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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conhecimento prático e lei natural em Tomás de Aquino

Capra, Pedro Konzen January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a origem do conhecimento dos preceitos da lei natural para Tomás de Aquino. Entre as hipóteses na literatura, encontram-se intepretações de que o conhecimento dos preceitos depende das sensações de dor e prazer, de que os preceitos são valores autoevidentes e de que o conhecimento dos preceitos depende do conhecimento intelectual das inclinações naturais. Assim, serão analisadas algumas passagens do comentário da Ética a Nicômaco de Aristóteles e da Suma de Teologia em que Tomás desenvolve a noção de apetite natural ou inclinação natural. Além disso, será tratada a distinção entre diferentes tipos de conhecimento prático. A partir dessas noções, serão apontados alguns indícios para a hipótese de que o conhecimento dos preceitos da lei natural depende da apreensão intelectual das inclinações naturais. / The present dissertation aims to analyse the origin of knowledge of precepts of natural law for Thomas Aquinas. Between the hypotheses in literature, there are interpretations that knowledge of precepts depends on sensations of pain and pleasure, that precepts are self-evident values and that knowledge of precepts depends on intellectual knowledge of natural inclinations. Therefore, it will be analysed some passages of the commentary on Aristotle‟s Nicomachean Ethics and of Summa Theologica were Thomas develops the notion of natural appetite or natural inclination. Further, it will be treated the distinction between different kinds of practical knowledge. Thereby, it will be pointed some indications for the hypothesis that knowledge of precepts of natural law depends on intellectual apprehension of natural inclinations.

