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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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教育指標及家庭資本對學業成就影響之研究-以臺日韓美義為例 / The relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement

林倍伊 Unknown Date (has links)
影響學生學業成就因素,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解教育指標和家庭資本對學生學業成就之間的影響關係,以臺灣、日本、韓國、美國和義大利五個國家已公佈的教育指標資料和TIMSS 2007資料庫問卷調查結果的24383份追蹤樣本,進行現況分析、變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步回歸分析、結構方程式分析,結果發現: 一、教育指標中,在學率和數學及科學學業成就為正相關。中等教育師生比、識字率、教育經費占國民所得比與數學及科學學業成就為負相關。 二、教育指標對數學學業成就的解釋變異量為25%,對科學學業成就的解釋變異量為9.7%。 三、家中藏書量和學習資源對數學及科學學業成就的變異數分析中可得知擁有越多藏書和資源的組別大於擁有較少藏書和資源的組別。 四、父母親學歷對數學及科學學業成就的變異數分析中可得知美國在此分析中未達顯著,臺灣、日本、韓國和義大利都是學歷越高的組別大於學歷低的組別。 五、自我期望對數學及科學的學業成就的變異數分析中可得知自我期望越高學歷的組別大於自我期望低學歷的組別,但美國學生在數學及科學學業成就及韓國學生在數學學業成就的自我期望皆以「不知道」的組別最高。 六、家長支持對學生數學及科學學業成就的變異數分析可得知家長支持度高的組別普遍大於支持度低的組別,但是義大利的家長支持在數學及科學學業成就和臺灣的家長支持在科學學業成就上都是支持度最高的組別小於支持度最低的組別。 七、家長參與對學生數學及科學學業成就的變異數分析可得知家長參與度高的組別普遍大於參與度低的組別,但是臺灣的家長參與在科學學業成就上是參與度最高的組別小於參與度最低的組別。 八、家庭資本和學業成就之間的相關分析可得到母親學歷和學業成就無關,家庭資本變項中的自我期望與數學學業成就也無關,父親學歷與學業成就為負相關,其它變項與學業成就為正相關。 九、家庭資本對學業成就的解釋變異量以台灣最高,家庭資本對數學學業成就的解釋變異量為27.5%,對科學學業成就的解釋變異量為28.8%。 十、由SEM結果得知家庭資本中的家長支持和家長參與對數學及科學學業成就未達顯著差異。教育指標和家庭資本對學業成就具有一定的解釋力。 依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。 / The issue of student achievement has been concerned. In this research, will focus on the relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement, the participants include students in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Italy. The published educational indicators and TIMSS 2007 survey results of 24,383 samples for the analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, stepwise multiple regression, structural equation modeling found that: 1. The relationship between educational indicators, student academic achievement in mathematics and science as a positive. Secondary education teacher/ student ratio, literacy, education expenditure/ GDP ratio of and academic achievement in mathematics and science as a negative. 2. The educational indicators of academic achievement in mathematics accounts for 25% variance, in science accounts for 9.7% variance. 3. In analysis of variance, the collection of books and learning resources on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group has more is higher than the group has fewer. 4. In analysis of variance, parental education on academic achievement in mathematics and science find that in United States is not significant in this analysis. In Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Italy, groups of higher education is the highest. 5. In analysis of variance, self expectation on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group with high self expectation is highest, but U.S. students in math and science academic achievement and Korea students in mathematics can find out that the students who "do not know" is the highest group. 6. In analysis of variance, parental support in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental support is higher than those with low parental support, but parental support on student academic achievement in mathematics and science in Italy, and parental support on academic achievement in science in Taiwan indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one. 7. In analysis of variance, parental involvement in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental involvement is higher than those with low parental involvement, but in Taiwan, parental involvement on academic achievement in science indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one. 8. The correlations between family capital and student academic achievement indicate that mother’s education is in no relation with academic achievement in mathematics and science, self-expectation is in no relation with mathematics academic achievement, the relationship between father’s education and academic achievement is negative, other variables and academic achievements is positive. 9. The variance of family capital in academic achievement in Taiwan is the highest: 27.5% in mathematics and 28.8% in science. 10. SEM results show that parental support and parental involvement is in no relationship with academic achievement in math and science. Educational indicators and family capital on academic achievement can be explained. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations will be presented for reference. Key words: Educational indicator, Family capital, Student academic achievement, TIMSS 2007.

