Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NEW TECHNOLOGIES"" "subject:"[enn] NEW TECHNOLOGIES""
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[pt] O presente estudo tem o propósito de compreender os antecedentes da
adoção de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), especificamente afetas
a dispositivos móveis eletrônicos no contexto de sua aplicação na prestação de
serviços públicos ao cidadão e o seu relacionamento com o Estado. Para tanto, a
pesquisa buscou desenvolver um modelo inédito de adoção de inovações baseandose no Modelo de Difusão de Inovações (Rogers,2003), agregando a ele construtos
adaptados ao contexto da relação do cidadão com governo brasileiro.
A partir da teoria, são formuladas hipóteses que exploram quais fatores são
capazes de impactar a atitude geral de adoção dos cidadãos em relação a tecnologias
de governo móvel. O modelo proposto foi submetido a uma survey transversal, cuja
amostra foi escolhida por conveniência, resultando em 666 registros válidos para
Os dados obtidos, analisados por meio da modelagem de equações
estruturais, confirmam a maior parte das hipóteses formuladas e apresentam
relações significativas entre os construtos vantagem relativa, compatibilidade,
complexidade, conveniência, qualidade de serviço, confiança no governo e
intenção de adoção na atitude geral de adoção sugerindo que o modelo proposto
representa um avanço na compreensão dos fatores que influenciam a atitude geral
de adoção do cidadão em relação a tecnologias de m-government. / [en] This study aims to understand the information and communication
technologies (ICT) adoption background, specifically related to electronic mobile
devices in the context of their application in the provision of public services to
Brazilian citizens and their relationship with the State. To this end, the research
sought to develop an unprecedented model of adopting innovations based on the
Innovation Diffusion Model (Rogers, 2003), adding constructs adapted to the
context of the citizen s relationship with the Brazilian government.
Based on the theory, hypotheses that explore which factors are capable of
impacting the general attitude of adoption were formulated. The proposed model,
was subjected to a cross-sectional survey, resulting in 666 valid records from a
convenience sample.
The data obtained were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM).
They confirm most of the hypotheses formulated and present significant
relationships between the constructs relative advantage, compatibility, complexity,
convenience, quality of service, trust in the government and intention to adopt in
the general attitude of adoption, suggesting that the proposed model represents an
advance in understanding the factors that influence the Brazilian citizen general
attitude of adoption related to m-government.
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La protection du droit à la vie privée à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielleBlouin, Noémie 04 1900 (has links)
Dans plusieurs juridictions comme le Québec, la vie privée est considérée comme un droit humain fondamental. Toutefois, la portée de ce droit est complexe et elle varie en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, notamment sociaux et technologiques. Ainsi, au cours des dernières décennies, le concept de vie privée a connu d’importants changements, notamment avec l’avènement d’Internet, qui rejoint désormais des milliards d’utilisateurs à travers le globe. Avec la convergence des nouvelles technologies, les organisations privées et publiques détiennent de plus en plus d’information sur les individus. Il est désormais possible de suivre tous les déplacements, les comportements et les préférences d’une personne, bien souvent à son insu. L’intelligence artificielle, qui se nourrit de ces données, a pour sa part conduit à de nouvelles façons d’analyser rapidement des masses d’information sous diverses formes et même d’inférer de nouveaux renseignements encore plus sensibles. Ainsi, les données massives et les puissantes capacités de corrélation des outils d’intelligence artificielle remettent en cause la frontière entre la vie privée et la vie publique.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc d’abord de comprendre l’incidence que l’intelligence artificielle peut avoir sur la vie privée. Il s’agira ensuite d’exposer les raisons pour lesquelles nous sommes d’avis que le modèle de protection privilégié par le législateur québécois, basé sur la protection des renseignements personnels, s’avère insuffisant pour protéger la vie privée au sens large du terme. Puis, nous analyserons les avenues législatives potentielles afin de garantir la protection de ce droit. / In several jurisdictions such as Quebec, privacy is considered a fundamental human right. However, the scope of this right is complex and varies according to several factors, including social and technological ones. Thus, in recent decades, the concept of privacy has undergone significant changes, particularly with the advent of the Internet, which now reaches billions of users across the globe. With the convergence of new technologies, private and public organizations hold more and more information about individuals. It is now possible to follow all the movements, behaviors and preferences of a person, often without this person’s knowledge. Artificial intelligence, which feeds on data, has for its part led to new ways of rapidly analyzing masses of information in various forms and even inferring new, even more sensitive information. Thus, massive data and the powerful correlation capabilities of artificial intelligence tools challenge the boundary between private life and public life.
