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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


謝武星, Chia, Wu-Sin Unknown Date (has links)
面對知識管理時代與學術論文不斷的激增下,快速擷取學術論文的研究主題領域是相當重要的項研究。本研究從文獻結構中分析,應用了特徵擷取、中文字詞分析、統計及演算等方法,對中文學術論文標題及其中文參考文獻標題進行分析,以擷取可描述該篇論文研究主題之專業詞彙。 對應論文的研究主題擷取,本研究建立了專業詞彙資料庫以及虛字符號字庫,應用在研究主題詞彙擷取時,論文標題的詞彙比對。專業詞彙資料庫,包括了各專業詞彙,以及詞彙間的研究主題關係,此外,也包含了詞彙間的同義詞關係。虛字符號字庫,則包含了需要在去除標題中各虛字符號時,所比對的字庫。 在最後的結果分析上,採用詞頻統計統計出論文及其參考文獻標題所出現的專業詞彙次數,並使用論文與參考文獻的對應分析產生六種可能的結果,說明應用此結果加上次數統計的方式,如何確切的擷取可描述該論文研究主題的詞彙。而在研究過程中,本研究以“中文文獻及字詞的資訊化處理”此研究主題的論文為例,建置雛型系統及詞庫來加以探討及印證。


董忠司, DONG, ZHONG-SI Unknown Date (has links)
顏師古字籀,雍州萬年人,齊黃門侍部之推孫也。父思魯,以學藝稱,尤工訓詁,武 德為秦王府記室參軍。 師古既奉詔刊行五經定本,又預修五經正義,如周易正義,即師古與孔穎達等共撰, 自定本、正義頒之國冑,用以取土,天下奉為圭臬。此其一。唐興,君臣上下,一志 於史業,史通古今正史篇謂中書侍郎顏師古、給事中孔穎達,共撰成隋書五十五卷; 今傳大業拾遺記,或謂為顏師古所撰,雖不能定其真偽,而顏師古之史學可知矣!此 其二。師古注漢書,「曲覈古本,歸其真正」,「尋文究例,普更刊整」,「具存舊 註」,「匡矯惑蔽」,「上考典謨,旁究蒼雅」,僻字假借,隨文翻音,為後世史註 典謨,人舉與杜預並稱,此註一出,漢書他家註皆廢。此其三。師古「以世俗之言多 謬誤,質諸經史,匡而正之;」又上代經史音註,或頗訛舛,亦徵引論辨「百氏紕繆 ,雖未可窮,六典迂訛,於斯矯革」,後世學者所為讀書札記、或辨難質疑、文字* 校,音韻討論之撰著,大抵昉於師古是書。此其四。師古於貞觀中刊正經籍,因錄字 體數紙,以示*校楷書,當代共傳,號為顏氏字樣。懷鉛是賴,汗簡攸資。自是而後 ,字樣之學盛於有唐,迭有增修,如杜延業群書新定字樣,唐玄度新加九經字樣、顏 元孫干祿字書、張參五經文字等,皆祖述師古。此其五也。綜此五事,顏師古之學術 ,可謂羽被來學、炳耀千古矣! /

台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究 / Study on the Scholarly Productivity of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Taiwan’s Universities

