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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LORENA MARINA DOS SANTOS MIGUEL 02 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Quando a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) surgiu com a proposta federal de determinação do conteúdo mínimo do ensino básico para todos os estados, esperava-se a consolidação da prática educacional realizada até então. Todavia, no caso da disciplina de História na primeira versão documental, foi o contrário, tendo sido proposto uma mudança significativa, onde a História brasileira foi centralizada em detrimento da organização voltada ao ensino de História europeia. Como resultado, reações contrárias surgiram na sociedade, principalmente entre historiadores e colunistas de jornais de grande circulação. Os críticos argumentaram, majoritariamente, que a BNCC era nacionalista e a diminuição de espaço da História europeia resultaria em perdas de valores e conhecimento necessários para a cidadania desejada. Essa versão não resistiria às críticas, tendo a segunda proposta retornado ao modelo tradicional. O fim do debate não diminuiu a significância da primeira versão, a qual deu notoriedade a um embate sobre as visões do ensino de História e da própria História nacional. É com essa discussão que iniciamos nossa pesquisa, tendo como proposta compreender o contexto e significado do embate. Entendemos que é possível encontrar uma linha argumentativa entre defensores e críticos da Base ao analisarmos pelo viés de priorização entre uma educação focada na universalidade e outra na nação. Para tal, mobilizamos o debate entre universalismo e comunitarismo como aporte teórico, o qual permite que, além de entender o debate, possamos ter três enquadramentos para analisar debates acerca de currículos. São esses: universalistas, de coesão social e multiculturalismo. Enquanto o primeiro prioriza o ensino de valores e/ou habilidades consideradas universais, o segundo foca na criação do comum entre os cidadãos para a formação nacional e, por fim, o terceiro privilegia as relações internas nos países, principalmente a elevação de grupos minoritários políticos. Com essa estrutura, é possível analisarmos o contexto prévio a BNCC, para tal focamos na história do ensino de História e nos currículos estaduais. De tal forma, é possível que entendamos tanto o histórico quanto o momento anterior à BNCC, o qual seria drasticamente modificado pela proposta. Como ponto de comparação, realizamos o mesmo estudo com materiais norte-americanos, país que acreditamos possuir semelhança na formação nacional escravocrata e diferenças no desenvolvimento governamental que permite bom contraponto. O estudo desse material, como o texto da própria Base, foi pautado na análise qualitativa e quantitativa de três questões centrais: (a) a periodização da História nacional, com foco em eventos considerados formadores do país; (b) a representação de grupos étnico-raciais, e (c) o espaço destinado a História Geral. Com o trabalho realizado, pudemos entender como o embate em torno da BNCC é um processo comum em uma nação democrática onde a sociedade, que possui grupos com interesses e visões distintos, dialoga com o Estado na formação do currículo escolar. O ensino, que surgiu com viés nacionalista, continua central na formação dos novos cidadãos, apesar de mudanças na sua organização. Por isso, é preciso reconhecer as possibilidades de futuros embates e entender seu valor no desenvolvimento de uma sociedade reflexiva sobre sua própria formação. / [en] When the Base of National Common Curriculum (BNCC) came up as the federal proposal to determine the minimum content of education for all states, it was expected to consolidate of the educational practice carried out until then. However, in the case of History in the first version, it was the opposite, with a significant change being proposed, in which Brazilian history was centered at the expense of the centrality of teaching European history. As a result, contrary reactions have arisen in society, especially among historians and columnists of widely circulated newspapers. Critics argued, for the most part, that the BNCC was nationalist and the diminishing space in European history would result in losses of values and knowledge necessary for the desired citizenship. This version could not withstand criticism, with the second proposal returning to the traditional model. The end of the debate did not diminish the significance of the first version, which gave notoriety to a clash over the visions of history teaching and of national history itself. It is with this discussion that we begin our research, with the purpose of understanding the context and meaning of the dispute. We understand that it is possible to find an argumentative line between defenders and critics of the Base when we analyze it through the prioritization bias between an education focused on universality and another on the nation. To this end, we mobilized the debate between universalism and communitarianism as a theoretical contribution, , in addition to understanding the discussion, allows us to have three frameworks to analyze debates about curricula. These are: universalists, social cohesion and multiculturalism. While the first prioritizes the teaching of values and/or skills considered universal, the second focuses on creating common among citizens for national formation and, finally, the third favors internal relations in countries, especially the elevation of minority political groups. With this structure, it is possible to analyze the context prior to BNCC, for this we focus on the history of History teaching and on the state curricula. In such a way, it is possible that we understand both the history and the moment before the BNCC, which would be drastically modified by the proposal. As a point of comparison, we carried out the same study with US curricula, a country that we believe has a similarity in the national slave formation and differences in governmental development that allows a good counterpoint. The study of this material, like the text of the Base itself, was based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of three central issues: (a) the periodization of national history, with a focus on events considered to be forming the country; (b) the representation of ethnic-racial groups, and (c) the space for World History. With the work done, we were able to understand how the clash over the BNCC is a common process in a democratic nation where society, which has groups with different interests and views, dialogues with the State in the formation of the school curriculum. Education, which emerged with a nationalist bias, remains central to the training of new citizens, despite changes in their organization. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the possibilities of future conflicts and to understand their value in the development of a reflective society about their own formation.

