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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuella övergrepp mot barn: Varför berättar de inte? : Ett perspektiv utifrån skuld och skam / Child sexual abuse: Why do they keep it a secret? : A perspective from guilt and shame

Olsson, Linnea, Lennefalk, Sophie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the problems behind disclosure and why children do or do not tell about the sexual abuse. The empirical base of this thesis was six autobiographies. Aspects of guilt and shame in relation to the disclosure process were the main topics in this study. Also, the difficulties with disclosure as well as the surrounding conditions that facilitate the disclosure are mentioned. The following difficulties were found: guilt/shame, denial of the sexual abuse, fear for the disclosure’s consequences, the lack of support from family and surroundings, distorted reality perception/the normalization process of violence, the power imbalance between perpetrator and victim. Regarding conditions that facilitate the victims’ disclosure, the following aspects were found: internal factors, surrounding conditions and evidence of the sexual abuse. In addition, these theories were applied: the affect theory and the normalization process of violence.

Sport ve volném čase občanů Dobříše / Sport in leisure of Dobříš town citizens

Pourová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Name: Sports in leisure of Dobříš town citizens Goals: The main objective of this thesis is to find out what is the role of sport in leisure activities of citizens of Dobříš. The second goal is to obtain information about which means are used to support sports activities of citizens by city leaders. Methods: In my work, I use methods of empirical social research. I chose a quantitative method of questionnaire survey and qualitative semi-structured interview method because I'm interested in people's as well as the mayor's opinion. Results: The local sports situation has been assessed and analyzed. Thanks to the questionnaire survey, citizens' views on the issues of sports possibilities in Dobříš, their attitude and participation in sport were identified. The data are interpreted and displayed in tables and graphs in a result section, as well as an interview with the mayor. Key words: offer of sport activities, pasive and active sport participation, social froups, town sport policy

"Förtroende är bra, kontroll är bättre" : en kritisk diskursanalys av kvällspressens framställning av polisen / "Trust is good, control is better" : a critical discourse analysis of the tabloids presentation of the police

Lundberg, Charlott, Karlstedt, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Den svenska polisens dödsskjutningar av civila har ökat med drygt 100 % sedan 2010, av denna anledning väcktes intresset för att se hur 2018 års dödsskjutningar framställs av kvällspressen med hänsyn till det senmoderna samhället vi lever i. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två kvällstidningar rapporterar om polisens dödsskjutningar av civila mot bakgrund av senmoderniteten, därför används Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Under analysens gång har fyra diskurser identifierats: ansvars-, osäkerhets-, offer-, och rättsdiskurs och samtliga av dessa diskurser kan kopplas till senmoderniteten. Vidare visar analysen att kvällstidningarnas sätt att rapportera om polisens dödsskjutningar av civila är i huvudsak bidragande till den bredare sociala praktiken, det vill säga senmoderniteten.

Barnhandläggares erfarenhet av att möta våldsutsatta pappor : En kvalitativ studie

Jensen, Marthina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand what type of experience the social workers in child protection, in the children and family unit at the social services, have of working with fathers and their children exposed to domestic violence and identify construction of genders bias to the social workers in child protections work. I intend to analyze the experiences of the social workers in child protection had with working with battered fathers and children by Johnssons (1995) and Isdal (2017) psychological strategies that’s been used in strategies in practices of abuse, situational abuse, systematic abuse, the theories of gender and masculinities and Nils Christies theory of the ideal victim. Further on I tried to find out how the social workers in child protection understand women/mother’s abuse towards fathers. Finally, I wanted to know which help and support the battered fathers and their children are given. To find the answers of the study’s aim and approach to the problems, I have used a qualitative study where I have interviewed nine social workers in child protection in the children and family unit at the social services in three different cities. My empirical material shows different experiences of working with battered fathers and their children. Seven out of nine social workers in child protection had no experience of working with fathers that have had been exposed to sexual abuse by their children’s mother. Six out of nine social workers in child protection had experience of working with fathers that had been subject of physical abuse. Working with fathers that had been exposed of psychological abuse by their children’s mother seven out of nine social workers in child protection had experience of. Two out of nine social workers in child protection had met fathers that had been exposed to financial abuse by their children’s mother. None of the social workers in child protection had experience of working with fathers that have been exposed to negligence from their children’s mother. Eight out of nine social workers in child protection stated that battered men might be ashamed of being abused and find it hard to talk about it. Social workers in child protection contemplated that men are ashamed of being abused because they are stronger and physical bigger than the women. The majority of the social workers in child protection advised that battered fathers get the same protection, help and support that as if it was a battered mother. Some examples of what help an abused father can get is protected living, therapy and there is a domestic violence hotline for men. A few social workers in child protection argue that the battered fathers and their children get less help compared to battered mothers and their children. The majority of the social workers in child protection stated that it is easier to ii observe and pay attention to battered mothers and their children compared to battered fathers and their children.

