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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

印尼「瓦揚」布袋戲(Wayang Potehi)「鳳德軒」廟宇的布袋戲劇團研究 / Indonesian Feng De Xian Temple of Potehi Research

蕭翡斐, Olivia Unknown Date (has links)
印度尼西亞是一個共和國國家(印度尼西亞語:Republik Indonesia),簡稱印度尼西亞或印尼,為東南亞國家之一;印尼由上萬個島嶼組成,是全世界最大的群島國家,疆域橫跨亞洲及大洋洲。而瓦揚(wayang)是印尼的一個文化代表,已經有了很長的歷史,不指是個藝術作品,也反映了印尼人民的生活與社會層面,除了受到印度文化的影響,有部分是受到了中國文化的影響,是由華人帶入印尼的,如布袋戲在印尼也歸類為Wayang(瓦揚)的一種,而為了與其他瓦揚分別,就稱為Wayang Potehi,是從福建話「布袋戲」所擬音的。 由於印尼政府對中國文化的排斥,所以布袋戲也受到不少限制與控制。因為這些原因,瓦揚布袋戲慢慢沒落,在70到90年代的時候,面臨了危機,差一點消失。直到印尼總統瓦西德擔任總統時,印尼華人才再一次得到同等的機會,把過去已被剪斷的文化再一次復原。而泗水一處有一個廟宇,直到如今仍然還保存著此藝術的存在,作為他們宗教活動的一個部份。 是以本研究將探討印尼─泗水的「鳳德軒」廟宇與其布袋戲劇團發展史,探討劇團組織與其藝術。通過此研究之後,希望可以更深入瞭解在印尼發展的布袋戲背後的歷史,在印尼政府限制的期間,他們如何生存下來?以及同樣從福建傳來的布袋戲,在台灣與印尼怎麼尋找他們自己的出路,如何在藝術上有所發展演化與變遷?同時也通過此研究,讓印尼的瓦揚布袋戲得到新的看法以及出路,借鑑台灣的布袋戲經驗,展望未來。

印尼對中國大陸外交政策(2006-2016):「互助合作」的視角 / Indonesia’s Foreign Policy towards China (2006-2016): Perspective of “Mutual Assistance and Cooperation”

鄧克禮, Teng, Ke Li Unknown Date (has links)
印尼是東南亞大國,擁有天然資源與廣大市場,且緊鄰麻六甲海峽,使其受到國際關注。尤其亞太地區國家除中國大陸外,東協國家的經濟發展情勢最受矚目。印尼在2000年開始進行政治民主化,積極建立民主國家形象,並在東協組織內發揮日益重要之影響。雖其國內仍存有族群衝突、恐怖主義分子活動等尚待解決的內政問題,但卻是東協中唯一的G20國家,更凸顯了印尼具發展成為區域大國的潛能。近年來中國大陸以共同發展之名,積極向東南亞國家傳達善意,特別是與印尼建立起全面戰略夥伴關係。本研究主以「互助合作」的角度,來觀察印尼與中國大陸關係發展的歷程,並就印尼傳統的Gotong Royong(互助合作)之意涵,探討其在印尼與中國大陸外交關係上所發揮的關鍵功能。 源於印尼民族在農務耕作的「互助合作」信念,已擴大引用到彼此間盡量在能力範圍內,針對共同目標,自願提供具有互相幫忙與適時回饋的合作,目的在實現群體共同的理想。印尼對於東協的決策,基於「互助合作」的外交精神,為了東協內部團結,以及爭取其他東協國家未來對印尼的支持,不會直接予以反對,而傾向於協商與合作。由於世界情勢的變化,對於國際關係的研究,除了主要的現實主義與自由主義之外,還需輔以結構主義的分析。印尼與中國大陸關係發展從1950年建交開始,雖經歷了關係親密期,但卻有長達30餘年的外交關係中斷,最後於1990年才恢復正式外交關係。本文認為印尼與中國大陸關係發展的主要考量因素,從印尼的「互助合作」角度來看,希望能自中國大陸獲取較印尼付出為多的利益;中國大陸方面,則期望藉這種「互助合作」的模式,加強與其他東協國家的關係。


