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共享型平台企業之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Sharing Platform Companies吳其錚 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究給予即將發展共享型平台企業之新創事業及中小型企業未來策略發展方向,在發展初期,平台企業若仿效愛日租個案在極短期內透入大量資金完全複製其他成功個案的商業模式是存在失敗風險的,應該效仿Airbnb長期動態的分階段、分項解決行銷交換成本,建立一個正向的4C循環,將雙邊市場群體皆突破用戶臨界數量,以觸發網路效應,以幫助其在有限的資源之中達到有效快速的成長。 / Recently, due to the advanced internet technology and the trend of sharing economy, more and more company has changed their usual business model, from the traditional manufacturing to the service of gathering demands and supplies. Selling the tangible products and equipment is no longer the main source of profit. More and more sharing platform companies have appeared in the market and the business has transformed its business model by degrees.
Although there are more and more sharing platform companies emerge in the market, very few company can maintain the growth. This study takes the largest global house-renting platform, Airbnb, and the corresponding platform, Airizu, for comparison. And use the 4C framework to identify the transaction costs that the sharing platform companies and the bilateral party faced and further discover the different strategies used by the two cases.
Finally, this study provides the sharing platform companies some recommending strategy of future development. For those startups in the very beginning stage, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airizu took, by throwing in capitals to copy the entire business model from others, it will undertake huge financial risks, and on the other hand, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airbnb took, by solving the transaction costs step by step in the long term, it will have better chance to get a 4C positive cycle. To not only raise the number of users from the bilateral parties to reach the network effect, but also help the company to achieve great success within limited resources.
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使用者社群創新協作平台建構之研究-以數位內容產業為例王亨佳 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 內容廠商經營使用者協作平台目的與經營模式管理
1. 內容廠商經營目的不同,將會影響使用者協作平台的設計。使用者平台的種類將分成:
□ 垂直設計的使用者協作平台
□ 水平設計的使用者協作平台
□ 垂直與水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台
二、 內容知識特質與使用者協作平台經營
2. 內容的知識複雜程度的不同,將會影響到使用者協作平台的設計。但相同的知識複雜程度在不同的經營目的下,也會影響到協作平台的設計
3. 內容知識的複雜度越高,水平平台的經營者必須設計較具標準化的模組提供給網友使用及創作
4. 內容知識的複雜度越高,若單純只提供一個上傳的空間給網友使用,則吸引的社群將越專業化。
5. 網友所創造的內容,其知識特質複雜程度高低,將會影響公司後續商品化動作的難易度,因此建立垂直化社群協作平台的公司必需要有很強的後製網絡能力。
6. 內容知識的內隱程度越高,多以面對面的溝通方式和網友進行智慧財產權的規範與設計。
三、 社群的分類與使用者協作平台經營
7. 內容廠商經營目的不同,影響使用者協作平台的設計,也會吸引不同類別的社群進入。水平設計的使用者協作平台社群忠誠度較高。
8. 垂直設計平台的社群忠誠度較低,必須不斷的提供具體商業化的誘因來吸引作品上傳。
9. 內容知識特質的內隱程度越高,讓具有垂直水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台中,容易產生族群的分裂與衝突,因盡量避免積極的推廣具有爭議性的排行榜於社群互動中。
四、 使用者協作平台經營與協作回饋
10. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所帶來價值將會經由社群間的互動所創造出來的,而垂直設計的使用者平台所產生的價值乃是將更多好作品成功的商品化。
11. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所需耗費的成本和人力相對低於垂直設計的使用者協作平台,所產生的利潤風險也比垂直設計的平台低。 / We believe that the digital content industry is driven by original, personalized, and culture-connected contents. In such a trend, customers will be the content providers in the digital content industry, so the platform that makes the company in collaboration with the customers on the product innovation and development will be very important.Therefore, the purpose of this study is that to generalize different operations come form digital contents of various knowledge properties and to research different kinds of platform designs will contribute to a variety of management approach.The study concluded that:
I. The purpose of the user collaboration innovation community platform established and management by digital content companies.
