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私募定價與公司價值之探討-以臺灣上市上櫃公司為例 / Pricing and frim value for private placements - evidence from Taiwan's public corporations陳以姍 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻指出,美國之私募平均以折價發行,且有顯著正的宣告股價效果。針對不同樣本之特性,Wruck(1989)、Hertzel and Smith(1993)和Barclay, Holderness and Sheehan(2007)分別提出監督假說(monitoring hypothesis)、資訊不對稱假說(information asymmetry hypothesis)和自利假說(entrenchment hypothesis)解釋之。雖然我國之私募制度多參照美國而訂定,但法律架構和私募流程仍有相當程度的差異。因此,本研究將以上述三大假說為基礎,藉由樣本敘述統計和線性迴歸分析,探討我國上市上櫃公司私募之定價與宣告股價效果。
至於宣告股價效果,我國私募董事會和股東會皆不顯著為正,且宣告股價效果的迴歸解釋力也偏低,只有股價淨值較具顯著性。探究其原因,可能是因為我國私募制度不同所致。依證交法之規定,私募股權需先經由董事會和股東會同意後,始得募集。然而,最後私募成功與否常與市況和發行公司能否找到適當投資人等密切相關。既然兩事件日都不能保證私募可以如期完成,我們也就無法預期投資人會對私募有明確迅速的反應。 / In the beginning of 2000, Taiwan’s Securities Transaction Law was amended to introduce the new way of financing- private placements. Since then public corporations are allowed to issue new securities either by public offerings and private placements. According to statistics, after 2005 private placements have become one of the most important funding sources for corporations, especially for those who are disqualified for public offerings. Although the average proceed of private placements is still relatively small, the number of private placements has already surpassed that of public offerings in recent years. This manifests the important role of private placements in building a sound financial market.
Private placements in the U.S., despite selling at discounts, are associated with significant positive abnormal returns on the announcement date. With different sample characteristics, Wruck (1989), Hertzel and Smith (1993) and Barclay, Holderness and Sheehan (2007) suggest monitoring hypothesis, information asymmetry hypothesis and entrenchment hypothesis respectively. Our study is based with these three most accepted hypotheses and aims to give an insight in Taiwan’s private placement of equities for public corporations.
I search the Market Observation Post System for all private placements from 2002 to July of 2009, and obtain a sample of 398 private equities with complete data. Empirical evidence shows that Taiwan’s private equities are selling at discounts as well and “proceeds of private equity”, “placement fraction” and “corporate size” are the three significant explanatory variables for discounts. However, all the results seem not to fully support any hypothesis as mentioned above.
On the other hand, the announcement stock price effects on the board and shareholders’ meeting are insignificantly positive in Taiwan. The regressions on the announcement stock price returns also indicate low explanatory power with only “Tobin’s Q” variable being significant overall. This may be attributed to the legislation differences between U.S. and Taiwan. According to Taiwan’s Securities Transaction Law, private equities should be first approved by the board and shareholders’ meeting, but might not be a successful private equity placement due to market condition, lack of proper investors and others. As a result, we can’t expect investors would instantly, correctly respond to this resolution information on those announcement dates.
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中國實施新會計準則對新股上市價格影響之研究 / The Effect of China Accounting Standards on the Price of Initial Public Offerings楊子霆, Yang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討2007年中國大陸實施以IFRS為基礎的中國會計準則後,是否因為會計準則要求更多資訊的公開,影響新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度。由於中國大陸資本市場有獨特的機制環境,本研究更進一步探討,中國大陸新上市公司在中國會計準則實施後,新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度,是否會因為各省份機制環境背景有不同的影響。實證結果發現,實施中國會計準則後,新股折價的幅度的確顯著降低,新股上市的蜜月期也會因為準則實施後,資訊不對稱的情形降低,有明顯的縮減。亦發現若中國大陸地方機制環境較進步且發達,該地區市場化的程度愈高,新股折價的幅度會也會因資訊更加公開而降低。 / In 2007, China passed the IFRS-based Chinese Accounting Standards (therefore IFRS-based CAS) to converge with IFRS. This paper examines the effect of implementation of IFRS-based CAS on IPO uncerpricing. In addition, there are different institutional features of transition economy from other countries. This paper also examines the effect of the interaction between implementation of IFRS-based CAS and institutional features of transition economy on IPO uncerpricing. The empirical results show that post-2005 IPOs in China are significantly less underpriced, and IPO honeymoon periods have similar outcomes. Furthermore, the results also show that the magnitude of underpricing will be decreased in those provinces with higher degrees of marketization.
