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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido en relación a la decisión de compra del consumidor en el canal online de tiendas por departamento / Hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk in relation to the consumer's purchase decision in the online channel of department stores

Salviati Chunga, Valeria Alexandra, Tantachuco Vargas, Valeria Abigail 02 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores han cambiado su estilo de vida a causa de diversos factores. Uno de ellos es la pandemia causada por el Covid-19, la cual ha modificado la decisión de compra de los shoppers, afectando también al sector retail y; por otro lado, se encuentra la digitalización, la cual transformó los canales de venta existentes. Estos han tenido que adaptarse, a través de estrategias digitales, con el fin de motivar la compra de los clientes. Por lo tanto, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de diversos autores, los cuales estudian los principales factores de compra y su relación con la venta online de tiendas por departamento. En base a lo anteriormente mencionado, el presente artículo de investigación, tiene el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido, como factores de compra y la forma en que influyen en la decisión de compra en el canal online de tiendas por departamento. Para ello, se propondría una investigación de tipo correlacional de enfoque cuantitativo y carácter concluyente, que será testeada en 400 personas que hayan comprado en línea en los últimos seis meses. Los resultados obtenidos, serán medidos a través de un análisis estadístico descriptivo (regresiones lineales, correlaciones, desviación estándar). / Currently, consumers have changed their lifestyles due to a large variety of factors. One of them is the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which has modified the purchase decision of buyers, also affecting the retail sector and; on the other hand, there is the digitization, which transformed the existing sales channels. These have had to adapt, through digital strategies, in order to motivate the purchase of customers. Therefore, a bibliographic review was carried out by various authors, who study the main purchasing factors and their relationship with the online sale of department stores. Based on the aforementioned, this research article has the objective of analyzing the relationship between hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk, as purchase factors and the way in which they influence the purchase decision in the online channel of department stores. To do this, a conclusive quantitative-focus correlational research would be proposed, which will be tested on 400 people who have bought online in the last six months. The results obtained will be measured through a descriptive statistical analysis (linear regressions, correlations, standard deviation). / Trabajo de investigación

Brand image, perceived value, brand trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention at Supermarkets / Brand image, perceived value, brand trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention at Supermarkets

Amaya Bautista, Alexandra Patricia, Monggó Condor, Melanie Cristina 03 December 2020 (has links)
La categoría de supermercados en Perú resulta importante para el consumidor peruano, pues es un canal de compra vigente pese a la pandemia generada por Covid-19. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar las posibles relaciones y efectos de las variables brand image, brand trust, perceived value y customer satisfaction en relación a repurchase intention en la categoría mencionada. Asimismo, este estudio se lleva a cabo debido a que se desea evaluar a las variables en conjunto y en un contexto peruano, ya que se considera que será un aporte significativo para mejorar el vínculo entre el shopper peruano y la categoría de supermercados. Además, en este estudio, por el momento, solo se considerarán 5 variables en la categoría. Sin embargo, no se descarta la posibilidad de otros factores que puedan influir en los futuros hallazgos. Luego de la revisión bibliográfica, se identificaron autores como Kim y Chao (2019) enfocados en el estudio de las variables brand image y brand trust; Slack, Singh y Sharma (2020), centrados en investigar al customer satisfaction y perceived value en los supermercados. Por último, Oyedele, Saldivar, Hernandez y Goenner (2018), orientan su investigación hacia repurchase intention. Según los autores mencionados, se propone que la metodología de la investigación se realice mediante el análisis de regresión y correlación en SPSS. Cabe mencionar que la implementación de encuestas con preguntas con escala de Likert se ha reconocido como parte de estas metodologías, por lo que se evaluará su posible uso en este estudio. / The supermarket sector in Peru is important for the Peruvian consumer, as it is a current purchase channel despite the pandemic generated by Covid-19. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the possible relationships and effects of the variables brand image, brand trust, perceived value and customer satisfaction in relation to repurchase intention in the aforementioned category. Likewise, this study is carried out because we want to evaluate the variables as a whole and in a Peruvian context, since we consider that it will be a significant contribution to improve the link between the Peruvian shopper and the supermarket category. Furthermore, in this study, for the time being, only 5 variables in the category will be considered. However, the possibility of other factors that may influence future findings is not ruled out. After the literature review, authors such as Kim and Chao (2019) were identified, focused on the study of the variables brand image and brand trust; Slack, Singh and Sharma (2020), focused on investigating customer satisfaction and perceived value in supermarkets. Finally, Oyedele, Saldivar, Hernandez and Goenner (2018), focus their research on repurchase intentions. According to the mentioned authors, it is proposed that the methodology of the research be carried out through regression and correlation analysis in SPSS. It is worth mentioning that the implementation of surveys with Likert scale questions has been recognized as part of these methodologies, so their possible use in this study will be evaluated. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataformas de streaming y las variables que influyen en la continuación del servicio / Streaming platforms and the variables that influence the continuation of the service