Der Gott Jonas und die Völker: Narratologische und intertextuelle Studien zur Hinwendung von Nichtisraeliten zum wahren Gott in Jona 1,4-16 und

Riebesehl, Klaus 01 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study is to evaluate, in which manner the Non-Israelites turn to Yahweh. It works with a combination of narrative analysis and intertextuality. The book of Jonah contains two symmetrical parts (1-2 and 3-4), each part containing three scenes, each scene relating to a scene in the other part: 1.1-3 // 3.1-3a; 1.4-16 // 3.3b-10; 2.1-11 // 4.1-11. The structure of 1.4-16, including the inner development of the mariners, shows that a conversion of the Seamen to Yahweh is intended. In the same manner the structure of 3.3b-10 and the positive characterization of the Ninevites show that a conversion to the one true God is intended. These results are each confirmed by an intertextual analysis of 1.14 and 16 and of the faith, the repentance and the God who relents. Result: The book of Jonah teaches that Non-Israelites can have a relationship with Yahweh. This is possible through an Israelite, becoming reality by conversion of the Heathen. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

Radikale en gedifferensieerde universumgerigte pentekostalisme

Cordier, Antonie 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie navorsingstuk word 'n totaal nuwe Radikale en gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte aanloop tot die teologie, die peumato/ogie en veral die ou klassieke pentekosta/isme se eng partikularistiese en sogenaamde unieke elitistiese geestesdoopmodel krities teologies-filosofies ondersoek. Hoewel die moderner neopentekostalistiese oftewel charismatiese weergawe van klassieke pentekostalisme aandag kry om as kriterium van vergelyking le dien, val die hoofklem op klassieke pentekosta/isme. Uiteraard kom die verskillende Geesdoopmodelle pertinent aan die orde. En in die lig hiervan poneer hierdie studie dan 'n kraaknuwe globalistiese Geesdoopmodel, genaamd die RGU-Geesdoopmodel wat dui op 'n Radikale en Gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte Geesdoopmodel. Hierdie nuwe RGU-Geesdoopmodel impliseer logiesgewys dan ook 'n radikale revolusionere paradigmatiese ommeswaai van en verandering in die ou klassieke Geesdoopperspektiewe. Noodwendig impliseer dit ook 'n grater oopspanning van die teologies-wetenskaplike navorsingspeelveld en die interverwante relasies daarvan met alle teologiese en nie-teologiese wetenskappe en bedrywe, met alle kerklike en nie-kerklike kaders, met alle religieuse en nie-religieuse kringe, asook met alle teoretiese en praksiologiese ingesteldhede. Gebiedsafbakening is dus ook gebiedend noodsaaklik en onontbeerlik. Die sentrifigale vernouing van die studieskopus hanteer dan uiteraard net die essensieile teologies-wysgerige en praksiologiese impakte, nie net op die ou klassieke pentekostalisme nie, maar ook op alle teologiee en alle filosofiee en alle wetenskappe, wat op 'n samehangende holisties-geintegreerde wyse universumgerig tot een groot globale geheel omskep word / In this research a totally new Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed approach to theology, pneumatologyand particularly the old classical pentecostalism's narrow particularistically and so called unique elitistic model of Spiritbatism is critically investigated on theological-philosophical levels. Though the moderner neo-pentecostalistic or rather charismatic rendering of classical pentecostalism receives attention to serve as criterion for comparison, the main focus is on classical pentecostalism. Naturally the different models of Spiritbaptism comes pertinently on the table. And in the light of this, our study propose a brand new globalistic model for Spiritbaptism, namely the RDU-Spiritbaptism-mode lwhich signifies a Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed model of Spiritbaptism. This new RDU-Spiritbaptism-model also logically implies a radical revolutionary paradigmshift and tum-about in the old classical Spiritbaptism perspectives. This inevitably also implies a widening of the theological-scientific field and the interrelatedness thereof with all theological and non-theological sciences and professions, with all ecclesiological and non-ecclesiological scopes, with all religious and non-religious circles, as well as all theoretical and praxiological inclinations. Confinement of territory is thus also imperatively essential and indispensable. The centrifical narrowing of the studyscope handles naturally only the essential theological-philosophical and praxiological impacts, not only on the old classical pentecostalism, but also on all theologies and all philosophies and all sciences which are all transformed in a coherent holistically interconnected fashion to one great universal whole / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Radikale en gedifferensieerde universumgerigte pentekostalisme

