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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李立泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討縣立完全中學兼職行政工作教師角色壓力、組織承諾及工作滿意之間的關係,以作為了解學校兼職行政工作教師的工作滿意度。本研究以台北縣為範圍,包括永平、明德、樹林、三民、清水、金山、雙溪、海山、秀峰、三重、錦和、安康與石碇等完全中學,共計十三所作為研究對象。各校兼職行政工作教師,共計314人作為樣本,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立完全中學兼職行政工作教師角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意現況問卷」,內容包括角色壓力知覺量表、組織承諾量表、工作滿意量表。問卷回收情形,共計收回262 份,有效回收率為83.4%。本研究所使用的統計方法,包含單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與多元迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、兼職行政工作教師整體角色壓力感受程度屬中等。以「角色模糊」的壓 力感受度最高。 二、兼職行政工作教師整體組織承諾感受程度屬中上。以「努力意願」的感 受度最高。 三、兼職行政工作教師整體工作滿意感受程度屬中等。以「同事關係」的感 受度最高。 四、兼職行政工作教師個人背景變項在角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意各層 面感受有所差異 五、兼職行政工作教師知覺角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意相關有所差異 六、教師知覺角色壓力與組織承諾中以「組織認同」對工作滿意最具預測力 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對教育行政機關、縣立高中校長、兼職行政工作教師以及未來研究者提出數點建議。 / The purposes of the study are to explore the relationship among role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of administrative teachers in Taipei county high schools and to further understand their job satisfactions. The subjects of the study include 314 administrative teachers in the 13 complete high schools in Taipei County. Questionnaires about role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction were distributed to all the 314 teachers and a total of 262 questionnaires were compiled, the valid percentage being 83.4%. The research tools used in the study include ANOVA analysis, Pearson’s Product moment Correlations and multiple stepwise regressions. The results of the study are presented as follows: 1.The degree of role pressure among administrative teachers is average, with the feeling of role ambiguity the highest. 2.The degree of organizational commitment among administrative teachers is above the average, with the feeling of hardworking intention the highest. 3.The degree of overall job satisfaction among administrative teachers is average, with the feeling of colleague relationship the highest. 4.The variable of personal background of administrative teachers does influence the degree of their feelings of role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 5.There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 6.The item of organizational identification is the most reliable predictor to the job satisfaction of administrative teachers. Finally, based on the above-mentioned results, the study would make some suggestions to the educational authorities concerned, county high school principals, administrative teachers and future researchers.


羅國誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解我國國民中學組織學習與教師組織公民行為之關係。析言之,本研究主要研究目的有:(一)瞭解國民中學組織學習與教師組織公民行為的實際情形;(二)探討國民中學教師背景變項、學校背景變項與組織學習、教師組織公民行為的關係;(三)探討組織學習與教師組織公民行為的關係。 本研究以文獻分析法及問卷調查法進行之,係以台北縣的公立國民中學教師為取樣對象,共計抽取315人,回收297份,回收率94 ﹪。本研究之研究工具為「國民中學組織學習暨組織感受問卷」,包含「組織學習量表」及「教師組織公民行為量表」二部份。統計方法係採用信度分析、因素分析、描述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析等。 研究結果歸納為下列四點: 一、國民中學組織學習現況尚稱良好,教師組織公民行為良好。 二、國民中學組織學習會因教師背景變項而有差異。年輕教師、兼任行政職務教師,其在組織學習的知覺情形較佳。 三、國民中學教師組織公民行為會因教師背景變項及學校背景變項而有差異。資深教師及兼任行政職務的教師在專業成長的知覺情形較佳。 四、國民中學組織學習與教師組織公民行為有密切關係存在,即組織學習愈好,教師組織公民行為也愈佳。 最後根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the organizational learning and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) in junior high schools;to explore the influence of teachers’ background variables and schools’ background variables on organizational learning and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors ;to examine the correlation between organizational learning and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors . Literature review and questionnaire survey were conducted in this study. The sample consisted of 297 public junior high school teachers in Taipei County. Two survey instruments were used in the study, included the Organizational Learning Scale, and the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Scale. The data were analyzed by using reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, canonical correlation. The results of this study revealed: (1)There were significant differences in teachers’perception of organizational learning in term of the junior, and position. (2)Teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors varied with teachers’different seniority, position variables, and schools’ size. (3)Teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors was explained by various dimensions of organizational learning through the first pair of canonical factor. The correlation between organizational learning and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors was positive. Finally, based on the results, suggestions for educational administration agencies, junior high schools and future studies were proposed.

