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陳櫻桂 Unknown Date (has links)
財務會計準則公報第三十四號「金融商品之會計處理準則」,導入金融商品以公平價值衡量之原則並對避險會計作明確規範,明訂金融商品除少數例外情形,必須以公平價值衡量,且公平價值變動數須認列為當期損益,該公報亦就適用避險會計設定了若干條件,其中尤以衡量避險有效性最為不易,並非所有的財務避險均可適用避險會計處理方式,該公報亦未強制避險交易必須適用避險會計,致適用避險會計雖可降低公平價值變動對企業財務報表的衝擊,但企業及金融機構適用避險會計之家數並不普遍。 「如果不具備財務金融背景者,難以一窺究竟」 ,因為金融業為增加業務競爭力,不斷推出創新金融商品以滿足客戶需求,其本身為妥善管理風險亦積極從事避險交易,其適用避險會計之意願與能力理應較一般企業為強,惟實際情形並非如此,本文針對選樣的金融機構展開問卷調查,探討避險會計適用現況與問題癥結。 在樣本中約有一半的金融機構適用(含部份適用)避險會計,且以金控旗下的大型銀行為主,適用的理由以充分揭露銀行經營績效者最多,其次為簽證會計師建議及自行研究討論等;不適用的主要原因為不具預期效益、其次依次為被避險商品結構太複雜、政策未強制採用避險會計等。 由金融機構調查的結果大致可以推論企業適用避險會計之比率更低。 本文針對金融機構普遍承作的資產交換避險交易,舉一實例探討如何適用避險會計,並衡量避險有效性。該實例以代替變數(proxy)衡量利率單項因素對債券價格的影響變動數,發現如果適用避險會計時,「被避險項目和避險工具之公平價值變動數對於損益的影響」會小於不適用者。就評估避險有效性而言,公平價值避險會計單就利率單項因素對債券價格之影響評估,其正確性及穩定性遠較不區分利率與信用因素之自然避險方式為佳。 鑑於衡量避險有效性的過程繁複,嗣後之定期性評價與避險有效性衡量亦為沈重負擔,建議專業之財金資訊系統業者,除評價功能外,亦能提供避險性衡量之功能。此外,金融機構於設計新種金融商品,最好能同時針對相關之避險交易,研究如何以公平價值衡量以及如何計算避險有效性,除了可直接因應本身適用避險會計之需要外,尚可提供予其企業客戶參照適用,間接有助於金融商品之行銷。至於目前國內極為普遍之以可轉換公司債為標的之資產交換避險交易,尚有待於金融業者與會計業者共同研究出可行之避險會計處理方式。 本論文係利用彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)提供之功能,用以探討避險會計實例,後續研究者,亦可嘗試以其他資訊系統提供之套裝功能測試是否仍有相同之結果。