1. The different purposes of the user collaboration innovation community platform established will influence the platform desiged.The categries of the platform are:
□ Vertical-designed platform
□ Horizontal-designed platform
□ Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform
II. The Properties of Digital Content Knowledge & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform
2. The differents properties of Digital Content Knowledge will influence the design of the platform.But the same properties of Digital Content Knowledge that in differents purposes of business plan will also influence the design of the plarform.
3. Horizontal-designed platform must design some Multi-functional tools to customer used easily in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.
4. If companies only provide a simple space for users to uplink their ideas in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.The platform will attract lots of professional community.
5. The companies which have horizontal-designed platform must need powerful production network.
6. Companies and user mostly discuss face-to-face about the intellectual property of design in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.
III. The Categories of the Community & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform
7. Different business properties will affect the design of platform.Different design of platform will attract various community.The community in Horizontal-designed platform will have strong loyalty.
8. Vertical-designed platform must provide some commercial motivation to attract user that uplink their ideas.
9. The virtual community usually comes into collision in the Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform. Therefore, companies need to decrease league table from the interaction whthin the community.
IV. The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform & Feedback of the Collaboration
10. The value of horizontal-designed platform will be created from the interaction whthin the community; the value of vertical-designed platform will be created from the commercialization of good ideas.
11. Horizontal-designed platform costs relatively less than vertical-designed platform, and its revenue risk is lower too.
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行動內容加值服務平台可行性之研究--以交易成本觀點江俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
而在數位內容產業中,行動內容是很重要的一個環節,由於電信網路為一封閉的系統,因此在收費機制具有高度的可靠性及安全性,而在終端設備方面,國內的手機市場也已將當成熟,根據數據顯示,台灣手機普及率已超過 100 %,而目前全球對於行動內容的發展又以亞洲市場之起步最快,且根據我國經濟部的資料,台灣3 G行動網路商機在二○○五年可達新台幣一百卅八億元,二○一○年更將突破三千二百廿二億元,商機潛力雄厚,而台灣行動內容整個產業可以說是處於一個剛起步發展的階段,需要相關文獻針對行動內容的價值鏈作深入的分析探討,特別是針對行動內容產業價值鏈中內容提供者、內容整合商與電信業者間的互動關係之討論,而本論文認為,內容業者進入行動內容產業具有一定門檻,而目前存在之內容整合商提供的功能尚未成熟,因此本研究認為行動內容加值平台在產業價值鏈有其生存的空間,未來更有甚著可能在產業價值鏈中扮演極關鍵的角色。
一、 平台存在之必要因素:
(1) 本平台存在能有效降低交易雙方之交易成本:
(2) 本平台的經營具有經濟效益:
二、 平台存在之充分因素:
(1) 平台經營的重點及方向
(2) 在降低交易成本的作法
(3) 在技術背景選擇的方面
目前發展 JAVA 技術的行動內容是需要花費較多成本,而且由於市場規模不夠大,因此並不能符合經濟效應。所以在本平台的經營上,必須密切注意行動內容相關技術的特性,並配合市場研究,選擇最適合之技術發展平台。
(4) 在平台的切入點方面
本平台要盡量避免電信業者經營的行動應用有所衝突,未來的應用將會越來越多樣化,技術層次也將越來越高,因此本平台更必須密切觀察新技術的發展,以利發展市場新應用,作為切入行動內容產業的最佳時間點。 / Digital content has been one of industries that government highly promotes since 2002. Transferring content of traditional forms through digital technology, digital content is able to make tangible profits out of invisible assets, which is the spirits of “Economics of Knowledge”. Therefore, we cannot be absent from the competition of digital content industry that is different from low-profit traditional manufacturing industry.
