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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledarskap i offentlig sektor : Komplexitet och framtidens spännande utmaningar / Leadership in public sector : Complexity and the challenges of the future

Arnautovic, Melisa, Ramberg, Pelle January 2012 (has links)
Den offentliga sektorn är en viktig arbetsplats och utgör en funktion i att stärka välfärden.För att verksamheterna ska fortsätta att utvecklas är det av största vikt att välfärdssektornarbetar för att stärka och utveckla ledarskapet. Vår uppfattning är att delar av de problemsom den offentliga sektorn idag kämpar med grundar sig i att den inte aktivt förvaltar ocharbetar med identiteten. Det är ett arbete som innebär att på ett effektivt sätt förhålla sigtill sina intressenter. Syfte med denna uppsats är att belysa komplexiteten i ledarskapet,utifrån valda teorier kring struktur, kultur, identitet och kommunikation vill vi vidareförsöka identifiera eventuella likheter och skillnader mellan olika verksamheter i enkommun som kan hjälpa till att beskriva komplexiteten. Vår förhoppning är att dettaperspektiv kan bli ett bidrag för ledarnas fortsatta arbete med utvecklingen av denoffentliga sektorn. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med fallstudie som metod.Studien avser att undersöka den offentliga sektorn som företeelse, för att nå en djupareförståelse och skapa en så verklighetsskildrande bild som möjligt av denna företeelse harfem fall valts ut som kan sägas utgöra en bild av företeelsens konstruktion. Dessa fallbestår av fem verksamheter i en kommun och där dessa i relation till varandra utgör ettfall.Resultatet av studien visar att det föreligger en rad olika komplexa dimensioner iledarskapet. Där den enskilde ledarens förhållningssätt och förståelse för verksamhetensidentitet är av betydelse. Vidare handlar komplexiteten också om att kunna hantera ochleva upp till dem förväntningar som ställs från omgivningen. Studien visar också att ettstörre fokus mot ett service- och tjänstetänkande såväl för staden som för den offentligasektorn skulle vara gynnsamt. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

國民小學學校組織氣候、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study on the relationships between school climate 、teachers internal-external control and organizational commitment in elementary school

蔡寬信, Tsay Kuan shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學學校組織氣候、教師個人背景變項、學校背景變 項、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾之關係。從相關理論分析和實證調查 的結果,獲得結論和建議以作為提升或改進國民小學教師組織承諾之參考 。研究樣本來自高屏地區公立國民小學教師,採分層隨機取樣方式,共抽 取76所國小1022位教師,所得有效樣為859人,以組織氣候描述問卷、內外 控量表和組織承諾問卷進行調查研究。根據實證調查結果與討論,本研究 結論歸納如下:一、教師在開放型的學校組織氣候中,組織承諾最高;在 投入型和離心型的學校組織氣候中,次之;而在封閉型的學校組織氣候中 ,組織承諾最低。二、內控型信念教師的組織承諾高於外控型信念教師。 三、學校組織氣候和教師的內外控信念在組織承諾上無交互作用。四、個 人背景變項與教師組織承諾的關係: (一)男性教師在組織認同方面高於 女性教師。 (二)年輕、未婚和新進教師的組織承諾較低。 (三)教師服務 年資愈長,組織承諾愈高。 (四)一般大專院校畢業背景的教師組織承諾 最低。五、小型學校和偏遠地區、鄉鎮地區的學校,教師組織認同高。六 、組織變項對教師組織承諾的影響大於個人屬性變項。七、校長的支持行 為影響教師的組織承諾最大。最後,根據研究結果與結論,對教育行政機 關、師資培育機構、學校校長、教師本身和進一步研究等五方面分別提出 具體建議。

