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中國自主品牌汽車併購國際車廠之研究 / A study on the Chinese automotive M&A overseas

陳姵君, Christy Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年起在中國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)前不久,中國政府就開始了解中國企業要具備全球競爭力才能生存,自此宣布實施「走出去」政策,開始容許中國企業在海外進行收購。經過十年的發展,原先以為可以運用低成本的中國製造能力搭配受高成本阻礙的西方公司,藉由併購連結西方公司的全球品牌和配銷關係,達到擴充全球銷售量的目的,事後證明往往是噩夢一場。 隨著金融海嘯重挫西方企業及2009年中國的外匯存底超過兩兆美元,第二波的中國海外併購風潮似乎再起。比起舊策略,此波併購採取了一些新策略:收購者將眼光放在中國內需市場,而中國複雜而成長迅速的市場正是測試和了解被收購公司資產和能力的好環境,在收購者熟悉的本地市場整合發展透過併購取得的新技術、產品及關鍵知識較在被收購者所處的國外為容易,更因為被收購公司有機會技術應用到全球最有希望的市場,減輕了收購過程中所受到來自被收購國政府乃至內部員工的阻力。本研究即以不同時期二個中國汽車業海外併購個案「上海汽車工業集團併購南韓雙龍汽車公司」與「吉利控股集團併購福特汽車集團內的瑞典Volvo汽車公司」,探討中國企業海外併購之路,解析中國汽車業如何由前次併購失敗經驗中汲取教訓,以及藉由併購國際大廠提昇品牌形象及技術,著眼於內需市場的發展策略能否奏效。


謝坤龍 Unknown Date (has links)
品牌對企業而言,是一種無形資產,在實際市場經濟運作下,也說明了品牌也能像有形資產一樣,有創造價值能力及自身增值的能力。隨著品牌資產的值增加及市場的競爭需求,品牌價值的評價及管理日益重要,而品牌應該能夠為企業帶來更多價值,並且反映在財務報表上。   因此,本研究主要是以品牌淨現金流量之觀點評價「A」品牌之品牌價值,並且根據本研究評價之「A」品牌價值與個案公司實地購買「A」品牌之購買金額,討論甲公司購入「A」品牌之價值未來真實呈現於企業財務報表之品牌產生淨現金流量中之可能性,且具滿足企業所支付之代價。   綜合本研究的評價目的、產業特性、總體環境,甲公司取得上開經營權利及永續經營下,採用品牌淨現金流量法估算,以折現率15.6468%計算,顯示出當「A」品牌達到預做之品牌銷售收入,其折現值合計為新台幣 1,299,884仟元,且品牌所產生之淨現金流量共計新台幣2,143,405仟元。另外,當「A」品牌銷售收入高於原先預估之收入情況時,則該品牌折現值為新台幣1,509,620仟元,品牌所產生之淨現金流量共計新台幣2,498,510仟元;反之,若「A」品牌銷售收入低於原先預估之收入情況時,則該品牌折現值為新台幣1,090,148仟元,品牌所產生之淨現金流量共計新台幣11,788,301仟元。   本研究結果顯示,甲公司購買「A」品牌所付出之代價,在未來實現於企業現金流量報中是具有相當之可能性。由於企業欲獲取品牌時,評估其可產生之有形的現金利益,是決策過程中的主要課題,而品牌評價方式可在各種合理假設前題下,將無形品牌資產轉換為有形的量化數字,協助管理者作為事前決策及事後效益評估判斷的參考之一。

創新蘭亭府Massage品牌經營策略研究 / The Research on Brand Management Strategies-A Case Study of Lanting Massage Store

