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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃俊程, Harry Huang Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代,企業要不斷地創造知識、累積知識、利用知識、傳播知識;並藉由知識不斷地的累積、應用、傳播與創新,才能協助企業在競爭激烈的市場裡獲取最大的價值與利益。在這知識快速創造、累積、傳播與應用的經濟時代裡,必需利用知識密集來創造價值的產業以半導體業最具代表性。 若能以平衡計分卡的精神來引導組織將資源聚焦、並使策略落實執行,必能激勵產業變革,使台灣半導體產業的命脈永續、IC設計業者基業長青。本研究即以此為出發點,以個案研究為主軸,深入瞭解IC設計業所處之環境與策略發展模式,再以平衡計分卡架構為個案公司診視策略內容,協助設計新的營運模式,為個案公司設計導入平衡計分卡之模型,並為台灣半導體產業中的IC設計業提供未來發展整合性策略管理制度之參考。 本研究計劃分二階段來發展平衡計分卡在IC設計業之應用模型。第一階段先針對IC設計業之特性,承接個案公司策略發展之議題,考量其財務構面、顧客構面、內部程序構面與學習成長構面等,配合組織發展、資訊工程架構、管理制度、…等,來設計平衡計分卡在IC設計業之應用模型。第二階段以平衡計分卡模型為基礎,整合資源,為個案公司提出調整建議,改善現行缺失,建立新的營運模式,使經營者能利用整合性策略管理制度來定期檢視營運成果,並藉以督促組織變革,朝經營效率化的目標努力,以達成企業的願景與使命。 同時,藉由個案公司推導平衡計分卡的過程中,由策略分析及檢視開始,將策略內容推展至平衡計分卡四個構面之中,並將之轉化成為營運術語、連結其他管理制度、展開行動方案及績效衡量與回饋等一連串的活動,來驗證平衡計分卡是一套整合性的策略管理平台;並證明企業導入平衡計分卡制度後,將可有效的將各種管理制度與行動計畫予以整合,並用以溝通內部,統籌資源,朝共同的目標而努力。而以個案公司為主軸的研究主要內容彙整如下: 1.個案公司導入平衡計分卡的理由: (1)內部溝通管道不順暢 (2)避免衡量指標偏向財務化 (3)檢討策略發展方向 2.實施平衡計分卡的目的 (1)提昇公司競爭力 (2)協助創業團隊達成經營目標 (3)連結績效管理 (4)建置價值鏈體系 (5)資源整合與聚焦 3.設計平衡計分卡 將個案公司修正過後的六項核心策略分別依照其發展的方向融入平衡計分卡四個構面之中。再將之連結至各構面的策略性議題中,逐步發展平衡計分卡模型。有關個案公司平衡計分卡的設計內容,主要項目如下: (1)定義四個構面之策略性議題與策略性目標。 (2)建構策略地圖,做為個案公司未來發展方向之藍圖。 (3)進行缺口分析。分為水平缺口與垂直缺口檢視,並提出缺口改善及因應之道。 (4)校正策略性議題與策略性目標,並定義個案公司發展平衡計分卡之基礎建設。 (5)調整策略地圖。 (6)闡述各策略性目標間之因果關係。 4.平衡計分卡的應用 導入平衡計分卡後,個案公司不僅可以更明確的瞭解在萌芽期的發展方向與目標,更可協助個案公司徹底的解決或改善如下問題: (1)落實服務客戶的理念 (2)使內部溝通順暢 (3)確立萌芽期的發展方向 (4)釐清盲點、彌補缺口 (5)構建完整的營運機制 (6)提昇競爭能力 5.導入平衡計分卡的具體效益 個案公司導入平衡計分卡之後,除了運用於改善上述的應用項目外,並徹底的解決下列三項根本問題點: (1)策略性議題的形成過程中,解決策略不聚焦的問題。 (2)行動方案與績效衡量改善缺乏執行力的缺點。 (3)內部程序構面的策略性議題,協助建置完整的管理機制。 根據研究結果,本研究對後續研究者之建議為: 1.對個案公司後續研究的建議,方向有二: (1)承續本研究的結果,蒐集個案公司實施平衡計分卡的情形,驗證個案公司是否從此制度中獲得真正的助益,並檢討執行成果及修正未來之發展方向。 (2)以平衡計分卡為平台,研究在個案公司的實務環境下如何與其他管理制度相結合,改善經營效益等。 2.將平衡計分卡延伸應用於半導體產業的研究: 目前國內有關平衡計分卡的研究,在實務上比較缺乏對半導體產業上、中、下游應用之探討。本研究雖開啟對以半導體產業上游之IC設計業為研究對象之先河,但仍有所不足。希望能藉此研究抛磚引玉,吸引更多人之投入整合性管理制度在半導體產業相關領域之應用研究。 3.將平衡計分卡與智慧資本連結之研究: 本研究對象為IC設計業,是屬於知識密集型的產業,它需要運用大量的知識來創造價值。也因為此緣故,IC設計業者擁大量的智慧資本,亦可提供後續研究者探討平衡計分卡與智慧資本之研究範疇。 4.策略發展與平衡計分卡關係的研究: 一般的策略管理文獻鮮少論及如何將策略轉換為具體的行動方案;而平衡計分卡的相關文獻中亦很少提及如何發展成為策略性議題。本研究雖然以策略矩陣分析法來協助個案公司檢視策略內容並將之串聯至策略性議題中,但因策略發展的方法眾多,本研究受限於時間精力,只能擇一理論發展。後續研究者亦可針對如何將其他策略管理理論與平衡計分卡做連接,深入研究探討。


