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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Håkon den godes saga : en studie av den fornskandinaviska kultens aktörer

Sundström, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka litteraturen efter agenterna och deras handlingar vid de religiösa sammankomsterna, i Tröndelag, så som det beskrivs av Snorre Sturlason i ”Håkon den Godes saga” Följande frågor fokuseras: Hur ser det rituella gästabudet ut i Snorres text? Vilka var det som agerade i den fornskandinaviska kulten och varför? Vad säger källorna om rituella gästabud och kultfunktionärer? Speglar texten autentiska traditioner?

Hästoffer i fornnordisk religion

Sterneland, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hästoffer i den fornnordiska religionen. Jag kommer att koncentrera innehållet i undersökningen kring tiden för yngre järnålder: folkvandringstid (år 400 – 550), vendeltid (år 550 – 800) och vikingatid (år 800 – 1060). I vissa fall kan exemplen vara från både tidigare och senare tid än den avsedda. Detta material kan ändå vara relevant att ha med i sammanhanget för att få en bred inblick i offrandet av hästar i nordisk, förkristen sed. Huvuddelen av det presenterade materialet kommer dock att behandla yngre järnålder. Uppsatsen kommer att behandla följande frågeställningar: <ul type="disc">Varför offrades hästar i den fornnordiska religionen? På vilka sätt offrades hästar i den fornnordiska religionen och vilka olika betydelser hade hästoffret i olika ritualer? Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader av hästoffer i det som beskrivs i litteraturen och i det som det arkeologiska materialet visar?

La construcción de la imagen social en dos pares adyacentes: Opinión-acuerdo/desacuerdo y ofrecimiento-aceptación/rechazo : Un estudio de la conversación familiar sueca y española / The construction of face in two adjacency pairs: Opinion-agreement/disagreement and offer-acceptance/rejection : A study of Swedish and Spanish family conversations

Henning, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to conduct a contrastive analysis on a corpus of Swedish and Spanish family conversations with respect to two adjacency pairs: opinion-agreement/disagreement (OADs) and offer-acceptance/rejection (OARs). On one hand, from a structural perspective, based on the methodology of Conversation Analysis, one of the objectives is to observe how (dis)preferred turns of the OADs and OARs are managed by the interlocutors. On the other hand, from a functional perspective, based on the methodology of Sociocultural Pragmatics, the intention is to study how face is constructed and how politeness is managed by the family members when expressing OADs and OARs. The structural analysis of OADs and OARs shows that the majority of agreements and acceptances follow the rules for preferred turns proposed by orthodox conversation analysts, i.e. they appear directly after the first part of the adjacency pair (opinion or offer), and they are brief and unambiguous. However, the structural analysis also reveals that 70% (Swedish corpus) and 72% (Spanish corpus) of the disagreements as well as 64% (Swedish corpus) and 70% (Spanish corpus) of the rejections have a tendency to not follow the proposed rules for dispreferred turns, i.e. they are not delayed or accompanied by hesitations, justifications, etc. and nor are they evaluated as dispreferred by the participants. This indicates that social perspective, especially face, has to be considered when deciding what is considered (dis)preferred. The functional analysis of the OADs indicates that the majority of the disagreements in both Swedish (68%) and Spanish (79%) corpus are not mitigated, but rather are expressed in a fairly direct manner. Swedes tend to avoid disagreements, and therefore we expected to find a major difference between the two groups. One explanation could be that family members enjoy close relationships, and therefore the Swedes feel free to express their disagreements. As for the impact on the family members face, in both groups, it is both autonomy face and affiliation face that are influenced when OADs are expressed. As for agreement, for example, it is usually autonomy face that is affected. We interpret this as a way for the participants to show that both speakers and listeners have valuable opinions that deserve to be both voiced and commented on. This reveals the more discursive (rather than ritual) nature of OADs. In addition, the functional study of OARs shows that acceptances and rejections in both corpora are expressed using both ritual and attenuating politeness according to the norms required by the situation. Concerning the impact on face, autonomy face has different requirements in the two cultures: in the Swedish conversations, it is important to offer food without insisting several times, and in the Spanish corpus, it is important to offer food more than one or two times, and there is also a tendency to refuse the offer several times before accepting it. Therefore, according to one’s situational role, one has to know how to both give and receive offers, which points to the more ritual nature of OARs. Finally, we want to emphasize that by adding a social perspective to the structural one, we can interpret the meaning of the conversations in a way that provides a broader understanding of what is being said as participants express OADs and OARs.

