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經商環境對已開發國家銀行跨國併購新興國家銀行之績效影響 / The affect of the ease of doing business to the developed country mergers the EME林亮璇, Lin, Liang Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
而本論文的結果可分為三個層級。第一層是各別經商環境指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響;第二層逐漸收斂為企業創立、企業擴建與企業經營三組指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響;第三層則收斂為綜合性經商環境指標對主併銀行宣告效果的影響。在第一層級中發現:目標國家開辦企業程序的便利簡潔度、取得信貸的流程明確度與能否有效執行合約等排名,在事件窗口(-1,+1)呈現顯著負相關,亦即此三項經商環境指標排名越高(數字越小)對主併銀行的宣告效果有正面影響。在第二層級中則觀察到企業擴建層面的指標對主併銀行宣告效果的解釋力是最大的、其次是企業創立,最後為企業經營。在第三層面中發現收斂後的綜合經商環境指標確實對銀行的宣告效果1%的顯著水準,亦即當主併銀行選擇經商環境較佳的目標國家進行跨國併購時,市場的反應會較為正面。 / Prompted by financial liberalization and the expansion into emerging market economies (EME) by corporate customers, international banks increasingly penetrated EME. This research uses 49 cross-border M&A samples between 2005 and 2014 in which the acquiring banks is in developed countries and the targets is the financial industry of emerging countries. Using event study methods, the study establish whether the business environment of target countries explain returns to shareholders in acquiring banks from cross-border M&A.
From the past study, we observe that one of the main motivations for the banks to cross-border M&A is following customers to new markets. Recently, in order to reduce labor costs, the customers of bank have more FDI in emerging countries. However, the feature of emerging countries is that the business environment is not as stable and clear as the developed countries. Therefore, the business environment will affect the customers of banks decide whether to enter or expand investment in EME and further affect the acquiring banks.
The results of this research can be divided into three levels. (1) in the individual business environment indicators level, the study find when the target countries are easier starting a business, getting credit or enforcing contracts, the CAR of acquiring banks will significant negative in event window (-1, +1); (2) in the group of business environment indicators level, the study observe the explanatory power of the business expansion group is larger than the group of start-up and operations; (3) the composite business environment indicator have significant negative affect to the CAR of acquiring banks.
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你刪除了多少好友?探討太陽花學運期間的臉書使用行為 / Unfriend on Facebook: Exploring the Facebook user behavior during Sunflower Movement of Taiwan戚宇賢, Chi, Yu Xian Unknown Date (has links)
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利用三大法人的處分效果與過度自信現象在景氣循環下建立交易策略 / Trade strategies based on deposit effect and over confidence effect of three institutional investors in business cycle葉乃華, Yeh, Nai Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究外資、投信及自營商這三大法人是否有「處分效果」及「過度自信」行為上的偏誤,並想要進一步探討投資人是否可以透過觀察三大法人在不同景氣狀態下的異常行為建立投資組合以獲得顯著的超額報酬,故利用Weber and Camerer(1998)所提的處分係數(The disposition coefficient)來表示處分效果及黃坤興(2006)提出的修正過度自信係數(The overconfidence coefficient)代表過度自信現象,並採用二情境轉換模型,以馬可夫鏈描述情境轉換行為,觀察三大法人在2005年至2013年台灣股票市場上的行為。
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嫌惡型男同性戀歧視:情境規範與訊息順序的影響 / Aversive gay male discrimination: the impact of context norm and order effect鄭旭博, Cheng, Hsu Po Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內對同性戀的態度似乎日益正面,但同性戀歧視的事件仍層出不窮,顯示探討影響同性戀歧視因素的重要性。本論文擬探討過往學者較少關注的因素,即情境對歧視同性戀者的影響。本論文探討兩種情境:缺少明確行為準則的情境與訊息呈現不同順序的情境。根據過去研究種族歧視的學者對嫌惡型歧視(Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986)的探討,他們主張嫌惡型歧視者只有當情境缺少明確行為準則時,才會表現出對特定族群的負面行為(即歧視)。由於黑人族群與同志族群有些共通點,本論文根據嫌惡型歧視理論假設:缺乏明確行為準則的情境容易引發對同性戀者的歧視。除此之外,延伸嫌惡型歧視理論的看法,本論文嫌惡型歧視者雖信奉族群平等,卻無法控制其未意識到的負面情緒,而較容易受到情境中訊息呈現順序的影響(Krosnick, 1999)。當訊息呈現順序加強族群間對立,或凸顯族群特性,就會造成歧視行為(McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010)。研究一以實驗法操弄多位目標人物的職業與性傾向以及人物呈現順序,預期在評價刻板印象中同性戀不適合的職業(老師)時,參與者會因為缺乏工作平等對待的行為準則,降低對同性戀工作者的工作評價,不過未獲得支持證據。訊息呈現順序效果則發現支持證據,若先評異性戀再評同性戀,會引發群際比較,降低對同性戀的評價。研究二改採判決目標人物是否有罪的情境,以犯罪證據是否矛盾操弄情境是否有明確準則,並同樣操弄性傾向呈現順序,加入態度內隱測驗以分辨嫌惡型歧視者與無歧視者。研究二符合預期,發現在證據矛盾時才會認為同性戀有罪程度高於比異性戀,證據相符時則否。性傾向呈現順序則重複驗證研究一發現。本論文延伸嫌惡型歧視理論以瞭解對男同性戀的歧視,並發現特定訊息呈現順序可能引發男同性戀歧視行為,這些結果可以提供發展性別平等教育方案,以有效降低這些歧視行為,促進社會平等。 / In Taiwan, people’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbians have become more and more positive. However, gay men and lesbians are still suffer discrimination, suggesting that it is important to study the causes of discrimination against gay men and lesbians. In this thesis, I investigated the impact of context on discrimination against gay men because 1) gay men suffer more hostile and overt discrimination than lesbians and 2) impact of context is rarely studied. I targeted two kinds of context: context norm and information order. According to aversive racism theory (Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986), individuals may discriminate against a person when they do not have to follow a norm. Thus, I hypothesized that people discriminate gay men only when there is no specific norm to follow. Furthermore, I applied the basic principle underlying aversive racism theory to order effect. That is, according to aversive racism theory, individuals may believe in social equality but may discriminate when they have no control over their negative emotions unconsciously aroused by some subordinate group member (e.g., Blacks). Because it is not possible for individuals to be aware of the order effect (Krosnick, 1999), I hypothesized that individuals may discriminate against gay men when the information order makes intergroup comparisons salient (McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010). In Study 1, I manipulated the target person’s job title and sex orientation, expecting that when the job was generally considered unsuitable for gay men, participants might believe that equal employment rights did not apply to gay men. As a result, they derogated against gay men. The result was not substantiated. However, I did find supporting evidence for the order effect. When judging a heterosexual male applicant before a gay male applicant, intergroup comparisons became salient, people would derogate against the gay male applicant. In Study 2, I adopted a crime judgment paradigm to address several potential problems in Study 1. I also applied the affect misattribution procedure to measure participants’ implicit attitude against gay men. This procedure allows me to distinguish aversive discriminators from non-discriminators. The results were consistent with the hypotheses derived from aversive racism theory. Participants derogated against a gay male suspect only when there was no consistent evidence in a criminal case; they treated a gay male suspect and a heterosexual male suspect equally when there was consistent evidence. Also, when participants judged a heterosexual male suspect before a gay male suspect, they would consider the gay male suspect to be guiltier than the heterosexual male suspect. The findings extend aversive racism theory to the understanding of discrimination against gay men and in the context of information order that makes intergroup comparisons salient. With the knowledge of context effects on discrimination against gay men, we are able to develop education programs for gender equality and offer insight on how to best guard against discrimination against gay men so that social equality may become possible.
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公司投資理財決策理論 / The Theory of Financial and Investment Decision李宗培 Unknown Date (has links)
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都市發展特性對能源消耗之影響 / The Influence of Urban Development Characteristics on Energy Consumption張致嘉, Chang, Chih Chia Unknown Date (has links)
綜上所述,欲形塑一個節能減碳的都市必須透過多元途徑,在土地使用方面須維持適當的發展密度與混合程度;交通方面須加強大眾運輸便利性以提高民眾使用意願並抑制汽車使用;產業方面須透過政府獎勵節能措施及促進產業轉型以提升能源效率;家戶方面應透過教育及政策宣導以培養節能生活習慣,方能達成節能減碳的目標。 / In recent years, global climate change and environmental deterioration show a conflict between human activities and sustainable development. How to reduce energy consumption in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emission has become a top priority. According to the concept of compact city, urban planning is seen as the effective way to reduce transportation energy consumption. However, urban development is associated with industry development and household activities, so it would be improper to focus only on transportation sector.
