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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國防檔案開放應用之評估研究:內部使用者的觀點 / The Evaluation Study of Access of National Defense Archives: The Internal Users Perspectives

羅偉豪, Luo, Wei Hao Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關檔案的開放與應用是當代民主政治運作的磐石,良善且完備的應用制度與開放管道,將能深刻機關檔案的價值及資料開放的深度。由於政治環境及歷史遺緒使然,我國國防檔案開放應用的過程是在相對保守及封閉的情境中所進行。隨著我國民主政治的穩定發展,國防檔案在管理及實務層面歷經了多次的轉變與調整,循序漸進的推展檔案開放應用的進程及範圍。本研究以政策評估理論中的評估指標,來觀察及解析國防檔案開放應用過程的影響與箝制因素,並聚焦於國防部內部使用者在實務過程及現實層面所提出的觀點與問題,嘗試進一步分析及詮釋國防檔案在開放應用時所面臨的困境及挑戰,並提出研究建議。 研究發現在效能性及效率性指標層面,因組織降編與整併、業務移轉與承接、人事精簡與離退及檔案審查行政流程等現實,肇生了國防檔案開放應用在政策效能、資源配置及行政效率等問題。在充分性及回應性指標層面,檔案開放應用的現行內容、範圍及數量未能充分滿足使用者的需求,而檔案管理人員的知能未能有效傳承,形成了執行面向與政策價值之間的落差。在公平性及適當性指標層面,檔案開放應用的管道、主題徵集作業停止及國防組織本質與法規層面的特性限制,使得政策目標的價值受限,並出現了目標偏失的困境。 本研究提出的改善建議可分為政策及實務執行二個層面。在政策層面的改善建議有三點:國防部應重視檔案管理及檔案應用的人力配置與預算資源,避免落入員額精簡或單位裁撤的謬誤循環之中;國防部可積極研擬將非機敏性業務,進行業務委外辦理的推動工作;另外可就現行法制規範層面進行適度的修正及開放等。而實務執行層面的改善建議則有四點:建議國防部在業務流程應積極推動簡化,並以作業管理的資訊化作為輔助;再來應在檔案審查准駁的作業流程進行效率化工作,以提升行政服務的效率;同時應關注檔案管理人員在專業知能上的培訓,以及機關內部和外部的進修訓練;另外建議國防部可以嘗試建立並整合檔案應用的網絡機制,透過多元行動者的互動參與及資訊的垂直和水平整合,來提升檔案開放與應用的實質成效。 / The access of government archives is the cornerstone of modern democracy. Due to the political environment past decades, the access of the national defense archives in Taiwan has been conducted in a conservative and confined manner. With the steadily democratic development in Taiwan, the management of the national defense archives has experienced much improvement and has gradually been stimulating processes and scope of public access. This study, using evaluation indicators adopted from policy evaluation theories; try to analyze the impact and limitations of accessing national defense archives, with a focus on opinions and suggestions made by internal users from the Ministry of National Defense (MND) in Taiwan. Further, this study aims to further analyze the issues and challenges faced and propose some recommendations. The study found that the access of national defense archive has difficulties in policy effectiveness, resource allocation, and administrative efficiency that caused by organizational downgrades and downsize, job assignment and adjustment, personnel reductions, and the archives reviews process. In terms of adequacy and responsiveness indicators, the content, scope and quantity of the archives accessed could insufficiently meet the demands of users, and the knowledge of the archivists not been transferred causes a gap between the practical implementation and the value of the policy. In terms of equity and appropriateness indicators, the access route, stop of theme acquisition and the nature of MND had limited the value of the policy. The suggestions proposed in this study are for policymaking and practical implementation individually. Three suggestions were for improving the policy making process. The MND should pay more attention to archive management, human resource and budgets reallocation in archives division. The MND could outsource some non-classified archive management work. In addition, current public access regulations should make some appropriate adjustments in accordance with reality. There are four suggestions for further improvements of practical implementation. First, the MND should actively promote process reengineering and use information technology as an aid in operation. Second, simplifying the workflow of access of national defense archive should be implemented. At the same time, archivist professional training should be enhanced. Last, the MND should establish an archive-access network; through it the effectiveness of access can be improved.