失智老人家庭照顧者使用居家服務經驗之初探 / A study on the experiences of caregivers taking care of elderly with dementia using home-care services

陳宜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著老年人口的增加,首要面對的議題即為慢性病罹病率的劇增,而其中又以近年來大家所最為關注的失智症為最。由於失智症患者的記憶力、語言與自我照顧能力會隨著病程而逐漸退化,使得照顧者在照顧上的負荷更勝一般失能老人的照顧者。因此,本研究欲從失智老人家庭照顧者的觀點,瞭解其選擇使用居家服務之經驗。 據此,本論文之研究目的在於:一、瞭解失智老人家庭使用居家服務之原因。二、探索失智老人家庭照顧者使用居家服務前後的照顧項目變化,並進而探究居家服務對照顧者及老人之功能。三、從失智老人家庭照顧者的觀點出發,探索何謂好的居家服務,以及其他失智症相關的福利需求。四、依據研究結果,作為服務單位改進措施及政策規劃之參考。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,由台北市兩間居家服務協助提供適合本研究之研究對象,採用半結構式的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,共計訪談十位照顧者。主要的研究結果如下: 一、失智老人家庭照顧者普遍都有生理、心理及社會層面的負荷,這些負荷包括照顧壓力太大、自己的時間受到限制及照顧與工作無法兼顧;而當照顧者面臨到老人因素、照顧者因素及照顧人力因素等三個因素的困難時,就會傾向選擇其他的替代方式來照顧老人。 二、對失智老人家庭照顧者而言,居家服務除可分擔自己的照顧責任、增進社會接觸、補充照顧人力不足之問題以及增加可彈性運用之時間外,更能讓自己對老人狀況有所掌握,並能減緩自己與老人間的緊張關係;而居家服務對失智老人亦有所幫助,尤其是在「增加老人社會接觸」與「增進老人生活自理能力」兩方面。但僅對於輕、中度的失智老人有幫助,對於失智重度以上甚至生活自理能力缺損嚴重的老人而言,幫助則有限。 三、對於失智老人家庭照顧者來說,好的服務員應具備:要有服務熱忱、有愛心、能注重細節,並能感受老人的需求;要有好的服務態度;要有專業素養;及要能讓老人信任等特質;而照顧者眼中好的居家服務單位,則應具備:為求服務員穩定提供服務,對於服務員的休假或請假應有相關規定;應要求服務員要定期回報服務狀況;及應定期安排服務員受訓等條件。 / With the increase of elderly population, the rapid growth of the morbidity of chronic diseases has become the most important issue. In recent years, most people pay attention to the elderly with dementia because their memory, language and self-care capacity will be gradually degraded during the course of the disease. The burden of caregivers taking care of the elderly with dementia is much heavier than the general caregivers of the disabled elderly. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the viewpoints of caregivers taking care of the elderly with dementia about their experiences in choosing to use the home-care services. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are the following: first, understanding the reasons of using home-care services of the family with the elderly with dementia; second, exploring the changes of the caregivers taking care of the elderly with dementia before and after using the home-care services; third, exploring what are good home-care services and other dementia-related welfare needs from the viewpoints of caregivers taking care of the elderly with dementia; forth, providing suggestions for policy making and the improvement of the home-care services providers based on the research findings. This study used the qualitative research approach, and collected data from two home-care services providers and included semi-structured in-depth interviews with ten caregivers of the elderly with dementia. The research findings were listed below: First, the caregivers of the elderly with dementia generally had physical, psychological and social dimensions of burden including pressure, limited time and being not able to take charge of caregiving and work simultaneously. When caregivers faced the difficulties of the above three factors such as the elderly with dementia, caregivers and caregiving manpower, they tended to choose other alternatives to provide caregiving for the elderly. Second, for the caregivers of the elderly with dementia, they could understand the situation of the elderly and reduce their tensions between themselves and the elderly in addition to sharing their duty of caregiving, improving social contact, supplying manpower, and enhancing the time flexibility by providing home-care services. Home-care services also could help the elderly with dementia particularly in the dimensions of “social contact “and “promotion of daily living”. However, it was only for the elderly with mild to moderate degree of dementia; for the elderly with severe dementia and more severe impairment of daily living, the benefit was limited. Third, from the viewpoints of family caregivers of the elderly with dementia, a good home-care worker should have the enthusiasm for providing services, be compassionate and attentive to details, be able to understand the needs of the elderly, have a good attitude, be professional, and be able to be trusted by the elderly. In addition, a good home-care services provider should provide the stable quality of services, have the relevant regulations, require caregivers to report services status regularly and train the home-care workers periodically.

