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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy, procesů a návrh změn / Evaluating the Information System and Processes of a Business

Zvolánek, Milan January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the analysis of information system and selected processes linked to the information system. It contains teoretical foundations of the selected problem, analysis and information system assessment and proposes several changes in order to make the information system and processes more efficient.

Аналитика друштвених мрежа као фактор промоције хотела у Србији / Analitika društvenih mreža kao faktor promocije hotela u Srbiji / Social network analytics as a factor of promotion of hotels in Serbia

Kalinić Časlav 13 March 2019 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; су&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; девет&nbsp; поглавља&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доноси&nbsp; аналитика&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа.&nbsp; Конкретно&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; су&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доносе друштвене мреже&nbsp; у склопу промотивних активности хотела.&nbsp; Истраживањем је обухваћено&nbsp; утврђивање&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; интернет&nbsp; маркетинга,&nbsp; и&nbsp; у&nbsp; склопу&nbsp; тога&nbsp; маркетинга&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама&nbsp; за&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотелски&nbsp; сектор,&nbsp; приказан&nbsp; је&nbsp; концепт друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; најактуелнијих&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; на глобалном нивоу. Дат је и преглед техника аналитике друштвених мрежа и области и начини&nbsp; примене,&nbsp; са&nbsp; освртом&nbsp; на&nbsp; велике&nbsp; количине&nbsp; података.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; истраживањем&nbsp; јеобухваћено и утврђивање фактора који утичу на ангажовање корисника на друштвеним мрежама,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; налога&nbsp; и&nbsp; метаподатака&nbsp; објава&nbsp; прикупљених&nbsp; на анализираним&nbsp; налозима.&nbsp; Под&nbsp; основном&nbsp; јединицом&nbsp; посматрања&nbsp; сматрани&nbsp; су&nbsp; сви категорисани&nbsp; угоститељски&nbsp; објекти&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; хотел&nbsp; који&nbsp; се&nbsp; налазе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Републици&nbsp; Србији. Прикупљање података обухватало је комбинацију мануелних и аутоматских метода, уз помоћ којих су прибављени подаци о налозима хотела на најактуелнијим друштвеним мрежама. Истраживање је&nbsp; потврдило&nbsp; прву хипотезу да су хотели у Србији препознали значај&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију,&nbsp; на&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; на&nbsp; тренутно&nbsp; водећим платформама на тржишту. У раду је делимично потврђена друга хипотеза која сматра аналитику&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; вредним&nbsp; каналом&nbsp; за&nbsp; прибављање&nbsp; информација&nbsp; о потрошачима, а која&nbsp; се могу користити као основа за промотивне активности хотела. Истраживањем је потврђена и трећа хипотеза&nbsp; да различите карактеристике објава које креирају&nbsp; корисници&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотели&nbsp; на&nbsp; друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама,&nbsp; различито&nbsp; утичу&nbsp; на ангажованост корисника, а самим тим и на значај за промоцију. На основу теоретских сазнања о промотивним активностима на друштвеним мрежама и практичних потреба отела&nbsp; у&nbsp; Србији,&nbsp; дат&nbsp; је&nbsp; предлог&nbsp; модела&nbsp; за&nbsp; вршење&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама.&nbsp; Поред&nbsp; тога,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; и&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; за&nbsp; будућа<br />истраживања у овој области.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; su&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; devet&nbsp; poglavlja&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donosi&nbsp; analitika&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža.&nbsp; Konkretno&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donose društvene mreže&nbsp; u sklopu promotivnih aktivnosti hotela.&nbsp; Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; internet&nbsp; marketinga,&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; sklopu&nbsp; toga&nbsp; marketinga&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama&nbsp; za&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; i&nbsp; hotelski&nbsp; sektor,&nbsp; prikazan&nbsp; je&nbsp; koncept društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; najaktuelnijih&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; na globalnom nivou. Dat je i pregled tehnika analitike društvenih mreža i oblasti i načini&nbsp; primene,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; osvrtom&nbsp; na&nbsp; velike&nbsp; količine&nbsp; podataka.