Mobile content is an essential link in the digital content industry. For telecommunication network, charging system has had high security and reliability. For terminal equipment, cell phone market in Taiwan has been mature enough. According to Ministry of Economics, mobile content is an industry with high potentiality of making profit out of. However, in Taiwan, mobile content is at its infant stage and the functions of content integrators, which the researcher of this study regarded as a necessity of existence and a key role in the value chain in the industry, still have room for development. Therefore, there is a need to analyze closely the value chain of mobile content industry, especially aiming at the interaction among content provider, content integrator, and telecommunication industry.
Using explorative way of research, we addressed an innovative business model , “Added-value platform of mobile content”. Besides, its development in the industry and transactions between various content providers and operators were discussed to make the value of digital content revealed.
The conclusion of the study are two-fold. The first one is the results of hypothesis-verifying process, the essential factors of platform’s existence. The other is the suggestion of future development of such platform, the adequate factors of platform’s existence. The results are as follows.
1. The essential factors of platform’s existence
(1) The existence of platform could reduce the transaction cost effectively.
Professional cooperation lessons the tech-intensive work for content providers and enables them to focus on the development of content. Moreover, cooperation could help save searching cost for operators.
(2) Operation of such platform brings profits.
The more the content providers cooperate with the platform, the lower the transaction cost is.
2. The adequate factors of platform’s existence
(1) Keys to platform operation.
Before transaction, we should analyze the market, providing services that operators need. During transaction, we should focus on inter-system integration and cell phone differences. After transaction, we should initiate consumers’ feedback to operators.
(2) Ways to lower transaction cost.
Construction of “Back-end” idea: building a system that deals with repetitive and trivial action from various transactions can not only reduce cost but easily manage.
(3) Aspects of choosing technology.
We should avoid immature and high-cost technology at the beginning. Therefore, for platform management, we should notice the mobile-related technology.
(4) Cutting points of the platform.
We should avoid operation conflicts with operators and keep an eye on the development of new technology for new application of mobile content.
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與顧客共創價值之新商業模式-以行動通訊產業為例 / New Business Model based on Co-Creating Value with Customers -An Example of Mobile Communications Industry林鈺穎, Lin, Yu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
延續共創價值理論、顧客關係管理以及網路外部性與行動通訊價值鏈等前人研究與理論基礎,本研究所提出的新商業模式概念以企業經營利潤的提升為目的,就顧客與企業合作之創價路徑以及時程演進進行探討描述。透過產業研究驗證得到,創價路徑分為價值創造互動點、關鍵樞紐公司、經驗環境平台以及價值轉運機制等四個階段。而時程演進則分為引誘期、維持期、成長期與更新期四個階段。而研究結論包括:此新商業模式創造獨特價值、新商業模式能夠協助企業因應產業變化以及行動通訊產業為新商業模式之應用先驅。建議企業在應用新商業模式上先就企業本身的產業定位及優勢進行全面性檢討,才能夠發揮本身的優勢,以發展平台整合目標資源,透過價值轉運機制即時迅速地提供關鍵顧客獨特價值。 / The thesis focuses on new business model based on co-creating value with customers. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the unique value creating by corporate and customer. The specific purposes of the thesis are to define the co-creating value with customers, to develop a new business model based on that, and to enhance the value of the new business model in conjunction with mobile communications industry.
Based on the researches regarding to co-creating value, customer relationship management and network externalities, this thesis analyses the key players and interactions that form part of co-creating value between corporate and customer, providing a foundation for future strategic analysis and drawing on some of the key factors that may influence the take-up of the new business model---including value creating process (value-creating interactive point, key nodal company, experience platform and value-transferring hub) and timeline developing (inducing period, preserving period, growing period, and renewing period)---the thesis also provides predictions regarding the future of industrial applying.
A field experiment was conducted in mobile communications industry. The experiment reveals that the new business model has unique value, the new business model can facilitate the corporate adoption to the variation market and the mobile communications industry is found to be the first mover in terms of the implementation in this new business model. The importance and managerial implications of the new business and follow-up research are also discussed.
