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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LED照明產業之經營模式與發展策略-以Philips公司為例 / The business model and development strategy in LED lighting industry -taking Philips as a case study

卓立庭, Cho, Lee Ting Unknown Date (has links)
LED(Light Emitting Diode,發光二極體)的應用已由最早的數字顯示器和指示器發展出一些新的應用,與生活息息相關,四處可見,包括出口指示燈、裝飾燈、交通號誌、舞台燈、室外照明和投射燈等。LED提供的好處包括體積小、使用壽命長、低熱量輸出、節約能源和耐用性,它也擁有設計的靈活性,譬如由將小單體封裝成不同的形狀、顏色、大小及亮度可以達到顯色及調光的各種不同變化。但是LED技術發展限制使得它在整體光源輸出、演色性及可靠性仍不如規格宣稱可以達到的境界,因此在某些應用上還不普及,尤以取代傳統照明的應用市場目前較難達成。然而其餘LED在包括零售展示,彩色燈光,需要較暗光線的狹小空間照明,外部照明和應用一體化的光源的建築、娛樂與劇場照明等應用領域已經漸漸形成市場。由於台灣基於半導體產業的興盛,讓LED產業也隨之蓬勃發展起舞。 Philips公司進入LED照明產業後,積極地展開規劃佈署,主以併購的方式,於2005至2009年共併購了9間LED照明相關公司。從上游研發與製造LED晶片與元件公司Lumileds,到中游LED照明控制廠商Color Kinetics、TIR system、Bodine與Dynalite,以及下游LED燈具製造商PLI、Genlyte與Selecon,將LED照明產業鏈上的的關鍵公司納入旗下,對本身LED照明產品線進行垂直整合以及組織重整,Philips公司藉此以大規模的併購動作向全球宣告自身於LED照明產業的龍頭地位。 本研究針對LED照明產業作一系列的探討與分析,先從目前LED照明發展概況、主要廠商LED照明產品技術結構分析開始作初步探討,最後以Philips公司為個案探討該公司在LED照明的商業模式,如在LED照明產業的組織設計、投資、併購、合資、研發、授權與專利佈局…等。透過上述分析資料及結果,本研究歸納出Philips公司於LED照明產業的經營模式與發展策略,並對應到台灣企業目前的發展狀況。對台灣企業發展LED照明而言,當務之急除致力技術研發,累積自身專利之保護傘,以及對國外廠商的大規模授權動作亦必須要進行充分的研究與了解外,仍需借鏡Philips公司經營LED照明產業的方法與經驗,重新規劃自身的商業模式與競爭策略,避免重蹈過往台灣廠商在LED晶粒與封裝段遭遇的困境,逃脫不了向國外大廠取得授權或是被告的命運。 / The application of LED (Light Emitting Diode) evolved from digital display and indicators to more utility devices close to daily life, such as indicator lamps, decorative lamps, traffic lights, stage lights, outdoor lights, and projection lights. The limit of current technology restricts LED from so-claimed full performance concerning global illumination, color rendering, and reliability so that it is less available in certain applications, especially in the market of traditional lightings. However, LED becomes popular in retail display, color lighting, illumination of a small space, exterior lighting, illumination of integrated building, entertainment lighting and stage lighting. In addition, the prosperity of Taiwan semi-conductor industry encourages the development of LED industry in Taiwan. The LED companies have developed into a complete industry chain in Taiwan and will play an important role in the global LED industry. Philips aggressively merged 9 LED companies between 2005 and 2009. These companies ranges from upstream to downstream of the LED industry chain, including LED chips manufacturer Lumileds, LED controller companies Color Kinetics, TIR System, Bodine, Dynalite, and LED module and system manufacturer PLI, Genlyte, Selecon. The strategy of Philips is to complete its LED product line through vertical merger and reorganization of these important LED companies, proclaiming its leading position in global LED industry. This thesis begins with an introduction about the latest development of LED lighting and the technology analysis on LED products of the main companies. Further, the thesis will take Philips as the case study to elaborate its business model in LED lighting, such as organization, investment, merger and acquisitions, joint venture, R&D, licensing and patent strategy. Through the analysis on Philips’ business model and strategy in LED industry, the research will propose some suggestions for Taiwan LED companies. Taiwan LED companies should increase their own R&D energy, strengthen their intellectual property and keep up with the updated status of international licensing events. They should also take Philips as an example to examine their own business strategy in case that they may be trapped between high Royalties or lawsuits to international enterprises, a dilemma which Taiwan LED die and package companies encountered.


