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建商商譽與產品訂價之差異分析林育聖, Lin , Yu-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
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建商不動產表價與議價策略之探討--景氣時機、個案區位、建商類型、及推案屬性分析鄒欣樺 Unknown Date (has links)
關於建商表價與議價策略的討論,國內尚缺乏專文,本文將表價與議價策略決策分為兩階段論述,並以二項式logistic模型討論建商表價與議價策略。建商較少採用價格區隔策略,與近代行銷理念趨向消費者區隔取向不同,在房地產實行市場區隔訂價策略是否能降低風險或提升報酬,則有待進一步研究。主流產品,競爭對象多,會以高表價作出區隔,高議價空間來減低交易失敗率;流動性高市場傾向榨取訂價以獲得更多利潤,非因預計需求的情況決策,較受總體因素影響。 / Firms often use asking prices and discount rates as their strategies of promoting products. So do real estate developers. Previous literatures mainly focus on the relationship of asking prices and discount rates of existing houses sold by homeowners or brokers, but ignore the interrelationship and strategy of them of new houses sold by developers. First, using 3SLS model, this paper finds that there is a positive effects between asking price and discount rate. For instance, the increase of 10,000 NTD per ping of asking prices raises 0.27% of discount rate, in the other side, the increase of 1% of discount rate brings up 55,000 NTD per ping.
Next, we use binomial logistic model to analyze developers’ asking prices and discount rates strategies by regarding them as two-steps decision makings. The finding is developers still prefer going rate pricing as their marketing approach. The effectiveness of segmented pricing to reduce risk or raise return needs to be tested in the future. Third, due to high competitiveness of main stream products, developers intend to take high asking prices and discount rates to increase the probability of transaction. Last but not least, developers affected by macro-factors in a high liquidity period like to take skimming pricing strategy to grab more profits.
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台北都會區住宅個案產品面積離散度之分析郭益銘 Unknown Date (has links)
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小型建商在台北市精華區預售屋市場之策略行銷分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of small builders in the pre-sale housing market of Taipei’s wealthiest districts許景翔, Hsu, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
因台灣房地產市場存在如此詭譎的內外在環境,供給與需求、作多與看空的勢力拉扯,本篇論文研究從外部環境觀察鄰近各國總體經濟與房地產景氣連動關係的歷史軌跡,進而探究近年與未來台北市房地產業景氣發展趨勢,瞭解建商面對外在經濟環境變動下所存在之機會與威脅,來發現適合小型建商生存之利基市場所在。而內部環境則以房地產預售市場之賣方與買者交易關係探討,分別從廠商供給面與消費者需求面之成本觀點進行研究,尋找小型建商本身擁有的優劣勢所因應之預售屋消費者注重的各項成本屬性,藉由4C策略行銷分析降低消費者各項購屋成本,最後提出策略建議,提升小型建商之核心競爭力。 / The real estate market in Taipei was booming during the first half of 2008, during which time the economy was good and tensions between Taiwan and China began to ease. Housing prices had been rising until they were hit by the global financial crisis in late 2008. The storm of economic downturn, resulted mainly from the chain reaction caused by the collapse of US financial institutions, had swept through the world. Taiwan was deeply affected due to its export-oriented economy. As a result, the once prosperous real estate market had slowed down because of the decrease in demand. However, in 2009, not only had the prices of lands in Taipei not fallen, the presale home prices in the wealthiest districts began to rise again, due to the government’s stimulus financial policy that heavily relied on its friendlier stance with China and the belief that there would be a flow of cash coming from China. Nevertheless, the rise of housing prices could be a gigantic bubble since the median household income has not gained and demand for new homes have not increased.
Under the unusual and unpredictable economic circumstances, this thesis focuses on the research and analysis from the viewpoints of maximizing the competitive edges, profits and surviving advantages of small builders in the current housing market in Taipei. Historic macroeconomic trends in real estate in Taiwan and nearby countries were analyzed. Supply and demand in the presale housing market in Taipei were examined, with an emphasis on not only the cost analysis between small builders and buyers, but also the advantages and disadvantages faced by both sides. 4C strategic marketing analysis was carried out to minimize the buying cost from the consumer’s viewpoint; at the same time, tactical marketing recommendations to success are provided to small builders to meet the present challenges.