Durand Mejia , Jimena, Patiño Sierra, Lucero Melissa 02 March 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación busca explicar cómo la influencia social, facilidad de uso, precio percibido, valor percibido y la satisfacción del servicio, denominadas variables dependientes influyen en la intención de la continuación del servicio como variable independiente, en los servicios de plataformas streaming. De modo que, podamos comprender el proceso que realiza el consumidor al momento de continuar renovando la suscripción mensual. Además, se busca enfocar en las principales características de las variables mencionadas, para poder explicar de forma íntegra este proceso. Para esto, se realizará un muestreo por conveniencia (no probabilístico) por medio de contactos de los investigadores, quienes recibirán el cuestionario por medio de redes sociales y diversos medios digitales. La muestra estará conformada por hombres y mujeres que están suscritos a plataformas streaming como: Netflix, Prime Video, Disney +, HBO Go, Spotify y Apple Music. Finalmente, la técnica estadística que se utilizará será la correlación y posteriormente se hará uso de la técnica de regresión para establecer relaciones entre las variables estudiadas / This research seeks to explain how social influence, ease of use, perceived price, perceived value, and service satisfaction, called dependent variables, influence the intention to continue the service as an independent variable, in streaming platform services. So, we can understand the process that the consumer goes through when continuing to renew the monthly subscription. In addition, it seeks to focus on the main characteristics of the mentioned variables, in order to fully explain this process. For this research, a convenience sampling (not probabilistic) will be carried out through contacts of the researchers, who will receive the questionnaire through social networks and various digital media. The sample will be made up of men and women who are subscribed to streaming platforms such as: Netflix, Prime Video, Disney +, HBO Go, Spotify and Apple Music. Finally, the statistical technique that will be used will be the correlation and later the regression technique will be used to establish relationships between the variables studied. / Trabajo de investigación

Revisionens värde ur ett klientperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om gapet mellan klientens förväntningar ochupplevelse med en revision / The value of the audit from a client perspective : A qualitative study of the gapbetween clients expectations and perceived value associated with an audit

