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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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金融人員婚姻觀與晚婚因素一以F銀行為例 / Financial People's Outlook on Marriage and Factors Leading To Their Late Marriage:As Exemplified by F Bank

陳珮瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
晚婚人口的增加,影響所及最顯著的就是生育率的降低。所以晚婚現象不單單只是男女兩性的問題,也衍生出人口結構面及政府社會福利與相關政策制定等的問題。而晚婚現象也充斥著各行各業,以國內金融業為例,金融業的員工往往以女性為大宗,而在男性寥寥可數的工作環境下,容易造成金融業女性想要內銷不易;再加上工作時間過長、工作壓力大,不容易自然認識到異性,若又不積極向外打開社交圈,單身的狀態更是難以突破,因此為一項值得深究的課題。 本研究採取質化研究的半結構式訪談法,訪問了12名已達30歲(含)以上而尚處於未婚狀態的女性金融從業人員,旨在探究晚婚女性金融人員的擇偶條件與婚姻態度,企圖統整出影響她們晚婚的因素。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究重要發現如下述: 一、結婚之必要性鬆動。婚姻是一種緣分,而結婚最重要的前提就是是否能尋得一位「值得託付終身的對象」,如果結婚沒有單身好,那麼就更沒有結婚的必要了! 反而認為女孩子經濟獨立比較重要。 二、不一定只有結婚才算是盡子女的責任,不婚有時反而有更多的時間可以陪伴家人,進而孝順自己的父母親,為自己的原生家庭盡一份力量,讓父母們能夠放寬心,也是另一種盡子女的責任,而且長輩也不希望子女是為了結婚而結婚。 三、結婚也不一定要生小孩。生不生小孩應該是要在夫妻雙方都有穩定的經濟基礎及規劃下,再來慎重考慮之後做決定,此也正可呼應為何現在我國的生育率如此低落。 四、不婚不等於晚年會孤獨。人本來就是孤獨的,有時候結婚有伴也不見得就比較不孤獨,況且可以排解孤獨的方式也有很多種,每個人都會變老,最重要的應該是要培養出自己的興趣。 五、工作環境、壓力多多少少對晚婚都有點影響。尤其是現今金融業面對國際化以及同行競爭,處在此種競爭激烈的工作環境下,工作壓力大、工時長,往往下班時就已經疲累到不行,假日時間可能又必須得準備證照考試來努力充實自己,有時忙到可能都沒有時間找對象,或者好好去經營一段感情,也會擔心有了家庭小孩後,該如何在工作跟家庭間做一個權衡。 六、而這些晚婚女性金融人員仍未結婚最主要的原因還是尚未找到一位「值得託付終身的對象」,在未找到合適的人之前,採取不要勉強自己,寧缺勿濫的態度。而且年紀越大,經歷過的事情越多,越能夠瞭解婚姻的現實面,對於結婚也就越沒有了衝動。 本研究並根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、如果有結婚的意願及打算,就應該要積極準備,拓展人際關係,不要為自己設限,能夠多元交友,不要再只是消極的隨緣等候緣分的到來。 二、釐清自己真正的需求,設定務實、適合自己的擇偶條件,而非執著於某些三高等的外在條件。 三、建議相關單位可多舉辦聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道,拓展認識異性之機會。 / The number of people getting married late has been increasing, and the most significant impact is the reduction in fertility. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem, but also causes different problems in demographic structure and government social welfare policy. And the phenomenon of late marriage filled various walks of life, for example in the domestic financial industry many of its employees are women but few men. Its long working hours and pressure cause women more difficult to find their ideal person. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study uses the qualitative methodology of semi structured interviews, to interview twelve female financial people who are over 30-year-old and unmarried. In this study I try to integrate the reasons that cause female financial people to get married late by observing their mate-selection preferences and marital values. After analyzing their interview data, the results of the research show the following key points: 1.The most important prerequisite to get married is to find an ideal person. If getting married is not better than single, then the marriage is no more necessary! 2.Marriage is not only being regarded as filial piety anymore. Unmarried people can have more time to accompany with their family and their elders hope their children do not marry just to marry. 3.Getting married doesn’t have to have children. A decision to having children should be at a stable economic base and after careful consideration. This is also why our fertility rate is so low. 4.Not married doesn’t mean you will be lonely when you are old. Everyone will get older, the most important thing is you should cultivate your own interests. 5.Working environment and pressure have little influence on the late marriage. Especially the financial sector now faces the international competition. Such a competitive environment, work pressure, and long working hours make them not have time to find their ideal person or to manage a relationship. 6.And the main reason that female financial people getting married late is not found an ideal person and they don’t want to force themselves. This study also offers the following suggestions: 1.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. Don’t set limits for yourself and keep passive attitudes toward marriage. 2.Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners. 3.I recommend the coherent units to hold more gatherings cross organizations. Provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex.