黃文德, Huang, Wen Te Unknown Date (has links)
軟體市場的競爭是日益激烈,許多軟體廠為提昇其自我的生存能力,大部分軟體廠商會將其公司資源投注於產品的研發及通路發展而忽略如何運用軟體銷售授權模式的改變來提昇其競爭能力。目前市場的軟體授權模式除了傳統套裝軟體一次買斷式模式外,也有所謂的訂閱、依使用量、或依功能模組等單位向使用者索取費用等非一次買斷式的軟體銷售模式。 本研究以企業用戶為探討對象,經過國內外文獻資料與相關市場調查的蒐集,並整理目前軟體產業中成功代表個案,包含:微軟、Salesforces.com、Apple iTunes 線上音樂以及Google,彙整其競爭優勢、策略與挑戰,藉此進一步探討不同軟體銷售模式發展下行銷通路的變化、各類應用軟體適用的銷售模式分析、以及多元軟體銷售機制對軟體廠商與消費者的影響。 針對上述議題,本研究以提升顧客價值為觀點,提出以下六點結論,以期作為軟體廠商擬定公司行銷策略之參考與依據,與及企業用戶訂定軟體採購的方針。這六點結論如下所敘:(1)不同銷售模式有著不同的銷售通路,因此採用對的銷售模式及銷售通路,將有助於軟體廠商進入新的市場;(2)整體擁有成本低、功能變動小、諮商維護需求低,且對企業效益不高的軟體產品,適用於一次買斷軟體銷售模式;(3) 當產品使用人數少,但對產品功能的維護、更新需求高時,建議企業採取依使用人次配合固定租金無限使用模式;(4)當對該軟體產品之使用效益評估尚不明確時,建議企業可先採取依使用量計價的模式;(5)建議既有軟體廠商可善用多元銷售模式與傳統買斷式、大量授權銷售模式的整合,積極與顧客建立長期關係;(6)軟體廠商應不斷精益求精,提供更好的服務品質。 / Today's software vendors must consider a wide assortment of licensing models to maintain the competitive edge on the marketplace instead of solely resource investment on either R&D or sales channel. Traditionally perpetual licensing selling model characterized by large, upfront costs is still the major software selling model, however, several non-perpetual licensing models (i.e. term licensing) like subscription and utility pricing, defined as pay-as-you-go pricing based on a fixed or variable metric are gaining attention. To better understand different licensing selling model approach toward the enterprise customers, and the their impacts on channel ecosystem, selling advantage and the connection between enterprise buyers and software vendors, the study has elaborated recent marketing researches and celebrity cases in the market. The cases we went through include Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Apple and Google. Base on the core principle of “customer value”, the study has identified 6 takeaways that can be used by both software vendors and enterprise customers for marketing strategy planning and procurement tactics implementation. Below are the 6 takeaways. 1.Different licensing models come with different selling channels; an appropriate licensing model adoption will effectively help software vendors to penetrate to new market. 2.The perpetual licensing model is more suitable to the software applications whose characteristics are low TCO, infrequent function update and few maintenance effort 3.Subscription model is a choice for the software applications that have frequent function updates, high maintenance effort but use by few people daily 4.Pay-as-you-go pricing model for usage will benefit to enterprise customers when the ROI of software application they are using is unclear 5.Existing market players of software application will be paid back from long-term customer relation by aggressively deploying multiple licensing models (perpetual and term licensing) together 6.Face competitive challenge of revenue stream and future growth, Software vendors not only should continuously work on better-for-customer products and services for enterprise customers, a better-for-customer pricing model development are a crucial pivot point as well.