餐飲業家庭市場行銷 台灣麥當勞個案探討 / Family marketing in quick service restaurant business: the case of McDonald's Taiwan

李俞頻 Unknown Date (has links)
自1955年Ray Kroc創立麥當勞以來,以經營家庭市場為麥當勞的基礎,並且藉由與家庭顧客的互動培養長期牢固的忠誠度,台灣麥當勞自1984年成立以來,深耕台灣家庭市場,創下許多餐飲業的首創,不但打下市佔率,也打下消費者心佔率,成為父母及小孩的第一選擇。 由於麥當勞全球迅速擴張導致單店營業獲利下降,因此麥當勞重新思考品牌重整,將品牌溝通重心轉向年輕族群,全球品牌再造計畫”我就喜歡”於2003年底全球同步展開,顧客群重心的調整加上大環境反速食的浪潮,考驗對家庭市場的經營方式及應變能力。 本研究以實務個案分析,採用質化研究,針對台灣麥當勞高階主管經營家庭市場經驗訪談,輔以理論之架構,予以逐項分析比較及歸納。家庭市場的交換價值影響母品牌的資產,母品牌的經營策略改變也影響家庭市場長久建立的資產,其研究目的有二:第一、期了解麥當勞運用家庭市場行銷方案(Family Program),建立家庭市場地位並且將資產累積回饋母品牌。第二、研究麥當勞品牌策略轉向影響到經營多年的家庭市場,麥當勞該採取的因應策略。 麥當勞在強化家庭市場行銷活動4C的同時,也增加了母品牌強化4C的機會,轉嫁成為母品牌的資產;當策略焦點轉移,資源重新配置,品牌的4C將不完全是由家庭市場行銷活動4C來建立或維繫,也影響到家庭市場行銷活動傳遞產品及服務本身的4C,因此回頭檢視家庭市場行銷活動的4C時,發現家庭市場行銷活動4C出現一些缺口,而這些缺口,反而又回頭影響了母品牌的4C。 因此,在思考品牌的4C時必須採取根本解,而非症狀解,此外,當核心能力作焦點轉移時,需要重新思考或調整原有核心能力的續航力及基盤事業,最後,如何運用競爭優勢與社會利益共享,創造社會影響力,發揮最大共存效益。 / Since Ray Kroc built up McDonald’s in 1955, Family has been the core foundation of McDonald’s business. McDonald’s has established true loyalty with family customers by engaging and interacting with them at every touch point. McDonald’s Taiwan was established in 1984. Since then, it has been cultivating the family market to become the first choice of parents and kids. It occupies not only the top position of market share but also mindshare. Because of the rapid expansion of McDonald’s business worldwide, McDonald’s is confronting the first ever decrease of unit store profit. In reaction to this downturn, McDonald’s decided to slow expansion speed and take a step back to re-think and re-position its’ brand. McDonald’s launched the “i’m lovin’ it” brand campaign globally. Their brand communication focus shifted to Young Adults. Because of this shift and the growing anti-fast food trend, McDonald’s family marketing has faced its biggest challenge ever. This case study adopted qualitative research, interviewed top management in McDonald’s Taiwan and supported by theoretical structure to analyze this case. The exchanging value of family market influenced the equity of mother brand. Changing the position of the mother brand has also affected the value delivery of family market. The main objectives of this thesis are firstly to understand how McDonald’s has utilized family marketing to build equity of family market and be beneficial to the mother brand. Secondly, how the change of mother brand positioning affected the equity of family marketing building. Finally, what strategies McDonald’s should use to tackle these critical issues. While McDonald’s enhanced the 4C value of family marketing, it also added the 4C value of mother brand. 4C value of family market would transfer and become the equity of mother brand. However, when the brand focus changed, corporate had to re-allocate resources. At this point, the 4C value of mother brand was not totally constituted by 4C value of family market. That is to say, family marketing shared less resources and delivered less 4C value to family market. The incomplete 4C value of family marketing will go back to affect the 4C value of mother brand in the end. To manage a brand, marketers should resolve the root causes instead of just alleviating the symptoms. To deal with root causes, can corporate leave the side effects away. Besides, when corporate shifts the core competence to another area, they should re-consider resource allocation and migrate the core competence to better fit the new challenges. It is to secure the foundation of the business and sustainability of the corporation. Last but not the least, to incorporate social possibilities in corporate strategies will create the competitive advantage and have a positive impact on our society. Holding a shared vision with the society, working as a team with other partners, and elaborating the best synergy of human kind - that is how corporate social responsibilities will work in the future.

