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東南亞經濟體國際旅遊競爭力之比較游青豪, Yu, Ching-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
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大學生伴侶間人際行為對愛情依附的影響 / The impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment for college students孫頌賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可分成兩大部分。第一,在人際行為對愛情依附特質與風格改變的影響方面,可發現部分伴侶間人際行為的確可對依附特質造成影響:1. 「親和性」人際行為最能影響愛情依附特質,並與依附風格、依附特質改變最有關連;2.「滋潤性親和」不同於「破壞性親和」對依附特質的影響;3.個體在愛情關係中的依附特質,主要受到個體「主觀認知」到的伴侶間人際互動,而並不一定會受到「實際」伴侶間人際互動的影響;4. 逃避特質則較明顯受到伴侶間滋潤性親和人際行為的影響,而焦慮依附特質較受到伴侶間破壞性人際行為的影響,但焦慮依附特質的改變與伴侶人際行為關連性較低。第二,對個體在關係中單向的人際行為而言,親和性比互依性人際行為更能影響愛情依附特質,甚至與依附風格、依附特質的改變更有關連;但互依性指標(自主性)對依附特質並非沒有影響力,而是會顯現在雙向人際行為的互補性當中。
最後乃說明本研究的討論與限制,並提出未來在研究上與伴侶諮商實務上的建議。 / This study tried to integrate adult attachment theory and Benjamin’s Structural Analysis of Social Behavior Models (SASB). There were two major purposes of the study: The first one was to, discussing whether the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment characteristics for college students. The Second was to, discussing the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on the change of attachment styles and characteristics. In this study, the content of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors includes affiliation (best and worst) and interdependence (autonomy and control) behaviors. The interactions of dating couples were measured by self reporting partner’s providing behaviors, actual partner’s providing behaviors, subjects’ seeking behaviors, the complements of self reporting dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors, and the complements of actual dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors. The measurement of attachment characteristics included anxiety and avoidance trait, which could be combined to four attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, disoriented / disorganized.
The study took ‘panel study’, and the average interval of test-retest time points was about 12.49 weeks. Total subjects were 234, who were measured by ECR and couples’ interpersonal behaviors (SASB model). Questionnaires of stress events, and GHQ were interference variables for the use of the purpose of the second study. There were 232 subjects composed of 35% male and 65% female in the purpose of first study. These subjects who were all measured in the first timing were falling in love and not yet breaking-up. There were 76 pairs complete matching data, so 152 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were 183 subjects in the purpose of the second study. Besides subjects who were measured in the two time points were falling in love and not yet breaking-up, it had to eliminate two interference variables. There were 63 pairs complete matching data, so 126 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were two major results in this study. First, couples’ interpersonal behaviors had the impact on attachment characteristics: 1. affiliation interpersonal behaviors could affect romantic attachment characteristics, and was related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics. 2. The impact on attachment characteristics was different between ‘best affiliation’ and ‘worst affiliation’. 3. Self reporting couples’ interpersonal behaviors had impact on attachment characteristics. On the contrary, actual couples’ interpersonal behaviors had no impact. 4. ‘Best affiliation’ had impact on avoidance attachment characteristics, and ‘worst affiliation’ had impact on anxiety attachment characteristics. The association between the change of anxiety attachment characteristics and couples’ interpersonal behaviors was low. Second, for one-way interpersonal behavior in dating relationship, affiliation behaviors affected romantic attachment characteristics more than interdependence. Even affiliation behaviors were more related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics than interdependence. The complement of couples’ autonomy interpersonal behaviors also affected attachment characteristics.
In addition, implication for adult attachment research and couple therapy in dating relationship was discussed. Research limitation was also explicated.
