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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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網路設備業外部知識取得策略之研究-以思科系統公司購併及策略聯盟為例 / The Research of Outside Knowledge Gaining Strategies In Networking Vendor Industry--Take Cisco Systems Inc. Example

王展宇, Wang, Tsan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為外部知識取得策略之研究,而以思科系統公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)為研究對象,觀察其在購併以及策略聯盟的行動中,從外部取得的知識,以及購併及策略聯盟對其企業成長的影響。 由於思科的購併及策略聯盟個案繁多,因此本研究先根據網路設備業演進的歷史以及產業未來發展的趨勢,對思科的購併以及策略聯盟個案進行分類,將其48個購併個案分為八大類,而17個策略聯盟則分為4大類,並探討每一類技術或市場對思科的影響以及思科所扮演的角色。接下來針對本研究的主題進行文獻探討,而後根據學者的研究歸納及筆者的邏輯推論,發展本研究的研究架構,並根據此研究架構,蒐集整理本研究所需的購併及策略聯盟資料,並開始進行分析。 首先本研究探討思科進行購併以及策略聯盟的動機為何,因為對企業而言,進行購併及策略聯盟的目的極多,而每一次的行動都可能有不同的策略意涵。因此分析其動機可以瞭解是否購併及策略聯盟是思科獲取外部知識的策略,或是有其他的目的,如此在進一步分析時才不會出現研究對象無法配合本研究架構的情形。而在此階段的分析中,發現思科的購併以及策略聯盟動機為技術性動機以及市場性動機,因此可以推論購併及策略聯盟的確是思科藉以獲取外部知識的策略。 既然購併及策略聯盟的確是思科的外部知識取得策略,因此接下來本研究比較購併和策略聯盟這兩種不同的策略和知識之間的關連性。在知識類型方面,研究發現購併所取得的知識類型主要為技術性資產,也就是可以由企業內部完全掌控,並且可以用來從事產品創新及技術創新的技術知識,而其知識的載體是專利、產品、技術本身以及擁有技術知識的人員。至於策略聯盟所取得的知識類型主要是互補性資產,也就是在技術創新之後,那些可以用來生產以及傳送產品和服務的關連性知識,而這種知識主要是以組織為知識載體。由此結果可以發現企業會根據所想要取得的知識類型的不同,而選擇不同的外部知識取得策略。另外,在進行購併時,由於整合程度的高低會影響進入市場的時機,因此思科會依據購併該公司的技術取向以及產品取向,而對購併後的人員有不同的安排,如此可以讓內部知識和外部知識作最適當的整合,並確實的掌握市場的重要性和進入市場的時間。 由於外部知識取得策略是企業成長的手段之一,因此本研究最後探討其對於企業成長的影響。為了觀察容易以及資料取得方便,本研究選取最重要的三項指標,分別是股價、市場佔有率以及營業額,個別分析購併以及策略聯盟對其的影響性。而分析結果發現思科的股價在十年內成長了124,825%,高居美股之冠,而營業額也是每一季都在創新高,由1993年第四季的2億多美金成長到1999年第四季的40億美金,而除了思科起家的路由器市場之外,透過購併及策略聯盟讓思科在每個涉入的市場內都佔據第一名或是第二名的位置。由此三項指標可以證明採取外部知識取得策略,對於網路設備業者的企業成長會產生極大的影響性。 在針對本研究主題完整的分析之後,本研究對於以上的發現進行命題的推論,並且提出對於網路設備業者的建議,希望可以作為其在採取外部知識取得策略的參考,而對於後續研究者,也提出本研究的限制以及未來可供努力的方向,以進行更進一步的研究。

放款與借貸關係之理論分析 / Theoretical Analysis of Loan Size and Lending Relationships

賴彥廷, Lai, Yen-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在銀行進行放款的過程中,經由審核、監督、流動性轉換等流程,銀行對借款人資訊會有進一步的認識及瞭解,而這些資訊並無法完全被其他金融機構或市場所知悉,故資訊上的好處可讓銀行與借款人間建立「借貸關係」。 許多實證文獻探討「借貸關係」,這些文獻均支持「借貸關係」對銀行和借款人具有價值。而本文則以理論模型推導的方式,研究「借貸關係」對放款契約的影響。本文發現,在「借貸關係」建立的過程中,「內部銀行」可瞭解借款人的品質及資訊,並透過這些內部的資訊,獲取「資訊獨佔力」帶來的好處。而透過銀行與借款人間「借貸關係」的維持,及銀行間的潛在競爭性,則可以舒緩銀行和借款人間「資訊獨佔」的扭曲效果。另外,內部資訊也能讓借款人得到利益,好的借款人可利用較低的利率融資,並獲得較高的放款額度;而壞的借款人則會漸被排除在市場之外。


