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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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產業聚集、技術網絡與組織創新-以2001~2009之IC上市公司為例~ / Industrial cluster, technological network and organization innovation: an Inqury into 2001~2009 listed IC company in Taiwan

黃崙洲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的在於瞭解台灣IC產業聚集以及透過聚集構成的技術合作、專利引用網絡對於創新能力的影響,並且試圖回答以下的研究問題:台灣IC產業的地區空間分佈呈現什麼樣的型態?是否呈現空間的聚集性?台灣IC產業的技術合作網絡呈現何種區域化特性?台灣IC產業的上、中、下游,技術合作與競爭網絡的模式有何差異?台灣IC產業的聚集特性、技術合作與技術競爭網絡的性質,對創新的影響為何? 透過分析IC上市公司於2001~2009年的組織特性、技術合作契約與專利引用資料,本論文得到以下主要研究結論:(一) 台灣的IC業除了高比例聚集在新竹科學園區之外,在技術合作、專利授權等正式契約合作關係中也會傾向與台灣北部、美國矽谷與東北的聚集對象合作。(二) 台灣IC產業在技術合作與專利引用方面均具備高度網絡聯結的性質,且明顯有中游IC製造廠商帶動上游IC設計商與下游IC封測商發展的特性。(三) 比起產業聚集,技術網絡更能解釋影響IC廠商創新能力的因素,與較多不同地區的對象合作、掌握關鍵專利的廠商,創新能力的投入(研發經費)、產出(核准專利)與強度(技術優勢)越強。

從企業社會責任角度探討商業模式創新 / New business model innovation from the perspective of corporate social responsibility

潘啟宇, Pan, Chi Yu Unknown Date (has links)
新興市場正快速的累積經濟實力。新興市場成為企業下一波的重要成長動能,但其具備貧富差距大、所得不穩、生活差、基礎建設落後、對產品服務不熟悉…等特點,舊商業模式窒礙難行。企業為掌握新興市場全新挑戰,回應企業社會責任超越的要求,企業必須著眼這些獨特的利害關係人,從商業模式的創新來創造利潤及包括社會利益的共享價值,創造共贏局面。本研究運用聯合國開發計劃署(United Nation Development Programme, UNDP)的個案庫來檢視World Economic Forum(2009)提出的新興市場新商業模式的觀點,並經由個案的探討歸納新商業模式組成的本質的改變還有管理的意涵。 新商業模式設計觀點包含「可負擔的使用權」、「槓桿運用社會隱藏資產」、「建構公共財之間的橋梁」、「在地化規模與規模化經濟的平衡」、與「影響力治理」。新的觀點使舊商業模式的組成產生質變。從「強化生活機能價值」出發,新商業模式必須1)提供貼近當地水準的價格;2)替當地量身打造產生獨特的產品及服務;3)自給自足。以「教育的行銷與溝通」企業得1)運用正式控制以外的企業實質影響力建立信任;2)運用關鍵人物建立口碑;3)傳達商業模式利益,來將企業從價值的提供者轉換成價值的連結者並且建立信任,透過「重塑跨邊界的立體價值鏈」企業必須1)連結當地生產活動;2)善用當地的固有配銷體系;3)跨越基礎建設限制。建立「創意式的合作關係」來提供信任、永續、自給自足的商業模式。新商業模式開展需要「釋放組織束縛」的支援,企業勢必1)展現高階管理階層承諾;2)建構彈性可調整模組化的團隊;3)建立清楚的目標價值及短期戰果。 企業必須跨越組織的迷思與規模的迷思,並接受新興市場的消費者獨特的需求(低價、高品質)、運用影響力而非正式的控制體系、從價值的提供者轉換為價值的連結者。才能夠有效的接觸到下一個百億商機。

國際展覽之服務創新與體驗價值研究 以2011台北世界設計大展之設計交鋒展為例 / A Research of the Study of Service Innovative and Experiential Value of International Exhibition:A Example of “Theme Exhibition of Taipei World Design Expo 2011”