鄭欽煊, Cheng ,Chin-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
從本研究得知國內上市櫃國際觀光旅館業創造價值之動因,計有 加權平均資金成本、投入資本、稅後淨營業利潤、銷售利潤率、資本週轉率與住房率六個價值動因,其中加權平均資金成本與投入資本和EVA®呈負相關,稅後淨營業利潤、投入資本、銷售利潤率、資本週轉率與住房率與EVA®呈正相關,至於平均每日房價、餐飲坪效則與EVA®不相關,表非顯著之價值動因。 經以EVA®評估台北市主要十家國際觀光旅館的經營績效結果,大型觀光旅館之經營績效具有正的EVA®,以晶華表現最佳,君悅次之,中型觀光旅館之經營績效以西華較佳,老爺次之。經營規模固影響著EVA®之大小,然企業是否具正的超額報酬率才是關鍵。由本研究實證分析顯示,不論大型或中型旅館業,只要原始投入資本低或正確產品定位,配合優秀的經營團隊,都可產生正的EVA®企業價值。 創造國際觀光旅館價值策略及旅館投資案評估方法,建議採經濟附加價值EVA®法或DCF法,也就是以未來旅館營運可產生自由現金流量折現值的方法,來避免掉入不動產買賣行情陷阱,造成過度不當投資,另外也應減少資金大量投入土地資本,改採長期租用方式、爭取國際連鎖管理公司採EVA®為計算基礎之管理費或獎勵金,以解決現行收入和營業利益計費不合理性模式、透過開源節流策略,提高投入資本報酬率ROIC、在現有已投入設備資本下,採取產品差異化的行銷、並導入EVA紅利制度,降低固定人事費用與能源費用提高利潤率。 為維持旅館經營長期超額報酬的期間,在有重新改裝(Renovation)機會時,應以新加入市場者心態,設法創造大躍進式全新的旅館業價值,建立旅館新價值曲線(Value curve),追求市場領先競爭優勢,不但應分別從同業競爭標準的產品、服務和運輸三構面思考外,更應針對顧客對旅館的真正需求項目,予以增加或超越同業標準,並縮減或刪除顧客根本不在意的服務項目,以達兼顧顧客的需求、企業價值的創造與降低經營成本的效果。 / The following six factors will affect the value created from the listed international hotels: WACC, IC, NOPLAT, PM%, CT% and OCC%. The WACC and IC are negative correlated to EVA®, the NOPLAT, IC, PM%, CT% and OCC% are positive correlated to EVA® and the ADR and F&B are no correlated to EVA®. This paper uses EVA® to evaluate the operating results of ten major international hotels in Taipei. We find the large hotels have positive EVA® operating results, the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei Hotel is the best, and the Grand Hyatt Taipei is the second. Sherwood Hotel is the best in the medium-size hotels, and Hotel Royal Taipei is the second. The operating size will affect the EVA® result and the key factor is the Excess-Ordinary Returns. In our study we discover both large and medium size hotels will have positive EVA® if the have low original input capital, correct product position and excellent operating team. The study suggests using EVA® or DCF, discounting the future free cash flow from hotel operating, to evaluate the value of international hotels. This way will avoid the over investment in real estate. Hotels can improve the unreasonable Franchise and Affiliation Fee Structure by long-term leasehold and EVA® valuation model. They also can decrease fixed personal expense and resource cost to increase profit rate by increasing the ROIC of input capital return, varied product and using the EVA® bonus system. In order to keep the long-term Excess-Ordinary Returns of hotel operating, when the hotel has renovation opportunity, they should act as a new competitor and try to create entire new hotel value, create the new value curve. The hotel should seek the lead competition advantage and think about the product, service and transport. They should increase the quality of service which customer need, and decrease or deduct the service people don’t care, and then they will satisfy the customer, create the hotel value and decrease the operating cost.

台灣共同基金交易擁擠性之研究 / The study of fund manager’s trade crowdedness in Taiwan stock market

蔡依璇 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年的金融危機使得偵測群聚交易顯得越來越重要,因為群聚交易的出現會威脅全球金融系統和全球經濟的穩定性。然而,群聚交易本身很難辨認,目前還沒有可以偵測群聚交易或群聚交易風格的統一測量方式。 本研究延續Pojarliev and Levich(2009)所提出的衡量擁擠性的研究方法,將其運用於台灣股票型共同基金市場,觀察台灣基金經理人是否有擁擠性的現象。本研究的結果說明台灣基金經理人的交易具有擁擠性,且呈現相當大幅度的變動,規模溢酬擁擠性從最低-1.65%到最高89%,價值溢酬擁擠性從-87%到60%,動能因子擁擠性則從-54%到88%。值得留意的地方是,在金融海嘯期間,除了價值投資外,其他投資策略擁擠性和投資績效的相關係數皆達中度正相關,代表投資人的投資策略方向趨於一致,群聚現象明顯提升。

投資銀行購併顧問費用取決因素 / The Factors Affecting M&A Advisory Fee

許孝銘, Syu, Shao Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討購併費用是否反映投資銀行在購併案中提供的價值,與過去研究不同的是,過去研究大多從主併公司的角度進行探討,本研究分別研究主併公司及被併公司購併顧問費用。 因為購併過程中主併方及被併方都會聘請投資銀行擔任財務顧問,同時對兩端進行分析可以比對投資銀行在擔任不同角色時購併顧問費用取決因素是否不同,並且可以對投資銀行提供給主併公司及被併公司的價值進行推論。 本研究以美國購併案為研究對象,主併與被併公司皆為美國公司,研究期間為 2000 年至 2015 年。由 885 筆被併顧問費用購併交易樣本及 229 筆主併顧問費用購併交易樣本進行研究,實證結果發現:(1) 被併公司股價 CAR 越高,被併公司顧問費用越高,(2) 購併案所花時間越短,被併公司顧問費用越高。對於主併公司購併顧問費用而言,(1) 投資銀行排名上升,主併公司顧問費用越低。 原先我們認為購併溢價會影響購併顧問費用,但透過實證研究發現,不論對主併公司或被併公司投資銀行而言,購併溢價與購併顧問費用統計上均無顯著影響。 / This paper investigates the relationship between M&A advisory fee and the advisory value which investment bank provides in M&A transaction. Most of papers studied M&A issues related to acquirer, different with previous studies, we not only focus on target fee but also acquirer advisory fee. Both of target and acquirer firm hire financial advisors to help them deal with the M&A transaction, to check if the factors affecting M&A advisory fee are different, we divided the model into two parts, one focus on target advisory fee, and the other focus on acquirer advisory fee. Evidence from 885 M&A transactions focus on target and 229 M&A transactions focus on acquirer between 2000 and 2015 supports that (1) Higher target company CAR, higher target M&A advisory fee, (2) Faster deal closing, higher the target M&A advisory fee. For acquirer investment bank, the evidence shows that (1) As the ranking move up, the advisory fee should be lower. One of the hypothesis is that higher premium, higher target and acquirer advisory fee, according to the result, we found that the premium is not statistically significant to target and acquirer advisory fee.