Therefore, this thesis aims to understand the impact that artificial intelligence can have on privacy. We will then present the reasons why, in our opinion, the protection model favored by the Quebec legislator, based on the protection of personal information, is insufficient to protect privacy in the broad sense of the term. Finally, we will analyze the potential legislative avenues to guarantee the protection of this right.
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La torpille numérique : problématiques métier de l’exploitation cinématographique à l’heure des multiplexes et des diffusions multi-supports / "A "digital torpedo" ? : business matters of cinema management in the age of multiplex and in the age of digital cultureLesson, Benjamin 13 December 2011 (has links)
L’exploitant de cinéma articule l’espace public cinématographique et l’espace public ; il offre une définition, une objectivation du cinéma au sein de l’espace public, dans la manière dont il construit un cadre d’expérience esthétique. Il est donc à la croisée des chemins : il doit veiller à donner un site (matériel et symbolique) à l’expérience esthétique, selon les logiques propres à son champ et en considérant la « demande » du public.Les problématiques de son métier concernent aussi bien son positionnement concurrentiel, que son positionnement au sein de l’espace public cinématographique ainsi qu’au sein de l’espace public. La présente thèse vise à en rendre compte, de manière transdisciplinaire et engage également une réflexion sur le discours porté sur le cinéma au sein de l’espace public ainsi que la fonction que lui accorde cet espace. Les nouveaux dispositifs numériques peuvent conduire à la radicalisation du caractère mass media du film (en multipliant les modalités de réception), mais ils offrent également nouvelles configurations esthétiques; le cinéma doit donc être (re)défini en fonction de ces nouvelles possibilités (partie 1).C’est toute l’institution cinématographique qui est confrontée à la problématique de l’émergence des nouveaux médias et qui, malgré elle, tend à réduire la valeur expérientielle du cinéma au caractère mass media du film. Or, c’est le marché qui capte et exploite le plus cette logique (partie 2).Cependant, l’exploitant n’est pas seulement un diffuseur ; le travail de l’exploitant est également d’opérer une médiation. Ainsi, il s’agit de considérer les problématiques de sociabilité engagées par la salle de cinéma et les conditions de création de micro-agora, de micro espace public par l’exploitation (partie 3).Ce n’est que dans une saisie globale des deux aspects du cinéma (mass media et micro agora) que l’exploitant a une fonction claire et importante, qu’il convient de revaloriser au sein de l’espace public cinématographique (conclusion). / The movie theatre manager articulates the cinematographic public place and the public place. He proposes a definition and an objectification of the cinema within the public place, depending how he « builds » an aesthetic experiment frame. Thus, the movie theatre manager is on a « crossroad ’: he has to ensure the (material and symbolical) frame required for an aesthetic experiment, depending on institutional practices and according to the spectators « demands». The business challenges of the movie theatre manager concern as well its competitive location, as its location within the cinematographic public place as well as within the public place. This thesis aims at reporting it, in an interdisciplinary way. It also commits a comment on the definitions of the cinema belonging to the public place as well as the function that this space grants it.The new digital devices can drive to the radicalisation of the mass media aspect of the movie (by multiplying the ways of reception). But they also offer new aesthetic configurations. Thus, the cinema has to be (re) defined according to these new possibilities (Part 1).It is all the film institution which is concerned by the problems due to the new technologies emergence and which tends to reduce the cinematographic experiential value to the mass media of the film aspect. Now the market exploits this logic more than the institutions do and so appears as the only guarantor of the quality (Part 2).However, the movie theatre manager is not only a diffuser; his work also is to proceeds a mediation. So, it is a matter of considering the sociability problematics committed by the theatre space and the conditions of creation of micro- agora, micro public place by the movie theatre (Part 3).It is only in a global seizure of both aspects of the cinema (mass media and micro-agora) that the movie theatre manager has a clear and an important function, that it must be revalued within the film public place (conclusion).