Debaser : en "ångvält" på Stockholms livemusikscen

Isaksson, sara, Ihrstedt, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en deskriptiv studie av drivkrafter bakom Debasers uppkomst och utveckling på Stockholms livemusikscen samt försöka identifiera dominerande idéer på fältet som kan ha påverkat Debaser och livemusikscenens utveckling. Med fält syftar vi på fältet för musikbranschen. Inom fältet ryms bland andra olika aktörer på livemusikscenen, boknings- och skivbolag, musiker och kulturpolitiker.</p><p>Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del baseras på primärdata från intervjuer med Debasers grundare och med personer inom fältet för musikbranschen. Vid intervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som tar upp vissa teman och förslag på specifika frågor baserade på syftet och den givna referensramen för studien. Referensramen består av teorier inom det institutionella perspektivet, organisationsidentitet, entreprenörskap och tillväxt.</p><p>De slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är bland annat att Debasers uppkomst till stor del möjliggjordes av tre dominerande idéer inom fältet som kommit att påverka Stockholms livemusikscen. Till att börja med fanns en idé om att det fanns en brist på Stockholms livemusikscen, vilket var något som konstaterats från många håll. Debasers grundare som redan var aktiva inom fältet kände av denna brist som i sin tur skapade ett utrymme för dem som intentionellt handlande entreprenörer att starta sin verksamhet. Även den andra idén om att det skedde ett så kallat attitydskifte från politiskt håll gentemot pop och rock men även mot själva livemusikscenen skapade ytterligare möjligheter för Debasers grundare att förverkliga sin affärsidé. Attitydskiftet påverkade inte bara Debaser utan även andra entreprenörer inom fältet vars möjligheter att skapa nya livemusikscener ökade i kölvattnet av Debasers uppkomst, så kallade svärmar. Den tredje idén var att det skett ett fokusskifte inom fältet då livemusik fått allt större utrymme vilket kan ha påverkat den positiva tillväxt som Debaser haft sedan sin start. Debaser har kommit att bli en stark aktör inom fältet som kämpat för sina intressen och har skapat organisering kring idén om behovet av en levande livemusikscen i Stockholm.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of driving forces behind the origin and development of Debaser on the live music scene in Stockholm and also the dominating ideas within its field. The field is the music business field within which different actors operate, such as booking agents, record companies, musicians, politicians and the live scene itself. <strong></strong></p><p>The study is based on qualitative primary data from interviews with the founders of Debaser and with persons within the field for the music business. When executing the interviews we used a semi-structured template, focusing on specific themes with suggestions for questions based on the purpose and the given frame of reference. The frame of reference of the study consists of theories regarding the institutional perspective, organizational identity, entrepreneurship and growth in small companies. <strong></strong></p><p>The conclusions we have come to is for one that the origin of Debaser was made due to three dominating ideas within the field that has come to affect the scene for live music in Stockholm. The first was an idea of a gap on the scene for live music and that there was a need for a concert venue of middle-size. This idea was confirmed from various actors. The founders of Debaser who were already active within the field were aware of the gap, which in turn enabled them as intentionally acting entrepreneurs to establish their business. The second idea deals with a change of attitude among politicians towards pop and rock music and the scene for live music which also created possibilities for the founders to realize their business. This change of attitude also affected other entrepreneurs within the field, so called swarms that were able to start up new scenes for live music in the wake of Debaser. The third idea deals with a focus shift in the music business that gives live music more space, which could have affected the growth of Debaser in a positive way. As we see it, Debaser has become a powerful actor within the field who works hard to gain its interests and has created organization around the idea of the need of a dynamic scene for live music in Stockholm.</p>

