociedade brasileira e fora do país, comprometeu o alinhamento institucional em torno do caráter estratégico de sua atuação na CTPD. / For involving a growing number of domestic actors, Brazils participation in Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) represents a privileged field for understanding opportunities and challenges to the institutionalization of South-South Cooperation in the countrys foreign affairs. Besides gathering sectorial expertise, implementing institutions of Brazilian TCDC began gathering knowledge on countries with which Brazil did not maintain close and continuous historical relations, thus enhancing their potential to influence foreign policy guidelines. At the same time, most of such institutions framework targets at domestic development, conflicting with growing allocation of their resources to the promotion of international development. On the one hand, although the search for national development is a bulwark of Brazilian diplomacy, the benefits of TCDC to the former are diffusely accounted for in the diplomatic discourse. On the other hand, implementing agencies started designing strategies to sort or to induce demands, feeding divergences with decision-making and implementing institutions holding different views on development and on Brazils participation in international affairs. The aim of this dissertation is to understand the drivers of Brazils involvement in TCDC and the impacts of growing allocation of Brazilian official resources to the promotion of international development over the design of Brazilian foreign policy. The analysis will be deepened through case studies of two protagonist agencies in Brazilian TCDC: the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and the National Industrial Training Service (SENAI). Their involvement in TCDC presents similar paths since it was initially induced by traditional donors and later, with greater emphasis, by Brazilian diplomacy. During the Lula administration, faced with a growing number of demands, Embrapa and Senai, traditionally identified with development models focused at economic growth and scientific and technological advance, have strengthened their International Relations departments and tried to influence TCDC decisionmaking considering lessons learnt in field and elements presented in their respective strategic plans. However, with the arrival of the Dilma administration and new development and foreign policy priorities, such institutions have diverged in the assessment of TCDCs instrumentality. The South-South arena was demobilized in SENAI, but continued to be relevant in EMBRAPA, something that can bear a relation with greater competitiveness of the Brazilian agricultural sector and EMBRAPAs capacity of mobilizing alternative human and financial resources to implement actions. Nonetheless, polarization among agribusiness and family farming inside the corporation, fed by its polarization in Brazilian society and outside the country, has compromised institutional alignment around its strategic action in TCDC.

Intervenções humanitarias : aspectos politicos, morais e juridicos de um conceito em (trans)formação / Humanitarian intervention : political, moral and legal aspects of a concept in trasformation

Marques, Ivan Contente 29 August 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Andrei Koerner / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T01:52:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marques_IvanContente_M.pdf: 767815 bytes, checksum: 6ec7092e0e762c66283af8c6bcc55128 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Este trabalho se propõe a estudar os debates acerca das intervenções humanitárias e sua relação com os conceitos de legalidade e legitimidade nas relações internacionais. Para isso, partiremos do início desta discussão que ocorreu antes da formação e da consolidação dos Estados nacionais e o fortalecimento do princípio da soberania, e passaremos pelos impactos causados pela nova ordem jurídica internacional criada pela Organização das Nações Unidas. Isso trará subsídios para a análise da situação do combate às crises humanitárias nos anos 1990 sob a ótica da intervenção. Como exemplo da atuação do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, investigaremos dois casos emblemáticos de intervenções humanitárias deste período: o genocídio de Ruanda, em 1994, e os ataques da OTAN no Kosovo, em 1999. Dessa forma, levantaremos o entendimento atual sobre o tema, demonstrando o dilema entre o dever moral de salvar vidas em risco e o impedimento legal de fazê-lo dado o sistema jurídico internacional vigente. Por fim, apresentaremos a teoria ¿Responsabilidade de Proteger¿ que tem a pretensão de dar respostas ao problema da aceitação das intervenções humanitárias como prática legítima nas relações internacionais / Abstract: This work proposes to study the debates on humanitarian intervention and its relation with concepts of validity and legitimacy on international relations. For that, it will start from the beginning of this discussion which occurred before the constitution and consolidation of national states and the strengthen of the sovereignty principle, and goes through the impacts caused by the new international legal order created by the United Nations. This will support the analysis of the humanitarian crisis in the 90's under the optic of intervention. As an example of the United Nations Security Council performance, it will investigate two emblematic cases of humanitarian intervention of the period: Rwanda's genocide, in 1994, and NATO¿s air strikes on Kosovo, in 1999. From this perspective, it will rise the present understanding on this issue, bringing up the dilemma between the moral duty of saving lives jeopardized by the scourge of war and the legal bar of doing it considering the international legal system in vigor. At last, it will present the ¿responsibility to protect¿ theory which intends to provide solutions to the problem of acceptance of humanitarian intervention as a legitimate practice on international relations / Mestrado / Instituições, Processos e Atores