Arvidsson, Fredrik, Erlandsson, Tommy January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revision har en framstående roll ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv, och har under sin framväxt möjliggjort samhällets ekonomiska framfart. Men i samband med denna framväxt har ett gap uppstått mellan klienters förväntningar och upplevt värde med en revision. Tidigare litteratur belyser inte vad som föranleder dessa förväntningar, eller vems förväntningar revisorn ska utgå ifrån. Författarna ämnar således att bidra med en ökad förståelse inom forskningsområdet. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för gapet mellan klientens förväntningar och upplevt värde med en revision. Metod: Denna kvalitativa uppsats karaktäriseras med en deduktiv forskningsansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio chefer för ekonomiavdelningen (finansdirektör), en VD samt en pilotstudie utgjorde det empiriska materialet. För att analysera detta material har en tematisk analys nyttjats. Slutsats: Av uppsatsens rön framgår det att det föreligger ett gap mellan klienters förväntningar och upplevelser i samband med en revision. Detta gap manifesterar sig främst i revisorers tillkortakommanden gällande deras förståelse för verksamheten, som följd av revisionsbranschens upplevda överflöd av oerfarna juniorer. Klienters utbildning och erfarenhet visar sig, tillsammans med det reviderade bolagets storlek och bransch, föranleda deras förväntningar. Uppsatsen visar även att det kan föreligga skillnader mellan vad en VD och finansdirektör förväntar sig av en revision, beroende på hur företagsstrukturen ser ut. Således kan det vara nödvändigt att göra en distinktion av vem som utgör klienten inom företagsledningen. Uppsatsen bidrar med att visa nödvändigheten av en distinktion av vem som utgör klienten inom företagsledningen och vad som kan föranleda förväntningar. / Background: Auditing has a prominent role from a socio-economic perspective, and during its rise has made society's economic progress possible. But in connection with this growth, a gap has emerged between clients' expectations and perceived value of an audit. Previous literature does not shed light on what prompts these expectations, or whose expectations theauditor should assume. The authors thus intend to contribute with an increased understanding within the research area. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase understanding of the gap between clientexpectations and perceived value with an audit. Method: This qualitative essay is characterized by a deductive research approach, wheresemi-structured interviews with ten CFO:s, a CEO and a pilot study constituted the empirical material. To analyze this material, a thematic analysis has been used. Conclusion: From the essay's findings, it appears that there is a gap between clients' expectations and perceived value in connection with an audit. This gap manifests itself mainly in auditors' shortcomings regarding their understanding of the business, as a result of the audit industry's perceived abundance of inexperienced juniors. Clients' education and experience, along with the audited company's size and industry, appear to drive their expectations. The essay also shows that there can be differences between what a CEO and CFO expect from an audit, depending on how the company structure looks. Thus, it may be necessary to make a distinction of who constitutes the client within the company management. The essay contributes by showing the necessity of a distinction of who constitutes the client within the top management team and what can cause expectations.

Barriers of Traveling with Sustainable Transportation Vehicles : A comparative empirical analysis of leisure travelers’ behavior in Sweden, Germany, and Iran

Herbert, Robin Julian, Sohrabi, Fateme January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis analyzes the influence of psychological barriers of consumers from Germany, Sweden, and Iran for using sustainable transportation modes. Climate change has started to change the way people travel. Yet prior research has shown that consumers from all over the world lack consistency between their behavioral intention and their actual behavior. In the case of traveling, this means that a significant number of consumers intends to use sustainable transportation modes, but fails to use them in the end. The reasons for this so-called intention-behavior gap in consumers' minds have been researched successfully and frequently in the past two decades. The novelty of this present thesis is the international comparison of travelers from three different countries and the explicit focus on voluntary travel. The according research questions are: RQ 1:  To what extent is there a gap between the intention and behavior of leisure travelers          regarding choosing sustainable transportation vehicles? RQ 2:  Which group of consumers (inclined abstainers or disinclined actors[1]) plays the bigger      role in creating this gap? RQ 3:  What are the determinants and barriers of using more sustainable transportation     vehicles in leisure transportation? RQ 4:  How is the sustainable behavior of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran            different? To answer the research questions, an online survey in Swedish (n1 = 130), German (n2 = 128), and Persian (n3 = 127) language was carried out ( ∑ n = 385) in April 2020 with a convenience sampling method and analyzed in May 2020. The results show that there is a slightly positive intention-behavior gap in the Swedish sample and a slightly negative intention-behavior gap in the Iranian sample. In the German sample, no significant intention-behavior gap has been found. Moreover, a higher level of environmental attitude, a higher level of environmental knowledge, a higher level of perceived effectiveness (of the consumers' own actions), and a higher level of social norms increases the intention of leisure travelers in Sweden, Germany, and Iran to use sustainable vehicles for leisure traveling - both for short and for long trips. The impact of perceived value and perceived price of sustainable transportation modes, as well as the impact of consumers' sustainable lifestyle on the on the travel intention are not supported in all three countries. Additionally, distance between origin and destination has been found to moderate the impact of determinants on intention. The moderating role of distance also varies in different countries. [1] See the literature review chapter for an explanation

Investigating Product Sustainability and B2B Relationships for creating Customer Value : A multiple case study within the building & construction industry in Sweden & the Netherlands