Cordier, Antonie 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie navorsingstuk word 'n totaal nuwe Radikale en gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte aanloop tot die teologie, die peumato/ogie en veral die ou klassieke pentekosta/isme se eng partikularistiese en sogenaamde unieke elitistiese geestesdoopmodel krities teologies-filosofies ondersoek. Hoewel die moderner neopentekostalistiese oftewel charismatiese weergawe van klassieke pentekostalisme aandag kry om as kriterium van vergelyking le dien, val die hoofklem op klassieke pentekosta/isme. Uiteraard kom die verskillende Geesdoopmodelle pertinent aan die orde. En in die lig hiervan poneer hierdie studie dan 'n kraaknuwe globalistiese Geesdoopmodel, genaamd die RGU-Geesdoopmodel wat dui op 'n Radikale en Gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte Geesdoopmodel. Hierdie nuwe RGU-Geesdoopmodel impliseer logiesgewys dan ook 'n radikale revolusionere paradigmatiese ommeswaai van en verandering in die ou klassieke Geesdoopperspektiewe. Noodwendig impliseer dit ook 'n grater oopspanning van die teologies-wetenskaplike navorsingspeelveld en die interverwante relasies daarvan met alle teologiese en nie-teologiese wetenskappe en bedrywe, met alle kerklike en nie-kerklike kaders, met alle religieuse en nie-religieuse kringe, asook met alle teoretiese en praksiologiese ingesteldhede. Gebiedsafbakening is dus ook gebiedend noodsaaklik en onontbeerlik. Die sentrifigale vernouing van die studieskopus hanteer dan uiteraard net die essensieile teologies-wysgerige en praksiologiese impakte, nie net op die ou klassieke pentekostalisme nie, maar ook op alle teologiee en alle filosofiee en alle wetenskappe, wat op 'n samehangende holisties-geintegreerde wyse universumgerig tot een groot globale geheel omskep word / In this research a totally new Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed approach to theology, pneumatologyand particularly the old classical pentecostalism's narrow particularistically and so called unique elitistic model of Spiritbatism is critically investigated on theological-philosophical levels. Though the moderner neo-pentecostalistic or rather charismatic rendering of classical pentecostalism receives attention to serve as criterion for comparison, the main focus is on classical pentecostalism. Naturally the different models of Spiritbaptism comes pertinently on the table. And in the light of this, our study propose a brand new globalistic model for Spiritbaptism, namely the RDU-Spiritbaptism-mode lwhich signifies a Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed model of Spiritbaptism. This new RDU-Spiritbaptism-model also logically implies a radical revolutionary paradigmshift and tum-about in the old classical Spiritbaptism perspectives. This inevitably also implies a widening of the theological-scientific field and the interrelatedness thereof with all theological and non-theological sciences and professions, with all ecclesiological and non-ecclesiological scopes, with all religious and non-religious circles, as well as all theoretical and praxiological inclinations. Confinement of territory is thus also imperatively essential and indispensable. The centrifical narrowing of the studyscope handles naturally only the essential theological-philosophical and praxiological impacts, not only on the old classical pentecostalism, but also on all theologies and all philosophies and all sciences which are all transformed in a coherent holistically interconnected fashion to one great universal whole / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Lewenskontekstuele hermeneutiek-met verwysing na Sewendedag-Adventiste