La lutte contre la fraude à la constitution en Afrique Noire francophone / The fight against fraud in Francophone African constitution

Ouedraogo, Séni Mahamadou 16 May 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est de faire l’état de la lutte contre la fraude à la constitution qui entrave le processus de démocratisation en Afrique noire francophone. Il s’agit de montrer que le renforcement de la démocratie et de l’État de droit a favorisé l’émergence de nouveaux usages de la constitution dans la plupart des États africains. Les gouvernants qui ont intériorisé les contraintes du constitutionnalisme le rejettent de plus en plus par le recours à des artifices juridiques qui se révèlent très difficiles à combattre sur le terrain du droit. Il en est ainsi parce que le fraudeur à la constitution prend toujours le soin de se conformer à la lettre de la constitution pour en combattre son fond. Toutefois, on voit émerger au niveau national, régional et international une synergie d’actions de quelques institutions juridictionnelles, politiques et sociales tendant à combattre les actes des pouvoirs publics qui, revêtant l’apparence de la légalité constitutionnelle, la contrarie. Pour ce faire, les acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre la fraude n’hésitent pas à tirer du dispositif normatif qui se révèle dans sa mise en œuvre inadaptée, les moyens pour identifier et sanctionner. Le bilan des actions menées contre la fraude révèle des rares succès. Les échecs enregistrés induisent que pour la consolidation de la démocratie en Afrique, la lutte contre la fraude à la constitution doit être placée au centre du contrôle du juge constitutionnel. / The objective of this study is to review the state of the fight against fraud in the constitution that hinders the process of democratization in francophone Africa. These show that the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law has encouraged the emergence of new uses of the constitution in most African states. The leaders who have internalized the constraints of constitutionalism reject more and more by the use of legal devices that are very difficult to fight on the field of law. This is so because the fraudster to the formation always takes care to comply with the letter of the constitution to fight his background.However, are emerging at national, regional and international synergy of actions of some judicial institutions, and social policies aimed at combating acts of public authorities, taking on the appearance of constitutional legality, the upsets. To do this, those involved in the fight against fraud do not hesitate to draw the normative system which is revealed in its inadequate implementation, the means to identify and punish. Review the actions conducted against fraud reveals rare success. The failures that lead to the consolidation of democracy in Africa, the fight against fraud in the constitution must be central control of the constitutional court.

La souveraineté et la réalisation de la responsabilité internationale des Etats en droit international public / The sovereignty and the realization of the international responsibility of the states in the international public law

Zhekeyeva, Aiman 27 February 2009 (has links)
Etant membre de la communauté internationale, l'Etat ne peut pas être irresponsable pour ses actions. De même la spécificité principale de la responsabilité internationale est liée aux particularités du droit international et de ses sujets principaux- Etats souverains. La compréhension du mécanisme de la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité internationale des Etats et de son rapport avec la souveraineté montre la validité et l'efficacité du droit international. La réalisation de la responsabilité en tant que processus est examinée en thèse en tenant compte des différents critères : comme la réalisation des éléments de la responsabilité (application de mesures de contrainte), le processus de l’attribution de la responsabilité (le procès de l’attribution à l'Etat des faits des autres sujets du droit international) et la réalisation des phases de la responsabilité (les questions liées à la procédure judiciaire et à l’exécution des décisions internationales).La corrélation de ces deux notions est conçu en thèse sous deux aspects: à savoir, si l'Etat souverain peut en se couvrant sous la souveraineté tenter d'éviter la responsabilité et quels sont les mécanismes pour l’en empêcher et à contrario, comment la réalisation de la responsabilité peut toucher ou même violer la souveraineté des Etats. / Being a member of the international society, the State can not be irresponsible for its actions. At the same time the peculiarity of international responsibility is joined to the peculiarities of the international law and its subjects-sovereign states.The understanding of the mechanism of application of State’s international responsibility and its relation with sovereignty shows the validity and the efficiency of the international law.The realization of the responsibility is regarded in this research as a process taking into account different criterions: as the realization of elements of responsibility (application of coercive measures), as a process of attribution of responsibility (a process of attribution to a State the acts of other subjects of the international law) and as a realization of phases of the responsibility (questions related to the court procedures and to the execution of the international awards).This research considers the correlation of these two legal concepts in two aspects: on the one hand, if the Sovereign state by using the principle of sovereignty can escape the responsibility and what are the mechanisms to prevent it, and, on the other hand, how the realization of responsibility could touch or even violate the sovereignty of the states.

