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The Effectiveness of Various Ability Groupings in an EFL Cooperative Learning Classroom邵敏惠, Shao,Min-huei Unknown Date (has links)
學,並提供老師在處理合作學習分組上一些適當、 有用的建議。本研究以一班台北市高職二年級學生為對象,以四種合作教學法應用在他們英文課上,並將實驗劃分為兩階段—同質學習能力小組及異質學習能力小組。藉此探討不同學習能力的學生對不同能力分組方式,有何感受及差異。此外,本論文亦深入探討合作學習在學生情意領域上的影響, 比照他們在不同分組階段後的感受及成效。
一. 高成就學生偏好同質學習能力分組,並在社會技巧及英語學習上,顯著優於其他同學。
二. 低成就學生偏好異質學習能力分組,實施合作教學後,對於學習意願、上課態度上,有明顯進步。
三. 實施合作教學後,大部分學生在英語學習、學習興趣、態度、及社會技巧、人際關係上,皆有提升。 / The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of different groupings of Cooperative Learning on an English class of vocational high school students in Taiwan. Cooperative Learning is one of the teaching techniques applied in EFL classrooms, proved to be effective in promoting students’ academic achievement, affective domain as well as improving students’ interpersonal relationship. Although many EFL teachers in Taiwan have adopted cooperative learning to their teaching, not all of them paid attention to the grouping criteria. This study aims to investigate which ability grouping, heterogeneous or homogeneous, can bring most benefits to the students in their English learning and affective domain. In other words, this study tries to probe in the effectiveness of cooperative learning, by students’ perception, whether their learning attitude, achievement and social skills are enhanced through cooperative learning. And the relationship between different ability levels of the students and their preference for different groupings is also investigated.
The grouping criteria, based on the participants’ academic achievement, divide the experiment into two stages—heterogeneous grouping and homogeneous grouping. Four cooperative learning methods are applied in the class—Students Team Achievement Division (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT), Learning Together (LT) and Jigsaw.
Forty-two students, taught by the researcher, from the 2nd year class at a vocational high school in Taipei, have participated in this study. By conducting questionnaires after the two stages of different groupings and oral interviews at the end of the experiment, the researcher collected and analyzed the data.
The findings of the study indicate that high-ability students prefer to work with the similar-ability peers, while low-ability ones prefer to work in heterogeneous groups. The participants are positive toward the effectiveness of cooperative learning in promoting their English learning, learning attitude and social skills. By running SPSS, the statistical results also show significant difference that high-achieving students are satisfied with the improvement of their social skills and English learning more than the students of other levels when they are placed in homogeneous groups.
The study not only provides EFL teachers with an effective framework of applying cooperative learning in English class, but also offers teachers appropriate and useful suggestion in adopting different groupings. Based on the above results, some pedagogical implications for English teachers and suggestions for learning strategy instructions are provided at the end of the study.
