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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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銀髮族的智慧穿戴服務設計 / A Service Design of Smart Wearable Device for Seniors

葉致豪, Yeh, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究專注於研究穿戴科技對於銀髮族遠距照護服務創新的可能性,利用系統思維與設計思維的研究方法來進行服務設計。研究問題設定為”一個罹患慢性病並獨自在家生活的銀髮族,如何自主健康生活,並能讓家人感到安心呢” 。透過顧客驅動價值共創的服務設計模型,確認利害關係人,並實際訪談利害關係人後深入分析使用者潛在問題及需求,以不同視角來找出創新的洞見。依據此洞見來發展可行的方案,並展開成為完整的服務系統,再將此服務系統雛型具體化產出後進行風險分析。最終的研究結果以商業模式草圖來呈現完整的商業模式。 / The aim of this thesis is to study the possibility of the wearable technology and to create a service innovation toward the tele-health for elders. The research method of the service design is based on the design thinking and the system thinking.We set up a hypothetical situation as follows: A solitary elder who has chronic diseases knows to how to manage her/ his life well without making the family worry. Through the service design models from the co-creation of the customer empowerment, we affirm the stakeholder at the beginning and then interview her/ him to get to know more about the needs and some main details. The purpose is to look for the insight into the innovation in different aspects. Based on this insight, we start a feasible plan and develop the integrity of the service design. Next thing we externalize the service design prototype and provide the follow-up risk assessment.As the final result, we use business model canvas to bring out the coherence and the integrity to our business models.


劉經巖, LIU,JING-YAN Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的旨在分析「自1985年3月戈巴契夫繼任蘇聯俄共中央總書記之后, 以迄于1989年5月,中蘇共雙方在北京召開高峰會議,宣布雙方關系正常化。」 的四年期間,莫斯科和北京的外交互動過程。并希望藉此研究驗證:中共的「獨立自 主外交政策」以及蘇聯的「新思維外交」,在施之于對彼此的關系上,所表現出的內 涵及實質的聯系情況。本文的結構分述如下: 第一章 前言、研究動機、目的、研究方法、研究限制。 第二章 中蘇共關系的歷史回顧,描述從中共建立政權直到1979年之間,與蘇聯 曾經歷經過的的從親密友至于相互敵對,再到謀求關系正常化30年當中,分合的原 因、經緯。以及八○年代初期雙方進行關系正常化的情況。 第三章 蘇聯在戈巴契夫執政后,和中共改善關系的發展,以及高峰會議召開所象徵 的意義,并說明雙方關系正常化所獲致的「成就」。 第四章 剖析中共對于關系正常化的認知以及政策。 第五章 陳述蘇聯對于關系正常化的認知以及政策。 第六章 結論。中蘇共在八○年代后半期,將雙方關系的發展的結果,歸納成三個特 性:(一)交好不同盟。(二)瞻前不顧後。(三)同意互相不同意的立場。并且在和 平共處五原則,以及黨際關系四原則之下,給予雙邊關系新規範,同時戈巴契夫也以 三個贊成來回應中共歷年來對蘇政策的立場,并且給予總評。