詹二洋, Chan, Erh Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域發表於Web of Science之SSCI、A&HCI引文索引資料庫所收錄之文獻,以書目計量學探討台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究,並針對人文及社會科學領域不同學門其學術生產方式加以分析。 依據科技部之學門分類,將人文學與社會科學領域分為21類,分別統計各領域產出相關之情形,以管理學一產出6,876篇最高,而管理學一領域同時也是產出學校數(122所)最多的領域,且以平均產出56.36篇也是最高,顯示管理學一領域相關科系為目前社會科學領域產出之主要科系。人文學與社會科學各領域文獻單一作者與多作者文獻篇數作統計結果發現,各領域間以多作者共同產出文獻為主,僅少部分領域單一作者比例高於多作者比例,以各領域平均作者人數而言,如以四捨五入後為1位者,僅文學一與哲學兩個領域,在全部21個領域中最為接近單一作者產出。其餘19個領域平均作者人數皆大於1.5人。 本研究結果為台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力提供一個概括呈現,並協助高等教育評鑑對於全臺灣各大學社會科學領域,學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / This study aims to investigate the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities by employing a bibliometric methodology. The research data are retrieved from SCI and A&HCI database via Web of Science. In addition, this study reveals the academic production regime in different disciplines under humanities and social sciences. According to the academic classification by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, this study is conducted to divide the humanities and social sciences into 21 disciplines, collect the statistical data, and analyze the output in all the disciplines as well. The findings are as follows. Manegement I, with an output of 6,876 articles, leads in quantity of academic papers. Furthermore, Manegement I is also the most highly productive discipline in the fields of humanities and social sciences by the research papers from 122 colleges. As for numbers of average output papers, the discipline Manegement I, again, indicates that it is currently the main department in social science fields; an average output of 56.36 papers is the highest productivity. Compare the multi-author documents with the sole author articles in humanities and social science fields; it is statistically found that, the majority are multi-author papers among the disciplines. Only a small proportion of single-author articles in some areas, the ratio are higher than that of the multi-author documents. In the analysis of the average numbers of authors after rounding to the nearest integer, Chinese Literature and Philosophy, with the average number of author--1, are the only two disciplines which are close to single-author output in all 21 disciplines. The average numbers of authors in the 19 remaining fields are more than 1.5 persons. The results of the study may draw an outline for the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities. This thesis, on the other hand, may suggest an overview for the further evaluation of the higher education in Taiwan, by building background knowledge for the disciplines under the humanities and social sciences in the universities.

新北市國民中學教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships between Teacher Academic Optimism and School Organization Climate in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City

陳毓娟, Chen, Yu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候的現況;並剖析不同背景變項與學校變項的教師知覺教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候的差異情形;及探討教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候之間的關係;最後,以逐步多元迴歸檢視教師學術樂觀對學校組織氣候的預測力。為達到上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市35所國民中學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷559份,回收有效問卷521 份,有效回收率為93.20%。本研究採用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論: 一、 新北市國民中學教師知覺教師學術樂觀、學校組織氣候為中高程度。 二、 不同年齡、教育程度、任教領域及學校地區之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體與學校組織氣候整體,都沒有顯著差異。 三、 不同性別之教師在知覺學校組織氣候整體,女性教師高於男性教師。 四、 不同服務年資之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,21(含)年以上之教師高於6~10年之教師。 五、 不同職務性質之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,教師兼主任高於教師兼導師。 六、 不同學校規模之教師在知覺教師學術樂觀整體,73(含)班以上之教師高於25~48班之教師。 七、 教師學術樂觀與學校組織氣候之間呈現正向相關。 八、 教師學術樂觀對學校組織氣候具正向預測力,其中教師信任領導者及教師信任同儕二構面對學校組織氣候整體之聯合預測力最高。 最後,依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校行政及未來研究人員的參考運用。 關鍵詞:國民中學、教師學術樂觀、學校組織氣候 / The Study of the Relationships between Teacher Academic Optimism and School Organization Climate in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City Abstract First, this study aimed to explore the current situation of New Taipei City junior high schools’ teacher academic optimism and school organization climate; then, to analyze the demographic variables on the different perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate, and then to discuss the relationship between teacher academic optimism and school organization climate. Finally, stepwise multiple regression was used to predict school organization climate. Based on the research conclusions, the proposed recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference were provided. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. The directors, team leaders and teachers from 35 junior high schools in New Taipei City were sampled as the subjects. A total of 559 questionnaires were distributed, with 521 valid questionnaires. The return rate was 93.2%. Survey data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. Teachers’ perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate is high in junior high schools in New Taipei City. 2. There are no significant statistical differences in ages, education levels, teaching field, and school locations in teachers’ perceptions of teacher academic optimism and school organization climate. 3. There are significant statistical differences within genders of junior high school teachers perceptions of school organization climate. And the female teachers are obviously higher than the male teachers. 4. There are significant statistical differences within service years of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers service above 21 years are obviously higher than teachers service 6~10 years. 5. There are significant statistical differences within duties of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs are obviously higher than class teachers. 6. There are significant statistical differences within school sizes of junior high school teachers perceptions of teacher academic optimism. And teachers above 73 classes are obviously higher than teachers in 25~48 classes. 7. Teacher academic optimism is positively correlated to school organization climate. 8. The prediction of the relationships between teacher academic optimism and school organization climate is supported. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, the recommendations are provided as references and applications for educational administrations, junior high school administrations and future researchers. Keywords: junior high school, teacher academic optimism, school organization climate