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新疆哈薩克族農村定居畜牧業的發展 / The Development of Kazakh Rural Settlement Animal Husbandry in Xinjiang王展, Wang, Zhan Unknown Date (has links)
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印尼對中國大陸外交政策(2006-2016):「互助合作」的視角 / Indonesia’s Foreign Policy towards China (2006-2016): Perspective of “Mutual Assistance and Cooperation”鄧克禮, Teng, Ke Li Unknown Date (has links)
印尼是東南亞大國,擁有天然資源與廣大市場,且緊鄰麻六甲海峽,使其受到國際關注。尤其亞太地區國家除中國大陸外,東協國家的經濟發展情勢最受矚目。印尼在2000年開始進行政治民主化,積極建立民主國家形象,並在東協組織內發揮日益重要之影響。雖其國內仍存有族群衝突、恐怖主義分子活動等尚待解決的內政問題,但卻是東協中唯一的G20國家,更凸顯了印尼具發展成為區域大國的潛能。近年來中國大陸以共同發展之名,積極向東南亞國家傳達善意,特別是與印尼建立起全面戰略夥伴關係。本研究主以「互助合作」的角度,來觀察印尼與中國大陸關係發展的歷程,並就印尼傳統的Gotong Royong(互助合作)之意涵,探討其在印尼與中國大陸外交關係上所發揮的關鍵功能。
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大學產學合作之模式探討: 以國立成功大學為例 / University and industry cooperation model: a case study of NCKU黃筱芸, Huang, Hsiao-yun Unknown Date (has links)
基此,本研究選取國內產學合作極具代表性之國立成功大學作為研究對象,冀由Sabatier和Jenkins-Smith (1993)提出政策倡導聯盟(Advocacy Coalition Framwork, ACF)理論,分析民國一○四年二月四日修正公布之國立大學校院校務基金設置條例增訂之第十五條規定,及同期間國立成功大學與財團法人成大研究發展基金會中斷長達二十餘年合作協議後,國立成功大學產學合作各行動者間的互動方式,及前述行動者究竟透過那些策略,企圖影響國立成功大學校長與財團法人成大研究發展基金會董事長再予調整雙方合作關係。
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東南亞國家協會與區域主義邱智淵, GIU, ZHI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast Asian Nations,ASEAN ),簡稱「東
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Factors Affecting the Inter-orginizational Collaborative Team Process and Team Performance / 影響跨組織合作團隊績效之研究郭芳瑜, Kuo, Fang-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this dissertation was to explore the key factors and managerial mechanisms that influence performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. Specifically, this research addressed five key constructs: inter-organizational collaboration relationships, project characteristics, team process, managerial mechanisms, and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams.
Data for this study was collected via semi-structured interviews within two stages. In the first stage, interviews were done with the executives, focusing on the inter-organizational relationships, managerial mechanisms and the performance of the inter-organizational collaborative team from strategic perspectives. The next stage involved with interviews with the team members to collect the information regarding team process more thoroughly.
The results suggested that (1) Inter-organizational relationships positively affect the inter-organizational team process. (2) Project Characteristics also play a role in the team process of inter-organizational collaboration. (3) Inter-organizational team process have positively influence on the performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. (4) Managerial mechanisms, such as mutual learning, and organizational culture, also have influences on the team process and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. However, we had few findings about the team incentives program or any other formal mechanisms that promote the team process and team performance.
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產學合作技術移轉過程之績效影響因素研究林文淵, Lin, Wenyuan Unknown Date (has links)
希望藉由影響執行過程的因素和績效這兩個構面,所產生的問題,逐一的討論,希望能了解這些因子的因果關係。在未來產學合作專案中,加強做好不足的地方。使合作的結果更加理想。 / In recent years, it’s a key factor for a company to develop or to keep market by getting a core technology earlier and converting it into a company’s internal technical competence. Such scenario is also applied for those enterprises which are knowledge and technology -oriented. However, it is very difficult for an enterprise alone to get a core technology promptly, correctly and efficiently under highly competitive environment. Therefore, seeking outer source of technical knowledge is an essential lesson for an entrepreneur.
As for domestic setting of enterprise’s research, it is important to shorten the gap between academic theoretical research and industrial applied research through integrating technical resources from both university and enterprise to obtain compensatory effects for each other on the cooperative basis. However, there is an obvious discrepancy on the performance of executing technical transfer in the same research unit. What are the criteria for evaluating industrial performance and academic one? What are the obvious factors which affect execution of technical transfer? And what are their relationships?
This research focuses on the executive process of technical transfer. There are many domestic and foreign researches done on the topic of cooperation between the industry and the academy. Some scholars have discussed about the system, motive, result and key successful factor of the cooperation between the industry and the academy. Some other scholars have done research on present situation of cooperation between the industry and the academy in certain area, but many researches have been done in the academic way of evaluating performance of cooperation between the industry and the academy. Fewer researches have been done in the industrial way of estimating the influential factors.
Another special feature of this research is the executive performance of cooperation between the industry and the academy could be affected by the industry. I hope those problems caused by the factors which affect the executive process and its performance can be discussed individually, and the relationship between cause and effect can be understood properly. Also, I wish I can do well in those areas needed to be enhanced in the future project of cooperation between the industry and the academy, and make it better for the result of such cooperation.