Det är något med hästar.. : En osteoarkeologisk studie av hästen som offer på Gotland, Stora Karlsö och Öland. / There’s something about horses.. : An osteoarchaeolological analysis of the horse as a sacrificial animal on Gotland, Stora Karlsö and Öland.

Nathalie, Bärgman January 2019 (has links)
There is something about horses. Something that through the ages has made people see these animals as something special, almost magical. The use, care and murder of these animals contain information of high value for archaeology. Information that can be hard to find in other materials.These animals and their final resting places bear traces of the emic values and inner worlds of the people that once put them there. People’s thoughts, values and traditions can be visualised from the bodies of the horses that once served them, at times gave their lives for them.The purpose of this essay is to study possible regional similarities and differences in the tradition relating to living and dead horses. This is done through osteological analysis of skeletal remains mainly of horse (Equus) and analysis of the archaeological contexts.The initial hypothesis was that the reason for a somewhat scarce representation of skeletal remains of horse in some places, perhaps relates to how the people in these places handled the bodies of the horses due to tradition and norms within their society.The study also sets out to examine what has made up the foundation for an interpretation of sacrifice and ritual, problematise the application of the concept of sacrifice as well as how archaeology as a research field has been affected and influenced by these notions.A delamination was made to Iron Age since the use of horses for man’s benefit and enjoyment was well established by that time. Geographically a delamination has been made to the islands of Gotland, Stora Karlsö and Öland with the intention of creating a distinct island perspective, where peculiar and unique traditions as well as more general similarities are allowed the same presuppositions. For this reason, three materials from the chosen geographical areas have been subject to osteological analysis; Stormyr in Bäl Parish on Gotland, Norderhamn in Eksta Parish on Stora Karlsö and a material from Löt Parish on Öland.The results show a general pattern in handling as well as in how both living and dead horses were perceived in the studied locations. However, it is also clear that regional differences occur in these areas.No osteological markers that can indicate any difference in type between the analysed horses have been found. There is however some trauma that indicates that some horses may have been used as workforce and means of transportation for example.The result also show that several factors in the represented cases could have affected the basis of estimation that led to a ritualistic interpretation, for example the frequency of finds, the extent of exploitation of an area, education, the development of methodology over time, etc.

Política pública e equidade: análise das condições de oferta das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do município de Ribeirão Preto-SP / Public policy and equity: analysis of public elementary school´s offer condition in Ribeirão Preto-SP

Sonobe, Aline Kazuko 02 August 2013 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um avanço considerável na oferta educacional no país e, com isso, a discussão da qualidade e da equidade se coloca cada vez mais com intensidade. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa visou analisar se as condições de oferta do ensino público nas escolas de Ribeirão Preto atendem os princípios da equidade. Mais especificamente buscou-se analisar se há uma atenção para os aspectos relativos à equidade por meio da comparação dos dados da condição de oferta das escolas, do nível socioeconômico da população residente nas áreas de ponderação onde elas se localizam e do nível socioeconômico de seus alunos. Quando possível também foram analisados os indicadores da rede privada de ensino. O estudo foi desenvolvido na perspectiva da pesquisa quantitativa e as fontes de dados utilizadas são os dados secundários (microdados) disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) - Censo Escolar 2010 e Questionário dos alunos da Prova Brasil 2009 e dados referentes a bairros do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), com ajuda de ferramentas estatísticas. Diferentemente do senso comum, em Ribeirão Preto não foi observado um diferencial significativo nas condições de oferta entre as redes públicas e privadas. Contudo as escolas privadas tendem a apresentar maior presença de laboratório de ciências e menor razão de alunos por turma. Os dados evidenciaram a desigualdade de acesso às condições de oferta de qualidade entre escolas da mesma rede de ensino, indicando, embora de forma não conclusiva, a existência de mecanismos reprodutores na oferta educacional, de tal forma que predominam nas regiões mais pobres do município escolas com piores condições. Considerando a situação constatada, em especial a grande disparidade, faz-se necessária a implementação de políticas públicas que atuem na diminuição das desigualdades e na perspectiva da equidade na oferta do ensino, garantindo-se um patamar básico de qualidade para todos. / In recent years there has been considerable advancement of educational provision in the country and therefore the discussion of the quality and fairness arises with increasing intensity. In this context, this study aimed to examine whether the conditions for the provision of public education in the schools of Ribeirão Preto meet the principles of equity. More specifically seeks to analyze whether there is an attention to the aspects of fairness by comparing the data of the condition of schools offer, the socioeconomic status of the population residing in census tracts where they are located and the socioeconomic status of their students. When possible, private school´s indicator was also analyzed. The study was developed in the perspective of quantitative research and sources of data used are secondary data (microdata) provided by the National Institute for Educational Studies Teixeira (INEP) - Census 2010 School Questionnaire and students\' Proof of Brazil in 2009 and data regarding neighborhoods Institutes of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), using statistical tools. Unlike the common sense, in Ribeirão Preto was not observed a significant difference in the conditions of supply between the public and private schools. However private schools tend to have more science laboratory and fewer students per class. The results indicate the existence of reproductive mechanism in same schools system, indicating although not conclusive such that schools with worse conditions dominate in the poorest regions of the city. Considering the observed situation, especially the wide disparity, it is necessary to implement public policies that work in reducing inequality and the perspective of equity in education offer, guaranteeing a basic level of quality for all.