劉家佑, Liu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在.com泡沫化之前,企業均對資訊科技做巨幅的投資,以為投資在資訊科技或是企業資訊系統就會帶給企業龐大的利潤。但在最近幾年的一些研究(Carr, 2003)顯示,企業大量投資於資訊科技以及資訊系統,卻未必對應企業就能因此而獲利,企業高階管理者必須瞭解資訊科技與競爭優勢之間的成本效益關係,這些問題值得企業主管們審慎的去思考。 本研究的主要目的就是要發展一套評估企業流程能力以及資訊系統投資效益的模式,協助高階主管能瞭解及評估其投資的資訊科技對企業流程能力以及競爭優勢的重要性。本研究的企業流程評估步驟如下: Step 1:先以企業整體資訊流程作為評估的基礎,分析企業整體資訊流程。Step 2:分辨企業的識別流程、優先流程、背景流程以及強制流程,瞭解企 業各個流程所需要的流程能力。 Step 3:利用企業顧客價值主張以及企業內部流程構面來評估企業識別、流程和優先流程目標。 Step 4:繪製企業的策略地圖,判斷企業的流程能力是否和企業策略相符合。 Step 5:分析企業目前使用的資訊系統所能提升的流程能力,瞭解資訊系統對企業策略的影響。 Step 6:根據企業的策略地圖制定企業的績效衡量指標。 本研究最後採取個案研究,透過實際個案來說明本研究的評估模式,並描述企業的流程能力以及和企業策略的連結方式。