Eriksson, Casper, Cammerer, Quirin January 2024 (has links)
This study explores how retention options to achieve a circular economy applied in entrance door products together with CSR strategies from a supplier can create customer-perceived value in a B2B market setting. It focuses on the relationship between buyers and suppliers in the construction and building industry in the Swedish and Dutch market. To explore this phenomenon, a qualitative multiple case study was employed using semi-structured interviews as method for main data collection. Facility management, real estate and construction companies from the respective markets were subjects to this study to gather valuable insights. The data was analyzed and presented according to four main value dimensions perceived by customers. Sustainable products can mainly create indirect economic value for customers by enabling higher revenue or reducing tax load. In terms of functional value, customers ask for products with low carbon footprint that supports them to reach their sustainability goals for the supply chain or to reach building certifications. In the transition phase towards a circular economy customers value a closer and mutual beneficial relationship to their supplier. This entails a holistic aftersales support and caretaking of products after the use phase to bring products and resources back into the circle. A supplying company can create symbolic customer-perceived value by engaging in comprehensive and credible CSR activities, since several business customers want to show that they are working with sustainable companies. This study also reveals that most customers do not yet have any measures in place to assess the sustainability of a product or the quality of a suppliers CSR activities, however, it is a future requirement. Practical, the findings of this study undermine the importance for supplying companies to begin developing sustainable offerings and to engage in relationships with their business customers to create profitable business cases from sustainable offerings. Academically, the study highlights the need for further research in circularity and perceived customer value. Thus, the study explored circular product aspects customers can perceive valuable, and how the relationship acts as a foundation for specifying the requirements of bringing circular aspects to different customers and markets.

從認知、滿意到顧客忠誠─整合性架構之探究 / An integrative study of customer satisfaction and loyalty

吳政諺, Wu, Jheng Yan Unknown Date (has links)
過往顧客滿意架構多集中在購前因素分析或購後行為探討,甚少連結前因後果之整合性架構,故本研究從認知、態度、行為三個面向予以探究,並以關係階段與替代性吸引力雙變數作為調節變項。 本研究針對上海速食業者德克士之消費客群為抽樣對象,共收集有效問卷329份,並利用結構方程模式檢驗研究假說。研究結果歸納如下: 1. 品牌聲望對知覺價值與顧客滿意度皆有正向影響,且知覺價值亦對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向關係。 2. 慣性行為對於顧客滿意到顧客忠誠的路徑具有部分中介效果,結果顯示慣性亦是形成忠誠度的前驅因子之一。 3. 顧客滿意到口碑傳播的路徑並不顯著,但顧客忠誠到口碑傳播卻有顯著的正向關係,代表客群如果只有滿意還不足以衍生口碑行為,需要透過忠誠機制才有足夠強度驅動口碑。 4. 關係階段會顯著調節「顧客滿意到顧客忠誠」以及「顧客滿意到慣性行為」之關係,其他路徑則不顯著。替代性吸引力則對所有路徑的調節效果皆不顯著,此結果可能源於實證對象與競爭企業在消費者的認知中並沒有太大差異或偏好。 / Past researches of customer satisfaction focus on analysis of pre-pruchasing factors or post-buying behaviors. Nevertheless, few studies have adapted integrative structures of combining whole causal connection. The study investigates into three dimensions of cognition, attitude and behavior, taking relationship stage and alternative attractiveness as moderating variables. The study collected 329 valid questionnaires from fast food chain stores, Dicos, in Shanghai and took advantage of SEM to verify research hypotheses. Results and discussions are concluded below: 1. Brand Reputation has positive influence in Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Value also has significantly positive influence in Customer Satisfaction. 2. Inertia Behavior has mediation effect towards the path of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Lotalty. The result indicates inertia is one of the pre-exponential factors of Customer Loyalty. 3. Customer Satisfaction to Word of Mouth isn’t significant, but Customer Loyalty to Word of Mouth is significantly positive. The result reveals satisfaction is not enough to motivate WOM spreading. Loyalty mechanism is needed to drive WOM behaviors. 4. Relationship stage moderates “Customer Satisfaction to Customer Lotalty” and “Customer Satisfaction to Inertia Behavior” significantly and other hypotheses aren’t significant. Alternative attractiveness doesn’t significantly moderate all of the hypotheses. It may indicate there is no difference or preference to cognition of customers towards Dicos and their competitors.