A superação do modelo de concentração acionária no Brasil: o regime jurídico das companhias de capital disperso na lei das sociedades anônimas / The overcoming of concentrated ownership in Brazil: the legal statute of dispersed ownership in the Brazilian corporate law

Oioli, Erik Frederico 13 May 2013 (has links)
A Lei nº 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976, foi concebida tendo como um de seus objetivos o estímulo à formação da grande empresa nacional. Para tanto, o legislador utilizou duas premissas: o estímulo à concentração empresarial e o fomento do mercado de capitais (tanto o mercado acionário, quanto o de títulos de dívida). Isto resultou em um modelo legal, calcado na figura do acionista controlador, de quem a lei reconhece poderes e, em contrapartida, institucionaliza deveres e atribui responsabilidades. Ainda, face à extremação dos poderes do acionista controlador, visando ao fomento do mercado de capitais, a lei atribui aos acionistas minoritários verdadeiros direitos compensatórios, sintetizados em direitos de saída da companhia e direitos de informação. Com a dispersão acionária e o consequente enfraquecimento, ou até desaparecimento, do acionista controlador, o poder desloca-se para os administradores, resultando em modelo essencialmente diverso daquele originalmente concebido pela Lei das Sociedades Anônimas. Relativizam-se, assim, os direitos compensatórios face ao controle acionário, ganhando força os mecanismos de monitoramento adequado dos administradores para assegurar a realização do interesse social. Isto implica modificações não apenas na esfera de direitos individuais e coletivos dos acionistas como principalmente mudanças na própria estrutura orgânica da sociedade anônima e nos negócios jurídicos envolvendo a disputa pelo controle societário. O presente trabalho, portanto, irá discutir até que ponto a Lei nº 6.404/76 está apta a lidar com este fenômeno recente em território brasileiro. Palavras chave: Lei nº 6.404/76, sociedade anônima, poder de controle, dispersão acionária, OPA. / One of the objectives guiding the development of Law 6,404, of 15 December 1976, was that of stimulating the formation of large-size Brazilian companies. The legislator set about this task using two premises: stimulating corporate concentration and boosting the bond markets (both the stock market and the government bond market). This resulted in a legal model, based on the figure of the controlling shareholder, to whom the law grants authority and, in return, imposes obligations and allocates responsibilities. Moreover, in view of the extreme nature of the controlling shareholders authority, and in order to boost the bond markets, the law grants genuine compensatory rights to the minority shareholders, which can be summarized as rights to leave the company and rights to information. Stock dispersion and the consequent weakening, or even disappearance, of the controlling shareholder, has led to authority shifting to the management, leading to a model that is, in essence, very different from the one originally conceived in the Brazilian Companies Law. Hence, compensatory rights have become relative to shareholder control, with the managers monitoring mechanisms gaining force in ensuring compliance with the corporate interest. This implies modifications not only in the sphere of shareholders individual and collective rights, but also changes to the very structure of the joint stock company and to legal business dealings concerning disputes for corporate control. This study will, therefore, debate just how well Law 6,404/76 is able to deal with this recent phenomenon in Brazil.