台灣專利聯盟(Patent Pool)的可行性探討─以國際產業標準的營運模式為例 / The feasibility analysis of Patent Pool in Taiwan─The Business Model of International Standard

徐弘光, Hsu, Henry Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣高科技廠商開始投注大量的心血在於專利申請上,由公告的美國專利數目,台灣專利權人2005年在美獲取專利數已位居美國以外國家的第三位,在這樣的數據下,應該值得驕傲,然若從訴訟案例來看,台灣廠商卻仍明顯處於被指控專利侵權的窘境,在光電產業、光儲存產業、半導體產業、IC設計業等,有相當多的案例說明台灣廠商雖然在專利的數量上已達一定的成效,但營運上卻因為專利議題而障礙重重。 許多專利聯盟案例的成功,如MPEG LA與DVD 6C都說明了以專利為基礎所產生標準後能帶來的龐大商業利益。使得標準之爭,成為國際級大集團的必爭之地。反觀台灣或是中國,近年來都有許多與標準相關的聯盟產生,但都未能為主流產品所遵循、參與。 本文藉由MPEG-2 的案例,對於技術、專利、產品、產業的相互關係作一實證的探討,並以國際級跨國公司的智權管理來分析其營運模鏈式。發現推動標準的領導廠商,在標準制訂過程中,積極地參與標準組織、轉化研發成果為專利;在專利的佈局上,也善用專利申請的技巧在各國廣佈專利;積極推廣標準成為主流後,再組成專利聯盟、訂立授權機制。 國內廠商,若要制訂標準、組成專利聯盟,應建立許多研發的配套機制,例如研發過程中,標準、產品與專利的結、產業上中下游價值鏈的安排、研發聯盟的組成等。 / Hi-tech companies in Taiwan have begun to focus their resources on patent prosecution and the added-value thereafter in recent years. According to the statistics of USPTO, Taiwan ranks 3th on the total patent granted to a foreign origin. This is clearly an achievement to be proud of. However, Taiwan companies are still subject to many infringement challenges, be they in the field of optoelectronics, optical storage, semi-conductor or IC design. Clearly the growing patent ownership has not quite resolved the intellectual property issues these companies must overcome. The success of patent pools can bring profit to companies. In cases of MPEG LA and DVD 6C, they makes standard war a critical issue to international companies. On the contrary in Taiwan and China, many alliances aiming to promote standard fail to become standard finally. The case of MPEG-2 is analyzed in the aspects of technology, patent, product, industry and also their interactions. In addition, the IP management of the business model is also discussed. We found the leading company of industrial standard are aggressively participating the standard organization and applying patents. In patent application, there were skillfully in filing patents in different countries. After the technology become dominant standards, they start to form patent pool and build the license mechanism. Domestic companies should establish the infrastructure of R&D before setting standard and forming patent pool. For example, the connections of standard, product development, patent application, industrial value chain and R&D alliance should be planed and established during R&D process.


洪毓彣, Hung ,Yu-wen Unknown Date (has links)
大眾應用軟體經營模式上,長久以來,一直以與電腦硬體搭配銷售或零售店盒裝式的軟體販售為主,盜版問題亦是許多軟體服務提供者心中的痛;然而,當未來網路服務品質更趨穩定,所有應用軟體程式皆可在線上操作執行時,勢必會一改所謂販賣套裝軟體獲利的傳統資訊市場的經營模式。 經由市場相關資訊、應用軟體個案的探討,本研究認為免費與付費式軟體服務將以不同的價值共存於市場機制中。免費式服務能有效爭取到消費者嘗試新產品服務的興趣,使軟體服務提供者在擁有相當使用量或使用族群同質性高的情況下,能藉由經營廣告平台、銷售週邊硬體產品、提供後續加值服務,或轉戰企業用戶市場等模式獲利;另一方面,在為了提升消費者合法使用軟體服務的動機之前提下,收費式軟體服務方面,業者廠商應根據其產品功能、了解消費者使用的目的,增加其選購軟體服務的彈性,可從產品功能、消費者、時間等聚集構面,彈性地依消費者使用軟體功能模組的程度、使用人數、使用時間的長短等設計合理的收費機制。 最後,本研究也建議消費者應轉變過去只想以免費方式全程享受軟體服務的觀念,了解到免費式軟體服務主要是提供一種嘗試,幫助了解該軟體服務是否滿足本身使用需求;而付費式軟體服務則是進一步提供一流暢的使用經驗,提供一套具備安全、整合、方便性、隨時可用性等客製化服務。 / The suite software package sold in retail shops or combined with the computer is the main and general business model in the application software market but at the same time piracy problem is very serious. Especially, when all software service could be operated smoothly on the Web, there should be some new business models against that situation. Gone through elaborating recent marketing researches and some case studies in the market, the study showed that both free and paid for software service would stand with different value in the market. Free is the best marketing strategy at the first step, which helps software service providers gathering mass use base effectively, and pushing some profit-making strategies (i.e. advertisement platform, value-added service). On the other hand, paid software service providers should break traditional suit style of software sale, and consider how to draw up a reasonable fee rule, which should include some important elements (i.e. consumer’s behavior, use frequency etc.) Finally, the study also recommended consumers that the free service is just a way to make them further understand whether this service content could meet their requirements. However, the paid service will bring them a more convenient digital life with superior quality.