林隆潤, Lin, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡( Balanced Scorecard, BSC)是一項可以協助描述、並推動組織策略付諸實行的利器,關於描述組織之價值創造的四個構面模式,可以當成高階管理團隊彼此間討論企業發展方向與策略議題優先性的共同語言。至於有關策略性衡量指標,除了是四大構面的績效指標之外,也應被視為BSC內四個構面具有因果關係連結的目標、項目;Robert S. Kaplan和David P. Norton共同創造出一個關於此連結的通用表達方式,用來協助高階主管進行討論,並稱之為策略地圖。他們同時也證明了BSC所寄託的一個基本原則,那就是「如果您能夠衡量,就可以管理」 從實務經驗中大多數人都會認為管理資訊系統不僅協助企業管理工作,也是產出各種衡量數據的利器,因此本研」究希望透過分析已導入過BSC之個案公司,探討該公司由策略地圖所引導出來的各項策略性衡量指標的資訊需求,是否能夠在其管理資訊系統中獲得滿足?管理資訊系統的建置是否應該優先支援公司策略性目標?實際上探訪各行業導入BSC之狀況,發現普遍存在著「數據落差」。 本研究旨在建構一套能夠彌補「數據落差的資訊需求規劃模式,利用商業智慧(BI)工具擷取ERP、CRM、SCM、Workflow、KM、e-Learning等管理資訊系統之有效數據,進行資訊加工後,提供給BSC資訊系統,在數位儀表板上顯示,以協助隨時管控策略性衡量指標之達成狀況。本研究也將BSC導入程序及資訊系統整合作業加以制式化,整理成BSC導入專案進度表,供其它有意導入BSC之企業參考,本論文最後延伸說明BSC在協助組織變革管理、協助智慧資本之衡量、及審視資訊資本齊備程度等方面,都很有助益。 / Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a powerful tool for describing and implementing an organization’s strategy. The four-perspective model of describing a value-creating organization can be regards as a language for executive teams to discuss the direction and priority of their strategic agenda. In terms of strategy measures, they do not only represent as the key performance indicators (KPIs) of four independent perspectives, but also regard as the cause-effect linkage of goals and items among the four perspectives of BSC. Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton created the expression model of the cause-effect linkage to assist the discussion process of executive teams. It is so called a strategy map. They both also demonstrated a fundamental principle underling the BSC; i.e. “If you can measure, you can manage it.” From an empirical perspective, people believe that management information systems (MISs) can help the efficiency and effectiveness of business administration as well as be the powerful tool of generating data for various performance measures. Therefore, by analyzing a case of a BSC roll-out enterprise, this research would like to address whether the data requirements of strategic measures generating from strategy maps are fulfilled by the data output from the MISs or not. Is it a necessity to support the strategic goals of an enterprise first in case of building MISs for an enterprise? After studying the status of roll-out BSC enterprises in different industries, it shows that there is a “KPI-data accuracy” issue between actual KPIs needed and the data resources from. The purpose of this research is to build a data requirement planning model to find out the “accurate data” by using a business intelligence (BI) tool to access the effective information from ERP, CRM, SCM, Workflow, KM, e-Learning; etc., and then to manipulate those data in order to output the BSC indicators for executive teams for monitoring the status achieved of BSC from the dashboard anytime. Moreover, the study also standardizes the BSC roll-out processes and the integration processes of MISs by summarizing into time tables of project management which can be regarded as a reference kit for enterprises intending to implement BSC in the future. Finally, the study also demonstrates the benefits of BSC in assisting change management of an organization, in evaluating the intellectual capital, and in measuring information capital readiness of an enterprise, etc.

應用策略地圖檢視企業資訊策略—汽車零配件供應商之研究個案 / Applying Strategy Map to Manage Enterprise IT Strategy: An Evidence from an Auto Parts and Accessories Supplier

黃佳琳 Unknown Date (has links)
身為台灣中小企業一員的汽車零配件貿易公司,在面對(汽車)產業大環境的劇烈轉變與中國大陸供應商的強勢競爭下,為了不被市場淘汰,透過建置其策略地圖、商品分類與顧客分析,重新檢視企業本身的資訊管理策略,計劃相關專案,並配合該公司所重視的營運指標與其資訊執行能力程度,做為判斷各專案的優先順序的依據,進而分配各相關專案預算;確保從規劃企業資訊策略到執行專案的所有步驟,皆以符合策略地圖上所描述”創造企業競爭優勢和策略價值”為目的。 / Being one of Taiwanese small and medium enterprises, an Auto Parts and Accessories trading company, suffers from the rapid change of the market and the fierce competitions from Chinese suppliers. In order to survive in the business environment, the company sets up the Strategy Map, makes the Product Categorization and Customer Portfolios Analyses, to get the best IT planning and initiate several IT projects to support its internal management processes. Also, according to its Business Criticality and Technology Maturity indicators, the company makes the priority for its IT projects and allocates the budgets. These actions are taken as the accomplishments of differentiating from market competitions and creating the strategic values just like the goals of its Strategy Map described.