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; istraživanjem&nbsp; jeobuhvaćeno i utvrđivanje faktora koji utiču na angažovanje korisnika na društvenim mrežama,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; naloga&nbsp; i&nbsp; metapodataka&nbsp; objava&nbsp; prikupljenih&nbsp; na analiziranim&nbsp; nalozima.&nbsp; Pod&nbsp; osnovnom&nbsp; jedinicom&nbsp; posmatranja&nbsp; smatrani&nbsp; su&nbsp; svi kategorisani&nbsp; ugostiteljski&nbsp; objekti&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; hotel&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; u&nbsp; Republici&nbsp; Srbiji. Prikupljanje podataka obuhvatalo je kombinaciju manuelnih i automatskih metoda, uz pomoć kojih su pribavljeni podaci o nalozima hotela na najaktuelnijim društvenim mrežama. Istraživanje je&nbsp; potvrdilo&nbsp; prvu hipotezu da su hoteli u Srbiji prepoznali značaj&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju,&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; na&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; vodećim platformama na tržištu. U radu je delimično potvrđena druga hipoteza koja smatra analitiku&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; vrednim&nbsp; kanalom&nbsp; za&nbsp; pribavljanje&nbsp; informacija&nbsp; o potrošačima, a koja&nbsp; se mogu koristiti kao osnova za promotivne aktivnosti hotela. Istraživanjem je potvrđena i treća hipoteza&nbsp; da različite karakteristike objava koje kreiraju&nbsp; korisnici&nbsp; i&nbsp; hoteli&nbsp; na&nbsp; društvenim&nbsp; mrežama,&nbsp; različito&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na angažovanost korisnika, a samim tim i na značaj za promociju. Na osnovu teoretskih saznanja o promotivnim aktivnostima na društvenim mrežama i praktičnih potreba otela&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; dat&nbsp; je&nbsp; predlog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; za&nbsp; vršenje&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; i&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; buduća<br />istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>Throughout&nbsp; nine&nbsp; chapters,&nbsp; this&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; analytics.Precisely,&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; carrying&nbsp; out&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social network sites. The research study included determining of internet marketing importance, and within that importance of marketing on social network sites&nbsp; tourism and hospitality. Also, the concept of social network sites is presented as well as characteristics of the most current global ones.&nbsp; Within the scope of the reseatch is also a review of the techniques of social network analysis and areas and application modes, with reference to large amounts of data. The survey included determining factors that influence the user engagement on social networks, as well as the characteristics of accounts as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; posts&#39;&nbsp; metadata&nbsp; collected&nbsp; on&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; accounts.&nbsp; All&nbsp; categorized&nbsp; hotel facilities&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Republic&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; were&nbsp; considered&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic&nbsp; unit&nbsp; of&nbsp; observation.&nbsp; Data collection&nbsp; encompassed&nbsp; a&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of&nbsp; manual&nbsp; and&nbsp; automatic&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; through&nbsp; which information&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; hotel&#39;s&nbsp; accounts&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; current&nbsp; social&nbsp; networks&nbsp; was&nbsp; obtained.&nbsp; The research confirmed the first hypothesis that the hotels in Serbia recognized the importance of&nbsp; social network sites for promotion, at the level of presence at the current leading platforms in the market. The second hypothesis is partially confirmed that considers the analytics of social network sites a valuable channel for obtaining consumer information, which can be used as the basis for the hotel&#39;s promotional&nbsp; activities.&nbsp; The&nbsp; study&nbsp; also&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; hypothesis&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; different characteristics of the posts created by users and hotels on social network sites have different effect on&nbsp; user&nbsp; engagement,&nbsp; and&nbsp; therefore&nbsp; the&nbsp; importance&nbsp; of&nbsp; promotion.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; knowledge about&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; sites&nbsp; and&nbsp; practical&nbsp; needs&nbsp; of&nbsp; hotels&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; this study proposed&nbsp; the model for performing promotional activities on social network&nbsp; sites. In addition, the paper presents possibilities for future research in this area.</p>

科技學科教學知識、教師信念和知識創新學習環境相關之研究 / A Relationship among Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching Belief, and Knowledge Building Environment.