蔡義文 Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年起,經濟部開始向國內企業推廣建立自創品牌,主要目的是希望國內企業應擺脫代工的經營模式,在企業的製造能力足夠或技術成熟時,自有品牌可以為企業帶來更高的利潤,而且也可以達到永續經營的目標,換句話說,當品牌建立的同時,若無法將品牌的能見度打開,品牌價值將無法為企業帶來經營的成效。所以,在Massage產業亦可透過品牌的經營來提高其市場知名度,甚至還可以藉此增加在市場的競爭力。 其實在多元的社會文化中,Massage是一項可以舒緩身心靈的方法之一,而且還是一種兼具放鬆情緒的活動,而這樣的Massage活動並未有一個可以讓消費者熟,知的品牌。因此,為了提高消費者對Massage產業品牌的認知,本研究透過五力分析與主題分析等方法的應用,探討蘭庭府Massage品牌的經營策略的模式,及其受到的威脅,據以作為Massage品牌經營的依據,其研究分析所得到的結論,如下列所述:一、核心價值理念、品牌價值主張、服務價值方向、管理價值目標是蘭庭府Massage品牌的經營策略;二、重視服務品質有助於品牌形象的提升;三、競爭者的威脅會造成蘭庭府Massage的顧客流失;供應商的威脅會增加蘭庭府Massage的營運成本

從國際品牌價值鑑價機構分析日本企業品牌價值 / Brand Value Analysis of Japanese Enterprises through the Studies on International Brand Valuation Consultancies

朱美俞, Chu, Mei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
現今,企業營運無法再單純只透過改進行銷手法來增加公司營收利潤,愈來愈多的國際鑑價機構針對企業品牌價值進行評比動作,其中受到信賴的品牌價值評鑑報告足以影響未來企業行銷機制、廣告行銷手法、企業形象、股價市場、商業地位等,使得品牌經營成為企業一大重要課題。日本近二十年來的經濟表現不盡理想,日本企業品牌價值跟著出現浮動,為了理解日本企業近幾年來的品牌價值變化、日本品牌在國際發展的優劣勢處境,以及其品牌價值變遷的背後環境因素,本研究挑揀出Interbrand、BrandZ與Brand Finance三大全球最具公信力之品牌價值鑑價機構所發表的年度全球品牌價值百強報告做為主要分析資料,以建構出當代日本品牌價值的發展面貌。   本文研究發現,日本企業在三大品牌價值鑑價機構的評比標準底下,表現最為出色亮眼的為汽車品牌與科技品牌,而其他多數日本產業因國際化程度偏弱,導致品牌價值難以擠身全球百強之列。日本品牌在極為重視消費者意見調查的評比報告中,整體退步幅度最大;而從財務會計角度資產觀點衡量品牌價值的評比方法則最有利於日本品牌價值數據表現。此外,影響日本品牌價值變遷的因素包括全球金融危機、歐債危機、泰國水災、日圓匯率浮動、中日關係發展等國際事件,以及日本311大地震、企業國際化程度偏弱、企業創新能力不足、企業內部領導人頻繁更換等國內層面因素。種種因素不僅影響日本企業的國際競爭力和公司的財務收益,更攸關日本品牌的發展趨勢與全球品牌地位。

品牌價值主張的傳遞模式比較-以台日生活產業品牌為例 / Comparison of the brand value proposition delivery —case studies of Taiwanese and Japanese lifestyle brands