台灣大學生對網路影音新聞可信度之影響因素研究 / The study of factor and impact of Taiwanese student on credibility of online video news

林俊孝, Lin, Chun Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
近來國內網路社群逐漸普及,國內翻拍網路影音新聞已經成為電視新聞的重要素材來源。不少人宣稱Web2.0平台之後,使用者自創內容(user-generated content)得以擴大公民參與,但學界與實務界都有正反兩面的評價,本研究將從長期使用網路影音內容的台灣大學生,探查網路影音新聞可信度的影響因素為何? 本研究採用紙本問卷調查,隨機抽樣國內十三所大專院校,有效樣本共達731份,研究結果顯示:(1)大學生主要獲知新聞訊息的管道為網路,公民影音素材對於電視新聞採用作為報導題材而言具其重要性,娛樂影音素材則衝擊新聞專業。(2)電視採用網路影音可信度及網路影音可信度皆獲得較低可信度評價,但在公民參與社會發展上有其意義。(3)大學生使用網路動機上愈偏離求知動機,且重視社交動機;愈注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同公民影音素材認知與娛樂影音素材認知會有傾向愈高的電視新聞採用網路影音專業可信度,另外,大學生使用網路動機上愈重視社交動機;越注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同公民影音素材認知與娛樂影音素材認知,會有傾向愈高的電視新聞採用網路影音參與可信度。(4)大學生使用網路動機上愈偏離求知動機;愈注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同娛樂影音素材認知會有傾向愈高的網路影音內容可信度,另外,大學生使用網路動機上愈偏向求知動機、社交動機與娛樂動機,以及愈認同公民影音素材、娛樂影音素材,會有傾向愈高的網路影音社會可信度。研究顯示網路影音可信度上雖然存疑,但對整體公民社會發展上,有其不容抹滅的意義。 / Social networks have been popular in Taiwan recently, and the online videos becomes the main source of TV news. An argument arises whether user-generated content can enhance civic participation after the appearance of Web 2.0 platform. Therefore, the purpose of thesis aims to examine the news credibility of Internet video news among Taiwanese college students who used to watch video content. The survey employed random sampling to collect 731 valid samples among 13 colleges. The important results of this thesis are listed as below: 1. Internet is the main outlet to gain news information for college students. Civic video is important theme of TV news, while entertainment video content has negative impact on journalism. 2. Both TV news which adapt Internet video and Internet video news have low credibility. 3a. College students who have lower information seeking motive and higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapted Internet videos. 3b. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility. 3c. College students who have higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos; 3d. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility. 4. College students who have less information seeking motives for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos, and college students who are more likely identified with entertainment news video have more credibility on Internet video news. In general, there are positive significant difference between online video credibility and the motives of information seeking, sociability, and entertainment. The results showed that although the credibility of online video is still in doubt, it still have positive devotions.

法朵的馬德里想像:西班牙餐廳的創新再脈絡過程 / The Imaging of Fardo: The Process of Innovation Recontextualization from a Spanish Restaurant

李雅清 Unknown Date (has links)

現身與隱藏:初探女同志的臉書使用策略研究 / Coming Out or Not : The Analysis of Lesbians’ Practices and Strategies on Facebook.