歷史教育與時代聚焦的轉變:以2000年高中歷史教科書下冊為例的討論 / The Transformation of History Education And the Foci of the Times:Discussion Based on History Textbooks for Senior High School Freshmen in 2000

郭智勇 Unknown Date (has links)
高中歷史教科書自1999學年度起即由統編本開放為「一綱多本」之審定本,各版編著者雖皆依據1995年部頒之課程標準,然仍因編寫理念不同,內容之差異性難以避免。目前新編高中歷史教科書即有六版:三民、大同、正中、南一、建宏、龍騰,實有必要加以探討。 本文從政治與歷史密不可分之關係,探討高中歷史教育與歷史教科書之間的關係與演變,焦點集中於高一下冊本國近現代史部分。鑒於目前新編高中本國史下冊審定本中的六版教科書,因編寫理念不同,在外部結構及主題內容有較大差異,在政治立場上尤為突出,特擇取中國近現代為研究主題,加以比較分析。在研究方法上,本文依據教科書的特性以內容分析法為主,從外部的結構量化分析,比較各版本在標題綱要、提綱、注釋、大事年表等方面之差異;從實質內容的分析,比較各版本間在課文內容、歷史評價、圖片內涵、研究與討論等方面之異同。藉此檢視其是否與部頒之高中歷史課程標準相符,觀察新舊教材轉變之軌跡,以及對此後之大學入學測驗、歷史教育之影響。同時透過本文之研究,希望能對當前台灣地區之歷史研究與歷史教育提供不同面向之省思,所提相關建議作為日後教育主管機關之參考與採納。 / After the school year of 1999, history textbooks for senior high school were no longer published, in a unified version, by the Ministry of Education (MOE) only; private publishing houses have been allowed to compile and publish various versions of textbooks since then. Even though all publishers follow the curriculum standards/ guidelines enacted by the MOE in 1995, diversity of contents still exists because of different concerns about compilation. Currently, there are six versions of history textbooks for senior high school: San-min, Da-tong, Zheng-zhong, Nan-yi, Jian-hong, and Long-teng, and therefore it is necessary to have a further discussion. This paper discusses the evolution of history education and history textbooks for senior high school and the relationship between the two by analyzing the interplay between politics and history. Since the six versions of history textbooks are very different in their external structure and contents because of varied concerns over compilation, and the diversity is especially apparent in their political stances, modern and contemporary history of Chinese are chosen as the topics to be compared and analyzed. As for methodology, this paper mainly takes the content analysis approach due to the characteristics of textbooks. It compares the differences in titles, outlines, footnotes, and chronologies of important events by making quantitative analysis of the external structure, and compares the disparities in texts, historical evaluation, pictures, and questions for discussion by analyzing the contents. By doing so, the paper aims at examining whether the textbooks meet the curriculum standards, observing how the teaching materials have changed, and discussing the impacts brought by the change on college entrance exams and history education. Also, it is hoped that the paper offers reflections on historical research and history education in Taiwan from different perspectives, and the suggestions will be considered and adopted by the educational authorities.

國民中學校長課程領導策略對學校組織文化塑造之影響研究—以基隆市為例 / The study of the Influence for Principal’s Curriculum Leadership Strategies into School Organization Culture Molding in Taiwan Junior High School