林文翊, Lin, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,價值主張一詞在各大企業界掀起了一陣討論的熱潮。除了因為《獲利世代》這本書的強調之外,在《價值主張年代》更是將其視為成功商業模式的獲利核心。同時,隨著科技日新月異、進步與發展,民眾更加注重品質與生活風格的經營,價值的提升也因此變得越來越重要。「生活產業」在這樣的時空背景之下日趨蓬勃發展。「蘑菇」與「SOU‧SOU」兩間台日生活品牌,在不同面向擁有許多相似之處,然而蘑菇相較於SOU‧SOU,卻面臨了許多挑戰。 因此本研究希望透過學理角度去分析其差異的來源,分成兩階段探討:品牌如何進行價值主張的塑造,其價值主張塑造後又如何進行傳遞。透過實際在環境時空背景之下的觀察與體驗,找出對生活產業品牌價值主張的塑造與傳遞產生的影響是如何造成。同時比較日本與台灣生活產業品牌的現況,企圖描繪出台日生活產業品牌,進行價值主張塑造與傳遞過程中的差異,進而反思台灣生活產業可以向日本方面學習的又是什麼? 本研究最終結論得出,生活產業品牌透過文化迴路五項賦予製品文化意義的活動,來塑造其價值主張,並透過體驗媒介將其價值主張傳遞出去。而從研究中的比較可以知道,台日品牌分別透過不同項目的接合方式,影響價值主張的塑造;其體驗媒介的使用方式,也對價值主張傳遞的力量有重要影響。 / In recent years, Value Proposition has become a popular term extensively discussed in the major business community. Not only is it emphasized in the book《Business Model Generation》, the book《Value Proposition Design》further regards it as the core of a successful business model. Meanwhile, with the rapid transition, progress and development of the technology, people have started to pay more attention to enhance the quality of daily life and thus start to establish their own lifestyle. Advancing value therefore become more and more important and the growth of the ”Lifestyle industry" goes vigorous under this background. The Taiwanese and Japanese lifestyle brands ”MOGU” and "SOU‧SOU" share plenty of similarities in different aspects; however, ”MOGU” compared to “SOU‧SOU” seems to be facing much more challenges . Aiming at analyzing the source of the differences from the perspective of knowledge, this study is divided into two phases: how to create the brand value proposition, and how to deliver the brand value proposition. By observing and experiencing in the real environment, this study is trying to figure out the element effecting the creation and delivery of the brand value proposition. Also, it compares the present situation of the Japanese and Taiwanese lifestyle brand, and eventually concludes the lessons learned from the comparison. The final conclusion of this study shows that, lifestyle brands create the brand value proposition by five elements of cultural circuit which added cultural value to the products. They subsequently convey the value proposition by experience providers. Besides, the creation of the two lifestyle brands are throughly influenced by different articulation of the cultural circuit elements. Last but not least, the way experience providers are utilized is tremendous influence to the value proposition delivery.

品牌價值評價模式之研究-以雲門舞集為例 / A study on Brand Valuation Models -- Examples of Cloud Gate