陳啟斌, Chen, Chibin Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,台灣營建產業處於低度發展劣勢,廠商規模、技術、管理能力嚴重落後於國際廠商,尤其自台灣加入世界貿易組織後,更面臨國內市場對外開放競爭的挑戰。本研究意在探討台灣營建產業領導廠商(個案公司)因應變局挑戰的策略思維,變革的內容、過程與績效。 個案公司面臨產業變局,於2000年由企業領導人發動企業文化重塑,標舉企業經營新價值,重行定位企業走向。經由策略再思維,採用選擇與集中策略,選定系統整合工程、一般建築市場、高科技廠房,為三大核心目標事業領域,並以系統整合、風險管理、fast-track為其未來發展之策略性能耐。 為達成經營變革策略目標,個案公司推動以績效管理模式為主軸之企業流程再造,涵蓋目標管理、組織重整、引進企業資源規劃(ERP)以利工程規劃管理、預算管制、重建人力資訊系統等。致力於管理控制面之營運效率改善。其變革管理作為,確實已取得近程財務績效優勢,領先業界。 個案研究之主要發現為:缺乏變革管理經驗的企業,初期嘗試推動組織變革,傾向於採用「基本策略」變革為主要取向;在習於服從權威的組織環境中,領導者的視野與意志貫徹,為企業進行組織變革的關鍵成功因素;成功的組織變革需要涵蓋全面,藉由系統化的策略思維,將各項變革作為加以互相連結;客觀、全面、正確而深入地檢視與診斷組織既有問題,是有效達成組織變革的必要手段;企業面對惡質化的市場競爭,需透過策略再思維重新定義經營領域,以提升經營效能;封閉產業廠商面臨產業環境國際化變局,需進行涵蓋較多層面的組織變革,以因應變局挑戰;對於採取「基本策略」變革而言,推動既深且廣、符合策略目標的企業流程再造,為達成變革目標的關鍵;明確、與變革策略相結合的績效管理,是推動「基本策略」變革的有效工具。 / For decades, the construction industry of Taiwan has undergone its underdevelopment, with its scale, technologies and managerial capabilities backward to the average of worldwide competitors. Such competition posture has turned severer as the local construction market opened to global competition since Taiwan entered WTO. This research studies the strategic thinking, contents, the process and performances of organizational changes initiated by a leading company (“The Company”) of Taiwan construction industry while facing the harsh impact on business environmental changes. Reacting to industrial changes, in year 2000, CEO of The Company initiated to re-mold its corporate culture, to advocate new corporate values and to re-define business approaches. To execute rethinking approach of change management, The Company adopted the strategy of “selection & focus” to target on system integration of infrastructures, buildings and hi-tech factories as core business, with strategic competences of SI, risk management and fast-track skills to be cultivated. To achieve strategic objectives, The Company facilitated business process reengineering, which centered on performance management mode and process reengineering, including management by objectives, organizational restructuring, adopting ERP for engineering planning & management, budget control and reestablishment of information system of human resource management, for the enhancing of operational efficiency. Such managerial effort has led The Company to financially outperform local competitors for the latest three years. What this research reveals can be an inspiration to business execution. The overall commitment of the corporate is essential to the success of an organizational change since the change requires the comprehensive coverage. The leader’s vision and perseverance are critical to the fulfillment of organizational changes. It is pivotal to facilitate such changes with systematic strategic thinking. The subjective, comprehensive, extensive and precise survey and diagnosis on the existing problems of an organization is necessary to effectively reach the objectives of organizational changes. To set out suitable competition strategies in accordance with environmental factors and organizational conditions is indispensable to enhance business effectiveness. The performance management which aligns with strategic objectives is the important means to execute the organizational change.

九○年代美「中」關係中的「中國威脅論」 / "China Threat Theory" in Sino-America Relations in the Ninties

王裕宏, Wang, Yu-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

後冷戰時期聯合國安全理事維持和平功能之研究—以波斯灣戰爭為例 / The Study on UN Security Council's Function of Maintaining Peace and Security in the Post Cold War Era ── the Case in Persian Gulf War

戴妙如, Tai, Miao ju Unknown Date (has links)
和平與安全是人類衷心想望的目標。在國際關係理論中,集體安全是 值得努力的制度。唯其需要參與者對組織和其他成員全然的信任和委託才 得以成功地實現。在國際組織的歷史中,國聯與聯合國均以集體安全為手 段,節制衝突、積極合作,期達成和平和安全的理想世界。 冷戰時期 ,美蘇之間的互不信任造成在各方面競爭,企圖尋求優勢以獲安全。安理 會在此種爭奪下,深受內部不和諧、功能不彰之苦,於維持和平的方法上 作因應變化和發展。在戈巴契夫新思維倡導下,冷戰和緩以迄結束,美蘇 由敵對關係轉變成伙伴關係。在彼此信任的基礎上攜手共同維持國際和平 ,安理會維持和平的功能乃日漸提昇。 波斯灣危機中,安理會的運作 乃是部分回歸憲章的集體安全制度。此種經驗雖重燃起國際社會對實施集 體安全的信心和盼望,然其實施卻仍依賴強權國之政治支持意願而定。至 於和平與安全的根本問題則是在人心人性的深處,而少數傑出政治家所能 獨力為之的。