臺灣年輕家戶之住宅權屬選擇-世代分析 / The housing tenure choice for young people in Taiwan:generation analysis

黃靖容 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用「華人家庭動態資料庫」RI1999與RI2003兩年資料,以多元羅吉特模型 (Multinomial Logit Model),探討27歲至46歲的年輕家庭對於住宅權屬 (自有房屋、租屋、父母所有房屋) 的決策。 文中主要針對不同世代之重大生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對住宅權屬選擇的影響差異進行比較分析。研究結果發現,生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對自有房屋的影響力隨世代不同已逐漸減弱,但住在父母所有房屋的傾向卻愈來愈強烈。然而,小孩個數愈多,住在父母所有房屋機率增加、自有機率下降,婚後住宅權屬發生改變的機率也會增加。此外,研究亦發現,對新生代家庭來說,都會區家庭自有房屋的機率比非都會區家庭高,更凸顯出原生家庭的資源與支持對新生代家庭的重要性。

電視與現代家庭:1960年代平面媒體中的再現 / Television and modern family: the representation in print media in1960s

張瑋, Chang, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
1960年代的電視機與現代生活圖景,在傳播研究史上仍有待開拓。本文試圖以1960年代之平面媒體資料,理解報紙、雜誌、書籍中電視再現的現代家庭生活樣貌,以及在都市發展過程中,電視機在新式住宅中扮演之角色。 結果發現,「現代化」是1960年代電視機販售推廣時常見的定義架構。現代化的「電化家庭」以現代化符碼作為販售號召,標誌著的是技術理性、進步之建構,過程中,嫁妝成為物質電器與美滿符號的具體化實踐機會。 「現代化」電化生活的再現中,家庭勞務之性別關係被凸顯出來。女性多以家庭主婦角色出現,展現的是勞務責任的承擔。由於女性的勞務承擔角色,她們被限縮於住宅與勞務工作之中,因此寂寞與無聊困擾之討論見於史料。電視機化做主婦的依託,提供她們對外交流的心理滿足。 此外,新式住宅的出現,私領域在鐵門與隔音不佳的水泥牆物質形構中漸漸形成一種心理狀態。電視機的出現,使家庭成為一個消費場域、享受空間,私領域得以深化。而電視也不僅僅成為總體居家裝飾的一部分,也成為個人地位象徵,電視消費者的分析展現現代的「高品味」與「低品味」的區分過程。 電視機的再現透露日本殖民、國府統戰、美國冷戰體系三股力量複雜交會的圖景。電視機造型、技術、資本,都因為日本家電廠與台廠合作之關係而承接下來,日本符號仍然沒有完全被去除,而以另外一種姿態低調地進入電視機的家庭生活再現中。 然而,大部分的平面媒體論述集中在美國。美國節目、美國影集大舉進入家庭之中,成為「現代生活的參照標準」。在整體對美國親近的強勢論域上,日本符號被歸依在美國的論述下。現代化被塑造成是歐美的標準,認同也指向了歐美。 但是事實上,日本符號仍然以品牌認同、簡潔理性之設計外觀出現於生活之中。 至於在電視機的國族方面,設置具高度宣傳意義,不過,不管是電視機販售與電視節目內容,國的宣傳身影不斷,但更強大的渴望娛樂與追求享受之消費者邏輯,正在醞釀形成。國的宣傳雖然得以進入家戶,不過卻與娛樂趨向之間,在家戶內形成角力。

家長處理青少女未婚生子事件之探討 / A study of parents dealing with premarital birth to adolescent girls