黃海清, Huang, Hai-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
商業競爭日益激烈,企業間不再只是以房地產、機器、廠房設備等有形資產以及股票、定存等金融資產作為衡量企業價值的基礎;品牌、商標、專利、關鍵技術等無形資產,已轉化成企業的核心資源,成為企業競爭的利器。學者Aaker更進一步認為,未來行銷的戰爭是一場品牌的戰爭。而品牌究竟值多少錢?Interbrand與Business Week自2001年開始,每年都發表全球品牌價值排行,都受到媒體以及企業的高度重視。在台灣,為了得知台灣品牌在世界舞台的相對重要性,經濟部外貿協會從2003年開始透過與國際最具公信力的品牌價值顧問公司Interbrand的合作,進行台灣品牌的評估與調查,並公佈台灣十大國際品牌品牌價值與排行。 但有鑑於外貿協會花大錢與Interbrand合作,買到了鑑價結果,卻買不到核心know-how,而在台灣品牌鑑價還是一個相當模糊的概念,不如外國研究普及,缺乏類似Interbrand如此專門且具公信力得品牌顧問公司,可定期為企業衡量其品牌價值,亦尚未有一套專門且合理的鑑價標準或方式可供參考,故建構國內的品牌鑑價制度,發展一套完整且合理的鑑價機制來評估企業、以至於文化創意產業的品牌價值,確保企業或團體的品牌價值不會任意被鑑價或錯估,在台灣是有需要及迫切的,乃引發本研究進行深入探討的動機。 歷來有許多學者將衡量品牌價值的方式分為許多不同的作法,雖然學者們嘗試以各種角度切入來衡量品牌價值,但是衡量方式不但眾多且繁雜,亦不夠具有全面性。因此,本研究歸納分析並整理各學者及各國品牌鑑價模式,設法建構發展一套結合財務、會計、行銷、管理等綜合觀點的系統化且適合台灣國情之品牌價值評價模式。本研究先從文獻調查及現今各種品牌鑑價方法中整理出重要的品牌強度評鑑指標,並採用層級分析法(The Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP),從行銷與品牌學者、專業經理人中,作專家調查,得出評鑑指標的權重值,發展成基礎品牌強度評鑑指標表。將此品牌強度評鑑指標做成品牌強度專家意見調查問卷,以便求出台灣知名品牌品牌強度換算出乘數,再依據品牌財務及行銷資料求出年度品牌貢獻度,與品牌強度乘數相乘後加上平均品牌授權金,再利用乘數權重估算所面臨的財務風險,以反映預估現金流量的風險程度進而取得折現率,最後利用現金流量折現法,計算累加未來十年內現金流量,而計算得出整體品牌價值。並將此品牌評價模式用以評價台灣十大品牌之品牌價值,再與Interbrand做出的結果做相似性比較,以驗證本研究品牌評價模式是否準確及合理可行。 本研究亦認為文化創意產業的品牌價值評價可能性與其他一般產業並無重大差異,故在本研究最後品牌評價實例執行中,舉一在台灣具有特別代表性的文化創意產業、表演藝術團體「雲門舞集」,做為本研究品牌評價模式實例說明,以驗證文化創意產業品牌價值評價的可能性,並提出文化創意產業品牌產業化建議。 / Brand valuation is still a very vague concept in Taiwan, and researches conducted are not as popular as other countries. So far, we are still lacking in professional and credible brand consulting companies such as Interbrand, which helps enterprises to conduct regular valuation of their brands, and we also lack in a professional and reasonable valuation standard or methods for reference. Therefore, it is very essential and urgent to establish a domestic brand valuation system, and to develop a complete and reasonable valuation mechanism for brand valuation of enterprises and even the entire cultural & creativity industry, which will ensure that the brand value of enterprises or groups will not be randomly or lowly valuated. This is what motivated this research, which is aimed at exploring this issue in depth. This research starts from formulating an important brand strength valuation index using literature survey and various present brand valuation methods. By applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the weight of valuation index is formed from professional surveys conducted among marketing and brand scholars and professional managers, thus a basic brand strength valuation index is developed. A brand strength expert opinion questionnaire is created from this brand strength valuation index to find out the strength of famous brands in Taiwan, and it is then converted into a multiplier, and with brand financial and marketing data, we have the annual brand contribution. The annual brand contribution is then multiplied by the brand strength multiplier, then added by the average brand licensing fee, and along with discount rate and discounted cash flow mode (DCF), we can work out the cash flow over the next ten years, the overall brand value. This brand valuation pattern is then used to valuate the brand value of Taiwan Top 10 Global Brands, and the results compared to Interbrand for similarities to verify the accuracy and practicability of the brand valuation pattern in this research. Key words:brand value, brand equity, brand valuation, cultural & creativity industry.

企業品牌價值及其評價模式之探討-以宏達電為個案研究 / The study of enterprise brand value and brand valuation:a case of HTC corporation