桃園縣國民中學校長分布式領導、教師心理賦權與教師學術樂觀關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Principals’ Distributed Leadership, Teachers’ Psychological Empowerment and Teachers’ Academic Optimism in Secondary Schools of Taoyuan County

陳宇軒, Chen, Yue Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣國民中學校長分布式領導、教師心理賦權與教師學術樂觀之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導、教師心理賦權與教師學術樂觀之差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長分布式領導與教師心理賦權對教師學術樂觀進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣30所學校,發出690份問卷,回收480份有效問卷,問卷有效率達69.97%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、 桃園縣國民中學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「校長的自信與謙遜」之知覺程度為最高,「營造信任的文化」之知覺程度最低。 二、 桃園縣國民中學教師有中高程度之教師心理賦權表現,以「影響力」的知覺為最高,「能力」之知覺為最低。 三、 桃園縣國民中學教師有中高程度之教師學術樂觀表現, 以「效能感」的知覺為最高,「學術強調」之知覺為最低。 四、 桃園縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、擔任職務、學校規模及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受,以51歲(含)以上之主任,並服務於學校規模12班(含)以下擁有21年(含以下)、41-60年、及61年(含以上)學校歷史之教師知覺程度較高。 五、 桃園縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、學校規模及學校歷史之不同,而表現出不同程度的教師心理賦權,以年齡51歲(含)以上且年資超過21年,目前服務於學校規模13-48班擁有20年以下學校歷史之教師在知覺教師心理賦權程度較高。 六、 桃園縣國民中學教師,因其年齡及服務年資之不同,而有不同的教師學術樂觀知覺感受,以年齡51歲(含)以上並服務超過21年之學校教師在知覺教師學術樂觀程度較高。 七、 桃園縣國民中學校長分布式領導、教師心理賦權與教師學術樂觀的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關的關係。 八、 桃園縣國民中學校長分布式領導、教師心理賦權對教師學術樂觀具有預測作用,以「校長分布式領導」的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current development of principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ psychological empowerment, and teachers’ academic emphasis in secondary schools of Taoyuan County, and to analyze the difference between teachers of different background variables, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. This study has aimed to predict teachers’ academic emphasis through principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ psychological empowerment. Through the use of questionnaire survey method, data were collected from 30 secondary schools, distributing 690 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 480 were collected, with a usable rate of 69.97%. All data were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Secondary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average, in which the item “principals’ self-confidence” and “humility”was the highest, and “creating a culture of trust” was the lowest. 2. Secondary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ psychological empowerment is above average, in which the item “impact” was the highest, and “competence” was the lowest. 3. Secondary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ academic optimism is above average, in which the item “self-efficacy” was the highest, and “academic emphasis” was the lowest. 4. There are significant differences in the secondary school teachers’ perception of principals’ distributed leadership in terms of age, position, scale of school, and age of school. 5. There are significant differences in the secondary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ psychological empowerment in terms of age, years of service, scale of school, and age of school. 6. There are significant differences in the secondary school teachers’ perception of academic emphasis in terms of age and years of service. 7. There is a positive correlation among the principals’ distributed leadership, teachers’ psychological empowerment, and teachers’ academic optimism. 8. Principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ psychological empowerment have a predictive effect on teachers’ academic optimism.

