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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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天文科普教學模式對於澳門高中學生學習動機及學習成就影響之研究 / Effects of astronomy science popularization teaching models on Macao senior secondary students' learning motivation and achievement

林葆健 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


鮑國順, BAO, GUO-SHUN Unknown Date (has links)
戴東原嘗分古今學問之途有三:曰義理、曰考證、曰文章。 本書分上下兩篇。上篇述東原之生平、著作與治學,下篇分論東原之學術。 上篇第一章:東原之生平。以東原年譜為主,並述其家世。 第二章:東原之著作。東原治學之範圍甚廣,舉凡經、哲、小學,以及天文曆算、地 理方志、機械物理等,無所不窺,故其著作,包羅宏富。失所憑依。本章搜集東原著 作,自撰者四六種,纂校者二十種,並附東原遺墨一種,計六七種,視前人所集者為 獨多。乃詳考各書之著作動機、經過、成書年代、以及版本。章末並附「東原著作互 見表」、「東原著作繫年」二表,俾便檢覽。又本書中費篇幅最多者,厥為水經注一 段,其書有關東原人格甚巨,故歷來正反兩面之辯論,極為激烈。 第三章:東原之治學。東原一生論學,可分為三階段。自其早歲持義理第一,考證第 二,文章第三之觀點頗力。唯此所謂義理,乃指程朱之義理而言。 下篇第一章:東原之經學。 第二章:東原之哲學。東原論學之依歸,厥在義理──經過訓詁考證得之六經孔孟之 義理,既已如前述,則義理固為東原學術之最具價值者可知,故近世治戴學者,大多 用心於斯,皆能深知東原學術之大本者也。東原哲學著作,以「原善」與「孟子字義 疏證」為最重要。其整個思想系統,即建立於「生生者化之原,生生而條理者化之流 」之認識上。 第三章:東原之小學。其論文字、聲韻、訓詁三者未始相離,且尤以聲韻為之樞紐, 建立清代小學之系統,而弟子相傳,更造成一代顯學。其論六書,一以許敘為主,謂 其次第名目當為指事、象形、形聲、會意、轉注、假借。又謂指事、象形、形聲、會 意四者,字之體也;轉注、假借二者,字之用也,所謂「聖人復起不易斯言」也,其 論至今猶有從之者。蓋東原以互訓釋轉注,雖嫌於泛濫無歸,而以引申解假借,則正 為許叔重「令長」之原意也。在古音學上,東原初分古韻為七類二十部,繼改為九類 二十五部。其說有下列三特點,第一:二十五部全用喉音字標目。第二:入聲九部之 獨立成部及其與平聲諸部之分配。第三:祭部獨立及脂微諸□去入之分配。 第四章:東原之天文曆算表。天算學在東原治學系統中,亦為基礎學科之一。故欲通 經明道,自不得不措意於此。 第五章:東原之地理方志學。東原之校水經注,乃生平大事業之一。 第六章:東原之文學。義理、考證、文章三者,在東原之心目中,文章始終未能超出 於義理、考證之上,此乃東原一貫之論學態度。 第七章:其他。本章所述,包括東原之校讎學與物理學。東原在校讎學上之成績,大 抵即表現於乾隆三十八癸已入四庫館以後所校成之官書上。 此論東原學術始末,最有見地,而「歸於自得」四字,尤為不易之論。大抵言之,惠 、戴之別,即在一求其古,一求其是,而「古」與「是」之間,高下遂分,戴學之優 於惠學,二百年來,固早有定評矣。然則數乾嘉學者,端以東原為首,可謂確論也。 /