Thus the main motivation for this study is trying to illustrate urban development characteristics by combing transportation sector, industry sector and household sector, in order to understand the influence the urban development characteristics on energy consumption more comprehensively. In addition, on the concept of “global thinking, local action”, how to successfully implement energy saving policies should first understand the urban development characteristics of all counties.
The purpose of this study is to empirically explore the influences of urban development characteristics on energy consumption by using panel data models, which uses the reorganization of nineteen counties areas in Taiwan as samples.In order to find out the fixed effect of all counties on energy consumption and trend of energy consumption.
The empirical results show that the concepts of compact city still contributes the energy-saving goal;construction of roads increase accessibility, but also encourage car use, which increase energy consumption;to encourage the use of public transportation need to improve the convenience of transfer and change the preference of people;energy consumption in industry is highly associated to international trade, so it would be difficult for energy reduction;the trend of energy consumption has increased due to household lifestyle change;the green resources provides by park, which can adjust the temperature of city and reduce energy consumption.
In sum, achieving the energy-saving city need diversified approaches, it can’t just keep increasing the density or land mixed-use. Traffic should be strengthened by improving transfer system. In order to increase the willingness to use public transport system and decrease car dependency;industry must trying to improve energy efficiency;households should cultivate the habit of saving energy by education in order to be a true energy-saving city.
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資本適足率對銀行流動性風險傳遞效果之研究 / The Effect of Capital Requirement on the Transmission of Liquidity Preference Shock among Banks蔡幸芳, Tsai, Hsing Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在說明資本適足率對於銀行業資訊傳遞效果之影響,利用Allen and Gale (2000)模型討論在不完整市場結構下,銀行間因為持有銀行同業存款而形成相連的傳染途徑,進而影響整個系統,本研究擴展Allen and Gale (2000)的模型,加入資本適足率的考量,從而進一步探討透過資本適足要求能否有效提高銀行整體穩定性。
模型假設因為不同區域對於早、晚期消費需求不同,可藉由區域間的資源移轉,來達到最適分配情況。隨著資本適足率的納入,將改變最適分配解,同時分析緩衝(buffer)、擴散效果(spillover effect)及傳染(contagion)的變化。文中傳染定義為擴散效果扣除緩衝力道的淨結果,並說明若有超額流動性消費需求衝擊時,一家銀行的倒閉將如何傳染至整個銀行體系。
此研究發現,在資本適足規定下,若長期資產報酬率越大,會更有機會取得較大的緩衝能力,但將面對較大的擴散效果。關於傳染現象,則是發覺當銀行同業存款越小,在資本適足規定下的傳染機會越低;若長期資產的早期報酬率越大,同樣可降低發生傳染現象機率,即驗證資本適足率對於銀行穩定性的貢獻。 / The objective of this study is to testify the effect of capital requirement with regard to information transmission among banks. We develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to discuss that under incomplete market structure, contagion channel is built because of interbank deposits market. We also expand Allen and Gale’s model by putting new parameter, capital requirement, into this model to analyze the impact of capital requirement with respect to stability in banking system.
Due to different liquidity demands at each date in different regions, banks can exchange resources in the system to reach the first-best allocation. With capital requirement, the first-best allocation varies and so does buffer, spillover effect and contagion. In this article, contagion is defined as the net result of spillover effect minus buffer. Besides, we explain how the bankruptcy in one region evolves into the bankruptcy in the whole system under excess demand for liquidity.
We find out that with capital requirement, if return of long-term asset at final date is higher, there will be more chances to have more buffers but larger spillover effect. As for contagion, it shows that with lower interbank deposits or higher return of long-term asset at early date, the possibility of contagion will be reduced. As a result, we can conclude that capital requirement really improves the stability in banking system.