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自動化與資訊化對製造業生產力的影響—生產力矛盾說的檢定王敏潔, Wang,Ming-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
在學術界,討論資訊科技的文獻上出現了生產力矛盾(productivity paradox)的說法,即他們發現使用資訊科技對於生產力的提升出現了不顯著甚至是負的結果。針對此,後續有許多學者提出各種解釋生產力矛盾的原因,諸如過度投資(overinvestment)、衡量錯誤 (mismeasurement)等問題。
因此,本研究以生產力指標中的總要素生產力為衡量對象,檢視資訊科技對台灣製造業是否具有矛盾的情形,並觀察當技術革新時,對人力資本的需求變化,資料期間為1995-2002年,採用的計量模型為揉合資料(pooling data)模式。
根據實證結果,自動化設備的應用出現生產力矛盾(productivity paradox)的情形,而人力資本對總要素生產力的貢獻則為顯著的正值,若觀察投入自動化生產設備對人力資本的需求,則發現有資本與技術互補(capital-skilled complementarity)的情形。因此推論:單獨增加自動化設備並無法提升總要素生產力,唯有透過自動化設備投資與人力資本的配合,兩者互補之下,以提升台灣製造業生產力。
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中國制度分歧中的地方金融與經濟發展: 溫州、上海、天津之比較 / Local Financial Institutions and Regional Economic Development: Divergent Paths of Wenzhou, Shanghai, and Tianjin, China林雅鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
本文認為,自中國政府推動金融改革以來,依據融資來源,各地區將會出現以銀行信貸為主、以中央資金為主及以民間金融為主的三種不同地方金融制度,這三種不同的地方金融制度對地方政府行為有不同的限制和影響。另一方面,各地方政府都是由不同的官僚部門所組成,存在不同部門之間的利益衝突,能否良好協調各部門之間的衝突將會影響地方資源的配置情形。在特定地方金融制度的影響下,加上各地方政府不同的官僚結構運作,本研究認為最終將會引導出五種不同的地區經濟發展路徑。 / The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how local political and economic institutions shape divergent paths of regional economic development among different localities in China. This research proposes five models of Chinese regional economic development. Through an analysis of Chinese different localities, this research states that under the constraints of local distinct financial structures, the ways in which local governments and businesses develop different strategies to interact and respond to market competition and difficulties influence capacities of local government for economic leadership, and result in various economic developmental patterns.
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新創企業與大型OEM/ODM系統廠之供應鏈互動 — 以資源觀點分析 / The supply chain interaction between startups and OEM/ODM firms — Resource view吳育賢, Wu, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究新創企業及大型科技企業於供應鏈上的互動,大型科技企業該如何找尋正確之標的並且不影響原業務內容以及新創企業須具備哪些核心技能以期公司持續發展。本研究個案以Q公司以及N公司為個案案例,其中大型OEM/ODM系統廠Q和硬體新創企業N的合作是為研究重點,因兩者的合作並不符合一般的直覺思維,Q公司必須要犧牲規模經濟才得以進行Q公司之產品製造,所以本研究透過資源觀點的學說,如資源基礎理論、資源優勢理論、資源相依理論等進而從外部環境到內部資源分析,可以發現因為環境因素的促使,導致Q公司與N公司形成互利的相依共生關係。 / Recently in technology industry, due to the recent upsurge of entrepreneurship, the number of start-ups has also increased vigorously. However, how to achieve sustainable development and become a stable and viable enterprise has a lot to do with efforts and progress. On the other hand, most of the Taiwanese technology firms are faced with the lack of margin and innovation power. They are still in the stage of foundry work and the gross profit can not be improved. Recently, many technology companies are keenly searching for the merger or cooperation of the new startups in order to maintain the future competitiveness of enterprises.
The purpose of this paper is to study the interaction between start-ups and large-scale technology enterprises in the supply chain. How can large-scale technology enterprises find the right target and do not affect the original business content and what core skills the start-up enterprises should have in order to keep the company going. The research case is based on the case of Q company and N company. The cooperation between the large OEM / ODM system Q and the hardware start-up enterprise N is the focus of the research, because the cooperation between these two is not in line with the general intuitive thinking. It is necessary to sacrifice the Q’s scale economy to carry out the N company's product manufacturing, so this study will go through the resource point of view, such as resource-based theory, resource advantage theory, resource-dependency theory to analyze the external environment to internal resources. Simply saying the result can be conclude because of the relationship between environmental factors, resulting in Q company and N company to form a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.