Matti Raekallio soitonopetuksensa kertojana ja tulkitsijana

Hyry, E. K. (Eeva Kaisa) 21 November 2007 (has links)
Abstract Teaching of music, especially instrumental music, has rarely been the interest of researchers. This thesis explores the music teaching of a well known Finnish piano teacher and artist Matti Raekallio, describing his practical knowledge and theoretical tenets and their formation during the different phases in his life. The practical knowledge of a music teacher is experiential knowledge that takes shape in practical situations. It shows especially in the teaching-related interactions of music lessons. The teacher's practical knowledge manifests in his practical theory, which guides his teaching and includes his notions of the human being, learning and knowledge. The research tasks developed in the course of the research process and can be defined as follows: 1. What kind of shape do the elements of Raekallio's practical theory take in his life story? 2. What kind of teaching strategies and styles does he use in his piano lessons? 3. What kind of teaching stories are told in piano lessons? 4. How do the teacher and his students tell about their mutual relationships and their relations to music? The teaching of instrumental music is also approached from the viewpoint of the master–apprentice tradition it is usually connected with. And in addition to the actual research questions, the way in which this tradition is told in this research is also considered. The study is based on a narrative approach. Most of the data was collected by observing Raekallio's piano lessons and by interviewing both him and his students. This data was then analysed using content analysis and narrative methods of analysis. The results of this study broaden our conception of a music teacher's work. The teacher uses versatile teaching strategies, both verbal and nonverbal. Raekallio's teaching style includes his way of speaking, of being present and of giving feedback during his piano lessons. The exploration of teaching styles proved to be a fruitful starting point in the research of the moral dimension of music teaching. Examining teaching stories opened up the socialising significance that teaching has; through these stories future pianists and piano teachers are narrated into their cultural environment. These teaching stories show the teacher's pedagogical content knowledge as narrative knowing. With the help of narrative knowing, the teacher ties together knowledge that makes possible the production of a music performance, starting from notes and ending in a musical performance. The findings reinforce our conceptions of the teacher's significance in the teaching of instrumental music. In the stories of both students and the teacher, the significance of the teacher was clear during the different stages of development as a musician and especially during the stage of professional studies as a guide into the culture and practices of the field. The concepts and theory of educational sciences proved necessary and handy tools even in the research of music teaching. To popularise or model the contextual thinking of teaching related to the teaching of music, more descriptive research in the field is needed as well as descriptions of various everyday teaching events, the teaching of students of different ages, etc. The future challenges that this research points out include research of the narrative character of teachers' knowledge in general. How do teachers use storytelling in teaching, into what kind of stories are the things to be taught woven? / Tiivistelmä Soitonopetus on ollut harvoin tutkijoiden mielenkiinnon kohteena. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan tunnetun suomalaisen pianopedagogin ja -taiteilijan Matti Raekallion soitonopetusta, kuvaten hänen praktista tietoaan ja teoriaansa sekä sen muotoutumista elämän eri vaiheiden aikana. Soitonopettajan praktinen tieto on opettajan kokemuksellista tietoa, joka syntyy käytännön tilanteissa ja joka näkyy oppitunneilla etenkin opetuksen vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Opettajan praktinen tieto manifestoituu opettajan praktisessa teoriassa, joka ohjaa hänen opetustaan ja johon kuuluvat hänen käsityksensä ihmisestä, oppimisesta ja tiedosta. Tutkimustehtävät muotoutuivat prosessin aikana seuraaviksi: 1. Millaiseksi Raekallion praktisen teorian ainekset muotoutuvat hänen elämäntarinassaan? 2. Millaisia opetusstrategioita ja -tyylejä soittotunneilla käytetään? 3. Millaisia opetustarinoita soittotunneilla kerrotaan? 4. Millaiseksi opettaja ja opiskelijat kertovat suhteensa toisiinsa ja musiikkiin? Tarkastelen soitonopetusta myös siihen liitetyn mestari–kisälli-perinteen näkökulmasta ja varsinaisten tutkimustehtävien lisäksi pohdin, millaiseksi mestari–kisälli-perinne voidaan kertoa tämän tutkimuksen perusteella. Tutkimus on lähestymistavaltaan narratiivinen. Päätutkimusaineiston keräsin havainnoimalla Raekallion pitämiä soittotunteja sekä haastattelemalla häntä ja hänen oppilaitaan. Aineiston analysoin sisällönanalyysia ja narratiivisen tutkimuksen analyysitapoja käyttäen. Tutkimustulokset laajentavat käsitystämme soitonopettajan työstä. Opettaja käyttää monipuolisia opetusstrategioita, niin verbaalisia kuin nonverbaalisia. Raekallion opetustyylissä tulivat esille hänen puhetapansa sekä hänen tapansa olla läsnä soittotunneilla ja antaa palautetta. Opetustyylin tutkiminen näyttää olevan hedelmällinen lähtökohta opettajan työn moraalisen ulottuvuuden tutkimiseksi myös soitonopettajan työssä. Opetustarinoiden tutkiminen avaa opetuksen sosiaalistavaa merkitystä, sillä niiden kautta tulevat pianistit ja soitonopettajat kerrotaan kulttuuriseen yhteisöönsä. Niissä näkyy opettajan niin sanottu pedagoginen sisältötieto narratiivisena tietämisenä, jonka avulla opettaja sitoo yhteen tiedon, joka mahdollistaa kappaleen työstämisen nuottikuvasta alkaen aina kappaleen esitykseen saakka. Tutkimus vahvistaa käsityksiämme opettajan merkityksestä soitonopetuksessa. Opettajan ja oppilaiden kertomuksissa näkyi selvästi opettajan merkitys soittajataipaleen eri vaiheissa ja erityisesti ammattivaiheen opinnoissa johdattamassa alan kulttuuriin ja käytänteisiin. Tutkimuksessa käytetty kasvatustieteen käsitteistö ja teoria on osoittautunut tarpeelliseksi ja toimivaksi työkaluksi myös soitonopetuksen tutkimuksessa. Soitonopetukseen liittyvän opetustilanneajattelun yleistämiseksi tai mallintamiseksi tarvitaan lisää alan kuvailevaa tutkimusta ja kuvauksia erilaisista arkipäivän opetustapahtumista ja esimerkiksi eri-ikäisten opettamisesta. Tutkimuksen jatkohaasteena nähdään yleisestikin opettajan tiedon narratiivisen luonteen tutkiminen. Miten opettajat käyttävät kertomista opetuksessaan, esimerkiksi millaisiin tarinoihin opetettavat asiat kerrotaan?