江連賜, Jiang, Ted Unknown Date (has links)
可口可樂的執行長曾說:「即使可口可樂公司在一夜之間被大火燒為灰燼,但它在第二天就能重新站起來,這就是品牌的力量,是大火燒不掉的財富。」這說明了可口可樂的品牌價值,為何能從2001年起連續11年在Interbrand的評比高居全球第一。這也說明了可口可樂,為何是股神巴菲特十大投資持股之首。二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,也是「品牌決定一切」的時代。 台灣將於2013年正式採用國際會計準則(IFRS)編製財務報表,公平價值的時代即將來臨,取得品牌價值的公平市價是品牌評價的主要目標之一,而品牌授權的權利金可由品牌價值的公平市價決定,被授權者往往只需支付權利金,便可以使用高知名度的品牌於所生產的商品或提供的服務。 品牌的交易並無公開的活絡市場,品牌價值應該如何評價?探討各種品牌價值的評價模式有助於評價方法的選擇,辨識評價的風險與限制條件,基本上其評價模式可從財務面或非財務面(行銷面)進行。品牌價值評價可提供某一企業的品牌資產賣出或收益的資訊,協助企業了解品牌價值的構成要素及決定因素,並且協助行銷部門評估品牌策略執行的有效性。 本研究認為HEROSE評價模式採用企業過去財報數據,透明度高是其優點,但並未考慮品牌的未來經濟效益是其致命傷。如能於評價模式中增加企業的未來財務預測,並將未來市場占有率併入考慮,應可較客觀地評估品牌價值。

高科技產品品牌價值之研究:以手機產品為例 / A Study of the Brand Value of High-Technology Products: the Case of Mobile Phone

葉淑婷, Yieh, Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產品要打動消費者的心,已不能如同過去只強調其功能價值,要在激烈競爭環境中脫穎而出,無形價值更顯得重要。本研究引用Park, Jaworski and MacInnis (1986)的研究,將品牌帶給顧客的價值分為功能性、象徵性、體驗性價值。根據研究結果,在消費者心中重視的是高科技品牌的功能性與象徵性價值,因此廠商在推出高科技產品時,除產品本身功能要能具吸引力外,在行銷手法上須建立與其他品牌區隔的象徵意義,使消費者能將該產品視為自我身份象徵的徽章(badge)。另一方面,消費者在選購此項產品的涉入程度普遍都很高,而目前市面上產品功能是大同小異,廠商要能使其產品出奇制勝,同樣要以無形價值下手,以增加對消費者的吸引力。此外,本研究發現消費者購買高科技產品時,根據的並非自己的真實特性,而可能是消費者理想的自我。至於,國家文化與品牌聯想之顧客價值的關係在本研究中並不顯著。 / Nowadays, the functional value of the high-tech products is not attractive enough to the consumers. For consumers, they want more values of high-tech products, especially the intangible values. According to Park, Jaworski and MacInnis’ (1986) research, the brand value from customer's point of view could divide into the functional, symbolic and the experiential value. In this research, the consumers more care the functional and symbolic value of high-technology brands. Therefore, the merchants must emphasize on its products’ symbolic value to distinguish from the other brands, especially there is no big difference on the functional side. The customers would like to make the high-tech products as their badge. On the other hand, the consumers feel highly involvement with the high-tech products. The merchants must clothe its high-tech products with more intangible value to defeat the other brands. In addition, this research discovered the consumers might not follow their real characters but ideal self when they purchased the high-tech products. Furthermore, there is no significant relation between the national culture and the brand value in this research.

整合行銷傳播於外商半導體產業之應用研究— 以N半導體公司為例 / Research on foreign semiconductors company’s integrated marketing communication strategy—A Case study of N semiconductors