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Closed-end Fund Discounts and Investor Sentiment: Evidence from U.K. Investment Trusts黃伯偉, HUANG, PO-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
封閉型基金的掛牌買賣價格,與其投資標的淨資產價值(NAV, net asset value)間,總是存在一定程度的差距,且幾乎為10%~20%的折價現象,被視為財務學上的一種異常(anomaly)。早期研究學者們由經濟理性的角度解釋此種現象,認為是基金管理的績效表現、投資標的流動性或是稅制上的差異等等角度來解釋此一現象,但並沒有獲得一致的結論。
近期以來,有學者嘗試從行為財務學的角度,認為封閉型基金的折溢價現象及其幅度的變化,是由於投資人情緒(investor sentiment)的波動所造成。除了傳統的迴歸模式,更有不少學者以嚴謹的計量方式分析,例如財務時間序列的許多技巧。本研究即以時間序列之單根檢定(unit root test)、共整合現象檢定(co-integration test)及Granger因果關係檢定(Granger Causality test)等等方式,分析封閉型基金折溢價現象是否由投資人情緒所造成,及其兩者間是否有共整合現象。
共整合現象檢定及Granger因果關係檢定大致支持行為財務學的角度。但英國、日本跨國比較的結果,似乎並不完全等同於前述英、美跨國比較的結果。建議後續可從掛牌國與投資標的區域連動程度較低的封閉型基金作為研究方向。 / The closed-end funds discounts have been an interesting phenomenon for a long period. Some theories based on economic rationale try to solve the puzzle but fail to get consistent conclusions. Recently some theories based on behavioral finance, such as the investor sentiment hypothesis, have been proposed to solve this puzzle. This study examines the investor sentiment hypothesis based on various time-series tests and finds some interesting results.
Briefly, our conclusions are as follows: 1. The discounts can vary widely between funds and seem to be persistent in our sample period. 2. The local market indices are cointegrated with the domestic closed-end funds discounts and the information is flowed from the market to the closed-end funds, which support the investor sentiment hypothesis. 3. The causality relationship between the foreign closed-end funds and the local indices is not obvious. Based on this, the market segmentation hypothesis seems to hold in our sample, which indicates that investing in the foreign funds provide investors with the benefit of diversification.
For future researches, we suggest that more the foreign funds should be included in the sample and the classification of the degree of investor sentiment and the categories of funds can also be improved.
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內部人行為對私募折價幅度之影響 / The effects of insider activities on price discounts in private placement徐翊中, Hsu, Yi Chung Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,公司內部人若有參與私募者,則折價幅度會較純粹為外部人應募之私募案為大,顯示內部人可能藉由其職權,壓低私募價格以自肥,符合利益掠奪假說。此外,若內部人於應募前後,尚還有出售老股套利或隱瞞應募人與公司關係之情事者,其折價幅度越大。顯示內部人若意圖假私募手法圖利自身時,其確會運用其對公司之影響力,蓄意壓低私募價格以賺取折價之價差,或刻意隱瞞資訊以規避小股東之監督。因此,私募折價幅度與內部人是否參與應募以及續後之作為,確有密切關聯。 / This study examines the effect of insiders’ activities on the price discount of private placement. The sample period starts from October 11th, 2005 and ends August 31th, 2010, one day before the last revision on the regulation, Directions for Public Companies Conducting Private Placements of Securities.
The empirical result shows that the price discount under private placement with insiders involved is more than that with outsiders only. The insiders, in accordance with entrenchment hypothesis, may benefit by discounting the price in the private placement. In addition, more price discount may also be taken by the insiders who intend to benefit from selling stocks while purchasing stocks from the private placement or intentionally concealing information about their relationship with the company. It’s evident that the price discount under private placement has something to do with whether the insiders are involved and how they behave in response.