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Le recours aux experts par les instances de représentation du personnel / The employee representatives’ right to resort to the services of expertsDrochon, Victoria 26 November 2016 (has links)
Entre 1946 et 2016, ce sont plus de vingt cas de recours à des experts par les instances de représentation du personnel qui ont été créés, dont huit sur les trois dernières années. La possibilité sans cesse étendue de recourir à l’assistance d’experts pourrait laisser penser que le régime du recours à l’expertise est efficient. La facilité avec laquelle la loi associe désormais l’expert à chaque nouvelle mesure prise en faveur du dialogue social masque cependant mal l’incapacité croissante du législateur à préserver la fonction initiale de l’expertise : une fonction informative. Signe des dysfonctionnements qui grèvent le régime actuel du recours à l’expertise, le sujet est hautement polémique et fait l’objet d’un contentieux florissant. L’étude du périmètre ainsi que des modalités du recours à des experts exhorte à la construction d’un régime plus cohérent, de nature à assurer l’effet utile de l’expertise tout en préservant la compétence et la parole des représentants du personnel. / Between 1946 and 2016, this is more than twenty new cases in which the employee representatives were granted the right to resort to the services of experts, and only eight in the last three years. The ever-expanded possibility to be assisted by external experts might suggest that the expertise statutory regime is efficient. The ease with which the law associates experts to each new measures taken in favor of the social dialogue cannot hide the persistent difficulties encountered by the legislator to preserve the original function of expertise : an informative function. The controversial nature of the right to resort to the services of experts and the increasing amount of litigation in this area are manifestations of its failures. A study of the scope and the conditions under which the experts might be appointed urges to the construction of a more coherent system, that would ensure the effectiveness of the right to resort to experts while maintaining the employee representatives’ competence and voices.
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Los grupos de empresa y la relación individual de trabajo en el marco de una economía productiva descentralizadaJiménez Rojas, Francisco 30 March 2012 (has links)
La organización productiva descentralizada y flexible que, bajo el impulso de las nuevas tecnologías y la globalización, viene sustituyendo a partir del último cuarto del siglo XX al fordismo de inspiración keynesiana, está deteriorando los mercados laborales, lo que supone una precarización de las condiciones de empleo, un notable repliegue de los «Estados del bienestar» y la desactivación del factor trabajo.
Superado el tradicional principio de «unicidad» empresarial, un empresario «complejo» y múltiple –el grupo de empresas-, caracterizado por su dificultad identificatoria, absorbe un protagonismo creciente, en un contexto normativo-laboral casi desregulado, en el que al margen del fraude, la dirección unitaria de las empresas agrupadas no implica deducir de su funcionamiento una responsabilidad (solidaria).
En esa «cierta unidad económica» que constituye el grupo, se detecta un punto de conflicto o desconexión, entre las facultades empresariales decisorias -unidad de decisión- y las organizativas –dependencia y ajenidad de frutos-. / The decentralized and flexible productive organization, boosted by globalization, new information and knowledge technologies, has been replacing the Fordist Keynesian inspiration since the last quarter of the 20th century; besides it has been worsening the labour markets, which involves a precariousness of employment conditions and an outstanding backing down of “welfare states” and job factor neutralization.
Once the traditional principle of business uniqueness has been overwhelmed, a complex and multiple –the corporate group- employer arises; this employer is characterized by the difficulty of being identified and acquires an increasingly featuring role, inside a regulatory working context almost deregulated, where, on the fringe fraud, the unitarian corporate group management doesn’t imply deducing a solidarity liability from its activity. Inside that “particular economical unity” made up by the group, a deal-breaker or a gap is detected between the decision-making management faculties –decision unity- and the organizational ones –dependence and another person’s benefits-.
