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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

企業電子化成熟度階段之研究 / The Study of E-business Stage

曹書銘, Tsaur, Shu-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務時代中,企業能夠迅速反應市場需求,從訂單、生產到最後之運送皆採用電子化(e化)技術,使能迅速的生產與交貨,已成為競爭之必要利器。企業電子化(企業e化)之應用已陸續在國內外如火如荼推展,電子化無疑是各種組織當前最重要的課題之一,隨著網際網路商業化環境的逐漸成形,組織多了一項可以提昇內部營運效率,降低成本並增加競爭優勢的有力工具,也因此產生了全新的企業經營模式,並為企業帶來極大的商機,企業經營模式面臨了劇烈的變動。 對於企業電子化,目前所有企業皆在摸索之階段,再加上網際網路應用一切皆在萌芽之中,網路技術更新速度非常快,資訊太多又太分散,沒有一套可遵循的架構。本研究主要目的是希望透過文獻探討、廠商資料分析、產業實務個案訪談與問卷調查等方法提出一個企業電子化之架構與歷程,對於了解組織電子化成長過程的整體變化方向有相當的助益,並可提供企業未來營運策略和統籌規劃方向的參考,也讓企業了解其在推動企業電子化階段進展中每個階段所應進行之階段任務。藉由六個階段模式之建立,我們可以很清楚的了解企業電子化發展的階段,分為起始期、被迫期、接受期、整合期、加速電子化期與全面電子化期;其階段歷程有著演化、技術、觀念與能力提升的概念。 / Industries can response swiftly to market demand in the e-commence age. Using e-business technology to manage orders, production, and delivery enables quick and accuracy productions and deliveries. No wonder that the e-business has become a powerful weapon in the struggle to gain market share. The applications of e-business for local and abroad enterprises have been advocated for a while. The rapid development of Internet not only has provided firms with great growth opportunities, but also brought about drastic structural changes in business model. As enterprises become globalized and Internet connected, new and better architecture is needed to meet the requirements of enterprises. In this paper, we develop the model on e-business stage by literature review and case study. This stage model will help institutes to give impetus to adoption of e-business. The research results show the current situation about e-business of the cases and will be provide a reference for future research. We believe the proposed model would properly be used for enterprise to improve competitive advantage and to adopt effective measures to improve their business. Refer to the empirical study, we want to design questionnaires and send to the enterprise. Next through the multivariate statistic methods, we will propose some meaningful conclusion and draw some suggestions and implications for the academic research and firms.

The Political Inclinations of Foreigners in Taiwan Regarding the Cross-Strait Situation

劉立詮, Liu, Lee Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的外國人對兩岸關係的看法 / The focus of this study is to shed light on what foreign residents in Taiwan think about the cross-strait situation and what factors influence the way they think. The study is motivated by what the author sees as a scarcity of information on foreigners in Taiwan, coupled by a spectacular local interest on identity as it relates to the unfolding of cross-strait politics. The author would like to call attention to the distinct voices of foreigners in Taiwan, their plight and what they see as an ideal way to resolve the current impasse. In this light, the study’s approach is exploratory in nature, employing a survey, to solicit foreigners’ opinions regarding the cross-strait situation. The study also contextualizes the social, political and economic space occupied by foreigners in Taiwan with leading intellectual theories that have been used to analyze the idea of diaspora as it occurs worldwide. It tries to single out the most potent forces that shape foreigners’ political inclinations in Taiwan. The study explores such topics as the impact of one’s country of origin, socioeconomic status, mobility, language abilities, and newspaper preferences, on foreigners’ political inclinations.