王巧鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解國中教師資訊科技融入教學的情形,並探討教師教學信念、科技學科教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPACK)和知識創新學習環境間的關係;同時並分析教師背景變項對TPACK表現造成的影響。 本研究的問題主要如下:(1)了解教師在不同背景變項下其TPACK表現是否有所不同?(2)探討教師的教學信念、TPACK和學生知識創新學習環境之間是否具有相關?(3)教師的教學信念是否對教師的TPACK表現具有預測力?(4)教師的TPACK表現是否對知識創新學習環境具有預測力? 本研究改編外語教師TPCK調查研究問卷(Chai et al., 2011)和知識創新學習環境(Lin et al., 2014)之問卷,形成本研究資訊融入教學的問卷,對桃園市國中老師390位進行施測,統計方法上使用一般描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子多變異數分析、多元迴歸分析以驗證假設問題。 研究發現如下:(1)教學年資較淺、任教術科教師、有使用教學平台及每周上網時間較長的教師在TPACK表現較佳。(2)學習者中心的教師信念、TPACK和知識創新學習環境之間具有顯著關係存在。(3)學習者中心的教學信念對TPACK的表現具最佳預測力。(4)教師的TPACK能力對知識創新學習環境也具預測力。本研究並根據上述研究發現提出相關的結論與建議以供教師或教育機關參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), teaching belief, and knowledge building environment, in order to understand how teachers may integrate information technologies into their instruction. This study attempts to answer the following research questions: (1) what are some major demographic variables that may influence middle school teachers’ TPACK level? (2) How are teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment related to one another? (3) Can teaching belief help predict middle-school teachers’ TPACK level? (4) Can higher TPACK level help teachers to cultivate more creative knowledge building environment? Data from 390 samples were obtained from middle school teachers in Taoyuan, Taiwan, through an adapted survey. The statistics employed for data analysis include descriptive statistics , Pearson's correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The major findings were as follow:(1) Teachers who had less years of teaching experiences, or taught non-examination-oriented subjects, or had experiences of using teaching platforms or used Internet more often, tended to have higher TPACK level. (2)There were significant correlations among teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment. (3)Student-centered teaching belief was found to predict teachers’ TPACK level. (4) Higher TPACK level was also found to predict teachers’ capacity to foster more creative knowledge building environment. Based on the findings, relevant conclusions and suggestions were also made for teachers and educational policy-makers.