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兩岸證券合作監管備忘錄發展之研究李錫坤 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討台灣與大陸的金融合作發展。中國大陸本來實行計劃經濟體制,1978年開始進行改革開放。2001 年中國加入WTO之後,逐漸在金融、保險業、期貨業、銀行業對外開放。在這個過程中,台灣與大陸的金融合作日益緊密。2009年以來,台灣與大陸連續簽署了「海峽兩岸金融合作協議」、「兩岸金融監理備忘錄」(Memorandum of Understanding, MOU)、「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)等。本論文依序分析了中國大陸的金融市場本質和改革狀況,以及目前中國大陸金融體系所存在的機會與缺點。此外,本論文也探討了兩岸金融合作的發展進程,特別是在簽署MOU和ECFA之後,將對台灣金融業所帶來的影響。
關鍵字:中國大陸金融市場、兩岸金融合作、兩岸金融監理備忘錄、兩岸經濟合作架構協議 / This dissertation discussed the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China. After joining the WTO in 2001, the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China is getting closer. Since 2009, Taiwan and mainland China signed “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” (ECFA) and “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU). Furthermore, the Chinese financial market is relatively slow industries, financial institutions stationed after the impact is inevitable. This research analyzed the trend of the efficiency change before and after signing MOU and ECFA.
Keywords: China financial market; Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; The financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China; Memorandum of Understanding
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全球化下我國緝毒工作之研究朱正聲, Chu, Jeng-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,全球化成為世界趨勢。全球化帶來經濟的繁榮與發展,但同時也便利了組織犯罪活動的擴張,升高了國際犯罪率,其中毒品走私即為最具代表性組織犯罪類型。毒品危害世界已有半世紀之久,儘管在國際組織及各國共同努力防制下,毒品問題卻仍持續升高,根據「聯合國毒品控制和犯罪預防辦公室」(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)2006年全球毒品報告指出,全球毒品濫用人數高達2億人,占世界15-64歲人口之5%。另據統計,國際間非法毒品走私日趨熱絡,其交易金額亦逐年上升,進入21世紀後全球毒品每年交易金額高達八千億至一兆美元,與全球武器交易金額相差無幾,顯見在全球化的趨勢下,毒品犯罪活動逐漸國際化、組織化、專業化、智慧化,並造成全球毒品泛濫的加遽。
合作、國際緝毒合作 / After the Cold War, globalization has become an international trend. Globalization brings economic prosperity and development. However, it also assists the expansion of organized crime and increases the international crime rate. Among all the different types of organized crime, drug smuggling is the most representative of this. Drugs have been a major problem in the world and have threatened society for more than half a century. Although international organizations and governments in different countries have worked together to prevent drug trafficking, the problem is still getting worse. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s report in 2006, up to 200 million people, which was about 5% of the world population aged between 15 and 64, abused drugs. According to a statistical data, the crime rate of illegal drug smuggling in the world has risen, and amount of drugs sold has increased year by year. In the 21st century, the total amount of drugs sold in the world is up to USD.800 billion to USD.1 trillion every year, which is not different than amount of the international trade of weapons. It is obvious that under the trend of globalization, drug trafficking has become more international, organized, professional and technical. In addition, the flooding of drugs internationally has become more and more serious.
In the age of globalization, the problem of drug crime in Asia is getting more and more serious. Among all the Asian countries, the related crime rate in China has increased most rapidly. In Taiwan, the crime rate also has increased. The problem has been getting worse in Taiwan since the 1990s. Heroin and methamphetamine were the most commonly abused drugs in the 1990s. In 1993, the Taiwan government declared a war against drug trafficking because of the high peak in the crime rate. Afterwards, the problem improved noticeably. However, after a decade of the anti-drug campaign, the problem got serious again. Recently, the appearance of newly synthetic drugs (such as MDMA, ketamine and FM2) has caused a great diversity of drugs to spring up and the result has been a corresponding increase in the complexity of related crimes. The flooding of drugs at a fast pace has already endangered the country and the society as a whole tremendously. Since 1996, Mainland China has become the main supplier of heroin to Taiwan. Owing to the trend of globalization, China has also become the main country producing, transporting and exporting drugs in the world. At present, dealings and contacts between Taiwan and China have become more frequent, and has led to some significant changes across the strait. Some of these changes include membership in the WTO, the development of trade links (the mini three links), and the development of tourism between Taiwan and China. These factors have made it easier for drug gangs to smuggle drugs back and forth between the two countries. This has made it more challenging for authorities in dealing with the rise in drug trafficking.