邱東光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討日本綜合商社,在面對產業經營環境衝擊下之組織變革因應之道,並選取與台灣電子產業發展關係密切的兼松集團之電子事業為研究探討對象。期以兼松組織變革活化成功的個案,做為台灣企業面臨變革轉型的一參考借鏡。   在不景氣的經濟大環境下,商社的價值已改變,且已不再有像以往每年持續成長的榮景,本研究旨在探討兼松電子變革因應之新思維與變革執行之具體做法。兼松在面對變局之際,為使企業保有持續成長之優勢,特採選擇與集中之新思維重整領域。針對現有架構檢討,擬定改革方針並採取最有效的目標管理,具體落實地結合績效考評,因而順利地成功轉型。變革成功經驗,他山之石或可攻錯。兼松轉型活化成功的變革策略,對台灣地區面對成長瓶頸的大型企業,如何藉由結合核心能耐,跨入新興事業領域?或可做為企業經營上之參考借鏡。   變革要能有效進行,任何變革策略、改造流程或提昇品質的方法,都必須妥善處理以排除變革的障礙。科特(Kotter)所提成功轉型的八大步驟:1.建立危機意識;2.成立領導團隊;3.提出願景;4.溝通願景;5.授權員工參與;6.創造近程戰果;7.鞏固戰果並再接再厲;8.讓新做法深植企業文化中,很具體的勾勒出變革策略新思維、結構調整與變革執行之做法。本研究發現兼松在落實推動變革執行之後,已成功地變革轉型為:從資訊型物流仲介者到知識型通路整合者;結合核心能耐跨入新興領域;從事業部結構到社內子會社。   綜合本研究探討,從兼松的轉型變革成功個案帶給台灣的啟示是:企業唯有經由重新定義的變革再思維,朝相關核心能耐做創新求變,並將變革思維、策略與結構調整三者緊密結合執行,以及培育持續變革的組織文化,才能確保變革轉型成功。 / This research studies the organization restructure in Japanese enterprise while facing the severe impact on business environmental changes. Kanematsu is selected as the research object because of the close business development relationship with Taiwanese electronic industry. The successful rejuvenation of Kanematsu by restructuring the organization can be a typical benchmark for Taiwan in transformation.   Under the long time economic recession, the value of the enterprise has been changed, and no more creating the continuous prosperity as usual. This research studies the practical approach that Kanematsu took to execute the transformation of structure through rethinking methodology of change management. By adopting the strategic rethinking of selection and focus, Kanematsu redefined the business to assure the continuous growth for enhancing enterprise's competence toward the changes. Kanematsu's successful transformation experience by implementing restructuring strategy can be a model for Taiwanese enterprise in facing the bottle neck of growth in order to leap into a new business field by integrated the core competence.   Kotter's eight steps of transformation: 1. Establish a sense of urgency, 2. Form a powerful guiding coalition, 3. Create a vision, 4. Communicate the change vision, 5. Empower employees for broad-based action, 6. Generate short-term wins, 7. Consolidate gains and producing more change, 8. Anchor new approaches in the culture, specifically outlines the ways of change management's strategic rethinking, re-structuring and executing corporate transformation. Some findings of this research exposure that through practical implementing and executing the transformation, Kanematsu successfully transformed from IT intermediator to informediator; leaped into a new era by congregating the core competency; and transformed from departmental structure to internal subsidiary.   What this research reveals can be an inspiration to Taiwanese enterprise in transformation. Only through the rethinking to redefine the business, restructuring to enhance the core competence, executing concurrent transformation thoroughly, and then building up the corporate culture of pursuing the advantage of managing the endless change can lead to successful transformation.


