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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att möta dubbel problematik : En kvantitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnor med missbruksellerberoendeproblematik utifrån missbrukshandläggaresperspektiv / : Tackling a doubly problematic issue: A quantitative study about femalevictims of violence with substance-abuse problems from the perspectiveof social workers.

Djuse, Åsa, Nordqvist, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
Most women with substance-abuse problems are also subjected to violence, constituting a serious societal challenge. The social support they receive has been found insufficient and a need to strengthen knowledge/skills within social services has been highlighted. Using Christies (1986) ’ideal victim’ theory as a framework, the purpose of this study was to describe social workers self-perceived competence in relation to female clients subjected to violence, and to explore their attitudes regarding women with substance-abuse problems. Social workers managing female substance-abuse cases were recruited from all municipalities of Dalecarlia, Sweden. The study was conducted based on a quantitative approach and questionnaires were used for data collection. Participants’ responses indicated that the majority perceived their competence to be good. Furthermore, participants tended to endorse non-ideal victim descriptors of women with substance-abuse problems, and while the largest proportion (47,4%) agreed with the statement that violence should be considered secondary to substance-abuse, a similar proportion (42,1%) disagreed. These findings suggested that inadequate competence within social services does not serve as an explanation for the insufficient social support. Instead the study highlights attitudes and organizational conditions within social services in relation to the women. / Våldsutsatthet hos kvinnor med missbruks- eller beroendeproblematik är ett utbrett samhällsproblem. Stödet till dessa tycks vara bristfälligt och behovet av ökad kompetens inom socialtjänsten har lyfts. Syftet med denna studie var att mot bakgrund av Christies (1986) teori om det idealiska offret beskriva missbrukshandläggare i Dalarnas kompetens i relation till våldsutsatta kvinnliga klienter samt att undersöka deras uppfattningar gällande kvinnor med missbruk/beroende. Studien utgick ifrån en kvantitativ ansats och datainsamlingen genomfördes via en enkätundersökning. Handläggarnas svar indikerar att majoriteten upplevde sig ha en god kompetens. Vidare tenderade handläggarna att kategorisera kvinnliga klienter som icke-idealiska offer, och medan den största andelen (47,4%) instämde på påståendet att våldsutsatthet är sekundär till missbruk/beroende hos klienter tog en liknande andel (42,1%) avstånd. Resultatet indikerar att bristande kompetens inom socialtjänsten inte är förklaringen till ett bristfälligt stöd och lyfter istället uppfattningar samt socialtjänstens organisatoriska förutsättningar i relation till målgruppen.

Poptávka na trhu wellness služeb v ČR a v zahraničí / Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroad

Neuwirth, Richard January 2007 (has links)
PhD dissertation: "Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroad" deals with an emerging sphere in the market for services. The service sector contributes not only to the GDP but participates in improving living standards in developed countries. Wellness market for services could influence the way how to spend free time, increase the whole quality individual lives and contribute to reduce spending on health care in the future. In the introductory part there is analyzed the current situation on the wellness market in the Czech Republic. The view of some Czech businessmen on the wellness market for services is often considered (for the purpose) as a way of earnings regardless the broader content of the sphere connected with the healthy lifestyle. The term "wellness" often includes activities which do not concern this sphere, only use this term for marketing purpose. The dissertation is based on the own definition as a term. This term is defined as a permanent feeling of higher quality of life achieved through performing physical and mental activities and internal acceptance of the healthy lifestyle. The goal of this dissertation is a demand survey for these services, it specifically concerns the research of public awareness in this sphere, finding the attitude to activities, which are connected with wellness and acquiring next information which is principal for development in successful business activities, particularly for the strategic decision in pricing policy, the equipment in wellness premises and the quality provided services. In the dissertation were assumed three basic hypotheses: 1. On the basis of research there will be possible to put a qualified customer group and to determine chosen activities. They are suitable as a content of offered programmes for clients who are informed of this sphere or seek to achieve outlined goals. 2. Customers with interest and knowledge of the sphere will be interested in the healthy nutrition, the consumption of dietary supplements and in next activities concerning wellness. 3. Next assumption is a fact that the level of knowledge and understanding the whole conception will be at a lower level in the public. The theoretical part of the dissertation is based on the classical microeconomic theory. The attention is mainly paid to the theory of consumer optimum. Subsequently the dissertation focuses on the issue of marketing research, particularly on the analysis of appropriate quantitative methods which could and should be used in the application part. Great emphasis is placed on the communication policy which is a very important tool for the marketing mix. The application part of the dissertation focuses on its own demand research within that over nineteen thousand data from more than three hundred respondents were obtained. The results were presented after analyzing the obtained data. They showed that all age groups of respondents included in the population survey have within their categories very different features. Thanks to that fact popular sports have been identified, it was possible to determine a client's price concept about services suitable for this sphere and to describe an opinion on the quality and the equipment of wellness premises. Next, for purposes of comparison, two researches from abroad were used and these have become a valuable source of information and serve as a basis for comparative research i.e. comparison of foreign experience with the situation on the Czech market. Both differences and facts generally applicable in the Czech Republic and abroad were found. The result of the investigation was not only the recommendation for following research directions, particularly the need to do research in specialized wellness premises among informed customers with regard to data which were not possible to find out during the overall market research. Another task resulted from the finding that the respondents have very little awareness of the sphere and it will be necessary to establish the wellness programme conception and to introduce this concept to the public particularly by focusing on high schools oriented on physical education and sport and other public institutions. There is a fact that the Czech institutions in the health sector do not consider the prevention in the field of diseases of civilization important enough. It will be necessary to carry out next education of the public in order to achieve savings in the treatment of diseases of civilization in the Czech health care in the future. At the end of the dissertation it is stated that the goals and tasks were fulfilled despite difficulties in obtaining foreign materials and information suitable for comparison with the market in the Czech Republic. In the introduction the presented hypotheses were mostly confirmed, excluding the customer's price concept. It could not be determine intended consumer optimum because of significant heterogeneity of statistical results. In any case the dissertation showed the low level of public awareness of the concept wellness (as expected), the necessity of more distinctive defining of mental activities suitable for this field and the need to unite different opinions on the whole sphere of these services.

Política pública e equidade: análise das condições de oferta das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do município de Ribeirão Preto-SP / Public policy and equity: analysis of public elementary school´s offer condition in Ribeirão Preto-SP

Aline Kazuko Sonobe 02 August 2013 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um avanço considerável na oferta educacional no país e, com isso, a discussão da qualidade e da equidade se coloca cada vez mais com intensidade. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa visou analisar se as condições de oferta do ensino público nas escolas de Ribeirão Preto atendem os princípios da equidade. Mais especificamente buscou-se analisar se há uma atenção para os aspectos relativos à equidade por meio da comparação dos dados da condição de oferta das escolas, do nível socioeconômico da população residente nas áreas de ponderação onde elas se localizam e do nível socioeconômico de seus alunos. Quando possível também foram analisados os indicadores da rede privada de ensino. O estudo foi desenvolvido na perspectiva da pesquisa quantitativa e as fontes de dados utilizadas são os dados secundários (microdados) disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) - Censo Escolar 2010 e Questionário dos alunos da Prova Brasil 2009 e dados referentes a bairros do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), com ajuda de ferramentas estatísticas. Diferentemente do senso comum, em Ribeirão Preto não foi observado um diferencial significativo nas condições de oferta entre as redes públicas e privadas. Contudo as escolas privadas tendem a apresentar maior presença de laboratório de ciências e menor razão de alunos por turma. Os dados evidenciaram a desigualdade de acesso às condições de oferta de qualidade entre escolas da mesma rede de ensino, indicando, embora de forma não conclusiva, a existência de mecanismos reprodutores na oferta educacional, de tal forma que predominam nas regiões mais pobres do município escolas com piores condições. Considerando a situação constatada, em especial a grande disparidade, faz-se necessária a implementação de políticas públicas que atuem na diminuição das desigualdades e na perspectiva da equidade na oferta do ensino, garantindo-se um patamar básico de qualidade para todos. / In recent years there has been considerable advancement of educational provision in the country and therefore the discussion of the quality and fairness arises with increasing intensity. In this context, this study aimed to examine whether the conditions for the provision of public education in the schools of Ribeirão Preto meet the principles of equity. More specifically seeks to analyze whether there is an attention to the aspects of fairness by comparing the data of the condition of schools offer, the socioeconomic status of the population residing in census tracts where they are located and the socioeconomic status of their students. When possible, private school´s indicator was also analyzed. The study was developed in the perspective of quantitative research and sources of data used are secondary data (microdata) provided by the National Institute for Educational Studies Teixeira (INEP) - Census 2010 School Questionnaire and students\' Proof of Brazil in 2009 and data regarding neighborhoods Institutes of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), using statistical tools. Unlike the common sense, in Ribeirão Preto was not observed a significant difference in the conditions of supply between the public and private schools. However private schools tend to have more science laboratory and fewer students per class. The results indicate the existence of reproductive mechanism in same schools system, indicating although not conclusive such that schools with worse conditions dominate in the poorest regions of the city. Considering the observed situation, especially the wide disparity, it is necessary to implement public policies that work in reducing inequality and the perspective of equity in education offer, guaranteeing a basic level of quality for all.