徐尚禮, XU, SHANG-LI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文約七萬七千字,共一冊分五章(不含導論)共十三節,導論中敦述研究動機與 目的,並介紹研究架構一施乃德的決策分析模型應用。第一章為印尼國內環境及社會 結構,主要敘述印尼的自然環境及文化,及其政治制度與政黨及團體。第二章討論印 尼外交政策的演變,及其演變對中共外交政策的影響進而使中共修正其對印尼外交政 策。第三章探討印尼與中共外交政策,互動的,外交關係,其中包括雙方「官方」關 係,也包括中共對印尼華僑及共產黨的非官方關係。第三章中並探討印尼與中共外交 關係延伸至國際政治合作方面,以雙方對印度、蘇聯關係作為探討對象。第四章為一 九六五年印尼「九、三O」政變後,印尼右派軍人崛起,導致印尼與中共關係的惡化 ,最後在印尼反共措施下,終於斷絕與中共外交關係。第五章則為結論。


林鴻池, Lin, Hong-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章、印尼民族主義產生的社會背。景首先敘述荷印政府在印尼實施之殘酷殖民統 治,次則分析回教運動和荷印政府在印尼實施之教育政策,對印尼民族運動所產笪的 催化作用。 第二章、印尼的政黨與民族運動的源起。共以三節分述荷蘭殖民時期,日據時代和獨 立戰爭期間的政黨與民族運動概況。 第三章、議會民主時期的多黨政治。分析議會民主時期(一九四九∼一九五八)印尼 形成多黨政治的原因,並陳述多黨政治的實際運作情形。 第四章、指導民主時鈅政黨的式微。論述指導民主時期(一九五八∼一九六五)印尼 共產黨的崛起,陸軍勢力的擴張,民主政黨力量的陵九和導致蘇卡諾下台的印共「九 、卅」政變經緯。 第五章、軍人理政時期的簡化政黨。臚陳軍人理政時期(一九六五至今)從業集團崛 起的經過,軍人執政的合法化過程,並敘述蘇哈托裁併政黨的行動。 第六章、結論。先評論從業集團所面臨的難題,次以軍人、回教為變項探討印尼政黨 體系未來的發展方向。


林晉宇 Unknown Date (has links)
「九一一」後,以「基地」組織為首的伊斯蘭恐怖網絡,訴諸保衛伊斯蘭文化、厲行伊斯蘭教義作為宣傳,旋即擄獲廣大穆斯林信眾的民心,並大力鼓吹穆斯林教徒發動對西方世界的聖戰,其所代表的新型恐怖主義―以建立一嚴格恪守伊斯蘭律法的純正伊斯蘭教國家為組織訴求―是「九一一」後動輒危害國際社會和平及穩定的最大安全威脅。   為了達成宏大的建國目標,「基地」組織將組織觸手伸向東南亞及南亞等區域,或扶植、或結盟當地伊斯蘭極端組織。其中,印尼及巴基斯坦兩國自是無法擺脫伊斯蘭恐怖主義攻擊的陰霾,尤以兩國內部極端伊斯蘭教派組織,同霑「基地」組織的資源援助、技術訓練等,繼而造成印、巴兩國境內恐怖攻擊活動屢見不鮮,每每造成重大傷亡,亦導致內部政局動盪不安、民心惶恐。   因此,本文研究核心即是印尼及巴基斯坦兩國,以探究「九一一」後兩國境內恐怖主義之發展、影響面、反恐作為等面向,並相互比較、分析,據此觀察二者間各層面之異同、及其反恐政策之有效性。

中文「被」與印尼文“di-”的語意對比研究:以資料庫為基礎 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Passives: Comparing Bei in Mandarin Chinese and di- in Bahasa Indonesia