Opettajien osaamisen ja opetuksen kehittäminen perusopetukseen valmistavassa opetuksessa

Salo, R. (Raimo) 02 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract The context of the research was a project carried out by preparatory education teachers following a three-phased TriPod-model in their school instruction. The three phases of instruction were: orientation in the classroom, field trip outside school and thirdly, reflection on the acquired experiences back at school. The instruction carried out according to the TriPod model was mainly based on principles of experiential and collaborative learning. Authentic learning environments outside of school were utilized systematically 8–9 times per academic year during the project which lasted three and half years. The main purpose of the research was to study the development of preparatory education teachers’ practical knowledge during the project. Secondly, the aim was to investigate the preparatory education teachers’ views about the suitability of the TriPod model in migrant students’ instruction and integration into their new home country. The epistemological starting point was social constructivism. The methodological approach of the study was qualitative showing features of action research, ethnography and phenomenography. The empirical data consisted mainly of thematic interviews with nine preparatory education teachers and the data was analysed by applying abductive qualitative content analysis. To conclude the results of the study, it can be maintained that the preparatory education teachers created their own “learning environment” where their practical knowledge was developed through individual and collaborative reflection. During the project, didactics for preparatory education was developed with a strong focus on authentic learning environments. Preparatory education teachers found the curriculum supportive in the implementation of the project’s principles and practices, which in turn contributed to the integration of theory and practice. The study also suggests that teachers in school, and the experts outside school in particular should adjust their speech to better suit the students’ level of Finnish language skills. The preparatory education teachers are fully aware of the significance of their role in advancing their students’ integration into society through the means of education. As a further result of the study, an updated model of teachers’ practical theory was constructed; it offers a well-grounded perspective on the educational challenges caused by societal changes which raise the need to re-consider both pre- and in service teacher education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen konteksti on perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen projekti, jota opettajat toteuttivat kolmivaiheisen TriPod-mallin mukaisesti. Opetuksen kolme vaihetta olivat luokassa toteutettava orientaatio, opintovierailu koulun ulkopuolelle ja siinä saatujen kokemusten reflektointi koulussa. TriPod-mallin mukainen opetus perustui ensisijaisesti kokemuksellisen ja yhteisöllisen oppimisen periaatteille ja siinä hyödynnettiin systemaattisesti koulun ulkopuolisia autenttisia oppimisympäristöjä 8–9 kertaa lukuvuodessa kolmen ja puolen vuoden aikana. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli tutkia valmistavan opetuksen opettajien (valo-opettajien) osaamisen kehittymistä projektin aikana. Toisessa tutkimusongelmassa tutkittiin TriPod-mallin mukaisen opetuksen soveltuvuutta maahanmuuttajataustaisten valo-oppilaiden opetuksessa ja kotoutumisen edistämisessä. Tutkimukseni tietoteoreettisena lähtökohtana on sosiaalinen konstruktivismi. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka metodologinen viitekehys sisälsi piirteitä toimintatutkimuksesta sekä etnografisesta ja fenomenografisesta tutkimustraditiosta. Tutkimuksen aineisto hankittiin pääosin yhdeksältä valo-opettajalta teemahaastattelun avulla ja analysoitiin abduktiivisen laadullisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että valo-opettajille muodostui oma ”oppimisympäristö”, jossa osaaminen kehittyi sekä subjektiivisen että yhteisöllisen reflektoinnin kautta. Projektin aikana kehitettiin valmistavan opetuksen didaktiikkaa, johon liittyi kiinteästi koulun ulkopuolisten oppimisympäristöjen hyödyntäminen. Valo-opettajat kokivat opetussuunnitelman tukevan projektissa toteutettuja periaatteita ja käytäntöjä, mikä puolestaan vahvisti käytännön ja teorian integroitumista. Tutkimuksessa nousi esille tarve sopeuttaa valo-opettajien ja erityisesti vierailukohteiden asiantuntijoiden opetuspuhetta vastaamaan valo-oppilaiden suomen kielen taitotasoa. Valo-opettajat tiedostivat työnsä yhteiskunnallisen merkityksen kotoutumista edistävien opetuskäytänteiden toteuttajina. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kehitettiin uusi sovellus opettajan käytännön teoriasta; se tarjoaa yhden perustellun näkökulman yhteiskunnallisten muutosten edellyttämiin opetuksellisiin haasteisiin, jotka tulisi ottaa huomioon opettajankoulutuksessa ja opettajien täydennyskoulutuksessa.