董金裕, DONG, JIN-YU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文凡分為九章,茲述其內容大要如次: 第一章緒論,就永嘉學派之學術立場,及其在當時學術界之地位,說明撰述之旨趣。 第二章為宋永嘉學派學術思想變遷之大勢,蓋一書之綱領,而以說明其學之來龍去脈 ,暨諸代表人物學術思想之重點及其成就與地位,並探討其學風所以轉變,暨其學所 以終歸衰歇之緣由。 第三章為元豐九先生之學術思想,第四章為鄭氏兄弟之學術思想,第五章為薛季宣之 學術思想,第六章為陳傅良之學術思想,第七章為葉適之學術思想,分別論述永嘉學 派各期代表人物之學術思想。初欲分就學術與思想二端論述之。 第八章為宋永嘉學派學術思想之影響,博采前修持賢之說,並附己見,以所處時代與 永嘉諸子之略相同者,略分為南宋末年、明末清初、有清道咸同光、民國以來四期, 述其學對於後世學者,若王應麟、顧炎武、黃宗羲、顏元、萬斯同、全祖望、章學誠 、邵晉涵、孫衣言、詒讓父子、陳黼辰、林損師弟等人之影響,但取其實而有徵者論 述之,期免穿鑿附會之病焉。 第九章結論,略論並時浙東學者,呂祖謙、唐仲友、陳亮之學,皆不足與朱、陸相抗 衡,惟永嘉學則足以與之相頡頏。然永嘉學派之學術思想雖與程、朱等道學家之說有 所出入,惟皆在於明體致用。 上述九章而外,並益以三附錄: 附錄一為宋永嘉學派諸子生平著述年表。 附錄二為宋永嘉學派諸子著述考略,稽考永嘉諸子之著述,並說明其存佚,以明學術 思想之趨向焉。 附錄三為參考書目舉要,列舉撰述本論文所參用之重要書目。 /

Academia and Chinese Foreign Policy Decision Making: A Case Study of China’s EU Policy / 中國大陸學界與中共外交政策決策關係之研究─以中共的歐盟政策為例

戴熙涵, Dean, Nicola C. Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在論述中國大陸學術界在中共外交政策的決策過程中所扮演的角色,並聚焦在值得外界特別關注的個案─中國大陸的歐洲研究學界與中共的歐盟政策。在面對愈來愈複雜的外交關係環境下,無論是在正式或非正式的層面,有更多外圍組織或人員被納入中共的外交決策結構之中,其中最貼切的例子就是學術界。隨著中國大陸地區外交相關科系或研究機構的演變、多元性和優質化的發展,其對外交政策之決策過程與範圍的潛在影響力正在增長。學者與其相關的研究機構透過各種可能影響的途徑、層次和來源,來鞏固其研究的影響力。中國大陸歐洲研究的領域目前正蓬勃發展,有些傑出的專家經常被約見來提供建言或評論。除此之外,2003年中國政府公布了中共的歐盟政策官方文件,這是中共有史以來唯一宣布過的外交政策文件,其展現中歐關係的重要性。本研究除了將論文中所界定的學術影響力框架應用於該歐洲研究的個案之外,也提供學界對此一領域主要研究範圍和學術論述的一個初步調查,以及其對中共的歐盟政策決策上實務性的關聯。 / This thesis discusses the role of academia in foreign policy-decision making in the People’s Republic of China, considering in particular the case of European Studies academia and China’s European Union policy, which merits greater scrutiny by outside observers. Faced with ever more complex foreign relations, the structure of Chinese foreign policy making is incorporating a growing number of external actors at both formal and informal levels. Academic circles are a case in point; as foreign policy research institutes evolve, diversify and optimise, their potential influence within policy making processes and circles is expanding in scope, and academics and their respective institutes are able to consolidate the impact of their research through a range of pathways, levels, and sources of influence. The European Studies field in China is robust and certain noteworthy experts are regularly called upon for advice and comment. What’s more, China’s only ever foreign policy paper in 2003 dealt with European Union policy, demonstrating the significance of Sino-European relations. In addition to applying the framework of academic influence identified herein to the case of the European Studies field, this thesis also provides a preliminary investigation of some of the field’s key research issue areas and current academic discourse, as well as connections with China’s European Union policy decisions in practice.