行動電話基地台對住宅價格影響之研究 / The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House Prices's Research

何俊男, Ho,Chung-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
行動電話基地台設施近年來已逐漸成為一另類「鄰避設施」,然而其對於周遭不動產價值減損程度如何,國內尚缺乏相關研究。本文首先採用問卷調查法以瞭解居民對於行動電話基地台的相關看法及居民認知行動電話基地台對於住宅價格的影響程度;其次運用特徵價格法對於實際不動產成交價格資料,以迴歸分析方式驗證行動電話基地台對周遭住宅價格是否有影響及其影響程度。 研究結果發現無論問卷調查或特徵價格實證分析皆顯示行動電話基地台對周遭住宅價格影響是負面的,問卷調查的受訪者普遍對基地台設施存有負面觀感,且有高達54.4﹪的受訪者認為該設施對周遭住宅價格的負面影響程度在10﹪以上;而在特徵價格實證分析方面,研究地區內房屋所在樓層較高者(七樓以上)相較於較低者(七樓以下),其住宅價格更容易受到行動電話基地台設施的負面影響,而住宅價格因距離行動電話基地台遠近因素所受到折損程度平均約為2.35﹪,惟行動電話基地台設施之可視性因素對住宅價格的影響並不顯著。 / The cellular phone towers has become another NIMBY, although the absence of domestic research for how detract from real estate's value. The article first use the Questionnaire Investigation method’s way to realize that people’s opinion of cellular phone towers and cognition of the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price ; secondly use Hedonic Price Method on real estate's value, by using Regression Analysis’s way to prove the impact of cellular phone towers on house’s price . In which we found no matter Questionnaire Investigation or Regression Analysis both announces that the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price is negative, there are up to 54.4% of subjects involved in the survey though that the negative influence is above 10% ; on Hedonic Price Method’s way, the house whereabouts higher stairs on the area of researchs, its price is more easy effected by cellular phone towers than the lower one. And the house's price is effected by the distance of cellular phone towers that the average of detractive level is about 2.35%.Only the effect on cellular phone towers of the cause of visual by house price was not broad.


沈永偉, Shen Yung Wei Unknown Date (has links)
日前,政府相關主管機關針對本次金融風暴所引發的危機,以及企業不當交叉持股的情況,研擬出證交法第二十八條之二的修正草案,企圖以此法所規定三種企業可進行股票購回的方式,提供公司營運及財務上更大的運作彈性,而此項法案是否真的能迎合企業界的需要,即是本研究的重心。 本研究主要是以透過問卷調查的方式,來彙整上市公司決策主管對於股票購回的看法與意見,另外,對企業相互轉投資的情形與原因,也做了初步的探討。分析方法以敘述姓統計分析與無母述統計分析為主,結果發現: 一、上市公司對其關係企業大多具有重大的影響力,即多以控股公司的姿態存在。 二、上市公司相互轉投資的原因主要還是在於欲以此種方式拓展經營範圍,且財務面的考量也有比業務面考量來得重要的趨勢。 三、公司以相互轉投資方式購回股票的原因主要在於因市場因素而欲穩定公司股價 四、公司購回股票的動機中,以訊號發射假說最為公司經營者所重視,其次為再發行假說。 五、大多數的公司在法案通過後,還是願意依照新法令的方式施行。 六、股票購回的動機並不因產業的不同而有太大差異。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………….1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………….1 第三節 研究範圍…………………………………………………….3 第四節 研究流程…………………………………………………….4 第五節 論文架構.……………………………………………………5 第二章 法規評析 第一節 公司取得自己股份之立法例……………………………….6 第二節 企業取得相互轉投資公司股份之立法例.……………….12 第三節 庫藏股草案與他國規範之比較…….…………………….19 第四節 庫藏股草案的利弊…….………………………………….29 第三章 理論與實證文獻回顧 第一節 相關理論與實證…………………………………………..37 第二節 股票購回動機研究之實證文獻…………………………..42 第四章 研究方法 第一節 問卷設計…………………………………………………..45 第二節 資料的分析方法…………………………………………..50 第五章 實證結果分析 第一節 敘述性統計分析…………………………………………..51 第二節 無母數統計分析……………………………………………78 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論與發現…………………………………………..85 第二節 研究建議…………………………………………………..88 參考文獻 中文部分……………………………………………………………..90 英文部分……………………………………………………………..91 附錄 研究問卷………………………………………………………………93

以傳記式問卷甄選壽險推銷員之信度與效度研究 / The Reliability and Validity Research of Biographical Information Inventory with Life Insurance Salesmen.