王昀 Unknown Date (has links)
依據恰賓都市活動系統理論,人們的行為影響都市土地使用,而不同的土地使用又產生不同的活動行為,如此動態的循環構組成複雜多變的都市活動系統,而各項土地使用所產生的活動對其周圍的土地使用也產生了相當的影響。究竟假日花市此種非鄰里型且週期性營業之大型設施會對附近地區之生活環境品質與商業活動產生何種程度與項目的影響?另一方面,其在都市中扮演的角色與功能為何?實有其研究之必要,故引發本研究之動機。 本研究之目的有三:1.研究假日花市對附近地區生活環境品質產生之影響,2.研究假日花市對附近地區商業活動影響種類程度,3.探討假日花市產生之課題並研擬改善對策。 本研究之實證結果如下: (一)假日花市之功能:具有平價購買花卉、吸收花卉知識、提供休閒活動場所、提高花農所得、美化都市景觀等功能,在都市中扮演重要角色。 (二)假日花市活動者造訪特性:民眾造訪時段週日上午最多,無固定造訪頻率,選逛時間多為一小時至兩小時間,多使用汽機車前往,停放地點集中於花市附近地區,且有相當之違規情形。此外民眾以專程前往花市為多,較少在附近有多重活動行為。 (三)對附近生活環境品質影響:正面效益包括購買花卉方便、吸收花卉知識、提供休閒活動場所。在負面衝擊方面以便利性最明顯(停車不便、進出居所不便最嚴重),其次為健康性(攤販聚集),寧適性影響並不明顯。至於相關環境課題則有攤販聚集、環境髒亂不衛生、道路安全性降低、道路服務水準降低、停車不便、進出居所不便等項目。另一方面,附近居民對建國花市設置贊成度為普通到贊成之間。 (四)對附近商業活動影響:本研究發現假日花市並不會造成同質行業聚集。而對商家週末助益程度為普通,產生之負面衝擊以停車不便較嚴重,其它不明顯。 (五)建議:欲處理假日花市之環境影響課題,本研究建議應由政府扮演主導角色,配合花市業者組織地位功能之提昇,以共同推動各項改善措施;另一方面,應強化未來假日花市與附近環境之結合。

建置電子健康照護服務之績效評量架構 / Assessing the performance of e-Health service

王育聖, Wang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
This study develops quality evaluation criteria that consider both service provider satisfaction and patient perspective in assessing e-Health services; additionally, it evaluates the impact of these criteria on the performance of e-Health services. Utilizing data from the Tele Care Center in National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), one of the largest hospitals in Taiwan, this research framework extends the service-profit chain by integrating service triangle concept and emphasizing the relationships among three stakeholders: the firm, the customer, and the employee. The results suggest that the positive relationships among hospital’s business value, physicians’ value, and patients’ value can contribute to customer retention. In sum, this study expects to contribute to literature by providing an e-Health service performance assessment framework, which systematically develops a scale to evaluate e-Health service quality that concerns multiple stakeholders’ perspectives.