Debaser : en "ångvält" på Stockholms livemusikscen

Isaksson, sara, Ihrstedt, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en deskriptiv studie av drivkrafter bakom Debasers uppkomst och utveckling på Stockholms livemusikscen samt försöka identifiera dominerande idéer på fältet som kan ha påverkat Debaser och livemusikscenens utveckling. Med fält syftar vi på fältet för musikbranschen. Inom fältet ryms bland andra olika aktörer på livemusikscenen, boknings- och skivbolag, musiker och kulturpolitiker. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del baseras på primärdata från intervjuer med Debasers grundare och med personer inom fältet för musikbranschen. Vid intervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som tar upp vissa teman och förslag på specifika frågor baserade på syftet och den givna referensramen för studien. Referensramen består av teorier inom det institutionella perspektivet, organisationsidentitet, entreprenörskap och tillväxt. De slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är bland annat att Debasers uppkomst till stor del möjliggjordes av tre dominerande idéer inom fältet som kommit att påverka Stockholms livemusikscen. Till att börja med fanns en idé om att det fanns en brist på Stockholms livemusikscen, vilket var något som konstaterats från många håll. Debasers grundare som redan var aktiva inom fältet kände av denna brist som i sin tur skapade ett utrymme för dem som intentionellt handlande entreprenörer att starta sin verksamhet. Även den andra idén om att det skedde ett så kallat attitydskifte från politiskt håll gentemot pop och rock men även mot själva livemusikscenen skapade ytterligare möjligheter för Debasers grundare att förverkliga sin affärsidé. Attitydskiftet påverkade inte bara Debaser utan även andra entreprenörer inom fältet vars möjligheter att skapa nya livemusikscener ökade i kölvattnet av Debasers uppkomst, så kallade svärmar. Den tredje idén var att det skett ett fokusskifte inom fältet då livemusik fått allt större utrymme vilket kan ha påverkat den positiva tillväxt som Debaser haft sedan sin start. Debaser har kommit att bli en stark aktör inom fältet som kämpat för sina intressen och har skapat organisering kring idén om behovet av en levande livemusikscen i Stockholm. / The purpose of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of driving forces behind the origin and development of Debaser on the live music scene in Stockholm and also the dominating ideas within its field. The field is the music business field within which different actors operate, such as booking agents, record companies, musicians, politicians and the live scene itself. The study is based on qualitative primary data from interviews with the founders of Debaser and with persons within the field for the music business. When executing the interviews we used a semi-structured template, focusing on specific themes with suggestions for questions based on the purpose and the given frame of reference. The frame of reference of the study consists of theories regarding the institutional perspective, organizational identity, entrepreneurship and growth in small companies. The conclusions we have come to is for one that the origin of Debaser was made due to three dominating ideas within the field that has come to affect the scene for live music in Stockholm. The first was an idea of a gap on the scene for live music and that there was a need for a concert venue of middle-size. This idea was confirmed from various actors. The founders of Debaser who were already active within the field were aware of the gap, which in turn enabled them as intentionally acting entrepreneurs to establish their business. The second idea deals with a change of attitude among politicians towards pop and rock music and the scene for live music which also created possibilities for the founders to realize their business. This change of attitude also affected other entrepreneurs within the field, so called swarms that were able to start up new scenes for live music in the wake of Debaser. The third idea deals with a focus shift in the music business that gives live music more space, which could have affected the growth of Debaser in a positive way. As we see it, Debaser has become a powerful actor within the field who works hard to gain its interests and has created organization around the idea of the need of a dynamic scene for live music in Stockholm.