陳美磬, Chen, Mei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
青少女未婚懷孕的現象引起國內許多研究者的關注,有鑑於家長為懷孕青少女的重要他人,對於生育決策具有一定程度的影響力,本研究以家長的角度出發,採取質性研究方法針對家長如何處理青少女的未婚生子事件進行探討,透過本研究可瞭解:一、懷孕青少女的原生家庭樣貌以及親子關係;二、家長處理青少女未婚生子事件之考量、態度與方法;三、家長處理青少女未婚生子事件所發揮的功能和扮演的角色;四、青少女未婚生子事件對於家庭的影響。本研究使用立意抽樣,選取符合條件的家長進行訪問,樣本來源包含機構引薦以及透過友人介紹。 依據研究目的,研究者與八位家長一對一進行深度訪談,研究結果如下: 一、家長處理青少女未婚生子是做全面性的思考以及整合性的考量,主要考量含括四個層面:(一)青少女:發現時懷孕的週數、重視青少女的學業、衡量青少女撫養小孩的能力、受到青少女意願之影響;(二)家長:家長想終止懷孕的事實、家庭支持的有無和多寡;(三)男方:男方處理事件的態度、男方對於婚姻的看法;(四)社會:顧及社會觀感及眼光、順應社會期待。 二、家長於事件主要扮演五個角色:協助決策者、法定代理者、資訊蒐集者、教育者、照顧者,每個角色執行該角色所應該發揮之功能。 三、本研究主要從「懷孕階段」以及「留養階段」來瞭解事件對於家庭的影響,在「懷孕階段」家長因為一時無法接受而產生「情緒上的衝擊」,隨著孫子即將到來,也需面臨「角色的轉變」,未婚生子事件會牽動整個家庭,使得「家庭系統改變」,在「留養階段」,多數家庭面臨「經濟負擔沉重」、「家庭成員需協助承擔照顧責任」的議題。 四、青少女的未婚生子事件可能造成家庭的壓力,本研究採用家庭壓力理論,並結合社會環境的觀點,瞭解家庭目前擁有的資源多寡以及對於事件的解讀,相互影響形成壓力程度,連結相關資源並裝備家庭能力以渡過壓力和危機。 五、針對未婚生子青少女之家庭與家長的需求對實務工作、服務體系以及未來研究此三方面提出相關建議,做為未來實務工作、政策制定以及研究之參考。 / The phenomenon of premarital birth to adolescent girls has drawn a great attention from many researchers in Taiwan. Due to the parents play an important role for pregnant adolescent girls in terms of possessing a certain degree of influence over reproductive decision making, the study takes stance of parents’ perspective and employs qualitative research method to discuss how parents deal with the premarital birth to adolescent girls. We can understand the followings through this study: 1.The original family and the parent-child relationship of pregnant adolescent girls. 2. The concerns, attitudes and methods taken by parents when dealing with premarital birth to adolescent girls. 3. The function and role played by parents when dealing with premarital birth to adolescent girls. 4. The influence of premarital birth to adolescent girls on the family. The study employs purposive sampling to select eligible parents for interview. The source of samples comprises agency referrals and through introduction by friends. According to the research purpose, the researcher conducted one-to-one in-depth interview with eight parents. The study results are described in the follows: 1. Parents deal with premarital birth to adolescent girls through a comprehensive thinking and integrated consideration, mainly taking into consideration of the following four dimensions: (1) Adolescent girls: number of pregnant weeks upon discovery, emphasis on the academics of adolescent girls, evaluation on the ability of adolescent girls raising the child, influence by the intention of adolescent girls. (2) Parents: parents wishing to terminate fact of pregnancy, availability and amount of family support. (3) Male: how male handle this incident, male views on marriage. (4) Society: taking into account the social perception and opinions, conforming to social expectations. 2. Parents mainly play five roles in this incident: Assisting decision makers, statutory agent, information collector, educator, and caregivers. Each role should execute the supposed functions to be played by the role. 3. The study mainly gets an insight on the influence of the incident on family through the “pregnancy stage” and the “baby raising stage.” At the “pregnancy stage, parents will face with “emotional impacts”, because they are temporarily unable to accept the fact. However, following the coming of their grandchildren, they also face with “changing roles.” The incident of premarital birth will affect the whole family, causing “family system to change” and most families face with issues such as “heavy economic burden” and “family members needing to assist with care-taking responsibilities” during the “baby raising stage.” 4. The incidence of premarital birth to adolescent girls could cause pressure to family. The study adopts family pressure theory and combines with the views of social environment in order to understand the amount of resources owned by families and the interpretation to the incidents, affecting each other to form the degree of pressure and connecting relevant resources in order to equip the family with ability to get through the stress and crisis. 5. The study has proposed relevant recommendations on the practical work, service system and future research in accordance with the requirements from families of adolescent girls with premarital birth and the parents. Such recommendations can be used as reference for future practice, policy making and research.

受暴婦女正向母職經驗及相關因素 / The positive experience and relevant factors of motherhood on abused women.