數位落差狀態衡量、策略規劃及績效管理之整合性架構與模式研究 / The Study of the Integrated Architecture and Model for the Measurement of the Status, the Strategic Planning and the Performance Management of Digital Divide

王行一, Wang, Hsing I Unknown Date (has links)
數位落差是資訊科技與數位化經濟快速發展下的產物。研究發現數位落差代表著機會的消失,更反映著社會基本素養、貧窮、醫療或其他社會問題存在的議題,只要數位落差存在,經濟的發展、國家競爭力的提升、人民生活的進步都將受到拖延而遲緩。事實上,有關數位落差如何發生、如何衡量、影響層面與嚴重性以及如何縮減數位落差的相關議題不斷的被討論,各國政府與國際組織或者自行組成研究小組,或者邀請學者專家針對縮減數位落差議題加以探討,期以建立一個公平共享數位化所帶來各項利益的社會。然而研究顯示縮減數位落差各方努力的成效仍不如預期。如何縮減數位落差的相關研究至今仍有許多缺口待彌補,包括數位落差現象觀察不完整、欠缺一個具有全方位評量的架構、縮減數位落差的方案與數位落差現象間的因果關係並無法提出一個對應的脈絡、如何檢討縮減數位落差策略的執行績效等等。 本研究由文獻探討、資料分析提出數位落差整體衡量架構,繼之由策略管理的角度建立以平衡記分卡為基礎之數位落差策略績效評比架構,確立縮減數位落差之願景、使命、策略、策略目標以及建立以BSC為基礎之數位落差評量指標。研究並提出縮減數位落差策略缺口之定義與檢視方法。數位差衡量指標以層級分析法求得權數,並將指標與策略結合,衡量縮減數位落差策略在數位落差整體表現的實質績效。研究獲得以下結論: 1. 研究提出一個國內與國際數位落差觀察與衡量整合架構,架構共分為ICT普及、均等機會、資訊社會與國家競爭力四個構面。 2. 研究結果認為縮減數位落差在策略上應考量受益群體、政府功能與流程、全國性學習與成長以及公共財政的支援。 3. 利用策略地圖所闡述的因果特性進行策略缺口分析。研究結果提出四類水平策略議題缺口、五類水平策略目標缺口、兩類垂直策略議題缺口與三類垂直策略目標缺口。水平策略缺口分析可確保策略議題之完整性,而垂直缺口分析則可檢視策略間之因果關係是否連結。最終目標則是保證縮減數位落差策略之品質。 4. 本研究將策略與數位落差評估架構結合,除了以AHP計算各指標權數,瞭解各指標之重要性,並於指標架構表中指出該指標為績效驅動指標,或為策略執行結果指標。 5. 實例分析發現,目前台灣在縮減數位落差議題上水平策略缺口包含遺漏策略議題、缺少因應台灣特質之策略與策略目標、策略議題不明、遺漏重要策略目標、缺少適當衡量指標以及無效的策略等等。垂直策略缺口情況較嚴重,表示策略間的邏輯性並未詳細檢討過。 研究最後對我國政府提出以下建議:1.重新檢討目前衡量數位落差之架構、2.擬定縮減數位落差的策略規劃與管理機制、3.借鏡先進國家的成功案例並進行跨國的合作、4.尋求質的改善。此外提出五項衍生之議題,值得後續繼續觀察與探討:1.考慮如何將本研究所提出之架構更精鍊。2.目前全球的趨勢已由觀察數位落差的移轉至數位機會的存在,在這樣的新思維下,策略上應有哪些重大的改變?如何將這種轉變以無縫的方式連接,是值得持續觀察的議題。3.指標術語或專用名詞更精確的解釋與規範。4.跨國應用與比較,實地訪談,徵詢更實際的意見與建議,增加本研究所提出架構之實務價值。5.設計問項、核定與統一衡量單位、定義問項目的與建立題庫。 / Digital divide (DD) is the byproduct of the fast development of information technologies and digital economy. Previous researches indicated that the existence of digital divide implies the vanishment of digital opportunities, and furthermore, it reflects the presence of servere social problems including literacy, poverty, medical systems, etc. As long as there is a gap, the development of economy, national competitiveness, and the advance of human lives will be affected. As the matter of fact, the issues of the causes, the measurements, the impacts as well as the reducing of digital divide have been constantly discussed over a decade. Governments and international organizations have put a lot of efforts in pursuit of establishing a society in which people would equally share the benefits of e-society by minimizing the gaps. Unfortunately, research findings have indicated that the efforts for reducing digital divides were inconvincible. Major themes, such as the observation as well as the evaluation of the status of digital divide in an integrated view, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationship between strategies and the outcomes, are still absent in the discussions or researches. By reviewing literatures and analyzing the documents collected, this research first provides an integrated framework for simultaneously analyzing domestic and international digital divides. The framework is later incorporated with the BSC to form the strategic management platform for reducing DD. To ease the process for a nation to build its own DD-BSC and to refine its DD strategies, this research also presents a systemized approach to locate strategic gaps. The AHP is adopted in this research to verify the consistency of the structure of the framework as well as to calculate the weights of the indicators. In summary, this research contributes the following results: 1. An integrated model, containing ICT Diffusion, Equal Opportunity, Information Society and National Competitiveness dimension for the measurement and evaluation of digital divide, is presented in this research. 2. Research findings suggest the strategies of reducing DD should be planned based on Beneficiaries, Governmental Functions and Processes, Nation-Wide Learning and Growth and Public Finance perspectives. 3. The research proposes and defines four types of horizontal strategic theme gaps, five types of horizontal strategic objective gaps, two types of vertical strategic theme gaps and three types of vertical strategic objective gap types. The ultimate goal of strategic gaps analysis is to ensure the qualities of the strategies of reducing DD. 4. The measurements proposed in this research can be used to measure the status of DD and to evaluate the performances of the strategies of reducing DD. 5. The case study of Taiwn reveals that in the issue of reducing DD, the government could initiate more effective strategies by referencing other developed countries. Major problems of Taiwan regarding to reducing DD include the lack of strategic objectives, the lack of proper measurement, the broken links among strategies as well as between strategy and its objectives. Suggestions proposed to the government including the reexamination the scopes and strutrucures of measuring the status of digital divide, designing a strategic planning and control system for reducing DD, seeking for cross-nation cooperations and focusing on improving the qualities of the DD strategies. Future studies may focus on the refinement of the frameworks proposed in this research; determine the changes that are affected by the new concept of digital opportunities; define more clearly and precisely the terms used in observing or measuring DD; design questionnaires and collect data regularly. Finally, more interviews and case studies are to be conducted to improve the practical values of this research.