林勝欽, LIN, SHENG-QIN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先由文獻人得知新上市股票具有短期超額報酬之現象,亦獲知此現象之成因 可能為承銷價低估所致。一般而言,股票之價格即為公司價值之代表變數(Proxy) ; 而於承銷價可能低估之情形下,應以那一個價格為公司價值,此為另外之研究課題, 本研究於是使用多個價格來為公司價值之代表變變(Proxy) 。 於「公司價值與股權結構」相關之文獻中,與依據代理理論,得知股權結構會影響公 司價值,據此,建立研究假說。以民國75年至81年6 月15日,115 家新上市公司為研 究樣本,採用橫斷面實驗設計(Cross Sectonal),針對研究假說以複迴歸分析予以測 試、分析,達成下列結論: 1.在以財務績效指標為公司價值變數時,股權結構、負債╱權益比例、公司成長機會 皆與假設符合。股權結構,負債╱權益比例皆支持代理理論,即股權結構集中,代理 成本低,公司價值高;負債╱權益比例高,代理成本高,公司價值愈低。 2.在以股票市場表現方面,以承銷價及蜜月終價格為公司價值之代表變數。此時,負 價╱權益比例,公司成長機會,公司規模大致上皆與假設相符。而股權結構與假設相 左。即股權愈集中,公司價值愈低。其原因可能為代理理論在此非適當的理論,亦即 代理或監督成本並不重要。臺灣地區之公司其經理人員即為股東,因此代理成本非為 重要理論依據。究為何因,仍需進一步深入研究。


羅玫玲, Luo, Mei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


吳孟欣 Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年聯合簽帳卡發行以來,台灣地區的信用卡市場開始萌芽,大眾的消費習慣在工具變革的影響下逐漸改變。本研究將時間因素納入,以1984年至2002年之信用卡市場為研究範疇,合併採用質化內容分析與深度訪談為研究方法,觀察完整的台灣信用卡發展歷程,從中解讀發卡銀行的行銷策略,以及消費者對信用卡這項之消費工具的消費價值。 研究發現在信用卡消費價值部份,長期以來都是以功能性價值為主,晚近則出現愈來愈多的嘗新性與情境性價值;在行銷策略部分,豐富的產品面訊息,呼應了消費價值上的發現,而伴隨激烈競爭而來的密集促銷,則為信用卡市場快速成長發展的重要現象。