陳湘緣 Unknown Date (has links)
家庭暴力已是我國重要的社會問題之一。受暴母親往往被期待能夠照顧、保護子女,受暴母親不單要對抗暴力,更要努力扮演母親的角色。然而,受暴母親較少獲得到社會的支持,且社會普遍對她們抱持批判、缺陷的觀點;研究也甚少探究受暴婦女的母職經驗,絕大多數均著重在暴力對母親的負面影響與困境,忽略受暴母親堅強的母職能力。 本研究以質性研究深入訪談的方式,企圖瞭解在暴力情境之下,母親正向的母職經驗展現,並且探討受暴母親如何不受暴力摧毀,依舊能夠積極、持續地扮演母職角色。研究最終訪談十位受暴母親,研究結果發現: 1.受暴母親在父權文化下,其母職經驗面臨到許多的挑戰,但母親得以突破許多困境,她們在經濟、照顧、子女目睹暴力特殊議題以及發展保護策略上均有正向經驗。母親即使遭受暴力,依舊可以理性評估環境、進一步從中反思、學習與成長,展現出正向且積極的能力。 2.激發母親正向經驗的相關因子共有六項,包括:「個人因素」、「過程因素」、「子女因素」、「環境因素」、「配偶因素」以及「社會文化因素」。因素與母職展現有關聯性,隨著各因素的影響程度,母親的母職展現亦有所不同。 3.整體而言,環境支持的穩定、持續與適切最為重要。受訪者母職展現可分為四類型:「忍辱重負」、「學以致用」、「突破重圍」以及「自立救濟」。受暴母親的母職展現會隨因素的消長而在各類型中交替變動。 研究結果證實受暴母親並非不適任或沒有能力,相反的,她們是相當有智慧與勇氣,實務與學術界應該重視她們的努力,減少以缺陷觀點對待之。研究者依據研究結果提出實務上和學術上的建議。

婚姻暴力受虐婦女的家庭支持—復元觀點之探討 / A study of Recovery on family support for abused women under marital violence