劉繼升, Liu, Chi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為發展一套有系統、適合用來甄選壽險推銷員的傳記式問卷,並進一步探討該問卷的信度以及其對於壽險推銷員表現的同時效度。 本研究之傳記式問卷共計十個向度,研究者以此為預測變項,探討本問卷與壽險業務員表現的關係。其中,以職等、任期、個人所得、保單成交件數、離職傾向、公司認同及工作滿意七個效標來代表業務員的表現。 本研究正式施測人數713人,有效樣本686人,其中,任期超過一年者390人,為本研究之效度分析樣本。結果顯示,本研究所編製之傳記式問卷內部一致性信度約為.6左右(N=686),再測信度則約為 .8 (N = 31) 。同時效度方面,以職等、任期、個人所得、保單成交件數、離職傾向、公司認同及工作滿意七個效標,針對北南不同地區業務員,分別求取其迴歸係數。就北部地區而言(N=268),效度係數中數為.45 ;就南部地區而言(N=132),效度係數中數為.44。最後研究者提出本研究之限制,與學術研究及實務應用之建議。 / Although biographical information have been shown to be valid predictorsin selection,they have rarely been used in Taiwan, especially in practical field. Toward this end, 713 life insurance salesmen were asked to fill in the biographical inventory to provide personal life history data and 7 easures of the salesmen's performance (tenure,job level, earnings, the number of dealing, intent to leave, identification with the company, and job satisfaction)and 686 were valid. Totlally there are 101 items which can be divided to ten .dimensions in the inventory. The Cronbach alpha value is about .6 (N=686), and retest reliability is about .8 (N=31). Multiple regression analyses of the the factors scores against each of criterion easures of perfromance yield median correlation of .45 (N=268) for the Nouth Taiwan,and .44 (N=168) for the NorthTaiwan. Regression weights were nterpreted to explain the differentialimportance of the factors to the difference performance. The result of the study were interpreted as contributing to the enhanced understanding ofthe life history antecedents of salesmen's performance.

現行國中英語教科書之評估 / An Evaluation of the Current Set of Junior High School English Textbooks

吳思葶, Wu, Si Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由問卷調查,探討未來國中英語教科書編寫指引,並回答以下三個具體研究問題: (1)調查國中英語教師對於現行英語教科書之意見,是否符合現行國中英語教科書的編寫原則,並且進一步瞭解(2)在主題、份量、難易度方面,有何意見,以及(3)提供一套未來國中英語教科書適用之編寫指引。研究發現如下:(1)現行國中英語教科書包含溝通式教學法的一些原則,但並非所有的原則;(2)現行國中英語教科書符合部分英語教科書編寫通則,但需要再加強;(3)主題方面,例如日常生活、節慶、電腦受教師們喜愛;(4)現行國中英語教科書之份量與難易度一般而言適中,但份量和難易度並未均衡分佈於各冊;以及(5)未來國中英語教科書教師最愛之六項主題與六項活動。 / This study aims to find some relevant writing guidelines for future junior high school (hereafter JHS) English textbooks by conducting a questionnaire survey. Specifically, the study aims to do the following: (1) to find if the current set of JHS English textbooks has observed closely the guidelines, and (2) to understand teachers’ opinions about the current textbooks on themes, loading, and difficulty, and (3) to provide a set of alternative guidelines for future JHS English textbook writing. And the major findings include the following: (1) the current JHS English textbooks follow some principles of CLT, but do not include all of them; (2) the current JHS English textbooks meet some of the general principles for English textbook writing, but they need to be improved; (3) themes such as daily life, festival, and computer are appreciated by the JHS English teachers; (4) the degree of loading and difficulty of the current JHS English textbooks are moderate in general; however, the loading and difficulty in each volume are not evenly distributed; and (5) the six favorite themes and activities chosen by most teachers have to be covered in future JHS English textbooks.