許美霞 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究係以海事職業學校學生為研究對象,探討海事職校學生工作價值觀、成就動機與生涯發展之關係,本研究之目的為: 一、探討海事職校學生生涯發展狀況。 二、探討海事職校學生工作價值觀的差異情形。 三、探討海事職校學生成就動機的差異情形。 四、探討海事職校學生工作價值觀與生涯發展的相關性。 五、探討海事職校學生成就動機與生涯發展的相關性。 受測者為基隆海事職校學生,所得有效樣本計430人,採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。問卷內容包括四部分:第一部份為工作價值觀量表,第二部份為成就動機量表,第三部份為生涯發展量表,第四部份為個人基本資料。並以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關之統計方法對各研究假設加以驗證。 依據相關文獻探討與問卷調查資料分析結果,獲得下列發現: 一、不同性別之海事職校學生,其工作價值觀有顯著差異。不同年級、畢業後生涯選擇、家中排行、家長社經地位之海事職校學生在工作價值觀上無顯著的差異。 二、不同個人背景變項之海事職校學生,其成就動機無顯著差異。 三、不同年級、畢業後不同生涯選擇之海事職校學生,其生涯發展有顯著差異。不同性別、家中排行、家長社經地位之海事職校學生,其生涯發展無顯著差異。 四、海事職校學生之工作價值觀與生涯發展有顯著正相關。 五、海事職校學生之成就動機與生涯發展有顯著正相關。 最後依據研究結果發現,作進一步討論與建議,以供實務及未來研究之參考。 / Abstract This research is to explore the correlation among work values, achievement motives and career development of maritime vocational high school students. The goals of this research includes: I. Exploring the differences about maritime vocational high school students’ career development; II. Exploring the differences about maritime vocational high school students’ work values; III. Exploring the differences about maritime vocational high school students’ achievement motives; IV. Inspecting the connection between maritime vocational high school students’ work values and career development; V. Inspecting the connection between maritime vocational high school students’ achievement motives and career development. In this search, a questionnaire has been applied to carrying out the empirical verification. The valid samples total 430, which are performed by the students of Keelung maritime vocational high school. The questionnaire includes four parts: work values scale, achievement motives scale, career development scale, and personal backgrounds of the students. In addition, the researcher uses Descriptive Statistics, t-Test, One-Way ANOVA, and Person Product-Moment Correlations to analyze the data. Based on the analysis of relevant literature and questionnaire collected, this research shows that: 1. Sexes will influence the discrimination of work values, but grades, career-choices, birth ranks, and parents’ socioeconomic statuses won’t. 2. The personal backgrounds will not influence the differences of achievement motives. 3. Grades and career-choices after graduation will influence career development, but sexes, birth ranks and parents’ socioeconomic statuses won’t. 4. There is a positive correlation between work values and career development. 5. There is a positive correlation between achievement motives and career development. At last, discussions and comments are provided to practicers and further researches concerning related subjects.

智慧資本創造活動之商業價值:以我國高科技產業訓練活動為例 / Business Value of Intellectual Capital Creating Activities:The Case of Training Activities in Taiwan High-Tech Industries

李貴富 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 在知識經濟時代,智慧資本扮演非常重要的角色,智慧資本推翻了經濟學上邊際報酬遞減法則。而對於企業而言,如何創造智慧資本此課題顯得格外重要,訓練活動正提供智慧資本創造的管道,本研究以智慧資本創造活動中的訓練活動作為研究議題,探討智慧資本創造活動與商業價值的關係。 本研究以台灣124家資訊電子業上市上櫃公司為樣本,研究期間為民國84年至民國89年,而以迴歸方式對實證資料進行分析,以了解(1)智慧資本創造活動與商業價值的關係、(2)資訊電子業營運特質與商業價值的關係,而資訊電子業營運特質與商業價值的關係又而可衍生出(2.1)資訊電子業資本密集度與商業價值的關係、(2.2)資訊電子業員工薪酬水準與商業價值的關係、(2.3)資訊電子業規模與商業價值的關係及(2.4)資訊電子業企業生命週期與商業價值的關係。 基本分析實證結果顯示,智慧資本創造活動與商業價值成正向關係,經由進一步實證分析結果可知,(1)訓練活動投資規模不宜過小、投入時間不宜過短、增強作用不宜過弱,否則訓練活動不易產生效果。(2)資訊電子業員工擁有較貴重或較特殊化的設備時,訓練活動始能發揮其功能。(3)資訊電子業在員工素質較佳的情況下,訓練活動始能發揮;反之,在員工素質較差的情況下,投入再多的訓練活動,其成效不易顯現出。(4)訓練活動的效果不受公司規模影響。(5)企業位於成長期時,訓練活動的重要性,而當企業面臨衰退期時,其訓練活動可以延緩企業價值的降低,並有助於組織尋求再成長的機會。(6)訓練活動對員工績效有遞延影響,其遞延影響為當年度及次年度,顯示出訓練活動具有未來經濟效益。(7)訓練費用的變動對商業價值的解釋程度相當高。 在企業營運特質方面(1)資本密集度與商業價值呈正相關,而在進一步實證分析模式中,達顯著水準。研究結果顯示資本密集度是影響商業價值的原因之一,代表資訊電子業應採用較特殊化或昂貴的機器,或是進行自動化、減少使用勞力。(2)商業價值員工薪酬水準與商業價值呈正相關,在基本分析中,達顯著水準,研究結果證實薪資報酬是影響員工達成績效的誘因之一,高薪資報酬策略的公司也較容易吸引到能力好的員工,而能力好的員工有助於創造較高的績效,(3)規模與商業價值呈正相關,在基本分析中,達顯著水準。研究結果顯示如要提高商業價值,應考慮到規模經濟的效益。(4)企業生命週期與商業價值有顯著相關,在進一步實證分析模式中,達顯著水準。研究結果顯示如要提高商業價值,應考慮到公司處於生命週期何階段,以採取相對因應的管理型態。 / Abstract In the era of knowledge economy, intellectual capital plays an important role. It obeys the law of marginal return diminishing in economic. However, it is more important how to create intellectual capital for the companies. In this study, training activities is the representation of intellectual capital creating activities and we study the association between the intellectual capital creating activities and business value. The samples of this study consist of 124 companies with the listed and OTC companies in high-tech industry during 1995 and 2000.And this study performs multiple regression analysis to know the association between the intellectual capital creating activities and business value, the association between the operating characteristics and business value. The association between the operating characteristics and business value can be divided into the relationship between the capital intensity and business value, the relationship between the compensations and business value, the relationship between the size and business value, the relationship between the business lifecycle and business value. In the basic empirical analysis, we found a positive relationship between intellectual capital creating activities and business value. In the advanced empirical analysis, these results imply that (1) the size of training activities investment is too small, the time of training activities is too short and the reinforcement of training activities is too weak to work. (2) if employees use valuable or specialized equipment, the training activities can work. (3) if employees’ quality is high, the training activities can work. (4) the training activities can work in any size company. (5) in the growth stage, the training activities play important role; in the declined stage, the training activities can slow down decreasing of the business value and can help companies to search for growth opportunities. (6) the intellectual capital creating activities is positively and significantly related to contemporary and subsequent business value. (7) the variation of training expense highly explains business value. In the operating characteristics aspect, these results imply (1) capital intensity is one of the factors which affect business value, the companies in the high-tech industry should use valuable or specialized equipment, be automated or use less labor. (2) compensation can affect labor performance, and the companies that use high-compensation strategy can recruiter high quality employees. And then high quality employees can do high performance. (3)the companies in the high-tech industry should think about benefits of economics of scale. (4) the companies in the high-tech industry should know in which stage of corporate lifecycle the company stay, and operate in the right organizational management.