吳岳保, Wu,Yueh-Bao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長課程領導策略對學校組織文化塑造之影響情形。希望藉由理論探討與實徵研究結果,提出建議作為校長推動課程領導與發展優質學校組織文化的參考。 本研究使用方法包括文獻探討與問卷調查。文獻分析的目的乃在於探討校長課程領導策略與學校組織文化塑造以架構研究的理論基礎。問卷調查方面,以基隆市16所國中的16名校長及370名教師為調查對象,有效回收校長問卷16份、教師問卷342份,問卷回收整理後分別以描述性統計、t考驗、變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及線性結構模式分析探討。 本研究之主要研究發現如下: 一、國中校長課程領導策略及學校組織文化塑造的指標、內涵及其現況: (一)校長課程領導策略包括自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同願景、團隊學習、系統思考等五個向度;校長問卷結果,其整體、分向度得分均佳,其中以改善心智模式得分最高。教師問卷結果,其整體、分向度得分均尚佳,其中以改善心智模式得分最高。 (二)學校組織文化塑造包括基本假定、共同價值觀、共同行為模式、象徵性活動等四個向度;校長問卷結果,其整體、分向度得分均佳,其中以共同價值觀得分最高。教師問卷結果,其整體、分向度得分均尚佳,其中以基本假定得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在校長課程領導策略及學校組織文化塑造之差異情形: (一)不同背景變項在校長課程領導策略的得分方面:校長問卷結果發現,在性別、學校歷史有顯著差異,但年齡、學歷、本校服務年資、學校規模及學校區域沒有顯著差異。教師問卷結果發現,在性別、年齡、本校服務年資、現任職務、學校歷史、學校規模及學校區域有顯著差異,但學歷沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在學校組織文化塑造的得分方面:校長問卷結果發現,在性別及學校規模有顯著差異,年齡、本校服務年資、學校歷史、學校規模及學校區域沒有顯著差異。教師問卷結果發現,,在性別、年齡、本校服務年資、現任職務、學校歷史、學校規模及學校區域有顯著差異,但學歷沒有顯著差異。 三、校長課程領導策略各向度對於學校組織文化塑造的預測情形: 校長課程領導策略之系統思考、改善心智模式及建立共同願景對整體學校組織文化塑造有顯著的預測力。 四、校長課程領導策略各向度對學校組織文化塑造的互動模式 各項適配度指標佳,前因變項(校長課程領導策略)對後果變項(學校組織文化塑造)具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究的發現提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、校長培育中心、國民中學校長及後續研究者參考。 關鍵字:國民中學 課程領導 學校組織文化 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of principal’s curriculum leadership strategies into the school organization culture molding in junior high schools. Through the related theoretic analysis and the result of empirical study, it offers some suggestions for principals to promote curriculum leadership and develop the high-quality school organizational culture. The study included literature analysis and survey method with a questionnaire. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the principal’s curriculum leadership strategies and school organization culture molding. In questionnaire aspect, the subjects included 16 principals and 370 teachers from 16 public junior high school in Keelung city. There were 16 valid questionnaires from principals and 342 questionnaires from teachers were compiled. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression and LISREL model. The study finds the following results : A.In the aspects of principal’s curriculum leadership strategies : 1.The principal’s curriculum leadership strategies include five parts : (1)personal mastery, (2)improving mental models, (3)building shared vision, (4) team learning, (5)systems thinking. The perception of principals and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For principals, the best dimension is “improving mental models”. For teachers, the best dimension is “improving mental models”,too. 2.Principal’s sexual and school’s history have significant influences on principal’s curriculum leadership strategies. But principal’s age, highest educational degree, years of service, school’s size, and school’s district do not have any significant influences. 3.Teacher’s sexual, teacher’s age, years of service, position of service, school’s history, school’s size, and school’s district have significant influences. But teacher’s highest educational degree does not have any significant influences. B.In the aspects of school organization culture molding : 1.The school organization culture molding include four parts : (1)basic assumption, (2)peer value, (3)common behavior pattern, (4)symbol activity. The perception of principals and teachers were above average agreement of the four parts. For principals, the best dimension is “peer value”. For teachers, the best dimension is “basic assumption”. 2.Principal’s sexual and school’s size have significant influences on school organization culture molding. But principal’s age, highest educational degree, years of service, school’s history, and school’s district do not have any significant influences. 3.Teacher’s sexual, teacher’s age, years of service, position of service, school’s history, school’s size, and school’s district have significant influences. But teacher’s highest educational degree does not have any significant influences. C.In the aspect of relationships between principal’s curriculum leadership strategies and school organization culture molding : 1.There was positive correlation and regression existed between principal’s curriculum leadership strategies and school organization culture molding. 2.Principal’s curriculum leadership strategies did promote school organization culture molding. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposed some suggestions for authorities of educational administration , the school leadership academy, the junior high school’s principals, and the future researchers. Key words: junior high school, curriculum leadership, school organization culture

新北市國民中學教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships between Teacher Academic Optimism and School Organization Climate in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City