Medarbetarundersökningen ˗ ett universalmedel mot olika sjukdomar? : En essä om en medarbetarundersökning i en vårdkontext utifrån konsultens perspektiv: Vad skulle Heidegger ha tänkt? / The employee survey: a universal cure to different diseases? : An essay about an employee survey in a health care context from the point of view of the consultant: What would Heidegger have thought?

Carlson, Annika January 2017 (has links)
Den här vetenskapliga essän har som syfte att undersöka fenomenet medarbetarundersökningar. Startpunkt tas i en egenupplevd erfarenhet från ett mötesrum på en förlossningsavdelning och skildras utifrån mitt förstapersonsperspektiv som utomstående konsult. Situationen berättar om relationella konflikter och organisatoriska problem på sjukhuset, en olustig atmosfär i mötesrummet, samt min upplevelse av att vara förställd och malplacerad såväl som mitt agerande. Essän prövar att belysa denna situation med hjälp av Martin Heideggers tankevärld och då specifikt områdena tal och stämning. Ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt till situationen intas, där essän genom Heideggers begrepp söker fånga den praktiska kunskap som låg till grund för att den blev som den blev. / This scientific essay aims at investigating the phenomenon of employee surveys. The starting point is a personally experienced event from a meeting room in a maternity ward, depicted from my first˗person perspective as an external consultant. The event tells about relational conflicts and organizational problems at the hospital, an uneasy mood in the meeting room, and my feelings of falsity and being inept as well as my actions. The essay tries to illuminate this event with help from the ideas and reasoning of Martin Heidegger, and specifically his discussions in the areas of talk and mood. A phenomenological approach to the event is taken, where the essay through Heidegger's concepts seeks to capture the practical knowledge that formed the basis for the event turning out as it did.

Acting and understanding

Blomberg Stathopoulos, Alexander C. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concerns the question of what it is for a subject to act. It answers this question in three steps. The first step is taken by arguing that any satisfactory answer must build on the idea that an action is something predicable of the acting subject. The second step is taken by arguing in support of an answer which does build on this idea, and does so by introducing the idea that acting is doing something which is an exercise of a particular kind of disposition on the part of the acting subject. The third step is taken by arguing that the disposition in question must be of a kind which is exercised in conditions in which the acting subject thinks they are acting. From this vantage point the thesis develops many further commitments: That action is constitutively subject to a mode of explanation that mentions the kind of disposition just mentioned; that any case of acting requires a veridical representation of a means by which the action is performed; and that a problem about the underspecified nature of desire ascriptions can be solved by appeal to the conceptual materials made available by these investigations. The thesis finally develops several objections to the account it gives, both substantive and methodological, and explains why these objections ought to be rejected.

Negotiating a path to professional efficacy: A narrative analysis of the experiences of four pre-service educators

Rogan, Ann I 06 June 2005 (has links)
Often studies examining the development of a sense of professional efficacy in pre-service educators are concerned with either the systemic viewpoint of teacher education programmes or the relationship between the perceptions of pre-service educators and what is “really” happening in the classroom. The intent of this study is to investigate the question “What do pre-service educators perceive that they know and that they need to know to develop a sense of professional efficacy? solely from the vantage point of the pre-service educator. The study encompasses two specific objectives: --- to identify through narrative analysis the circumstances of the construction of and the content of the knowledge created by the pre-service educators from their experiences --- to investigate and describe the relationship of the knowledge constructed by the pre-service educators to the development of a sense of professional efficacy. The study attempts to produce an in-depth qualitative description of the explicit and sometimes tacit perceptions of four pre-service educators as they prepared to begin professional careers. Four pre-service educators enrolled in a recently developed innovative Post Graduate Certificate of Education programme at a large urban university in South Africa participated in the study over a two year period. The perceptions of the pre-service educators are presented through an analysis of the narratives taken from interviews and reflective journal entries. The narratives are analyzed using a variety of narrative inquiry methods which were investigated and described as part of this study. The interpretation of the narratives is also informed by theoretical constructs such as professional efficacy and knowledge and private theory. Through the analysis and interpretation of the narratives the unique and individual nature of learning to become an educator as well as similarities of experience were revealed. Ultimately the broad aim of this study through the use of narrative inquiry methodology and methods is to add the “voices” of these pre-service educators to a larger dialogue and to the collective body of evidence of how one learns to become an educator with a sense of professional efficacy. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Att testa sig fram : En vetenskaplig essä om modersmålslärarens roll i klassrummet i en digitaliserad värld