吳文清 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以家庭角色的角度以及夫妻互為支持者與被支持者的關係,提出以「家務工作角色」、「親職教養角色」、「媳婿角色」與「子女角色」上的相互支持來詮釋配偶支持的獨特性,並以上述四個家庭角色情境自編配偶支持量表,調查與比較研究對象在配偶支持各向度上的現狀與差異,最後探討配偶家庭角色支持與整體婚姻滿意度的關係。研究樣本以滾雪球取樣方式,收集台灣北部、中部與南部地區之中年已婚夫妻、目前育有至少一名青春期子女、且自己的雙親或其一與配偶的雙親或其一尚健在,共360位研究對象。資料分析方法有項目分析、因素分析、Cronbach α信度分析、重複量數單因子變異數分析、成對T檢定、皮爾森積差相關與多元逐步回歸。 研究結果顯示: 1.配偶家庭角色支持可區分出十個向度:在支持提供方面為:(1)支持(配偶)家務角色(2)支持(配偶)教養角色(3)被動支持(配偶)與自己父母相處(4)被動支持(配偶)與對方父母相處(5)主動促進(配偶)與雙方父母關係。在支持接受方面為:(1)家務角色積極支持獲得(2)家務角色消極支持獲得(3)教養角色積極支持獲得(4)教養角色消極支持獲得(5)與雙方父母相處支持獲得。 2.男、女在不同家庭角色的配偶支持提供與支持接受上有差異,且男女的差異型態不同。 3.(1)配偶支持提供與接受十個向度與男女的整體婚姻滿意度皆有顯著相關。 (2)「教養角色積極支持獲得」、「家務角色消極支持獲得」、「主動促進(配偶)與雙方父母關係」、「與雙方父母相處支持獲得」可正面預測女性的整體婚姻滿意度,「被動支持(配偶)與對方父母相處」則可負面預測女性的整體婚姻滿意度。 (3)「家務角色積極支持獲得」、「教養角色消極支持獲得」「教養角色積極支持獲得」可正面預測男性的整體婚姻滿意度。 根據上述研究結果,研究者提出討論與檢討,最後針對育有青春期子女的夫妻、婚姻輔導實務工作者與未來的研究方向提供若干建議。


洪淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織進行社會行銷過程,透過媒體將訊息傳播給社會大眾,使民眾或捐款人強化對非營利組織的印象和了解並加以信任,因此與媒體關係之良性互動實為重要。本文採用「深度訪談」質化取向之研究方法,對三個服務外籍配偶基金會之高階主管進行訪談,包括:台北市賽珍珠基金會、伊甸基金會以及天主教善牧基金會,並訪談電視媒體主管,探討非營利組織與電視媒體互動關係。 研究發現分為: 一、非營利組織與新聞曝光的關係 (1)媒體曝光影響捐款收入與組織形象;(2)非營利組織服務對象特徵影響媒體曝光。 二、非營利組織公關部門組織描繪 A.組織制度面:(1)三組織無稱為「公關」的部門,但都有類似功能的單位;(2)廣宣人員流動率高,不一定有新聞相關背景資歷;(3)與電視媒體的接觸頻率少,但有固定作業流程;(4)授權區域主管發布新聞;(5)人人公關策略,彌補公關組織之不足。 B.財務基礎面:(1)公關部門幾乎沒有編列預算;(2)提供「資訊津貼」便於記者採訪;(3)尋求企業資金協助;(4)與媒體合作擴大報導效益。 C.文化資本面:(1)組織人員熟稔相關資訊與議題,有助於建立權威與可信度;(2)知名人士代言,增加可信度、話題和曝光率。 三、電視媒體的守門機制 A.電視媒體採訪流程與組織因素:(1)多為「由上而下」指派採訪;(2)守門人主宰新聞採訪與播出;(3)電視媒體組織特色;(4)內外部因素影響新聞產製。 B.新聞取捨標準與偏愛:(1)具吸引觀眾、提高收視率之新聞;(2)畫面張力佳、易處理的新聞;(3)動人的個案故事;(4)曝光率高、知名度高的組織;(5)社會氛圍影響新聞議題。 四、非營利組織與電視媒體之互動關係 A.主動接觸媒體:(1)非營利組織與電視媒體常態下為「交換關係」;(2)彼此有需要而接觸時,發展成「合作關係」。 B.被動回應媒體:(3)處理危機事件,易形成「對立關係」。