陳毓娟, Chen, Yu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候的現況;並剖析不同背景變項與學校變項的教師知覺教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候的差異情形;及探討教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候之間的關係;最後,以逐步多元迴歸檢視教師學術樂觀對學校組織氣候的預測力。為達到上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市35所國民中學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷559份,回收有效問卷521 份,有效回收率為93.20%。本研究採用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、 新北市國民中學教師知覺教師學術樂觀、學校組織氣候為中高程度。 二、 不同年齡、教育程度、任教領域及學校地區之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體與學校組織氣候整體,都沒有顯著差異。 三、 不同性別之教師在知覺學校組織氣候整體,女性教師高於男性教師。 四、 不同服務年資之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,21(含)年以上之教師高於6~10年之教師。 五、 不同職務性質之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,教師兼主任高於教師兼導師。 六、 不同學校規模之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,73(含)班以上之教師高於25~48班之教師。 七、 教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候之間呈現正向相關。 八、 教師學術樂觀對學校組織氣候具正向預測力,其中教師信任領導者及教師信任同儕二構面對學校組織氣候整體之聯合預測力最高。 最後,依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校行政及未來研究人員的參考運用。 關鍵詞:國民中學、教師學術樂觀、學校組織氣候 / The Study of the Relationships between Teacher Academic Optimism and School Organization Climate in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City Abstract First, this study aimed to explore the current situation of New Taipei City junior high schools’ teacher academic optimism and school organization climate; then, to analyze the demographic variables on the different perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate, and then to discuss the relationship between teacher academic optimism and school organization climate. Finally, stepwise multiple regression was used to predict school organization climate. Based on the research conclusions, the proposed recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference were provided. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. The directors, team leaders and teachers from 35 junior high schools in New Taipei City were sampled as the subjects. A total of 559 questionnaires were distributed, with 521 valid questionnaires. The return rate was 93.2%. Survey data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. Teachers’ perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate is high in junior high schools in New Taipei City. 2. There are no significant statistical differences in ages, education levels, teaching field, and school locations in teachers’ perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate. 3. There are significant statistical differences within genders of junior high school teachers perceptions of school organization climate. And the female teachers are obviously higher than the male teachers. 4. There are significant statistical differences within service years of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers service above 21 years are obviously higher than teachers service 6~10 years. 5. There are significant statistical differences within duties of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs are obviously higher than class teachers. 6. There are significant statistical differences within school sizes of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers above 73 classes are obviously higher than teachers in 25~48 classes. 7. Teacher academic optimism is positively correlated to school organization climate. 8. The prediction of the relationships between teacher academic optimism and school organization climate is supported. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, the recommendations are provided as references and applications for educational administrations, junior high school administrations and future researchers. Keywords: junior high school, teacher academic optimism, school organization climate

不同年齡與線上閱讀經驗在線上閱讀歷程及教學策略之差異比較研究 / A study on the comparison of online reading process and instructional strategies between different aged groups and online reading experiences

李彥玫 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀帶動了文化的傳承、資訊的傳遞,也是學習過程中不可或缺的環扣。透過閱讀,形塑了讀者對訊息的認知思考模式及邏輯組織能力。而數位時代的來臨,網際網路的使用,讓習慣於傳統印刷紙本閱讀形式的社會,面臨了閱讀習慣與學習方式的轉變。是故,本研究旨在探討不同年齡層及不同的線上閱讀經驗的網路讀者,其線上閱歷程之技巧與概念的認知模式。透過概念構圖法,探討28 位線上閱讀者(包含14 位中學生,以及14 位50 歲以上之銀髮族),其線上閱讀歷程的認知架構,並以實際線上閱讀任務之研究方法,瞭解網路讀者在線上閱讀時所面臨之困難與問題,進而提出解決方案與教學策略。 研究結果發現,1.不同年齡層對於線上閱讀歷程之概念有差異存在。根據概念構圖法之結果,中學生對於線上閱讀歷程的認知顯得較為片面與不完整。換言之,銀髮族比起中學生更能掌握線上閱讀之整體概念;2.不同線上閱讀經驗之讀者(生手與專家),其線上閱讀歷程之概念有明顯之差異存在。專家比起生手更加重視線上閱讀歷程中的各種行為與技巧的運用,並能夠用以更高層次的技巧掌握與控制搜尋過程。生手認為線上閱讀時,學會搜尋的方法是重要的關鍵,專家則認為搜尋方法為基本之能力,而在線上閱讀時,能否擴增及延伸搜尋資訊才最重要的概念。 最後,3.不同年齡層之線上閱讀者,當線上閱讀經驗不足時,其所遇到之困難亦有所異同。中學生與銀髮族所面臨的相同困境包括「草率閱讀訊息,以致迷失搜尋方向」、「關鍵字運用的能力不足,侷限搜尋範圍」、「採取負面心態」、「少針對搜尋主題進行客觀思考,多以個人習性引導閱讀」、「缺乏懷疑資訊的能力,以致訊息來源無所根據」、「缺乏主動思考能力,僅被動地接收訊息」,及「未真正釐清搜尋目標」。此外,對中學生而言,也存在著「搜尋方向因個人興趣而偏離主題」之問題;對銀髮族來說,則是「接收訊息超負荷,而無法抉擇資訊」及缺乏網路搜尋頁面之基本操作能力」兩種困境。 綜上所述,本研究針對發現之問題,提出適當之線上閱讀教學策略及解決困難之方案,作為線上閱讀指導者未來教學參考與應用之依據。