Olga, Voropai January 2021 (has links)
In this scientific essay I am describing and analysing the digital challenges in the classroom which lead to situations where the students take the role of a teacher leading to a situation which may challenge the teacher's authority. By implementing theories about teaching and practical knowledge I am evaluating the meaning of the teachers role in the nowadays more digital classroom from the perspective of a mothers tongue teacher, doing so by  evaluating my own experiences and through interviews with other teachers and reflections of existing research literature. The method in this study is essay-writing and my own reflection about the situation of new working conditions that I describe in my story that takes place in an ongoing pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to new working methods including the inevitable usage of digital tools. In the reflection part I am studying the materials from the semi structured interviews with my colleagues where the teachers get to describe their own experiences and fears towards the increasing digitalization in their classrooms. The results have shown that the technical and digital challenges have had an ambivalent impact on teachers during the pandemic. It appears that digital tools are a support for their teaching and learning but can be used in different ways during lessons. Today all the teachers are using digital tools in the classroom, some more than others. The informants have confirmed my hypothesis that digitalizatilization affects the teachers status and authority. But the question if digitalisation increases or decreases the authority of a teacher can still be debated. Based on the decisions that we make, our authority is being affected - this sentence is a part of the conclusions in my study. The method of trial and error when approaching different bumps on the road allows us to find ways to approach those obstacles by implementing practical knowledge that appears with professional practice. With experience as a base one can experiment as well as question the used methods and therefore find new solutions to new challenges. / I min vetenskapliga essä beskriver jag och analyserar de digitala utmaningar i klassrummet som lett till situationer där elever klivit in i lärarrollen och får vara de som lär läraren och på så sätt kan utmana lärarens auktoritet. Med hjälp av teorier om lärandet och praktisk kunskap omfamnar jag betydelsen av lärarens roll i nutidens, allt mer digitala klassrum utifrån ett modersmålslärares perspektiv, egna berättelser, via intervjuer och reflektioner över existerande forskningslitteratur. Metoden i denna studie är essäskrivandet och min reflektion kring nya arbetsförhållanden vilka jag tar upp i min berättelse som utspelar sig under en pågående pandemi. Covid-19 pandemin har lett till nya arbetssätt med bland annat ofrånkomlig användning av digitala verktyg. I min reflektion ankrar jag således i mitt materialurval från semistrukturerade intervjuer med mina kollegor där modersmålslärarnas egna utsagor kring erfarenheter och farhågor inför den ökade digitaliseringen sätts i relation till tidigare forskning. Det har visat sig att de nya tekniska och digitala utmaningarna har haft en ambivalent påverkan på modersmålslärarens praktik under pandemin. Det framträder att digitala verktyg är ett stöd i undervisningen men de kan användas på olika sätt i modersmålslärarnas arbete. Idag använder alla lärare digitala verktyg i klassrummet, en del mer, andra mindre. Informanterna har bekräftat hypotesen att digitaliseringen påverkar lärarnas status och auktoritet men frågan om digitaliseringen höjer eller sänker lärarnas auktoritet kan fortfarande ställas och diskuteras. Av beslut vi gör, i vårt omdöme påverkas vår auktoritet - denna mening leder till en av slutsatserna i min studie. Att testa sig fram är en metod som kan passa bra för att tillämpa de praktiska kunskaper som uppstår i modersmålslärarnas yrkespraktik. Med erfarenhet som bas kan en experimentera, ifrågasätta och på så sätt finna nya lösningar.