Éthéréalisation : amorces d'une contre-histoire

Thibault, Ghislain 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est une enquête épistémologique qui s’interroge sur la persistance de « l’éther » dans le champ de la technologie. De façon générale, le mot « éther » évoque un modèle conceptuel de la physique pré-einsteinienne, celui d’un milieu invisible permettant la propagation de la lumière et des ondes électromagnétiques. Or, ce n’est là qu’une des figures de l’éther. Dans plusieurs mythologies et cosmogonies anciennes, le nom « éther » désignait le feu originel contenu dans les plus hautes régions célestes. Aristote nommait « éther », par exemple, le « cinquième être », ou « cinquième élément ». La chimie a aussi sa propre figure de l’éther où il donne son nom à un composé chimique, le C4H10O, qui a été utilisé comme premier anesthésiant général à la fin du XIXe siècle. L’apparition soutenue dans l’histoire de ces figures disparates de l’éther, qui a priori ne semblent pas entretenir de relation entre elles, est pour nous la marque de la persistance de l’éther. Nous défendons ici l’argument selon lequel cette persistance ne se résume pas à la constance de l’attribution d’un mot ou d’un nom à différents phénomènes dans l’histoire, mais à l’actualisation d’une même signature, éthérogène. À l’invitation d’Agamben et en nous inspirant des travaux de Nietzsche et Foucault sur l’histoire-généalogie et ceux de Derrida sur la déconstruction, notre thèse amorce une enquête historique motivée par un approfondissement d’une telle théorisation de la signature. Pour y parvenir, nous proposons de placer l’éther, ou plutôt la signature-éther, au cœur de différentes enquêtes historiques préoccupées par le problème de la technologie. En abordant sous cet angle des enjeux disparates – la légitimation des savoirs narratifs, la suspension des sens, la pseudoscience et la magie, les révolutions de l’information, l’obsession pour le sans-fil, l’économie du corps, la virtualisation de la communication, etc. –, nous proposons dans cette thèse autant d’amorces pour une histoire autre, une contre-histoire. / This dissertation stands as an epistemological inquiry into the persistence of the notion of ether within technology’s discursive field. Most often, the word “ether” is understood as a conceptual model in pre-einsteinian physics which designates the medium responsible for the propagation of electromagnetic waves and light. However, this proves to be only one of the many figures of ether. In multiple mythologies and cosmogonies, ether was also the name employed to refer to a sublime and pure fire filling the highest spaces of the universe. Aristotle, for example, named “ether” what he considered to be the “fifth being,” or the “fifth element.” Chemistry also makes use of ether, where the name denominates the compound C4H10O, used as the first general anaesthetic agent at the end of the nineteenth century. From our point of view, the sustained occurrences of ether in these different figures, so disparate indeed that they appear unrelated, marks the manifestation of its persistence. We argue that this persistence should not be narrowed down to a constant attribution of a “word” or a “name” to several historical phenomenons, but rather should be viewed as the actualization of a same etherogeneous “signature.” Responding to an invitation by Italian philosopher Agamben, and building on Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s history-genealogy as well as on Derrida’s deconstruction, our dissertation proposes an historical program oriented towards a theorization of the signature. To do so, we suggest locating the ether, or rather the ether-signature, at the heart of several historical inquiries concerned with the contemporary problem with technology. Approaching some of theses issues –the legitimating of narrative knowledge, the suspension of the senses, pseudoscience and mysticism, information and industrial revolutions, wireless obsessions, body and corporeality, virtualization of communication, etc. –, our dissertation aims at locating and articulating as many baits towards an-other history, a counter-history.

Balises pour l’intervention avec les technologies auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles

Chalghoumi, Hajer 07 1900 (has links)
Considérées comme des moyens incontournables de participation à la société, les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent une piste de solution prometteuse pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Toutefois, plusieurs auteurs dénoncent la faible utilisation des TIC en éducation de ces élèves. Pire encore, les recherches sur le sujet génèrent des résultats intéressants, mais d’une contribution limitée pour l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine. Guidées par l’intuition et par un enthousiasme empirique évident, ces recherches s’appuient rarement sur des cadres de référence. Certes la documentation scientifique foisonne de champs de savoirs qui peuvent contribuer à ce domaine, mais ces contributions sont parcellaires et peu adaptées aux spécificités de ce dernier. L’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles demeure donc un champ conceptuel mal défini qui n'est légitimé par aucun cadre de référence en particulier. Cette recherche doctorale se situe en phase de préconception d’un modèle de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Elle vise à mettre en place des balises solides pouvant servir de cadre à l’élaboration d’un modèle de cette intervention. Dans cette phase de préconception, nous poursuivons deux objectifs, à savoir : 1) la mise au point d’un référentiel qui constitue un cadre intégrateur des connaissances existantes en la matière, qui servira avant tout à structurer et à organiser les informations disponibles à l’intérieur d’une synthèse validée par des experts et des intervenants oeuvrant auprès de ce type d’élèves et 2) l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges fonctionnel qui s’appuie sur le référentiel développé et qui précise les fonctions qu’un modèle idéal de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles devrait remplir pour répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Ces balises (le référentiel et le cahier des charges fonctionnel) sont destinées, principalement, à des chercheurs, des concepteurs de technologies, des formateurs d’enseignants, etc. Les élèves, les enseignants et autres agents de l'éducation pourront en bénéficier indirectement à travers les applications dérivées de ces balises (programmes de formation, technologies, recherches, scénarios pédagogiques, etc.). / Regarded as essential means of participation in society, information and communication technologies (ICT) are a promising track for teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities. However, several authors denounce the low use of ICT in education of these students. Worse yet, research on the subject generate interesting results, but a limited support to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Guided by intuition and empirical enthusiasm, theses researches often rely on reference frames. While the literature abounds with fields of knowledge that can contribute to this area, these proposals are fragmented and poorly adapted to the specifics of the latter. The educational intervention with ICT with students with intellectual disabilities remains an ill-defined conceptual field that is not legitimized by any particular reference frame. This doctoral research precedes the conception of an educational intervention model using ICT with students who have intellectual disabilities. It aims to establish strong tags that can serve as a framework for developing this model. In this phase of preconception, we pursue two objectives: 1) developing a repository consisting in a framework for integrating existing knowledge on the subject that will serve primarily to structure and organize the information available within the a synthesis validated by experts and practitioners; 2) developing a tender specification of the functions that a perfect model of this intervention should meet to fully satisfy the needs of different users. These tags (the repository and the tender specification) are intended, mainly, to researchers, technology developers, teacher educator, etc. Students, teachers and other educational agents will benefit indirectly from these tags through their applications by the first users of (training programs, technologies, studies, lesson plans, etc.).

Surveillance électronique et métadonnées : vers une nouvelle conception constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée au Canada?

Thibeault, Alexandre 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la portée de la protection constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée informationnelle au Canada, au regard de la surveillance électronique gouvernementale à grande échelle des métadonnées des communications électroniques, à des fins de sécurité nationale. Il est soutenu, après une présentation de l’importance démocratique de la vie privée, de même que de la nature et de la portée de certaines activités gouvernementales de surveillance électronique, que le cadre d’analyse du « Biographical core », qui conditionne l’étendue de la protection de la vie privée informationnelle en droit constitutionnel canadien, est susceptible d’inclure les métadonnées des communications électroniques. Cette position est appuyée par un argumentaire juridique fondé sur les règles d’interprétation et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle pertinente. Cet argumentaire se trouve renforcé par potentiel considérablement révélateur des métadonnées, des particularités propres aux activités de surveillance électronique analysées, ainsi que des implications non-juridiques soulevées par ces dernières. / This master’s thesis focuses on the scope of the Canadian constitutional protection of the right to privacy, in view of the wide scale governmental electronic surveillance of electronic communications metadata, conducted for national security purposes. It is argued, following a detailed presentation of the nature and extent of certain specific governmental electronic surveillance activities, that the « Biographical core » analytical framework, governing the scope of the protection granted to informational privacy in Canadian constitutional law, is most likely applicable to electronic communications metadata. This position is directly supported by the relevant constitutional interpretation rules and cases. This is particularly true in light of the fact that metadata are, inherently, potentially significantly revealing, especially considering the capacities of an array of electronic surveillance activities, as well as the non-legal implications they entail for privacy.