Uppfattningar, tankar och känslor : - organisationsidentitet på Migrationsverket

Fjellman, Caroline, Neste, Nina January 2006 (has links)
Migrationsverket is Sweden’s central government authority for alien affairs. It is responsible for permits for people visiting and settling in Sweden, and for the asylum process. Migrationsverket consists of five divisions, Visas, Work Permits and Residence Permits is one of these divisions. The employees in this division mainly work with interviewing the applicants and the referees, and with lengthening residence permits. This study is about organizational identity, which can be described as the beliefs, thoughts and emotions the employees have about their organization. The employee’s perspective serve as a starting point in our discussion, and this is because of the purpose of our study. The purpose is to illustrate and interpret the organizational identity at Migrationsverket. In our study we use a qualitative method, and perform ten unstructured interviews. We use the abductive approach, which is characterized by a mutual influence of theory and empirical investigation. We see reality as a social construction, and the hermeneutic approach has influenced our work with this study. A sense of belonging and mutual feelings is a part of organizational identity, and this is why we illustrate both the individual and the group. We also describe the importance of social constructions as a part of organizational identity. The central part of this study is the beliefs, thoughts and emotions the employees have about their organization. The employees at Migrationsverket see the interaction with people as a central part of their work, and they point out the delightful solidarity within the division. The big problem, however, is the enormous work load, which prolongs the processing time for applications. For the employees this means that they feel frustration in their work. We see humanity, responsibility, belonging, and frustration as the four differential characteristics at the division. Humanity is foremost seen as a part of the interaction with the applicants but also in the relations between the employees. Responsibility is, as we see it, an element in humanity. This because of the humanity the employees feel towards the applicants. The sense of belonging is expressed through the identification the employees have with each other and with the organization. The frustration has its foundation in the work load that exists in the division. / Migrationsverket är den centrala utlänningsmyndigheten i Sverige. De ansvarar bland annat för visum för besök, tillstånd när en person vill bosätta sig i Sverige och handläggande av asylärenden. Migrationsverket är uppdelat i fem verksamhetsområden och Besök och bosättning är en av dessa. Medarbetarna inom detta verksamhetsområde arbetar främst med seriositetsintervjuer och förlängningar av uppehållstillstånd. Uppsatsen handlar om organisationsidentitet, som kan beskrivas som medarbetarnas uppfattningar, tankar och känslor om den organisation de är medlemmar i. Vi utgår från medarbetarnas perspektiv, och detta har sin grund i vårt syfte som handlar om att belysa och tolka organisationsidentiteten på Migrationsverket. Vi använder en kvalitativ metod och genomför tio ostrukturerade djupintervjuer. Vi har den abduktiva ansatsen som utgångspunkt, och den kännetecknas av att teori och empiri ömsesidigt påverkar varandra i tolkningsprocessen. Vi ser verkligheten som en social konstruktion och hermeneutiken har influerat oss i vårt arbete. Tillhörighet och gemensamma känslor är en del av organisationsidentiteten, så vi belyser både individen och gruppen, samt den betydelse sociala konstruktioner har på organisationsidentiteten. Det centrala i uppsatsen är medarbetarnas uppfattningar, tankar och känslor om organisationen. Medarbetarna på Migrationsverket ser mötet med människor som en central del i arbetet och de framhåller den härliga sammanhållningen på enheten. Det som ses som det stora problemet är arbetsbelastningen, vilket leder till att handläggningstiderna ökar och för medarbetarna innebär detta att de känner frustration i sitt arbete. Vi tolkar humanitet, responsibilitet, tillhörighet och frustration som de utmärkande karakteristika på tillståndsenheten. Humaniteten visar sig främst mot de sökande men även mellan medarbetarna på tillståndsenheten. Responsibiliteten är en del av humaniteten då den kommer ur den medmänsklighet medarbetarna känner mot de sökande. Tillhörigheten finns bland annat i medarbetarnas identifiering med varandra och organisationen. Frustrationen kommer från den höga arbetsbelastning som råder på tillståndsenheten.

Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro

Crona, Victor, Myllylä, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance. Thus, the socialization process should also be a vital means to achieve organizational identification, which consequently will help the organization to assure a uniform outcome among its employees.       Methodology/approach: The collection of primary data was done by five interviews with audit associates, working within an auditing firm that belongs to the Big 4-sphere.  Findings: The socialization process within the auditing firm is foremost characterized by an informal socialization strategy, where learning by doing and interaction with more experienced colleagues are fundamental parts within the process. Hence, the serial strategy is integrated in the informal socialization process. Moreover, the individual socialization strategy is present in terms of the individual learning that takes place in the daily work context. Considering the explicit and mandatory steps within the personal development plan, the sequential strategy is distinct. Thus, with the emphasis on the educations, influences of the fixed strategy can also be identified. However, the personal development varies among the associates with differentiated goals, which is in accordance to a variable strategy. Finally, due to the complexity of the profession of auditing concerning specific skills, the socialization process has influences from both retaining and processing strategy.  The length of the employment enhances the degree of the organizational identification, and therefore also by how far the associate has made it in the socialization process. Attributes that characterize the organizational identity and that are reflected in the associates’ self-image are for example analytical skills, urge, quality, ambitious and stress-hardy. The socialization process can in various ways explain why these attributes are apparent.

