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高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權之研究黃以喬, Huang ,Yi-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
九、針對研究主題、研究對象、研究變項與研究方法提出建議,作為後續相關主題研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study mainly confirm the right and duty to teacher professional autonomy in educational laws, understand the actual condition and explore the level of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy, and analyze different dimensions’ levels of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy from the view of teacher s’ different backgrounds. Finally, according to the study result, the writer gives some concrete advice to promote the city’s teacher professional autonomy for the department of educational administration for reference.
The survey subjects included teachers from 25 public junior high school in Kaohsiung city in 2004 year, namely 776 qualified teachers who joint teacher professional unions were sampled copies of the questionnaire to be the investigation. And interviewing with 6 junior high school teachers is used to understand teachers’ opinions about professional autonomy. About the data analysis, the study use Frequency Distribution, T-test , One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Method . The results of the study are as follows:
A. The dimension of teaching professional autonomy is the key idea that Taiwan educational laws empower teachers.
B. As far as the whole Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers’ professional autonomy is concerned , it is middle level. The dimension of “ right and power to teacher teaching” gets the most high scores; the dimensions of “ power to teacher professional union” and “the power to school administrative autonomy” get lower scores separately in order.
C. As far as the dimension of Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers teaching professional autonomy is concerned, it achieves high and middle level; the dimensions of “the power to school administrative autonomy” and “teacher professional union” achieve middle level.
D. From the viewpoint of whole average, male teachers’ average scores are higher than females’;teachers who hold a administrative staff, participate school-level organizations, serve in small size schools and work more than 26 years get higher scores than others who don’t hold the job , participate the ones, serve in middle and big size schools and work less than 5 years and 11-15 years.
E. The basic strategies to facilitate teacher professional autonomy are to stable teacher’s professional status in teaching, promote the professional image of teacher unions, cultivate the school culture of participant-determining and establish good institution of teacher professional nurture.
According to the literature and study result, following suggestions are offered:
A. Continue to improve the established education law about the right and power to teacher professional autonomy.
B. Understand “profession” and “autonomy” are to complement each other. And autonomy should take responsibility for basis .
C. Design a series of programs about facilitating teachers’ professional knowledge in teaching, law and school administrative affairs to achieve high level of teacher professional autonomy.
D. Create excellent communicative ways at school to promote teacher empowerment.
E.Encourage female teachers to devote themselves to school administrative affairs.
F.Teacher professional unions should take the role of developing positive function.
G.The department of educational administration should play the law- supervising and law-helping role.
H.Build teachers professional evaluation system to help teacher promote professional power and effectiveness.
I.Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions about the study trends are made to further reference.
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完全中學兼任行政教師行政辭卸傾向之研究:以工作滿意、工作壓力、生涯規劃為探討變項李慧雯, Lee, Hui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在探討完全中學兼任行政教師行政辭卸傾向,並以工作滿意度、工作壓力與生涯規劃為探討變項。在實證研究上,本研究以全國公立完全中學兼任行政工作教師為對象,共發放450份問卷,實際回收385 份,回收率為85.6%。以描述統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元及逐步迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析,得到結論如下:
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國民中學校長道德領導與品德教育推展策略之研究 ─ 以臺北市為例 / A study of the relationship between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement in junior high schools ─ example of Taipei city林竺諼, Lin, Chu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國民中學校長、相關教育人員以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement in Taipei public junior high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers’ & principals’ personal variables and school environmental variables concerning principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement.
This study em⥪loys the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi structured interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Moral Leadership Questionnaire and Strategies of Character Education Enforcement Questionnaire. Four hundred and seventy-six subjects are randomly selected from twenty-two public junior high schools in Taipei city. A total of 444 questionnaires was returned. Out of those, 88.2% was v⧗lid (420 out of 476). Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriority comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Two principals, two chairpersons, and two teachers were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then, the dat⩍ retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study:
1.The current development of principals’ moral leadership and the strategies of character education enforcement in junior high schools are both above the average.