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平行疊代法解互補問題張泰生, ZHANG, TAI-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係研究和發展平行疊代法(PARALLEL ITERATIVE METHOD )以解決數學規劃(
半非同步(SEMI-ASYNCHRONOUS )法來解決線性互補問題,此法之特性在於其能大幅
建立了有關該法收斂性(CONVERGENCE )之理論根據。此外,線性互補問題之探討,
其次,我們提出一個整體性之架構,探討平行牛頓法(NEWTON METHOD )及其各種變
然後,針對上述各種演算法,我們在教育部電算中心之IBM 3090上發展並模擬各
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影響集團企業子公司間多點合作因素之研究─台灣金融保險業實證鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文提供若干理論與實務意涵、研究限制和後續研究建議。 / This thesis combines network theory with resource-based view to explore the factors that drive multi-point cooperation between two specific firms in different business groups. Accordingly, this study intends to make a contribution to the implication on network theory and multi-point cooperation. After literature reviewing and case study, the thesis develops a multilevel model, including the firm, dyad and group levels, and relating key properties of resources, partnership and networks to multi-point cooperation. Utilizing survey research, and using 125 data from 36 firms on financial groups in Taiwan, the finding indicates that the likelihood of financial and insurance companies’ multi-point cooperation is related to the business resources, system resources of the business group and its complementarity, status similarity, trust as well as their collaborative items. Network centrality arising form firms’ structural position also plays a very important role in the formation of multi-point cooperation. In addition to theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and future research questions based on the findings and suggestions for future research are also provided.
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職缺屬性差距對求職者低薪職缺選擇之影響:以求職者個人特性為調節變項 / Compensatory Effects of Job Attributes on Applicants' Low-pay Job Choices and Acceptance Intentions: Examining the Moderating Effects of Applicants' Individual Differences康嘉玲, Kang, Chia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
薪資是影響求職者職缺選擇的重要因素之一,但是根據期望理論的觀點,職缺屬性彼此會產生互補效果,這對於資源有限的企業而言,意味著凸顯其他非金錢性之職缺屬性,應該能夠削弱低薪對於求職者職缺選擇的負面影響;此外,根據期望理論的論述,求職者個人特性亦會影響他 (她) 對職缺屬性的解讀,而影響求職者的職缺選擇。本研究以Barber、Daly、Giannantonio與Phillips (1994) 根據ERG理論為基礎所做的屬性分類,試圖探討關係類和成長類職缺屬性能否補償低薪對於求職者職缺選擇的影響,以提升求職者選取低薪職缺的可能性,同時亦探討求職者親和需求與成長需求於此間扮演的調節角色。 / 本研究以2 (關係類職缺屬性差距) ×2 (成長類職缺屬性差距) 受試者間實驗設計,依變項為低薪職缺「工作選擇決策」與「職缺接受意圖」,同時亦請受試自陳個人之親和需求與成長需求,共邀請151名某國立大學的應屆畢業生參與研究,並以階層迴歸分析與羅吉斯迴歸分析進行假設驗證,且輔以質化訪談佐證實證結果。研究結果發現,關係類職缺屬性差距或成長類職缺屬性差距,對於薪資水準皆產生顯著補償效果,亦即低薪職缺之關係類或成長類職缺屬性,愈優於高薪職缺的情況下,求職者愈會接受低薪職缺;此外,求職者之成長需求,也會調節成長類屬性與低薪職缺接受意圖和工作選擇決策間之關係;有別於期望理論的預測,本研究發現職缺屬性間並非為加成效果(Additive effect),僅一類職缺屬性差距大時,即可補償薪資帶來的負面影響,而兩個職缺屬性皆差距大時,補償效果並未更強。最後,根據實證結果與訪談資料,本研究提出未來研究與管理建議。 / Pay-level has long been recognized as one of the most important job attributes that influence applicants' job acceptance intentions and choices. According to the expectancy theory, job attributes would compensate each other; in addition, applicants' individual differences would influence how they value job attributes. In terms of ERG theory's job attribute classification (Barber, Daly, Giannantonio & Phillips, 1994), the present study attempts to examine whether low-pay jobs with better relatedness and growth job attributes would foster applicants to choose them; as well as to investigate the moderating effects of the corresponding individual differences, need for affiliation and growth need strength, on the compensatory effects. / A 2×2 between-subject experimental design using low-pay job acceptance intentions and job choices as the dependent variables, were conducted with 151 undergraduate students who were pursuing jobs at the time of the data collection. Results of hierarchical regression, logistic regression and qualitative interviews showed that applicants were more willing to accept low-pay jobs than high-pay ones when low-pay jobs had better relatedness or growth job attributes; besides, applicants' growth need strength moderated the relationship between growth job attributes and the dependent variables. However, inconsistent with the expectance theory, addition analysis showed that job attributes did not affect applicants’ acceptance intentions and choices additively. That is, one better job attribute could have compensated low-pay's negative effect as effectively as two better job attribute had. Finally, based on the empirical results and qualitative data, suggestions for future research and managerial implications are discussed.