趙怡傑 Unknown Date (has links)
亞馬遜(Amazon) 宣布自有電子閱讀器Kindle在2010年的出貨量達800 萬台,不僅遠超出市場預期的500 萬台,也打破Kindle 銷售會受iPad上市而被瓜分的流言。根據國外市調機構Displaybank 統計,亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle 電子書上市3 年以來,美國暢銷電子書銷售量已超越紙本書的2 倍,預估2015 年的美國電子書閱讀器市場規模將達5,400 萬台、2018 年有機會成長到8,800 萬台。由上述的資料可見,電子書產品實為一個有潛力的市場。 研究試圖以創新擴散理論(Rogers,1983)為基礎,探討在電子書問世時,消費者從得知電子書存在到採用此產品過程並持續採用之意願,輔以科技接受模式(Davis,1989)來解釋影響電子書使用者的態度、意圖及行為,在此綜合模型中添加了涉入類型的種類(Vaughn,1980)做為影響消費者知覺特性的變數,加入了廠商面的資訊來探討策略結盟對於消費者的意義及影響,除了以電子書本身所具備的功能特性來探討利益面影響因子,更希望能加入風險成本來探討成本面的影響因素,並探討電子書的網路外部性效果(Katz & Shapiro,1986)如何影響消費者的採用意願。 研究結果顯示消費者知覺特性中的認知有用性、認知易用性及相容性會顯著受到消費者涉入程度高低的影響;知覺特性中的認知有用性、相容性和直接網路外部性會顯著影響消費者對於電子書的採用意願;而除了知覺特性中的相容性對於繼續採用意願有顯著影響之外,其餘的變數皆不顯著,這與探討採用意願的結果不盡相同。 依據研究結果,總結出消費者採用電子書意願的相關建議:一、廠商異業結盟行為對於消費者的意義不大,消費者並不關心電子書是由甚麼廠商聯盟所組成,只關心此產品是否能滿足自身的期待及需求,廠商該著重的應是消費者使用習慣的舒適度以及產品功能的有效性。加強技術方面的整合及研發才是吸引消費者注意力並獲得青睞的策略行為。二、實體店鋪的設立能增加電子書產品的能見度,現今國內的電子書廠商百家爭鳴,但使消費者喊得出名字或是聽過的品牌卻沒幾家,這表示廠商所釋放出的產品訊息不夠完整,因此電子書廠商若要提升自家產品的能見度,除了基本的研發工作之外,與媒體之間的配合及實體通路店鋪的設置也是相當重要的,透過通路消費者能夠明確知曉電子書產品的功能特性,根據試用的狀況使消費者更能掌握產品的資訊,進而影響最終的採用意願。

公共電視基金會獨立性及監督機制之研究 / The Study of Public Television Service Foundation's independence and supervision mechanisms

謝妮珊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之討論重心源於2008年底爆發之公共電視預算遭凍結爭議,其所導引出我國公視以政府預算為財源模式之設計及行政、立法機關對財務之監督權限,以及財源監督實際運作與公視「獨立性」的目的出現衝突之問題。另一方面,2009年公視基金會董監事第四屆增聘過程一連串爭議事件,也使該屆董事會組成員額增補之正當性、選任程序公開性等爭點浮出檯面。此外,現行公共電視董監事選任制度設計及其運作能否充分發揮公視應有的獨立與專業治理之功能等問題均成為本研究關注之重點。 本研究透過文獻檢閱及深度訪談探討國內外公共電視董監事選任制度之設計,檢視我國公視基金會董監事近來選任過程之爭議。研究發現,我國公視董監事選任過程受國會政黨與執政者執行偏差之影響甚大,也顯示公視董監事選任程序規定的缺漏以致政黨與行政權有操弄提審過程的空間。並對維持現制下如何透過修法改善董監事的選任程序提出看法,以及建議未來公視基金會董監事選任制度可朝專業多元與責任政治之方向改革。 其次,透過文獻及訪談分析我國公視以政府預算捐贈為主之財源模式設計及其所衍生的外部監督機制,在實務運作上可能造成政治力藉由預算監督權限和程序以干預公視獨立性與節目自主之情形。研究發現,公共電視之財源模式影響外部監督之規範密度,現行以政府預算為財源所衍生之外部監督機制,其實際運作與財源模式當初設計為保障公視獨立於政治力量之外之目的有所扞格;並探討立法院在財源監督過程對公視獨立性保障之影響。此外,對於我國公視需維持政府預算為財源模式,其外部監督機制如何再規範,以在公視的獨立自主與運用公共財源的績效課責之間尋求平衡提出政策建議。 / In this study, the focus of discussion is on the disputes that the budget of Public Television Service Foundation(PTS Foundation) was frozen breaking out at the end of 2008.It presents the conflicts among the model that PTS relies on the government budgets for financial resource,the surveillance jurisdiction of government for financial affairs,and the purpose to protect independence of public television by external oversight on actual operation.On the other hand,the series of controversial incidents during the 4th board of directors and supervisors recruitment of PTS Foundation in 2009,made the disputes to surface,such like the legitimacy of the board of directors and election procedures not sufficiently open.In addition,the present system of elected directors and supervisors of PTS,whether its operation brings the function of public television’s independence or not,and other issues have become the points in this study. Through literature reviewing and interviews,this study confers the design for election system of Board of directors in domestic and foreign public television,reviews the disputes in the process of the recently elected directors and supervisors of PTS.This study finds that the election process of directors and supervisors in PTS are deeply influenced by the congress party and ruling authority’s deviation of implementation,also shows that the gaps of the election process of PTS board of directors and supervisors let the parties and executive power have the space to manipulate the elected process.Moreover,this study provides the suggestion how to amend the law and improve the shortage of the election procedure of the directors and supervisors in order to maintain the current system, and suggests the future election system can be reformed toward to the direction of professional diversity and responsibility politics. Next,on the model design that PTS takes the government budgets as financial resources and the external oversight mechanisms derived,in practice,the operation may result in the situation that the politic power by the authority and the budget monitoring procedures could interfere with the public television’s independence and its programs.The study finds that the model of public television's financial resources affect the standard density of the external oversight.The current external oversight mechanisms taking government budget as financial resources breaks the purpose of protecting public television from the political power.This study discusses the impact that the Legislative Yuan’s monitors the procedure of financial resources to the independence of public television.In addition,regarding that PTS maintains to take government budgets as financial resources and how to re-regulate the external supervision mechanisms,this study provides the policy recommendations to find balance among the public television’s independence,and the public resources application and its performance accountability.