張雪惠, Agustini Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis combines corpus-based and contrastive approaches, seeking to provide a systematic explanation of passive construction in two typologically distinct languages, Mandarin Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. Previous studies of bei construction and di- passive have mentioned and discussed some verbs which can or cannot be passivized; however, they have not yet provided a systematic categorization of those passivized verbs. Therefore, this thesis aims to reveal the semantic restrictions that affect the compatibility of verbs to appear in passive form. This corpus-based contrastive study also suggests similarities and differences of passives in both languages in terms of structure, meaning, and function. Analysis in this study is based on two corpora: (1) the internet posting of news articles in Bahasa Indonesia from Kompas Cyber Media between January 7-13, 2008; (2) the internet posting of news articles in Mandarin Chinese from 中國時報 ‘China Times’ between January 7-13, 2008. News articles were taken from the same or consecutive days from two main topics: international news and entertainment news. The findings in this study show that transitivity is the most prominent semantic feature of the verbal stems in order to be eligible for passivization in both languages. Bei passives are more often to co-occur with transitive verbs while di- passives can co-occur with both intransitive and transitive verbs. Regarding the relation between structure and meaning, passivization process in Mandarin Chinese only adds a causative-resultative reading and does not change the lexical meaning of the verbal stem. On the contrary, the passivization process in Bahasa Indonesia involves a complex derivation process which alters the transitivity and lexical meaning of the base verb.

台灣與印尼雙邊跨境移工政策:以在台逃逸印尼勞工為例 / Coordinating Migrant Labor Policy between Taipei and Jakarta: The Case of Runaway Indonesian Workers

范安曼, Faustina, Anselma Unknown Date (has links)
由於印尼為世界上人口最多的國家之一,因此憑藉著此一優勢印尼成為了勞工輸出大國,但是非常多的印尼勞工在外國工作時面臨虐待,因而產生了不少問題,另一方面,台灣是印尼勞工們選擇工作的優先地,主要原因有三個,第一為較高的薪水,第二為較好的生活品質及良好的工作環境,第三不公平對待相較於他國較少發生,儘管如此台灣政府仍面臨著管理外籍勞工的問題,特別是逃逸的外籍勞工的問題,而在台灣的逃逸外勞比例中,印尼勞工占了最高比例。 先前的研究主要在於分析台灣的逃逸外勞現象,並且把此一現象歸因於台灣的移工政策所造成,但是現有的研究主要是針對菲律賓的勞工而不是印尼勞工,因此對於印尼逃逸勞工現象研究則相較較少。 考慮到外籍勞工議題涵蓋的層面多元,如多方的參與者,因此本篇論文將專注於闡述與探討負責輸出勞工及輸入勞工國家的角色及政策。本篇論文主要分為兩部份,第一部分,由於台灣的移工政策對於外國勞工非常嚴格,因此台灣的移工政策造成了印尼勞工過多的負擔,第二台灣和印尼政府無效率的配合,兩國政府只專注於表面並無徹底了解並從其根本解決勞工問題,這兩項因素造成了高比率的逃逸印尼勞工問題,除此之外,本篇論文亦將包含清楚的台灣政府和印尼政府的勞工政策發展,為了更清楚了解此一議題,本篇論文也向移民署收容所作問卷調查,訪問避難所的逃逸勞工,和研究台印勞工現象的專家學者們進行團體討論,本篇分析結果來自問卷調查及訪問,並將此一結果與現有的印尼及台灣政府的政策與合作進行分析。 / As one of the most populous country in the world, Indonesia’s predominance is sending its human resources to work abroad. However, many Indonesian overseas workers encounter mistreatment during their work time which leads to several arising problems. On the other hand, Taiwan has become one of the preferred destination countries due to three reasons; higher salary, better living and working conditions, and low mistreatment cases compare to other destination countries. Despite that, Taiwan government still encounters issues in managing foreign workers. Runaway foreign worker is a major issue in Taiwan’s labor market and Indonesian workers are accounted as the highest runaway foreign workers in Taiwan. Previous researches have been conducted to analyze the phenomenon of runaway foreign workers in Taiwan and most of them addressed Taiwanese guest worker policy as the major reason. Research on runaway Indonesian workers in particular is very limited as most of the existing researches focused on Filipinas workers. Taking into account that foreign workers issue is a multi-faceted phenomenon which involves various actors, this thesis acknowledges the roles and policies from both sending and host states. Therefore this thesis delivers two arguments. First, Taiwan’s guest worker policy has put excessive burden on Indonesian workers as Taiwan employs highly restrictive policy towards foreign workers. Second, Indonesia and Taiwan’s ineffective cooperation is unable to address the existing runaway Indonesian workers issue as it emphasizes more on scratching the surface than dealing with the root causes. These two variables have inadvertently contributed to the high number of runaway Indonesian workers. In addition, this thesis also delivers a clear labor policy development in Indonesian and Taiwan government to understand each institution’s in-take related to labor issues. In order to provide comprehensive findings, this thesis conducts survey with the Indonesian runaway workers in Detention Center, interview with the runaway Indonesian workers in shelters, and focus group studies with Indonesian and Taiwanese experts who are dealing with such phenomenon. The analysis is drawn from the results of survey and interview, and then is connected to the current Indonesian and Taiwanese policies and cooperation in addressing particular issue.

