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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公民參與之理論與實踐-民間教育改革團體的個案研究 / The theory and practice of citizen participation

傅麗英, Fu, Li Ying Unknown Date (has links)

論地方自治法規 / Local goverment law

陳樹村, Chen, Shu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
一、第一篇緒論說明研究的動機、目的、範圍與方法。 二、第二篇說明地方自治包含「住民自治」與「團體自治」二種原理,而基於這二種原理所發展出來的相關制度及我國憲法以該二項原理所設計的地方自治制度為何,後再整理地方自治的功能,說明何以地方自治制度成為全世界所普遍採用的制度。 三、第三篇主要探討地方自治權的本質為何?此涉及地方自治團體在國家法律秩序中的地位,特別攸關其與國家及地方人民間之相互關係。學說上認為地方自治權的本質有固有權說、授權說、制度保障說,及從人權保障觀點出發的新固有權說。本篇介詔各說之理論基礎與其發展興衰,最後乃分析我國地方自治的本質應採何說為宜。 四、第四篇與第五篇可以說是地方自治團體訂定地方自治法規的外在界限。本篇論述地方自治法規與憲法的關係,次篇則分析地方自治法規與中央法規及上級地方自治法規之關係。本篇首先詳細分析地方法規得否限制人民基本權利的問題,從理論,外國立法例分別加以說明,冀求探討出依據並建立其類型。 五、第五篇則先就地方自治法規的性質與效力加以說明,後則分析省縣自治法與直轄市自治法與國家法令發生衝突時的解決途徑,並以省與直轄市對人 事、主計、警政、政風四類一級主管人員任命權所產生的法律衝突為例,加以分析。次則敘及省法規與國家法令之衝突與解決,檢討現行台灣省法規準則規定的不當。省縣自治法制定後對省法規的改變與省法規和國家法律衝突的類型化與效力的優劣。六、第六篇,可謂係地方立法權的內在界限,說明地方立法權的對象是否應及於委辦事項?首先就日本與德國就自治事項與委辦事項之分類與性質加以說明。次就自治事項與委辦事項之區分,從學說、理論與實定法的規定加以分析,以定其區分標準。七、本篇為結論,乃綜合整理前述各篇重點,提出研究心得。

華裔美人參與政治活動之研究;一九六五年至一九九三年 / The Political Participation of Chinese-Americans, 1965-1993

林啟文, Lin Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
華裔移殖美國歷史超過一百五十年,但早期在美遭受不平等待遇與歧視幾 達一世紀之久。二次世界大戰後,美國社會漸趨開放,華裔地位稍獲改善 。一九五○年代,夏威夷地區已有不少華裔參與政治選舉活動。一九六○ 年代,民權法案及選舉權法案陸續通過,雖使美國大陸的華裔基本參政權 獲得基本保障,然而只有少數的土生華裔積極參與美國政治活動。到了一 九七○年代,才有比較多的華裔參政人士投入美國地方及全國性的政治活 動。一九八二年密西根州底特律華裔「陳果仁命案」的發生,引起全美各 華裔社團及社區的關切。翌年兩名被告獲判緩刑及罰款,激起全美華裔及 亞裔的憤怒,紛紛示威遊行抗議。華裔地位的不穩固,使愈來愈多的華裔 體認美國民主政治的形態,唯有參與政治、投入政治主流活動,才是維護 族裔權益,爭取人權地位的最直接途徑。近十幾年來,隨著華裔的人口增 加,知識水準提高,經濟力量日漸雄厚及參政意識提升,已促使許多華裔 積極參與美國政治活動。尤其近二、三年,在華裔人口較密集的主要城市 ,華裔的經濟實力和選票增加相互結合,再加上華裔參政團體有效運作, 其政治力量已在地方選舉中展現出來。但在全國性的大選中,全美華裔的 集體政治力量尚未反應出來。未來全美華裔應儘早成立一超黨派且強有力 的全國性政治組織,以整合全美華裔社區的政治資源,使全美華裔的集體 政治力量在大選中發揮出來,進而對美國政治過程產生更大的影響力。