中東歐民主化外部因素之研究—以捷克為例 / The external factors in democratization in central and Eastern Europe: the case of the Czech Republic

梁曉文, Liang, Hsiao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1989年中東歐政局發生重大變化,波蘭、匈牙利與捷克斯洛伐克共黨在社會團體與民運人士大規模抗議下交出政權,結束此區域長久以來的共黨統治。1991年斯洛維尼亞正式脫離南斯拉夫,波海三國亦獲獨立,中東歐新興國家開始民主轉型。本文首先探討促成1989年中東歐民主革命的外部因素,如較和緩的國際情勢、蘇共自由化政策、美國及國際組織援助等,接著以捷克為個案,分析外部因素對絲絨革命及民主化之作用。 赫爾辛基最後議定書等關於民主與人權的文件,鼓舞了七七憲章之草擬;波蘭與匈牙利的政局變化,對捷克斯洛伐克產生示範作用,異議人士、環保團體或宗教力量跨國串連,輔以西方媒體作用,是絲絨革命動員的契機。與1968年受華約軍隊鎮壓的布拉格之春相比,絲絨革命得以成功,蘇共總書記Mikhail Gorbachev (Михаил Горбачёв)放棄干涉中東歐國家內政是重要關鍵,強硬的捷共政府因而失去壓制國內民主訴求的正當性。 此後捷克「回歸歐洲」外交走向,使歐安組織、歐洲理事會與美國運用民主、人權規範及各項援助,深化其轉型程度。北約和歐盟以會籍作為條件設定,直接或間接散播民主規範,並透過捷克當地政治菁英及政黨,歐盟外部治理成功使人民對歐洲化及歐盟產生認同。2003年入盟公投通過後,歐盟外部治理有了民意基礎,影響力更為強化,主導捷克民主發展。 / In 1989 the unexpected enormous democratic revolutions in Central and Eastern European countries led to the crash of the communist governments in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Two years later, officially departing from Yugoslavia, Slovenia started its own democratic transition, and the Baltic states also attained independence from the Soviet Union. First of all, we would like to discuss the external factors triggering the democratic revolutions in this area in 1989, such as the less tense international circumstances, the liberal reforms of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the assistance from the US and the relative international organizations. Then the discussion goes further to the case of the Czech Republic to make it clear how external factors affected the Velvet Revolution and how democratic values were promoted in the Czech Republic. The Helsinki Final Act, announced for democracy and the human rights in 1975, inspired the publication of Charter 77. The political change in Poland and Hungary turned into demonstration effect on Czech politics. Besides, the transnational connection of dissidents or the religion groups, and the western media both facilitated the mobilization for a democratic regime. Compared to the Prague Spring of 1968, crushed by the invading Soviet troops, the success of the Velvet Revolution was largely contributed by Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision not to interfere in the internal affairs in this area. Thus, the Czech communist government lost its legitimacy to suppress democratic campaigns. With the slogan “Return to Europe,” Czech Republic had made it possible for international activists including OSCE, COE and the US to impose their influences on Czech’s transition to democracy. In the accession process to the EU/ NATO, western activists spread democracy norms into the Czech Republic directly or indirectly by conditionality. Through local political elites and political parties, the EU successfully built Czech people’s identity toward EU by its external governance. Meanwhile, the positive result of Czech’s EU entry referendum in 2003 even strengthened EU’s influence as a leading external role in Czech’s democratization after the Velvet Revolution.