中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾 / The Study of the Relationship between the Principals’ Servant-Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Commitment in Secondary Schools

陳惠茹, Hui Ju Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾之內涵與現況,並探討其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。 首先,進行初步文獻探討,作為本研究之研究架構的理論基礎;其次,以問卷調查法進行研究調查,問卷調查樣本以台北縣市國民中學及完全中學為教師研究對象,共抽樣645人,問卷回收523份,有效問卷517份,以分析現況及驗證理論;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾內涵與現況 (一)中學校長服務領導包括為人文關懷、願景分享、專業創新、理性說服四個向度,看法得分情形屬於中等程度。以「願景分享」的看法得分最高;而以「專業創新」的看法得分最低。 (二)中學教師專業承諾包括專業認同與投入、專業關係與留職、專業倫理與進修三個向度,看法得分情形屬於高程度。「專業認同與投入」的看法得分最高;而以「專業關係與留職」的看法得分最低。 二、不同背景變項在中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在中學校長服務領導得分方面:性別、年齡、服務年資、現任職務、學校規模、學校類型及校長性別有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在中學教師專業承諾得分方面:年齡、學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校所在地及學校類型有顯著差異。 三、中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾間存在正向的關係 四、中學校長服務領導對教師專業承諾發展模式適配度良好 前因變項(中學校長服務領導)對後果變項(中學教師專業承諾)具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、中學校長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. Based on arranging related theory, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The data of this study was analyzed 517 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, ANOVA and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results. A. In the aspect of principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools 1. The principals’ servant-leadership includes four parts, which are (1) humane concern, (2) vision sharing, (3) professional innovation and (4) reasonable persuasion. For all, the best dimension is “vision sharing”. 2. Sexual, age, years of service, incumbent duty, school scale, school type, and principals’ sexual have significant influences on principals’ servant-leadership. B. In the aspect of teachers’ professional commitment 1. The teachers’ professional commitment includes three parts, which are (1) professional identity and job involvement, (2) professional relationship and position-retaining intention, (3) professional ethics and advanced study. For all, the best dimension is “professional identity and job involvement”. 2. Age, highest education, incumbent duty, school scale, school site, and school type have significant influences on teachers’ professional commitment. C. In the aspect of the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools 1. There was positive correlation existed between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. 2. Principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools did promote teachers’ professional commitment. In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers and the principals of secondary schools, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of secondary schools in the future.


