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東南亞籍配偶在農村:生產與再生產之貢獻——以雲林縣西螺鎮為例林品樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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以平等權觀點探討外籍配偶與大陸配偶在台待遇問題-兼論婚姻移民法制之研究楚恆惠 Unknown Date (has links)
外籍配偶與大陸配偶來台制度之差別待遇問題,本文認為須從實際來台狀況予以檢驗及解決,重要的是基本權益的實質保障,另為解決此一問題,應從改善兩岸關係著手,如能減緩或解決兩岸間政治、軍事對立及衝突,能有良好正常的互動與發展,同時有效改善虛偽結婚或異常、非法情事,當能更提昇大陸人民或是大陸配偶權益及待遇。此外,我國應參照國際人權保障趨勢,擬訂符合我國需要之移民政策,朝保障外來移民之權益繼續努力。 / As globalization goes on, the movement of international population is increasing. For Taiwan, cross-strait communication speeds up this trend. International marriage, including that with the foreigners and PRC citizens, grows up drastically in the number over the past ten years. There were not so many immigrants from foreign countries or from Mainland China before in this country. In response thereto, Taiwan government has set up legal systems and particular rules to regulate immigration lately, for example, “Immigration Law”, “Nationality Law”, “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, and so on. These laws include different articles to regulate foreign spouses and Mainland China spouses respectively. Some people therefore get the impression that there is involved discrimination in legal systems.
One aspect of this study is firstly devoted to an investigation of the protection as imparted by our Constitution in order to clarify the issue whether a foreign spouse is entitled to rights under the Constitution. Another aspect is to discuss the difference in legal status between a foreigner and people from Mainland China. Then, the legitimacy of such a differentiation is examined from the angle of equity. Actually, the rationale under such a differentiation comes from the cross-strait relations. Relatively, the regulations are stricter for the mainland spouses than for the foreign spouses, in particular in terms of the right to work and residence. As for political right and the right to become civil servants, the problem is more complicated. Since the foreigners and mainland people are regulated differently in respect of the procedures and requirements for getting the citizenship, in consideration of the loyalty conflict and security and in order to ensure the existence and maintain the constitutional democracy of our country, the 10-year minimum requirement for mainland people to become civil servants upon getting the citizenship as prescribed in Article 21 of “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” is supposed to be in conformity with the constitution. On the other hand, the author of this dissertation opines that upon specifying the restriction on the positions open to the mainland people, the legal system should take into account the impact of their becoming civil servants upon the national security and their accommodation to democracy as required.
The author investigates the differentiation in law between foreign and mainland spouses from the angle of American law and the theory of equal protection. Currently, the policy on the mainland spouses’ right to work is focused on the maintenance of low-income families. It might amount to a kind of discrimination that does not quite comply with the equal protection if compared with the phase of foreigners. However, due to the difference in citizenship system between the foreign and mainland spouses, the legal status of these two might not be identical. The foreign spouses who intend to be naturalized in Taiwan must accept the loyalty examination. But for mainland people, the steps to get Taiwanese citizenship lack the loyalty examination procedure. The mainland people who get Taiwanese citizenship are not required to abandon the nationality of mainland China. The mainland people come from communist system; they need a period time to get accommodated to democracy. Therefore, by virtue of loyalty conflict and national security consideration, it is constitutional that the law may prescribe some restriction in this regard. Nonetheless, there remains room for review of the 10-year minimum requirement. It is incumbent upon the legal system to regulate the civil positions to be open in accordance with the impact upon the national security and the accommodation to democracy as required.
On the basis of this study, it is suggested that the differentiation between foreign and mainland spouses, having its institutional sector, should be examined and solved in consideration of national circumstances and practical phase. Of particular importance is how to promote the substantial protection of basic human right. Besides, another critical factor is to improve the cross-strait relationship. The tasks such as: to ease and avoid cross-strait political and military confrontation or conflicts, to foster normal and friendly bilateral relations and interaction, etc., all play a critical role. Meanwhile, an effective solution to the problem of fake marriage and other crimes or illegal events will help enhance the interest and status of mainland people furthermore. Also, our country should keep following the trend of international human right protection so as to work toward realistic immigration policy and a satisfactory legal system without compromising the right protection of immigrants.
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晚婚女性之擇偶偏好與婚姻態度 / Preference in spouse selection and marriage attitude of late-married females李慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
能,以正向思考面對婚姻中值得學習之處。 / Marriage has since ever been an important traditional custom and a major life event in Chinese culture. However, with social transformation in recent years, life style and sense of value have been dramatically altered. Late marriage or non marriage becomes another option for life planning, causing rapid growth in late-married or non-married population as well as low birth rate and aging society in demographics. It also derives political, economic, social and manpower problems to different extents, which is closely related with national development. Therefore, the issue is worth researching and this study is to discuss current status of late-married females and to learn underlying factors in late marriage from their preference in spouse selection and cognition or perspective on marriage attitude. Suggestions are also proposed for reference of related personnel.