學術研究論文推薦系統之研究 / Development of a Recommendation System for Academic Research Papers

葉博凱 Unknown Date (has links)
推薦系統為網站提升使用者滿意度、減少使用者所花費的時間並且替網站提供方提升銷售,是現在網站中不可或缺的要素,而推薦系統的研究集中在娛樂項目,學術研究論文推薦系統的研究有限。若能給予有價值的相關文獻,提供協助,無疑是加速進步的速度。 在過去的研究中,為了達到個人化目的所使用的方法,都有不可避免或未解決的缺點,2002年美國研究圖書館協會提出布達佩斯開放獲取計劃(Budapest Open Access Initiative),不要求使用者註冊帳號與支付款項就能取得研究論文全文,這樣的做法使期刊走向開放的風氣開始盛行,時至今日,開放獲取對學術期刊網站帶來重大的影響。在這樣的時空背景之下,本研究提出一個適用於學術論文之推薦機制,以FP-Growth演算法與協同過濾做為推薦方法的基礎,消弭過去研究之缺點,並具個人化推薦的優點,經實驗驗證後,證實本研究所提出的推薦架構具有良好的成效。 / Recommendation system is used in many field like movie, music, electric commerce and library. It’s not only save customers’ time but also raise organizations’ efficient. Recommended system is an essential element in a website. Some methods have been developed for recommended system, but they are primarily focused on content or collaboration-based mechanisms. For academic research, it is very important that relevant literature can be provided to researchers when they conduct literature review. Previous research indicates that there are inevitable or unsolved shortcomings in existing methods such as cold starts. Association of Research Libraries purpose “Budapest Open Access Initiative” that is advocate open access concept. Open access means that users can get full paper without register and pay fee. It’s a major impact to academic journal website. In this space-time background, we propose a hybrid recommendation mechanism that takes into consideration the nature of recommendation academic papers to mitigate the shortcomings of existing methods.

領導風格對組織溝通與行政效能之調節效應-以中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管之實證分析 / Organizational Communication and Administrative Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis on the Moderating Effects of Leadership Style to Academic Researcher Concurrently in charge of Administrative Director in Academia Sinica.

虞令潔 Unknown Date (has links)
中央研究院被認為是我國最高學術機構,院內一級單位主管皆由研究人員兼任。本研究旨在探討中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管的領導風格與所屬單位員工組織溝通與行政效能的關聯性,並採用問卷調查法中的配額抽樣方式,行政單位發出105份,研究單位則發出310份,合計為415份。問卷回收共計315份,其中有效問卷數為293份,可用率為93.01%。 經分析結果得出以下結論:中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管之所屬單位員工對於主管的領導風格、組織溝通與行政效能的感受平均得分分別為3.48、3.31、3.95,位於「李克特五點尺度法」的中上但未達同意程度。其次,組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有顯著之正向關係。由此可知,中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管所屬單位員工的正式溝通感受程度愈高,其行政效能的知覺程度亦會愈高。最後,主管的「轉換型領導」與「交易型領導」對於組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有正向之調節效果,但對於不同社會屬性特徵員工與行政效能之間則不具有調節效果。 根據研究結果,本研究提出四項實務建議,以增進單位員工的行政效能。包括:主管對於部屬應加強個別關懷及提供教育訓練、對待部屬應賞罰分明、強化與部屬之間的溝通管道以及兼任行政主管應善盡主管之職責。 / The Academia Sinica is considered the highest academic institution of the country. The researchers hold the concurrent post as the highest administration positions at the director level. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of the academic researcher with administrative director’s leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness. The method of Quota Sampling is used to distribute questionnaires to the staff. There are a total of 415 questionnaires: 105 of which are given to the administrative staff and 310 are given to the research staff. In total, there are 315 questionnaires collected and 293 of them, 93.01%, are considered as valid. There are several conclusions drawn from the analysis of the research. First, the average score of the administrators’ leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness is 3.48, 3.31, 3.95, is located to “Likert scale” in the upper but not agree with the degree. Secondly, there is a positive relationship between the formal communication and administrative effectiveness. Lastly, administrators’ transforming leadership and transactional leadership positively moderated the relationship between formal communication and administrative effectiveness, but there is no moderating effect on the relationship between the staff’s social and demographical background and administrative effectiveness. Based on the conclusions, four practical recommendations are proposed to further enhance the administrative effectiveness: (1) The administrative director should pay more attention to the individual subordinate, and provide training programs to the staff. (2) The administrative director should have a very clear award and punishment system. (3) The administrative director should better communicate with the staff. (4) Academic researchers with administrative responsibilities should fulfill his administrative responsibility.