Mördade flickors offerstatus : En studie om journalistikens gestaltning av unga kvinnliga mordoffer beroende på relationen till gärningsmannen / Murdered girls’ status as a victim

Paulsson, Julia, Strömbäck, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine how two young female victims was represented in Swedish commercial news press, if and how their relations to the perpetrator would affect their representation and what similarities and differences there were in the representation between the two. We examined the coverage of Lisa Holm, who was murdered by a stranger, and Tova Moberg, who was murdered by her abusing ex- boyfriend. The method used was a critical discourse analysis. We searched for different discourse themes in a total of twelve news articles from Aftonbladet and Expressen. We analyzed the themes and came to the conclusion that the murder victims were represented very much alike, well-liked, ambitious and good-hearted. The main difference is that Tova Moberg was not represented as innocent as Lisa Holm by the journalism because of her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. The journalism partly blamed Tova Moberg for not preventing her own death since she was aware of the danger. We found that as soon as any kind of relations between the victim and perpetrator was mentioned the victim’s status as an ideal victim decreased.

O impacto dos determinantes da oferta de açúcar e álcool no Brasil no periodo 1995 a 2009

Bertotti, Gustavo 29 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Nara Lays Domingues Viana Oliveira (naradv) on 2015-08-20T18:22:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 0000018C.pdf: 697461 bytes, checksum: ea0ba4f605fcf7ea77f86c8134641bdf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-20T18:22:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 0000018C.pdf: 697461 bytes, checksum: ea0ba4f605fcf7ea77f86c8134641bdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-29 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo tem como objetivo mensurar o impacto dos determinantes da oferta de açúcar e álcool no Brasil com o intuito de captar a intensidade e a duração que as oscilações de preços e de produções transmitem para o mercado brasileiro. O período analisado está inserido na fase pós-desregulamentação do setor sucroalcooleiro, no qual os preços passaram a ser determinados de acordo com as regras de livre mercado e o governo, por sua vez, passou a exercer uma função secundária na regulação do setor. Nesse sentido, o modelo econométrico proposto para o presente estudo consiste no método de vetor auto-regressivo com mecanismo de correção de erro (VEC), com base em séries temporais trimestrais compreendidas entre o período de 1995 a 2009. Para uma melhor compreensão das análises, primeiramente apresentou-se, nos primeiros capítulos, uma revisão dos conceitos históricos e teóricos que abordam os principais fatores condicionantes da oferta de açúcar e álcool no Brasil. Posteriormente, analisou-se, atráves dos testes de causalidade de Granger e funções de impulso resposta (FIR), a precedência entre as variáveis compreendidas nos modelos, bem como o impulso que uma variável exerce sobre as demais. Por fim, com base nos testes apresentados, chegou-se à conclusão que o modelo B com quatro defasagens apresentou os resultados mais coerentes e conclusivos em relação ao embasamento teórico e à dinâmica do setor. Dentre os principais resultados, fica evidenciada a relação positiva do açúcar e do álcool em relação à determinação de suas ofertas, no sentido de que o aumento da oferta de um produto gere no mesmo sentido a expansão do outro. Adicionalmente, os comportamentos das variáveis de preços, em parte, apresentaram resultados condizentes com a realidade do setor e na maioria dos impulsos corresponderam com os sinais esperados. As exportações de açúcar e taxa de câmbio impactam positivamente na renda recebida pelo produtor e inferem positivamente para a expansão da oferta brasileira de açúcar. / This study has the objective to measure the impact of the determinants for the supply of sugar and alcohol in Brazil, with the intention to capture the duration of the osclillations of prices and production influences to the Brazilian market. The analyzed period is inserted in the post-deregulation phase of the alcohol –sugar sector, in which the prices started to be determined according to the rules of free market, and the government itself started to play a secondary role in the regulation of the sector. At this point the econometric model proposed for the following study consists of a vector auto-regressive model with an error correction mechanism based on quarterly temporal series within the period of 1995 to 2009. For a better comprehension of the analysis, initially it is introduced in the first chapters a review of historical and theoretical concepts that deal with the main conditioning factors of sugar and alcohol offer in Brazil. Afterwards, it was analyzed through Granger causality tests and the impulse response function (IRF) the precedence among the variables comprehended in the models, as well as the impulse that a variable applies over the others. At last based on the tests presented it has got to the conclusion that the model B with four lags, showed the most coherent and conclusive results concerning the theoretical support and the dynamics of the sector. Among the main results it is evident the positive relationship of sugar and ethanol concerning the determination of its offers, at the sense that the increase one product generates, at the same point, the expansion of the other. In addition the behaviors of the variables of prices, in part presented results in agreement to the expected signals. The sugar exports and exchange rate impact positively in the income received by the producer and infer positively for the expansion of the Brazilian sugar offer.