涂爾幹政治理念之分析 / Emile Durkheim's Political Theory

熊海瑞, Hsiung,Hai Jui Unknown Date (has links)
涂爾幹(Emile Durkheim)是法國著名的社會學家,以及社會學的 奠基者之一。他在社會學上的成就有目共睹, 不過他思想中探討政治的 部份,長久以來都遭到忽視甚至誤解 ,使得一般人在探討政治社會學的 時候,都不將涂爾幹視為一位有所貢獻的學者, 而將他的成就侷限在社 會學的領域中。其實涂爾幹以他對現實的敏銳觀察, 以及基於知識份子 必須在學術上報□國家的態度,已經針對國家的本質、民主的特性, 發 展出一套相當有系統的理論,只不過一直沒有受到太多的注意, 成為他 整個思想體系中的遺珠。涂爾幹政治思想的兩大要素 ,是國家與民主; 在討論這兩個概念時,「次級團體」是一個重要的決定因素。涂爾幹認為 , 國家是個具有較高層智慧的思想有機體,它能指揮領導社會 ,也能讓 社會上的個人獲得自由,達成一種道德的存在。至於民主,則是一種正常 而理想的國家型態, 因為經由這種制度,社會能達成一種最純正型式的 自覺; 民主政府也是現代工業社會裡,最適合集體信念與集體情感生存 的一種政府。不過, 雖然國家是解救個人於暴政之外的一股力量, 但國 家本身卻有變成專制獨裁的可能,要預防這種情形發生,涂爾幹認為,必 須借助次級團體的制衡, 因為次級團體能防止國家壓迫孤立的個人, 也 是國家社會間取得健康均衡的要件。除此之外,涂爾幹還將他在社會學研 究中時常使用的常態、 病態的區分,應用到他對政治問題的討論上。在 涂爾幹眼中, 符合道德標準的個人主義與權威,都是健康而正常的; 而 自私自利的自我主義與赤裸裸的權力,則都是病態而必須去除的不正常現 象。 至於涂爾幹親身經歷的第一次世界大戰,不僅帶給他深切的痛楚, 也被他列為現代社會中必須去除的病態。本文將針對這幾個重點,討論涂 爾幹有關政治社會學的理念, 從而顯現他在這方面應有的定位。

走出生命負荷、發掘成長能量—家庭照顧者參與自助團體經驗之初探 / The experiences of the family caregivers participating in the self-help group