動畫電影品牌商品化與購買意願之研究 / Effects of Brand Avatar on Purchase Intention─A Study of Animation Industry

張雅絜, Chang, Ya Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
商品上隨處可見形形色色的的知名動畫電影角色肖像在上面。動畫電影原本所要吸引的消費族群是以孩童為主,然而,仍有許多青少年族群以及成年人會購買動畫角色的周邊商品。本研究試著以成人消費者的角度,探討不同類型之動畫電影角色吸引消費者的原因所在,以及購買動畫電影角色授權商品的消費者又具備何種特性? 本文研究架構包含喜愛度、熟悉度、相似度等與動畫電影角色吸引力有關之變數,以及個性一致性、認同效果、參考群體等與購買動機有關之變數。本研究將利用問卷調查與統計分析探討消費者對動畫電影角色的品牌態度、產品態度與產品購買意願之關係。 研究結果顯示:消費者對於角色喜愛度與相似度較高會產生較佳的角色品牌態度。而消費者對動畫電影角色的品牌態度,會透過影響產品態度進而影響產品的購買意願。影響產品購買意願的另一因素為消費者對於授權產品的認同效果。另外,本研究發現,消費者對產品態度與購買意願,會受到非人類與虛構人類的角色類別差異的影響。

增進台灣國家衛生研究院授權活動成效之研究 -以美國國家衛生研究院授權活動為例 / Research to Increase Taiwan National Health Research Institutes Licensing Performance by Comparing The Licensing Practice of United States National Institutes of Health