張瑞承 Unknown Date (has links)
欲了解某一民族的文化,則研究此民族的語言是絕佳的途徑,因為每個民族的語言皆為文化發展及積累的產物,受到文化的影響甚鉅。透過語言的視窗,可以一窺蘊藏豐富寶藏的民族文化。文化的範疇廣大,其中飲食文化是非常重要的組成部分,因為飲食是人類自古以來生存最基本的要求,是人類最為熟悉的事物之一,因此,語言亦承載了相當豐富的飲食文化內涵。 隨著時代的演變,以及人類探索的事物日趨複雜,語言亦不斷變化,其中詞彙意義的轉變尤為明顯,為了替大量從未見過的事物或抽象難解的概念命名,若上述事物或概念的某些特徵與較為熟悉且具體的事物或概念的某特徵之間具有「相似性」,人們即會產生「聯想」,並以原本擁有的詞彙加以指稱,使得原本的詞彙產生另一種意義,也就是「轉義」,當中常蘊含有「隱喻」的思維,因此轉義又可稱為「隱喻意義」,這些隱喻意義說明了人類是如何來認識週遭客觀世界。 俄語的發展進程亦是如此。俄語是俄羅斯文化的載體,自然承載了豐碩的俄羅斯飲食文化。而了解飲食文化的途徑可透過俄語飲食詞彙的研究,這些原本描寫食物、食物味道或飲食行為的飲食詞彙,在龐大的俄語系統中,被用來指稱某些抽象的事物或概念;也就是說,經過語言長期的發展,俄語飲食詞彙產生了相當多的隱喻意義,這些隱喻意義儘管是俄語使用者不易察覺到的,卻表達了俄羅斯民族的思維特性。 本論文旨在研究俄語飲食詞彙,包括食物詞、食物特質詞以及飲食動作詞的隱喻意義與用法,並從中觀察俄語中所隱含的思維方式與認知特點,以及語言所反映的民族思維特性。預期將能豐富俄語詞彙隱喻研究的視野,提供欲了解飲食隱喻的研究者、俄語教學者及學習者之參考。

控股公司組織架構於企業重組過程中的角色:日本大手綜合電機三社之探討 / The role of holding company structure in corporate restructuring: discussion of three giant Japanese general electric companies

張洵銑, Chang, Hsun-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討日本企業於90年代面臨泡沫經濟、金融風暴、全球化、資訊經濟以及服務經濟的變革。許多大企業過去因為追求成長而組織逐漸膨脹,使得面臨外部環境快速變遷時,發生反應遲鈍、人員創新力不足、資源過度分散的現象。在這一波變革當中,日本企業一方面要重整組織,一方面要踏入新的事業領域,使得變革格外艱困。90年代的泡沫經濟,正好提供日本企業深思反省的機會,也讓研究學者提供了企業變革的最佳樣本。 由於日本政府正式將獨占禁止法的純控股公司禁令解除,預計2001年進一步更改稅法為連結經營的模式,因此被禁止五十年的控股公司經營模式將被許多大企業多所採用。本研究藉由三大綜合電機廠商-株式會社日立製作所、株式會社東芝、三菱電機株式會社-的探討,逐步了解日本企業這一波組織變革的手法,以及控股公司組織架構在企業變革上所扮演的角色。 本研究從策略思維、組織架構、經營系統著手探討,發現在各個環節上都是企業變革的重要考量。日本企業的經營策略逐漸轉型為以中期規劃為主;原本製造導向轉變為以服務為導向;80年代過張造成的的資源分散,現在則努力執行選擇與集中企業資源;面對著資訊時代的來臨,投資網路與通訊新事業;隨著全球化的變化,企業不只有著重於日本市場,更以策略聯盟的方式以拓展全球市場。 由於控股公司架構的施行,可以幫助企業易於事業重組與進入新事業、企業轉變成為以策略為重點、權力分配朝向大幅授權與分權自主。就管理制度而言,為了適應mega-competition的競爭環境,反應速度是重要的考量,因此除了維持生產效率之外,經營效率亦是訴求重點。強調創新精神、加速決策過程、採用績效制度、藉助資訊系統等,以搭配控股公司的組織架構,期待能創造出另一波為人稱道的日本式經營。 本研究的結果,正是吾人探索二十一世紀經營之典範。對於台灣企業而言,台灣企業一直和日本企業保持著亦師亦友的角色,日本企業所面臨的大小問題,似乎都是台灣企業未來極有可能遇見的狀況,透過日本企業的深入了解,不但給予台灣企業警惕,也提供台灣企業良好的教材。 / The research studies Japanese firms' changes in face of bubble economy, financial crisis, and globalization as well as digital and service economy. Due to rapid growth in the 1980s, while facing the fast changes of business environment in the past decade, most of Japanese companies suffered from slow responses, insufficient innovation, and over diversified resources. To revitalize the organizations, they are willing to invest in new businesses on the other hand. Because of the lift of pure holding company and reform of consolidated tax system, many Japanese companies are announcing that they will transform themselves to new organizations in form of holding company that had been banned for fifty years. Through the search of three giant general electric firms- Hitachi, Ltd., Toshiba Corporation, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, the research discusses how the Japanese enterprises change and how the holding company structure plays in organizational changes. In terms of strategic rethinking, organizational adaptation, and managerial revitalization, Japanese companies are transforming from long term planning to midterm, from manufacturing orientation to service, from diversified resource to selection and focus, and from general electric businesses to network and communications. Not only is Japanese market emphasized, but international markets also are exploited by numbers of global strategic alliances. The introduction of holding company structure helps companies enter new businesses easily, focus efforts on strategies rather than on operations, and delegate more authorities to lower levels. Under the new structure, management system should be changed simultaneously. To survive in new business environment called mega-competition, fast response and managerial efficiency are points. Moreover, entrepreneurship, speedy decision making process, performance-based evaluation, and information system are adopted to fit both strategic rethinking and organizational adaptation. Scrutinizing Japan's adaptation to environment can give Taiwanese companies more understandings of new Japanese business operations. What the research reveals can warn Taiwan of falling into the same path as of Japan.