馮譯葶, Feng, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在人類社會中,失能老人大多由家庭來承擔照顧責任,也因此帶給照顧者相當重的負荷。在此脈絡下,家庭照顧者的相關政策與措施逐漸受到大眾的重視,期望藉由各式的措施與服務以減少照顧對生活的不利影響,進而增加照顧者的生活福祉。在心理性的支持服務中,自助團體能夠有效舒緩照顧者的身心壓力,但照顧者自助團體研究甚少,且照顧者自助團體之研究未正視團體成員先前團體參與的經驗,及既有研究忽略照顧者支持團體的延續性效益之探究,是故,本研究目的包括:一、從接觸自助團體的起源—探討照顧者參與支持團體的經驗;二、分析照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;三、以增強權能觀點探究照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;四、從自助團體成員及社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展;五、依據研究結果,提供建議作為辦理照顧者自助團體的實務工作者及家庭照顧者相關團體之參考。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以「台北縣家庭照顧者關懷協會」作為研究場域,本研究共計訪問八名受訪者,一名社工員及七位照顧者。照顧者皆為女性,年齡介於53-64歲之間。照顧狀況方面,有1位仍持續照顧中,6位已結束照顧工作。照顧者參與自助團體方面,僅有1位非團體幹部。 主要的研究結果如下: 1.照顧者參與支持團體經驗中,透過醫療單位及個人熟識者得知活動訊息。照顧者支持團體前的處境大致可區分心理壓力、生理壓力、缺乏社會支持網絡及不清楚照顧方面的資訊。照顧者實際參與支持團體的條件為能擁有自己可支配的時間,以及有人協助暫代照顧工作。支持團體活動內容包括身心成長類、藝術治療類、活動肢體類、人際學習類,其中團體領導者的角色為教育者、催化者及使能者。領導者與成員的關係會隨著時間而改變,隨著時間的發展,許多不在正式的團體中的互動行為跟關係開始產生,此互動經驗讓成員與領導者在團體之外仍保持密切互動,彼此約定舉辦定期的聚會,逐漸形成自助團體。 2.照顧者參與自助團體之經驗中,北縣家協每個月會安排一次三小時的座談分享會,座談內容偏向靜態主題如舒壓、按摩穴道等。自助團體成員的角色可區分為活動發起者、訊息傳遞者、聯繫者、支持者及追隨者。團體互動歷程包括三個階段:互動初期、關係建立期及關係維持期。成員彼此互動的情形中,共享相似的照顧經驗及用支持的力量陪伴成員走過艱辛路,此外,單身、結束照顧工作的成員與他人互動的頻率較高。 3.以增強權能觀點分析照顧者參與團體的經驗中,在個人面的改變部份,照顧者能夠「減少負面感受」、「改變認知」、「增加知能」、「增加自信」、「支配自己的生活」;在人際面的改變中,照顧者「以同理心與被照顧者互動」、「普同性的照顧經驗」、「利他性的互動」、「知識訊息分享」、「建立同儕友誼關係」及「擴大社會網絡」;在社會面的改變中,照顧者開始從事「志願服務」、「贊助協會」,對「家庭照顧者議題及政策」也有所看法。 4.從自助團體成員與社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展:從照顧者角度看自助團體,可發現自助團體目前運作狀況為擴大服務據點至偏遠地區,北縣家協與自助團體彼此具有雙向的互動關係。照顧者建議將活動資訊發給每個社區的健康中心,透過增加資訊管道以使訊息更具有可近性。從社工員的角度看自助團體發現,照顧者喜愛輕鬆的聚餐,期待設計自助團體相關教材,並成立自助團體的關懷小組,及補助自助團體的運作經費。 / On an aging society, the disabled elderly usually cared by families that becomes a heavy load of caregivers. In this context, the policies and measures of family caregiver are valued by the general public gradually, and hope to reduce the negative effects, to increase the well-being of caregivers. Self-help groups can effectively reduce the ca-regiver physical and mental pressure, but there are few related studies. In addition, the experience of caregiver involve in previous groups few mentioned in current studies, and caregiver support groups of the continuity of the effectiveness is neglected to explore in existing studies. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as following: first, examine the expe-rience of caregivers involved in the support group; second, consider the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group; third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment; fourth, the expectation of the future development of self-help groups of members from the self-help groups and social workers; fifth, according to research findings, provide suggestions for caregivers’ practitioners and relevant groups. This study employs a qualitative research approach, and data collection is gotten from " Family Caregivers Association in Taipei County", including semi-structured in-depth interviews with a social worker and seven caregivers, aging from 53 to 64. One caregiver who still cares her family members and one caregiver is not the cadre. The study findings are listed below: First, caregivers get information through the medical units and individuals who are familiar to them. Caregivers have psychological stress, physical stress, lack of social support networks, and lack of care information. Caregivers can involve support groups because they have their own time, or someone help to take care temporarily. Support group include physical and mental growth activities, art therapy classes, common activities and interpersonal learning classes. The role of support group leader is a educator, catalyst and enabler. The relationship between leaders and members change over time, as time goes on, members and leaders still remain in close interaction, therefore a self-help group formed gradually. Second, when caregivers involve in the self-help group, the Association arrange a three-hour discussion sharing monthly. The role of self-help group members can be divided into active sponsors, messengers, associates, supporters and followers. Group interaction process consists of three stages: the initial interaction, relationship building and relationship of the maintenance phase. Members interact with each other, sharing similar experiences and support each other .In addition, caregivers who are single, or do not have to care their family members have higher participation rates to involve in self-help group. Third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment. Changes in the personal aspect include "reduce the negative feelings", "change the perception", "more knowledge", and “more confident”, “control their own life”. Changes in the interpersonal aspect include " empathy the care receivers "," same experiences in taking care "," altruistic interaction "," knowledge and information sharing "," establish peer friendships and relationship "and" expand the social network ". Changes in the social aspect include "engage in voluntary service "," contribute money to Association ", besides caregivers have ability to suggest for family caregiver issues and policy. Fourth, the perspective of self-help group members is self-help groups expand services to remote areas. The Association and self-help groups also have good interaction. Caregivers suggest activities distributed to each community's health information center, make information more accessibility. The perspectives of social workers is design teaching material about self-help group, and set up a support team, and grant funding for self-help.