丘耀華, Hew, Yaohua Unknown Date (has links)
1980年,在美國拜杜法案(Bayh-Dole Act)通過以後,政府補助研發成果從原屬於國家財產,下放歸屬權於研發單位。因此研發單位可自行管理並將研發成果授權至產業界,將研發成果商品化,此過程稱之為「技術移轉」。技術移轉是一個非常細膩且複雜的過程,有許多因素會左右技術移轉的成敗,其中包括:技術之品質、法律限制、政策因素、產業需求和資訊流通等因素。技術移轉將可以使研發成果商品化, 有助於提升政府稅收和權利金收入,並且推動科學發展和增加就業機會,為國家創造經濟收入。 本研究旨探如何提升政府補助國立生醫研究單位-台灣國家衛生研究院(NHRI)之授權績效。本研究將採用美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)之授權績效和授權執行方式當參考指標。為了得到精準和可信的數據,本研究僅截取官方之年報和網站的資料。與此同時,本研究末將會提供如何提升授權績效之建議。 此研究發現就2010年而言,NIH和NHRI之授權績效可謂旗鼓相當。儘管台灣立法規定「政府資訊公開法」,此研究發現台灣國家衛生研究院有選擇性的發表其授權績效的跡象。由於政府所有開銷均從其預算而來,而政府預算部分自人民納稅所得,因此監督政府績效是普羅大眾的基本權利。人民有權監督,並且要求政府就其管理、執行成效做出解釋。然而,台灣國家衛生研究院之資訊不透明舉動,限制了人民監督的權利,此舉將會因缺乏監督而惡性循環的造成授權績效更為疲弱。此外,此研究亦發現較少的授權契約種類、授權策略在地化、研發成果披露之不明確性、智慧財產委員會專利申請和授權策略失衡是造成NHRI授權成果疲弱的因素。 / Since the passage of U.S. Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, government-funded research inventions were no longer considered as government property. Invention could be patented and be licensed to industry through the process of commercialization for revenue return. Commercialization will create revenue in the form of royalty and taxes to the government, further driving scientific improvement and increase job opportunities. Technology commercialization is a very delicate process and there are a lot of factors that might alter the success, including but not limited to i) the quality of invention, ii) legislation restriction, iii) policy incentives, iv) industry interest, v) availability of information and etc. If managed properly, technology commercialization could bring high value to the academic institutes that developed an invention, to government that financially support academic research and to general public that could benefit from the invention itself. This study intends to identify the factors of the weak licensing performance in Taiwan government-funded national biomedical research organization, National Health Research Institute (NHRI). To evaluate the licensing performance of NHRI, this study will compare the licensing performance of NHRI with National Institute of Health (NIH) in the United States. To get accurate and formal data, this study will mainly retrieve data from official annual report and website. By comparing the practice of technology commercialization process of both institutes, this study could suggest possible flaws in NHRI’s licensing process in comparison to NIH. At the same time, this study will give suggestions to achieve a better licensing performance. This study concluded that both institute performed equally in FY 2010, but it has been noticed that NHRI were selectively in disclosing its licensing performance statistics and it is difficult to retrieve general information from NHRI, despite the availability of Freedom of Government Information Law (Taiwan). It’s the basic right for the general public to be able to supervise and surveillance a government agency’s performance as it utilizes the taxes contributed by a citizen in a country. The limitation of information disclosure by NHRI has made it difficult for general public supervise its licensing performance, of which might further contribute to even weaker licensing performance due to lack of supervision. This research also concluded that few options of licensing contracts, localization in licensing strategy, confusion in technology disclosure, possible misalignment of patenting & licensing strategy of the IP Management Committee contributes to weak licensing performance in the NHRI.

開放原始碼軟體商業模式及相關法律問題之探討 / The Study on Business Models and Related Legal Issues of Open Source Software