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3G的技術標準及專利聯盟 / 3G Technical Standards and Patent Platform涂旭志, Roger,Tu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球3G行動通訊產業的快速發展,行動通訊服務市場正從傳統的單純語音走向與資料傳輸整合的趨勢,並發展出多種不同型態的通訊服務方式與系統設備,其中所牽涉到的3G技術範圍十分廣泛而複雜,其技術標準規格的發展則是由3G的技術標準組織所負責制定。本論文研究針對3G行動通訊產業進行解析,並探討3G行動通訊技術標準組織的運作及功能,並進一步瞭解在3G行動通訊技術標準的制定過程中所衍生出來的關鍵性專利問題,此外也特別針對專利聯盟公司3G Licensing Ltd.的成立與運作做一說明,以進一步瞭解3G產業中專利平台運作的情形,最後並總結對台灣行動通訊產業所可以參考的結論與建議。 / 3G technologies are being deployed to worldwide markets rapidly. The mobile services are converging with voice and data transmission. There are various companies involving in 3G system and terminal business. The relative technologies are complicated and quite broad. The 3G standard organizations are the main bodies responsible for the establishment of 3G technical specifications. This article would describe an overview of 3G industries and 3G standard organizations. It would specify how the 3G standard organizations function and discuss the issues of 3G essential patents. Regarding 3G patent platform, this article would also talk about the history and status of 3G Licensing Ltd. In the last chapter, it would try to summarize the key points as the references for Taiwan mobile industry.
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台灣數位無線電視發展政策與法規之研究賴世哲, Lai, Shih Zhe Unknown Date (has links)
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從開放式創新觀點探討NTT DoCoMo平台型經營模式 / NTT DoCoMo’s Platform Business Model:Open Innovation Perspective韓燕甯, Han,Yan Ning Unknown Date (has links)
在現今之行動通訊產業中,面對技術融合、顧客需求多樣化、快速創新的衝即,整個產業結構已發生了根本上的影響。傳統行動通訊產業中的線性價值鏈已不復見,而是重新聚合成全新的價值網,而這個新的價值網跨越了原本各自獨立的產業界線,並經由不同的連結方式,形成新的產業形態,展現出新的面貌。其中,更可以明顯發現,透過許多不同領域能力之結合,可以造就出許多新事業、新市場的誕生。據此,企業為了追求快速創新,便不可能僅憑一己之力,於內部發展出各式各樣之能力。反之,企業必須由外部擷取他人之力,再與內部核心能力結合,與外部關係人建立共生關係,最終達成多贏之局面。據此,Chesbrough (2003) 認為,企業過去「封閉式創新」的作法已不合時宜,未來必須走向「開放式創新」。
本研究在文獻探討的部分,將焦點放在三大議題:開放式創新、經營模式與平台型經營模式。同時,選擇全球行動通訊產業的領導廠商 – NTT DoCoMo為個案公司,從1999年至2007年之公司資料中,歸納出個案公司的三大議題:發展歷程、經營模式與合作關係。
最後,本研究歸納出以下結論:第一:平台型經營模式有利於企業有效且及時地連結外部環境之資源,以實踐開放式創新;第二:企業在追求快速創新之目標時,其所採用之創新模式可依據下述兩種要素來區分:合作關係之廣度與資源投入之程度。而面對不同核心程度之能力時,須採用不同之模式;第三:平台型經營模式由眾多構面組成,而面對不同的構面,企業須採用不同的模式來發展;第四:成功的平台型經營模式必須具備吸引力與主導力。 / Today, the mobile communication industry is faced with the impact of technology fusion, diversified customers’ demand and fast innovation; this industry already changed fundamentally. The linear value chain of traditional mobile communication industry is no more, instead, there is a whole new value net, which is connected in different way to become a new industry. From the result, through the combination of capabilities from different areas, it can lead to many new businesses and markets. According to the above, for the purpose of fast innovation, companies are impossible to develop various capabilities all by themselves inside; instead, companies have to introduce other capabilities from outside and combine with their core capabilities. Through the establishment of ecosystem, it will lead to the all-win situation. According to the above, Chesbrough argues that the traditional close innovation is no more, it is the age of open innovation.