探討PROPOSE和SUGGEST於英文學術寫作中之共現結構:以語料庫為本的研究 / A corpus-based study on the co-occurrence patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in English academic writing

林晏宇, Lin, Yen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在英文學術論文寫作上,引述動詞在文獻的重述、引用等方面扮演著重要的角色。透過引述動詞的使用,寫作者能更清晰、有力的陳述其論點。目前雖有許多關於引述動詞在句子中表達評論語氣與修辭功能的探討,但卻少有研究提及短語詞組的使用情形。引述動詞短語詞組的進一步探究能使學生在建構學術論述寫作的同時,對於經常與之共現的搭配字詞、句構有更敏銳的覺察能力。本研究從語意及句式兩方面著手,觀察常與PROPOSE和SUGGEST兩個高頻近義引述動詞共現的字詞與詞組。此二動詞所具有的共通點為:(一)字義上皆可表示「提出某事以作進一步考量」、(二)經常用於降低或弱化陳述句中的肯定語氣。本研究的目的在於釐清這兩個近義引述動詞的特點,並更完善地歸納出它們各自所偏好的短語詞組。 本研究的研究工具為擁有近四十五億詞彙的當代美式英文語料庫(Corpus of Contemporary American English),蒐集了其中PROPOSE 和SUGGEST於學術寫作中的相關語料,以觀察此二動詞的不同詞形(V-base型、V-s型、V-ed型與V-ing型)在句子中的表現。至於本研究的分析則分成了三個部分:(一) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的語法模組、(二) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的搭配中,有生命性或無生命性的主詞在主要語法模組中的分布情形、(三) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST後的受詞語義分類。量化分析之餘,本研究也引進了語料庫中的索引行(concordance line)以進一步展示PROPOSE及SUGGEST出現的語言環境,分析模組在不同語境中的特點。 研究結果顯示此二動詞的用法有許多相異之處。SUGGEST具有強烈明確傾向與that子句共同出現,而PROPOSE和that子句共現的機率與其和名詞片語共現的機率相近;除此之外,PROPOSE較常與有生命性的主詞共現,SUGGEST則是偏好與無生命性的主詞共現。至於受詞方面,我們發現PROPOSE後的受詞,多屬「認知觀點」、「方法」、「規則」等語義類別,而 SUGGEST後的受詞則多與「可能性」、「狀態」、「性質特徵」有關,以上的對比結果使我們發現,在學術英文寫作中,PROPOSE通常表「提供計畫或行動供他人參考決定」,而SUGGEST則通常表「傳達可能的推論或概念」。我們也發現此二動詞若是以不同詞形呈現時,偏好的字詞也不同。舉例來說,[suggest that-clause]偏好與表達「研究結果」意義相關的主詞共現,[suggests that-clause]則多與表「研究文獻」有關之主詞一同出現。整體而言,若我們從功能的角度出發,PROPOSE通常用於表示某人提出、建議某事項,SUGGEST則多用於詮釋解讀本研究結果或先前文獻中所提出之觀點。 本研究結果揭示了近義詞間短語詞組使用上的不同,並且也證實了當動詞以不同詞形呈現時會選擇不同的搭配,產生不同的語境。本研究透過系統化分析近義引述動詞的搭配情形,期許能為語言教學教材設計及未來與動詞共現詞組相關之研究帶來啟發與助益。 / Reporting verbs are important in academic research papers for paraphrasing and reviewing previous studies to support a writer’s positions. While a large number of studies have been carried out to investigate the evaluative potential and rhetorical functions of reporting verbs in citations, comparatively little research has focused on the phraseological patterns of particular common reporting verbs, the exploration of which can be beneficial in raising student awareness of the recurrent associations of words and structures of reporting in academic written discourse. This study aims at examining the syntactic and semantic environments of two frequent near-synonymous reporting verbs, PROPOSE and SUGGEST. According to Hyland (1998a) and Hinkel (2016), PROPOSE and SUGGEST both can mean ‘putting forward something for consideration’ and are frequently applied to mitigate the certainty of a statement (e.g., Hyland, 1998a; Hinkel, 2016). We expect to distinguish the two verbs from each other and offer a more comprehensive phraseological profile of them in academic writing. We used the subcorpus of academic writing in the 450 million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) as the source