電視劇置入性行銷研究 / The Study on TV Drama of Product Placement

唐淑珍 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的電視劇從民國五十八年由中國電視公司製播的【晶晶】開啟戲劇新紀元,歷經近四十年台灣電視劇,隨著時代的變遷,在順境中求變化、在逆境中求生存,從八點檔連續劇到九點半單元劇,再由本土劇到偶像劇,期間尚有類戲劇穿插其間,台灣戲劇的豐富性與類型之多變,也造就台灣文化娛樂產業持久的競爭力。 近年來,由於傳播科技日新月異,加上有線頻道的開放,媒體市場競爭更形白熱化,置入式行銷(Product Placement)也順勢成為行銷人員使用的行銷手法之一,而置入式行銷即運用戲劇節目的優勢,將商品或品牌與戲劇進行結合,企圖為商品或品牌創造更多元的曝光機會。 本研究即針對十一位涵蓋戲劇製作端、媒體代理商與廣告主三種領域、具有電視劇置入式行銷實務執行經驗的產製前端人士進行深度訪談,希望藉由前製端實際從事置入式行銷專業人士的角度,深度剖析並歸納電視劇置入式行銷的運作,並進而建構從事電視劇置入式行銷的觀念與操作建議,期望經由本研究提供各方正向的思考,更希望未來在實質上能有助於提升置入式行銷的精進。 / Since the China Television Corporation(CTV)produced the first Taiwan’s TV serial drama---“Jingjing”(晶晶)in 1969, a new era of drama began. From the prime-time soap opera, 9P.M. unit theatrical, to local serial drama, idol drama and even docudrama, TV opera in Taiwan are full of variety. Changing based on primary trends is the reason why entertainment industry in Taiwan can keep highly competitive in the past 40 years. Due to the great development of communication technology and cable TV system, media commercial market in Taiwan became more and more competitive. Now marketing staff usually adopt “Product Placement Strategy” to combine merchandise and TV opera. They want to create more and various opportunities to expose the products and brands in the shows. This research used the way of depth interview with 11 persons who have full working experiences on three dimensions: the production of TV drama, media agent and client, then concluded the opinions from these professional people. Via the view of pre-production specialists for product placement marketing field, this research analyzes and induces the way to operate a successful marketing campaign by using product placement strategy in Taiwan TV serials. The purpose of this research is providing positive suggestions to enhance the performance of placement marketing.


李品蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討近年來大量的女性婚姻移民隨著全球化浪潮進入我國,在遭逢我國國族建構的互動過程中,其公民身份與權利如何的受到對待與回應。本研究探討的焦點分為兩部份:第一部份著重在大陸及東南亞配偶在Marshall的三種公民權—市民權、社會權、政治權分類下,所受到國家法令規範的限制,並比較兩者的差異;第二部份著重在以多元文化主義的女性主義觀點分析種族、階級、國族與性別四種因素如何影響著婚姻移民的公民權行使,女性婚姻移民如何跳脫出公民權本質與運作上所帶來的阻礙,並比較現階段大陸及東南亞配偶在公民權實踐上的差異。 本研究在研究方法上,一方面從相關移民法令、公報、報章媒體等次級資料加以分析整理現階段女性婚姻移民在法令上的保障與限制;另一方面,以深度訪談的方式,對移盟與沒錢盟的主要幹部進行面對面訪談,以進一步了解女性婚姻移民的現實處境,及移民團體對政府移民政策的批判。 本研究結果發現,在目前的法令規範上,大陸配偶所受到的限制較東南亞配偶嚴苛;在阻礙因素上,由於個人地位與角色受到多重因素的影響,使得女性婚姻移民落入國族與性別的交互壓迫與歧視循環中,而無法享有平等的公民權;此外,來自國族的影響對大陸配偶的公民權限制較大,種族歧視則對東南亞配偶的公民權限制較大,性別及階級歧視則同時限制了大陸及東南亞配偶的部份公民權。

論中國大陸夫妻共同債務的舉證責任分配 =Discussion about the burden of proof distribution of spousal community debts in mainland China / Discussion about the burden of proof distribution of spousal community debts in mainland China