魏立欣 Unknown Date (has links)
根據國際會議協會(International Congress & Convention Association;ICCA)資料顯示,每年全球約舉辦40萬場會議及展覽,總開銷約2,800億美元,國際展覽產業協會(UFI)也提出會展產業之年產值已高達1兆1,600億美元,為各國家帶來了龐大的經濟效益。台灣已慢慢在世界會議展覽領域起步,並逐漸提升國際競爭力與能見度。除了會展在台灣被受到重視之外,政府也非常重視「設計在台灣」。 本研究藉由相關的文獻探討、利用量化問卷調查及深度訪談等研究方式、探討展覽中「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」的意涵,了解此五個變項之間的關係,期望本研究的結果最終能給予展覽主辦單位些許有價值的策略建議。研究方法採用描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、T檢定、迴歸分析及深度訪談等研究方法。 1.探討「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。 2.檢定「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」與「顧客滿意度」「顧客忠誠度」等構面之關係。 3.「人口統計變項」對「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」是否有顯著差異化。 本研究以『2011台北世界設計大展之設計交鋒展展館』為例,根據量化及質化訪談顧客的結果做為基礎,提出以下未來舉辦此類展覽的行銷策略建議。 一、提供一個具有更高素質的觀賞空間 二、加強整個展館的服務品質 三、強調整個展館的主題性,製造差異性 四、提供更多的互動性,讓設計變得更親民 / According to the survey by International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) , there are over 400,000 conventions and exhibitions hold around the world with total cost $ 280 billion. The International Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI) also mentioned that the production value of the MICE industry has been up to$ 1 trillion 160 billion and brought the huge economic benefits to all countries. Taiwan has gradually started and improved the international competitiveness and visibility in the World Conference and Exhibition field. In addition to the Exhibition , Taiwan government also emphasizes the importance of "design in Taiwan” The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships among five variables strategy experiential modules, experiential value, service innovation, customer satisfaction and loyalty and provide suggestions in marketing strategies on conducting special exhibitions based on research results. The statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, regression , in qualitative approach, and in-depth interview. 1. To discuss the meanings of “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. 2. To examine the dimensions of “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. 3. To test the significances on “demographic variables”, “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. After analyzing the data of questionnaires and qualitative interviews with customers, the study provides four marketing strategy suggestions on conducting exhibition. 1.Providing a more high-quality viewing. 2.Strengthening the service quality of Exhibition Emphasizing on the theme of the exhibition and making differentiation. 3.Providing a more interactive, and making the design more friendly and close to the people.

南韓化妝品的創新突圍-以愛茉莉太平洋為例 / Strategic Innovations in South Korean Cosmetics Industry-A Case Study on Amorepacific

盧介華 Unknown Date (has links)
化妝品產業在二十世紀歷經萌芽、茁壯、擴展到百花齊放,但多年來始終由歐美日等國品牌長期稱霸市場。南韓化妝品以黑馬之姿,在二十一世紀快速崛起,一般多將之歸因於韓流帶動及韓劇強大的置入性行銷威力。然而,除了韓流與韓星帶動及行銷策略奏效之外,還有哪些因素加速推動南韓化妝品產業的起飛躍進﹖在韓流湧動之前,南韓化妝品產業如何強化自身競爭力,才能在潮流來臨時,抓住時機,站上浪尖,乘風破浪,向前航行﹖ 本研究採取質性研究方式,透過個案探討,研究南韓有七十餘年歷史的第一大化妝品集團愛茉莉太平洋的競爭策略及競爭優勢。本文以麥可•波特(Michael E. Porter)的競爭力理論為主要分析架構,同時參照克雷頓•克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)的創新理論,由解析全球化妝品產業發展進程及當前產業概況展開,對比南韓化妝品產業變遷及愛茉莉太平洋的企業發展歷程,進而聚焦分析研究其競爭策略與競爭優勢、差異化特色與創新能量來源、全球競爭策略與資源配置布局。試圖由宏觀而微觀,層層抽絲剝繭,梳理釐清愛茉莉太平洋競爭策略與競爭優勢發展脈絡。 根據本研究分析,愛茉莉太平洋的競爭優勢來自於有效整合南韓國家鑽石體系,並且在企業發展過程中不斷植入創新精神與能量,甚至從失敗中學習。。一開始透過學習國外優點以強化競爭力,並秉持開創性精神與創新理念,建立創新型組織,持續投入研發,不做跟隨者,致力突顯差異化特色,以國際最強對手為競爭標竿,步步往全球化妝品產業強國邁進。 / Throughout the 20th century, the cosmetics industry went from the early inception to the one of rapidly growing and highly thriving but its market was always controlled and dominated by a few brand name products from Europe, the US and Japan. Yet, beginning from the 21st century, the South Korean cosmetics products suddenly came to the fore. Many attribute to the effects of embedded advertising as brought up by the Korean wave and Korean drama. Nevertheless, besides the marketing strategies empowered by the Korean wave, what are the other factors contributing to the rapid rise of the South Korean cosmetics industry? Before coming of the Korean wave, what had the Korean cosmetics industry done on preparing and advancing its competitiveness, so that it could take advantage of the Korean trends and moved up to the first tier status? The study is the qualitative research by nature. By going through the case study, it aims to explore the competitive strategies and competitive advantages of the Amorepacific, which is the top of South Korean cosmetics companies with a history over seventy years. The study adopts Michael E. Porter’s competitive strategy theory as the main analytical framework and is aided by Clayton M. Christensen’s innovation theory. It attempts to examine the global cosmetics industry development and the current trends. It then enquires into South Korean cosmetics development and the emergence and growth of the Amorepacific. It goes further to analyze the Amorepacific competitive strategies and advantages, differentiation strategies and innovation empowerment, and global competitive strategies and resource allocation. Thus, it is designed to go from macroscopic to microscopic perspective, step by step, for the purpose of clarification and highlighting the development of the Amorepacific competitive strategies and advantages.