精緻管理與公司價值評價之研究-以個案公司及台灣IC設計產業為例 / The research on sophisticated management & company value evaluation via case study and the IC design industry of Taiwan

田玉昇, Tien, Spark Unknown Date (has links)
一家成功的企業,背後都有一段鮮為人知的試煉歷程,其中「管理思維」也最常為企業主或企業CEO所津津樂道。 因應不同的時期、環境,高階經理人無不追求最新、最適當的管理方式、技巧以使企業體的潛能發揮到極致,為股東帶來最大利益,為公司創造永續經營。 台灣的中小企業在第二次世界大戰後,展現了勤奮、努力、誠實、可靠、彈性的特性,在物質缺乏,百廢待舉的環境下蓬勃發展。當時採取所謂的大策略亦即「粗放管理」,幸運的隨著經濟的浪潮賺到了第一桶金,緊接著,追求高效率生產管理的OEM模式為台灣奠定了代工王國的基礎,再隨著歐美大廠要求台灣企業進一步的貢獻研發智慧的能力,ODM的模式繼之成形。 近年來,大自然環境的變遷影響了供應鏈的功能,歐、美國家國債危機導致全球經濟振盪、失業率高居不下、消費緊縮以及競爭國際化、經濟成長趨緩、資訊隨網路透明化等因素,大部份企業都已淪落至反應型的管理,無法應付突如其來的變數,企業面臨挑戰時,頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳。如何在需要策略抉擇時做出適切的決定,甚或預測未來局勢的變動,提前作好準備,正考驗著企業管理者的智慧,而企業經營也必須邁入更高段的小策略亦即「精緻管理」以提高競爭優勢,提昇管理能力,才能立企業於基業長青的不敗之地。 本研究以全方位的「精緻管理」為主軸,以國際IC設計大廠 - C公司的案例驗證「精緻管理」的實施過程與結果並探討台灣IC設計產業的競爭優勢以及管理能力和公司價值兩者之間的關聯性,屬質性與量化混合型的研究。

創造思考策略融入中國語文科教學對學生創造力之影響 = The effects of inclusion of creative thinking strategy in the teaching of Chinese lessons on student creativity / Effects of inclusion of creative thinking strategy in the teaching of chinese lessons on student creativity

簡穗川 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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