一位台灣博士生於英語教學學術社群的參與經驗之敘事探究 / A Narrative Inquiry into Experience of A Taiwanese Ph.D. Student Participating in the TESOL Academic Community

蔣宗益, Chiang, Tsung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為長期性的敘事研究,運用了Wenger (1998)的「實踐社群」社會學習理論(communities of practice),以及Norton(1995)的投資理論 (investment),研究目的是為了探索一位台灣的英語教學研究所博士生的學術成長經驗及其所衍生的意義,特別是針對他奮勉進行學術研究投稿、完成博士學位、並進而開啟他未來的學術生涯等等的過程。本研究主要追蹤了研究參與者在其博士生涯的三個形成階段中,他的學術投稿經驗的心路歷程,一路到研究參與者最後在全球的英語教學領域之學術社群中取得更完全的參與度階段。為了能夠對於研究參與者其經驗有深入的了解,本研究採用了「敘事研究法」,收集了研究參與者的學習經驗自傳、敘說訪談的錄音及其逐字稿、研究者的現場筆記及研究筆記、以及其他由研究參與者所提供的文件等資料,以便能分析參與者的言談資料、且對資料進行敘事性的分析、並進而產出情節故事作為研究結果。研究結果發現,研究參與者持續努力來達成其所認定的學術投稿要求,確實增長了他在學術素養的成長,並足以成為學術社群當中的一員。在其過程當中,研究參與者對於實踐其學術投稿的過程當中相關資源的運用方式,與在Wenger ‘s (1998) 「實踐社群」社會學習理論的非正式學習的特色是相互呼應的。研究參與者在學術社群當中所獲得的參與度,也表現出了其所累積的文化資產。最重要的是,從研究參與者的經驗透露出,就其受到英語教學社群的社會文化的影響之下來看,研究參與者埋首致力於學術投稿活動不僅僅是為了當下於英語教學社群的參與,也為了即將到來的終生志業進行Norton (1995)理論當中的個人投資的傾向。這樣的情況顯示出,要學習成為一個英語教學研究領域的學者,的確是涉及了諸多層面的複雜構面及諸多意義上的磋商。而就整個過程來說,也是與研究參與者,他身為初階的年輕學人,身處於台灣的社會情境當中,為了能夠符合全球各地諸多種類專業社群的規範,他以放遠全球的思維來,來實踐在地的行動,成長中的信念是有所共鳴的。最後,本研究將針對台灣高等教育環境中的英語教學研究領域之博士班課程提出建議並討論,以促進年青學人們在學術領域的發展。 / Drawing on Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory as well as Norton’s (1995) notion of investment, this longitudinal qualitative study aims to investigate and derive meanings from the academic experience of one former Taiwanese TESOL doctoral student as he struggled to write for scholarly publications, survived the Ph.D. program, and initiated his academic career. The study mainly traces the twists and turns of his publishing experience in three stages of his forming years till the participant finally has acquired a fuller membership in the global TESOL academic community. To capture and derive an in-depth understanding of the experiences, a narrative inquiry approach was adopted, collecting the young scholar’s written autobiography, recorded narrative interviews and transcripts, the researcher’s research notes and other related documents that the participant provided, so as to thematically analyze the narrative data and then exert the narrative analysis to configure the happenings and events into seven emplotted narratives as the research results. The findings indicate that the participant’s continual endeavor to meet the perceived and assumed requirements for publishing indeed rendered him the academic literacy development necessary to become a member of the academic community. In the process, the participant’s ways of utilizing resources situated in the practice of publishing echo the features of informal learning in Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory. The membership in the academic community gained by the participant also indicates the accumulated cultural capital. Most importantly, the participant’s experience as a doctoral student, being socially and culturally medicated by the TESOL academic community, reveals a tendency to engage in academic tasks for scholarly purposes not only for the current participation in the TESOL academic community but also for personal investment (Norton, 1995) for the coming life-long career. This suggests learning to become a TESOL scholar indeed involves multiple layers of complexity and challenges, and the whole process is also a resonant to his growing faith as a novice young scholar, situated in the social context of Taiwan, to act locally and think globally, in order to conform to norms of various discourse communities around the world. Suggestions for TESOL doctoral programs in Taiwanese higher education to help and support young scholars’ academic development are discussed.