data to investigate the performance of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in V-base form, V-s form, V-ed form, and V-ing form. Based on the corpus, the analysis focused on three aspects: (1) the grammatical patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (2) the distribution of animate and inanimate subjects of the dominant patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (3) the semantic classification of the objects of PROPOSE and SUGGEST. In addition to the quantitative methods, qualitative-based concordance line analysis was also implemented to reveal the characteristics of the broader stretches of discourse where PROPOSE and SUGGEST occur. The results show that the two reporting verbs are distinct from each other. While SUGGEST has a rather strong propensity for co-occurring with that-clause, for PROPOSE, the possibilities of co-appearing with a simple noun object and with a that-clause are similar. In addition, PROPOSE is more likely to have animate subjects, whereas SUGGEST prefers inanimate subjects. As for the simple noun objects of the two verbs, a large number of instances occurring with PROPOSE systematically belong to the semantic groups of COGNITION, METHOD, and STANDARD; SUGGEST shows more preference for POSSIBILITY nouns, STATE nouns, QUALITY nouns and RELATION nouns. The inter-comparison of the results of PROPOSE and SUGGEST suggests that, in academic writing, PROPOSE usually carries the sense of ‘to offer a plan or action for others to consider’, whereas SUGGEST tends to mean ‘to communicate or show an idea, which is likely to be true’. Moreover, the differences across four word forms of PROPOSE and SUGGEST were also identified. It was found that [suggest that-clause] prefers subjects referring to research results, but [suggests that-clause] occurs with the subjects referring to articles or studies on a particular topic more frequently. Overall, in terms of functions, PROPOSE is mainly used for describing the action of offering something as a choice for people to think carefully; SUGGEST, in contrast, serves to interpret a research finding or present an argument suggested by previous studies and literature. The present study sheds light on the phraseological difference between synonyms. It has also proved that different word forms of the same lemma have different choices of collocations and phraseologies. The research findings will contribute to the teaching and research of English for academic purposes since they provide a systematic analysis of the different habitual collocations of two frequent and similar reporting verbs in research articles. We believe this study will bring some insights to the designs of language teaching materials and can serve as the basis for future studies on the co-occurrence patterns and phraseologies of verbs.