林孫弘, Curtis Lin Unknown Date (has links)
從1906到1999年間,台灣地區男性出生時平均餘命增加了43.55歲,女性增加了47.63歲,雖然台灣地區平均餘命不斷地在增加,地區間死亡風險的差異情形則未有所改善。本研究以生命表方式計算台灣地區縣市級、鄉鎮級平均餘命,尤以鄉鎮級為研究重心,配合統計地圖的使用以瞭解小地區間死亡風險的差異情形。 在縣市層級方面,男性與女性出生時平均餘命皆以七大都市較高,西部其他地區次之,東部地區的花蓮縣、台東縣最低。各縣市出生時平均餘命的差異,正指出各縣市之間的死亡風險差異甚大,特別是東部地區明顯地比西部地區更處於不利的狀態。 在鄉鎮層級方面,男性與女性各生命階段平均餘命皆呈現出西部地區高、東部地區低的明顯差異,而且平均餘命數值越低的地區其兩性平均餘命的差距也越大,此種現象尤以男性平均餘命越低的地區越為明顯。在空間模式上,男、女平均餘命最高的地區皆以大都市為中心向外擴散至其鄰近地區,平均餘命最低的地區則廣散在山地鄉之間。總的來說,中央山脈兩側的鄉鎮不僅死亡風險較其他地區高、兩性的死亡風險差異大,山地鄉之間的死亡風險結構更是呈現高度的異質性。 關鍵字:鄉鎮市區、死亡風險、平均餘命、性別差異、統計地圖、空間模式。 / Over the twentieth century (1906-1999), the life expectancy at birth in Taiwan has increased 43.55 and 47.63 years for males and females respectively. Undoubtedly, such a dramatic increase in life expectancy is resulted from the improvement of living quality in Taiwan over the past century. Nevertheless, after detailed examination of historical data, it shows that the areal variation in life expectancy over the life cycle is significant and has never diminished. This study, by applying the life table methods and statistical maps, attempts to analyze the areal variation in risks of death at small areas in Taiwan. The data sources for achieving this purpose come from the vital statistics and death-registration- profiles. The research findings show that life expectancies for both males and females are highest in the most-developed urban counties. On the contrary, the life expectancies are lower in rural counties. The gaps in life expectancies at birth between Taipei City and Taitung county reach 11 years and 7 years for males and females respectively. The spatial pattern of variation in life expectancy at the township-level is consistent with the research findings at the county-level. In general, the life expectancies for townships within the central metropolitan area are highest, and then gradually decrease for townships distant from the metropolis center. The life expectancies for both males and females are lowest in the rural-mountain townships. The gap in life expectancies between males and females is also larger in these rural-mountain areas. Finally, the life expectancies for the aboriginal townships are lowest in Taiwan. However, the age profiles for risks of death are heterogeneous in these aboriginal townships. Keywords: life expectancy, life table, statistical maps, spatial pattern