李逢堅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中學生網際網路使用行為的主要目的有三:在瞭解中學生網路使用行為特性、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性,網路聊天室與學習的關係。文獻探討方面,本研究以資訊社會為背景,探討資訊素養問題,然後使用者與環境兩方面進行探討。從網路空間,鎖定在聊天室的網路環境下,使用者從青少年、匿名性到虛擬社群角度,經由使用符號在聊天室產生互動的分析,包括互動禮儀等相關主題。研究方法分調查與質性研究兩方面,調查方面針對台北市內外中學生經由網頁網路調查,質化部分分為觀察法,觀察聊天室的環境、訪談法,訪談中學生中學教師以及空大使用聊天室環境進行教學的教師。 研究結果發現:一、中學生網路使用的特性方面,使用經驗主要「半年至三年」,使用時段為18:00-21:00,最常從事的活動為聊天交友,上網地點以「家中」最多。2.使用網路交友動機主要為:想交新朋友、排遣寂寞感、打發時間、好奇等。3.中學生學會使用電腦網路與聊天室的都以朋友為主要來源。4.中學生選擇聊天室的條件包括:功能較豐富,畫面多采多姿,人數適中,主題相符,與室內對象的互動感覺不錯的人數越多等。 二、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性:1.聊天室互動與面對面互動皆需語言與非語言符號,但呈現方式不同。中學生使用者在「追求速度」以及「夠炫」的價值觀驅使下,產生當前的網路次級語言。2.使用匿名主要原因是「保護自己、隱密」,匿名產生兩極化現象,化名的命名包括:與姓名有關、與自己的表徵相關、自己想的理想名字、戲劇或故事角色中的名字、比較奇特沒有重複的名字等。化名以自己的考量為出發,而非為以吸引聊天對象,而除了化名外,在性別、年齡、職業。學歷上,大多數不使用假身份。3.互動對象上,「男女都有」最多,幾乎都為學生,以15-18歲高中生最多。網友數量上,十位以上最多。在網友與面對面情境的朋友差異上,大部分傾向認為面對面情境的朋友瞭解較深,而對網友持半信半疑的態度,但仍有認為網友較能無所顧忌的聊天,及交往容易而較能認同網友。 4.聊天社群遵循的互動禮儀,主要分為三個層次:第一層次為「基本原則」,以不造成身心傷害或不愉快的基本規則,大都屬於網路禮貌(netquette)的範圍,包括不暴露真實身份,不激怒對方,不羞辱對方,及自我保護等。第二層次為「順利原則」,不讓雙方產生誤解或困窘的規則,包括:1.成員發言權利平等,2.同時多人對談,3.「插話」行為的正常,4.高度的流動性,5.主題規範言論範圍,6.「舉止」文雅卻開放,7.關係的速成與脆弱,8.聊天室的社群關係(「我們一體」)。第三層次為「愉快原則」:此為更高的層次即是讓對方在互動中覺得愉快,包括:1.儘速的回應,2.善用聊天室的功能,3.使用網路次級用語。 三、網路聊天室與學習的關係方面:使用聊天室所習得的資訊素養上,在操作能力方面,是網路的操作熟練度;在技能上主要在「打字速度」,並且有較多的機會從中學習表達自我,抒發內在的情感,對網路的資訊採「半信半疑」的「後設處理」態度。適法性與倫理問題,則與聊天室的禮儀有關。使用聊天室的缺點在:1對資訊類科學生,可能無心學習程式設計等基礎課程2.網路次級用語,對傳統的國文教育,影響使用錯別字,不會斷句等。3.下課時間上網聊天,容易將聊天時後無論正向或負向的情緒,帶到下一堂課。4沈迷者無法自拔,影響功課。使用聊天室的好處在:1.相關的網路使用更為順手。2.機會學習電子郵件的使用、ICQ聊天,等相關軟體環境。3.短期內的「記憶」能力可能較佳。 教學的作法與注意事項方面,就環境特性而言包括:1.空間解放,2.時間解放,3.使用化名,4.兩極化現象,5.善用聊天室功能。就互動特性而言:1.輕鬆的氣氛,2.創造學習社群的「我們一體」感,3.社會建構主義式教學,4.協同教學,5.教師扮演導引的角色,6.教師仍擁有的絕對權力,7.人數的限制,8.善用「面子」問題,9.鼓勵正向自我坦露,10.激發集體智慧。11.先以閒聊開場。 建議方面,對中學生學校教育的建議:1.資訊素養的培養,2.與人交往的技巧,3..多元化的休閒活動,4.教師應親自使用網路,5.網路使用行為良好習慣的培養,6.多元使用教學管道,7.網路在學習上的運用。對中學生網路使用行為的輔導建議:1.對同學平時的關心與瞭解,2.傾聽多於建議,施以適時的輔導,3.注意交友狀況,4. 指導學生正當的情緒抒發行為,提供多重的抒發管道,5.多與他人接觸,學習人際相處之道,6.建立網路使用行為的責任,7.使用網路自我保護行為的教導。 / There are there main purposes of the research:1. To understand the characteristics of behavior of secondary school student using Internet, 2.the characteristics of interaction of secondary school student using chat room, 3.and the relationship of the chat room with learning. The research begins with the information society and information literacy. Then it analyzes the human interaction through Internet from two aspects: the environment and the people in it. The environment started with the human-computer interaction (HCI) , then it is based on the characteristics of cyberspace and further focused on the chat room. The user of the Internet discussed including 'anonymity', 'virtual community' and the 'youth'. The research methods include survey, observation and interview. The research results are found as follows: Most secondary school students using Internet at home at 18:00-21:00, and they have been using Internet for half to three years. The motivation of using Internet to make friends for: 1.making new friends,2. to let go of the loneliness,3. playing around and 4.curiosity etc. The interaction in chat room takes both language and non-language symbol. For the purpose of 'speed' and to 'show off', youth create and use sub-language in the Internet, it represented a kind of 'collective intelligence'. The anonymity is served to protect and conceal the users themselves. But except alias most youth user show their real status in chat room. The people they interact with including both sexes and most are students. Most users think their classmates are more familiar with than net friends, but still others think net friends are easier to talk any secrets without worrying they might tell other people users know around. There are three levels about ritual in the internet: 1.basic principle;2.smooth principle;3.pleasure principle. Every principle and its rules contain are also discussed. The negative effect of using chat room includes: 1. For students major in computer too early to use Internet may let them disconcentrate on program design, 2. Chatters of chat room always use bad Chinese grammar, 3.When chatting between two courses, the mood will affected even next course begins,4. Users who indulge in it will badly affect their learning. The positive effect of using chat room including: 1.they can use Internet more smoothly, 2. They Have more chances to learn to use e-mail, ICQ etc., 3.they may remember things better for a short period of time. When teaching through chat room, it will help teachers to achieve the aim by noticing following notes: 1.create the easy atmosphere, 2.forming 'we-us' learning community, 3.social constructivism teaching, 4.corporate teaching. 5.the leading role of teacher, 6.absolute power for teacher, 7.limitating the number participators, 8.make best of 'face value', 9.encouraging positive self-expression, 10.arousing collective intelligence, 11. courses begin with chatting. Suggestions for secondary school, for secondary school student and for further study are also described.