利益團體與審議民主的互動:《核廢何從公民討論會》之個案分析 / The interaction between interest group and deliberative democracy: Case study of public forum for low-level radioactive waste final disposal siting

林心睿 Unknown Date (has links)
審議民主模式強調公民為中心的政策參與;傳統多元主義式政治參與則強調利益團體對政府決策的影響,公民與利益團體皆是公民社會中不可或缺的重要組成,本研究聚焦於兩者在政策參與上的互動關係。本研究選擇原能會委託辦理之「核廢何從公民討論會」審議模式為個案,利用深度訪談與次級資料分析,探究利益團體對審議民主之態度及其與公民之間的互動關係。 本研究主要的研究結果如下: (一) 主管機關採用審議民主模式之因素:溝通過程不順利、嘗試增加社會層面思考、建立對話平台及傳達正確資訊。 (二) 利益團體參與審議民主之因素:包含監督審議民主模式進行、提供正確資訊以及嘗試新型態參與管道等;然而,受到過去互動經驗、團體自主性考量以及效果不確定,對參與審議民主模式的呈現負面考量。 (三) 利益團體與公民在審議活動過程中交相產生影響。 (四) 審議民主模式有利於利益團體與公民的互動關係中提升公民能力,然而,在弱勢聲音投入方面有所限制;在制度設計上,一方面能突破團體在政策資訊蒐集之困境,另一方面卻限制了議題討論的範疇。最後,團體與審議民主在決策影響上,尚未產生具體的作用。 據此,本研究提出三項實務建議:加強政策資訊公開流程、建立審議民主制度化體制以及利益團體廣泛參與審議民主活動。 / Deliberative democracy emphasizes citizen-orientation in decision-making and pluralist democracy emphasizes interest groups’ influence on public policy. Since both citizens and interest groups are important components of civil society, this article focuses on the interaction between deliberative democracy and interest groups in policy participation. This research takes “Public Forum for Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Siting” as the empirical case and explores it by secondary data and in-depth interview. The findings are as follow: 1. The reasons for government to adopt public deliberation as policy tool were to face the obstacles in communication process, to increase social discussions in this issue, to build up a new communication platform, and to disclose accurate information to the public. 2. The motives for interest groups to participate deliberative process are monitoring public forum, providing accurate information, and attempting to create new forms of public participation. Nevertheless, there are also some concerns which might cause interest groups’ unwillingness to participate the deliberative process, including their prior experiences of interacting with governments, the maintenance of group autonomy, and uncertain effects from deliberative process. 3. This study shows that both interest groups and deliberative democracy have mutual effect deliberative process. 4. Deliberative process in the interaction could enhance civic competence, but restrict the voice from social minority; in the dimension of the institutional design, deliberative process can help interest groups collect necessary information, but limit the scopes of policy issues for discussion. Finally, there is no apparent evidence supporting that interest groups and deliberative democracy process can make decision making difference. In the end, this study proposes that the governments should strengthen information disclosure, build infrastructure regarding deliberative democracy as well as promote deliberative activities.