張伊雯, Chang, Yi Wu Unknown Date (has links)
在這個由消費者主導的時代,行銷的力量在於創造、溝通、傳遞價值予顧客,著重全面的消費者接觸點,策略性地創造有力的品牌概念,為公司增加獲利、為股東累積收益。 本研究以外商半導體公司的成功案例,探討工業零組件之B2B(Business to Business)經營模式中之整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication)策略與做法,從IMC的整合程度中之計劃整合面,探討整合行銷傳播中的組織架構,分析內部決策組織和外部功能組織的協調性,以及從人員知識面切入,探討專業人才與能力的培養;再從資源整合面,深入了解個案在整合行銷傳播預算、媒體購買、資料庫運用等面向的資源運用方式,以及在各項傳播工具的操作策略上的實際執行方式與成果,並藉由策略架構、資源、流程、關係、與價值五大面向,分析個案的關鍵成功因素與經驗,再經由個案於去年底所完成之與競爭對手相較之品牌排名調查以及委由國際知名品牌鑑價機構Interbrand計算之企業品牌價值結果,展現個案執行整合行銷傳播策略的實際績效。以個案研究法檢視該公司如何在自皇家飛利浦集團獨立後之一年內迅速累積品牌價值,而其整合行銷傳播策略在其中所達成的貢獻的關鍵成功因素。 本論文之研究方法、針對研究架構中之「計畫整合」及「資源整合」部分採取次級資料分析法,此部分是由supplier side的觀點作為研究出發點; 針對「傳播工具整合」的部分,採取焦點訪談法,是由demand side為出發點,研究客戶未被滿足的需求; 在「關鍵成功因素」的部分,採取深度訪談法,藉由訪談專業人士,針對個案分析其成功的關鍵因素。本論文所選擇的研究個案,是名列全球前十大半導體公司之一的N半導體(N Semiconductors)。 本研究之研究目的在於研究外商半導體公司整合行銷傳播(IMC)的關鍵成功因素與經驗,探討B2B工業零組件經營模式之整合行銷傳播(IMC)策略與做法,期以外商半導體於整合行銷傳播(IMC)方面的成功經驗,做出對台灣IC產業未來發展品牌之建議。 / In this market dominated by consumers, the power of marketing is to create, communicate and transfer value to customers. Focusing on coming into a full-scale contact with consumers, marketing strategically creates an influential concept of brand to increase the profit and generate revenue for the shareholders. This research studies the Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC)strategy and application of business-to-business formula in the global semiconductors industry through a case study of a foreign semiconductors company. Form the perspective of planning integration in IMC, the research analysis the organization structure of the IMC team and the coordination of both internal decision-making and external functional processes. To study the human resource management of professional personals as well as to further realize the IMC budget, media buying, and database utilization, the research also studies from the in-depth perspectives of team knowledge base resource allocation. For the operational practices and results of the communication tools, the research also reviews the company’s key successful factors form the five perspectives of strategic structure, resource allocation, process management, relationship built-up, and value generation. With in-depth analyzing the brand valuation report and brand value evaluation report conducted by Interbrand to unfold the actual effectiveness of the company’s overall integrated marketing communication strategy, as a case study, the research is to sketch how this semiconductors successfully generated brand equity and brand value in just one year since its independence for the Royal Philips group. For the research methods of this research, by taking the “secondary analysis” for studying both planning integration and resource integration form the perspective of supplier side, “focus group” for studying the integration of communication tool from the perspective or demand side, and “in-depth interview” for studying the key successful factors of the case company, which is one of the world’s top 10 semiconductors companies, from the perspective of industrial professionals. The objective of this research is to study the key successful factors and experiences of foreign semiconductors companies, to reflect how to manage the IMC strategy into the company’s overall business strategy of B2B industry, and to make suggestions to the IC companies in Taiwan for brand development based on the successful experiences of the case company.

手機產業併購活動中之智財整併-以明基整併西門子手機事業為例 / Strategic IP Structuring in M&A of Mobile Phone Businesses-Utilizing the BenQ-Siemens Merger for Case Study