In-depth interview of qualitative research is adopted in this study. Research subjects are 10 in total. All of them are females above 30 years old, have never been married by law definition and live in Taipei City, New Taipei City or Taoyuan County. After interview data are analyzed, findings discovered are summarized as follows:
1.It is commonly regarded that late marriage is the trend of modern society. Facing the choice between advanced studies, career development and marriage life, females place marriage to the last.
2.Life and friends are limited. Passing ideal marriage age is currently the major predicament in spouse selection.
3.The priority of spouse selection is personal criteria, including appearance, physical features and characteristics, followed by capabilities and emotional orientation.
4.In marriage cognition, marriage is considered a necessary path in life. In marriage experience, there are two sheerly different attitudes – positive and negative views both appear. In inclination to marriage, it is prone to stepping into marriage. On the other hand, late-married females whose parents are divorced have negative perspectives on every attitude towards marriage .
Suggestions based on findings discovered are proposed in the following:
1.It is advised that late-married females should avidly participate in activities, develop interests and fulfil selves to make changes in life as well as expand personal relationship to increase chance of meeting male counterparts.
2.Clarify self ideas at an earlier date and constructively plan life paths. Criteria for spouse selection should be based on a practical perspective and personal standard should be appropriately adjusted.
3.Concept of gender role should be correctly established. Multiple roles played by modern females should be respected with traditional requirement imposed on women lifted.
4.It is advised that the society should convey proper marriage education and reassure the value and function of marriage to have a positive view on what is worth learning in marriage.
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日本偶像經濟現象之研究─以AKB48為例 / Phenomenon of the Japanese idol economy - A Case Study of AKB48林芙白 Unknown Date (has links)
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掌中春秋,百年癡迷——霹靂布袋戲迷文化郭書吟, Kuo, Shu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
布袋戲於臺灣已近百年歷史,它勇於就地謀生,汲取民間養分、庶民文化之特質,將流行元素置於文本結構、角色人物當中,使其歷百年而不墜,隨時代變遷而演進更生。本研究以霹靂布袋戲迷為主體,探討霹靂布袋戲迷文化之生成,為何而迷,著迷之物,以及迷、偶、官方—霹靂國際多媒體三者之關係。戲偶對於布袋戲迷而言並非死物,它趨近「仿人」式的擬真動作,即便在形體、動作上有其限制,該限制卻同時為發展之契機。經由霹靂國際多媒體塑造之偶,經由布袋戲迷及官方對偶之想像,賦神於偶,使「它」→「他」,「偶」→「偶像」。「偶」作為迷與官方之間的關鍵連結,雙方對「偶」的想像使三者形成密切網絡,迷與官方之間因「偶」的作用導致關係複雜多變。霹靂布袋戲迷透過迷活動實踐過程,將無生命之「偶」賦予生命,予無情者有情。 / Glove puppet drama in Taiwan has a rich history around one hundred years. It is characterized by absorbing nutrition from folk and popular culture, and also integrates with popular elements into texts and structures. This feature helps puppet drama to live and improve with the wheel of time turning. This paper will focus on the issue of Pili-puppet drama fans, including the discussion of Pili-puppet drama fan culture, process of being fascinated by the “puppet”, and the relation between the three: fan, puppet, and Pili Multimedia Inc.. To Pili-fans, glove puppets are not inanimate objects however, they are idols with feelings. Though puppets are limited in doing some gestures, the limitation is the turing point on the contrary. Being structured by Pili Multimedia Inc., embraced with the imagination and fantasy by official organization and fans, puppets are empowered with spirits through transformation, the object “it” becomes “him/her”, “puppet” then becomes “idol”. The Pili puppet is a crucial element connected with fans and the producer. Moreover, the relation between fans and the producer is incredible complicated because of the “puppet”. Pili-fans empower the spirit on puppets with practice, making inanimate objects alive and with feelings, also.