自行組織更新團體實施都市更新事業之研究 / The study of organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work

賴凱俐, Lai, Kai Li Unknown Date (has links)
按都市更新條例第10 條第1 項,經劃定應實施更新之地區,土地及合法建築物所有權人,得依法自行組織更新團體,實施都市更新事業。政府推動都市更新已行之多年,近年更將都市更新事業列為主要土地政策,惟申請自辦更新者甚少。以新北市為例,自辦更新案例多為921、331 地震受災之震損戶,其更新實具有高急迫性,但所有權人之間、與銀行、政府溝通時,卻面臨許多困境,不僅震損戶須負擔高額的貸款,也延遲災後重建與更新完成之時程,爰引發本研究探討自行組織更新團體實施都市更新事業之動機。   因此,本研究希冀透過文獻分析、個案研究、理論分析等方法,以代理理論為基礎,以土城延和里金城路社區自辦更新案為例,探討自辦更新案例甚少之原因,分析此過程中所有權人與更新會、其他參與業者之關係,釐清自辦更新相關資訊、代理問題,與自辦更新運作相關困境,進而提出相關因應建議,以作為日後震損戶自辦更新者推動工作之參考,協助具高急迫性的個案能順利且儘速完成更新,希冀提高自辦更新之成功率。   經探討上述議題後,本研究認為自辦更新成功的關鍵,包含以下條件:(1)所有權人間及對更新會具有較高的信任感,(2)所有權人與更新會確實掌握相關資訊,(3)更新會具備較佳的解決問題能力,及積極付出的心態,(4)所有權人與更新會具備較佳的財力或取得足夠的融資貸款,(5)政府機關的積極協助,(6)經驗足夠、本於職責的規劃團隊協助。自辦更新案例唯有具備以上條件,方能以較低成本及較短時間取得所有權人間的共識,盡可能地縮短更新時程,減少資訊問題、代理問題的發生,降低更新成本,進而使自辦更新過程具有效率。   據此,本研究提出以下建議:(1)政府應增加震災戶更新的容積獎勵,(2)政府應公開更新的資訊,並教育及輔導所有權人及更新會,(3)政府應提供自辦更新的優惠低利貸款,(4)政府應建立優良專業代理人的評選機制,(5)更新會與專業代理人應定期向所有權人彙報工作情形,(6)更新會與所有權人應建立信任關係,共同協力合作,(7)更新會與規劃團隊應盡心盡責,積極推動更新工作,以供政府與其他自辦更新推動工作者參酌。 / According to the Article 10 of the Urban Renewal Act, the owners of the lands and legal buildings of an area that has been designated for renewal implementation may organize a renewal group to implement the urban renewal business of that area. The government has carried out the urban renewal policy for years, and recently, it regards the urban renewal group as main land policy. But applying to organize the urban renewal group is not much. Take New Taipei City for example, most of the urban renewal group cases are stricken households of 921 and 331 earthquake. The urban renewal work of theirs is urgent, but the communication among the land owners, the bank, and the government is difficult. The stricken households not only have to bear highly loan but also delay the rebuilding work after the earthquake and the process of the urban renewal work. Therefore, this study is going to discuss the motive of organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work.   This study is based on Agency Theory and through reference analysis, case study and theory analysis and take Tu Cheng District Jin Cheng Road Community for example, to discuss the reason why the renewal group is rare. In addition, the study is going to analyze the relationship among the land owners, renewal group and other participating members to define clearly the information and agency problems of the urban renewal group. This study also provides some suggestions to be the reference resources of the stricken households in the future, and help urgent cases to implement the urban renewal work rapidly and successfully.   This study considers that the keys to organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work successfully are: (1) the land owners highly trust the renewal group; (2) the land owners and the renewal group know information well; (3) the renewal group have excellent ability to solve problems and try it best to devote; (4) the land owners and the renewal group have good financial capability or can get enough loan; (5) the government can provide assistance; (6) the professional and experimental team can provide assistance. Above-mentioned, the renewal group can get common consensus among the land owners by less time and lower cost, and shorter the process and time of renewal work, reduce information and agency problems and lower down renewal cost as far as possible, and then the renewal work can be efficiency.   Thus, this study proposes the following suggestions : (1) the government should increase additional building bulk of stricken households’ renewal work; (2) the government should make public the renewal information and teach and guide the land owners and the renewal group; (3) the government should provide low-rate loan for the renewal group; (4) the government should set up the evaluation of excellent professional agency team; (5) the renewal group and agency team should make a collective report regularly to the land owners; (6) the renewal group and the land owners should trust each other and cooperate; (7) the renewal group and agency team should implement the urban renewal work positively and responsibly.