「資訊社會」之知識地圖建構 / Building a knowledge map on the subject of information society

沈東玫, Shen, Tung Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用共被引分析法與社會網絡分析法,以資訊社會代表文獻為研究對象,進行文獻間的主題相關性分析,希望透過對資訊社會代表文獻之共被引分析與社會網絡分析,能瞭解資訊社會研究所涵蓋的學科領域、文獻之間的集群性、及歷年研究趨勢。本研究以1962年至2010年的資訊社會代表文獻為研究範圍,研究資料取自Webster於2006年所撰寫的《Theories of Information Society》與《The Information Society Reader》二本著作,經整合後得出89篇代表文獻做為本研究之研究樣本。其次,再以WOS資料庫對此89篇代表文獻進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣。除了瞭解代表文獻間的共被引強度外,並以SPSS軟體進行相關係數分析與集群分析,此外,利用UCUNET軟體計算出文獻中心性,及將文獻間的關係繪製成多元尺度圖與社會網絡圖,最後,透過研究年代的區隔,計算不同時段共被引情形的變化,以觀察資訊社會領域發展趨勢。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.資訊社會代表文獻被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,資訊社會代表文獻歷年被引用次數趨於穩定;(2)資訊社會代表文獻受到社會學與地理學領域高度引用。2.「資訊社會」之知識地圖:(1)資訊社會代表文獻共被引次數普遍偏低;(2)資訊社會領域之核心文獻;(3)資訊社會領域可分為社會學、地理學及資訊科學與圖書館學子群。3.資訊社會之發展趨勢:(1)資訊社會知識地圖演變;(2)資訊社會共被引次數衰退。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊社會相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊社會學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊社會共被引學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊社會學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to find out what disciplines Information Society covers. By Co-citation Analysis, this study highlighted the major disciplines in the Information Society field and identified the main literature and their relationship. This research takes representative Information Society literature from 1962 to 2010 as research scope. Firstly, by Bibliometrics, the total of 89 representative literature of Information Society was extracted from “The Information Society Reader” and “Theories of Information Society” written by Frank Webster in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Secondly, the co-citation times between 89 literature was investigated through Web of Science and thus a co-citation matrix was build to reveal the co-citation strength of literature. Co-relation and cluster analysis between literature were also explored by SPSS software. In addition, this study uses UCUNET software to analyze centrality and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Society. The major findings are as follows: 1. On the citation strength: (1) Cited times of Information Society literature have been growing stable in recent years. (2) Information Society literature is highly cited by disciplines of Sociology and Geography. 2. Knowledge map of Information Society: (1)Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature are low;(2) The core literature of Information Society field; (3)Sociology, Geography and Information Science are main disciplines in Information Society area. 3. Development of Information Society: (1) Development of knowledge map of Information Society; (2) Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature have been declining in recent years. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Society collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Society research.