中國大陸延攬海外高層次人才之資源錯置 / The Allocative Efficiency of Thousand Talents Program

邱世憲, Chiu, Shih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用多種資料蒐集方法,對全球經濟大國中國大陸海外高層次人才引進計畫(簡稱千人計畫)之數據資料進行量化分析,本研究針對千人計畫第一批至第五批部分專家學者,分析在2009年至2014年間透過此計畫資源投入的整體學術研究產出效率,並進一步討論不同研究機構在資源獲得及學術產出效率上的差異。模型運算結果後發現,首先,國家自然科學基金在千人計畫研究經費配置上明顯偏向國家研究機構,其次,國家研究機構不論在研究產出效率或生產力指標上表現都較中國大學佳,這樣的結果說明了,千人計畫資源錯置的情況確實存在,若集中研究資源並合理配置給國家研究機構進行研發創新,將資源分配給產值高、研究成果豐碩的學者們,這樣對於中國科學領域巨額投入的回報只會有增無減。本文至此,可對中國菁英階層主導的千人計畫政策,就學術產出效率層面,建議最適的人力資本投資方向,以期能避免嚴重的資源錯置問題,並且對後續相關研究者有所助益。 / This research measures the resource misallocation of human capital development in China. We create a dataset composed of Chinese repatriate researchers of the first to fifth groups of Thousand Talent program scientists during 2009 - 2014. The result shows that National Research Institutions have long outperformed university in productivity and research output efficiency. This research; thus, contribute to evaluate the impact brought about by China's overseas high-level talents’ introduction policy via quantitative analyses and propose a variety of data collection techniques to create a reliable dataset for future research.


權重達, Quan, Zhong-Da Unknown Date (has links)