La négociation de l’identité organisationnelle : une étude narrative du travail des employés de Médecins Sans Frontières

Mallette-Brochu, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur le concept d’identité organisationnelle, appliqué au milieu des organisations humanitaires. Le contexte mondial actuel dans lequel évoluent ces organisations leur impose de revoir certaines de leurs valeurs et façons de faire. En effet, les équipes des ONG sur le terrain sont confrontées à des conflits de plus en plus nombreux et complexes, qui remettent en question l’identité de leur organisation. Cette recherche vise à dresser un portrait du travail des employés de l’organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) lors de missions humanitaires, alors que ceux-ci doivent justifier et négocier la présence de l’organisation auprès de la population et des autorités locales. En nous basant sur le concept de sensemaking développé par Karl E. Weick, nous présentons une analyse narrative des récits de mission de cinq employés de MSF. Cette analyse permet d’étudier comment, au quotidien, les employés d’une ONG le terrain sont impliqués dans des négociations où l’identité organisationnelle est continuellement menacée et remise en question. / This thesis focuses on the concept of organizational identity, applied to humanitarian organizations. The actual international context is forcing these organizations to review some of their core values and procedures. Consequently, their teams on the field are confronted with more and more conflicts and complex situations where the organisation’s identity is at stake. The aim of this research is to produce a better understanding of the work that employees of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) do on the field during a mission, especially when they have to justify and negotiate the presence of their organisation with the local populations and authorities. Based on Karl E. Weick’s concept of sensemaking, we present a narrative analysis of fieldwork stories we collected by conducting interviews with five MSF employees. Not only does this analysis help us understand the roles employees have to play on the field, but it also provides insight into the different situations when organizational identity is being negotiated.

克服組織認同衝突—網絡策略、組織認同與合作間關係之研究 / Overcoming orgaiizational identity conflicts – the relations hip among network strategy, organizational identity, and cooperation

吳紹慈 Unknown Date (has links)
組織認同衝突嚴重影響著組織的生存。可惜的是,過去研究多著重於探討組織認同衝突所帶來的影響與嚴重性,但卻較少提及衝突雙方該如何解決此問題。在本論文中,我觀察一個被購併進集團的公司,如何運用網絡策略去培養更多與集團內其他成員相容的價值,同時保存與發展了獨特的價值,進而幫助個案公司跳脫認同衝突的困境並成功整合進集團。為了呼應個案研究之發現,我以一個集團企業做為研究情境,搜集資料並進行實證研究,我發現當一家公司同時具備高整合與高差異化的組織認同時,可得到較多與集團內其他成員合作的機會。此外,在集團網絡中佔據邊陲掮客網絡位置的成員,較有可能培養出高整合與高差異化之組織認同,進而得到較多的合作。本論文亦於結尾提供研究意涵與未來研究方向。 / Identity conflicts can seriously endanger an organization’s survival. Extant studies emphasize the consequences of identity conflicts but not how conflicting parties extricate themselves from this trap. I investigate how an acquired firm uses network strategies to develop more integrating values and distinctive values, resolve identity conflicts, and successfully integrate into the group. To echo these qualitative findings, in my empirical study in the setting of a business group, I found that firms with high identity integration and high identity differentiation have more chances to cooperate with other group members. In addition, peripheral brokers are more likely to achieve high identity integration and high identity differentiation, and further have more cooperation. Implications and future research directions are also provided.