高等學校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營關係之研究—以廣東省為例 / The Study of Relationship among Organization Internal Marketing, Knowledge Management, and Innovation Management of Higher Education Institutions: Taking Guangdong Province as an Example

黃茂勇, Huang, Maoyong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高等學校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營之相互關係,並依據研究結果提出相關建議。植基於文獻探討,研究建構了三個潛在變項間的影響路徑模式,並提出相關研究工具。研究採問卷調查法,以廣東省702名高校專任教師為研究對象,並分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定,單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及結構方程模式等統計方法對研究資料進行分析。依據資料分析與討論,本研究獲得如下研究結論: 一、廣東省高校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營之現況大致良好。 二、高校教師對高校組織內部行銷的知覺,會因教師的職稱、學校類型、學校歷史與學校所屬區域之不同而存在顯著差異。 三、高校教師對高校知識管理的知覺,會因教師的年齡、職稱、學校歷史、學校規模與學校所屬區域之不同而存在顯著差異。 四、高校教師對高校創新經營的知覺,會因教師的年齡、學校歷史、學校規模與學校所屬區域之不同而存在顯著差異。 五、高校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營之間兩兩正向相關。 六、高校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營之間具有顯著影響關係。 七、高校組織內部行銷可直接影響創新經營,亦可透過知識管理之中介機制,間接對創新經營產生正向影響。 八、本研究所建構的高校組織內部行銷、知識管理與創新經營結構方程模式具有良好的適配度。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出相關建議,以供高等教育行政管理部門、高校及未來研究之參酌。 / The main purposes of this study were to explore the interactive relationships of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and innovation management in higher education institutions in Guangdong province. Based on the literature review, this study constructed a path model among three potential variables, and developed research instruments as well. The participants in this study were 702 full-time teachers at higher education institutions in Guangdong province. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations analysis , and SEM. The findings were as follows: 1.Teachers' perception of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and innovation management is positive. 2. Teachers of different job title, and different types, history and location of higher education institutions showed significant differences on teachers’ perception of organization internal marketing. 3. Teachers of different age, job title, and different history and location of the higher education institutions showed significant differences on teachers’ perception of knowledge management. 4. Teachers of different age, and different history, size and location of the higher education institutions showed significant differences on teachers’ perception of innovation management. 5. There were positive correlations among organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and innovation management. 6. Both organization internal marketing and knowledge management showed a positive direct effect on innovation management. 7. Knowledge management partially mediated the effect of organization internal marketing on innovation management. 8. The SEM model of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and innovation management exhibited good fit. Based on the results, there are suggestions particularly for education authority, leaders of higher education institutions and for further research.