邱筠雅, Chiu, Yun Ya Unknown Date (has links)
當受虐婦女欲尋求協助時,初始多以非正式支持網絡為主要求助管道,其中,家庭支持為最具情感性與義務性之協助。援此,本研究先瞭解臺灣受虐婦女家庭支持的經驗,從而分析影響受虐婦女家庭支持的原因,並以質性研究深入訪談七位受虐婦女,運用復元觀點於此問題向度,研究結果發現如下: 一、依受虐婦女獲得的家庭支持功能類型,整理發現情緒性支持為三種功能類型中最重要的一種;資訊性支持中家人最常以「提供想法與建議」做為支持的方式,顯見婦女需要與信任的支持者討論行動策略;工具性支持則為三種功能型態中,最實質可視的協助。 二、影響家庭支持型態因素,前人研究多以負向特質描述受虐婦女,本研究從微視層面觀點發現除了兩樣被動面特質外,受虐婦女有相當多正向主動面特質;此外,受虐婦女其主要支持者的個人特質,主要為「船錨」的角色,提供婦女一種歸屬感,帶給婦女穩定與安定的力量。中介層面觀點探究家庭系統、家庭互動關係與家庭權力關係,研究發現「長輩」或「手足」為受虐婦女的主要支持者,且手足排行序會影響誰成為婦女的主要家庭支持者。此外,家中掌權者多為主要支持者,其同時會影響其他家庭成員提供支持多寡,及影響受虐婦女因應暴力的態度;在家庭權力關係中:1)「婦女為家庭位階最低者,而支持者為家庭位階最高者」,其之間的權力關係差距最大;2)「同一位階或位階接近者」,因彼此間緊密的親情情感,成為時常頻繁聯繫的家庭成員,因此亦能成為婦女的主要支持者;同時受虐婦女均自覺於原生家庭中的權力位階為最低或者相對較低。鉅視層面探討扭曲與偏頗的價值觀念會負面影響受虐婦女其家人提供支持的意願,且結果發現這些負面影響主要為婆婆的回應方式與想法;正面影響除了有正面加強作用外,亦可能扭轉婦女自身負面的傳統觀念,協助受虐婦女走出暴力情境。 三、本研究依據受虐婦女於復元統合模式之復元指標達成的數量,將受訪者劃分為完全復元型、半復元型與初學型,並發現家庭支持對受虐婦女正面影響的主要效應,為促使受虐婦女前往復元道路邁進的動力因子;同時具有舒緩受虐婦女生活壓力之負面排除的緩衝效應。 本研究深入探討臺灣受虐婦女家庭支持之功能、影響家庭支持的因素,及家庭支持促進復元的作用機制。結果顯示家庭支持的作用對於受虐婦女而言,是能夠促使其復元的重要力量之一,研究成果能夠對目前協助受虐婦女復元的工作提供參考依據,以作為臺灣受虐婦女復元之本土經驗參考。 / When abused women seek help, the main way is informal support network at first, in the meanwhile, the family support is the most emotional and responsible support. Therefore, this study discussed the experience of abused women obtained the family support in Taiwan and analyzed the causes of the influence on the family support for abused women. This study adopted Nature research to in-depth interview seven abused women and then used Recovery to analyze the problems. The research results were shown as follow. 1. According to the result in this study, the emotional support is the most important among three types of the function of the family support. In the information support, the family often adopt “providing ideas and suggestions” as supports for abused women. This indicates that abused women need to discuss the action strategies with reliance supporters. The instrumental support is the most substantial and visible support among all types of the function. 2. When discussing the causes of influence of the family support states, many researchers described the situation of abused women based on negative traits. In this study, the results on the micro-level showed that abused women had not only two passive traits but also many positive traits. Besides, the main supporter of abused women played a role as “anchor”, and he/she provided the sense of belonging to abused women for the stable and peace power. On the meso-level, this study discussed the family system, family interaction and familial power relations. The results indicated that “elder” or “sibling” would be the main supporter, and “birth order” would affect the person becoming abused women’s main supporter. In addition, the power holders in a family were mostly the main supporters; moreover, they would have an influence on the support from other family members and the attitude of abused women to cope with the violence. For familial power relations: 1) “Abused women were the lowest family hierarchy; the supporters were the highest family hierarchy”. The difference of the power relation between these two hierarchies was largest. 2) “Abused women and the supporters were the same or close family hierarchy”. Because of the close kinship between them and the frequently contacting to each other, the supporters would also be the main supporters. Furthermore, abused women became conscious that their family hierarchies were the lowest or the lower hierarchy in the original family. On the macro-level, this study discussed that the distorted and biased values would be the negative influence on that if the family were willing to provide support. The results indicated that the negative influences were mostly obtained from the mother-in-law’s responses and thoughts. The positive influence would be positive reinforcement effect and could reverse the negative and traditional concepts of the abused women, and it would help abused women to leave violence situations. 3. According to the recovery target of the Unity Model of Recovery which abused women achieved, the respondents were divided into full-recovery, semi-recovery and novitiate recovery. The results indicated that the main effect of the positive influence from the family support to abused women was the power factor to promote abused women toward the recovery. The positive influence could also mitigate abused women’s life stress and be the buffer effect to obviate the negatives. This study deeply discussed the function of the family support for abused women, the causes of the influence on the family support and the mechanism for the family support promoting abused women to the recovery. The results showed that the family support was the important power for abused women to recovery. The contributions of this study are to provide the conference for the recovery work of abused women and the local experiences of the recovery of abused women in Taiwan.

高風險家庭處遇的督導模式與工作成效之探討 / A study for supervision model and work effectiveness of high risk family treatment