吳鈞麟 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要目的在於檢測過去學者以Ohlson model(1995)所從事會計資訊(帳面價值、盈餘及盈餘組成因素)之價值攸關性研究,在未考慮「其他資訊」的情況下,其結果是否會受到景氣因素之影響。同時根據在不同景氣狀況下,會計資訊與股價關聯性之差異,也可判斷台灣股市在景氣狀況好(多頭)時,投資人是否會「過度反應」會計資訊所傳遞的訊息,因而對未來產生過度樂觀的預期,造成股價「超漲」的現象。 實證結果顯示,帳面價值、盈餘及盈餘組成項目(包括營業利益、銷貨毛利及研發費用)與股價之間確實存在顯著之關聯性,亦即具有價值攸關性;而再加入景氣因素作為虛擬變數後,也可發現景氣因素的確會影響投資人對企業未來異常盈餘的看法,進而改變會計資訊之價值攸關性,因此本研究以為過去學者將「其他資訊」視為殘差項之做法並不適當,未來在運用Ohlson model(1995)從事會計資訊之價值攸關性研究時,的確不能排除「其他資訊」的影響,至少應考慮到景氣因素的變化。同時,觀察景氣因素對會計資訊價值攸關性之影響,除了發現盈餘、營業利益、銷貨毛利及研發費用與股價之關聯性係景氣狀況較佳時顯著高於景氣狀況較差時外,帳面價值與股價之關聯性,同樣也會受到景氣因素的影響,故本研究以為在景氣狀況較佳時投資人的確會有「過度反應」會計資訊的現象。 / Abstract The main purpose of this study is to examine whether the results of past research about the value relevance of accounting information, such as book values, earnings and earnings components, relying on Ohlson model (1995) without considering “other information” would be affected by the factor of business cycles. In addition, it could also determine if the investors in Taiwan would “overreact” the content of the accounting information in the better situation of business cycles (Bull market) according to different association between accounting information and stock prices in different business cycles. The empirical results indicate that book values, earnings and earnings components are positively and significantly associated with stock prices; that is, they are value-relevant. When using the factor of business cycles as the dummy variable, the results find that it will affect the value relevance of accounting information. In the better situation of business cycles, the value relevance of earnings, operating income, gross profits and R & D expenses are greater than in the worse one. In addition, the association between book values and stock prices is also affected by the factor of business cycles. So it concludes that the investors in Taiwan really “overreact” the content of the accounting information in the better situation of business cycles (Bull market).

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