創新對企業生產績效之影響 -以中國高新技術產業為例 / Innovation and firm performance- firm level evidence from high-tech industries in China

鄭林譽, Cheng, Lin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的-中國從1989年就開始實行火炬計畫並投資了大量的資金在高新技術產業,在過去的三十年間,中國的經濟發展也快速地成長,本研究旨在透過中國高新技術產業的統計資料來估計其創新對企業生產績效之影響。 研究方法-本研究使用來自中國國家統計局的全國企業專利資料與全國企業績效資料並結合兩者為一資料庫,運用Olley and Pakes 生產力模型來估計生產力,最後利用追蹤資料的迴歸模型來進行創新對企業生產績效的實證研究。 發現-本研究把企業不分類別的專利總數當成依變數與企業績效如產出、生產力、出口等自變數進行追蹤資料的迴歸分析後,其呈現正向且顯著的關係。進一步把專利總數分成發明專利數、實用新型專利數與設計專利數三類依變數並與企業績效如產出、生產力、出口等自變數進行追蹤資料的迴歸分析後,其均呈現正向且顯著的關係。此外,本研究亦發現企業進出市場行為會反向的影響專利數與企業績效之間的關係。 價值-過去有關於創新與企業績效的研究通常都是以整體製造業的規模來進行分析並提供一個總體的估計,因此本研究針對中國製造業中的高新技術產業進行分析以提供對於中國的火炬計畫成效更詳盡的評估,並對未來有關高新技術產業的研究提供初步的研究方向。 / Purpose – China has started a Torch program and invested huge amount of money in high-tech industries since 1989. During last three decades, China’s economy also rapidly grows. According to above conditions, this study aims to create a reliable estimation for confirming the relationship between innovation and firm performance from the evidence of China’s high-tech industries. Design/Methodology/Approach – By building a sample composed of the patent stock and firm-level performance data from China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), we apply Olley and Pakes method to estimate the productivity and use the regression model for panel data to do the empirical study. Findings – Both the total patent stock and the patent stock of three different categories maintain a positive and significant relationship toward firm performance such as output, productivity and exports. On the other hand, the finding also implies a negative effect of firm dynamics on the relationship between patent stock and firm performance. Value – The researches related to innovation and firm performance in the past are usually conducted with the sample of whole manufacturing industries’ data and report an overall estimation. However, this study focuses on high-tech industries to provide a more detailed evaluation for China’s innovative efforts of Torch program and carves out a direction for future research on high-tech industries.

台灣文化創意產業園區服務創新商業模式研究 / Study on Service Innovation Business Model of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Park

李玉燕, Lee, Yuyen Unknown Date (has links)
文化是延續性的,文化創意產業所需的創意,絕對不是從未出現 過的「斷層式創新」,而是一種反思式的「服務創新」,所謂的服務創 新,強調以顧客為中心,透過完整的顧客服務系統,以顧客新的消費 經驗塑造為核心,創造滿足顧客的新價值。不論是文化園區或是創意 園區,在經營管理上皆是希望藉由產業群聚的效應,進而提升產業的 發展與增加經濟效益。事實也證明,諸多在經營管理上的關鍵影響因 素,皆會因為經營管理者的作為而產生不同的發展結果。仿效英國推 動創意產業政策,利用老舊工業遺址再利用,發展成創意產業園區的 模式,臺灣在 2002 年推動文化創意產業發展計畫中,將五個臺灣菸 酒公賣局舊廠址及倉庫規劃為文化創意產業園區,並以政府自營及委 外的方式進行管理營運。在不同的設置目標定位及不同的經營管理組 織運作下,各園區的發展狀況也產生截然不同的結果。本研究以多重 個案研究解析文創園區經營的服務創新及商業模式構成要素,檢視文 創園區是否符合設置規劃的期望,達成提升創意產業的價值創造,進 而增加綜效。 / Culture is continuous. Creativities required by cultural and creative industries are not unprecedented "fault-type innovation," but a kind of reflective "service innovation." The service innovation emphasizes customer orientation. Through a complete customer service system, take shaping new consumer experience as the core and create a new value satisfying customers. Both management of cultural park and creative park aims at improving industrial development and increasing economic efficiency through the effect of industrial clustering. Facts have also proved that many key impacts on management tended to generate different developments due to managers’ practices. Learn from the British creative industry policy, reuse industrial heritage, and develop the model of a creative industrial park. Taiwan promoted cultural and creative industry development plan in 2002. Five industrial heritages of Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation were planned as cultural and creative industrial parks, and they were state-owned or outsourced for management. Under various target positioning, the development of each park led to different results. By studying multiple cases, the study analyzes key factors of cultural and creative parks’ management, such as services, innovation, and business model. It reviews whether cultural and creative parks meet the planned expectation, and value to creative industries, and improve the overall benefit.