Efeitos do silicato de cálcio nos atributos químicos do solo e planta, produção e qualidade em capim-braquiarão [Brachiaria brizantha (Hoechst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. Cv. Marandu] sob intensidades de pastejo / Effects of calcium silicate in the chemical attributes of the soil and plant, production and quality in signal - grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hoechst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. Cv. Marandu] under grazing intensities

Antonio Batista Sanches 18 December 2003 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo (FZEA-USP) em área pertencente à Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo da USP, no município de Pirassununga, SP de março de 2002 a junho de 2003 em uma área experimental correspondendo a 16 piquetes de 35 m de largura e 90 m de comprimento (3150 m² cada – totalizando 5,04 ha), sendo que cada piquete foi dividido em oito sub-parcelas de 8,75 m de largura e 45 m de comprimento totalizando 150 m² de área útil por tratamento. O objetivo foi avaliar os atributos químicos do solo e planta, produção de massa seca e composição bromatológica com a utilização do Silicato de Cálcio no capim – braquiarão. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos e ao acaso e o experimento um esquema fatorial 4 x 4 com parcelas subdivididas no tempo (45, 90 e 365 dias) compostos de quatro ofertas de forragem (5%, 10%, 15% e 20% - kg de massa seca. 100 kg-1 de peso animal.dia-1) e de quatro níveis de Silicato de Cálcio (0, 2, 4 e 6 ton.ha-1) com quatro repetições para cada oferta, sendo o fator A: Oferta de Forragem e o fator B: dose de Silicato de Cálcio. As variáveis avaliadas foram: atributos de solo (pH, K, Ca, Mg, Si, V % e H + Al), folha (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e Si), produção de massa seca (pré, pós e desaparecimento foliar) e bromatológicos (PB, FDN, FDA e LIG). Para os atributos químicos de folha, a aplicação de doses crescentes de silicato de cálcio alterou a sua composição de forma positiva em relação à testemunha para as condições do experimento. Para os atributos químicos de solo, houve resposta benéfica da aplicação de Silicato de Cálcio, quando avaliado isoladamente e, também, quando analisado em conjunto com o Calcário Magnesiano, para a correção da acidez do solo nas camadas superficiais e sub-superficiais. A produção de massa seca foi influenciada de forma benéfica pela utilização do Silicato de cálcio, onde apresentou tendência de resposta positiva para os tratamentos. A composição bromatológica foi afetada pelos níveis de ofertas utilizados, mas não respondeu de forma significativa aos tratamentos empregados. Houve um acréscimo positivo nos teores de Silício no solo e na planta com a utilização do Silicato de Cálcio. / The experiment was conducted in the FZEA-USP in an area belonging to the Administrative Campus of USP, located in Pirassununga - SP from March of 2002 to June of 2003 in an experimental area corresponding to 16 pickets of 35 m of width and 90 m of length (3150 m² each - totaling 5,04 ha), and each picket was divided in eight sub-portions of 8,75 m of width and 45 m of length totaling 150 m² of useful area for treatment. The objective was to evaluate the chemical attributes of the soil and it plants, dry matter production and nutritional quality with the use of Calcium Silicate in the signal - grass. The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks and the experiment a factorial 4 x 4 with portions subdivided in the time (45, 90 and 365 days) composed of four forage offers (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% - kg of dry matter/100 kg weight animal.day) and of four levels of Calcium Silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 ton.ha-1) with four repetitions for each offer, being the factor A: Offer of Forage and the factor B: amount of Calcium Silicate. The evaluated responses were: soil attributes (pH, K, Ca, Mg, Si, V% and H + Al), leafs (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Si), production of dry matter (pre, post and foliate disappearance) and nutritional qualities (CP, NDF, ADF and LIG). For the chemical attributes of leaf, the application of growing doses of calcium silicate altered its composition in a positive way in relation to the control (without calcium silicate) for the conditions of the experiment. For the chemical attributes of soil, there was a beneficial response of the application of calcium silicate, when evaluated separately and, also, when analyzed together with the lime, for the correction of the acidity of the soil in the superficial and sub-superficial layers. The production of dry matter was influenced in a beneficial way by the use of calcium silicate, where it presented tendency of positive response for the treatments. The nutritional composition was affected by the levels of offers used, but it didn't response from a significant way to the treatments applied. There was a positive increment in the tenors of Si in the soil and in the plant with the use of calcium silicate.