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Danse et nouvelles technologies vers d'inédites écritures chorégraphiques / Dance and new technologies toward new choreographic writingsFritz, Vivian 05 June 2015 (has links)
Les avancées technologiques, principalement au niveau des télécommunications, interrogent les formes de relation et les transferts d’informations dans le monde actuel. La danse contemporaine, affectée par l’usage des technologies sur la scène (image vidéo, internet, logiciel), voit se modifier les manières de chorégraphier. Si les éléments de base de la création chorégraphique, à savoir le corps dansant, l’espace scénique et le temps de la danse, sont transgressés par l’usage des technologies de la télécommunication (téléprésence), comment les chorégraphes pensent-ils et écrivent-ils la danse en incluant ces nouveaux paramètres ? Que peut perdre ou gagner la danse ? Assistons-nous à l’éveil d’une nouvelle danse, ou à l’émergence d’un autre art ? La redéfinition du corps dansant, en interaction avec son espace et son temps, se trouve au centre de cette recherche. Un projet pratique sous forme d’un laboratoire de création chorégraphique multidisciplinaire, Seuil-Lab, est proposé comme méthodologie de travail pour l’analyse théorique de cette recherche. / Technological advances, especially in telecommunications, call into question relationship modes and information transfers in today’s world. Contemporary dance has been affected by the use of technologies on stage (image, video, internet, software), which has modified choreographic practices. If the basic elements of choreographic creation - namely the dancing body, scenic space and dance time – are infringed upon by the use of technology and telecommunication (telepresence), how can choreographers think and write including these new parameters ? What can dance gain or lose ? Are we witnessing the dawn of a new dance, or the surfacing of a new art ? The redefinition of the dancing body, which interacts with its space and time, is at the core of this research. As a working methodology for the theoretical analysis of this research, we propose Seuil-Lab, a hands-on project in the form of a multidisciplinary choreographic creation lab.
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Analýza využití nových technologií pro vizuální komunikaci a jejich společenský dopad / Analysis of the use of new technologies for visual communication and their social impactKadlecová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The work focuses on the analysis of new technologies, which are used in visual communication. This is especially the description, characterization and their use. Another section focuses on social trends that permeate contemporary Western society, and their relationship with new technologies in the field of visual communication. It deals therefore also examines the social changes and changes in the perception of individual development and dissemination of new technologies causes. Describes the important role of visual communication in today's world and the changes in society due to widespread use of modern technology. The aim is to make the analysis and therefore a comprehensive overview of new technologies and their use in the field of visual communication. Finally, the work seeks to estimate the next direction of new technologies in the field of visual communication and create a prediction of further development in the future.
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Habitudes et addiction à internet chez les adolescents italiens : impact sur la fonction visuelle d'un protocole de dramathérapieDenti, Elisabetta 18 September 2017 (has links)
En 2017, il n'est plus nécessaire de se rappeler un numéro de téléphone par cœur, de patienter gentiment pour goûter les fruits et légumes de saison ou d'attendre quelqu’un à la gare avec impatience sans avoir eu de ses nouvelles : les émotions sont d'avantage liées à des moyens de communication bien plus immédiats. Le rythme naturel du temps qui passe dans nos vies semble s’apparenter pour l'homme (et pour la femme) du nouveau millénaire, davantage à une accélération effrénée et constante, une course contre le temps, dans l'illusion d'un monde instantané, hyper-rapide, super efficace : un monde « smart ». De cette manière, plutôt que d'écouter et de respecter le rythme naturel de notre respiration, de notre corps, nous choisissons à chaque instant de courir toujours plus vite, dans l'illusion omnipotente de gagner la course contre le temps, l'infaillible gardien de notre existence. Nous exprimons le désir d'être constamment connecté, créant l'illusion de l'hyper-présence. L'évolution technologique a radicalement transformé notre style de vie, notre manière de communiquer, notre propre expérience humaine et émotive. Si d'un côté la révolution technologique à laquelle nous appartenons, et dont nous continuons à en être les acteurs a permis la transformation globale des processus de communication de masse, celle-ci a en même temps permis l'émergence de nouvelles fragilités et la manifestation évidente de psychopathologies en relation à Internet. C’est à partir de la consultation de plus de 240 articles scientifiques internationaux et avec les données fournies sur la prévalence de ces nouvelles formes d’addiction en Asie (le continent technologiquement plus avancé et concerné à ce sujet), que le comité scientifique APA (American Psychiatric Association – Société Américaine de Psychiatrie) a décidé d’introduire l’Internet Gaming Disorder dans la dernière version du DSM, en Mai 2013. Le domaine de l’addiction à Internet est une frontière extrêmement emmêlée et complexe qui représente un nœud névralgique des