新事業發展與動態能力建構-以明基材料為例 / A Case Study on the New Business Development and Formulation of Dynamic Capablities

陳弘鈞, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
當企業面臨內部的規模與範疇擴張及外部的市場需求轉變時,在本業中的成長機會將日漸減少。因此,如何透過開創新事業來回應這些挑戰,往往是企業成長的重要課題。在推動新事業的過程中,如何調整組織架構,並從中萃取出深層的動態能力,以因應後續一波波的環境考驗、持續運用於下一個新事業,更是企業存亡的關鍵。然而,新事業的外部力量、內部變革、及動態能力形成的連結並未被過往研究有效建立。有鑑於此,本研究以明基材料為主軸,探討企業如何在引入外部合作下建構動態能力,並持續演進以因應外部挑戰。 明基材料由光碟事業起家,回應明基友達集團的面板原料需求,而發展偏光片事業。建立起深厚的技術與人才布局後,明基材歷經了偏光片的跌價趨勢及材質瓶頸,進而在金融海嘯後投入成長穩定的生醫產業。在生醫事業中所建構的堅實品牌與通路,更成為明基材後續投入隱形眼鏡事業的動能與後盾、進軍全球市場。本研究依光碟、偏光片、生醫、及隱形眼鏡四大階段作為產業及事業探討的架構,以解構出中每個新事業發展事件背後蘊藏的動態能力基礎。 本研究發現:在導入外部合作模式的情形下,動態能力的養成更能突破內部創新的限制及盲點。在引入垂直或水平的外部力量後,更須將力量挹注到組織內部,在結構、技術、任務、或人員等構面產生變革,方能進一步產生市場預測、技術製程、人才匯流、通路後勤、品牌行銷、及技術互補能力等六大動態能力。在早期的光碟及偏光片事業中,明基材倚重集團的垂直支援,養成了技術製程、技術互補、與人才能力,強調內部定位並掌握動、靜態程序,具有高度路徑相依性。於近期的生醫及隱形眼鏡事業中,明基材則更重視異業水平合作,更完整了品牌行銷、通路後勤、與市場預測能力,著重外部定位並協調動、靜態程序,更彈性掌握技術機會。透過動態能力在定位、程序、及路徑的持續演進,企業方能一次次化解產業危機,在新事業中穩健發展、開創新局。 / When confronted with internal expansion of scale and scope as well as external alteration of market demands, enterprises are bound to face fewer and fewer opportunities of growth in their original businesses. Hence, how to cultivate new businesses in reply to these challenges is usually a crucial issue for enterprise growth. In the process of new business development, the survival of the enterprise lies in the way of modulating organizational framework and extracting profound, dynamic capabilities therein to tackle subsequent environmental trials as well as to exert them on the next new business. Nonetheless, the connection among external strengths, internal organizational transformations, and the formulation of dynamic capabilities wasn’t effectively established in prior research. Accordingly, this study is rooted upon the case study of BenQ Materials Corp. in the aim of looking into how enterprises incorporate external collaborations to construct their dynamic capabilities, which can constantly evolve to cater to external challenges. BenQ Materials was initiated as a disc manufacturer, while differentiating into the polarizer business in response to the demand for panels of the BenQ Group. While establishing solid technical and personnel allocations, BenQ Materials underwent the price-declining trend and bottlenecks in textures, which make it in turn resort to the steadily growing biomedical industry after the financial tsunami. The robust channels and brands built in the biomedical business not only served as the backing and momentum, but further steering BenQ Materials into the contact lens industry and global markets. This thesis classifies both the industry and business analysis into four categories: discs, polarizers, biomedicine, and contact lens, which helps dissect every new business incident, excavate the foundation of dynamic capabilities behind. Throughout the research, this study reveals that under the introduction of external collaborations, the formulation of dynamic capabilities can further break though the blind spots and limits from internal innovations. After importing vertical or horizontal external forces, enterprises should then translate the external forces into internal organization changes in the aspects of the structure, techniques, tasks, and personnel, giving rise to the six dynamic capabilities: market predicting, technique procedural, talent streaming, channel logistical, brand marketing, and technique complementary capability. In the disc and polarizer business, BenQ Materials depended heavily on the vertical support from the BenQ Group and generated the technique procedural, technique complementary, and talent streaming capability, laying emphasis on internal positioning, dynamic and static processes, and high-level path dependency. While in biomedical and contact lens business, BenQ Materials further treasured inter-industry horizontal cooperation, from which the brand marketing, channel logistical, and more comprehensive market predicting capability were nurtured, valuing external positioning, dynamic and static processes coordinating, and elastic technological opportunity managing. The consecutive evolution of dynamic capabilities on positions, processes, and paths not only facilitates enterprises to get through industry crises time after time, but fuels new businesses’ sturdy growth and innovation.