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已開發國家食品產業跨國購併宣告效果之研究 / Announcement Effect of Food Industry Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions - Evidence from Developed Countries吳宜頻, Wu, I Pin Unknown Date (has links)
已開發國家食品產業在選擇跨國購併對象時,可以已開發國家企業為主要收購對象,降低文化及地理距離帶來的資訊不對稱問題及取得策略性資產,投資人對其有較佳的預期,在選擇向前垂直整合策略時需留意,因零售通路需較大規模之經營整合,對於該市場需有更深入之了解,才適合投入至通路端。 / This paper treated cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) cases of developed countries’ food industry over the period of 2002 to 2012 with event study.
We compared the announcement effects of acquired companies following developed or developing countries M&A and to confirm that whether the empirical results are consistent with the literature. We used Nestle S.A. as acquiring company to compare its M&A’s strategies and performance when acquiring Wyeth Nutrition and Hsu Fu Chi. Hope to be the reference for the following food industry M&A research.
The major research finding as follows. First, the announcement effects of developed countries’ food industry following developed countries M&A are better than developing countries M&A. Second, the results demonstrated that the announcement effect had no significant difference among different industrial relevance of target companies. Third, the case of Hsu Fu Chi acquisition is similar with the empirical results but Wyeth Nutrition acquisition cannot. Furthermore, both cases were focused on the emerging markets and complementary strategies.
Developed countries’ food industry can chooses the developed countries’ firms as target companies to decrease asymmetric information which caused by cultural, economic and geographic distance and to acquire strategic assets. They also should have enough acquaintance of the markets before they invest in the channel.
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房地產市場之跨國連動及外溢效果 / Cross-Country Linkages and the Spillover Effects of the Real Estate Market陳彥儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Pesaran,Schuermann and Weiner(2004)提出的全球化向量自我迴歸模型(Global Vector Autoregression Model, GVAR)對房地產市場進行分析。
我們考慮 1994Q1 至 2011Q2 的資料,納入美國、中國、日本及台灣,每個國家各七個變數及一個國際外生變數,使用衝擊反應函數去衡量總體經濟變數與房市之間的連動性,以及房地產市場在國際之間的外溢效果。
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不同管道之訊息說服效果之研究 – 以金融業為例 / A Comparison of the Persausive Effects of Messages Delievered through Different Channels – The Case of the Financial Industry in Taiwan楊傑全, Yang, Chieh Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果有以下幾點;首先,顧客對於來自不同管道的「非個人化訊息」所認知之說服效果有差異,又以網路銀行的說服效果最佳。然而「個人化訊息」透過不同溝通管道傳遞,對於顧客卻沒有顯著差異的說服效果。其次,透過「電話」與「電子郵件」傳遞訊息時,搭配「個人化訊息」有顯著較佳的說服效果,其中電話的差異性較大。至於「網路銀行」不論搭配何種內容的訊息,對於說服效果無顯著差異,不過整體來說,使用網路銀行與顧客溝通時,說服效果皆大於其他溝通管道。 / As the competiton among financial industry in Taiwan is getting increasingly fierce, under the high product homogeneity, each financial instutution turns to create differentiation through service and tries hard to maintain a life-long relationship with cistomers. For financial marketers, they make customers purchase the product or use the service again and again not only by providing proucts and services which meets their expectations, but also choosing the right channel to communicate with customers. All the efforts are meant to increase cusomers’ loyalty and attain the goal of customer relationship management – maximize customers’ life-time value.
There are multi channels for financial institutions to contact their customers, from physical channels including counter personnels, financial consultants and call center to virtual channels such as email, online bank and APP on mobile phones. However, few studies had discussed the difference of persuasive effects of messages delivered through “different channels” and “different contents” within when financial institutions implementing CRM activities. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to compare and understand by what channel and with what contents may have the best persuasive effects when sending messages to customers, in order to enhance the result of CRM.The main research method is experimental design and collecting data by questionnaires.
The study result are shown below. First, the persuasive effect of “non-pesonalized” message delivered through different channels is significantly different, especially through “online bank” has the best persuasive effect. However, the persuasive effect of “pesonalized” message delivered through different channels has no differences. Second, delivering “pesonalized” message by “phone” and “email” has significantly better persuasive effect. Besides, using “online bank” to deliver messages, there is no difference of persuasive effect no matter what content within. But generally speaking, using online bank to communicate with customers, compared to other two channel, it has better persuasive effects.
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