2.There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences of principals’ moral leadership in terms of gender, seniority, educational background and teaching ⫁ield; and, there is no significant difference in teachers’ recognition about strategies of character education enforcement in t⫡rms of teachers’ seniority, educational background and position.
3.Gender of the principal makes no significant difference in the performance of principals’ moral leadership; also, principals’ educational background makes no significant difference in strategies of character education enforcement.
4.There is significant difference in principals’ moral leadership in terms of principals’ age, educational background, and seniority. Principals get better scores o⭕ principals’ moral leadership are those who are aged between 51 and 55, finish 40-credit Continuing Education Program and have been on the position for 3 to 4 years.
5.There is significant difference in strategies of character education enforcement in terms of principals’ gender and age. Female principals aged between 51 and 55 get better scores.
6.There are significant differences in both principals’ moral leadership and strategies of ch⯄racter education enforcement to teachers from schools of different scales. Teachers serving in schools with and over 49 classes give better recognition to these two issues.
7.It shows significant positive correlation between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement.
8.Principals’ moral leadership demonstrates the predictability of strategies of character education enforcemeⰬt in Taipei junior high schools.
This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings and conclusions to educational administration authorities, junior high principals, educators and faculty for further study and reference.
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華人基督徒與中國新式教育: 廣州培正中學研究(1889-1944). / 廣州培正中學研究(1889-1944) / Hua ren Jidu tu yu Zhongguo xin shi jiao yu: Guangzhou pei zheng zhong xue yan jiu (1889-1944). / Guangzhou pei zheng zhong xue yan jiu (1889-1944)January 2007 (has links)
王家健. / "2007年9月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2007. / 參考文獻(leaves 95-100). / "2007 nian 9 yue". / Abstract also in English. / Wang Jiajian. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2007. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 95-100). / Chapter 第一章 --- 前言 --- p.1-8 / Chapter 第二章 --- 十九世紀傳教士在廣州辦學情況 / Chapter 第一節 --- 十九世紀傳教士在廣州創辦教會學校的背景 --- p.9-11 / Chapter 第二節 --- 十九世紀傳教士在廣州創辦教會學校的槪況 --- p.11-15 / Chapter 第三節 --- 十九世紀傳教士在廣州創辦教會學校的特色 --- p.15-17 / Chapter 第四節 --- 十九世紀廣州教會學校對社會的影響 --- p.17-18 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 --- p.18 / Chapter 第三章 --- 廣州培正學校的創辦 / Chapter 第一節 --- 培正學校創辦緣起 --- p.19-23 / Chapter 第二節 --- 培正學校辦學槪況及特色 --- p.23-30 / Chapter 第三節 --- 小結 --- p.30-31 / Chapter 第四章 --- 二十世紀初期的廣州培正學校 / Chapter 第一節 --- 教會學校師生們的友愛與關懷 --- p.32-40 / Chapter 第二節 --- 培正學校與民國時期教育的變遷 --- p.40-53 / Chapter 第三節 --- 小結 --- p.53 / Chapter 第五章 --- 抗戰時期的廣州培正學校(1937-1944) / Chapter 第一節 --- 戰時教學活動的調整 --- p.54-61 / Chapter 第二節 --- 戰時社會服務 --- p.61-63 / Chapter 第三節 --- 小結 --- p.63-64 / Chapter 第六章 --- 校友貢獻 / Chapter 第一節 --- 校友在19世紀末至20世紀中期的變化 --- p.65-69 / Chapter 第二節 --- 校友自1920年代後往海外繼續學業日多 --- p.69-70 / Chapter 第三節 --- 校友在體育、藝術事業方面的貢獻 --- p.70-74 / Chapter 第四節 --- 校友在工業、科學事業及醫學方面的貢獻 --- p.74-77 / Chapter 第五節 --- 校友在政治方面的貢獻 --- p.77-78 / Chapter 第六節 --- 校友在商業方面的貢獻 --- p.78-79 / Chapter 第七節 --- 小結 --- p.79 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.80-82 / Chapter 第八章 --- 附錄 / 附錄一 1889-1944培正學校發展大事年表 --- p.83-84 / 附錄二李錦綸生平介紹 --- p.85 / 附錄三黃啓明生平介紹 --- p.86 / 附錄四楊元勛生平介紹 --- p.87 / 附錄五黃汝光先生訪問稿 --- p.88-89 / 附錄六鄺文熾先生訪問稿 --- p.90-91 / 附錄七洗子昌先生訪問稿 --- p.92 / 附錄八1890-1936年培正學校統計年表 --- p.93-94 / 參考書目 --- p.95-100