用於動作引導之穿戴式觸覺回饋系統 / An Exploratory Study Of Wearable Motion Guidance System

陳彥妤, Chen, Yen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當今運動健身蔚為風潮,加上網路資源普及,許多人藉由數位教學影片鍛鍊體 魄,不但能自由安排時間,也能在家參與課程,成為新世代的學習方式。傳統上,運 動健身較好的方式為教練在旁協助,除了口頭給予即時的指示,還能直接以身體觸碰 學員姿勢不良的部位,引導其肢體伸展、調整身體重心、提醒放鬆過於緊繃之部位, 然而新世代的學習方式透過教學影片無法立即對運動者當下的肢體動作做出反應,過 程中全倚賴運動者本身對於肢體的認知,往往和影片中教練的動作有落差而不自知, 因此,本研究期望藉由觸覺回饋輔助使用者做出正確的姿勢或動作。 過去針對觸覺回饋的研究相當地多,甚至可回溯至1950年代,然而將觸覺回饋應 用於運動指引的研究近年才漸漸出現,其應用層面僅限於提示作用,無法引導使用者 該如何動作,且目前回饋方式仍需倚賴受測者記憶動作與觸覺回饋的對應關係,無法 直覺做出反應。本研究模仿肌肉群收縮帶動肢體運動之方式,設計人工外部肌肉引導 手臂旋前旋後動作,人工外部肌肉包含步進馬達產生拉力、魚線及鬆緊帶模擬肌肉分 佈、收縮以及袖套包覆手臂帶動旋轉,系統設計歷經三版本的演進,最終設計出一套 具引導效果的觸覺回饋穿戴式裝置。 系統評估共邀請10位受測者進行實驗,結果證實此套裝置能有效提供方向性指示 (正確率98%),且受測者普遍反應裝置提供的回饋方式相當直覺,手臂會有被帶動 的感覺,能馬上知道該如何轉動手臂。實驗更進一步測試引導手臂轉動特定角度,實 驗結果效果也相當好,平均誤差在3度以內,此外,亦探討實驗過程中受測者對觸覺回 饋的行為反應,作為日後系統改良或觸覺回饋設計的參考。 / Nowadays, exercise and fitness have become a growing trend. Since the access to the internet resources is very easy and popular, many people choose to do exercise through digital online videos, which not only they can arrange their own exercising schedule, but also they can learn the courses at home. Traditionally, a better way for exercise learning is getting assistance from a professional coach, who can give instruction immediately, and adjust by direct body contact right away while the exercisers act incorrectly. However, the online video can not accomplish the purpose. On the condition that the exercisers rely only on the cognition of their own bodies they might not notice their posture different from the video. This research aimed to provide guidelines to do the correct posture or movement through tactile feedback. From past till now, the researches of tactile feedback are of considerable numbers, we can find the related researches back to 1950s. Recently it starts to be applied in exercising guiding. However, the applications only provide passive instructions, which require users to memorize the relationship between the tactile feedbacks and the correspond actions. Users are unable to react by instinct. In this research, we imitate the way of body movement driven by the muscles contraction. We design artificial external muscles on a sleeve to guide forearm pronation and supination. The wearable tactile feedback sleeve consists of stepper motors to provide pulling force, fishing wires and elastics to imitate muscle contraction to drive the forearm to roll. This system design has been revised three times, and we finally established a wearable tactile feedback device which has guiding effect. 10 participants are recruited for the experiments. The result showed that this device can guide forearm rolling successfully (the accuracy is 98%). The participants commented that the feedback is very close to instinct. They felt their arm was guided by the device, and knew the exact moment to roll their forearm. In the second experiment, we tried to guide the forearm rolling for several target angles and the result was quite promising. The mean error is within 3 degrees. We also reported the participants’ reactions through our tactile feedback system. We will expand the system to guide the other parts of human body in the future.