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探討台灣股票市場IPO後長期績效表現 :以首日報酬熱度及機構投資人拋售情況為觀察指標 / The Post-IPO Flipping by Institutional Investors and The First-Day Return:Predictive Factors for Long-Run Returns蘇詠竣, Su, Yong Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台股初次公開上市櫃公司IPO後首日股價報酬熱度及機構投資人首月脫售持股情況兩指標,試著預測IPO後一年期股價表現。本篇論文蒐集自2010年起至2014年3月31日止252筆在台灣初次上市櫃公司資料,並將其依首日報酬熱度由低至高依序分為Cold、Cool、Hot及Extra-Hot四種群組。研究結果顯示,Cold IPOs長期傾向擁有較佳超額報酬,而首日報酬熱度最高的Extra-Hot IPOs長期則表現最差。也證實了IPOs股票折價承銷理論中所提,公司若在IPO初期出現較大幅度的折價讓利,長期將導致公司因降價求售股票而遭受價值損害。
另外,本文也以三大法人脫售持股比例為分組,探討法人是否具有長期股價預測能力。過去一些國內外文獻皆以全部樣本直接討論法人脫售行為對長期績效表現的影響,本研究進一步將252筆公司資料分為:(1)初次上市櫃前曾在興櫃市場掛牌交易及(2)上市櫃前未曾在興櫃市場掛牌交易 兩群組。結果顯示,機構投資人只有在對IPO個股具有優勢資訊時(曾在興櫃市場交易),才能顯著對公司優劣做出判斷,進而對長期績效表現做出預測;反之,若是未曾興櫃之IPO個股,機構投資人對其一年期股價表現則無顯著預測能力。本研究最後以首日報酬率、承銷商聲譽、IPO時大盤指數、法人首月脫售持股比例及IPO時個股市值等五大因素,做出IPO一年期超額報酬預測式。結果發現只有IPO時大盤指數、法人脫售持股比例及首日報酬熱度顯著影響一年期超額報酬率。其他變數如承銷商聲譽及IPO時公司市值皆只具經濟意義,對一年期超額報酬並無顯著影響。 / In this article, we are trying to predict the 1-year excess returns of the IPOs by observing two indicators:The first-day return and the flipping level by institutional investors. We use the 252 IPOs data in Taiwan stock market from 2010 to March 31th, 2014 and divide it into 4 different levels by the first-day return:Cold IPOs, Cool IPOs, Hot IPOs and Extra-Hot IPOs. And it turns out the Cold IPOs are inclined to have better long-run performances on the stock price, while the Extra-Hot IPOs have the worst performances in the 12-month excess returns. This study can prove the mispricing theory:The IPOs will suffer in losses in the long-term because of the underpricing behaviors.
This thesis also analyzes the predictive power of the flipping level of institutional investors. We divide our sample data into two different groups:(1) IPOs who have been traded in the dealer market (Emerging Stock Market, ESM) (2) IPOs who traded in the order driven market directly (without the dealer market experiences). It reveals that the predictive power is prominent only if the institutional investors have superior information about the IPOs (with dealer market experiences); In contrast to the first group, the predictive power seems to be weak when the IPOs have no dealer market experiences. In the end of this study, we are trying to construct a regression model with five indicators:the rank of the underwriters, the IPOs’ market capital, the market index during the IPO period, first-day return and the flipping level of institutional investors. We find out that in addition to the IPOs’ market capital and the rank of the underwriters, all other indicators are statistically significant to predict the 1-year excess returns of IPOs.
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未上市公司評價─以廣穎電通為例 / Valuing unlisted companies-case of silicon power computer & communications inc.蘇煒程 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,以2011 年年報來估計相關參數,運用現金流量折現法的每股理論價值為39.24 元。若考量流動性折價,以上市股票市場資料推估所得之流動性折價,廣穎電通之每股理論價值將為39.05 元;以興櫃股票市場資料推估所得之流動性折價,廣穎電通之每股理論價值將為37.93 元。
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我國指數股票型基金上市後之績效分析王韻晴 Unknown Date (has links)
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控制權溢價之研究—從凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案出發 / Discussion on control premium – the carlyle group cash-out the Eastern Media international corporation case report陳盈良 Unknown Date (has links)
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亞洲央行干預外匯市場的有效性及對美國存託憑證價差的影響 / 無張美菁, Chang, Mei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是在探討印度、印尼、南韓、馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國及台灣央行透過干預匯率市場,對其國家的公司在美國發行存託憑證折溢價的影響,研究期間為2005年1月至2011年4月。研究結果顯示央行對匯市干預造成的變動,確實會影響到該國公司在美國發行的存託憑證產生折價的情形。另外,亞洲央行使用買美元干預匯市的作法會對該國公司在美國發行的存託憑證產生溢價,而央行透過賣美元干預匯市的作法會對該國公司在美國發行的存託憑證產生折價的影響,但是由於樣本資料的限制,其效果在統計上並不顯著。由公司層面的分析可以看出央行透過賣美元來干預匯市對其國家的公司在美國發行的存託憑證會有明顯產生折價的影響。 / 【第一篇論文英文摘要】
Using Reuters’ news reports on central bank interventions, we investigate the factors that increase the odds of intervention success by Asian central banks in the foreign exchange market from January 2005 to April 2011. This period coincides with the global credit crisis and quantitative easing policy, which have engendered a sharp depreciation followed by a gradual appreciation of Asian currencies. The results show that leaning-against-the-wind intervention strategies are effective in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. We also find that joint and first day interventions are associated with higher odds of effective intervention.
