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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林秋霞, Chiou Shia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
技術的變動日新月異,創新技術的出現可能完全取代產業中原有的技術,而技術在企業中所扮演的角色,已漸漸從支援輔助性工具的角色,成為企業競爭策略中一項重要的關鍵資源,為了提高公司績效或促進新產品發展,企業應擬定適當的技術策略,而技術策略的擬定會受到公司所擁有的資產與能力的影響,因此企業是否擁有這項能力來協助技術策略的制定便很重要,而技術機會主義便代表了組織意識並回應技術改變的能力。因此本研究擬探討技術機會主義與公司績效的關係,並納入權變因素,以探討其對技術機會主義與公司績效的影響。 本研究針對台灣一千大製造業所作的問卷調查研究分析結果顯示: 1.技術機會主義有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升。 2.當公司之市場導向愈大時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 3.當環境中技術變動性愈大時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果增強。 4.當環境之網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 本研究站在企業的角度,探討企業的技術機會主義與技術採用的關聯,引申其與公司績效間的關係,並加入外在環境及內部策略導向的調節變數,以探討績效表現的變動方向及程度。由於過去的文獻多著墨在影響技術採用的因素上,但鮮少探討技術採用與績效間的關係,因此本研究結果可提供企業技術策略制定與評估之參考。 / Business history offers many examples of industries in which radical technologies emerged and eventually overwhelmed established technologies. Technology is no longer just an enabler of business processes but is increasingly becoming the core of the firm’s business strategy. Technological opportunism, a sense-and-respond capability of firms with respect to new technologies, is an important determinant of technology adoption. To assess the contribution of technological opportunism in explaining firm’s performance, this study also includes moderated variables in the model. Using data collected from manufacturing industry by mail questionnaire, the empirical results show as follow: 1.Technological opportunism has a positive effect on firm performance. 2.Increases in the level of a firm’s market orientation weaken the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. 3.Increases in the level of technology turbulence strengthen the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. 4.Increases in the level of network externalities weaken the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. Although there have been numerous studies which focused on determinants of the adoption of technological innovations, little research has been done on the relationship to performance. Over the years more and more organizations have invested heavily in new technologies in order to stay competitive in their given industries. This study on the position of a firm examines the effect of technological opportunism on organizational performance. The goal of this study is to provide guidance to managers who must make decisions regarding the adoption of technological innovations.


劉文龍, Vincent Liu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希望以個案研究的方式來探討多事業部的跨國公司的投資策略之組合,於有限的資源下,跨國公司必須以何種客觀及有效率的方法,來配置其所擁有的資源於其總公司之下所屬的事業部,以使其投資效益達到最大,進而增加股東價值。   本研究是以波士頓矩陣的理論架構,配合波特的五力分析,並運用產業分析的架構來進行外部分析,以及公司的優劣勢的內部分析,來訂位公司之投資策略方向。整個研究分為五個階段(1)先擬定可運用於本研究的理論模式及架構,將特用化學產業的投資模式加以量化及定位(2)分析外部產業的機會與威脅以及公司內部分析的優劣勢(3)根據上述分析定位出各事業部於波士頓矩陣中所處的四個象限(4)根據事業部之定位以及事業現況,擬定投資策略建議(5)投資策略規劃的回饋及修正。   有效率的資源配置,能夠確保良好的投資報酬率,增加股東權益,使企業能夠永續經營,本研究分析後發現特用化學產業的投資策略,必須結合外部產業分析與內部績效評估,以取得最客觀的決策資訊,並且做出最佳的投資決策。全球化趨勢下,企業必須有全球佈局與管理跨國企業之能力,本研究對於國內企業於邁向國際化的腳步過程中的建議,是如何培養並建立起管理國際企業之核心能力,是企業負責人的首要課題。

台灣農地管理誘因機制之研究 / A Study on the Incentive Mechanism of Farmland Management in Taiwan