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國民中學公民教育教材與活動中的民主價值觀—「公民與道德」教材八十七年版之分析 / Democratic value in the civic educaiton teaching plan and exercise—1998「civic and morality」curriculum analysis鄧俐俐, Lily Deng Unknown Date (has links)
1. 探討民主價值觀在正式課程的「公民與道德」科教材實施中,所呈現的意義與評價。
2. 探討民主價值觀在非正式課程的「公民與道德」科活動運作中,所呈現的意義與評價。
3. 本研究以國中公民教師為對象,進行深度訪談,探討現行國中公民科教材編定及活動進行對學生民主價值觀念的影響程度。
4. 歸納研究結果,提出建議,提供教育當局改進的參考。
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中學生人際策略之研究-以建立對教師關係為例 / A Study of Interpersonal strategies in High School Students-- To Illustrate How They establish Upward Relation With Their Teachers陳秀碧, Hsiu-Pi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
三種情境; 向教師提出要求時、希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象時,所
本952人(男410人, 女542人)。研究工具包括「提出要求與使用方法」
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國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan.
The major findings of the study are as follows:
1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test.
2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning.
3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school.
4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching.
Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.
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國民中學教師覺知校長服務領導、學校組織氣氛與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high school呂詩琦, Lu, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
九、「校長服務領導」與「學校組織氣氛」對「教師組織公民行為」具有聯合預測力,以「教師承諾行為」、「覺察」、「教師同儕行為」等三個層面對整體教師組織公民行為具有預測力。總解釋變異量為35.2%。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ servant ‘leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, , junior high school teachers and relevant future studies.
In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county and Miaoli county is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school organizational behavior questionnaire,” and randomly selects 55 junior high schools, 520 teachers as samples. In a rate of 87%, 453 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained:
1. The present situation of principals’ servant leadership is above the average. Among all the aspects, “professional community” ranks to the top, while “conceptualization” ranks otherwise.
2. Teachers bearing different duties perceive principals’ servant leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, service seniority and school size show no significant difference.
3. The present situation of school organizational climate is above the average. Among all the aspects, “teachers’ disengagement” ranks to the top, while “principal command” ranks otherwise.
4. School climate type which Teacher perception of the highest rate are Open climate and close climate, they account for 34% each, the second is disengagement climate , accounted for 18, involvement climate is the least, accounted for 14%.
5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as gender, duties ,age, service seniority and school size perceive school organizational climate show no significant difference.
6. The present situation of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above the average. Among all the aspects, “respecting school system” ranks to the top, while “self-request” ranks otherwise.
7. Teachers bearing different duties, age, service seniority and school size perceive teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior significantly differently; while teachers bearing different gender, show no significant difference.
8. Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to school organizational climate; Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior ; school organizational climate is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior
9. When combining principals’ servant leadership and school organizational climate, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is predictable for three aspects, including “teachers’commitment,” “Awareness,”and “teachers’ disengagement”, accounting for 35.2% of total variance.