張憶嬋, Chang, Yi-Chan Unknown Date (has links)
開放原始碼軟體(Open Source Software),是由一群相信電腦軟體世界應以開放為主流的軟體創作者所提倡,他們認為電腦軟體之創造、開發、修正、改寫與加值等行為,不應受限於原始碼不開放的困擾及智慧財產權保護過度的法律障礙,而應藉由公開程式原始碼的方式,供其他程式設計者對軟體加以改進,以提升其效能。由於此種軟體開發模式具備取得成本低、穩定與安全性、彈性與自主權、堅強後援等優勢,這些優勢已逐漸被企業界所發覺,趨使其開始採用開放原始碼軟體的步伐,同時也創造了龐大的潛在商機。例如國際知名業者IBM、Intel等紛紛投入開放原始碼軟體相關產品的推廣與銷售,甚至連政府單位,包括歐盟、美國、中國、日本、韓國等各國政府,也大力推動使用開放原始碼軟體。在此風潮之下,我國政府也制定了一系列發展開放原始碼軟體的政策及方向。 如果能夠適當的運用開放原始碼軟體,確實是可以為企業或組織節省大量成本,創造龐大的潛在商機。至於如何將潛在商機轉換為企業的實質利潤,有此即有賴商業模式的建立。 然而,就在開放原始碼逐漸形成趨勢之際,其發展卻也面臨一些新興的法律議題挑戰。相較於專屬軟體在程式開發及授權合約中通常會提供不侵犯他人智慧財產權的保障措施,開放原始碼軟體由於係以社群開發及免費授權的方式發展,在此方面的保障可能較不周全,而SCO與IBM及Novell之間錯綜複雜的智慧財產侵權糾紛,更突顯此類問題的重要與複雜。 除了智慧財產權方面的法律風險外,開放原始碼所依據的授權契約之解釋、執行、契約效力也是一個很大的問題。截至目前為止,經OSI(Open Source Initiative)所認可的開放原始碼授權契約已達58種之多,未來還會持續增加。由於授權契約種類繁多,且各契約之規定及限制不同,也造成開放原始碼擴展上的阻力。 有鑑於此,本論文主要探討的重點包括開放原始碼軟體可採行之商業模式,尤其是有意利用開放原始碼軟體為營收模式的企業應如何評估本身的核心能力及優勢所在,依情況採取適合自己的模式;另一重點則是探討開放原始碼所涉及之法律問題,包括維持開放原始碼運作制度的授權契約,並分析各類授權契約在使用上可能面臨到的風險與問題。除此之外,也將分析開放原始碼軟體可能面臨的智慧財產相關爭議,包括軟體專利的問題、著作權的問題、營業秘密的問題等。 開放原始碼軟體對於台灣是機會,也是挑戰。如果能夠妥善利用開放原始碼軟體的優點,將能為台灣的資訊產業帶來跳躍式的成長契機。 / Open Source Software, which is promoted by a group of software programmers who believe that computer software should open to the public, and the creation, development, modifying, value-added shouldn’t be bothered by the over-protection of intellectual property rights. By disclosing the source code, other programmers can improve the efficacy of the software. With the advantages of low cost, high security, high stability, plus the minimum control by the right holders, the open source software movement has gained major industry players’ support. For example, IBM, Intel have all expressed their support for the open source movement and also developed relevant products using open source software. In addition to industry, many countries, such as European countries, US, Japan, China, Korea, also show their strong support for the open source movement. Under such trend, Taiwanese government also takes positive measures to promote the development of open source industry’s development and application in Taiwan. It indeed can save a large amount of cost and create huge profit if making use of open source software properly. How to transfer the potential business opportunity to substantial revenue depends on the establishment of business models. Nevertheless, while open source movement is getting momentum, it also faces renewed legal challenges. Compared to propriety software, which usually has non-infringement of intellectual property right clauses, open source software can’t provide this kind of guarantee. This issue was especially noticeable when SCO sued IBM for 5 billions damages in 2003. In addition to the legal risks, the most stringent challenge for the open source movement is its license structure. Until May, 2006, there are 58 open source license agreements have being certified by Open Source Initiatives (OSI), the open source software’s alliance. The problem, however, is that every open source license agreement has different terms and conditions. With so many different license agreements and such uncertain legal effects of those agreements, it erected a barrier for the wide-spread application of open source software. As a result, this thesis would like to conduct a thorough research on open source software from different dimensions. One part is about the business models which can be adopted by the open source software, and this part will especially focus on how the industry players evaluate their own core abilities and advantages to adopt suitable business models. The other emphasis is on the legal issues of open source software, including the license agreements, the legal risks and intellectual property problems. Open source software is a chance and also a challenge for Taiwan. If we can make good use of the advantages of open source software, it will definitely bring immense progress for the IT industry of our country.


林秉毅 Unknown Date (has links)
美國因拜杜法案頒佈,將研發成果下放研發機構的推波助瀾下,不論是授權或成立新創事業,專利成功商品化的例子大量增加,同時為了將研發成果推展到產業創造經濟價值,許多專責單位紛紛成立,大學或研發機構普設技術移轉辦公室(Technology licensing office, TLO)。 而不論是大學或研發機構,其技術與研發成果,唯有透過商品化的過程,才能獲取真正的利益;商品化的方式依其技術特性的不同,可以區分為「專利授權」與「創立衍生企業」兩種方式;兩者沒有優劣之分,端視技術本身特性進行選擇。 鄰近我國的日本,擁有豐沛的研發能量,日本大企業在國際產業也多居領導地位;然其大學與研發機構研究成果的授權或實際創立企業的成績,長期以來都不理想,為了提升日本的國際競爭力,日本政府十年來陸續頒佈許多相關法案,學校與研發機構更積極配合運作。 本研究訪問東京大學、早稻田大學、AIST與東京工業大學等單位後發現,技術移轉辦公室在研發成果商品化的過程中,同時扮演導正研發方向與輔導廠商成長的雙重角色:其藉由業師輔導(Mentoring)、創業教育(Education)、激勵誘因(Incentive)、專利行銷(Marketing)、投資資金(Investment)與衝突解決(Resolution)這六個構面作為,使組織內人員之研發方向不偏離市場所需,並協助廠商提升承接技術移轉的能力,進而提升研發成果商品化的成功機率。 關鍵字:技術移轉辦公室、TLO、商品化、技術授權、衍生企業 / With the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act, the transfer of exclusively controlled research efforts to research and development organizations as well as business operation fosters successful commercialization of the patent-licensing business and new ventures; meanwhile, university or research institutions establish Technology Licensing Office (TLO) performing a wide variety of highly specialized patenting and licensing functions of inventions to develop research outcomes to commercial marketplace in order to create economic value. From universities to research institutions, commercialization process is the only way to extract profit from technology research efforts. The patterns of Commercialization can be split into two forms by its characteristics: Patent-licensing and Spin-off ventures. Choices between the above two commercialization patterns are not based on pros and cons but the characteristics. Japan owns powerful research energies and Japanese enterprises pioneer on international industries; however, the outcomes from licensing of new ventures or Japanese universities and academic research laboratories’ research results have been lack of success. To enhance international competitive advantages, Japanese government has enacted many related regulations and laws; meanwhile, universities and research laboratories are compliant aggressively with patenting and licensing regulations. After a series of researches have been conducted with Tokyo University, Wesada University, AIST and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Technology Licensing Office (TLO) enacts dual roles of engaging in correcting research direction and supporting the development of new industries during the process of commercialization: through the following six aspects: Mentoring, Education, Incentive, Marketing, Investment and Resolution to ensure research direction best meet market’s needs and enhance business entities’ abilities of technology transfer; furthermore, to increase the success rate from commercialization of research outcomes. Key Word: TLO、commercialization、licensing、spin-off venture.