蔡佩諭, Tsai, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
同志身分常常是許多同志鎖在衣櫃裡的另一面貌,同志污名標籤令同志在日常生活中,必須管理有關同志身分的身分訊息,以免他人以偏見看待。然而衣櫃卻也有著男櫃與女櫃的差別,女同志在社會中承受的污名處境與男同志並不相同,所擁有的資源與權力也不一樣。相較男同志,女同志有著女性與同志的雙重弱勢身分。 近年來世界各地出現愈來愈多透過臉書賦權的例子,臉書使人們更容易自行組織動員,賦予人們更多政治權力上的能動性。在各式各樣透過臉書賦權的行動中,亦包含少數族群污名化標籤的去除與對抗歧視。對於在主流異性戀社會體制處於性別弱勢的女同志族群來說,藉由臉書反轉污名標籤,或是試圖在臉書上管控自身的同志身分訊息,皆使得女同志在日常生活中與他人的互動,有了別於以往的改變。 本研究從日常生活中的人際互動秩序切入,探究女同志的臉書使用策略。企圖理解臉書如何成為女同志族群遊走權力縫隙的工具,甚至被女同志使用者挪用作為抗衡異性戀主流霸權的策略。研究的目的在於挖掘女同志族群使用臉書的期待、想法與使用感受;以及女同志族群如何透過臉書達成使用臉書的目的――有著哪些使用策略、挪用與棄用的情形。 研究採用質化研究取向,使用深度訪談法,並蒐集紀錄同志的臉書使用文本,交互分析論證。以日常生活理論中Lefebvre的節慶狂歡概念與de Certeau弱者的力量,闡述臉書女同志使用者,如何透過戰術創造機會,並對結構展現出自身的能動性。 研究發現臉書作為呈現日常生活樣貌的平台,反映的是日常生活中綿密交織的各式權力秩序。臉書的女同志使用者在多元的臉書使用策略中,展現與社會監視機制抗衡的企圖,並試圖對異性戀霸權結構秩序形成擾動。女同志族群透過臉書平台具有的隱私控制系統,作為策略使用的主要機制。以臉書上的朋友名單篩選與分類臉書朋友、曖昧模糊的文字內容、大量按讚與轉貼分享偷渡同志議題等方式,自行定義生命中的重要事件與場景,讓詮釋、定義女同志的權力,下放至女同志手中。 / Because of the homosexual stigma, LGBT have to hide their sexual orientation to keep away from discrimination. Lesbians and gays face different social stigmas and the power and social resources they enjoy are not the same. Lesbians, as women and homosexuals at the same time, are more disadvantaged than gays in the society. There are more and more people who empower themselves through Facebook. The empowerment movements on Facebook include reversing the stigma and combating against the discrimination. Lesbians use Facebook as a tool to reverse the stigma against them and they could decide whether to reveal their social identities on Facebook. Thus, Facebook has changed lesbians’ daily interaction with others. Based on the theories about ‘everyday life’ suggested by Lefebvre and de Certeau, this study will explain how lesbians use Facebook to overcome limitations in their daily lives. The findings suggest that, rather than breaking the social norms, lesbians establish a ‘Friend List’ on Facebook to categorize their friends. By using this strategy, lesbians try to undermine the heterosexual hegemony which governs their lives. The tatics that applied by lesbians while using Facebook are not only influenced by the features of Facebook, but also affected by the social and cultural context and power relations.

手機使用者於電量管理之行為模式分析 / User Behavior Analysis of Power Management from Smart-Phone User Logs

張錦生, Chang, Chin Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進步與智慧型手機的普及,使得人們通訊方式改變,生活也更加依賴智慧型手機。然而,電池技術卻未能支援智慧型手機長時間使用,因此手機使用者在電量管理上的行為就變得相對重要。欲研究探討手機使用者的電量管理行為模式,須建立一個包含軟、硬體及使用者的實驗平台,本研究採用經麻省理工學院驗證的Funf Framework開放性原始碼框架,作為蒐集使用者操作紀錄資料,以情境假設觀察這些資料,定義出各情境行為模式的特徵,並根據實驗數據進行所有資料驗證。根據實驗結果,大致歸納出電量管理行為模式,此結果可提供使用者使用手機在電量管理上參考,或發展智慧型電量管理應用程式,以最佳化電量管理。 / The innovation of information technology and the spread of smart phones are changing the way that people communicate and how their livings rely on smart-phones. However, the technology of battery nowadays is still insufficient to meet the need of heavy smart-phones users; therefore, it be-comes relatively important to observe and analyze the user behavior on power management. This research aims to study the patterns of user be-havior on power management by building an experimental platform with appropriate software, hardware and users. We use the Funf Open Sensing Framework, which is originally developed at the MIT Media Lab, to collect user logs on smart phones. We have observed collected data under contex-tual assumptions, identified characteristics within the context of each be-havior pattern, and validated with the experimental data. With the result of the experiment, several patterns of power management have been classified. The experimental result can be used as a reference for the users to manage battery life, or for developing applications on smart power management that best optimizes energy consumption.