印尼留台學生在促進印台關係中的角色 / The Role of Indonesian Students in Enhancing Indonesia-Taiwan Relations

平亞諦, Putri, Ardila Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是考察印尼學生在他們的學生組織中如何扮演促進印尼與台灣之間關係的角色。本論文用公共外交的概念與分析框架,以作者在台就學之便親身參與各項印尼學生組織活動的經驗觀察所得,結合相關的文獻分析,最後發現,印尼學生在促進印台關係中扮演三種角色:1. 強化兩國人民的關係;2. 增進彼此的瞭解;3. 提升了兩國彼此在對方民眾與社會中的能見度與形象。而印尼學生之所以可以在台灣非穆斯林社會達到這樣的成果,主要歸功於:1. 印尼社群的互助傳統(gotong-royong)變成他們在台灣推動組織工作的社會資本;2. 在台灣的印尼移工與學生社群對這些服務的需求;3. 駐台北印尼經濟貿易辦公室、台灣政府以及各個大學學務單位的多方的支持與協助。 / The main objective of this study is to examine the role Indonesian students in Indonesian student organizations in Taiwan have played in enhancing the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan. This thesis explores and details some of the activities of Indonesian students as they study in Taiwan, and examines how these activities have contributed to bridging and increasing the volume of people-to-people relations between the two countries, as well as how the associations and their activities have indirectly enhanced mutual understanding between Taiwanese and Indonesians. This thesis adopts the new public diplomacy and relational public diplomacy framework. Some data were collected during the researcher’s participation in Indonesian student associations and activities. Other data were gathered via discussion with several prominent Indonesian student association leaders. For the document analysis, this research uses Indonesian student organization document reports, Indonesia and Taiwan government reports, statistical data, newspapers, and websites. This thesis suggests that there are three roles Indonesian students play in bridging the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan: (1) strengthening people-to-people relations (2) bridging mutual understanding (3) increase visibility and positive image. In addition, this thesis shows that there are three factors leading Indonesian students to establish their associations and conduct their activities: (1) their tradition of communal work (gotong-royong) as social capital (2) the demands of Indonesian migrant workers and students (3) support from various institutions, such as the Indonesian government especially IETO, universities, and the Taiwan government. The three factors are important and they are related to each other. Because of the three factors, Indonesian students can carry out their activities.