周大鈞, Chou, Ta-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
對學者而言,其研究主題的本體論資訊,包括有影響力的論文、有影響力的會議、有影響力的期刊和有影響力的研究者等資料,是學術研究的重要資訊。利用研究主題的本體論資訊,就能對該領域有大致的瞭解。因此本研究的目的,就是針對特定研究主題,自動的從WWW中,探勘出此主題的本體論資訊,包含此主題中有影響力的論文、作者、會議和期刊。 我們先從WWW上透過CiteSeer取得與主題相關的學術論文,再透過引用關係去擴充論文集合。由這些論文中利用資訊萃取的技術,找出論文出處和作者。接著分別根據引用關係分析論文、會議、期刊和作者的影響力指標,我們也考慮論文、會議、期刊和作者之間的mutual reinforcing relation,修改Webpage Ranking Algorithms,來幫助計算由論文引用關係所得的影響力指標。 我們實做出系統,提供使用者查詢特定研究主題的本體論資訊,並且找出相關學者、期刊、論文的網站。我們請具有該研究主題專長的學者,評估系統的效果,得出將近60%的準確率。 / Ontological information of research topic, that includes influential papers, conferences, journals, and authors, is the important information of academic research for researchers. Ontological information gives an overview of specific research topic for researchers. Our research is to discover the ontological information of specific research topic from WWW. Firstly, we collect papers that related to specific research topic. These papers are collected by querying CiteSeer. The dataset of papers is extended by citation information further. Then, the metadata of these papers is extracted by Information Extraction technique. After analyzing the influence of papers, conferences, journals, and authors individually based on citation analysis, the influence between them will be considered mutually. We modify the Webpage Ranking Algorithms to be adapted in our research for mutual reinforcing relation analysis. We implemented a system that offers users the ontological information of specific research topic after querying from this system. And discover the website of related authors, conferences, and journals. The results evaluated by experts in specific topic are near sixty percent correct.

台灣社會學門的知識生產網絡機制:以2001~2006年社會學門學術期刊引用網絡為例 / The Network mechanism of scholarly productivity in Taiwan sociology: An Example of citation networks of sociological academic journals in 2001~2006