Att se det omätbara : En vetenskaplig essä om omsorg och hur den visar sig i förskolan och i förskolepedagogers praktiska yrkeskunnande / Seeking the immeasurable : - A scientific essay on care and how it takes shape in preschool and in preschool teachers practical knowledge

Martinez Giannini, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
This scientific essay deals with the concept of care and how care takes shape in preschool and in preschool teachers' practical professional knowledge. Through a phenomenological perspective and in relation to Hanna Arendt's discourse on collective responsibility, the study approaches the concept of care in preschool but also the significance of the phenomenon itself. The study consists of four stories, all of which are taken from my own activities and an ethnological field study conducted at two different preschools, where participatory observation and interviewing have been used as a method. The focus of the observations has been to study the practical knowledge of preschool educators and to see how care takes place. By studying, reflecting, and critically examining preschool educators and my own practical professional knowledge, I aim to get closer to the many forms of care. Which is important to be able to make it visible and reflect on the many meanings of care. The study also examines the relationship of care to learning and how these can form a whole in preschool. New public management is described in the study as something that has characterized the Swedish welfare sector since the late 1990s. Results, goal fulfillment, efficiency indications are some of the factors that characterize a successful business in an NPM-influenced business. When this is contrasted with the preschool's activities where the ability to empathize and the importance of showing consideration for others is what instead characterizes a safe and successful activity, it affects the preschool. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the philosophies of Nel Noddings. Where the approach becomes central to how care emerges in this study. The result of the study shows that care is something that is constantly and daily going on in preschool, but that the time, knowledge, or power to put it into words sometimes doesn`t exist. Which sometimes leads to that the important practical knowledge about care, doesn`t take equivalent place in preschool. Which unfortunately has major consequences for daily practice where care risks becoming a concept that does not keep up with developments in preschool. Giving care to children in preschool appears in the study as a relational phenomenon. Care as a phenomenon is created when we educators listen to what the children express and try to reach them where they are. When the care action is answered by the child, the relationship between educator and child is strengthened. This process requires an awareness, mind presence and knowledge from the educator’s perspective. / Denna vetenskapliga essä behandlar begreppet omsorg och hur omsorg gestaltar sig i förskolan och i förskolepedagogers praktiska yrkeskunnande. Genom ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och i relation till Hanna Arendts diskurs om kollektivt ansvar, närmar sig studien begreppet omsorg i förskolan men även fenomenets betydelse i sig själv. Studien består av fyra berättelser som alla är hämtade från min egen verksamhet och en etnologisk fältstudie utförd på två olika förskolor, där deltagande observation och intervju använts som metod. Fokus för observationerna har varit att studera förskolepedagogers praktiska kunnande och för att se hur omsorg tar plats. Genom att i studien, synliggöra, reflektera och kritiskt undersöka förskolepedagogers och mitt eget praktiska yrkeskunnande, kommer jag närmare omsorgens många skepnader. Vilket är viktigt för att kunna synliggöra den samt reflektera om omsorgens många innebörder. I studien undersöks även omsorgens relation till lärande och hur dessa kan bilda en helhet i förskolan. New public management beskrivs i studien som något som kommit att prägla den svenska välfärdssektorn sedan sent 90-tal. Resultat, måluppfyllelse, effektivitet och kvalitetsindikationer är några av de faktorer som i en NPM- präglad verksamhet kännetecknar en lyckad verksamhet. Men när detta sätts i kontrast mot förskolans verksamhet där förmågan till inkännande, empati och vikten av att visa hänsyn till andra är det som i stället kännetecknar en trygg och lyckad verksamhet, påverkar det förskolan som helhet.  Studiens empiriska material diskuteras utifrån Noddings syn på omsorgsetik. Där förhållningsättet blir centralt för hur omsorg framträder i denna studie. Resultatet av studien visar att omsorg är något som ständigt och dagligen pågår i förskolan, men att tiden, kunskapen eller makten för att klä den i ord ibland inte existerar, vilket gör att den viktiga praktiska kunskapen kring omsorg, en slags tyst kunskap inte ges utrymme i förskolan. Vilket tyvärr får stora konsekvenser för den dagliga praktiken där omsorg riskerar att bli ett begrepp som inte hänger med i utvecklingen. Att ge omsorg till barn i förskolan framstår i studien som en relationell företeelse. Omsorg som fenomen blir till när vi pedagoger lyssnar till det barnen uttrycker och försöker nå dem där de är. När omsorgshandlingen besvaras av barnet stärks relationen mellan pedagog och barn. Denna process kräver en medvetenhet, sinnesnärvaro och kunskap från pedagogens sida.