周以倫, Chou, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
市場失靈往往是政府介入干預的主要理由,一般常見的干預方法為正向的誘因激勵與負向的懲罰手段。就農地而言,因其所能提供的生態或環境的功能係屬公共財性質,具有無排他性、無敵對性、聯合消費的性質,市場上缺乏私人主動提供農地環境效益的經濟誘因,使得政府基於全民福祉之理由而介入農地保護,以提升外部效益。又為防患於未然,乃訂定管制規則予以規範違規使用行為,以降低外部成本。台灣的農地管理兼採補貼給付、賦稅減免與使用管制之政策措施,其實施經年究竟有無缺失?如何加以改進?適逢台灣主管當局刻正研擬國土計畫法(草案)且需要檢視之際,益發突顯本文研究此課題之重要性。 新古典經濟學者主張以課稅的方式消弭外部成本、以給予補貼的方式鼓勵外部效益的產生;新制度經濟學者主張透過界定財產權,經由利害關係人協商,最後達到社會整體最適生產水準,兩者各有所長,於實際適用時尚須截長補短綜合考量。本文從上述理論基礎切入,採用文獻分析法與焦點人物訪談法來檢討現行農地管理機制不足之處。基於損益均衡的補貼理念,我們意圖將正向誘因、使用市場機制引進農地管理機制中,並改進以往偏重於農地違規使用負向處罰的管理方式,以期健全農地管理,落實農業永續發展目標。 關鍵字:農地管理、誘因機制、公共財、外部性 / Market failure is often the main reason of government intervention. Generally, intervention methods always include positive incentive measures and passive punishment means. From viewpoint of farmland, it serves as biological and environmental functions with the character of public goods, which possesses features of non-exclusion, non-rival and jointly-consume. However, there is lack of economic incentives to provide environmental benefits of farmland by private market, government intervene shall be needed in farmland protection on basis of entire people welfare. Besides, the land use control regulations shall be stipulated to reduce external cost. In Taiwan, incentive programs include incentive payments, tax exemption or reduction and land use control mechanism. Do these programs manipulate efficiently? If not, how to improve them in the future? Discussion of these issues shall play an important role while the draft of National Territory Planning Act is drawn up by the Planning Authority and more examinations are necessary in Taiwan. Neoclassical economists suggest that external costs can be prevented by taxation, and external benefits shall be encouraged by offering subsidy. Neo-institutional economists argue that the problem can be solved through defining property rights, and stakeholders shall negotiate with one another to achieve optimum of social production. This article bases on exploring those theories and takes positive and negative factors into account in practice. The main research methods are literature review and focal person interview to investigate insufficiency of current incentive mechanism in farmland management. Based on concept of benefit-cost equilibrium, we intend to provide positive incentives, and include market approach into incentive mechanism of farmland management and improve passive way of punishing illegal farmland use. Through formulation of these incentive tools, farmland management mechanism shall be established soundly so as to achieve the goals of agricultural sustainable development. Keywords:Farmland Management, Incentive Mechanism, Public Goods, Externality

中國經濟失衡之研究 / The Study of China’s Economic Imbalance

蔡政廷 Unknown Date (has links)
全球經濟失衡為進入21世紀以來人們最為關心的經濟議題之一,而各國經濟失衡中又以中美經濟失衡所佔比例最高,也最為世人所重視。以中國經濟失衡的角度出發探討其現象及原因,可發現中國經濟成長有高度傾向由投資及外貿出口所帶動,內需消費的成長力道最為疲弱。然而,任何偏頗的成長都有其極限,投資與出口兩大動力引擎現階段正遇上成長的瓶頸。在連續若干年的高投資率後,產能過剩與虧損的陰霾已然籠罩中國產業界及融通其資金的金融機構,而中國的內需消費依然沒有令人感到驚豔的起色;年年擴大的貿易順差與外匯存底正招來各國不公平競爭的譴責與貿易壁壘的對待,也吸引預期匯率升值的國際資本前來套利。 檢討中國經濟失衡的內部發生緣由,產權分配不當與資訊揭露不全是中國國有及國有控股企業投資過度的根本原因;貧富不均與城鄉差距乃是民間消費不振的首要因素;中國企業身擁鉅資卻未能妥善分配盈餘,是民間儲蓄最大的來源,也是間接影響家計部門面對未來信心不足,因而儲蓄過剩、限制消費支出的重要因素。經濟失衡的外貿順差來源則是數量龐大但卻利潤微薄的加工部門貿易出口,加以人民幣幣值確實有低估的跡象,對國際資本的湧入提供基本面的支撐。 雖然要轉變經濟結構並非一蹴可幾之事,但中國政府在2006年擬定的十一五計畫中,已針對中國經濟失衡的現象提出六大面向的改革。全球經濟失衡要能改善,並非僅是單純的人民幣兌美元升值即可獲致,必須要貿易赤字國節約消費支出、增加儲蓄,及各個貿易順差國擴大內需消費支出,緩步溫和的改變經濟結構與相對幣值,方能有效解決經濟失衡的現象卻不傷害經濟體質。


林冠均 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對產業激烈競爭之下,企業會利用許多方式來取得競爭優勢,技術的採用則是其中很重要的方式之一。企業為了取得競爭優勢或提高績效,應擬定適當的技術策略,而技術策略的擬定會受到公司內部所擁有的資產與能力而有所不同。技術機會主義便代表了組織意識並回應技術改變的能力,有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升,成為企業競爭策略中一項重要的關鍵資源。因此本研究擬探討技術機會主義與公司績效的關係,並納入調節變數,以探討其對技術機會主義與公司績效的影響。 本研究針對台灣1,000家上市上櫃公司為樣本所作的問卷抽樣調查研究分析結果顯示: 1.技術機會主義有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升。 2.主動式市場導向對於公司績效的影響。 3.當環境之直接網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 4.當環境之間接網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果增強。 5.當公司之主動式市場導向愈大時,會增強技術機會主義對公司績效的負向效果。 本研究由企業的角度,探討企業的技術機會主義與技術採用的關聯,引申其與公司績效間的關係,並加入外在環境及內部策略導向的調節變數,藉以探討績效表現的變動方向及程度。由於過去的文獻多著墨在影響技術採用的因素上,但鮮少探討技術採用與績效間的關係,因此本研究結果可提供企業技術策略制定與評估之參考。