Méthodes socio-statistiques pour l’aide à la décision en milieu industriel : Application à la gestion des capacités d’un système d’information en industrie micro-électronique / Industrial decision-aid socio-statistical methods : Applied to the capacity management of an IS in the microelectronics industry

Lutz, Michel 14 May 2013 (has links)
Les données industrielles offrent un matériau pour la prise de décision. Les travaux présentés concernent la transformation de données brutes en connaissances, pour contribuer au système de connaissances d’une organisation et améliorer son système décisionnel. Un processus d’aide à la décision est proposé. Il implique les acteurs de l’organisation et l’emploi de méthodes formelles. D’abord, il analyse et formalise les problématiques décisionnelles. Ensuite, il construit une aide la décision quantitative. Cette méthodologie est appliquée à un problème particulier : la gestion des capacités des TI d’une usine de STMicroelectronics. En effet, les managers doivent assurer un équilibre entre le coût de l’infrastructure TI et le niveau de service offert. Notre processus offre une aide pertinente. Il permet de surmonter deux enjeux, fréquents lors de la gestion des capacités : la complexité des systèmes IT et la prise en compte de l’activité métier. Situant ces travaux dans le cadre du référentiel ITIL, l’application du processus permet de constituer des modèles prédictifs, mettant en relation l’activité des serveurs informatiques et l’activité industrielle. Cette application permet aussi de contrôler dynamiquement la validité des modèles, ainsi que l’activité quotidienne du SI. Nos travaux formalisent quantitativement des connaissances, en favorisent l’utilisation dans les processus décisionnels, et en assurent l’évolution dans le temps. Nos recherches posent des fondations pour un plus large recours plus à l’exploitation des données issues des systèmes de production, dans le cadre du développement de systèmes de support à la décision et de perspectives Big Data. / A proper analysis of industrial data can provide material for decision making. The research work presented deals with the question: how can one convert raw data into useable information, to contribute to the knowledge management of an organization and improve its dynamic decision making? A decision-aid process is proposed. It implies actors of the organization and use of formal methods. Firstly, it analyses and formalizes decisional problems. Then, it develops an appropriate decision-aid on the basis of statistics. Our methodology is applied to a specific issue: capacity management of IT of a STMicroelectronics plant. This application raises a decision issue: managers have to ensure the right balance between infrastructure cost and service level offered. We demonstrate that the process may provide relevant support. This negates two managerial dilemmas, usually encountered when managing capacity: complexity of IT systems and incorporation of the business activity. Our application has been developed in the scope of the ITIL framework. It will be shown how the process builds predictive models, which link the activity of hardware servers to the industrial activity. Methods are also proposed, to monitor daily the quality of these models, as well as the overall activity of the IS. This work helps at formalizing quantitatively organizational knowledge, facilitating its use in decisional processes, but also ensuring its positive change over time. We hope this research is laying some foundations for a broader exploitation of the data stored in modern manufacturing systems, through future development of decision-support systems and Big Data initiatives.

Geographical Information Technologies – Decision Support for Road Maintenance in Uganda

Kayondo-Ndandiko, Lydia Mazzi January 2012 (has links)
This study set out to develop a framework within which the use of Geographical Information Technologies (GITs) can be enhanced in Road Infrastructure Maintenance (RIM) in Uganda. Specifically it was guided by 3 objectives; 1. To assess the gaps in the use of GITs for RIM in Uganda and the limitations to accessing these technologies, 2. To develop a methodological framework to enhance the use of GITs in RIM and 3. To develop a Geographical Information Systems for Transportation (GIS-T) data model based on the road maintenance data requirements. A participatory approach through a series of interviews, focus group discussions, workshop &amp; conferences, document reviews, field observations &amp; measurements and GIS analysis were employed. Based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) concept and the principle of Causality, the gaps and limitations were established to mainly be concerned with data and organisational constraints as opposed to technical issues. They were classified to include; inadequate involvement of GITs in organisational activities, inappropriate institutional arrangements, absence of data sharing frameworks, budget constraints, insufficient geospatial capacity, digital divide in the perception, adoption &amp; affordability of GITs among the stakeholders and the absence of a road maintenance Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). A methodological framework, comprising of 6 strategic components was developed to enhance the use of GITs in RIM. This included enactment of relevant policy components to guide GIT use, continuous capacity building, establishment of a road maintenance SDI, fostering collaboration and spatial data sharing frameworks, budgetary allocation based on defined activities inclusive of GIT initiatives, and adoption of a dynamic segmentation data model. Conceptual and logical data models were developed and proposed for the Sector. The conceptual model, presented using an entity relationship diagram, relates the road network to the point and line events occurring on it. The logical object relational model developed using the ESRI provided template represents the road and the point and line events in a total of 19 object classes. The Study concludes that in order to ground GIT benefits in the sector; technical, data and organisational concerns involved in GIT undertakings should be accorded equal emphasis. Institutionalisation and diffusion of GITs as aspects of the component strategies are regarded capacity building mechanisms earmarked to boost success in GIT initiatives. Further research on diffusion and funding models for GIT initiatives is recommended. It is suggested that aspects of the proposed model be considered when establishing GIT standards for the sector. The RIM sector is encouraged to embrace Science and Technology and to participate in Research and Development and particularly to adopt the culture of innovation considering the ready availability of off the shelf equipment, freeware and open source software that can foster informed decision making.