工業4.0下企業技術創新活動影響因素之探討 / How does Industry 4.0 affect the industrial practices of technological innovation?

李明濬, Lee, Ming Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
製造業是台灣經濟發展的重點產業,科技快速的發展加速工業技術的革新,面對全球的競爭,我國製造業需透過持續的創新來維持其在國際上的競爭地位。工業4.0下的技術創新即是製造業在尋求發展與成長的最佳動能。近年來的文獻多半針對工業4.0的概念進行介紹,較少研究工業4.0這個新興的議題,亦較少談論企業如何進行工業4.0的技術創新活動。本研究藉由個案訪談了解我國企業在面對工業技術快速變化之下,推動工業4.0技術創新活動的實際作為,並以「組織方式」與「知識管理」兩大構面為主軸,針對我國三家在不同產業中具優異表現的公司進行研究,得到了以下的結論: 結論一:企業在推動工業4.0下的技術創新活動時,會從公司內部原有業務內容進行延伸,依產業類別的不同而有不同的發展方向。 結論二:企業推動工業4.0技術創新活動的團隊,會具有較高的權力層級及跨功 能整合程度,且團隊領導者特別強調溝通與整合的能力。 結論三:企業在整合工業4.0相關知識時,會同時強調整合的廣度與深度。 最後,本研究提出對於產業實務上以及後續學術研究上的建議。 / Manufacturing industry is one of the backbones of Taiwanese economy. As the rapid development of technology accelerates the innovation of industry, Taiwan’s manufacturing should be more aggressive in innovation in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global world. “Industry 4.0” provides the best opportunity for manufacturing companies for growth. In the past few years, the research and studies of Industry 4.0 focused more on providing an overall preliminary introduce and rarely mention how companies can apply it to the innovation activities. This study aims to investigate the actual responses of companies while doing technology innovation activities in "Industry 4.0". A framework with two major constructs: organizing, knowledge management is adopted for this study. And three leading companies in different industry are selected. Three conclusions from this study are as follows: 1. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will be usually extended from their existing business, and have different direction for business development according to their industry types. 2. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will require the responsible teams to have higher level of authority and cross functional integration. The ability to communicate and integrate will be also emphasized by the team leaders. 3. The breadth and depth of integration will be emphasized when the enterprises try to integrate the related knowledge of Industry 4.0. Finally, there are some recommendations for industry and follow-up researcher.

創業競賽團隊的心理歷程分析:以FITI為例 / The analysis of psychological process of entrepreneurial teams in a business plan contest: the case study of FITI