企業經營模式與專利授權策略之探究─以矽智財供應商為例 / Relationship between Business Model and IP Licensing Strategy of SIP Providers

戴劭芩, Dai, Shao Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧財產議題在西方國家受到極大的重視,然而現在亞洲國家,如日本、韓國以及台灣也開始關注智慧財產權。智慧財產權對於創作人或發明人而言,能夠給予他們一段時間的壟斷或保護,使其取得一定的報酬;對於企業而言,智慧財產權訴訟能夠讓企業擁有持續性的競爭優勢,並保障其在某個市場區段的獲利。因此,小至個人、大至企業、國家,都會因為智慧財產權制度的發達而受益。 除此之外,智慧財產也開始以交易標之姿展現其價值,企業或是獨立專利權人授權其專利或是各項智慧財產以獲取利潤。即使智慧財產之交易日益興盛,但公開透明的交易市場卻遲遲未出現。顯然在智慧財產之商業環境的建構上我們依舊有所闕漏。為了活化無形資產之交易市場,我們必須要發展出一套關於授權策略之理論,才能更有效率地管理各式無形資產。 然而,在多數的文獻當中都將授權行為視為法律議題,而非商業考量。但事實上契約雖然是以法律形式存在,但背後之動機卻是出於企業之商業考量。若單純就法律觀點來探討此議題,恐會造成對於企業授權策略之研究之不足,因此本研究將從管理的觀點出發探討授權策略並釐清其與企業經營模式間之關係。 植基於此,本研究選擇了IC產業中11家績效良好的矽智財供應商作為研究標的,在該領域中授權交易已經行之有年且市場建構完備。並透過訪談相關實務界人士以及蒐集研究標的公司之年報、報章雜誌以及網站資訊等次級資料進行分析,得出目前矽智財供應商主要的經營模式共可分為四類,並逐一解析各種經營模式有何異同。除此之外,更擷取出授權策略之組成亦可分為四個元素,以及分析企業之經營考量如何影響到在各項元素上選擇。 / In decades, intellectual property has got a lot of attention in the Western world. Now Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan start to pay attention to this issue. Intellectual property rights grant patentee the exclusive rights for a period to perform his innovations, which can reward himself. For enterprises, intellectual property litigation has become a tool to sustain competitive advantages, and protect the profitability. In this case, the whole society will gain benefit from the intellectual property. In addition, intellectual property has proved itself as an exchange object , firms or individual patentees licensed their patents or other intellectual property to get revenue. Although the transactions has been carries out more and more frequently, the open , transparent exchange market of intangible asset is still not rising. Obviously , we still have to make much effort on improving business environment. In order to active the intangible property market, we must develop the theory of licensing strategy to manage the intangible assets orderly. However, in most of literature, license has been considered as a legal issue, instead of a business one. Contract itself is legal terms, but in fact, licensing strategy origin from firm’s business consideration. So we need to research this issue form managerial perspective to gain more understanding about licensing strategy. On the basis, this study will discuss the issue from managerial perspective, and clarify the between patent licensing strategy and business model. This study selects 11 leading SIP providers as research object, which had built a well-developed licensing market. By interviewing practisers and collecting, analyzing targeted firm’s annual reports, newspapers, website information etc. , the consequence reveals that the business model of SIP providers can be divided into four categories, and figure out the difference between the four ones. In addition, this study extracts four elements that comprise licensing strategy, analyzing how business model affects licensing strategy.