A moderna socialização escolar: um estudo sobre a construção da crença nas tecnologias digitais e seus efeitos para o campo da educação / The modern school socialization: a study on the construction of the belief in digital technologies and their effects upon the education field

Prazeres, Michelle 16 September 2013 (has links)
Este estudo parte de um problema concreto: as políticas adotadas pelo Estado de São Paulo para modernizar a educação via tecnologias digitais. Seu objetivo é analisar como as tecnologias são representadas por quatro campos sociais: Poder Público, empresas, mídias e universidades. A intenção é averiguar se os valores promovidos por estes campos constituem um ambiente favorável ao processo de valorização, adoção e uso das tecnologias na educação. Tal processo recebe o nome de moderna socialização escolar, recurso retórico cuja validade é testada pelo estudo a partir de dois pressupostos centrais: (1) o de que existe uma sinergia entre estes campos na construção e na divulgação do repertório relacionado à moderna socialização escolar; (2) o de que esta zona de convergência ou ambiência comum formada pelo compartilhamento de valores incide em um campo da educação poroso, que acolheria tais contribuições, aderindo à modernização de forma incontestável ou mesmo natural. As perguntas que movem a pesquisa são: como se explicaria a valorização dos usos das tecnologias nas escolas? Seriam as empresas em busca de maior rentabilidade em seus negócios? Seriam os educadores e as escolas buscando a atualização de seus currículos? Seriam os governantes no afã de se adequarem ao estilo de um novo tempo? Quais valores e posicionamentos institucionais são veiculados sobre a moderna socialização escolar? Quem são seus porta-vozes? Quais instituições e posições na sociedade eles representam? A teoria da socialização é o alicerce fundante da pesquisa, que também tem como aportes centrais a teoria dos campos e as noções relacionadas ao conceito de cibercultura, incluindo a perspectiva de modernidade. A partir deste arcabouço teórico, mapeiam-se os elementos discursivos dos campos do Poder Público, empresarial, da mídia e da Academia a partir da análise de registros documentais publicados no site da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo; nos relatórios corporativos da empresa Microsoft; nos jornais Folha de São Paulo e O Estado de São Paulo; e em revistas acadêmicas das áreas do conhecimento Educação e Comunicação. O resultado é um olhar para as representações sobre a moderna socialização escolar, que pode desvelar a plataforma estruturante deste esquema e a partir do qual é possível visualizar: (1) os repertórios e valores de cada campo relacionados ao processo de modernização educacional; e (2) a alquimia das dinâmicas entre agentes e instituições (e campos) anunciando a lógica de construção da crença na modernização da educação via tecnologias digitais. / The starting point for this study is a concrete matter: the policies adopted by the State of São Paulo to overhaul education through technologies. Its goal is to analyze how technologies are represented by four social fields: public authorities, corporations, the media and universities. The intent is to ascertain whether values promoted by these fields provide a favorable environment to the process of valorization, adoption and employment of technologies in education. Such process is known as modern school socialization, a rhetorical resource whose validity is examined by this study with base on two core assumptions: (1) there is a synergy between these fields in the construction and spreading of the repertoire related to modern school socialization; (2) this convergence zone or common environment generated by shared values represents a pervious education field, which admits such contributions and embraces modernization in an undeniable or even natural manner. The questions that guide this research are: how to explain the valorization of the use of technologies in schools? Would it be related to the corporate quest for profitability? Would it be an effort by educators and schools to update their curriculums? Would it be an attempt by the government to catch up with the style of a new era? Which values and institutional approaches are transmitted as far as the modern school socialization is concerned? Who are their spokespeople? Which institutions and society positions do they represent? The theory of socialization is the foundation for this research, which also finds crucial support on the field theory and the ideas related to the concept of cyberculture, including the perspective of modernity. This theoretical framework is followed by the mapping of the discursive elements in the fields of public authorities, corporations, the media and the academia through the analysis of documented records published on the Education Department of the State of São Paulo website; corporate reports by the Microsoft company; newspapers Folha de São Paulo and O Estado de São Paulo; and academic publications in the areas of Education and Communication. The result is a glance at the representations regarding modern school socialization, which may unveil the structuring platform for this scheme, from which it is possible to identify (1) the repertories and values for each field related to the process of education modernization; and (2) the alchemy in the dynamics between agents and institutions (and fields), heralding the construction logic for the belief in the overhauling of education through digital technologies.