Familjeberättelser : En essä om fördelar och nackdelar med att alla i ett förskoleområde ska arbeta med samma metod

Teern, Anna January 2021 (has links)
In this scientific essay, I investigate how pedagogues are affected by working with the method of family stories, which the principal has decided that all young children´s departmens shouldwork with. The method includes many parts and is tightly controlled. What are the possibilities and limitations of the method? I start by designing the method through selfexperienced examples and then describe it briefly. I gather my empirical data by talking to pedagogues at the preschool where I work, talking to children and observing pedagogues and children. Previous conversations in various contexts with other pedagogues in the preschool area are also included in the documentation. I write in the field of practical knowledge and power and judgment become part of the survey. Who has the power over the methods we use and how they are used? Methods with strict control remove the possibility of using our judgment. I reason around these questions together with theories and my empirical data. Writing is part of the research process. I thematize the discussion with the empirics and theories by relating to the following: thoughts about the method in general, about cooperation with families, about the method as language development, play development, as support in the transition to the next department and what happens when reality goes beyond the manual. I have gained an in-depth understanding of how the method can be used and the importance of pedagogues knowing the theories behind the method but also their own practice theory. The family stories as a method contain great opportunities for many good pedagogical efforts if the pedagogue knows the theory behind the method, uses his own knowledge and is allowed to make decisions about the design with his own judgment. If, on the other hand, the description is perceived and used as a manual, the judgment is disconnected and there is a great risk that it will only be an action that does not lead to any development. The pedagogues must also relate to the needs of their own unique group of children and adapt the method accordingly.

Vägskälet mellan två uppdrag – Elever i behov av stöd eller fritidshemmet : En utforskande essä om pliktens och den praktiska kunskapens inverkan på fritidshemsuppdraget

Alm, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
”To drift towards old habits” is an exploratory essay in which I examined how my practical knowledge and morally based duties affected my actions and how those led to a hard-assessed situation where I stood without knowing right from wrong. The dilemma laid in that I didn’t know whether my approach should have been based on my gathered experience and knowledge or have based on the rules and framework of the new work assignment I had accepted. By the figuration of two self-experienced situations I portrayed my work and practical knowledge through the first one, in which my assignment was to work with a student in need of extra support. That lead on to the second figuration, where this knowledge, in combination with a sense of duty, influenced my course of action even though my work assignment had changed to be a leisure time pedagogue. The main perspectives in this essay were therefore to be focused on an interpretation of practical knowledge and on how the ethics of duties are constructed. With these two perspectives my purpose was to explore how I could relate my choices of actions according to these and how they could come to affect future repertoires of actions. / ”Att glida in i gamla spår” är en utforskande essä där jag har undersökt hur min praktiska kunskap och mina moraliska plikter påverkat mitt handlande, vilket lett till en svårbedömd situation där jag inte visste vad som var rätt val att ta. Dilemmat låg i att jag inte visste om jag skulle förhålla mig till tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper eller om jag skulle hålla mig till de regler och ramar som fanns för mitt nya arbetsuppdrag. Genom att gestalta två olika situationer målas mitt arbete och min praktiska kunskap upp i den första gestaltningen då jag arbetar som elevresurs till en elev i behov av stöd. För att sedan visa hur denna kunskap i kombination med en känsla av plikt påverkar mina val i den andra gestaltningen, där jag antagit en ny arbetsroll som lärare mot fritidshem. Huvudperspektiven i denna uppsats kom därför att rikta sig mot en tolkning av den praktiska kunskapen och hur pliktetiken utformas. Med dessa två perspektiv var syftet att undersöka hur jag förhållit mitt handlande utifrån dessa två och hur de kan komma att påverka framtida handlingsrepertoarer.

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