房地分離下建物折舊之研究 / An Empirical study of building depreciation on land-price-extracted condition

高毓穗, Kao, Yu Sui Unknown Date (has links)
成本法為估價三大方法之一,其中折舊率之掌握至今仍無定論,Malpezzi et al.(1987)、Smith(2004)指出,由於土地無實體損壞及功能性退化,故利用特徵價格法分析折舊時,分析主體包含土地,將造成折舊的低估,而國內先前研究亦指出,分析主體包含土地,可能是使其分析結果不合常理的原因。本研究採特徵價格法,以台南市透天建物為對象,實證結果與Malpezzi等之論點一致,即不包含土地之價格函數,確有較高的折舊率,且呈現凸向原點之折舊型態。不動產價格模型亦顯示,建物壽命前期價格逐年下跌,但至後期將反轉向上,反應出土地之再開發價值。 此外,依不動產估價技術規則之規定,求取建物價格時似乎未考慮外部性退化之價值減損,或將其視為與剩餘經濟耐用年數相關。然而Colwell and Trefzger(1994)指出負面外部性將同時影響土地與建物,本文實證結果發現,外部性退化除對土地價格造成影響外,事實上對建物價格亦產生價格減損效果。此外,外部性特徵對於建物價格之影響視兩者距離相鄰程度而定,故不應將外部性退化視為與屋齡相關,而於考量後推估建物剩餘經濟耐用年數。 / In this paper, we verify that estimated depreciation rate is higher when the land price has been extracted from single-family house prices in Tainan, and the depreciation pattern of building is convex to the origin. We also find that property prices will decrease in the early years and then turn to increase; this phenomenon may testify the benefit in land redevelopment. Moreover, this study shows that external obsolescence would reduce not only the land price but also the building price when the surrounding is unattractive, and the decreasing figures caused by external obsolescence shouldn’t base on house age, but distance between house and unattractive objects.


劉郁潔 Unknown Date (has links)
政府在制定政策的過程中,往往會受到利益團體影響。我們藉由 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 所發展的政治獻金模型為架構,討論在國內生產具有負面外部性的情況下,政府決定是否開放具有生產優勢的外國廠商進入本國生產的決策。我們發現開放外人直接投資與否,受到政府對社會福利重視的程度所影響。在政府極端不重視社會福利且生產完全無生產技術外溢時,政府將不會選擇開放國外廠商進入本國投資,而一般情況下,當市場規模夠大且政府重視社會福利有一定程度時,生產時所造成的負面外部性愈大,本國政府將傾向不開放外國廠商進入本國直接生產。 / Since the domestic government can makes its choice between alternative policy instruments to maximize its’ welfare, this paper analyzes how a domestic government makes the policy about foreign direct investment by Grossman and Helpman (1994) political contribution model. It shows that opening FDI or not is affected by the weight that the domestic government puts on the social welfare. We found that domestic government tends not to open FDI when it puts little weight on the social welfare. In this case that the weight and market are large enough, the domestic government tends to open FDI as the pollution externality increases.

小型開放經濟體系下信用機制對於貨幣政策和浮動匯率的影響 / The credit channel of monetary policy and exchange rate flexibility in a small open economy

楊馥珉, Yang, Fu Min Unknown Date (has links)
The objective of this study is to consider the credit channel operation under a small open economy by including the banking sector and money in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. This study examines the role of the banking sector in a small open economy and the impact of the degree of economic openness. In the steady state analysis, we find that the banking sector’s efficiency and the degree of the openness of an economy will affect the equilibrium. The dynamic analyses show the exchange rate movement amplifies the responses of the economy to exogenous shocks.