土地制度轉變下的挑戰: 東莞臺商製造業的因應之道 / The response of Taiwanese manufactures in Dongguan to the transition of land right regime

葛仲寧, Ko, Chung Ning Unknown Date (has links)
雖著國內生產成本提高,1980年代起許多臺商製造業者紛紛前往中國投資設廠。然而製造業設廠必須使用土地,且由於土地的特性,使得業者在前往中國投資時,必須在當地取得土地,方能建廠進行生產。然而在中國的土地公有制度下,將可能使業者於經營過程中遭遇土地方面的問題。 製造業在跨界投資設廠時,往往在當地長時間經營,而早期當中國相關制度尚在建立時便進入投資的臺商,在中國的土地公有制度下,將可能在經營過程中遭遇土地方面的問題。製造業取得土地設廠後,其生產活動大多為長時間的經營,加上土地的不可移動性與建物定著性,因此投入生產後縱使遭逢變化,也未必能夠立刻遷往他處;此狀況在臺商以中小企業為主、彼此協做生產的產業型態下,可能更為明顯。根據相關研究,臺商在中國遭遇的糾紛中,土地問題占大多數,可見此一環節對製造業者的重要性。 本研究主要利用訪談的方式,試圖以廠商的角度來探討土地制度變遷所造成的影響,並釐清與歸納出臺商在中國投資環境與政策變化快速的情況下,「土地」對製造業者所帶來的問題與因應方式。 訪談對象以廣東東莞的臺商業者為主,包含大型製造業集團與中小企業的負責人或財務資產管理部門主管。由於東莞是臺商最早前往投資的重要聚集地,且當地以集體土地為主的產權型態,經過二十多年的發展,各鄉鎮集體已形成很強的自主性,制度變化的過程中牽動著與既有、環繞著集體產權體制的相關利益,以及國家機器與集體組織間的角力關係。面對這樣複雜的土地制度環境,東莞卻仍聚集大量的臺商,值得深入探究其因。 本研究歸納訪談結果後,認為在臺商前往中國投資過程中,特別是對東莞地區的製造業者而言,中國特殊的土地產權制度、以及快速變化的規範,皆是影響經營發展與策略的重要因素。本研究認為,由於中國的土地制度可說是具備「國有化」與「開發許可制」的特色,政府幾乎控制了土地產權與發展權的釋出管道,因此取得土地權證與否,將會是投資的重要考量。同時也因為土地不可移動與建物定著的特性,一旦取得土地使用上的保障、興建廠房後,業者在面對土地或其他經營上的問題時,可能傾向以更積極的態度克服。在中國注重「政商關係」的環境下,業者更往往透過協會組織的幫助,大型集團甚至可憑一幾之力,與政府進行溝通協商以保障在當地的產業發展。 / In 1980’s, the rise of production costs prompted Taiwanese enterprises to move to China, most of them are manufacture. The investment of manufacturing firms have to use land to build factories, and they can only acquire land at local, rather than bring it from Taiwan. However, because of land right institution in China was not set up completely when the “open door policy” began, foreign manufacturers could face some problems related to land under public ownership in years that followed. Especially for Taiwanese manufacturing investment, that are mostly small- or medium-sized independent manufacturing firms and cooperate with other firms, to form a production chain. In this research, we discuss the influences of transition of land right institution from manufactures’ view, through the interviews with a number of Taiwanese manufacturing firms in China. Most of the interviewees were Taiwanese manufacturing firms in Dongguan, Guangdong. It is a city that Taiwanese firms tended to cluster in the early years. With development for over 20 years, each township in Dongguan enjoys a high degree of autonomy on leading the direction of development. However, most of land in Dongguan are collective-owned, and a lot of profit would be involved during the transition of land right institution or ownership. Even so, there are still plenty of Taiwanese firms investing in Dongguan up to the present day. We conclude that the special land ownership institution in China and swiftly transformed environment are responsible for the changing operation strategies. Both characters of “state-owned” and “planning permission” are embedded in Chinese land institution, and the rights of ownership and development are tightly controlled and can only be granted by government. In consequence, land use right has become an important concern over investment. Moreover, a firm already granted with land use right tends to be much active, or seek help from “Taiwanese business association”, to solve the problems it has faced during operation.