Horn, Ruan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In die tesis word die modernistiese en laat/postmodernistiese reduksionistiese benaderings in die Adventiste wêreld nie bloot afgewys nie, nie net omdat dit deel van ons ervaring is nie maar ook omdat die reduksies wat in die moderne en laat/postmoderne tyd ontstaan het in ʼn gemodifieërde sin die boustene is van ʼn hermeneutiese benadering wat poog om holisties en in multiverse sin oorvleuelend te werk met die antieke, moderne en laat/post moderne benaderinge. In ʼn hermeneutiek wat holisties oorvleuelend en multivers integrerend aan die gang is, vorm die vierledige opset van die handelinge en beweginge van God, die menslike bewustelike self, medemens(e) as die ander mens en die natuurlike kosmiese wêreld ʼn misterie van vierledig aktiewe teenwoordighede wat nie-vermengd saambestaan maar tog ontsettend naby aan mekaar is as die voortgaande ervaringskaart van elke konteks en situasie. Juis die uitmekaar ruk van die vierledige aktiewe teenwoordighede inonservaringswêrelde vorm die agtergrond vir moderne teologisme met God alleen speler van die spel, psigologisme met die bewustelike menslike self as die kaptein van sy siel en die meester van sy lot, humanisme waarin die mensheid as kollektiewe menswees die enigste roerder van die menslike brousel in die geskiedenis is en naturalisme waarin die natuurlik kosmiese omgewing die naturaliserende ordeningsagent van die kosmiese chaos is. Wat radikaal deur ʼn holisties oorvleuelende en multiverse integrerende aanpak sny, is dat die vierledige teenwoordighede gedra word asook ingebou is in wat in die Bybels-historiese tydslyn vorendag kom as die vier prominente dade van God se voortgaande skepping, versoening in Jesus Christus, alomvattende vernuwing deur die Gees en voleindende volmaking tot in die aanbreek van die nuwe hemel en die nuwe aarde. Binne die omraming van ʼn hermeneutiek wat holisties oorvleuelend en multiversintegrerend werk, word algemene moderne en postmoderne benaderinge oor tekse, teorieë, menslike handelinge en die natuurlike kosmiese gebeurtenisse beskryf. Terwyl die moderniteit – en ook die postmoderniteit – uitgaan van die hoofsaaklik opponerende verskille tussen sinmakende beskouinge word hier gepoog om eers die oorvleuelingsareas refleksief te betrek en daarna aandag gee aan die verskille. Die drie breë benaderinge wat hoofsaaklik beskryf word is die van fundamentalistiese spieëling, liberale interpretasie en die konsinlike onderhandeling van tekse, teorieë, menslike handelinge en natuurlik kosmiese gebeure.Juis teen hierdie agtergrond word diverse SDA omgangspatrone met die Bybel, ervaringe in die kerklike arena en alledaagse ervaringe in ʼn draaikolk van multivers oorvleuelende en differensiërende refleksiwiteit beskryf. / In the thesis Adventist approaches making use of modernist and late/postmodernistic reductionist philosophies are not rejected out of hand. Not only are the reductions which emerged in the modern and late/modern era part of our experience but they are in a modified sense the building blocks of a hermeneutical approach in which an attempt is made to work in an overlapping holistic and multiverse way with approaches of the ancient world, modernity and late/post modernity. In a hermeneutics that operate holistically with overlaps and in a multiverse integrative sense, the quadruple setting of actions and movements of God, the conscious human self, neighbour(s) as the other human and the natural cosmic world forms a mystery of foursome active presences that do not exist together in a mixed sense but are very close to each other as the continuous experiential map of every context and situation. The dislocation of the foursome active presences in our experiential worlds forms the backdrop of modern theologism in which God is the sole player in the game, psychologism with the conscious human self as the captain of his or her soul, humanism in which humanity as the collectiveness of being human is the only stirrer of the human concoction in history and naturalism in which the natural cosmic environment is the only naturalistic agency that arranges the cosmic chaos. Cutting radically through the holistic overlapping and multiverse integrative approach is that the foursome presences are carried and built into what come to the fore in the biblical historical timeline as the four grand acts of God of continuous creation, reconciliation in Jesus Christ, all embracing renewal through the Holy Spirit and fulfilling fulfilment as in the dawn of the new heaven and the new earth. Within the embrace of a hermeneutics which works with overlaps in a holistically and integrating in a multiverse sense general modernist and late/post modern approaches regarding texts, theories, human doings and natural cosmic events are described. While modernity – and late/post modernity - depart from mainly opposing differences between sense making views the attempt is made here firstly to engage oneself in a reflexive sense with the areas of overlapping and only then to pay attention the differences. The three broad approaches mainly described are that of fundamentalist mirroring, liberal interpretation and consensual negotiation of texts, theories, human doings and natural cosmic events. It is against this background that diverse SDA engagement patterns with the Bible, experiences in the arena of the church and everyday experiences is described in a vortex of holistic overlapping and multiverse integrative reflexivity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Constitutionnalisme et exclusion : critique du regard français sur le modèle canadien de pluralisme / Constitutionalism and Exclusion