Machtbegrenzungsmechanismen in Internationalen Organisationen / am Beispiel der Vereinten Nationen und der Welthandelsorganisation

Wolprecht, Karola 21 May 2008 (has links)
Der Einfluss Internationaler Organisationen reicht angesichts der Herausforderung, für globale Probleme Lösungen zu finden, mittlerweile so weit, dass sich die Frage nach den in ihnen vorhandenen Machtbegrenzungsmechanismen stellt. Doch wie kann die Macht Internationaler Organisationen kontrolliert werden, wenn das aus dem nationalen Verfassungsrecht bekannte Gewaltenteilungsprinzip nicht auf die internationale Ebene übertragen werden kann?   Die Arbeit analysiert die dazu innerhalb der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) und der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) existierenden formalisierten Mechanismen anhand ihrer Gründungsverträge. Dabei werden drei Kategorien von Machtbegrenzungsmechanismen identifiziert: Kompetenzzuweisungen und -abgrenzungen, organinterne Mechanismen und schließlich Interaktion zwischen den Organen. Die in der Praxis bedeutsamsten Mechanismen stellen zum einen das Vetorecht im UN-Sicherheitsrat sowie der negative Konsens im Streitbeilegungsgremium der WTO dar, die zur Gruppe der organinternen Mechanismen gehören. Zum anderen besteht in der Kontrolle der Streitbeilegungs-Panel der WTO durch den Appellate Body eine wichtige Machtbegrenzung durch Interaktion.  Die Untersuchung dokumentiert das paradoxe Phänomen, dass die Mechanismen zur Begrenzung der Macht in vielen Fällen auch eine machtsteigernde Wirkung haben, indem sie die Effizienz, Akzeptanz und Legitimation der Organisation erhöhen. Die Verfasserin erklärt dies damit, dass das Augenmerk der Gründungsstaaten in der Entstehungsphase auf dem Funktionieren der Organisation als Gegengewicht zu ihren jeweiligen Mitgliedsstaaten lag. Dass Internationale Organisationen in der Zwischenzeit so stark an Einfluss gewonnen haben, dass ihre Macht nunmehr begrenzt werden sollte, ist eine neue Entwicklung, die jedoch in Zukunft deutlich an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. / In light of the challenge to find answers to global problems, the influence of international organizations nowadays goes so far that the question of existing checks and balances within these organizations arises. But how can power be controlled when the principle of separation of powers originating from national constitutional law cannot be transferred to the international stage? The purpose of this thesis is to analyze existing formalized internal mechanisms within the United Nations and the World Trade Organization on the basis of their founding treaties. The author identifies three categories of checks and balances: allowing and limiting competencies, mechanisms within the organs and finally interactions between the organs. In practice, the most important mechanisms of these organizations are on the one hand the power of veto within the UN Security Council and the negative consensus within the WTO dispute settlement body, which belong to the category of mechanisms within the organs. In addition, the control of the WTO dispute settlement panels by the Appellate Body is an important form of checks and balances through interaction. The analysis shows the paradoxical phenomenon, that checks and balances in many cases have the effect of increasing power by augmenting the efficiency, acceptance and legitimacy of the organization. The author explains this by reference to the intentions of the founding states during the developing phase to strengthen these organizations as a counterbalance to their respective member states. It is a new development that international organizations have now increased their influence so much that their power should be limited, but this will become significantly more important in the future.

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