不同產業的伺服器趨勢---以台灣角度看世界 / A Study on The Tendency of Server usage in Taiwan

王鼎瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會的腳步,日新月異的變化,網路成了現今社會人的必需品,失去了網路會導致許多事情都只能停滯不前。因此,伺服器在人類的生活上扮演起了重要的角色。但是對於一般民眾來說,伺服器仍然是個不為人知的東西。伺服器乃是指客戶機網路上的一些機器,管理著應用程式、數據和網路資源。客戶機請求服務,而伺服器提供服務。   早期的伺服器主要用來管理數據文件或網路印表機。現在,伺服器則用來完成其他各種服務,如網路管理、各種各樣的信息服務處理、基礎安全性的訪問等。由於整個網路的用戶均依靠不同的伺服器來提供不同的網路服務。因此,網路伺服器是網路資源管理和共用的核心,其性能對現今整個網路的共用性能有著決定性的影響。從邏輯上看,伺服器是對應於客戶機的一種服務程式。   根據本研究結果,在近年來國內伺服器使用家數在民國99年後有開始增加的趨向,各個產業的裝置家數也有微小的提高。有鑑於此,本研究擬針對國內伺服器使用之影響因素,進行探究,藉以瞭解產業間的影響關係。其研究結果顯示: (1)伺服器裝置台數1台之公司家數約占五成; (2)機關別的民營企業佔了裝置家數九成; (3)產業別之服務業對伺服器依賴性強。

智慧型手機的使用者行為模式分析 / Behavior Analysis Based on Smart-phone User Logs

許志毓, Hsu, Chih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
通訊技術的演化與智慧型手機的普及,改變了人際溝通的方式與手機的應用情境,在此變動快速的行動運算時代,欲研究探討使用者的行為模式,必須建立一個包含硬體、軟體與使用者社群的實驗平台,以量化的數據補強質性的觀察,準此,本論文將以現有之平台為基礎,強化其功能與易用性,方便其他研究者觀察資料的概況,並擷取符合某些條件之資料,此外,我們採用3-gram之應用程式序列,作為行為模式(behavior pattern)之特徵定義,配合不同的應用程式被使用之頻率,在相似度比較上進行不同比重的加權,根據實驗結果,可大致對使用者進行初步的分類,亦可利用此指標,針對已分類過的使用者更進一步探討之間的歧異程度。 / The rapid evolution of information technology and prevalence of smart-phones have changed the way people communicate. To effectively observe and investigate user behavior in this new era of mobile computing, an experimental platform that consists of hardware devices, software applications and user groups is essential. In this thesis, we enhance and extend the functions of a user log collection and analysis system to facilitate quick overview of the recorded data and allow flexible query/extraction of desired data segments for further processing. In addition, we employ 3-gram app log sequence as the main feature to characterize user behavior. A similarity measure that takes into account the relative app usage frequency has been defined to compare and classify users and their usage patterns. Experimental results indicate that this measure can effectively distinguish users of different traits given enough time period of observation.

廣播聽眾媒介使用與滿足之研究-以警察廣播電臺為例 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service

信立君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「使用與滿足」理論,以警察廣播電臺為探討的對象,研究聽眾願意主動提供路況資訊的使用動機與滿足程度。 警察廣播電臺為公營廣播媒體,節目內容以治安交通等公共服務為主。警廣自1971年設立第一座交通專業電臺臺北臺,以電話接收聽眾提供路況;於1996年率先啟用智慧型電話系統,將全省免付費路況提供專線統一為0800000123,受理來自全省各地聽眾提供即時路況。近年來,路況報導為廣播閱聽眾收聽廣播的重要因素之一,且從幾次重大的意外災害發生後,警廣很快的從聽眾提供的資訊掌握災情,聽眾主動提供的資訊發揮了功能。 本研究以量化研究方式,採用問卷調查法。研究結果發現,聽眾願意主動提供路況的動機,分別為「分享參與」、「資訊守望」、「人際連絡」、「尋求解決困難的方法」以及「個人化需求」等五個構面。並且想知道即時的路況是聽眾收聽警廣最主要的動機。 關鍵詞:使用與滿足、主動的閱聽人、廣播、路況報導 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service Abstract This study employs 「uses and gratifications」theory to investigate motivations for actively providing road condition information and resulting gratification among listeners of Police Broadcasting Service. Police Broadcasting Service is a public radio station with program content chiefly comprising public service matters connected with law and order and transportation. Since it established Taiwan's first specialized traffic station—Taipei Station—in 1971, Police Broadcasting Service has received telephone reports of road conditions from listeners. The station launched the 0800000123 smart phone system—Taiwan's first—in 1996, to provide a Taiwan-wide toll-free road condition hotline to accept real-time road condition reports from listeners throughout Taiwan. In recent years, the station's road reports have become one of the most important factors causing the public to listen to the station. Furthermore, after several major accidents that occurred in the past, Police Broadcasting Service quickly gained a picture of the situation from information provided by listeners, showing that the voluntary provision of information by listeners is very effective. This study employed a quantitative research approach and used the questionnaire survey method. The study's findings indicated that listeners' motivations for actively providing road information included the five aspects of 「shared participation」, 「information watchman」, 「interpersonal contact」,「looking for means of solving problems」, and 「individual needs」. Furthermore, wishing to hear real-time road conditions constitutes listeners' chief motivation for listening to Police Broadcasting Service. Keywords: uses and gratifications、active audience、listeners、radio station、road condition report