專利強制授權制度對醫藥產業發展與藥物可近性之拮抗——各國法制比較與我國法制展望 / Struggle of patent compulsory license on the development of pharmaceutical industry and medicine accessibility of the public ——Comparative study of the law in major countries and prospect of Taiwan

陳冠綾, Chen, Kuan Ling Unknown Date (has links)
智慧財產權保護的利益包括道德利益,社會利益與經濟利益,然而三種利益彼此可能互相衝突,醫藥品專利便是其中一種常見案例,若醫藥品在專利權的保護下,價格與可得性皆容易成為取得必需醫藥品的高門檻。關於如何使病人取得所需的專利藥物,「強制授權」制度被認為是一種可使用的彈性手段。 本篇論文旨在分析專利強制授權制度對藥物可近性可能造成之影響。第二章從國際公約中對於強制授權的規範切入,說明目前國際上強制授權的運作條件;第三章說明強制授權的功能,其在專利權制度中可達到之經濟與公共利益的調和與平衡,對於反對者所認為「強制授權造成的經濟傷害」論點予以駁斥,並說明強制授權造成專利權人的經濟損失並不如反對者宣稱的巨大,反而因強制授權制度的存在,能有效減少濫用權利的誘因;第四章則著重分析強制授權對公共衛生政策的影響,對於開發中國家而言,建立起穩定的強制授權制度,有助於他們跨過初始的專利障礙,開始扶植本國藥廠並建立本國的藥物供應鏈,以達到獲取藥物的自主性;第五章以美國、加拿大、印度等國實施強制授權的案例,闡述強制授權在已開發國家與開發中國家的實施和效果,強調無論是以強制授權或是其他更為強勢的手段,在專利的壟斷性下,為社會利益保留一項具有彈性與最後手段的措施之必要性;第六章則就我國的專利法修法沿革分析,提出關於現行專利法中強制授權的彈性不足會造成的影響及修改的方向。 / The protection of intellectual property rights includes moral interests, social interests and economic interests, but the three interests may conflict with each other. Patents of pharmaceutical product are the common cases. If the products are under the protection of patents, the price and accessibility will become the obstacles for obtaining essential medicines. The "compulsory license" system is considered to be a flexible instrument that can be used when patented drugs are required by patients. This research aims to analyze the possible impact of patent compulsory license system on accessibility of medicines. In the second chapter, I points out the rule of operation of compulsory license from international conventions, introducing the current international conditions. Chapter 3 describes the function of compulsory license, that the reconciliation and balance between the economic and public interests can be achieved in the patent system. The opponents consider that economic harm would be caused by compulsory license. However, the actual economic loss of the patent owner is not as great as the opponents describe. In contrast, the incentive for the abuse of the right can be effectively reduced through the existence of the compulsory license system. Chapter 4 focuses on how compulsory license system affects public health policies. For developing countries, the establishment of a stable compulsory license system helps them to cross the initial barriers and start to foster their own pharmaceuticals industry. Building their own medicines supply chain helps them to achieve the accessibility of medicines. Chapter 5 illustrates the attitude toward compulsory license in developed and developing countries. The chapters introduce means of compulsory license in the United States, Canada, India and other countries. It emphasizes that, whether compulsory license or other more powerful means, to retain a flexible method for social interests is important in the patent law system. Chapter 6 analyzes the history of Taiwan's patent law. This chapter emphasizes the impact on lack of flexibility about compulsory license, and it mentions the direction of the amendment to Taiwan Patent Law.

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