In this research, the literature review focuses on three issues: open innovation, business model and platform business model. Meanwhile, this research chooses the global leading company in mobile communication industry – NTT DoCoMo as the case company and the case study focuses on three issues: history, business model and collaborative relationships.
This research reaches three conclusions. First, platform business model can help companies connect with the environment effectively and timely. Second, open innovation includes two different concepts: open and closed at the same time and these different concepts should be applied to different capabilities. Third, business model is composed of many aspects, and different aspects should be developed by different concepts. Forth, open business model’s paradigm is platform business model and two of platform business model’s fundamental forces are attraction and predomination.
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以模型導向技術發展的一套高質語言編輯環境生成系統 / The Design of a High Quality Editing Environment Generating System Based on Model-Driven Technologies詹亞騰, Chan, Ya Teng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多資訊應用領域,開始採用領域特定語言(Domain Specific Language)以表達並解決其領域問題。然而這些特定領域語言多數卻缺乏可大大提升生產力的高品質編輯輔助工具。其主因乃因為從頭開發一套高品質編輯輔助工具所費不貲,然這些特定領域語言普及程度卻遠不如一般通用語言,是以缺乏誘因驅使軟體商開發相關工具。為能快速開發輔助工具,現今的工具開發平台如Eclipse、IDEA,以及NetBeans等,均提供整合開發環境(IDE)的發展支援,以利開發者在平台上快速擴增新語言之編輯環境。即使如此,要發展一套IDE,開發者不僅需深入熟悉所用平台,而且仍需繁瑣與長時間之開發過程。基於此,為求更簡化IDE開發過程,本研究嘗試增強、重構先前開發之雛型系統EGOE【9】,發展出一套遵循模型驅動架構(MDA)之高品質語言編輯環境生成系統:EGOE II。經由此系統的輔助,IDE開發者僅需提供程式語言文法定義(Grammar)及IDE輔助機制客制化資訊,即能套用系統內部的模型轉換程式及程式樣板(Templates),自動生成以Eclipse為平台的高效能、高品質,且提供豐富編輯輔助的程式語言IDE。 / In recent years more and more fields of applications began to use DSLs(Domain Specific Language) to solve their problems. However, most of these languages were created without accompanying high-quality language specific editors(LSE) to help increase the productivity of the language. The reason for the lack of such tools is mostly economic consideration: because of the very high cost of developing a LSE from scratch, it is not worthwhile to invest a LSE on a less frequently used language. To avoid developing an LSE from scratch, however, most present tool platforms such as Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans have offered required editor frameworks and APIs to help developers to be able to build LSEs on these platform more quickly and easily. Even so, however, it is still thought hard to develop a LSE by way of platform support since developers need a long and steep learning before they can get adept at a platform and, moreover, the process of developing a LSE remains long, tedious and error-prone. Accordingly, to enable even quicker development of LSEs, we proposed and have developed in this paper a high quality editing environment generating system called EGOE II, which follows the MDA approach and is the refactoring and enhancement of our previous prototype EGOE system. With EGOE II, the developer need only offer an editor-specific specification of the target language, which includes the grammar and editor-related customization informations; he can then apply to it the model translator and program templates provided by the system to automatically produce a high-quality editor on Eclipse platform for the target language.
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行動通訊產業價值鏈之分析研究以智慧型手機為例黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。
在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。
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數位多頻道時代下公共廣電的挑戰與轉機─以南韓為例 / The challenge and the chances of public service broadcasting in a digital multi-channel era: A case study of South Korea陳盈帆 Unknown Date (has links)
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