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完全中學圖書館服務品質評量之研究-以台中市為例 / Service quality assessment of comprehensive high school libraries : Taichung City case studies羅玉青, Lo, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結果,本論文提出以下建議:(一)運用圖書館服務品質評量加強圖書館評鑑,做為圖書館經營管理之參考。(二)加強推展圖書館利用教育,發揮圖書館功能。(三)擴充圖書館編制提升專業形象,並擴大服務範圍。(四)提昇圖書館軟硬體設備,發揮圖書館資訊服務的功能。 / This study uses the method of Questionnaire to measure the expectations and degrees of satisfaction of comprehensive high school students toward libraries. Using the method of literature review, also taking reference from Library Service Quality Assessment LibQUAL+ and relevant theories concerning high school or professional high school libraries, this study comes up with a revised index of service quality assessment suitable for junior and senior school students. After conducting three focus group interviews with school librarians and users, the researcher then revises the above-mentioned index and transformed it into a Questionnaire. This study, using students from four comprehensive high schools in Taichung City as subjects of empirical studies, issued 1,142 questionnaires, among which 1,138 were returned (the return rate was as high as 99.64%), and effective ones amounted to 1,132.The questionnaire consists of four aspects: space and environment, library resources and usages, library services, and librarian education and promotion. It includes 29 indicators, and is rated by the expected and perceived service qualities.
The study shows the following results:
1.Comprehensive high school students look forward to more comprehensive library resources as well as resources in electronic forms.
2.The percentage of students visiting libraries less than once in a week is as high as 57.8%, meaning the usage rate for comprehensive high school libraries is low.
3.The perceived quality for library service, on average, is generally above 3.5 points in a score ranging from 1-5, but not reaching the expected service qualities. Such result manifests that students find the library service mostly acceptable, but not preferable. Both junior and senior high students find ‘the accessibility of libraries’ most unacceptable.
4.Gender has relatively little effect on the difference of perceived quality of service, whereas there’s a big gap between junior and senior high school students. Junior high students tend to score higher than senior high students on perceived service quality.
5.It is imperative for comprehensive high school libraries to provide different service strategies for junior and senior high school students.
Based on the result of the above study, the thesis suggests the following:
1.Libraries should use service quality assessment as a way to enhance their evaluation, whose result should be taken as managerial reference.
2.It is imperative to strengthen the promotion of the usage of libraries.
3.It is imperative to enlarge the organization scale of libraries so as to promote professional image and to enlarge service range.
4.It is imperative to upgrade soft, as well as hardware equipment of libraries to enhance information service of libraries.
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我國高級中學後設評鑑指標之研究 / The Study on Metaevaluation Indicators for Senior-High School Evaluation in Taiwan林劭仁, Lin,Shaw-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究也針對得懷術及因素分析方法的運用進行分析與檢討,最後並針對實務應用及未來後續研究方向等提出具體的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to establish the meta-evaluation indicators and the weight system of senior-high school in Taiwan.First,we used document analysis to establish the primary scales of meta-evaluation indicators of senior-high school in Taiwan(M.E.I.S.T.).Then,we used the delphi technique to improve the primary scales.Finally, 123 principles of senior-high school in Taiwan were investigated, and we used factor analysis to calculate the weights of M.E.I.S.T.. The main conclusion of this study are as follows:
(1)The first-order indicators of M.E.I.S.T. include “the stage of evaluation formulation”,” the stage of evaluation design”, “the stage of evaluation implementation”, “the stage of evaluation results”,“the stage of use and discussion of results”. The weights for each indicator is .204,.226,.233,.220,and.228.
(2)There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation formulation”.They are “The evaluation purpose”, “The evaluation plan”, “The staff of planning”. The weights for each indicator is .391, .402, .379.There are 11 third-order indicators under them.
(3) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation design ”.They are “The evaluation ways”, “The evaluation scales and criterias ”, “The organizations and staff”. The weights for each indicator is .373, .378, .371. There are 12 third-order indicators under them.
(4) There are 4 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation implementation”.They are “The communication and negotiation”,“The data collection”,“The self-evaluation process”, “ The external evaluation process”.The weights for each indicator is .286, . 298, .280, .296. There are 17 third-order indicators under them.
(5) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation results”.They are “The data analysis”, “The evaluation report ”,“The disclosure of results”. The weights for each indicator is .358, .362, .359. There are 13 third-order indicators under them.
(6) There are 2 second-order indicators under“The stage of use and discussion of results.”.They are “The use of results ”, “The discussion of results ”. Both of the weights are .523. There are 10 third-order indicators under them.
Besides,this study also discusses the implementation of delphi technique and factor analysis. At the end of the study also proposes some concrete suggestions for practical and further study.
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