黃泳儀 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

大陸配偶參加台灣全民健保相關因素之探討-以臺北地區為例 / Factors affecting mainland spouses, enrollment in the national health insurance program- Taipei area as an example

李小娟 Unknown Date (has links)
根據移民署公佈的統計資料顯示,來台的大陸配偶人數逐年增加,這些藉由婚姻關係遷徙台灣的新移民,根據人口遷移理論,應存在原居住地社會經濟等負向條件的「推力」,以及遷移目的地正向吸引的「拉力」。台灣全民健保保障了大陸配偶的健康,提供完善的醫療照護。大陸配偶面對台灣與大陸兩地不同的醫療衛生環境與保險制度,在遷移台灣後願意主動參加全民健保的因素為何,另又有部分的大陸配偶須經過輔導後才參加全民健保,其面臨的影響因素又為何,全民健保制度的實行對大陸配偶而言,是否成為吸引人口移入的正向「拉力」,而且提升其對台灣醫療服務的正面印象等,都是令人想一窺究竟的結果,也是本研究進行的目的。 本研究利用文獻分析法,蒐集相關的論文、書籍、期刊、統計報告等資料,進行台灣與大陸兩地衛生醫療環境與保險制度之比較和分析,並說明台灣全民健保的正向拉力與大陸醫療保險制度的負向推力。進而探討大陸配偶的實際看法及對台灣醫療服務的印象;為提高本研究的信度與效度,採取立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣方式,篩選20位居住於臺北地區的大陸配偶作為研究對象,其中10位為主動參加健保者及10位經輔導後參加健保的大陸配偶;以半結構式問卷進行深度訪談蒐集資料。 研究資料分析,大陸配偶願意主動參加全民健保的因素包括(1)避免疾病風險。(2)就醫需求。(3)依規定辦理。(4)家人幫忙辦理。而須經過輔導後才參加全民健保的大陸配偶,其影響因素包括(1)以工作優先。(2)不知道有社會保險。(3)沒有立即醫療需求。(4)經濟因素。 受訪的大陸配偶,超過半數給予台灣全民健保制度正面的肯定,該制度確實能夠提升大陸配偶對台灣醫療服務的正面印象;但高於半數的大陸配偶認為「全民健保」的制度不能吸引其遷移來台;不過有半數的大陸配偶表示,因有健保醫療的照護,年老時會選擇在臺終老。 進過訪談資料的整理、分析及歸納之後,得到五個研究發現,(1)大陸配偶對於台灣的就醫環境與醫護人員服務態度有高度的正面評價。(2) 大陸配偶主動參加全民健保的主要相關因素為「避免疾病風險」及「就醫需求」,而非慕名台灣醫療服務的進步與便利。(3) 大陸配偶需輔導才參加全民健保的主要影響因素是來台後「以工作為優先」與「不知有社會保險」,而非經濟因素。(4)絕大多數大陸配偶給予全民健保正面評價,並表示保費不貴、醫療費用給付合理。(5)「全民健保」制度對於大陸配偶具有一定程度的遷移吸引力。(6)「全民健保」制度確實提昇多數大陸配偶的對台醫療服務印象,並影響大陸配偶在台終老的意願。(7)絕大多數受訪大陸配偶對「二代健保」的認知缺乏,不知其實質內容。 本研究依據資料分析與研究發現,提出的改善建議分為收入面、支出面及綜合三個部分,收入面包括(1)取消保險對象類目。(2)取消出國停、復保規定。(3)設立醫療儲蓄帳戶。支出面包括(1)實施自負額制度。(2)限縮境外就醫條件。(3)強化家庭醫師制度。(4)推動長期照護保險。而綜合的部分包括(1)加強「二代健保」宣導。(2)獎勵與罰則並重。期待本研究對於健保制度的改革有所幫助和影響,以實踐全民健康保險永續經營的理念。