Blanc, Nicolas 08 December 2014 (has links)
La recherche vise à mettre en évidence les relations entre constitutionnalisme et exclusion dans le cadre d’unecritique du regard français sur le modèle canadien de pluralisme. La problématique de l’exclusion, être altériséen raison de l’identité du droit, naît des silences de la comparaison différentielle France – Canada. Une critiqueidentitaire permet de déplacer la triple dialectique de la comparaison : positivisme c. pluralisme, universalisme c.différentialisme et républicanisme c. libéralisme pluraliste. La problématique de l’orientation identitaire du droitest commune aux deux systèmes juridiques. Aussi, la recherche est relative à l’identité du constitutionnalisme.L’exclusion se définit comme le décalage entre l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme et l’identité ducorps du sujet. La méthode d’analyse proposée, afin de traiter de l’exclusion en droit, et déplacer la comparaison,est tripartite : mettre en évidence l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme, en identifier la structureidentitaire, pour, enfin, en déterminer les étrangers ou « Autres. » La recherche vise à déplacer la comparaison enproduisant une phénoménologie de l’exclusion constitutionnelle, ou « dehors constitutifs, » avec une typologiedes étrangers du droit. La démonstration sera faite dans le cadre des conflits de la religion et de l’orientationsexuelle démontrant l’orientation blanche, hétéropatriarcale et hétéronormative du droit constitutionnel. / This research intends on proving how constitutionalism and exclusion collide one against the other through acritique of the french gaze on a supposedly canadian model of pluralism. The negative comparison’s silencesbetween France and Canada gave birth to this question of how one is being excluded and othered based on theidentity of constitutional law. This critique, that focuses on identities, is shifting those three dialectics supportingthe aforementioned negative comparison : positivism v. pluralism, universalism v. differentialism, republicanismv. liberal pluralism. France and Canada share the issue of how legal reality is oriented toward specific identities.This research, then, is a critique of constitutionalism identities. Exclusion is defined as the gap between theorientation of law’s identities and the bodily reality of its subjects. The analytical tool developed here to tackleexclusion in law has three steps : shedding light on the orientations of constitutionalism, its identity structure,and its constitutional Others. This research purports on turning scholars’ critical gaze towards thisphenomenology of constitutional exclusion, its « constitutive outside, » by deciphering a typology ofconstitutional Others. This will be so through the collisions of freedom of religion and sexual orientation.Constitutionalism is per se oriented towards the ascendency of whiteness, patriarcalism and heteronormativity.