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閱聽人眼中的東南亞新移民女性:青少年的媒介使用與新移民族群認知的關聯張蓓琳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,共訪問台北縣市青少年國中生共550 人。研究結果發現,青少年對東南亞新移民的族群認知與其弱勢情境有關,包括:負面、他者、社會問題、能力不足的形象認知。此外,青少年的電視新聞暴露、注意程度對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的族群認知、評估的預測力較佳:青少年的電視新聞暴露時間愈長、注意程度愈高,對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的認知、評估愈負面。青少年的報紙新聞暴露時間和東南亞籍配偶認知有關,其報紙新聞的暴露時間愈長,對東南亞籍配偶的負面形象程度愈低,顯示媒介暴露時間的多寡和媒介效果未必成正比。網路對於建構族群認知、評估的效果則未有電視新聞、報紙一致,未來若將網路使用內容納入研究範疇,將能進一步了解網路對於建構閱聽人族群認知、評估的效果。 / Since mass media has distorted ethnic groups in the news for a long time, this study examines how teenagers perceive the south-east foreign brides and their children and the relation between teenagers’ racial perceptions and media use. Therefore, teenagers’ interpersonal contact with the south-east foreign brides’ children is also a variable in the study so that we can further examine the effect of interpersonal contact toward teenagers’ racial perception and attitude. Using a random sample technique, a total of 550 teenagers were surveyed in 2008. The results of the study showed that teenagers perceived the south-east migration as the negatives, others, social problems and inabilities. In addition, the more television news exposure and attention teenagers have, the more negative perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. As for the newspaper, the more newspaper exposure teenagers have, the more positive perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. However, there’s no identical result in terms of the internet. Future research may find out how the internet impact the audience’s racial perception if the internet content is measured.
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單身男女之擇偶條件與婚姻態度之研究—以台北縣市軍公教人員為例 / The Study of ideal relationship and marital attitude of singles on the subject of public service in Taipei city and Taipei county朱鴻鈞, Chu, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議,包括:(一)確立人生目標;(二)建立正確的兩性相處價值觀;(三)肯定自己存在的價值;(四)學習人際溝通與情感的表達;(五)尊重多元的婚姻觀念;(六)積極拓展人際關係網絡;(七)培養健全的性觀念;(八)充實精神生活的內涵。 / In traditional society, there exists more about the fundamental value norm "When the married men and women, when the marriage." But in recent years, marriage patterns show a complex multi-style, some people no longer look forward to marriage and depend on the family instead of choosing a single life or delaying their marriage. This result makes the single population increasing of later marriage. This phenomenon making what impact for the whole community is worth our caring about the subject. This subject is worthy of inquiry.
Therefore, this study was about investigating the causes of single men
and women, single life, ideal partner’condition and the views of
marriage. In the method, I adopt in-depth interviews to the Taipei city
and county of the five men and seven women who’s job are teachers,
soldiers or government workers as the interview object. Study found that:
a single reason is rarely caused by a single factor instead of many factors
polymerization from the results. The study comprehensive summed up these
reasons for the internal and external two major factors: internal factors
are mainly to " hard to find a marry person " for single man and woman
remain single. And major cause of external factors is "can not keep the
families", which consider "economic factors" as the main causes of
single.In 12 single men and women respondents, there are contacts or
sexual partners who form the majority partner, and voluntary long-term
"singles”accounted for a minority in their living conditions.
Spouse Choosing in terms of male preference is about "housekeeping"
and "health" of women; women prefer "feeling" and "strong capacity" of men.
In thinking about marriage, there are more of single men and women who hold negative views to the marriage. They think that life actually "do not necessarily have to marry" and "not looking forward to marriage," and "not long for marriage." Further separation of gender, men think that live to old age is not easy. For women, they think that they are the most reliable to themselves, but for the evaluation of the marriage, both men and women have a more positive attitude, saying that "marriage is always good."
Finally, based on this study, I made several recommendations which include: (a) establish life goals, (2) to establish the correct values of gender relations, (3) affirmed the value of their existence; (d) learn interpersonal communication and emotional expression; (5) respect for the diverse concepts of marriage, (6) Actively expand interpersonal networks; (7) develop a correct sex concept (8) enrich the connotation of spiritual life.
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Chinese spouses empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Service / Chinese spouses empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing ServiceMomesso, Lara, Momesso, Lara Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This research examines Chinese spouses’ narratives regarding their participation in a Taiwanese organization and their experience and adaptation to a new life. Fourteen spouses, members of a Taiwanese organization called Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Service (CARES), completed in-depth interviews. Qualitative analysis identified prominent themes in participants’ responses in relation to three main subjects: community communications, participation and empowerment. Analysis revealed that the organization communication techniques can be included in the category of community communications. Nevertheless semi-horizontal and bottom-up approaches were identified. This condition is reflected also in the process of spouses’ participation and empowerment. The participation of women in community communications was reached only partially. The same can be said about empowerment, which was achieved mainly at the psychological level. The debate offered a list of possible factors which could be related to the partial development of empowerment and participation. They could be traced back to cultural, social, political, personal and gender factors. Suggestions which are based upon these findings of empowerment and participation are proposed to the organization and to Chinese spouses.
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電視偶像劇操作置入型態分析-三立《命中注定我愛你》個案研究 / An analysis of product placement in TV trendy drama: A case study of "Fated to Love You"邱啟紋, Chiu, Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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外派人員配偶海外生活適應之研究螘金花 Unknown Date (has links)
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