Kopplingarna mellan etnisk bakgrund, kontakt och fördomar vid utförandet av etnisk mobbning : – En studie om etnisk mobbning i gymnasieskolor i norra Italien

Gutierrez Arvidsson, Elisa January 2019 (has links)
Den nuvarande studiens syfte var att undersöka om etnisk kontakt och etniska fördomar sammanhänger med att utsätta andra för eller själv bli utsatt för så kallad etnisk mobbning. Vidare undersökte studien om det förelåg någon skillnad mellan elever med utländsk bakgrund och elever med italiensk bakgrund när det gäller att utföra och bli utsatta för mobbning generellt och specifikt för etnisk mobbning. Ålder och kön inkluderades även i studien som kontrollvariabler. Deltagarna bestod av elever mellan 14–21 år, 17 klasser med 239 elever. Av dessa kategoriserades 160 som italienare (67 %) och 79 som utländska elever (33 %), minst en förälder var utrikesfödd. Självskattningsformulär användes för att mäta (etnisk kontakt, mobbning/och viktimisering, rasistisk mobbning/och viktimisering, interetnisk mobbning/och viktimisering samt etniska fördomar). Rasistisk mobbning tillsammans med interetnisk mobbning bildade begreppet som i studien kallas för etnisk mobbning. Resultaten visade att medan elever med utländsk bakgrund i högre grad än elever med italiensk bakgrund var utsatta för rasistisk och interetnisk mobbning (men inte för generell mobbning), var manliga elever i högre grad än kvinnliga elever engagerade i generell, rasistisk och interetnisk mobbning. Enligt regressionsanalyserna var såväl kön som etniska fördomar associerade med både rasistisk mobbning och interetnisk mobbning hos eleverna med italiensk bakgrund medan endast kön kunde associeras med dessa former av etnisk mobbning bland eleverna med utländsk bakgrund. De uppföljande mediationsanalyserna med eleverna med italiensk bakgrund visade att etnisk kontakt tillsammans med etniska fördomar kunde associeras med såväl rasistisk mobbning som interetnisk mobbning. Möjliga förklaringar till resultaten och vidare forskning diskuteras.