Constitutionnalisme et exclusion : critique du regard français sur le modèle canadien de pluralisme

Blanc, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
La recherche vise à mettre en évidence les relations entre constitutionnalisme et exclusion dans le cadre d’unecritique du regard français sur le modèle canadien de pluralisme. La problématique de l’exclusion, être altériséen raison de l’identité du droit, naît des silences de la comparaison différentielle France – Canada. Une critiqueidentitaire permet de déplacer la triple dialectique de la comparaison : positivisme c. pluralisme, universalisme c.différentialisme et républicanisme c. libéralisme pluraliste. La problématique de l’orientation identitaire du droitest commune aux deux systèmes juridiques. Aussi, la recherche est relative à l’identité du constitutionnalisme.L’exclusion se définit comme le décalage entre l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme et l’identité ducorps du sujet. La méthode d’analyse proposée, afin de traiter de l’exclusion en droit, et déplacer la comparaison,est tripartite : mettre en évidence l’orientation identitaire du constitutionnalisme, en identifier la structureidentitaire, pour, enfin, en déterminer les étrangers ou « Autres. » La recherche vise à déplacer la comparaison enproduisant une phénoménologie de l’exclusion constitutionnelle, ou « dehors constitutifs, » avec une typologiedes étrangers du droit. La démonstration sera faite dans le cadre des conflits de la religion et de l’orientationsexuelle démontrant l’orientation blanche, hétéropatriarcale et hétéronormative du droit constitutionnel. / This research intends on proving how constitutionalism and exclusion collide one against the other trhough a critique of the french gaze on a supposedly canadian model of pluralism. This negative comparison's silencesbetween France and Canada gave birth to this question of how one is being excluded and othered based on the identity of constitutional law. This critique, that focuses on identities, is shifting those three dialectics supporting the aforementioned negative comparison: positivism v. pluralism; universalism v. differentialism; republicanism v. liberal pluralism. France and Canada share this issue of how reality is oriented towards specific identities. This research is, then, a critique of constitutional identities. Exclusion is defined as the gap between the orientation of law's identitiesnd the bodily reality of its subjects.The analytical tool developed here to tackle exclusionin law has three steps:shedding lighton the orientations of constitutionalism, its identity structure, and its constitutional Others.The research purports on turning shcolars' critical gazetowards this phenomenology of constitutional exclusion, its "constitutive outside," by deciphering a typologyof constitutional Others. Thiw will be through the collisions of freedom of religionand sexual orientation. Constitutionalism is per se oriented towardshe ascendency of whiteness, patriarcalism and heteronormativity.

Der Gott Jonas und die Völker : Narratologische und intertextuelle Studien zur Hinwendung von Nichtisraeliten zum wahren Gott in Jona 1,4-16 und 3,3b-10 im Kontext des Jonabuches / The God of Jonah and the peoples : narratological and intertextual studies on the conversion of Non-Israelites to the true God in Jonah 1.4-16 and 3.3b-10 in the context of the book of Jonah