AYRES DE AZEVEDO FILHO 26 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Essa dissertação apresenta as tecnologias de radiofrequência e geoposicionamento (RFID/GPS) associadas. A questão fundamental para esse estudo seria a implementação de um sistema baseado em RFID que permita o rastreamento de ferramentas especiais e a localização destas em tempo real. Essas ferramentas são usadas no processo para produção “offshore” de óleo e gás. Como se trata de investimento em uma tecnologia inovadora é relevante considerar a análise financeira do negócio e, portanto se recomenda o cálculo do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) e consequentemente o retorno sobre o investimento (ROI). A análise econômica foi baseada em uma fase de operação onde há postergação do óleo e a inoperância com sonda, cujos custos são parâmetros que expressam valores em moeda mais significativos. Os resultados mostraram que o valor investido é recuperado em 4 anos e são potencializados quando há tendência de elevação no preço do óleo, alta produtividade do campo e redução dos custos decorrente da melhoria de equipamentos ou pelo aumento da demanda desses. Os resultados obtidos permitiram avaliar e comparar não apenas o retorno do investimento, como benefício de impacto, mas também perceber e avaliar os benefícios agregados à cadeia de valor que certamente vinculada a demanda pressionará a evolução de novas tecnologias em função de mudanças e procedimentos. / [en] This dissertation presents the radio frequency technologies and geopositioning (RFID and GPS) associated with it. The fundamental question for this study would be the implementation of a system based on RFID, which would allow the tracking and the location of these special tools in real time. These tools are used in the process for offshore production of oil and gas. As it comes to investment in innovative technology is relevant considering business and financial analysis, so it is recommended the calculation of the net present value (NPV) and therefore the return on investment (ROI). The economic analysis was based on a phase of operation where there is a delay of oil and ineptitude with the drilling rigs, which costs are parameters that express the most significant currency values. The results showed that the amount invested is recovered in 4 years and are enhanced when: there is a tendency to rise in price of oil, the field features high productivity and as there will be an increased demand and improvements in RFID equipment, the investment costs tend to decrease. The results obtained made it possible to evaluate and compare not only the return on investment, as the benefit of impact, but also realize and assess the benefits of value chain aggregates that certainly linked to the demand will put pressure on the evolution of new technologies in the light of changes and procedures.

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