後中國-東協自由貿易區:印尼的衝擊與調適 / Post China-ASEAN Free Trade Area:The Impact and Adaptation of Indonesia

鄭勇志, Zheng, Yong Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來區域經濟整合風潮日漸蓬勃發展,十餘年前在中國大陸倡議下,與東協共組「中國-東協自由貿易區」。成立後該自貿區內擁有19億人口,區域生產總值近6兆美元,貿易總額達4.5兆美元,也是全球人口最多的自由貿易區。在雙邊歷經多年談判,即將正式成立自由貿易區的時點上,印尼卻發聲要求延遲實施「中國-東協自由貿易協定」(CAFTA),便使人感到疑惑與不解。究竟東協各國對於區域經濟整合的態度為何?印尼政府和企業是否做好了產業衝擊的評估報告,並提出因應之道?   印尼國內自2009年中起感受到自貿區成立後將對國內產業帶來巨大衝擊,紛紛透過媒體和國會等管道,要求印尼政府暫緩全面實施零關稅。印尼政府亦評估將有228項產品會受到中國大陸產品的嚴重衝擊,而向東協秘書處遞函要求重新協商。嗣後自身考量重新協商曠日廢時、耗費大量勞力物力又緩不濟急,轉而尋求與中國大陸直接對話,雙邊就貨品關稅調降、貿易不均衡的處理方式及促進兩國產業合作等進行討論,最終獲得七項共識,其中中國大陸承諾當貿易不均衡的情況發生時,出超國將有義務增加對入超國的進口,並且協助對方產品的行銷推廣。印尼政府與中國大陸的直接對話所獲得的共識,普遍得到印尼國內的肯定,讓先前爭議問題暫時平歇。然印尼國內更關注協議的實際運作狀況,能否真正發揮效用,亦有待時間的考驗。   綜觀此次爭議,印尼官方和民間過往忽視產業的升級和轉型、未提前做好自貿區的因應準備,導致臨屆成立之日,才急的像熱鍋上的螞蟻。印尼擁有豐富的自然資源及充沛的勞動力,可說是未來經濟發展的耀眼新星,如能把握自貿區成立後的契機,結合中國大陸的技術及資金,雙邊進行優勢產業互補合作,兩國未來的發展將無可限量。2015年TPP及RCEP即將成立,屆時中國大陸、東協都將扮演更重要的角色,印尼如能做好完善的準備,相信將能乘著兩大區域貿易組織的翅膀,飛向更璀璨耀眼的明天。

2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係? / The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?

吳宗翰, Wu, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰時期,蘇哈托所統治的印尼雖然標榜著不結盟運動,試圖在東西兩強的夾擊下另闢蹊徑。但是在同樣反對共產主義的主張下,印尼在這段時期,和美國建立起了相當友好的關係,包括軍事和經濟上的援助。在一個近年來已解密的文件中更顯示,福特總統以及季辛吉更曾經和蘇哈托有過正式及非正式的接觸,被認為是美國希望以對印尼軍政府的支持,換取其在反共同盟上的支持。 九十年代之後,印尼政府在人權問題上的處理失當,多次導致美國政府的不滿,進而暫停或取消對印尼的援助。在此事件上,美國國會更採取強硬的立場,要求美國政府必須更仔細而審慎的評估,對印尼的人權表現,是否有明顯的改善。 2001年的九一一事件,代表著美國政府外交政策的巨大改變,在對印尼的外交政策上也出現了明顯的變化。印尼為世界上最大的回教國家,其本身對美國較溫和的立場,使得美國政府在宣揚其反恐理念上,需要印尼的協助。而印尼本身與日俱增的戰略地位,如控制麻六甲海峽,龐大資源,以及在東南亞國協中的大國地位等,使美國政府不得不重新審視其對印尼的外交政策。 本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。 研究發現,在沃爾特的同盟理論架構下,美國和印尼在反恐合作上,的確出現了有如同盟的密切關係。雖然彼此間不存在約束的同盟條約,然而,就同盟的實質而言,恢復的軍事關係和密切的反恐合作等,皆是同盟的重要指標。研究並發現,威脅平衡理論的確較合理的詮釋了美印兩國因反恐而強化的關係。而意識型態、援助和滲透等,對同盟的組成皆有一定程度的影響,但非強大的因素。 / During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism. In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems. The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia. The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis. Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.

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