Efeitos do silicato de cálcio nos atributos químicos do solo e planta, produção e qualidade em capim-braquiarão [Brachiaria brizantha (Hoechst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. Cv. Marandu] sob intensidades de pastejo / Effects of calcium silicate in the chemical attributes of the soil and plant, production and quality in signal - grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hoechst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. Cv. Marandu] under grazing intensities

Sanches, Antonio Batista 18 December 2003 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo (FZEA-USP) em área pertencente à Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo da USP, no município de Pirassununga, SP de março de 2002 a junho de 2003 em uma área experimental correspondendo a 16 piquetes de 35 m de largura e 90 m de comprimento (3150 m² cada – totalizando 5,04 ha), sendo que cada piquete foi dividido em oito sub-parcelas de 8,75 m de largura e 45 m de comprimento totalizando 150 m² de área útil por tratamento. O objetivo foi avaliar os atributos químicos do solo e planta, produção de massa seca e composição bromatológica com a utilização do Silicato de Cálcio no capim – braquiarão. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos e ao acaso e o experimento um esquema fatorial 4 x 4 com parcelas subdivididas no tempo (45, 90 e 365 dias) compostos de quatro ofertas de forragem (5%, 10%, 15% e 20% - kg de massa seca. 100 kg-1 de peso animal.dia-1) e de quatro níveis de Silicato de Cálcio (0, 2, 4 e 6 ton.ha-1) com quatro repetições para cada oferta, sendo o fator A: Oferta de Forragem e o fator B: dose de Silicato de Cálcio. As variáveis avaliadas foram: atributos de solo (pH, K, Ca, Mg, Si, V % e H + Al), folha (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e Si), produção de massa seca (pré, pós e desaparecimento foliar) e bromatológicos (PB, FDN, FDA e LIG). Para os atributos químicos de folha, a aplicação de doses crescentes de silicato de cálcio alterou a sua composição de forma positiva em relação à testemunha para as condições do experimento. Para os atributos químicos de solo, houve resposta benéfica da aplicação de Silicato de Cálcio, quando avaliado isoladamente e, também, quando analisado em conjunto com o Calcário Magnesiano, para a correção da acidez do solo nas camadas superficiais e sub-superficiais. A produção de massa seca foi influenciada de forma benéfica pela utilização do Silicato de cálcio, onde apresentou tendência de resposta positiva para os tratamentos. A composição bromatológica foi afetada pelos níveis de ofertas utilizados, mas não respondeu de forma significativa aos tratamentos empregados. Houve um acréscimo positivo nos teores de Silício no solo e na planta com a utilização do Silicato de Cálcio. / The experiment was conducted in the FZEA-USP in an area belonging to the Administrative Campus of USP, located in Pirassununga - SP from March of 2002 to June of 2003 in an experimental area corresponding to 16 pickets of 35 m of width and 90 m of length (3150 m² each - totaling 5,04 ha), and each picket was divided in eight sub-portions of 8,75 m of width and 45 m of length totaling 150 m² of useful area for treatment. The objective was to evaluate the chemical attributes of the soil and it plants, dry matter production and nutritional quality with the use of Calcium Silicate in the signal - grass. The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks and the experiment a factorial 4 x 4 with portions subdivided in the time (45, 90 and 365 days) composed of four forage offers (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% - kg of dry matter/100 kg weight animal.day) and of four levels of Calcium Silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 ton.ha-1) with four repetitions for each offer, being the factor A: Offer of Forage and the factor B: amount of Calcium Silicate. The evaluated responses were: soil attributes (pH, K, Ca, Mg, Si, V% and H + Al), leafs (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Si), production of dry matter (pre, post and foliate disappearance) and nutritional qualities (CP, NDF, ADF and LIG). For the chemical attributes of leaf, the application of growing doses of calcium silicate altered its composition in a positive way in relation to the control (without calcium silicate) for the conditions of the experiment. For the chemical attributes of soil, there was a beneficial response of the application of calcium silicate, when evaluated separately and, also, when analyzed together with the lime, for the correction of the acidity of the soil in the superficial and sub-superficial layers. The production of dry matter was influenced in a beneficial way by the use of calcium silicate, where it presented tendency of positive response for the treatments. The nutritional composition was affected by the levels of offers used, but it didn't response from a significant way to the treatments applied. There was a positive increment in the tenors of Si in the soil and in the plant with the use of calcium silicate.

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