刑事證據開示之研究—以日本法為例 / Criminal discovery a syudy-base on Japannese law

高永珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文所探討關於當事人間訴訟資料相互揭示之「證據開示」制度,其正如同我國現行刑事訴訟法第33條規範之「被告閱卷權」般,因刑事程序中,若被告不知檢察官欲以證明其有罪之訴訟資料內容,是無法無法提出正確的防禦或辯護策略,故為了建立當事人得公平地互為有效攻擊、防禦之場合,本應使被告享有充分的訴訟資訊取得權,以保障被告訴訟權能之適正行使,是「證據開示」、「被告閱卷權」二者雖存在於不同訴訟制度架構下而異其名稱,惟二者其實具備同樣的憲法價值與核心概念,換言之,二者可說均係導源於被告憲法上訴訟權之保障,藉由其權利主體地位之落實,衍生出刑事被告於訴訟程序中,應享有聽審權與武器平等原則之權利,而其最終的目的,即在於使被告得受公平審判,實現其憲法上之訴訟權。是本文將從「證據開示在刑事訴訟構造中之定位」,探究「證據開示」之內涵、與其他訴訟制度間之關係,並探知「證據開示」之核心價值,建立該制度在憲法上之地位。 而我國現行刑事訴訟法,雖乍見下似乎並無本文所探討當事人間「證據開示」制度存在之空間,惟觀察我國司法改革脈絡,認為職權進行主義在我國多年運作結果已偏離公平法院之理想,法院、檢察官及辯護人三方面關係嚴重失衡,被告訴訟權益未能獲得有效保障,因此,為了重建公平刑事審判制度,而倡言引進「起訴狀一本主義」成為我國司法改革之一明顯趨勢,而本文亦採行相同的立場,建議未來修法方向應仿效日本刑事司法,廢除「卷證併送」,將現行的起訴制度改為起訴狀一本主義,以排除預斷、活化詰問制度與傳聞法則、正確釐清院檢權責並淡化職權調查,實踐我國刑事訴訟法第163條所歸諸之立法意旨,確保公平法院建立,始較符合我國追求公平審判之憲法價值。則慮及將來一旦正式修法引進「起訴狀一本主義」制度,將造成被告及其辯護人無法依現行法,藉由向法院閱卷而充分閱覽檢察官起訴之卷證資料,故在將來改採行「起訴狀一本主義」制度之時,勢必須要思考在卷證不併送下,被告方面將如何取得檢察官所擁有之訴訟資料,而同時建構我國當事人間互為揭示證據資料之「證據開示」制度,以作為「起訴狀一本主義」之必要配套措施。 而日本在近代刑事訴訟法制之發展上,在二次大戰後,模仿美國刑事訴訟法制度,改採行當事人主義,當時為使審判與偵查絕緣,切斷偵查與審判接續性,在刑事訴訟起訴程序中採取「起訴狀一本主義」之制度,並至2005年11月1日施行新「證據開示」規定等背景,均可認日本相關之法制係供我國未來法律修正不可或缺之參考素材,故本文將詳細介紹日本新證據開示規定,說明日本所謂「階段性個別開示制度」,即三階段式之證據開示規定,期能藉由研究日本刑事「證據開示」法制,提供我國將來立法之他山之石,若我國刑事司法未來走向從職權主義制度過渡到當事人進行主義時,冀得藉由拙文對於此「證據開示」制度之理論基礎、日本實務演進與立法制度,以及價值核心理念之探討,俾供將來修法參考,而建立更接近於公平審判之刑事司法。