This paper examines the effectiveness of central bank interventions in the foreign exchange market from January 2005 to April 2011 in Asia. The results show that the central banks in Asia intervene in the foreign exchange markets by selling U.S. dollars to prevent severe depreciation of local currencies during the global credit crisis. However, central bankers can only slow down the trend of depreciation of local currencies against U.S. dollar. The currencies apparently depreciate against U.S. dollar in Indonesia, Singapore, and Taiwan. After the global credit crisis, Asian countries confront appreciations of local currencies due to the US quantitative easing policy. The central banks in Asia intervene by purchasing U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market. Nevertheless, intervention strategies slowly reduce U.S. dollar depreciations. The foreign exchange rate apparently appreciate against U.S. dollar in India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. Results show that Asian central banks adopt leaning-against-the-wind intervention strategies during the sample period. Their interventions in the foreign exchange market can only reduce fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate, but fail to reverse the trend of Asian exchange rates.
This paper examines whether Asian central bank interventions in the foreign exchange market affect the discount or premium of American Depositary Receipt (ADR) of Asian companies from January 2005 to April 2011. The sample consists of companies from Indian, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore. Empirical results show that central bank interventions increase ADR discounts of companies in Asian countries. In addition, interventions by purchasing U.S. dollars result in higher ADR premiums, and the strategies of selling U.S. dollars affect ADR discounts. Though some of the empirical results are not statistically significant due to limited sample size, results based on individual firms show that selling USD interventions by Asian central banks have a significant impact on their ADR discounts.
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生技產業IPO風險因子、策略聯盟與折價之關聯性研究 / The Association between the Risk Factor Disclosures in IPO Prospectus, Strategic Alliances and Underpricing of Biotech Firms洪上琄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討生技產業公開說明書之風險因子揭露以及首次公開發行(IPO, initial public offering)前之策略聯盟關係對首次公開發行折價所產生之影響。本研究以美國生技產業首次公開發行公司為研究對象,樣本期間為1997年至2012年。
許多文獻指出當初級市場認購人間資訊不對稱程度越大時,IPO價值之事前不確定性(ex ante uncertainty)越高,因此以事前不確定性的概念來衡量資訊不對稱程度,並透過公開說明書中資訊之揭露作為事前不確定性的代理變數以探討其與IPO折價現象之關聯。本研究即利用公開說明書之風險因子揭露作為事前不確定性的代理變數,並預期揭露的數量多寡與內容描述將影響IPO折價。另外,由於文獻指出策略聯盟所傳達的正面訊號,可能有助於生技公司減少因產業特性所造成的不確定性,因此本研究預期生技公司於IPO前擁有策略聯盟關係將影響IPO折價。
本研究參考過去文獻,建立資訊揭露的四級指標加上風險因子所揭露的項目多寡,系統性地衡量生技公司公開說明書之風險因子,並以多元迴歸分析檢測假說。實證結果顯示:風險因子的內容描述越具量化或越具體,IPO折價越大,並且發現大公司之風險因子揭露數量與IPO折價具正向關係,而生技公司於IPO前擁有策略聯盟關係對IPO折價幅度具有顯著負向關係。研究結果顯示公開說明書之風險因子揭露及策略聯盟與事前不確定性所產生之IPO折價現象之關聯性。 / This study investigates whether disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus and the effect of strategic alliances before IPO date will influence underpricing of the biotech firms. Data is collected for biotech companies of U.S IPOs issued from 1997 to 2012 as the research sample.
Much literature indicates that the greater is the information asymmetry between different investors, the higher is the ex ante uncertainty about an initial public offering’s value. Hence, the ex ante uncertainty is measured as the degree of asymmetric information. And there are a number of studies that use different measurement as a proxy for ex-ante uncertainty including disclosures in the prospectus to examine its relation to underpricing. This study uses risk factors in the prospectus as a proxy for ex-ante uncertainty and expects that the quantity of risk factors and the content or description of risk factors will influence underpricing. Furthermore, since previous studies consider that strategy alliances convey a positive signal to investors which would reduce the uncertainty from the industrial characteristics of the biotech industry and would mitigate investors’ concern, this study expects that a biotech IPO with strategic alliances before IPO date will affect underpricing.
Referring to past literature, this study builds four-class index for disclosure score and uses the number of risk factors to systematically measure risk factors in the prospectus. The empirical results show that a biotech IPO with more quantitative information or some specific information of risk factors will experience higher underpricing. In addition, in larger firms the greater are risk factors disclosed no matter the quantity or the content and its description, the higher is underpricing. And there is a significantly negative relation between strategic alliances before IPO date and underpricing. In conclusion, disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus and the effect of strategic alliances are related to underpricing as expected.
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