吳怡靜, Wu, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
因應全世界電信自由化潮流,台灣自1997年開始解禁電信事業,開放民營,其相關產業-通訊產業更因此而相繼頭角崢嶸、蓬勃發展,通訊產業已然繼半導體產業之後成為二十一世紀的明星產業。  本研究採取個案訪談方式,探討台灣地區通訊產業的技術創新策略與績效表現間的關聯性,以及外部環境如何影響廠商對技術創新策略組合的選擇與績效表現。由於通訊產業涵蓋範圍極廣,因此根據有線、無線傳輸方式、其間子產業的特性以及上、下游廠商可能的關聯性,將其細分為通訊原料、微波通訊、行動通訊、寬頻通訊、光纖通訊、電信服務等六大類,因行動通訊部份無法找到配合訪談廠商因此作罷,然因此部份研究近來亦頗為盛行,讀者或可從其他相關文獻一窺端倪。除實際深度探訪九家個案公司之外,亦蒐集相關產業資料以資比對,因而歸納、推導出以下結論:  一、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別而採行不同的技術創新策略組合,明顯地可以劃分出三種組合,分別是「冒險型」、「積極型」與「穩健型」,另有一種「模仿跟進型」,通常於成熟期產業可發現,並未出現在本研究個案中。訪談結果發現當企業採行冒險或積極型態的策略組合時,其績效表現會優於同類型產業的平均水準。  二、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,具有不同的子產業特性,因而具有不盡相同的外部環境,明顯地可以劃分出四種類型的外部環境。分別是第一類的高度動態、高度競爭與高度異質性;第二類的高度動態、高度競爭與中度異質性;第三類的高度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性;第四類的中度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性。  三、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,或為因應身處不同類型的外部環境,因而採取不同積極程度的技術創新策略組合,以求取最佳績效表現。訪談結果發現在第一類與第三類環境下採取冒險型的策略組合,以及在第二類與第四類環境下採取積極型態的策略組合,皆具有不錯的績效表現。  綜上所述,我們可看出通訊產業內廠商除應瞭解本身所屬專業領域特質、所處子產業細部環境的變動情況,更應慎選合適的技術創新策略組合,以為企業謀取最大、最佳的績效表現。 / Communication Industry has become the leading industry in 21st century in Taiwan ever since the deregulation of telecommunication in Taiwan. In order to investigate the relationship between the technology innovation strategy conducted by the Communication Industry and firm's performance, as well as the impact of environment as a moderator to the relationship between technology innovation strategy and performance, we have conducted the research by case study. As the widespread coverage of Communication Industry, we roughly classify the industry into six categories including communication chip, microwave communication, mobile communication, broadband communication, fiber communication and telecommunication service based on the way of transmission and vertical relationship in industry. However, mobile communication was not interviewed due to reasons. In addition to the findings from case study, we also collect the specific industry information for cross reference. Research findings are described as follows: 1. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry conduct numerous portfolio of technology innovation strategy. There are three types of portfolio formed, which are adventurous, aggressive and conservative type. The findings show that the financial performance will be better than the industry average when companies adopt adventurous or aggressive portfolio.  2. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry face various types of competitive environment; we find four types of environment formed. The environment are measured by three dimensions including dynamism, hostility, and heterogeneity which impact are distinguished into three levels, high, moderate, and low separately. The first type is high in three dimensions. The second is the same as the first one except its heterogeneity is moderate. The third is high in dynamism, moderate in hostility and in heterogeneity. The fourth is all-moderate.  3. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry have various types of competitive environment;therefore they have to conduct different portfolio of technology innovation strategy for best performance. The findings show that companies adopt the adventurous portfolio under the first and the third type of environment, and companies adopt the aggressive portfolio under the second and fourth type will have better financial performance.  To sum up, we suggest the Communication Industry know clearly about the competitive environment and its characteristics before conducting an appropriate portfolio of technology innovation strategy to acquire the best financial performance.


陳偉智 Unknown Date (has links)
本文建立一賽局理論模型,以分析在跨期的寡占市場中,高科技產業的特性對政府補貼意願的影響。 假設兩國間原本維持自由貿易的局面。若任一國主動採行補貼政策,雖然在當期可使國家福利水準提高,但之後各期則會因對手國也採取補貼,引發兩國間的補貼競爭,而使雙方福利水準下降。根據本文的分析可知,兩國政府的補貼意願會受到網路外部性及R&D外溢效果的影響。 由本文的結果得知,網路外部性的增加代表消費者對該產品的需求增加,故均衡的產量會隨著網路外部性提高。而相容性改變兩國廠商間的競爭關係,也影響兩國政府政策的效果。在產品不完全相容的情況下,網路外部性越高則兩國間發生補貼競爭的可能性也隨之提高;而在產品完全相容的情況下,政府補貼意願將不受網路外部性的影響。另一方面,在其他條件不變下,當產品間的相容性提高,政府補貼的可能性也隨之提高。 在R&D外溢效果的模型中,本文假設第一國為已開發國家,可從事R&D,而第二國為未開發國家,無法從事R&D,但其生產成本仍會因外溢效果而受到已開發國R&D的影響。由本文的結果得知,研發的外溢效果越高,已開發國政府的補貼意願也會提高,但未開發國政府的補貼意願則會降低。當研發的外溢效果等於二分之一時,兩國間發生補貼競爭的可能性最低。

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