Innovativ rättsprocess vid våldtäkt (reparativ rättvisa) : En kritik mot den konventionella straffrättsprocessen som den enda rättsliga processen och en diskussion om vägar framåt

Camitz Sarasalo, Jonas Simon January 2014 (has links)
Arbetet använder sig av en rättspolitisk metod med fokus på rationalitet, empirism och pragmatism. Slutsatsen som dras i arbetet är att det finns ett tomrum mellan lagstiftarens mål bakom sexualbrotten och medlet för uppnå det genom den konventionella straffrättsprocessen. Tomrummet består dels av att straffrättsprocessen till fullo inte kan omfatta målet, dels att majoriteten av offer som anmäler våldtäkt idag nekas en rättsprocess, och slutligen att en friande våldtäktsdom ändå kan anses innebära att en konflikt återstår. Konflikten som återstår i majoriteten av fallen är mellan den misstänktes upplevelse av ömsesidigt samlag och offrets upplevelse av en kränkning av dennes sexuella självbestämmanderätt och integritet. I detta tomrum diskuteras möjligheten till en påbyggnad av det konventionella i form av innovativa rättsprocesser med större fokus på offret istället för förövaren. En process som söker att reparera offrets upplevda negativa konsekvenser samt tillfredsställa offrets behov av rättvisa, utan att hota straffrättsprocessens funktioner i form av straff, rättssäkerhet och brottsbekämpning. Arbetet nyanserar också bilden av vad en våldtäkt kan omfatta, vem förövaren är och offrens intressen.  Ett praktiskt exempel från Danmark tas upp där medling för våldtäkt idag används som ett sätt att hantera detta tomrum. Arbetet avslutas med att diskutera vägar framåt för att hantera sexualbrottsproblematiken på ett mer innovativt sätt.

Factors that determine the acceptance of a job offer by the entry–level information technology graduate from the North West Province / Charmain Hay

Hay, Charmain Hester January 2010 (has links)
The unemployment rate has become a major concern for policy makers in South Africa and therefore the National Plan for Higher Education states that higher education training providers should produce more graduates to address this problem. This resulted in a labour force that has grown rapidly and has become younger and more educated. It would therefore be expected that graduates with a post–matric tertiary qualification would be in high demand, resulting in a low graduate unemployment rate. The reality is that the unemployment rate among graduates has increased. This is not only a concern for the policymakers of South Africa but also for a private higher education training provider situated in the North West Province, specialising in information technology (IT) qualifications (and whose students and alumni participated in this study as part of the study population). The majority of the IT jobs available to their students are in the Gauteng province which means their graduates often need to relocate. As for all other entry level graduates they also have to make choices – when to decline or accept a job offer. This study determines what the expectations of these entry level IT graduates are and the factors that might influence their decision to accept or decline a job offer. For the training provider it is important to know what the challenges are that their graduates encounter. The factors contributing to unemployment among these IT graduates were also investigated. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Factors that determine the acceptance of a job offer by the entry–level information technology graduate from the North West Province / Charmain Hay

Hay, Charmain Hester January 2010 (has links)
The unemployment rate has become a major concern for policy makers in South Africa and therefore the National Plan for Higher Education states that higher education training providers should produce more graduates to address this problem. This resulted in a labour force that has grown rapidly and has become younger and more educated. It would therefore be expected that graduates with a post–matric tertiary qualification would be in high demand, resulting in a low graduate unemployment rate. The reality is that the unemployment rate among graduates has increased. This is not only a concern for the policymakers of South Africa but also for a private higher education training provider situated in the North West Province, specialising in information technology (IT) qualifications (and whose students and alumni participated in this study as part of the study population). The majority of the IT jobs available to their students are in the Gauteng province which means their graduates often need to relocate. As for all other entry level graduates they also have to make choices – when to decline or accept a job offer. This study determines what the expectations of these entry level IT graduates are and the factors that might influence their decision to accept or decline a job offer. For the training provider it is important to know what the challenges are that their graduates encounter. The factors contributing to unemployment among these IT graduates were also investigated. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Offer, aktör eller överlevare? : En diskursteoretisk analys av unga tjejers utsagor om att leva med sex som självskadebeteende

Bergman, Evelina, Jokio, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is that through a discourse theoretical perspective, analyze young girls 'statements about living with self-injuring by sexual behavior. The aim is to locate the discourses that surround them, visualize how discursive constructions affect these young girls' identity as victims and/or actors in relation to self-injury, the sexual violence and in meetings with the professionals within the health authorities. In addition discourse theory as an analyze method, the authors also use Nils Christie's (2001) theory of the ideal victim and Ingrid Landers (2003) theoretical perspectives on normative femininity. The authors of the study show a diversity of discourses that surround the young girls. All discourses contain normative actor- and victim’s positions that young girls constantly are obliged to relate to, which partially conflict with social constructions of the idea of victim and femininity. These positions are assigned, claimed or opposition to, and characterizes not only the young girls self-image, but also how professionals within the health authorities look at them and what support and assistance that’s offered or deprived. Finally, the authors argue for a broader approach to young girls who self-injuring by sexual behavior, they can be both victims and actors and advocates a questioning of oppressive norms to detect and identify the young girls who self-injure by sexual behavior, when it is a prerequisite to widen their options and discretion.