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公司財務決策論文兩篇:跨國購併目標公司之選擇以及聯貸市場參貸銀行的選擇 / Two Essays on Corporate Financial Decisions: Choices of Target Firms in Cross-Border M&As and Choices of Participant Banks in Syndicated Loan Market謝依婷, Hsieh, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要由兩篇文章所組成,探討有關跨國購併活動中目標公司的選擇,以及聯貸市場中參貸銀行的選擇。第一部份旨在分析市場集中程度與跨國購併在垂直相關產業的議題。Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013)建立一般均衡寡佔模型,連結當地國的市場競爭力和跨國購併在垂直相關產業的論點。他們模型認為當地國家的垂直整合程度會改變國外主併者策略優勢。我們使用1990年至2012年涵蓋86個國家,之全球購併活動案件,我們衡量當地國家的市場競爭與垂直整合程度,呈現當地國家前期的市場競爭力將會誘發國外市場主併者進入,以垂直購併的方式購併當地國家之目標公司。本研究結果提供了實證性的結果來支持過去理論之發現,認為產業的集中程度會影響跨國購併。
本論文的第二部份,在研究知識技能互補和銀行商譽在參貸銀行的選擇,觀察主貸銀行該如何選擇參貸銀行之決策分析。延伸Diamond (1991)的商譽建立假說,透過主貸銀行本身的特性因子與工作經驗,來探討主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的誘因動機。研究結果發現,當主貸銀行具有較高的自身商譽佳、經營及投資具效率性、內部監理機制較佳、且市場經驗較為豐富時,會誘使主貸銀行減少對高商譽參貸銀行的需求。呈現知識技能互補的現象於主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的決策。本研究結果可提供我們對聯貸銀行團商譽互補現象及分析。 / Two essays are comprised in this dissertation to study on choices of target firms in cross-border M&As and choices of participant banks in the syndicated loan market. In the first essay, cross-border mergers and market concentration in a vertically related industry, we examine the relationship between market concentration and cross-border M&A. Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013) present an oligopoly in general equilibrium model to identify the linkages between local market competition and cross-border mergers in a vertically related industry. Their model predicts that a vertical integration at home changes the strategic advantage for foreign acquirers. Using firm-level data from 86 countries between 1990 and 2012, we calculate proxies for local market competition and show that lower (higher) pre-merger local competition at home country will increase (decrease) mergers between a foreign firm and a vertically integrated home firm. These findings provide empirical supports for the significant impact of industry concentration on the decisions of cross-border M&A.
In the second essay, the effects of knowledge complementarities and bank reputation on participant banks choices, we focus on the decision of lead arrangers on participant bank choices in the syndicated loan market. We extend reputation building theory (Diamond, 1991) and model the lead arranger’s partner choice problem through the effect of self-related and task-related factors. Our paper show that when lead arrangers have higher reputation, operating efficiency, and market experience, lead arrangers tend to choose less reputable partners. These results help to explain how lead arrangers, through their partner selection decisions, manage the reputation pool among banks in the syndicated loan market.
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台北市連鎖便利商店展店行為的動態分析 / An Entry Analysis of Convenience Stores in Taipei黃伊平, Hwang, I Pyng Unknown Date (has links)
區則是展店機率較低的行政區。 / The density of convenience stores (CVS) in Taiwan is ranked as number one in the
world. The highly concentrated market of convenience stores has dramatically
changed the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. The number of existing outlets in a region
is also an important factor in regard to the entry decisions of new outlets. In this study,
we construct a model of the dynamic discrete game, and examine the influence of the
rival outlet number on CVS entry decisions in Taipei, Taiwan. The empirical evidence
we find is that the CVS profits first rise and then decline as the own or rival outlet
number increases. This result implies that the complement and substitution effects
vary with the number of the CVS outlets in a specific region. Furthermore, we
estimate the probabilities that the CVS companies will set up additional outlets in any
district of Taipei during the data period. The results show that it is most likely for the
companies to enter the Da’an and Zhongshan districts, while Nangang, Datong and
Wanhua are districts with low entry probabilities.
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