O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究 ─以教育部英語線上學習平臺為例 / A case study of employing O2O education on English teaching in the supplementary junior high school -using English online learning platform of the ministry of education an example

康佳鈴, Kang, Jia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究旨在探討《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究─以教育部英語線上學習平臺》為例,對國中補校學生英語學習成效及可行性。本研究採取行動研究法進行教學與觀察,以新北市立越界高級中學三年級36位學生做為研究對象。教學前、後測透過GEPT全民英檢網「全民英語能力分級檢定測驗-初級」了解學生進行O2O教育模式教學後是否有所差異;教學期間教材、教學現場紀錄、教學省思札記、錄影、訪談等多元方式觀察與紀錄學生協同學習的表現情形、參與態度以及師生的互動關係等,同時參考學生在校兩次段考成績分析《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學》教學結果,並針對教學過程、教學結果、晤談來分析《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究─以教育部英語線上學習平臺》對國中補校學生英語學習成效及可行性,最後進行資料分析與討論。本研究結果可歸納下列四項結論: 一、Cool English線上學習平臺及教材內容適合個案研究補校學生程度。 二、O2O教育模式增加線下課程(offline)的學習效益。 三、O2O教育模式發現學習者學習動機更為強烈。 四、應用O2O教育模式在補校學生英語教學,可顯著提升學生學習成效。 / This study discusses subsidiary junior high school students’ English learning effect and feasibility via “A Case Study on the O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching – by the Ministry of Education’s Online English Learning Platform.” In this study, teaching and observation were carried out by action research on the study objects of 36 third grade students of Yueh Chieh Senior High School in New Taipei City. Before and after teaching, the “General English Proficiency Test – Elementary Level” on the GEPT website was used to understand whether students are different after being taught by the O2O educational model. Multiple methods such as teaching materials during teaching, teaching scene records, teaching reflection notes, recording and interviews were used to observe and record students’ performances, participation attitudes, and interactions with teachers during collaborative learning. Two school exam scores of each student were also taken for reference to analyze the teaching results of the “O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching.” Besides, the teaching processes, results and interviews were used to analyze subsidiary junior high school students’ English learning effect and feasibility via “A Case Study on the O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching – by the Ministry of Education’s Online English Learning Platform.” Finally, data analysis and discussion were carried out. The study results were induced into four conclusions as follows: 1.The Cool English online learning platform and teaching materials suitable for a case study of subsidiary school students’ level. 2.O2O educational model increased offline's course's learning effect. 3.Via the O2O educational model, it found that learners have stronger learning motives. 4.Applying the O2O educational model to subsidiary school students’ learning significantly increased student’s learning effects.