中韓兩國國境相毗鄰,關係密切,因其文化交流之頻繁,早己形成一東方文化圈。古來,文化之中心為中國,韓國為中國文化圈之邊緣文化,有人更謂韓國文化及中國文化之一變型。 中國為文化古國,其政治、經濟、社會、學術、宗教等、自然影響及周邊國家,周邊國家吸收之後,又各依其國情而有不同之發展。或不待文化之自然傳播,而逕至該文化中心留學,作深入而有系統之薰習。韓國即受中國文化影響,且大量派遺留學生前往中國,彼等學習之範圍頗為廣,汎自儒學、佛教、朱子學、陽明學、考證學、乃至近代之天主教、西洋文,化皆直接沿襲於中國。 以是,吾人欲探討韓國之文化與學術,則必先瞭解中國之文化與學術,進而研究兩者之相關處。韓國方面,研究韓國文化者綦多,然關心於兩國文化之關係者較少;重以二次大戰以後,鼓吹民族自主性之呼聲甚,高而排擊事大主義之潮流遂風靡學學術界。故韓國學者往往偏重中國文化短處之檢討,而忽略其功能與長處。惟就學術而言,應同時顧及正面與反面,方可得其真相,此本論文所由作也。 為明悉中椲文化交流之真相,本論文特以司馬光之資治通鑑為題,分析其對於中韓學術之影響。資治通鑑問世之後,中國方面,形成通鑑學,自古以來,一直深受學人注意;而韓國方面,通鑑學東傳之後,亦普獲重視。然而,近世以還,韓國學人關心者少之又少,誠憾事也。 故筆者側重於闡發: (1)通鑑精神之變遷過程。 (2)通鑑學與當時政治、學術、思想之關係。 (3)通鑑學東傳以後之演變情形。 其中,尤注重通鑑精神中之正統論與華夷觀;於韓國通鑑學,則著力於通鑑東傳以後,通鑑精神之昇華過程。於通鑑學之考證與訓則非其所及。 本論文所利用之中國資料,以直接材料與通鑑之論著為主;韓國方面之參考文獻,率皆原始資料,又李朝時代之文集中,有相當豐富之相關篇什,亦酌予採用。 本論文,除導論、結論共分四章,前二章論中國之通鑑學,後二章敘述通鑑學東傳之後,於韓國方面之發展。今簡介如左: 導論:考察唐未以後與北宋前期中學術思想之潮流,所以見資治通鑑之著述淵源也。 第一章:研述司馬光撰修資治通鑑之環境,以及時代背景,發現資治通鑑并非單純之史書,而為政治教科書。於彼時政治狀況下,司馬光擁護傳統,以資治通鑑表達其政治理論,反對王安石之急進改革。而北宋皇帝亦皆認定資治通鑑之資治機能,多方關 心,并用為強化君主權之理論依據。 第二章:證明宋室南遷,與金國對峙中,朱子集新儒學之大成,一面樹立道統論,確定學術正統;一面撰著資治通鑑綱目,強調國家之正統,復主張華夷觀,鼓吹民族精神。而後略述元明之通鑑學。明亡,土夫之撰讀通鑑論,檢討中國歷中大之興亡原因,於,此特論船山先生之正統論、華夷觀、未來觀。 第三章:考究資治通鑑之東傳時期,約距資治通鑑初刊完成後三十∼五十年,蓋高麗仁宗時(代南宋初),金富軾已依資治通鑑撰三國史記故也。此後,高麗內憂外亂,資治通鑑不甚為人所重;迄高麗末、李朝初(元末明初),李成桂掌權,崇儒排彿,方大力吸收資治通鑑。既而,朱子學以及其通鑑綱目播遷,亦為李朝所信奉。因李朝熱心推廣通鑑學,於學術、教育、政治、印刷術之等造成極大影響。 第四章:說明通鑑學東傳後,於學術、思想之影響。由元末歷明朝(李朝前期),不獨吸收并模倣通鑑學,而修東國通鑑等書。及明末清初以降,李朝士大夫一者批評明商輅之續綱目,而崇奉朱子學以及朱子綱目,本其綱目凡例,撰修宋、元歷史,確立正統論、華夷觀,發揚朱子之精神。再者,尤強烈維持慕華思想,蔑視滿清之文化不似中華,自謂「小中華」,以中華文化保存者自任,發揮李朝之主體意識。 本論文之完成,蒙熊師翰叔、高師仲華、方師杰人之指導,舉凡資料之蒐集、大綱之擬定、文字之修飾,皆一一加以斧正;羅所長宗濤博士,亦多方校正、斟酌,裁成之德,曷曰敢忘。另有曹愉生、程南洲、王國良學長,梁煌儀、耿志堅同學之連夜校正,俾本論文順利付,梓并致謝忱。由於腹笥誠虛,疏漏之處,所在多有,望大雅大雅君子指教,匡我不逮。