吳孟娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究。主要目的有七:(一)了解並分析目前外籍配偶子女就讀國中自我概念與生活適應情形。(二)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之自我概念差異情形。(三)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之生活適應差異情形。(四)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之學業成就差異情形。(五)瞭解國中外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相互關係。(六)分析國中外籍配偶子女背景變項、自我概念與生活適應對學業成就的預測情形。(七)分析並歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,作為政府機關規劃相關政策和學術研究的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,係以就讀桃園縣公立國中外籍配偶子女為研究對象,採立意抽樣共取樣 536人,有效問卷508份,回收率95.67%。測量工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「學業成就」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」等四部分。依據所得資料,主要運用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多變項變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。 本研究的主要結果分述如下: 一、整體而言國中外籍配偶子女自我概念程度是在中等以上,最高的是學校 自我,最低的是生理自我。背景變項(性別、年級、父親教育程度、經 濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區)在自我概念上有顯著差異。 二、整體而言生活適應程度是在中等以下,人際適應最佳,學校適應較差。 背景變項(性別、經濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區〉在生活適應上 有顯著差異。 三、國中外籍配偶子女學業成就最高的是國文,最低的是數學。背景變項 (性別、年級、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、居住狀況、經濟狀況、 父母管教方式)在學業成就上有顯著差異。 四、國中外籍配偶子女對自我概念瞭解程度,自我概念越高生活適應越好。 在生活適應層面中個人適應、學校適應、家庭適應及人際適應具有顯著 差異。 五、國中外籍配偶子女在自我概念層面中的家庭自我、學校自我及道德自 我,與國文、英文及數學學業成就具有顯著差異,顯示自我概念層面其 中家庭自我、學校自我、道德自我得分越高,表示學業成就越好。 六、國中外籍配偶子女整體生活適應及各層面的個人適應、家庭適應、學校 適應、人際適應越好,國文、英文及數學學業成就越高。在生活適應層 面中個人適應、家庭適應、學校適應及人際適應,與國文、英文及數學 學業成就具有顯著差異。 七、國中外籍配偶子女當人際適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。當人際 適應越好時,國文領域的表現會越好。對家庭自我瞭解程度越高、人際 適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。 八、在預測國中外籍配偶子女國文領域學業成就層面,以學校適應最具預測 力,可解釋或預測8.7%。在預測英文領域學業成就層面,管教方式最具 預測力,可解釋或預測9%。在預測數學領域學業成就層面,以管教方式 最具預測力,可解釋或預測4.8%。 最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供家長、教育工作者及未來研究參考之用。 / The purpose of this research aims to investigate the correlations among self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement of foreign spouses’ children. There are seven main objectives: (1) to find out and analyze self-concept and life adjustment of foreign spouses’ children in junior high school nowadays; (2) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their self-concept with different background variables; (3) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their life adjustment with different background variables; (4) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their academic achievement with different background variables; (5) to realize the correlations among their self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement; (6) to employ self-concept and life adjustment as variables to predict their academic achievement; (7) to draw a conclusion of the research and propose concrete suggestions as references for the related policies of governmental organizations and academic studies. This research used the questionnaire survey method and chose foreign spouses’ children who study in Taoyuan junior high school as objectives. The research selected 536 students as purposive samples in which 508 questionnaires were returned, yielding a 95.67% response rate. The measurement applied in this study includes “Personal Information Survey”, “Academic Achievement”, “Self-Concept Scale” and “Life Adjustment Scale”. According to the collected data, the hypothesis of the research is verified by the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research are illustrated as follow: 1.On the whole, the degree of self-concept that foreign spouses’ children have is above the average. They have the highest degree of school-self, the lowest degree of physical-self. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, economic status, parenting style, and school region) act significant differences on their self-concept. 2.In general, the life adjustment of the foreign spouses’ children lies under the average level. Their interpersonal adjustment works the best within this variable whereas the school adjustment performs the worst. The background variables (including sex, economic status, parenting style and school region) act significant differences on their life adjustment. 3.The academic achievement of junior high school students born of foreign spouses shows the best performance in the subject, Chinese. On the contrary, they present the worst in mathematics. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, their mother’s education level, economic status, and parenting style of parenting style) act significant differences on academic achievement. 4.As for the degree of the self-concept the foreign spouse’ children in junior high school have, the higher degree of their self-concept leads to the better performance of their life adjustment. At the level of life, personal, school, family and interpersonal adjustment show significant differences. 5.The self-concept within which consists of family, school and moral self shows significant differences from the academic achievement of Chinese, English and mathematics. The higher scores of family, school and moral self they have at the level of self-concept will cause better academic achievement. 6.The better their life adjustment and its components (the personal, family, school and interpersonal adjustment) act, the higher academic achievements they possess in Chinese, English and mathematics. There are significant differences between the level of life adjustment (personal, family, school, interpersonal adjustment) and academic achievements of Chinese, English, and mathematics. 7.The better interpersonal adjustment the foreign spouses’ children have, the better they show their academic achievement in mathematics and Chinese. It has also been revealed that they present better interpersonal adjustment and better achievement in mathematics if they understand their family self better. 8.While predicting Chinese academic achievement of foreign spouse’ children, the research shows the best predictable variable is school adjustment which can explain and forecast the degree of accuracy at the rate of 8.7%. Besides, at the level of predicting English academic achievement, the best predictable variable is parenting which can describe and foretell the degree of accuracy at the rate of 9%. As to the prediction for mathematics academic achievement, the best predictable variable is also parenting which can predict accurately at the rate of 4.8%. Finally, according to the results of the research, I propose specific suggestions for the parents, educators and future researchers are proposed subject as a reference resource.