張淑貞, Chang,Aileen S.J Unknown Date (has links)
西元2005、2006年間,臺灣數家知名手機代工業者,或是從手機代工兼跨經營自有品牌的手機業者,透過與國內、外企業所進行之整併活動,上演多幕併方與被併方商業資源之切割、位移與重新整合的戲碼,而除決意退出賽局的企業不論,其他繼續競逐的業者,似正利用整併活動,快速囊闊並整合企業繼續成長壯大所需的商業資源。 其中,在明基整併西門子手機事業案例中,併方明基集團明確指出,透過整併,希望能取得被併方手機相關之智慧財產資源,包括核心專利、有限期的商標使用權及人員、技術等。且併方亦表示,取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,是該整併案中重要標的,更是決意整併與否的關鍵因素,故在本件整併,併方對於取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,顯然有高度之期許與重視。 讀到上開資訊,腦海中所伴隨著的問題意識,包括:究竟台灣手機業者透過整併活動,取得知名手機大廠所擁有之核心專利,其商業目的為何?倘若取得此等核心專利,有其商業價值,依據併方擬達到之商業目的,併方應於整併前,進行何等相應評估與規劃作業?此外,在取得國外知名手機廠商授權商標使用權能部分,此等商標使用權能之取得,究竟併方商業目的何在?倘併方看中的是,被併方商標具有品牌價值,那麼奠基手機品牌價值之價值活動為何?且併方應透過何等途徑,才能順利位移被併方之品牌價值到併方身上,並讓併方據此更佳蓬勃? 本論文以上開問題意識出發,於論文各章節中,進行相應之探討。而明基整併西門子手機事業之案例,恰好提供豐富的商業基礎事實,故本論文援引此一案例,作為研究與論述基礎,並藉由實際案例所提供資訊,讓學術討論更具意義。 經本論文研究結果認為:倘若併方將被併方核心專利與商標使用權能之取得,列為整併重要標的,在進行此等整併作業時,併方應依據所設定之商業目的,事先應有一套完整的評估作業(本論文嘗試提出評估作業架構圖),亦需規劃後續相應配套執行作業,如此,始能提高商業目的既遂的機率,並且避免讓『大機會』變成『大風險』,而且,在併方取得被併方商標使用權能部分,併方應先明辨商標與品牌之不同,併方於使用被併方之商標,也應事先確定其具品牌價值且無嚴重的負面印象存在。 基於以上研究結論,筆者進一步提出幾項建議如下,作為本論文研究成果: 一、併方整併被併方智財資源之具體標的,倘在於核心專利取得。建議併方應於整併前,對所取得之專利是否為核心專利先予驗明正身,而且必須設定取得核心專利之明確商業目的,後續也應依據商業目的,具體規劃相關評估與執行作業。 二、若欲讓整併目的既遂並降低相關商業風險,整併前之評估作業,至為關鍵,建議未來進行類似整併案件之併方,務需於雙方拍板定案簽約前,即投入相當人力物力資源進行評估與資訊情報蒐集作業,而不是於拍板定案後,才臨機應變並見招拆招。 三、併方取得被併方之核心專利,本質上存有有哪些風險,建議併方亦需清楚臚列評估,並應於雙方併購合約中透過合約約款之設計,讓併方之商業風險有效控制與降低。 四、在取得被併方商標使用權能部分,建議併方事先應評估被併方商標是否具有品牌價值,並找出奠基被併方品牌價值之因素,且併方應明確區分品牌價值與品牌知名度之不同,進而仔細評估被併方品牌究竟是有真實價值,還是徒具知名度而已。 五、確認被併方商標具品牌價值後,若欲將被併方品牌價值真實位移到併方體內,建議併方應將被併方企業價值活動盤點,並進行去蕪存菁作業,進一步將有價值之企業活動加值,亦需將雙方企業活動整合與融合,如此被併方之品牌價值始能真實位移,而不是曇花一現。 六、又,不論併方品牌策略之操作,是採單一品牌或雙品牌操作模式,如果被併方授權商標使用是有期限的,併方應考慮到使用期限屆至後,儲蓄在被併方商標上的品牌價值應如何順利位移承接到併方商標上,以及在採行雙品牌策略後,當併方之品牌脫離了被併方之品牌,要如何自立不受影響。 / In 2005 and 2006, several renowned mobile phone OEM or branding companies in Taiwan were merging, sinning off and/or restructuring through their local or foreign affiliates. Except some were intended to exit the market, most were utilizing the merger and acquisition to combine various resources to grow in their sizes. In one of the cases, the merger of mobile phone business units of BenQ – Siemens, BenQ clearly indicated that through the merger, BenQ intended to acquire the intellectual property resources from Siemens including the essential patents, license of trademarks, technical supports and know-how, etc. BenQ also indicated that the acquisition of licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name usage regarding mobile phone business would be the major target in the merger deal, as well as the turning point as to whether the merger should proceed along. In that case, therefore, BenQ highly expected to obtain licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name regarding mobile phone business. The foregoing paragraph raises certain issues: what is the business purpose of a Taiwan mobile phone company to obtain the essential patents from other renowned and sized mobile phone branding companies? Assuming such business purpose is found, what kinds of evaluations and feasibility studies the merging company should conduct before the merger closing, in order to warrant the business purpose? Besides, what is the business purpose for the merging company to acquire from the renowned company a license to use the trademarks? If the merging company views such trademarks not as merely trademarks, but largely focuses the branding value added by the merged company with such trademarks, one would ask a question: where are the activities that have created and supported the mobile phone branding value? Through what ways, the merging company is able to successfully transfer the branding value from the merged company to the merging company and develop its business prosperously with the transferred branding value? This thesis starts with the above issues and discusses the relevant topics in