黃久華 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代學術圖書館面對內部與外部環境的競爭壓力與革新趨勢,圖書館聯盟的觀念與需求又再度受重視。本研究主要以1990年代興起且以電子資源共享為合作主軸的圖書館聯盟組織為研究範圍。採用個案研究法,選擇美國OhioLINK聯盟、大陸地區CALIS聯盟及國內CONCERT聯盟作為個案研究對象。 本研究目的旨在探討1990年代電子資源共享圖書館聯盟的營運特質、合作服務議題、營運策略規劃及營運模式。主要研究結果與貢獻:提出1990年代新興電子資源共享圖書館聯盟之策略規劃模式及營運模式架構,可作為圖書館聯盟實務營運規劃時之參考。電子資源共享圖書館聯盟營運模式包含三大營運構面、20項構面要件,以及14項合作服務項目及11項行動策略項目。 1.營運構面,包括:組織背景與資源、組織活動與成果,以及組織策略與管理等三大構面; 2.構面要件,包括:緣起背景與合作動機、聯盟會員、組織結構、組織資源、組織經費、技術與資訊基礎建設、服務對象與層級、合作服務項目、活動成果、外部環境評估與內部組織檢測、需求評鑑、共同願景、使命宣言、核心價值、任務目標、行動方案、領導管理、核心議題管理、組織變革,以及組織評鑑等20項; 3.合作服務項目,包括:資訊資源硬體/軟體合作開發及標準化發展、合作採購、合作館藏發展、合作典藏與管理、聯合合作編目、聯合目錄、館際互借、文獻傳遞、線上合作參考諮詢服務、教育訓練、技術支援、諮詢與顧問指導、數位化圖書館服務與管理,以及遠距學習與服務等14項; 4.行動策略項目,包括:強調關鍵技術或能力之轉移、強調資源有效分配、擴大資訊取用途徑、共同談判與合作協議、重視使用權處理與合約管理、強調市場合作策略、強調對內與對外夥伴關係之建立、重視行銷推廣、凝聚會員共識與組織承諾、擁有高度管理統籌權,以及強調成本效益分析等11項。 本研究建議:一為建議政府相關部會建立全國電子資源共享之總資源規劃與分配策略,以有效整合聯盟資源並進行整體化建設。同時,建立全國圖書館聯盟管理中心、編列專款預算科目、健全圖書館聯盟組織結構與功能發展以提昇聯盟營運效能;二為建議國內學術圖書館聯盟擴大資源共享合作服務範圍與夥伴關係經營範疇,以創造聯盟組織最大經濟效益。同時,重視領導管理與決策品質,並且建立組織營運績效衡量機制;三則呼籲凝聚聯盟會員的共識與團隊力,共同建立聯盟組織的自主性與自發性營運功能,將有限資源發揮最大效益。 / In the 1990s, academic libraries were faced with pressure to compete and a tendency towards renovation. The concept and demands of library consortium once again received serious attention. This study’s research scope is the rise and development of electronic resources sharing for cooperation with main library consortium organizations in the 1990s. The method of case study was used, and the United States’ OhioLINK, Mainland China’s CALIS, and the domestic CONCERT were used as the case research subjects. The purpose of this research is to investigate the special characteristics of the operation of electronic resources sharing library consortium during the 1990s and their cooperative service issues, strategic planning, and modes of operation. The primary research results and contributions addressed the structure of strategic planning and modes of operation for electronic resources sharing library consortium in the 1990s. This can then be used as a reference for when library consortium does practical service and operations planning. The modes of electronic resources sharing library consortium include: 1.Operational Structure: The three big aspects are background and resources of organizations, activities and achievements, and strategies and management. 2.There are twenty items of important structural documents: origins of backgrounds and motives for cooperation, consortium members, organization’s structure, organization’s resources, organization’s expenses, establishment of information foundations, service targets, cooperative service items, activities and achievements, evaluations of the external environment and examinations of internal organizations, demand reviews, common hopes and expectations, mission declarations, core value, assignment objectives, movement plans, leadership management, management of core issues, organization transformations, and reviews of organizations. 3.The cooperative service items include these 14 items: cooperative development and standardized development of information resource hardware and software, joint purchases, cooperative collection development, cooperative catalogues, union catalogs, interlibrary loans, document delivery, online reference desk services, education and training, technical support, advice and consulting guidance, digital library services and management, and distance learning and services. 4.The 11 items of movement strategy include: emphasizing the transfer of key technologies and abilities, emphasizing effective resource distribution, expanding access to resources, joint licensing and joint agreements, placing importance on using power to cope and contractual management, emphasizing market cooperation strategies, emphasizing the establishment of internal and external companion relationships, placing importance on popularizing sales, cohering to the members’ common consensus and organization agreements, possessing high level management powers for overall planning, and emphasizing cost-benefit analysis. This study recommends: 1.) In order to establish head resource planning and distribution strategies for nation-wide electronic resource sharing, establish nation-wide library consortium management centers, line up funding, and make sturdy library consortium organizational structures and capabilities. 2.) In order to make recommendations for the cooperative service scope and companion relationship operation categories of CONCERT expanded resource sharing, place importance upon leadership management and the quality of policy making. In addition, establish a measurement system for organization operation results. 3.) Appeal for the coherence to the common consensus of consortium members. Collectively establish the operational capability of consortium organizations to be autonomous and spontaneous to bring limited resources into full play with the greatest possible results.

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