國民中學總務主任核心能力指標建構之研究 / A Study of Main Competency Indicators Construction of Director of General Affairs in Junior High School.

陳靖婷, Chen, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建立國民中學總務主任核心能力指標,藉以提供相關主管單位進行總務人力培訓及學校行政人員職涯進修之參考。研究初始,先以文獻分析法歸納出國民中學總務主任核心能力指標,並邀請專家委員進行適切性問卷與模糊德菲術問卷評估,完成指標的修正與確立。接著,即運用三角模糊術整合專家委員對指標內容重要性之看法,並接續指標篩選作業,最後以歸一化方式求得各構面與指標權重,遂完成整體指標系統建立。 本研究建構之指標系統共為六大構面38項指標,各構面權重介於15.8%至17.3%之間,有關構面權重與指標內涵依序排列為: 一、「自我管理」構面(17.3%),各指標權重介於3.2%至3.8%間,依序為:廉潔自持、敬業精神、溝通表達、行政倫理、情商管理。 二、「法規知能」構面(17.2%),各指標權重介於2.0%至2.5%間,依序為:政府採購法規知能、消防法規知能、財產管理法規知能、建築法規知能、營繕法規知能、主計法規知能、勞工安全衛生法規知能、文書管理法規知能。 三、「管理實務」構面(16.8%),各指標權重介於1.7%至2.0%間,依序為:採購管理、營繕工程管理、防災與校安管理、風險與危機管理、出納與財務管理、資源管理、事務工作管理、職工管理、文書與檔案管理。 四、「行政領導」構面(16.8%),各指標權重介於1.7%至2.0%間,依序為:領導與協調、行政與績效管理、團隊建立與合作、政策執行、人力資源管理、計畫撰擬與管理、問題分析與規劃、公共關係管理、會議管理。 五、「校園營造」構面(16.1%),各指標權重介於3.9%至4.2%間,依序為:設備與設施維護、綠能與環保管理、空間規劃、綠美化管理。 六、「永續創發」構面(15.8%),各指標權重介於5.1%至5.4%間,依序為:顧客導向、前瞻與創新、反思與再造。 / The purpose of this study is to construct main competency indicators of director of general affairs in junior high school, which aim to provide governments with information about training personnel of general affairs and school administrators. To start the research, main competency indicators of director of general affairs was organized by literature review. Then invite experts to conduct appropriate assessment and Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire evaluations, completing modification of indicators. Secondly, Symmetric triangular fuzzy number was used to analyze experts’ opinions on the importance of each indicator and continue indicator selection. Finally, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators, so that build the whole indicator system. The indicator system consists of six dimensions and 38 indicators, and the weight of each dimension is between 15.8% and 17.3%. The contents of dimensions and indicators are as follows: 1. Dimension of “self-management”: each weight of indicators is between 3.2% and 3.8%, which are reputation, professional dedication, communication, administrative ethics and emotional quotient management. 2. Dimension of “knowledge of rules and regulations”: each weight of indicators is between 2.0% and 2.5%, which are rules of public purchasing, rules of fire services, rules of property management, rules of building technique, rules of construction and maintenance, rules of accounting, rules of labor safety and health, and rules of document management. 3. Dimension of “practice of management”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are purchasing management ,building and maintenance management, management of disaster reduction and school security, risk management, finance management, resource management, general affairs management, personnel management, and document management. 4. Dimension of “ administrative leadership”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are leadership and negotiation, administration and performance management, team building and collaboration, policy enforcement, management of human resource, program writing and management, problem analyzing and programing, public relationship management and meeting management. 5. Dimension of “school operation and maintenance”: each weight of indicators is between 3.9% and 4.2%, which are facilities maintenance, green resource and environment management, space design and greenification management. 6. Dimension of “sustainable development”: each weight of indicators is between 5.1% and 5.4%, which are customer orientation, being proactive and creative, introspection and re-built.

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