模糊抽樣調查及無母數檢定 / Fuzzy Sampling Survey with Nonparametric Tests

林國鎔, Lin,Guo-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要的目的是藉由The Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP)軟體的設計,幫助我們得到一組連續型模糊樣本。另外對於模糊數的無母數檢定我們提供了一個較為一般的方法,可以針對梯型、三角型,區間型的模糊樣本同時進行處理。 藉由利用GSP. 軟體所設計的模糊問卷,可以較清楚地紀錄受訪者的感覺,此外我們所提供之對於模糊數的無母數檢定方法比其他方法較為有效力。 在未來的研究裡,我們仍有一些問題需要解決,呈述如下:當所施測的樣本數很大時,如何有效率的在網路上紀錄受測者所建構的隸屬度函數? / The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology for getting a continuous fuzzy data by using the software The Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP). And we propose a general method for nonparametric tests with fuzzy data that can deal with trapezoid, triangular, and interval-valued data simultaneously. Using the fuzzy questionnaire designed by GSP. can help respondents to record their thoughts more precisely. Additionally our method for nonparametric tests with fuzzy data is more powerful than others. Additional research issues for further investigation are expressed by question such as follows: how to record the membership function on line, especially when the sample size is large?

個人資料保護法對企業管理與企業營運影響之研究 / The study on the impacts of implementing personal information protection legislation towards industry management and operation

馬凱蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
新版個人資料保護法,經歷各種必要相關程序後,將於2012年下半年起施行。由於新法將不分行業全體適用,且不再僅限於經電腦處理之個人資料也納入保護範圍,此外更要求企業必須舉證說明無過失或無故意違反法律。於此企業應該提早進行自我檢驗,建立管理制度並導入相關措施以作因應,否則新法上路後對企業蒐集、處理與利用個資將有更嚴格之要求。 本研究希望利用訪談的方式,瞭解藉由個人資料進行分析並進而擬定行銷策略之個案公司,對於新舊個資法之因應策略的可能方案,並蒐集對該業者公司發放的問卷,將所有資訊統合整理,調查各業者對於新個資法之認知及實施時之因應措施,讓本研究得以充分的描繪出個案公司的可行策略。 因此,從量化與質化問卷的調查資料得到的研究結果,大致可分為三點,面對新個資法的實施,應由業者的個資外洩風險評估做起、管理風險及賦予人員權限和提高資訊安全維護處理。綜合研究結果,茲分別對政府及企業提出幾項建議,以供未來政府及企業之參考依據。

卷積深度Q-學習之ETF自動交易系統 / Convolutional Deep Q-learning for ETF Automated Trading System

陳非霆, Chen, Fei-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章使用了增強學習與捲積深度學習結合的DQCN模型製作交易系統,希望藉由此交易系統能自行判斷是否買賣ETF,由於ETF屬於穩定性高且手續費高的衍生性金融商品,所以該系統不即時性的做買賣,採用每二十個開盤日進行一次買賣,並由這20個開盤日進行買賣的預測,希望該系統能最大化我們未來的報酬。 DQN是一種增強學習的模型,並在其中使用深度學習進行動作價值的預測,利用增強學習的自我更新動作價值的機制,再用深度學習強大的學習能力成就了人工智慧,並在其取得良好的成效。 / In this paper, we used DCQN model, which is combined with reinforcement learning and CNN to train a trading system and hope the trading system could judge whether buy or sell ETFs. Since ETFs is a derivative financial good with high stability and related fee, the system does not perform real-time trading and it performs every 20 trading day. The system predicts value of action based on data in the last 20 opening days to maximize our future rewards. DQN is a reinforcement learning model, using deep learning to predict value of actions in model. Combined with the RL's mechanism, which updates value of actions, and deep learning, which has a strong ability of learning, to finish an artificial intelligence. We got a perfect effect.

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