智慧資本外部報導之研究 - 以資訊電子及金融服務業為對象

郭美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代下,企業競爭優勢之來源不再是有形資產,而是企業內部的制度、人力資源、創新等無形資產,即為智慧資本,因此外部資訊使用者所關心的不再只是企業所擁有的有形資產,更包括企業所擁有的智慧資本,但現行會計報表仍偏重衡量與報導有形資產之部分,逐漸喪失正確傳達企業價值之功能,遂興起改革之聲。 目前國內外許多會計學者已積極探討企業價值之來源—智慧資本,希望藉由正確釐清智慧資本之本質,以制訂切合時宜之會計制度,以助企業內部管理其智慧資本,並適切地對外進行智慧資本外部報導,提供有助於外部資訊使用者決策之資訊。智慧資本外部報導之內容應為何呢?為目前學術界積極探討的主題之一,已有多篇相關的學術文章發表,但其多為大原則及大方向之探索性研究,對於智慧資本報導所應包含內容未有較多具體著墨;故本研究以使用者觀點為依據,希望藉由探討外部資訊使用者認為企業報導哪些智慧資本項目有助於其評價企業,以作為企業智慧資本外部報導之參考依據。 本研究利用問卷調查直接蒐集外部資訊使用者與企業之看法,再經由多種統計分析後,發現以下結果: 一、影響外部資訊使用者對企業評價的重要智慧資本有「研發及產品化能力」、「增加客戶購買意願之能力」、「完善的人力資源管理」、「提昇銷售多樣產品之能力」、「拓展新客戶之能力」、「經營團隊品質」、「風險評估與管理能力」、「員工專業能力」等八個因素構面。 二、影響外部資訊使用者對企業評價的智慧資本項目會因產業不同而有所不同。 三、不論是資訊電子業或金融服務業,企業認為影響其評價之智慧資本項目與外部資訊使用者之看法有所差異。 / Intellectual capital — the brain of a company’s employees, their know-how, the processes and customer knowledge that they create — is the new source of competitive advantage in the information age. The source of corporate competitive advantage is no longer the tangible assets of companies. The users of external business reports do not only need information of tangible assets of the firm, but also the details of intellectual capital a firm owns. Our conventional reporting framework only highlights the measurement and reporting of tangible assets. Consequently, the current financial statements do not capture or communicate the true value of the company. Increasing number of users have been issuing calls for the reform of the traditional financial reporting and disclosure requirements to meet the growing need for information on intellectual capital. Numerous papers have been issued on intellectual capital. The scholars have covered such areas as the definition of intellectual capital, the measurement of intellectual capital, and the reform of the conventional reporting framework. What should the corporate intellectual capital report contain? This study seeks to determine what type of intellectual capital information users will need to value firms correctly. We used questionnaire to obtain data from users and firms directly and applied statistics analysis to the data. We found that: 1、Intellectual capital details which can assist users in valuing firms are: the ability on R&D and production, the ability to increase consumer spending, the ability of human resource management, the ability to sell different kinds of products, the ability to increase the number of clients, the quality of managers, the ability to assess and control risk, and the professional skills of employees. 2、Intellectual capital details which affect users valuation of firms are different for each industry. 3、Different Intellectual capital information is used in valuing the firm by the inside and outside users of financial statements.

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