L'évolution de la motivation à apprendre dans le contexte de la transition au secondaire : trajectoires et déterminants personnels, scolaires et relationnels

Smith, Jonathan 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La valeur pour le consommateur d'une pratique de maîtrise de consommation : le cas de l'électricité / The value, for the consumer, of a practice of controlling consumption : the case of electricity

Innocent, Morgane 06 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet de comprendre le sens que le consommateur donne à ses actes quand il pratique la maîtrise de sa consommation électrique (MCE), au sein de son foyer. La valeur produite par les différentes activités relevant de la MCE, comme, par exemple, éteindre les appareils en veille, constitue un reflet du sens que le consommateur attribue à cette pratique. Nous nous sommes, dans un premier temps, interrogés sur la nature des sources de valorisation et de dévalorisation qui émergent de la MCE. Nous avons identifié vingt-cinq sources qui sont autant d’appréciations ou de dépréciations de la MCE pour le consommateur. Nous avons ensuite cherché à déterminer comment ces sources sont structurées et nous avons pu déterminer que, dans l’esprit du consommateur, la valeur de la MCE se caractérise selon sept composantes. Quatre sont des composantes de valorisation (environnementale et citoyenne, de gestion du foyer, du bien-être eudémonique et des bénéfices secondaires) et trois sont des composantes de dévalorisation (expérientielle, sociale et associée au manque de connaissance). Nous avons ensuite cherché à comprendre comment la valeur de la MCE émerge de la pratique et quel peut être le rôle des différentes composantes (de valorisation et de dévalorisation) dans la formation de la valeur pour le consommateur et dans la conduite de son action. Nous avons pu confirmer que plus un individu réalise des gestes de MCE, plus il apprécie cette pratique via les composantes de valorisation et moins il la déprécie via les composantes de dévalorisation. Nous avons aussi constaté que le sens de la pratique évolue et s’enrichit quand elle s’intensifie. Deux leviers principaux se distinguent : la valorisation de la MCE au travers de ses conséquences sur la gestion du foyer et le bien-être de type eudémonique qui est retiré de cette pratique par l’individu. Le premier possède une influence très forte sur l’évaluation de la MCE par les consommateurs, et le second, dès lors qu’un individu pratique réellement la MCE, conduit les individus à poursuivre dans cette voie. / This thesis aims to understand the meaning that the consumer ascribes to his acts when one practises electricity consumption control (ECC) inside the dwelling. The value perceived by consumers associated with the various ECC’s activities, as, for example, to switch off devices in sleep mode, constitute a reflection of the meaning the consumer confers to this practice.We wondered, at first, about the nature of the sources of valuation and depreciation which emerge from the ECC. We identified twenty five sources which are so many appreciations or depreciations of the ECC for the consumer. Then, we tried to determine how these sources are structured and we were able to determine that, for consumers, the value of the ECC is characterized by seven components. Four of them are components of appreciation (environmental and citizen, of household management, the eudemonistic well-being and secondary profits). The three other are components of depreciation (experiential, social and associated with a lack of knowledge).Subsequently, we tried to understand how the value of the ECC emerges from the practice itself. We, also, wondered about the role of the various components (of appreciation and depreciation) in the ECC valuation for the consumer and in the conduct of action. We were able to confirm that the more an individual realizes ECC’s gestures, the more he appreciates this practice via the components of appreciation and the less he depreciates it via the components of depreciation. We also noticed that the meaning of the practice evolves and expands when practice becomes intensified. Two main levers set apart: the appreciation of ECC through its consequences on the household management and the eudemonistic wellbeing which is removed from this practice by the individual. The first one has a very strong influence on the evaluation of ECC by the consumers, and the second, once an individual really practises ECC, drives him to continue along this path.

Students' Perceived Value of the Community College Experience: A Mixed Methods Study

Duncan, Robin A. 08 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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