小米手機之口碑傳遞模式探討 / A Study on Delivery Model of Xiaomi Mobile Phone by Word of Mouth

謝佳穎 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧型手機成長快速,根據全球市場研究機構TRENDFORCE調查顯示,2013年第四季全球智慧型手機出貨季成長6.5%,達2億六千五百萬支,與去年同期相比成長32.2%。其中小米科技在競爭激烈的市場達成了全球市佔率3%的成績,同時被預估2014年手機出貨上看4,000萬支,取得空前成功。基於此,本研究試圖從使用者參與、口碑行銷與傳遞,以及被廣泛稱為「飢餓行銷」的限量銷售的手法等三個層面對小米所採取的創新作法進行探討,試圖瞭解小米如何在創立至今四年多的時間達成其餘競爭廠商望其相背的成就。 研究結果發現,小米科技發展初期,尚未發行手機硬體前,口碑的形成源自消費者於論壇討論區大量參與MIUI開發與改進所引起關於服務品質、滿意度以及忠誠度的提升。在手機產品上市後,小米科技除了以較競爭廠商更具性能價格比優勢的手機產品吸引消費者外,亦持續透過論壇與服務經營消費者關係,增進了消費者對於品牌口碑傳遞的意願。本研究透過問卷與訪談發現,在小米口碑傳遞內容部分多為其產品之高性能價格比。對於性能價格比優勢,小米科技則是透過限量的搶購模式有效延長產品話題熱度與生命週期,利用常態性關鍵零組件價格走勢降低製造成本,並以手機產品普及後所帶來之服務收入作為其主要營運獲利模式。 本研究亦建議後續研究可針對限量銷售模式、使用者參與程度與口碑內容的影響等方向進一步進行探討,進而對行銷實務上有所貢獻。 / In recent years, a rapid growth in smart-phone usage is observed. According to a study by market research agency, Trendforce, global smart-phone shipment grew at a pace of 6.5% in fourth quarter of 2013 and reached 260 million units. Chinese brand, Xiaomi, alone captured 3% of the global market share during the most competitive period of smart-phone business. It is expected that its 2014 shipment volume will reach 40 million units. Due to this remarkable achievement, this study will analyze the brand from the perspective of end user behavior, word of mouth marketing and the so called "hunger marketing" where limited editions are used, to explore the success of Xiaomi's strategy and its position in the global market within a four year span. The research result indicates that in the early stage of Xiaomi's establishment, prior to their involvement in hardware, the awareness were already establishing from forum discussion of service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and the development of MIUI. When the hardware eventually launched, Xiaomi's selling point came not only from its low cost strategy, but they continued to participate in forum studies in consumer service level and naturally created brand viral. Consumer market research shows that leading awareness focuses on Xiaomi's high performance/cost ratio. To build on this advantage, Xiaomi uses a limited volume strategy to create brand viral and prolongs product life cycle. It takes advantage of the declining price trend of key components to lower manufacturing costs and income from the software services to enhance operating profit. Further study is recommended on the benefits and results of limited volume strategy, user participation and word of mouth marketing.

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