Fastighetsmäklarföretagets marknadsföring och tilläggstjänster i tjänsteerbjudandet / The real estate agencies’ marketing and additional services in their service offer

Jonsson, Angelica, Malmo, Tilde January 2013 (has links)
En av de största affärerna vi gör i livet är förmodligen då vi köper bostad. Idag råder det en relativt hård konkurrens bland både fastighetsmäklarföretag och fastighetsmäklare. Det gäller därför att leverera tjänsten bättre än konkurrenterna, för att kunna bli ett framgångsrikt fastighetsmäklarföretag på dagens marknad. Ett lyckat koncept kan då vara word-of-mouth, det vill säga rekommendationer. Studier visar att rekommendationer påverkas av kundlojaliteten som i sin tur påverkas av kvaliteten som tjänsten erbjuder, tillfredställelsen kunden känner samt kundnyttan. De flesta fastighetsmäklarföretagen har insett vikten av denna betydelse och erbjuder därför fler tjänster utöver själva kärnverksamheten som är att sälja en bostad. Tilläggstjänster blir helt enkelt allt vanligare, allt för att kunna tillfredsställa kunden till max.

"De står tillsammans och försöker förstå det ofattbara" : Medierade sorgeyttringar i svensk nyhetsjournalistik

Forsberg, Anette January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Master thesis was to examine news journalism covering expressions of mourning related to violent or unexpected deaths. What rituals for mourning are brought out in media and do media present guidance to how mourners should behave?</p><p> </p><p>The questions examined were: What characterised news events that leaded to texts on expressions of mourning? How was grief framed? Which narrative patterns were there in the texts? How was the deceased represented? How were the mourners represented?</p><p> </p><p>165 texts, from Swedish daily newspapers, covering 93 different news events were analysed. The methods were mainly discourse analysis with focus on identities and relations, but also semiotic analysis with focus on staging and symbols and narrative analysis with focus on patterns for storytelling.</p><p> </p><p>The result showed that a news story about ordinary people expressing their feelings of grief has elements of melodrama. The news story is based on the myth of the victim, and formed as a typical story where equilibrium is disturbed when the inconceivable happens and the mourners can by their actions restore equilibrium. The paradigms behind are the opposites</p><p>life – death and good – evil. </p><p> </p><p>The deceased is represented as a victim in a mythic sense. The most important qualities of a victim are youth, innocence and goodness. The victim is framed as a person we could sympathise and identify with. The mourners in the texts praise the victim and sanctify the place where the victim died with candles, roses and notes. The mourners are essential to the story; they create identification and an identity that include us as readers in a community and a discourse of mourning and mourners. The ordinary people who appear as mourners in the texts are relatives and close friends of the victim, but also mourning tourists, media chosen friends and anonymous women who are represented, in a stereotypical way, as the professional female mourner who weep over the deceased. In some texts celebrities appear as mourners of ordinary people, and they personalize how the distinction between public and private is erased in popular journalism. They also might give a kind of legitimacy to the way media frame the story about ordinary people mourning the innocent victim.</p><p> </p><p>Some texts had a partly diverging story. If the victim, in some aspect, could not be framed as innocent the paradigm good – evil became problematic. When victims or mourners had foreign origin the contrast us – them was added.  In some texts the ethical code for Swedish journalists was disregarded, mainly by publishing information on ethnicity or by interviewing children and people in shock</p>


ANTHONY COELHO SADKOWSKI 30 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a ocorrência do underpricing no mercado brasileiro e analisar sua relação com fatores internos, externos da empresa e da oferta. O underpricing é considerado uma anomalia de mercado, pois proporciona para os investidores ganhos elevados com a mesma composição de risco. Para as empresas, a ocorrência do underpricing no IPO compromete a eficiência da oferta, uma vez que reduz o montante arrecadado. Este fenômeno foi estudado nas décadas de 80 e 90, porém somente na última década estudos começaram a ser realizados com foco no mercado brasileiro. Desta forma, foi observada a ocorrência do underpricing no mercado brasileiro em uma amostra composta por 30 IPO entre os anos de 2010 a 2016, e para analisar a relação dos fatores foi aplicado a análise de cluster aliada ao teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. / [en] The objective of this paper is to verify the occurrence of underpricing in the Brazilian market and to analyze its relationship with internal, external factors of the company and the offer. Underpricing is considered a market anomaly as it provides investors with high returns with the same risk composition. For companies, the occurrence of underpricing in the IPO compromises the efficiency of the offer, since it reduces the amount collected. This phenomenon was studied in the 80 s and 90 s, but only in the last decade studies began to be carried out focusing on the Brazilian market. Thus, underpricing in the Brazilian market was observed in a sample composed of 30 IPO between the years 2010 and 2016, and to analyze the relationship of factors was applied to the cluster analysis allied to the Wilcoxon nonparametric test.

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