various theories, using the ample business materials and facts in BenQ – Siemens merger as a base for case study so as to make the theory discussions in this thesis in a more practical sense. The research conclusion in this thesis indicates: If the major target in the whole merger deal is to acquire essential patents and trademarks from the merged business, the merging business must establish a complete feasibility assessment program in accordance with the intended business purpose (the thesis intends to provide a illustration charts for such assessment program) before the closing, and a well coordinated implementing procedures for post-closing operation, in order to higher the probability of meeting the intended business purpose while lower the possibility of spoiling a “great opportunity” into a “huge risk”. In addition and beforehand, the merging business should be able to tell the specific differences in nature between the brand names and trade marks. The merging business should also clearly identify the merged branding value, and further, ensure there is no negative impact in applying the merged branding in its business. Based on the conclusion stated in the preceding paragraph, the author thereby submits the following recommendations as a result of the research in the thesis: 1.If the specific target for a merging business seeking to combine intellectual property resources of the merged business is to obtain the essential patents from the merged business, it is advisable for the merging business to, before the merger, identify whether the patents proposed to be acquired are indeed essential patents in relevant industries, establish a clear business purpose feasibly achievable by acquisition of such patents, and establish an assessment program and a well coordinated implementing procedures operation in accordance with the established business purpose. 2.It is extremely imperative to conduct a solid and full-scaled pre-closing feasibility studies so as to reduce the business risks in merger deal. It is advisable for a merging business to devote considerable resources to conduct evaluation and information gathering before merger closing, and not to remedy and mitigate the case in post closing days. 3.It is advisable for the merging business to identify and list in detail the risks in acquiring the core patents from the merged business, and further structure through merger related contracts to effectively control and minimize such risks. 4.It is advisable for the merging business to clarify whether the proposed trademarks are having true branding value, find the factors within the merged business creating and supporting such branding value, clearly tell differences between branding value and brand popularity, and then carefully assess if the proposed brand name is powered with the true branding value or merely covered with a wide popularity. 5.After identifying the branding value of the proposed trademark, if the branding value is intended to be transferred into the merging business, it is advisable for the merging business to conduct a full examination on the previous branding value activities of the merged business, and adjust/develop the value-added items of new activities by continuing joint efforts of corporate businesses, not a flash show in the market. 6.No matter the marketing strategy is by single brand name or combined dual brand name, if the proposed trademark usage is limited by time expiration, the merging business must consider after the expiration, how to successfully transfer the branding value of the proposed trademark to existing trademark originally held by the merging business, and how to maximize or maintain the independent branding value of the existing trademark after the expiration.

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