Respecting the fact that drug trafficking is getting more and more serious in Taiwan in recent years, the Taiwan Government announced in 2004 that from 2005 to 2008 would be the “Years to fight drugs nationally”. It also declared a war against drugs once again. Still, whether or not the current drug inspecting system, resources, and related laws in Taiwan can match against international drug smuggling trend is still questionable. Especially when it comes to the issues of drug smuggling between China and Taiwan, which is an important part of the drug problem in Taiwan, there is still no cooperative mechanism across the strait. Therefore, there is still no effective way to stop the crime rate from rising and to eradicate cross-border drug gangs. In lieu of this, how to improve the anti-drug mechanism is a serious issue. Some suggestions have been to combine different resources, and enhance skills of the drug enforcement units in Taiwan, as well as to promote international cooperation between Taiwan and China are necessary so that the drug trafficking problem can be solved and the supply of drugs from other countries can be stopped at the same time.
Key words: Globalization, drug smuggling, drug trafficking, drug gangs, synthetic drugs, drug enforcement, drug enforcement cooperation across the strait, international drug enforcement cooperation
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我國生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研發合作關係之研究 / R&D Collaboration of biopharmaceutical firms between taiwan and other countries許芯沛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,台灣生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研進行發合作的動機一致,為降低及分散風險、分攤固定成本、技術與資源的互補與移轉、夥伴間營運策略的互補與相容性。篩選合作夥伴的主要考量也大致相同,包含資源及技術的互補、過往合作經驗、夥伴間營運策略的互補及相容性及財務能力。另外核心技術能力會影響台灣生技製藥廠商與合作夥伴合作起始的階段,研發合作起始階段的差異,更會影響知識移轉機制、以及合作方式的不同。另外,本研究也發現到,台灣生技製藥廠商在國際合作夥伴上的選擇會以不具直接競爭關係者為主,且與合作夥伴選擇以營業秘密的方式來保護技術知識。 / According to the research of KPMG in 2014, R&D collaboration between biopharmaceutical firms is the trend of biopharmaceutical industry. Under the circumstance of globalization, product life-cycles are gradually shortening. The purpose of R&D collaboration change from cost reduction to speeding up innovation. Therefore, multinational R&D collaboration has become a global business strategy for biopharmaceutical firms. Most of the past studies of multinational R&D collaboration focus on ICT industry in Taiwan. Few specially investigate biopharmaceutical industry. Consequently, a research gap can be found as multinational R&D collaborating between biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and biopharmaceutical firms of other countries. This research focus on the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan, explore how multinational R&D collaboration influence factors (business strategy, core competencies and the motivation of multinational R&D collaboration) affect multinational R&D collaboration management of firms.
This research adopts two biopharmaceutical firms in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand multinational R&D collaboration influence factors and multinational R&D collaboration management. The conclusions of this research are as below:
This research finds out that the motivations of multinational R&D collaboration of Taiwan firms are coincident, including cost reduction, diversification of risk, resources and technologies complementarity. The evaluations of partner selecting are also coincident, including resources and technologies complementarity, collaboration experience, operating strategy complementarity and financial capability. In addition, core competencies may affect the initiation stage of R&D collaboration and the initiation stage of R&D collaboration may affect the mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the way of multinational collaboration. Moreover, this research also found out that the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan might primarily choose to collaborate with international partners who have indirect competitive relationship with them. Last, the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and their partners protect their intellectual property in the way of trade secret.
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