城市漫遊:《阿卡迪亞》中的心理地圖 / Walking in the City: Psychogeography in Arcadia

周羿含, Chou, I Han Unknown Date (has links)
當代英國小說家吉姆‧克雷斯 (Jim Crace) 在《阿卡迪亞》(Arcadia, 2008)這部城市小說中,以一位隱身人群的專欄作家為敘述者,從城市居民的心理為出發點描寫城市空間,並以傳統露天市場被改建為一現代化購物商場之事件為主軸,刻劃城市居民經歷生存空間遭強制改變的衝擊之後,仍然找到適應的方式和創造空間運用的可能性。本文主要採取甄克斯 (Chris Jenks) 對城市漫遊者 (flâneur) 的論述,以及情境主義的心理地圖 (psychogeography)、漂移 (dérive)、異軌 (détournement)、及景觀 (spectacle) 的理論概念,剖析克雷斯如何以都市漫遊文本,呈現人和空間的互動,凸顯城市居民和其生存空間實為一生生不息的有機體,並揭露都市空間規劃背後暗藏視覺操縱,藉以反對空間商品化和景觀化。論文第一章主要借助甄克斯的都市漫遊者論述以及情境主義的心理地圖和漂移理論,闡述小說敘述者打破心理和地理的界線,以不同的人物心理呈現一幅城市拼貼。第二章以異軌理論為出發點,闡釋此小說將阿卡迪亞的文學概念和都市公共空間議題並置,一方面解構溫室和商場中的鄉村實為自然的複製品,另一方面強調城市生命力在於多樣性以及居民與空間的互動。第三章援引情境主義的景觀概念,著重討論社會關係和城市的空間生產被資本主義塑造的景觀所滲透控制,並強調敘述者以漂移和異軌的空間實踐與其對抗之外,也刻劃了都市居民在景觀的控制之下,仍然找到新的出口,保有空間運用的自主性。 / Jim Crace’s novel Arcadia delineates a city from the perspective of human mentality by means of an incognito critical social observer. The displacement of a modernized shopping mall for a traditional open market is the most important incident that causes a great impact upon the urban people. In this thesis, I would like to use Chris Jenks’ analysis of the flâneur and situationist concepts of psychogeography, dérive, détournement, and the spectacle to analyze how Crace presents the interaction between man and space which is threatened by the visual manipulation hidden behind urban planning. He also points out that urban inhabitants and their living environment form an organic whole that will keep evolving through their mutual influence. Applying Jenks’ discussion on the flâneur and situationist concepts of psychogeography and dérive, I would first show that Crace breaks the boundary between psychology and geography to present a collage of different interpretations based upon several characters’ mentalities. Then, the construction of the new shopping mall named Arcadia brings up the juxtaposition of the topos Arcadia and the issue of urban public space. With the practice of détournement, the narrator deconstructs the countryside in the shopping mall as the duplication of nature and emphasizes that the life of the city does not reside in the spectacular sites but in diverse and mutual interactions between urban space and its inhabitants. With spatial practices of dérive and détournement, the narrator not only criticizes that both social relationship and urban space are saturated with separation caused by the spectacle, but also makes known that urban people still hold the autonomy of creating alternative spatial use even under the dominant representation of the spectacle in the city.