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合建契約之研究余明賢 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:建商 地主 合建契約 權利濫用 消費者保護 定型化契約 債之相對性 誠實信用原則 買賣不破租賃
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上市櫃公司建商之利潤力績效與房地產景氣關聯性之研究黃凱鈴, Huang,Kai Ling Unknown Date (has links)
四、資產股公司多數個案選擇在房地產景氣燈號綠燈時推出,銷售情形佳,貢獻獲利良好。大型商業開發案開發、獲利情形與房地產景氣的關係可能不如一般建案密切。近期開發案除了住宅建案,還有辦公、商場、商務住宅等商業不動產,長期租金收益的開發概念增加,較早期開發多元化。 / The real estate developers in this study included “construction companies” and the “property stock companies” which operate construction businesses. Construction companies are commonly known as a high-return industry by the general public, but their operations are easily affected by real estate cycle and their chances of financial crisis are higher than other industries. It is considered a sure bet for pushing up the share prices when property stock companies participated in the construction industry. This study analyzed the relationship between the profit performances of construction companies and the real estate cycle, the types of relatively high profitability construction companies in the industry, the differences in investment strategies and the relationship between property stock companies’ gain of profits from construction business and the real estate cycle in 1996-2007. This is to enable real estate developers to make appropriate strategic adjustment on their investment according to the announced real estate cycle indicators, and to serve as a reference for the investors on investing in construction companies. The results of the study are as follows:
1.The better the real estate cycle in the previous year, the better the profit performance of construction companies, with higher total sales and total land-purchase amount.
2.The construction companies with higher market share and construction-revenue ratios higher than 90% have better profit performances. The profit performances of backdoor listed companies, companies with previous financial crisis and TSE listed companies are not as good as OTC and emerging-market listed companies. Companies providing purely residential products have poorer profit performances than those providing offices and factory space alongside with residential products, but the difference is insignificant. Apart from that, project location does not affect the profitability of the construction companies.
3.Construction companies with better profits can get hold of the real estate cycle in a relatively fast way. They also can continue to buy land when the real estate cycle is depressing and to actively buy land when the real estate cycle is good.
4.Most projects of property stock companies were released when the real estate cycle signal turned green. Good sales contributed to good profitability. The relationship between large commercial development project profitability and the real estate cycle might not be as close as general construction projects. Apart from residential projects, recent development projects also include commercial real estates such as offices, shopping malls, residential-commercial buildings, etc. The development concept of long-term rental return is more popular and it has more variety than the initial period.
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建商存活預警模型建立---以影響力探討事件之研究 / The Study on Building Construction Company Survival Warning Modeling-the Influence Event Analysis簡沛溱, Pei Chen Chien Unknown Date (has links)
一 危機事件越多,建商經營越不穩定,存亡事件產生機率越高;影響公司存活的共通因子對於公司危機產生的共同預警變數有一定程度上的共通性,且都具有顯著性。
二 本研究將危機事件分類為財務面、監理面、經營面,存亡事件選定有終止上市、全額交割股、掏空三種。經實證後得知,財務面之外的預警變數亦能提供投資人及銀行產業了解公司經營的穩定度。在眾多預警變數中,又以重整、紓困跳票違約、董監事改選對於終止上市影響較大;對全額交割股的影響則以董監事改選、警示股、景氣因素以及利益輸送影響較大;對掏空的影響則以重整、警示股、財務結構較具顯著性。
三 存活期間與存活機率相關性比較中,以景氣預警變數而言,若產生全額交割事件,則產生存亡事件的機率非常高,公司得以存活期間較短。以重整預警變數而言,公司重整後,產生存亡事件的機率非常高,也就是說公司得以存活的期間較其他預警變數短。
四 景氣循環對於建商經營有非常大的影響,不景氣時產生具顯著性的危機事件,將會在較短期間後產生存亡事件。 / The goal of our study is establishing the survival model in the building construction companies during 1996-2008. The real estate developers in this study included “building construction companies” and the “property stock companies” which operate building construction businesses. Building construction companies are common known as a pivotal role in the power of influence by the general public, but the financial leverage is higher than other industries. Operating condition of construction companies is effected by the real estate cycle; in hence it is relative importance of the investers, banks, which the crisis events occurred.
The crisis events in this study are not only the definition of Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taiwan Economic Journal Data Bank but also the events besides financial side. The study of survival model, in the beginning, is to analyze the correlation of crisis events to understand the significance of events, quantify the classified of the entire crisis event, and then to compare the results between the Logistic Analysis and the Survival Analysis. Finally, choose the appropriate model and the more influence crisis events to do the empirical analysis. The empirical analysis results of our study are as follows:
1. The more the crisis events occurred, the more the probability of failure events will occur.
2. Our study classified the crisis events into three different species, financial side, supervision side, business side. We choose company delisting, full delivery stock company, and company emptied as the failure events.
3. Compare the correlation of survival period with survival probability. In terms of company reorganized variable, for example, after reorganizing the building construction company, the probability of failure events are getting higher, and the survival duration get shorter than other crisis events.
4. The real estate cycle impact the building construction companies a lot. If significant crisis events occurred during downturn of the real estate cycle, the failure events will be generated in such a short time.
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台灣地區房地產產業經營發展策略之探討─以A建商為例 / 無羅志明 Unknown Date (has links)
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建商老人住宅之財務分析-由開發與經營角度解析周柏宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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