discussions d'une partie de la communauté scientifique internationale. Voraces et habiles consommatrices des nouvelles technologies, les nouvelles générations sont particulièrement exposées au risque de développer ces nouvelles formes de dépendance. Il est nécessaire que la communauté scientifique internationale s'interroge sur de nouvelles stratégies d'intervention pour pouvoir intercepter et accueillir ces formes de malaise juvénile, qu’elle sache les définir pour les identifier et les soigner grâce à des protocoles d'intervention pour répondre de manière toujours plus efficace aux besoins réels des ces jeunes consommateurs. D'où l’intérêt de développer des projets de recherche portant sur ce sujet. Cette thèse, décrit donc un problème en émergence et la proposition d’une approche thérapeutique possible face à ces nouvelles formes d’addiction avec les arts thérapies, plus précisément avec la dramathérapie. Le cadre expérimental de cette thèse s’articule en deux parties : la première partie correspond à l’étude des répercussions physiologiques notamment sur la variation des compétences visuelles par rapport à un usage abusif ou addictif des écrans. Cette étude, qui constitue la principale expérience psychopédagogique de prévention de cette thèse, a été adressée à 250 adolescents italiens sains. La deuxième partie est une expérience clinique de prise en charge des addictions à Internet, auprès d’un public de 13 adolescents et jeunes adultes atteints du syndrome d’Asperger, addictifs aux jeux vidéo. Un dernier projet de dramathérapie adressé à des adolescents et des jeunes adultes, souffrant d’addiction aux substances constitue l’ouverture du regard clinique face aux comorbidités possibles qui caractérisent la pratique clinique de notre champ d’étude. (...) / In 2017, there is no longer a need to remember a phone number by heart, wait for the right time to taste seasonal fruit or vegetables, or wait for someone at the station without having news briefly before hugging him on the train quay Emotions are more closely related to much more immediate communication flows. The natural rhythm of time flowing in our lives seems to be synonymous for the man (and the woman) of the new millennium of a frantic and constant acceleration against time, in the illusion of a flashy world, super-fast, super-efficient: a smart world. In this way, instead of listening to and respecting the natural rhythm of our breath, our body, we choose at any time to run faster and faster, in the omnipotent illusion of winning the race against time, the unreliable guardian of our existence. We express the desire to be constantly connected, creating the illusion of hyper-presence. Technological development has radically changed our lifestyle, our way of communicating, our human and emotional, individual and collective experience. On the one hand, the technological revolution has allowed the global transformation of the mass communication process and is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and discovery; not to be demonized but to be explored with intelligence and curiosity; it has at the same time led to the emergence of new vulnerabilities and manifestations of Internet-related psychopathological discomfort. It is through the consultation of over 240 international scientific articles and data on the prevalence of these new forms of dependence in Asia (the continent most technologically advanced and involved in this regard), that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) decided to introduce the Internet Gaming Disorder in its latest version of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in May 2013. The field of Internet addiction is an extremely tangled and complex border that represents a nerve node discussion in part of the international scientific community. Voracious consumers and clever users of new technologies, that is the new generations, seem to be particularly at risk of developing these dependencies. This is why it is important to develop research projects and it is urgent to propose psycho-educational prevention projects for the adolescent population. This thesis describes an emergency problem and the proposal of a possible approach facing these new addiction forms through arts therapies, more precisely through dramatherapy. The experimental part of this thesis is articulated in two parts: the first one corresponds to the study of physiological repercussion on variations of visual skills related to the use or abuse of screen use.This study, that represents the psycho pedagogical and prevention experience of this thesis, was addressed to 250 Italian sound teenagers. The second part consists of a clinical experience of cure of Internet addiction addressed to 13 video games addicted adolescents and young adults with Asperger syndrome. A further project of dramatherapy addressed to drugs addicted adolescents and young adults represents a clinical perspective in front of possible comorbidities that characterize the clinical practice in our field of study. The dramatherapy approach in the field of prevention and cure of web related addictions is considered regarding two important aspects: the recovery and reclamation of the body and sensory experience (size altered in the virtual experience facing the monitors) and the possibility to expose the person to a gaming experience through a shared transitional space. The body dimension, completely abandoned or altered in the virtual experience, is recovered and exalted through dramatherapy. The therapeutical approach is born, grows and develops in the body. In our view the stage represents the appropriate mediation between the virtual space of the abuse and real space of existence. (...)