現金增資不同承銷配售方式之股價反應差異 / Stock price response to seasoned equity offerings - the difference of two firm-commitment underwriting procedures in Taiwan

張素綾, Chang, Su-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在探討台灣證卷交易市場之上市公司辦理現金增資時採用不同承銷配售方式下各種資訊內涵差異,研究樣本包括民國八十四年至民國八十六年間,曾在台灣證卷交易市場宣告辦理現金增資之 278 家公司,其中又區分為 201 家採公開申購配售方式及 77 家採詢價圈購配售方式之現金增資公司樣本。本研究鑑於民國 84 年新版承銷配售制度施行以來,現金增資採行詢價圈購配售方式之公司股價出現特定人套利現象,甚至引發立法院於民國 86 年底,提出修正法案欲將詢價圈購提撥比率之但書規定廢除事件,故本研究目標將著重於探討公開申購配售與詢價圈購兩種不同承銷配售方式來現金增資之公司間其財務屬性及其對股價之影響是否有差異,以檢驗現行的詢價圈購制度是否有缺失。 實證結果顯示:採兩種不同承銷配售方式現金增資之公司,其財務變數並無顯著差異,顯示公司的財務特質並不影響其承銷配售方式的選擇。經由股價反應的驗證則發現採公開申購配售及詢價圈購承銷配售方式之現金增資之公司,其發行宣告首次見報時對股價異常報酬均有顯著正面的影響。但兩者對股價異常報酬之影響於統計上卻發現有顯著差異。至於在首日申購(圈購)日時之股價異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售者為顯著正股價異常報酬反應,採詢價圈購者股價異常報酬則為顯著負反應,因此兩者在首日申購日時對股價之反應有顯著差異,採公開申購配售公司之股價異常報酬反應明顯優於採詢價圈購配售公司。而於發行日時之價格異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售公司並不顯著,採詢價圈購配售方式公司卻有正向股價異常報酬反應,兩種承銷配售方式於發行日時顯示顯著的股價異常報酬反應差異。 兩種承銷配售方式為公司以現金增資向股東或投資大眾取得資金的途徑,其最終目的均相同,因此不同配售方式對股價異常報酬之影響應不會有太大差異,但本研究卻發現在首次宣告日、首日申購日及發行日時三種不同事件日下,兩種配售方式之股價異常報酬反應卻出現顯著差異的情形。由於此一差異與公司的財務特質無關,所以顯示詢價圈購配售方式可能存有缺失,造成特定人可藉由現行制度的漏洞來進行套利或取得比以往更多的新股,因此對於無法進行套利或取得新股的股東而言,現行的詢價圈購制度並不公平,確實有改善之必要。 / The study is based on a sample, consisting of 278firms, of the announcements of SEO(seasoned equity offerings) in Taiwan stock market during the period from Jan. 1996 to Dec. 1997, to detect whether the current circling system in TW is not proper. There are two major SEO underwriting procedures in TW: by offer=for-sales and by circling. The paper focuses on two types of firms which adapt different SEO underwriting. By comparing the both firms' financial characteristics and stock price responses, we know if the existing system is fair. The evidence shows that 89% financial ratios (in the research) of firms, adapting different underwriting procedures, don't have statistically significant positive abcdrmal returns for both underwriting procedures and the reaction levels for both are different. During the circling procedure, circling firms' stock price response is significantly negative but is significantly positive for offer-for- sales firms'. It's very clear that the latter firms have the better stock price performance than the former. During the days of offerings, circling firms' stock price response is significant positive but is not significant negative for offer-for sales firms'. In the research, we can be sure that these two SEO underwriting procedures are significantly different in all of three event days. Since the different market responses are not associated with firms' financial characteristics, we now can be sure that current circling system exist some problems. The system may provide some big stockholders having chances to arbitrage and to get more newissuing shares then they should have. To the other stockholders who can't engage in arbitraging and get new issuing shares, the existing circling system is unfair.

空氣污染對房地產價格之影響──特徵價格法之應用 / Estimating the Impact of Air Pollution on Housing Price--an app- lication of Hedonic Price Method