日本音樂產業之創新商業模式- 女子偶像團體AKB48個案探討 / Innovative Business Model in Japanese Music Industry: A Case Study of Girl Group AKB48

朱俊宇 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來音樂產業的商業模式,就是藉由創造歌手、偶像團體,並販賣實體CD唱片營利,但1990年代後期以來,由於網際網路的普及化與盜版的猖獗,讓世界各國實體唱片市場大幅萎縮,不過近年來全球最大音樂市場日本出現了一個女子偶像團體AKB48,顛覆了實體唱片業的不景氣,連續12張CD單曲銷量賣破百萬張,締造許多紀錄。故本研究主要想探討六個研究問題,包括AKB48的商業模式中,有哪些關鍵影響因素?什麼原因造成AKB48實體CD銷量可以持續銷售破百萬張?音樂產業中的競爭對手有無可能複製其商業模式? AKB48如何在日本其他地區複製其商業模式?AKB48的商業模式有何管理意涵?AKB48的管理意涵如何應用在其他領域? 本研究從商業模式的角度切入,運用體驗經濟與共創價值的概念,探討AKB48的劇場經營、與歌迷間的互動關係等,並以Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)提出的「Business Model Canvas」研究為基礎架構,逐一分析AKB48的九大商業模式要素,希望藉此找出本研究的研究問題之答案。 本研究探討的結果,認為AKB48成功的關鍵因素來自創新的價值主張、共創價值的執行、體驗經濟的應用與卓越的領導者四點;防止競爭者複製商業模式的方法主要透過強大網絡的建構,讓競爭者無處可突破;AKB48成功地複製自己商業模式於日本其他地區,本研究將成功原因歸於成功在地化、與在地經紀公司合作、姐妹團彼此拉抬三點;至於實體CD銷量提升,來自於AKB48將單曲CD的附加價值提高,並設計出多樣式的單曲封面、內容等,最後藉由消費者與AKB48成員間的情感聯結促使他們消費購買。


黃懷德 Unknown Date (has links)

污染管制與政治獻金 / Polliution Contral and Political Contrihbutions

林惠敏, Lin,Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
利益團體影響政府政策的制定,在各國均時有所聞。本文主要探討當政府面對利益團體的政治獻金操作時,在謀求社會福利水準極大下,將如何影響污染管制政策的制定。藉由 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 所建立之政治獻金模型為架構,分析利益團體如何藉由政治獻金的捐獻來達成影響政府制定最適污染管制政策的目的;並藉由此一模型分析政府如何在考量政治獻金的收入下,訂定最適污染管制政策。我們發現廠商及一般民眾所提供政治獻金的多寡及最適污染標準的高低,受到政府對全國福利水準重視的程度,及一般民眾組成利益團體的人數所影響。當一般民眾組成利益團體的人數愈多時,政府制定之最適污染標準將愈趨於嚴格,尤其全體民眾組成一共同利益團體時,最適污染標準值將與未收受政治獻金時之數值相等。然而一般而言,政府所制定最適污染標準值卻是較有利於廠商。 / This paper analyzes how the interest groups use political contributions to influence the government optimal control policy of pollution. We find that both the optimal control of the pollution and the amount of political contributions are affected by the weight that the domestic government puts on the social welfare and the population. When the weight is larger, the political contributions of interest groups will become smaller. Secondly, the more people pay attention to pollution, the more strict the optimal control of the pollution will be. Moreover, in general, the optimal control of the pollution tends to favor the manufacturer.

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