Riebesehl, Klaus 11 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study is to evaluate, in which manner the Non-Israelites turn to Yahweh. It works with a combination of narrative analysis and intertextuality. The book of Jonah contains two symmetrical parts (1-2 and 3-4), each part containing three scenes, each scene relating to a scene in the other part: 1.1-3 // 3.1-3a; 1.4-16 // 3.3b-10; 2.1-11 // 4.1-11. The structure of 1.4-16, including the inner development of the mariners, shows that a conversion of the Seamen to Yahweh is intended. In the same manner the structure of 3.3b-10 and the positive characterization of the Ninevites show that a conversion to the one true God is intended. These results are each confirmed by an intertextual analysis of 1.14 and 16 and of the faith, the repentance and the God who relents. Result: The book of Jonah teaches that Non-Israelites can have a relationship with Yahweh. This is possible through an Israelite, becoming reality by conversion of the Heathen. / Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist zu erheben, in wieweit sich die Nichtisraeliten (Seeleute und Niniviten) dem wahren Gott zuwenden. Sie geht methodisch mit einer Kombination aus Erzähltextanalyse und Intertextualität vor. Das Jonabuch besteht aus zwei symmetrischen Hälften (Jon 1-2 und 3-4) mit je 3 Szenen, die einander gegenüberstehen: 1,1-3 // 3,1-3a; 1,4-16 // 3,3b-10; 2,1-11 // 4,1-11. Die Struktur der Seeszene (Jon 1,4-16), sowie die innere Entwicklung der Seeleute zeigen, dass eine Bekehrung zu Jahwe intendiert ist. Diese Einsicht wird von der intertextuellen Analyse von Vers 14 und 16 bestätigt. Ebenso erweist die Struktur der Niniveperikope (3,3b-10) und die positive Charakterisierung der Niniviten eine Bekehrung zum wahren Gott, ein Ergebnis, das von der intertextuellen Analyse des Glaubens, der Buße, sowie der Reue Gottes gestützt wird. Ergebnis: Das Jonabuch lehrt, dass Menschen außerhalb Israels eine Beziehung zu Jahwe haben können, vermittelt durch einen Israeliten und realisiert, wenn sich die Heiden bekehren. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

Fair governance and Islamoexploria: the interaction of government administrators and the marginalized

Khorramipour, Masoumeh 15 December 2021 (has links)
This study addresses the concept of fair governance based on an empirical study with marginalized groups, primarily Muslims, and their interaction with government agencies as its salient locus of investigation. Employing the research method of in-depth interviewing, I present a qualitative analysis of 35 semi-structured interviews with Muslims and government administrators. The methodological framework based on which these interviews are interpreted is rooted in the tradition of social constructivism as manifested in the grounded theory perspective of Charmaz. My examination of the hitherto unspoken political visions of the study participants and their shared perspectives offers pragmatic solutions to create greater equity and fairer inclusion of the marginalized in civic and political dialogues and in the administrative practice of government. Remarkably, the cultural changes towards justice and inclusion in the Government of British Columbia manifest that fair government is committed to creating a fundamental transformation in favour of marginalized groups. I find the most promising approach for such transformation occurs where bottom up and dynamic approaches of civil society are aligned with top down approaches of government to justice. The findings suggest that fair governance enhances its functionality and capacity through reflecting universal universalism in its policies and practices, heartening public spirituality and moving towards a more humane modernity rather than the extant western model of modernity. Thus, fair governance calls for diversity in expression of religious identity and challenges the mistaken images of Muslim women. Subsequently, fair government welcomes female religious actors, who act upon religious values, to its administration and respects their choice of clothing encompassing the scarf. Fair government, at all levels, ameliorates the ethical standards of its employees and employs authentic leaders, who act in a virtuous manner, care about employees’ deeply held values, and implement direct communication with staff. Such government supports legislative and constitutional reforms to consider a different outlook of the marginalized on political and social concerns, respects religious practices, honours Muslims’ identity and interpretation of life, and supports individuals who aim to improve humanity in Canada and its occupational settings. Rethinking Islamophobia in the context of the distinct need of government administrators for the institutional education about Islam, as a key finding of the study, depicts the emergence of “Islamoexploria”, as a new expression, which I coin. In my study, there is ample evidence to suggest that a sample of government administrators in British Columbia is in the age of post Islamophobia since they, as pioneers, have passed the stage of Islamophobia and entered a new era of “Islamoexploria”. Thus, they have produced the profound socio-cultural changes towards understanding Islam by shifting from fear of, ostensibly, the unknown to knowledge about the unknown and to approaches that are more sympathetic to Muslims. This finding suggests that fair government facilitates the journey from western Islamophobia, a demonstration of old racism, to “Islamoexploria”, a contemporary thirst for knowledge about Islam. Concurrently, Muslims remain responsible to contribute to fairness at large by role modeling their religious values, which greatly promote justice, compassionate attitudes, and humanitarian actions. / Graduate / 2022-12-07

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