葉宏興, Yeh, Hon Sin Unknown Date (has links)
由於環境品質改變之成本或效益沒有一個直接的市場可以衡量,為了 克服此一問題,Rosen 於1974年提出特徵價格法完整的理論架構。其利用 差異性財貨之價值受其所具有之不同屬性數量影響,於是可用計量方法將 個別屬性之價值導引出來。本文即是利用Rosen 所提之二階段過程,分別 估計台北、台中、高雄三地區之特徵價格函數,然後利用第一階段所獲得 之價格資料進行第二階段逆需求函數的估計。本研究除了進行上述二階段 之估計,另外以高雄地區為例,計算該地區因水泥廠存在,PM10濃度增加 對當地房地產價格之影響,此一影響也就是水泥廠存在PM10濃度增加所造 成的社會外部成本。 / The measurement of the benefit of environmental improve-ments is difficult because typically there are no markets for environmental guality. However, one can observe behavior in markets that are related to environmental guality , and it is sometimes possible to measure people’s willingness to pay for the environmental goods by using data from these markets. Hedonic methods is one of several techniques for doing this. Hedonic methods are based on the realization that some goods or factors of production are not homogeneous and can differ in numerous characteristics. My study follows the theoretical model that provided by Sherwin Rosen in 1974.According to Rosen’s model, estimation requires a two-step procedure. First, estimate the hedonic price function. Second, estimate the demand function for air guality(PM10’s density). At last , I try to estimate how much the cement plant decreases houses price. In fact , the estima-tion is equal to measure the external cost caused by the ce-ment plant around Kaushang area.

Håkon den godes saga : en studie av den fornskandinaviska kultens aktörer

Sundström, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka litteraturen efter agenterna och deras handlingar vid de religiösa sammankomsterna, i Tröndelag, så som det beskrivs av Snorre Sturlason i <em>”Håkon den Godes saga”</em> Följande frågor fokuseras:</p><ul><li>Hur ser det rituella gästabudet ut i Snorres text?</li><li>Vilka var det som agerade i den fornskandinaviska kulten och varför?</li><li>Vad säger källorna om rituella gästabud och kultfunktionärer?</li><li>Speglar texten autentiska traditioner?</li></ul>

Hästoffer i fornnordisk religion

Sterneland, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hästoffer i den fornnordiska religionen. Jag kommer att koncentrera innehållet i undersökningen kring tiden för yngre järnålder: folkvandringstid (år 400 – 550), vendeltid (år 550 – 800) och vikingatid (år 800 – 1060). I vissa fall kan exemplen vara från både tidigare och senare tid än den avsedda. Detta material kan ändå vara relevant att ha med i sammanhanget för att få en bred inblick i offrandet av hästar i nordisk, förkristen sed. Huvuddelen av det presenterade materialet kommer dock att behandla yngre järnålder.</p><p>Uppsatsen kommer att behandla följande frågeställningar:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Varför offrades hästar i den fornnordiska religionen?</li><li>På vilka sätt offrades hästar i den fornnordiska religionen och vilka olika betydelser hade hästoffret i olika ritualer?</li><li>Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader av hästoffer i det som beskrivs i litteraturen och i det som det arkeologiska materialet visar?</li></ul>

The perception of children’srights in Paraguayan press : <em>A study of how Unicef communicates with </em><em>journalists concerning child street-workers</em> / : <em></em>

Joleby, Elin, Konstadinidis, Anastasia January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study focused on the level of success Unicef in Paraguay had in communicating its message concerning child street-workers to the press in Asunción. We also examined how the communication works between Unicef and the journalists, and how child street-workers appear in the press according to our sources. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of media logic and planned communication. These theories were useful to explain the possibilities and obstacles Unicef faces in its communication with the press. Our study builds on qualitative research interviews with journalists, communication staff at Unicef and the coordinator of the Global Agency of News, an organization that monitors how children appear in the Paraguayan press.</p><p> </p><p>We found that the communication between Unicef and the journalists is very important and highly valued by both Unicef and the Paraguayan newspapers. The relationship builds on constant trade, where both parts depend on each other. Unicef needs attention from the press in order to spread its message to the general public. The journalists need Unicef because the organization works as a trustable information source to back-up their articles regarding childhood.</p><p> </p><p>No one in our study was satisfied with the way child street-workers appear in the press. The children are often showed as victims or criminals and children’s rights are not always considered. A central problem is that awareness about children’s rights is low, both in the Paraguayan society and among many journalists. Unicef succeeds quite well in their communication with the journalists that are already aware of children’s rights. But the organization does not succeed in communicating with a big part of the press, as a lot of articles are still discriminative towards child street-workers.</p>

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