柯佩均, Ko, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國政府在知識經濟的潮流之下更加重視本土學術研究的品質,各國投注資源以提升學術研究水準、促進學術社群的國際化。台灣順應此種趨勢,近年制定各種學術政策與評鑑計畫,其中推動學術社群的知識生產品質,是國家政策中既定的一項重點目標。台灣社會學門的知識生產也受到國家施政方向的影響,國家科學委員會於 1997、2001與2006年執行三波的社會學門專業期刊排序計畫,針對社會學門的學術期刊進行評比。 本研究著眼於此種學術場域的改變,將主要的研究關懷聚焦在學術社群的知識變遷;回顧科學社會學的研究傳統,引用行為是探查學社群知識生產的重要指標,引用代表學術知識傳遞與溝通的情形;而近年社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis) 研究的興起,更擴充知識引用的研究方式與概念,採以引用網絡(Citation Networks) 分析知識結構與社群互動行為。本研究立基於社會網絡的研究概念,利用網絡分析工具試圖捕捉當代台灣社會學知識引用結構的現狀;社會學門的知識引用結構;究竟學術知識的引用會有何種變遷?引用的機制為何? 本研究採用2007年第三波社會學門專業期刊排序資料,進行次級資料分析,研究問題環繞在2001~2006年引用網絡結構的多層次架構,開展出三項研究問題: (一)社會學門學術期刊引用網絡的現況,互引網絡結構的動態變化為何? (二)社會學門內部學者引用期刊的情形為何?社會學門各類型期刊的引用變遷又如何? (三)以社會學門期刊引用的產生是偏向於以內容為主的規範論或符合以社會關係為主的建構論的機制? 研究結果分成三部份。第一,在期刊對期刊引用網絡層次部份,顯示學術期刊的引用網絡結構朝向集中化的趨勢,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》成為引用結構中主要被引用的學術期刊組織,而且成為引用網絡結構中優勢地位的引用副團體。第二,社會學門學者引用學術期刊的雙元網絡層次,顯示社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者的引用分流;社會學專業期刊與社會工作專業期刊的引用也存在著分流的情形。最後,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》與《台灣社會研究季刊》的社會學者引用機制為內容為主的規範論。此三項結果顯示期刊排序制度施行社會學門的學術期刊,特定學術期刊的學術論文被其他期刊所肯定,產生引用結構的集中化變遷,同時社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者對學科專業期刊分流引用也逐漸成形。而三種學術期刊內,社會學者的引用網絡影響來自於學者專長的相同與否,更是為台灣社會學的知識引用現狀,提出一個解釋的答案。 / Abstract In recent years, as the world has been trending toward a Knowledge-based Economy, governments worldwide have recognized the importance of academic research, providing resources to upgrade the academic research level in order to internationalize scholarly pursuit. Taiwan, as a latecomer to the concept of Knowledge-based Economy, has begun to constitute science and social science rules and evaluations for academic development. The study intends to capture the transformation of the academic field by examining citations. In early works in the science of sociology, citation was an important indication of scholarly productivity. Social network analysis (SNA) enriches the methodology, and makes the indication to the idea of citation networks. Based on the perspective of SNA, the study investigates the citation network database of sociological journals between 2001 and 2006, and the concurrent citation networks of sociologists from three prior sociological journals. The results include three parts: first, the structure of journals' citation networks shows the trend of centralization, and two academic journals attain privileged status by means of structural equivalence. Second, the dual network of authors and journals demonstrate the citation divisions of sociologists and social workers. The sociological professional journals and social worker professional journals also are divided by time. Finally, the citation mechanism of sociologists verifies the normative pattern. In conclusion, the analysis confirms the impact of social science policy, which influences the centralization of citation networks and the advantageous status of specific sociological journals. The sociologists' citation networks are related to the specialty similarities of scholars, not the social relations. The study gives a pioneer explanation of citation networks of Taiwanese sociology.

台灣地區學術文獻被引用情形之研究:探討12所大學學術影響力 / A Study of scholarly literature citation in Taiwan: Base on the case of 12 universities