Exploring Organizational Identity as a Potential Process : A multiple case study on employee-oriented companies

Abildgaard Nielsen, Søren, Köhler, Florian January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore organizational identity as a potential process.   Design/Methodology/Approach: We applied a qualitative method and followed an inductive approach that was applied to a multiple-in-depth-case study for which we conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 members of two organizations, the Swedish consulting company REACH and the Swiss digital agency WONDROUS. Following a narrative approach, both for structuring the empirical findings, as well as conducting the analysis, we used over 16 hours of interviews to create company narratives and subsequently analyzed them in multiple steps in the fashion of a narrative analysis.   Findings: Based on our empirical findings and the empirical analysis, we developed a conceptualization, the Flux Model. We contribute to the existing body of literature by proposing that the Flux Model visualizes the dynamics of how organizational members socially construct organizational identity on the premise of their own (self-)perceptions. By presenting the different parts of the model and their multiple layers, the process of how organizational identity is continuously becoming is illustrated.   Research Limitations/Implications: The scope of our study is restricted to the two case companies in question. If our abstractions from the cases in form of the Flux Model help to better understand the process of organizing, managers become liberated to make deliberate choices about their organizations’ identities. For research this means an even tighter connection to individual psychology and a deepening of the perspective that organizational identity can not only be viewed as something companies have.   Originality/Value: Out of skepticism towards the usefulness of viewing organizational identity as a process, we applied a symbolic interpretivist perspective and allowed for the possibility that we might not find a process after all. The primary value of this study we believe to be found in the extensive presentation of empirical data, together with our narrative analysis and our conceptual contribution (the Flux Model).

Towards a public service motivation theory for Brazil

Brito, Dolores Teixeira de 03 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Dolores Teixeira de Brito (doloresbrito@terra.com.br) on 2016-11-10T01:40:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation_Dolores_2016.pdf: 1510340 bytes, checksum: 812ca360631a36fc0b07ea8604353e10 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2016-11-11T13:15:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation_Dolores_2016.pdf: 1510340 bytes, checksum: 812ca360631a36fc0b07ea8604353e10 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T11:25:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation_Dolores_2016.pdf: 1510340 bytes, checksum: 812ca360631a36fc0b07ea8604353e10 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-03 / Although Public Service Motivation theory (PSM) has been widely studied since Perry’s 1996 seminal work, including studies in different countries, there are still gaps in the literature regarding the emergence of PSM (wright 2008), its implications for public-sector employees recruitment and intake process, and its potential effects on job performance, particularly in an emerging country such as Brazil. In order to study public service motivation in Brazil, and its evolution from recruitment through retention, we carried a quantitative and qualitative research in a Brazilian regulatory agency, the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), a public sector organization, and in a hybrid organization, Petrobras, an oil and gas company, a previously state-owned enterprise. Although Petrobras has now opened its capital and the hiring regime differs from public sector organizations, its capital is still majoritarily in the hands of the state and the agency ethos is still predominantly a public sector one. Therefore, this paper explores how the PSM construct, as proposed by James Perry (1990), applies to the Brazilian reality and suggests new elements for a new construct for a Brazilian PSM concept. Indeed, the data collected bears evidence that PSM as initially proposed in the cited study is not relevant to determine public service recruitment and entry motivation in Brazil. Values such as mission are not the reasons why Brazilian employees feel attracted to the public service. Nevertheless, once in the job, retention of such employees might result of a socially developed motivation and belief in the values regarding the mission of public organizations. This study also shows that the conditions of entry, as well as the progression paths before and after the recruitment are unique and peculiar to the Brazilian public sector entry mode. This study used a two-folded methodological approach: first, the author applied a survey to employees in both organizations using Perry ́s proposed survey instrument to test whether the PSM construct applied to the Brazilian case. Second, in-depth semi-strucutured interviews were carried out with employees in both organizations in order to collect data about specific features of motivation. This paper then concludes that the PSM concept must be redefined for the Brazilian case and that public service motivation is socially constructed on the job. Finally, the findings show that there is a unique dynamic in the Brazilian public service: given how competitive public examinations are, before recruitment, employees go through several competitive exams, erratically. They initially apply to very competitive and highly paid positions and, if they do not pass, they apply to lesser and lesser competitive positions until they pass. This characterizes a downward selection process. Conversely, once they have passed the examination, they start to compete for jobs that are higher paid, in an upward progression mode. Chosen jobs are not necessarily along the same profession lines. However, during the upward progression within the public sector, motivation and identity with the public sector emerges.

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