黃佩櫻 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在介紹階層貝氏之時間與空間統計模式(spatio-temporal model),將此模式應用在疾病地圖的分析,以了解疾病在空間上的分佈狀態與時間趨勢。模型中除了納入時間、空間和年齡的效應外,也包括時間與空間、時間與年齡的交互作用,並考慮到空間相關性(spatial correlation),然後以DIC值(Deviance information criterion)作為模式選取的準則。 本文並以民國88-90年全身紅斑性狼瘡的女性患病人數做為實證分析的資料。配適時間與空間統計模式後,以馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法(MCMC)來模擬參數值,估計出各時間、地區、年齡層的對數疾病發生率。由疾病地圖可看出,台灣地區全身紅斑性狼瘡的女性疾病發生率,以20-59歲的年齡層發生率較高,0-19歲的發生率較低。不管在哪一個年齡層,北部和中部地區的發生率都是最高的。時間趨勢方面,88-90年整體疾病發生率有遞減的趨勢,60歲以上的發生率也是遞減的趨勢。但在部分地區,則有發生率遞增的趨勢。 / In this study, we introduce the spatio-temporal model in a hierarchical Bayesian framework and use disease maps to display the spatial patterns and the temporal trends of disease. A special feature of the model is the inclusion of spatial correlations used to examine spatial effects relative to both regional and regional changes over time by group. Then, we use deviance information criterion (DIC) to compare complex hierarchical models. The methodology is illustrated by an analysis of female Systemic Lupls Erythematosus (SLE) morbidity data in Taiwan during the period 1999-2001.The model inference is implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo method. The outcomes of the practical analysis appear that the higher morbidity rate occurs in 20-year and 40-year period. No matter what age group, the morbidity rate is highest in the north and the middle of Taiwan. Furthermore, the morbidity rate decreases with respect to year as well as over the 60-year period but it increases in some places.

應用文本主題與關係探勘於多文件自動摘要方法之研究:以電影評論文章為例 / Application of text topic and relationship mining for multi-document summarization: using movie reviews as an example

林孟儀 Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的普及造成資訊量愈來愈大,在資訊的搜尋、整理與閱讀上會耗費許多時間,因此本研究提出一應用文本主題及關係探勘的方法,將多份文件自動生成一篇摘要,以幫助使用者能降低資訊的閱讀時間,並能快速理解文件所欲表達之意涵。 本研究以電影評論文章為例,結合文章結構的概念,將影評摘要分為「電影資訊」、「電影劇情介紹」及「心得結論」三部分,其中「電影資訊」及「心得結論」為透過本研究建置之電影領域相關詞庫比對得出。接著將餘下之段落歸屬於「電影劇情介紹」,並透過LDA主題模型將段落分群,再運用主題關係地圖的概念挑選各群之代表段落並排序,最後將各段落去除連接詞及將代名詞還原為其所指之主詞,以形成一篇列點式影評摘要。 研究結果顯示,本研究所實驗之三部電影,產生之摘要能涵蓋較多的資訊內容,提升了摘要之多樣性,在與最佳範本摘要的相似度比對上,分別提升了10.8228%、14.0123%及25.8142%,可知本研究方法能有效掌握文件之重點內容,生成之摘要更為全面,藉由此方法讓使用者自動彙整電影評論文章,以生成一精簡之摘要,幫助使用者節省其在資訊的搜尋及閱讀的時間,以便能快速了解相關電影之資訊及評論。 / The rapid development of information technology over the past decades has dramatically increased the amount of online information. Because of the time-wasting on absorbing large amounts of information for users, we would like to present a method in this thesis by using text topic and relationship mining for multi-document summarization to help users grasp the theme of multiple documents quickly and easily by reading the accurate summary without reading the whole documents. We use movie reviews as an example of multi-document summarization and apply the concept of article structures to categorize summary into film data, film orientation and conclusion by comparing the thesaurus of movie review field built by this thesis. Then we cluster the paragraphs in the structure of film orientation into different topics by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Next, we apply the concept of text relationship map, a network of paragraphs and the node in the network referring to a paragraph and an edge indicating that the corresponding paragraphs are related to each other, to extract the most important paragraph in each topic and order them. Finally, we remove conjunctions and replace pronouns with the name it indicates in each extracted paragraph s and generate a bullet-point summary. From the result, the summary produced by this thesis can cover different topics of contents and improve the diversity of the summary. The similarities compared with the produced summaries and the best-sample summaries raise of 10.8228%, 14.0123% and 25.8142% respectively. The method presented in this thesis grasps the key contents effectively and generates a comprehensive summary. By providing this method, we try to let users aggregate the movie reviews automatically and generate a simplified summary to help them reduce the time in searching and reading articles.

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