吳孟瑾, Wu, Meng Jin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是王亦勤《台灣地區學術生產力研究-以12所頂尖大學為例》之後續研究,同樣以台灣教育部第一次補助五年五百億款項的頂尖大學計畫中,獲選之12所大學為研究對象,根據WOS系統收錄之期刊文獻,收集了大約13萬筆資料進行被引用次數分析研究。主要研究目的是期望透過各校被引用次數之分佈情形,對各校學術學術文獻影響力進行瞭解。研究方法是利用WOS系統收集各校學術文獻的資料,接著進行書目計量統計,分析各校及各系所的被引用次數,透過各系所文獻被引用的情形探討此12所大學在各領域的學術影響力。 本研究結果發現,各校被引用次數於各類組之分佈情形綜合來看以台大的表現最佳;各校被引用次數之歷年分佈並不一致,但由整體被引用次數分佈情況可發現,學術文獻要達到被引用的最高峰可能在5~10年左右,超過這段期間或時間距離太近的文獻被引用的情況較低;本研究利用普萊斯平方根定律及80/20法則,進行被引用次數與研究單位數之集中特性分析,所獲得之研究結果符合80/20法則的規律,接近普萊斯平方根定律的分佈特性;透過各校之H指數與各類組被引用次數之學校排名後發現,難以根據各校之H指數瞭解各校於不同領域之學術影響力,要對各校系所及各領域之H指數進行探討才能進行較客觀的比較研究,但由於WOS系統對於各研究單位名稱之著錄並不一致,難以獲得較精確之數據,因此本研究不以此方法對各校學術影響力進行綜合評比,僅就各校H指數與各校之被引用次數進行比較分析;本研究以被引用次數及文獻篇數進行相關性研究,發現文獻被引用次數與文獻篇數之間具有高度正相關的特性,因此推論各研究單位文獻發表篇數多能獲得較多被引用次數,但並不表示發表文獻愈多的單位被引用次數一定高於發表篇數較少的研究單位。 / This study is a continuing study fellow Wang Yi-Chin’s “A study of scholarly productivity in Taiwan: Bade on the Case of 12 Universities”. The studying units selected by this study are the same as Wang’s. Base on WOS database, this study collected one hundred thirty thousand data for research. The main purpose to research journal article’s cited times is for understanding the influence of Taiwan top 12 universities in scholar. This study discoveries several results as: National Taiwan University has the best cited references times; the cited references of 12 universities distribute differently in every year, but articles cited by five to ten years ago reached the top peak of overall cited times; this use “Price square root law” and “80/20 principle” to examine the cited times and the research units which has cited times. And the outcome of this study is approaching “Price square root law” but match with “80/20 principle”; by H-Index, this study prefers to infer it can’t be considered as a exact indicator for measuring the performance of research influence created by universities in different fields; account to this study, there is quite highly interrelationship between cited times of articles and the number of articles.

學術自由發展對公立大學組織變革法制之探討 / A study of the legal system for academic freedom development on the transformation of public university organization

陳惠珍, Chen, Huei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
大學發展的歷史,即是一部大學爭取學術自由之歷史。德國最早將學術自由納入憲法以基本權保護,並推演大學自治為學術自由制度性保障,賦予大學公法社團之獨立法人格,建立學術自由圍籬,法人化遂成為學術自由落實之主要途徑。 只是,隨著外在知識經濟、全球化競爭等環境變遷,大學除教學與研究基本功能,同時具有知識工廠、文化傳承、提昇國家國際競爭力、服務社會等多元功能。而經濟衰退,使政府對大學預算減少,在經費窘迫下,大學組織運營面臨經費與資源有效運用等議題。如何有效運用資源、發揮大學被期待之多元功能?成為各國大學改革重要議題。 我國大學法制改革,1994年以學術自由、大學自治為主張,期建立德國「學者共和國」,防止國家政治干預,擬將國立大學法人化,賦予大學獨立法人格地位。2002年配合政府改造,提出講求效能與效率的行政法人制度,並擬改制國立大學為獨立行政法人,在立法院審查修訂大學法時,將行政法人化專章刪除,委由未來制定專法,形成我國大學法人化似又退回原點。 本篇論文以時間(中世紀迄今)、與空間(德國、日本、美國)雙軸向形成之環境,進行有關學術自由理念、大學自治制度發展歷程等文獻整理,釐清學術自由對大學理念與組織法制之定位及其影響(第二章及第三章);及現代環境變遷導致大學功能多元,加以政府預算緊縮,使大學需面臨營運成效議題,而公共管理理論對各國政府改造實務經驗對大學組織變革之啟發與影響(第四章);取法近代德國大學組織型態鬆綁(第五章)、日本國立大學法人化等改革經驗(第六章);重新審視我國大學法人化追求時,如何在兼顧學術自由理念價值與組織營運效能下,建構大學外部組織型態與內部組織法制(第七章)

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