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[pt] A presente tese discute estratégias de visibilidade social e midiática a
partir de práticas de comunicação empreendidas por jovens no Rio de Janeiro
(RJ), Brasil, e em Nova Orleans (LA), Estados Unidos. Para tanto, são
apresentados relatos de estudo de campo realizado nestas cidades, apoiado no
método etnográfico – elegendo como ferramental a pesquisa participante e a
análise qualitativa em perspectiva feminista –, além do amparo teórico alicerçado
em tópicos da Comunicação, da Sociologia e da Antropologia, principalmente. Os
sujeitos observados no Brasil (2014-2016) são idealizadores, promotores e
participantes de festivais e batalhas de passinho, dança que surgiu nos anos 2000
nas favelas cariocas. Enquanto estilo que congrega cada vez mais meninos e
meninas, com significativa repercussão midiática, o passinho revela aspectos
comuns aos indivíduos favelados, situações cotidianas que passam por escolha de
caminhos a seguir, conflitos de interesses pessoais e da família e a relação com o
território que, em resposta a um estigma de lugar, tem sido ressignificada no
orgulho da afirmação sou favelado. Na singularidade do corpo performático, o
passinho posiciona o dançarino nas questões coletivas que o aproximam de outros
em condições semelhantes. Já a investigação em campo em Nova Orleans (2015-
2016) permitiu a observação do ativismo juvenil em eventos de poesia (spoken
word) organizados pelo New Orleans Youth Open Mic e em postagens do Blog
Noirlinians, que explora moda, cultura e território, na esteira de movimentos
sociais contemporâneos, como Black Lives Matter. Ambos mobilizam
majoritariamente jovens pretos, conectados por referenciais e práticas de
autorreconhecimento como via possível de produção de visibilidade em um
contexto que o estigma está na cor da pele. Os grupos acompanhados no Brasil e
nos Estados Unidos têm em comum a criatividade e a expressão corporal como
fórum de discussão e meio de representação, além do uso de mídias sociais
digitais e website para promoverem suas atividades, comunidades e a si próprios,
ultrapassando, pela mobilização cultural e artística, a geografia de suas cidades. A
partir do tripé juventudes, representações e visibilidade, que sustenta esta análise,
verificou-se nos comportamentos e práticas juvenis a manifestação de indivíduos
que percebem e assumem a relação social como uma experiência que passa pela
via da sensibilidade, transcendendo interações pessoais e apoiando-se, cada vez
mais, no campo das possibilidades advindas da vida digital, a fim de buscar
reconhecimento em um contexto de padrões de valoração sociocultural
institucionalizados que fazem com que algumas pessoas se tornem invisíveis,
simplesmente pelo fato de não responderem a modelos ideais de ser, ter,
pertencer, comportar-se, como os participantes favelados e pretos deste estudo.
Nesta composição, corpo e novas tecnologias surgem, então, como elementos
estratégicos na construção e proposição de (auto)representações entre as
juventudes observadas, de forma que se evidenciam, pelo menos, dois aspectos:
1) O corpo juvenil destaca-se como a própria mídia, plataforma central, explorada
como território político, construído poética e culturalmente; 2) Práticas
comunicacionais possibilitadas por novas tecnologias potencializam distintas
experiências de subjetivação. Tais experiências permitem a apreciação do saber
proveniente da sensorialidade: as maneiras como jovens habitam diferentes
territórios – físicos e virtuais - e traçam suas trajetórias – muitas vezes agindo
individualmente, porém, jogando luz sobre competências coletivas. / [en] This thesis discusses strategies of social and media visibility based on
communication practices launched by young people in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil,
and in New Orleans (LA), United States. In order to do so, we present the reports
of a fieldwork carried out in these cities, supported by the ethnographic method -
participant research and qualitative analysis in a feminist perspective - as well as
the theoretical support based on topics of Communication, Sociology and
Anthropology, mainly. The young people observed in Brazil (2014-2016) are
idealizers, promoters and participants of festivals and battles of passinho, a dance
originated in the years 2000 in the Rio s shantytowns. As a style that congregates
more and more boys and girls, with significant media repercussions, passinho
reveals common aspects of individuals from favelas, everyday situations that pass
through the choice that they make to follow in their lives, conflicts of personal
and family interests and the relationship with the territory that in response to a
stigma of place, it has been re-signified in the pride of the statement I am
favelado. In the singularity of the performative body, passinho places the dancer
in the collective questions that brings him closer to others in similar conditions.