華人家庭對偶關係間共依賴傾向之探討 / Codependency in Dyad Relationships in Chinese Family

陳淑欽, Chen, Shu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取問卷調查的方法,從社會文化觀點探討華人在家庭對偶關係中所表現的共依賴(codependency)傾向。 結果發現,在對偶關係比較中,華人親子關係中親代對子代有較高的共依賴傾向,表現在「以對偶為焦點」以及「認同照顧對偶的角色」。在華人自我建構的相關研究中則發現,具有「高相依我低獨立我」自我建構的人比「高獨立我低相依我」的人有較高的「以對偶為焦點」傾向。 在共依賴所具有的心理意涵分析中,「認同照顧對偶的角色」在母親對子代的關係中具有正向的關係意義;「以對偶為焦點」在子代對親代的關係中,以及夫妻關係中也具有不同於不適應的關係意義。 最後,本研究結果顯示,即使對偶比較中共依賴得分顯示出差異,所有受試的共依賴總分及四個分測驗得分仍然偏低,表示整體而言,受試者共依賴的傾向並不高,共依賴可能並不是適合描述華人家庭關係的概念。

大陸女性配偶來臺生活適應經驗之探討以基隆市大陸配偶為例 / A Studay of Living adaptation of the spouses from Mainland in Keelung City.

任玉瓊, Jen,Yu,Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際化、全球化的趨勢,跨國婚姻已是全球普遍的現象。台灣在1987年開放大陸探親後,在婚姻仲介者的引進,大陸配偶透過婚配而成為我國的新移民,隨著人數增加也衍生了許多家庭、婚姻、教育、社會等問題。 本研究將探討大陸配偶在在臺的生活適應、配婚管道與動機,以及她們在台期間所面臨的困境,對我國大陸配偶政策的期許等問題,本研究採用質性研究的半結構訪談大綱訪問居住於基隆市區的「大陸女性配偶」本研究發現如下: 一、大陸配偶不管是透過親友介紹或婚姻仲介,都認命的與先生胼手胝足的為家庭奮鬥。 二、這些受訪者婚配的對象部份為在台婚姻市場邊緣化者。 三、大陸配偶來臺的人際關係由家延伸至社會,當面臨困難時通常都是朋友適時伸出援手,幫她們走出困境。 四、大陸配偶對台灣的美麗憧憬及經濟奇蹟構成大陸配偶向外拓展的動力。 五、大陸配偶對於居留、身分證取得時效的政策不如外籍配偶,感覺受到岐視,對現行法規有強烈修正的期待。 / Along with the internationalization and the globalization tendency, the transnational marriage already was the global universal phenomenon. Taiwan has allowed mainland visiting relatives after 1987. After introduced by the marriage brokerage, the mainland spouses penetrated the marriage to become our country's new immigration. Increased along with the population also generated many questions on the families, marriage, education and society aspect as well. This research will discuss the mainland spouse in to life adapt, the channel to get married and the motive of marriage in Taiwan. Also include the difficult position they will face when stay in Taiwan, as well as the expectation to our government policy for mainland spouse and so on. This research will use the nature research the semi-structure interview program to visit “the mainland feminine spouse” lives in the Keelung urban area. This research discovery is as follows: 1. No matter the marriage of the mainland spouse is through the friends and relatives introduction or the marriage brokerage, most of mainland spouse are resign themselves work with her husband and struggle for the family. 2. These participants of mainland spouses the marry object had weak position in marriage market in Taiwan. 3. Mainland spouse comes to the social interaction of the interpersonal relationship is extended by the house to society. When they face the difficulty, it usually is looking for the help from their friends to assist them to depart from the difficult position. 4. The mainland spouse to Taiwan's beautiful expectation and the economical miracle of Taiwan in pass, it contributed the mainland spouse the motivation which develops to outside. 5. The effectiveness for a period of time which regarding the residence and the identification card obtain was inferior to the foreign spouse. The mainland spouse felt receives the discrimination, has the intense anticipation to the present laws and regulations revision.

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