蔡維濬 Unknown Date (has links)
研究者採用質性訪談方法,以高風險家庭處遇方案為場域,邀請執行該方案之督導員及社工員各六位為研究對象,運用宋麗玉與施教裕(2010)所擬定之「社會工作處遇的服務項目和結果指標:概念架構及操作定義」為成效指標之參考,進行個別訪談與資料收集。本研究主要探討高風險家庭處遇服務的社工督導模式,以及在不同督導模式下,社工員在「兒少成長發展」、「成人主要照顧者的改善發展」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇」、「案家週邊社會支持體系」四大工作成效層面之情形。研究結果發現六種督導模式,分別為:「優勢觀點取向督導模式」、「生態系統取向督導模式」、「焦點解決取向督導模式」、「詮釋學取向督導模式」、「工具性督導模式」,以及「表達性督導模式」。於工作成效上,經社工員處遇後,在「兒少的成長發展層面」上,不論是一般兒少或是特殊兒少,經相關社會資源輸入後,如飲食、衛生、醫療、教育等系統,已使兒少漸漸步入正常的發展階段,發揮兒少自身之潛能,轉變成身、心、靈皆較為圓滿之狀態;在「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」上,原先家中之主要照顧者,因自身疾病因素或自我功能不足之情形,經社工的協助與鼓勵,多可獲得進一步的醫療處置以及良好的社會支持系統,發揮既有之社會功能,減緩低落的心理狀態,並以兒少之最佳利益為優先考量,以照顧兒少為其目標,提升本有之照顧功能;在「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」上,顯而易見的即是主要照顧者與兒少之間,多可站在雙方之立場,彼此接納與尊重,共同為家庭目標努力,各自扮演好應盡之角色義務,維持家庭之順利運行,使整體家庭功能有所提昇;在「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上,經社工員引入正式與非正式資源後,案家危機狀況多可獲得即時性的改善,使家庭狀態趨於穩定,更重要的是案家在此過程擁有能力,當家庭需求無法滿足時,案家主動找尋社會資源以自我協助,預防家庭危機之再次出現。此外,經不同督導模式下的社工員,其工作成效亦可見其特殊性,如優勢觀點取向督導模式,使社工員在工作成效指標的四大面向,呈現多元的面貌,尤其在「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」,以及「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上有突出的表現;生態系統取向督導模式,則在「兒少的成長發展層面」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」,以及「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上擁有明顯表現;焦點解決取向督導模式,其在「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」上多有助益;詮釋學取向督導模式,主要展現於「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」。最後,研究者建議在政策規劃上,政府可強化社會工作督導員職能培訓與效能提升,並將該成效指標納入政策內容與高風險家庭個案管理系統;在實務工作上,建議督導員善用社會工作理論於督導過程,並建構出屬於自身的督導模式來模塑社工員的工作表現,以及實際運用該成效指標於處遇工作中。 / The researcher, applying the qualitative interview research in the field of the high-risk family service project, interviewing with six supervisors and six social workers in the project by applying the “complete conceptual framework and operational definition of service classification and outcome indicators” proposed by Song & Shih (2010) to gather data. Our research explored the social work supervision models for the services of high-risk family treatment and social workers’ outcomes in the areas of “child development”, “care takers’ improvement”, “family function empowerment” and “informal social support network”.According to our findings, six supervision models, “strengths perspective-approached supervision model”, “ecological systems-approached supervision model”, “solution-focused approached supervision model” , “hermeneutics-approached supervision model”, “instrumental supervision model” and “expressive supervision model”, all displayed work effectiveness as the treatments by social workers. In the area of “child development”,they inputted social resources such as diet, health, medical and education systems, to enable both normal and special children to begin to move into normal development stage for exhibiting their own potential and transforming into more successful physical, mental and spiritual state. In the “area of care takers’ improvement”, most of the main care takers of families, who had previously suffered from their own diseases or insufficient self-functions, were given better medical treatments and good social support system through the assistance and encouragement from the social workers, with their depressed mental state alleviated, and their inherent function of care taking giving priority to the consideration of best interests of children and setting the goal at care of children.In the “area of family function empowerment”, obviously both the main care takers and the children became more able to be take the stand points of each other to accept and respect each other to work hard jointly for the family’s aim, which each playing its own part well to sustain the smooth operation of the family and enhance the family function as a whole. In the “area of constructing of informal social support network”, most of the families of the case had their crises improved promptly after the social workers introduced formal and informal sources. Stabilizing the family status, and, more importantly, once these families possessed such capability during the treatment process, they would take initiatives in seeking social resources to self-help when their needs cannot be met, for preventing the family crises from re-occurring.In addition, social workers under different supervision models also showed their uniqueness in work effectiveness. For example, the strengths perspective-approached supervision model enabled social workers to exhibit diversely in the four areas of work effectiveness indicators, particularly the “area of care takers’ improvement”, the “area of family function empowerment” and the “area of constructing informal social support network”, where outstanding performances were seen. With the ecological systems-approached supervision model, notable performances were seen in the “area of child development”, the “area of family function empowerment” and the “area of constructing informal social support network”. The solution-focused approached supervision model helped greatly in the “area of family function empowerment”. The hermeneutics-approached supervision model stood out in the “area of care takers’ improvement”. At last, the researchers recommend that the governments, in formulating their policies, can strengthen the capacity training and efficacy increase for social work supervisors and take the outcome indicators as part of the policy contents and case management systems of high-risk families. Regarding the practice, we recommend that supervisors make good use of the theories of social work in their supervisory processes and construct supervision models that are for themselves to shape the performance of social workers and to apply the outcome indicators in the work of treatment.

澳門青少年幸福感及其家庭因素探究 / Investigation into the family factors of the subjective well-being of Macao youth

蔡瑞珍 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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