The fieldwork in New Orleans (2015-2016) allowed the observation of youth
activism in spoken word events organized by the New Orleans Youth Open Mic
and in the posts of Blog Noirlinians which explores fashion, culture and territory
in the wake of contemporary social movements, such as Black Lives Matter. Both
mobilize mostly black youth, connected by referential and practices of selfrecognition
as a possible way of producing visibility in a context where the stigma
is in the skin color. The groups observed in Brazil and in the United States have in
common the creativity and the corporal expression as a forum of discussion and
means of representation, besides the use of digital social media and website to
promote their activities, communities and themselves, surpassing, for cultural and
artistic mobilization, the geography of their cities. From the base of youths,
representations and visibility, which supports this analysis, it was verified in the
youth s behaviors and practices the manifestation of individuals who perceive and
assume the social relation as an experience that passes through the path of
sensitivity. Transcending personal interactions, those young people have seeked
out recognition in a context of institutionalized sociocultural valuation patterns
that make some people invisible simply because they do not respond to ideal
models of to be, to have, to belong, to behave like the favelados and black
people participants of this study. In this composition, body and new
technologies appear as strategic elements in the construction and proposition of
(self) representations among the youths observed, so that at least two aspects are evident: 1) The youth body emphasizes as the media itself, a central platform,
exploited as a political territory, constructed poetically and culturally; 2)
Communication practices made possible by new technologies enhance different
experiences of subjectivation. Such experiences allow the appreciation of the
knowledge that comes from sensoriality: the ways young people inhabit different
territories - physical and virtual - and trace their trajectories - often acting
individually, however, shed light on collective competences.
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Étude de la perception de dirigeants de bibliothèques universitaires québécoises envers un système technologique innovant : les plateformes de services pour bibliothèquesBertrand, Nicolas 11 1900 (has links)
L’innovation est un sujet d’intérêt en bibliothéconomie. Aussi, ce mémoire de maîtrise explore l'innovation en bibliothèques universitaires en cherchant à comprendre les perceptions de dirigeants de ces bibliothèques sur un outil innovant et sur son adoption potentielle au sein d’un regroupement : les plateformes de services pour bibliothèques (PSB).
Ces plateformes sont décrites comme étant mieux intégrées que le système intégré de gestion de bibliothèque. Elles donnent accès à des données bibliographiques partagées et proposent de nouveaux flux de travail. Elles facilitent aussi la mutualisation des ressources entre plusieurs bibliothèques.
Dans cette étude de cas simple, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de sept dirigeants du groupe SB9, un réseau de bibliothèques de l’Université du Québec, pour recueillir leurs perceptions sur les PSB, à la suite de l’amorce d’une réflexion en vue d’une adoption partagée. Des résultats ressortent les avantages et les désavantages de ces systèmes pour les bibliothèques universitaires au sein d’un regroupement. Ils permettent aussi d’évaluer la compatibilité de ces systèmes avec leur contexte et la complexité liée à leur adoption. Enfin, ils font ressortir les sources d’influence poussant à l’adoption des PSB.
Cette étude met en évidence comment l’adoption potentielle d’une innovation technologique peut agir comme levier pour la transformation organisationnelle, la création de services à valeur ajoutée pour les usagers et de nouvelles collaborations entre bibliothèques. L’impact des PSB va au-delà de leurs fonctionnalités, offrant de nouvelles opportunités aux bibliothèques. Enfin, cette étude offre une perspective nouvelle sur l’innovation dans les bibliothèques universitaires du Québec. / Innovation is a topic of interest in librarianship. Therefore, this master’s thesis aims to explore innovation in academic libraries by examining how library managers perceive an innovative tool, the library services platform (LSP), and its potential adoption by a group of libraries.
These platforms are described as being better integrated than integrated library systems. They provide access to shared bibliographic data and allow for new workflows. Moreover, they facilitate resource sharing among several libraries.
In this simple case study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven library managers from the SB9 group, a network of libraries affiliated with the Université du Québec with the aim of gathering their perceptions of these innovative tools. At the time of data collection, the group was at the stage of considering the shared adoption of an LSP. Results highlight the advantages and disadvantages of such systems for academic libraries in a consortium context. They also shed light on the compatibility of LSPs in context, as well as the complexity associated with their adoption. Finally, they show the sources of influence driving the adoption of LSPs.
This study demonstrates how the potential adoption of a technological innovation can act as a lever for organizational change, for the creation of value-added services for patrons, and for new collaborations between libraries. The impact of LSPs goes beyond their mere functionalities, offering new opportunities for libraries. Finally, this study provides a new perspective on innovation in Quebec academic libraries.
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