廖偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究創業成功的文獻很多,但少有研究探索創業團隊在競賽中的成功因素以及心理歷程,因此本研究以試圖以歷程的角度探究心理特質對創業團隊表現之影響。 創業家的創新性和創業成功有正向關聯,而創業的高失敗率及高工作量讓創業家長期處於高壓環境,是以抗壓性高的創業家容易脫穎而出;此外,創業家對壓力跟挫折的反應型態(例如反芻)也可能會影響創業績效。故本研究選擇創新性、壓力忍受及反芻(苦惱自責及深思反省)作為預測變項,企圖了解這些心理特質在創業競賽中的角色以及它們之間的關係。 本研究以自陳問卷蒐集資料,第一部分收集1557份線上問卷,得有效樣本1265份,結果發現創業者的創新性、壓力忍受及深思反省都顯著高於未創業者,苦惱自責則沒有差異。第二部分的研究對象為104年度「創新創業激勵計畫(From IP to IPO, FITI)」入圍初選的創業團隊(競賽初期),並重複測量成功晉級第二(競賽中期)及第三階段(競賽後期)之團隊。總計發出631份問卷,回收490份,回收率78%,共54組團隊。結果發現初期深思反省和中期苦惱自責能正向預測創業團隊是否晉級下一階段。重複測量入圍第三階段的團隊,發現競賽後期的壓力忍受顯著比競賽初期的高,競賽中期的苦惱自責顯著高於競賽初期。創業團隊的心理屬性中,初期深思反省及初期壓力忍受皆能正向預測初期及中期的創新性,中期壓力忍受能正向預測中期創新性,後期壓力忍受能正向預測後期創新性。此外,初期壓力忍受能完全中介初期深思反省與中期創新性之間的關係。 / Starting a business helps the country's economy and in recent years, there are various business plan contests held by the Taiwan's government and industries, wishing to encourage people to start business and help the starters to make their businesses more successful. Although there are many literatures that studied on successful start-up, there are not many studies really explored on the factors of succeed among different contests and entrepreneurial team members’ psychological processes during the contests. Therefore, in this study the researcher attempts to explore the impact brought by the psychological traits on the performance of entrepreneurial teams from the perspective of psychological process. There is a positive correlation between an entrepreneur's innovativeness and entrepreneurial success. The high failure rate and workload put an entrepreneur in an environment with high pressure for long period of time, and therefore only the entrepreneur with high stress tolerance will stand out. In addition, the way entrepreneurs respond to stress and frustration, such as rumination, will also have influence on the performance, so in this study, these psychological traits, such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and rumination (brooding rumination and reflective pondering rumination) as the predictor variables, in order to understand the role of these psychological traits in business plan contests and the relation among them. In the study, the researcher collected data by the approach of self-report questionnaires. Through the first part of collecting online questionnaires,the statistical survey was proceed with 1265 effective samples from 1557 questionnaires, and the results showed the entrepreneur’s traits such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and reflective pondering were significantly higher than non-entrepreneurs, and as to the trait of brooding, there is no difference. The participants in the second part are 54 entrepreneur teams attended 2015 FITI held by the Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. The results showed that, referring to the reflective pondering in the early stage and brooding in the middle stage can positively predict if the entrepreneurial teams could stay till the next stage. After repeatedly measuring the teams who successfully selected into the late stage, the researcher found that the stress tolerance they endured in the late stage of contest is significantly higher than the early stage of contest, and their brooding is significantly higher in the early stage than the middle stage of contest. Among the psychological traits of entrepreneurial teams, the reflective pondering and the stress tolerance in the early stage both can positively predict the innovativeness of early and middle stages, as the stress tolerance in the middle stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the middle stage, and the stress tolerance in the late stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the late stage. In addition, early stage stress tolerance can fully mediate the relation between early stage reflective pondering and middle stage innovativeness.

組織文化、服務創新、服務品質與經營績效關係之研究-以L公司為例 / A study on the relationship between organizational culture, service innovation, service quality, and operating performance - a case study of L company

嚴心妤, Yen, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在網路科技與技術科技日新月異的今天,消費者的需求隨著生活習慣的變化而不斷的在改變,企業必須進行服務創新才能在競爭激烈的市場與產業中佔有優勢。因此本文係以飯店業者為研究對象,以服務創新為主軸,針對可能會影響服務創新,或會因服務創新而受到影響的幾個研究構面進行探討,包括組織文化、服務品質與經營績效,分別探討個案公司在這些研究構面中有哪些作為,並分析構面間互相影響的關係。 本研究採用文獻分析法與個案分析法的方式撰寫,以深度訪談的方式進行個案公司的資料收集,並以過去學者提出的理論為基礎,將訪談收集來的資料對個案公司進行研究主題的分析。過程中採用的文獻理論,包括Wallach(1983)對組織文化的分類方式;Hertog(2000)提出的服務創新模型;Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry(1988)提出的服務品質五大衡量構面;Kaplan & Norton(1992)提出的平衡計分卡四大領域等。 研究結果發現,不同的組織文化類型會對公司的服務創新策略,甚至是經營策略造成影響,而成功的服務創新包含多個可能影響成敗的因子,包括新服務概念、新顧客介面、新服務傳遞系統與技術選項等;另外,許多企業在衡量經營績效時都認為非財務性的衡量指標比財務指標更重要,對企業經營整體的影響力更大;而經由對個案公司的訪談,本研究也發現,組織文化、服務創新、服務品質與經營績效等各構面間確實存在著互相影響的正向關係。

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